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Mesure de la section efficace de production de paires de quarks top dans le canal tau+jets dans l'expérience CMS auprès du LHCFerro, Cristina 14 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour sujet la mesure de la section efficace de production de paires de quarks top-antitop dans l'expérience CMS auprès du LHC. L'état final considéré est le canal semi-leptonique "tau+jets". Un boson W issu de la désintégration du quark top se désintègre en un tau hadronique et neutrino tandis que le second boson W se désintègre en une paire quark-antiquark. La conduite de cette analyse a nécessité le développement d'un nouveau mode de déclenchement des données (trigger) incluant la présence de quatre jets dont un identifié en tant que tau hadronique. La configuration de ce trigger ainsi que son efficacité ont été étudiés dans cette thèse. Un échantillon de données correspondant à 3.9 fb−1 a été enregistré avec ce trigger et analysé. Les leptons taus ont été reconstruits grâce à un algorithme identifiant leurs résonances intermédiaires tandis que les jets de quarks beaux issus de la désintégration des quarks tops ont été identifiés grâce à l'algorithme "probabilité par jet". Cet algorithme pour lequel j'ai mis en oeuvre une procédure de calibration depuis 2009 utilise le paramètre d'impact des traces de particules chargées pour calculer leur probabilité de venir du vertex primaire. Des études de performance de cet algorithme sont également présentées dans cette thèse. Afin de séparer le signal de l'important bruit de fond majoritairement constitué des processus multijets QCD et W+jets un réseau de neurones utilisant des variables dites d'environnement (aplanarité, HT, M(τ,jets), énergie transverse manquante...) a été développé. La section efficace a été extraite à l'aide d'un ajustement par méthode du maximum de vraisemblance de la sortie du réseau de neurones. Les incertitudes systématiques ont fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée. La valeur de la section efficace mesurée, σ(top-antitop) = 156 ± 12 (stat.) ± 33 (syst.) ± 3 (lumi) pb, est en accord avec la section efficace prédite par le modèle standard.
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Un modèle de poutre à section mince flexible - Application aux pliages 3D de mètres rubansPicault, Elia 21 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a pour cadre une collaboration entre le LMA et Thales Alenia Space. Nous nous intéressons au comportement des structures flexibles et plus particulièrement des mètres rubans qui ont la particularité de pouvoir, grâce à l'aplatissement de la section, s'enrouler ou développer des pliages localisés. Une première thèse a permis d'une part la mise au point d'un nouveau type de mètre ruban au déroulement maîtrisable thermiquement et d'autre part le développement d'un modèle plan de poutre à section flexible. Dans le travail de thèse présenté ici, nous proposons une version étendue de ce modèle adaptée à la simulation du comportement dynamique tridimensionnel des mètres rubans en grands déplacements et en grandes rotations. Ce modèle est dérivé de la théorie des coques et repose sur l'introduction d'hypothèses cinématiques et sthéniques adaptées. La déformation de la section est caractérisée par celle de sa ligne moyenne qui peut se déformer dans son plan par flexion et torsion mais non par extension, ainsi que hors de son plan par gauchissement de torsion. Les fortes variations de forme de la section dans son plan peuvent alors être décrites par une cinématique de type Elastica, tandis qu'une cinématique de type Vlassov est utilisée pour définir le gauchissement dans le repère local attaché à la section. Le modèle unidimensionnel est obtenu par intégration sur la section des expressions de la théorie des coques, une approche énergétique permet ensuite de formuler le problème associé qui est résolu grâce au logiciel de modélisation par éléments finis COMSOL.
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Continuing education views and practices of members of the Financial Communications Section of the Public Relations Society of AmericaClark, Robin L. January 1992 (has links)
The 221 members of the Financial Communications section of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) were surveyed about their continuing education views and practices through a mail survey. Out of the 221 members, 118 (53.4%) completed and returned the survey. Respondents were asked their opinions about the importance of different types of continuing education programs, how long it had been since they last participated, and what topic they would most like to see covered in a continuing education forum. The members were asked whether their companies encouraged involvement in continuing education by providing financial assistance and positive recognition. Respondents were also asked their number of years in the field, education, type of company, position level, age, income, and gender.It was concluded through the results of the study that the majority of members find continuing education important to themselves and to their profession. Most of the companies do encourage participation in continuing education and members feel that their companies' encouragement does influence their decision on whether to to participate. / Department of Journalism
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Sur la polynomialité de certaines algèbres d'invariants d'algèbres de Lie.Fauquant-Millet, Florence 13 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire étudie la polynomialité de l'algèbre des invariants de l'algèbre des fonctions polynomiales sur le dual d'une certaine algèbre de Lie, lorsque cette dernière est la troncation canonique d'une sous-algèbre biparabolique d'une algèbre de Lie semi-simple complexe.
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Förmånsbeskattning av terminer : De skatterättsliga konsekvenserna av terminsavtal i incitamentsprogramKlauser, Louise January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda två skatterättsliga frågor som uppkommit i samband med ett avvisat avgörande från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen avseende terminsavtal i ett incitamentsprogram. Frågorna är om terminer och terminsavtal utgör värdepapper och om eventuella förfoganderättsinskränkningar i dessa avtal har betydelse för förmånsbeskattningen. Utgångspunkten i uppsatsen är beslutet från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen som avvisades och det därtill hörande förhandsbeskedet från Skatterättsnämnden. Utifrån de diskussioner som förts i uppsatsen kan författaren konstatera att terminer och terminsavtal kan klassificeras som värdepapper. Begreppet värdepapper är inte definierat i lagtext men utifrån praxis och doktrin samt viss EU-lagstiftning kan det utläsas att terminsavtal uppfyller de krav som ställs på en klassificering som värdepapper. När det gäller beskattning av en förmån krävs det att den anställde förvärvar ett värdepapper, annars utgör rättigheten en personaloption. Författaren anser att då ett terminsavtal ingår i ett incitamentsprogram så representerar det ett ekonomiskt värde för den anställde som ska förmånsbeskattas. Inom incitamentsprogrammen kan det finnas villkor och förfoganderättsinskränkningar. Dock har Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen i ett flertal fall kommit fram till att sådana begränsningar i den rättighet som förvärvas inte påverkar värdepappersstatusen hos rättigheten. Enligt ett av förarbetena så syftar värdepappersregeln till att förmånsbeskattning ska ske oavsett hur villkoren är utformade. Det som har framkommit i framställningen medför att författaren anser att det är märkligt att Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen inte tog beslut i frågan om förmånsbeskattning av terminsavtal. En konsekvens är att det kan leda till framtida problem med tillämpningen av värdepappersregeln i samband med terminsavtal. / The aim of this thesis is to examine two taxation questions that arise from the judgement by the Supreme Administrative Court regarding futures contracts in employee incentive plans. The questions concerns whether futures are to be classified as securities and if any restraint in the right of disposition might have an impact on the fringe benefits taxation according to chapter 10 section 11 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. As a result of the discussions in the thesis the author comes to the conclusion that futures might be classified as securities. The terminology regarding securities is not defined in the Swedish Income Tax Act but case-law and literature and also directives from the European Union stipulate demands that futures fulfil. According to the Swedish legislation it is crucial that the employee acquire a security in order for the fringe benefits taxation to apply. The author is of the opinion that when futures are a part of an employee incentive plan then they represent an economic value, which should be taxed as a benefit. The employee incentives plan could be restrained in the right of disposition. However the Supreme Administrative Court has in multiple cases found that it does not affect the classification of a security. The preparatory work shows that the purpose of chapter 10 section 11 in the Swedish Income Tax Act is to tax all benefits regardless of the restraints connected to them. Based on the findings in the thesis the author is of the opinion that the decision by the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the fringe benefits taxation of futures is strange. This is because the decision might cause problem in the future interpretation of chapter 10 section 11 in the Swedish Income Tax Act.
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The development of a new expropriation framework for South Africa / by Bianca BreedtBreedt, Bianca January 2009 (has links)
The word expropriation is used in South Africa to describe the process whereby a public authority or institution takes property from a private person for public purposes against payment of compensation.
The current Act regulating expropriations in South Africa is known as the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975. However, it has three primary inconsistencies with the Constitution. Firstly it predates the Constitution - therefore, it does not infuse the values of equality, human dignity and the achievement of freedom. Secondly it is not consistent with comparable modem statutes elsewhere in the world. The last issue is that this Act is inconsistent with the Constitution in the sense that the Act only provides for expropriation for public purposes and the Constitution provides for expropriation in the public interest as well as for a public purpose. For these reasons it is crucial to establish a new legislative framework.
In an attempt to rectify the above difficulties, an expropriation policy and a draft Bill were introduced. The primary purpose of the Bill is to harmonise the considerable amount of legislation in South Africa on the subject of expropriation, and to fill the gaps of the current Act.
However, the new proposed Bill was referred back to cabinet as it had various difficulties. According to newspaper commentators, one of these reasons was that market value would not be used when determining the amount of compensation. This is not true, as market value is one of the listed factors in section 25(3) of the Constitution, and it is provided for in the Bill. Another reason was that the role of the courts will also be restricted in the new Bill. Parties will no longer be able to refer disputes concerning the amount of compensation to court. Once again this is not true, the courts role is only restricted in the sense that it would no be able to determine the amount of compensation as provided for in the Constitution, but will only be allowed to approve or decline the amount the Minister determined. This is one of the aspects that may be debatable constitutionally.
After an in-depth study of the proposed Bill, the author came to the conclusion that there are actually only three aspects that might be unconstitutional namely; the definition of public interest which is to be included that widens the capacity to expropriate; departure from the notice procedure; and the fact that the courts may no longer determine the amount of compensation, but only approve or decline.
Expropriation is one of the most important tools to speed up land reform in South Africa, and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the procedure must take place in a fair, equitable and constitutional manner. The purpose of this study will be to identify the aspects which result in expropriations that is not done on this basis, to scrutinize them and to make recommendations to these aspects. / Thesis (LL.M. (Law)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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A suggested interpretation note for section 9D of the Income Tax Act / J.N. De AbreaDe Abreu, Jeannine Netto January 2010 (has links)
Controlled foreign company ('CFC') legislation was introduced in phases to co-incide with South Africa?s move from a source based system to a residence based system. Initially with the introduction of the legislation it was directed at those foreign entities earning passive income. However, over the years the legislation has been amended to include active income of entities and additional aspects to the section have been inserted to provide clarity for taxpayers.
An increase in cross border transactions and offshore investment has necessitated the need to introduce CFC legislation into the revenue codes of many countries, South Africa being one of them.
In most revenue codes where CFC or similar legislation has been introduced it is one of the most complex areas in a country's revenue code (Sandler, 1998:23). This mini-dissertation aims to interpret section 9D and also aims to provide guidance on its application in practice with the help of practical examples and reference to relevant international case law.
The end result of this research is a proposed interpretation note on section 9D which is attached as Appendix 1. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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An exploratory study of mothers perceptions and experiences of an unplanned Caesarean section / Samantha Lynne RouxRoux, Samantha Lynne January 2010 (has links)
Objective The present study aimed to explore women's perceptions and experiences of childbirth by unplanned Caesarean section. Background New motherhood is characterised as a profound change, and research suggests that the psychological effects of childbirth can be significant and far–reaching for some women. The processes occurring during a traumatic birth experience could affect a woman's emotional and psychological state, and she may experience considerable adjustment difficulties in adapting to unfulfilled expectations of delivering her baby naturally. Methods In–depth interviews explored 10 women's lived experiences of childbirth, after which thematic content analysis was used to synthesise data. The elements of phenomenological theory served as a broad framework for the structuring, organizing and categorizing of data, with interpretation aimed at gaining a greater understanding of women's internalised childbirth accounts. Findings Women described their contact with medical personnel, as well as the physical, environmental, and emotional aspects of their unplanned Caesarean sections, as distressing and traumatic. A sense of loss of control was the most significant contributor to women's negative childbirth experiences. Feelings of failure and disappointment were primarily related to unmet expectations and a lack of preparedness. Negative experiences were mediated by attentive caregiving, inclusion in decision–making, and support from loved ones. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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The concept "beneficial use" in South African water law reform / by Maria Magdalena van der WaltVan der Walt, Maria Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
The concept "beneficial use" plays a pivotal role in South African water law reform. It forms the foundation of the mechanism to make water use rights available for the reform of the allocation of water use entitlements. The mechanism involves that water use rights that were unexercised in the two years before the promulgation of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 are not defined as existing lawful water uses. Where the concept "beneficial use" is utilised to cancel unexercised water use rights, it can cause potential hardship. Some people whose rights have been cancelled believe that they should be able to rely on the property clause in section 25 of the Constitution of 1996 to either have the legislation declared unconstitutional or to demand compensation. Section 25 of the Constitution of 1996 prohibits the arbitrary deprivation of property and states that property may only be expropriated for a public purpose or in the public interest, subject to compensation. Section 25(4) states, however, that the public interest includes the nation's commitment to land reform and to reforms to bring about equitable access to all South Africa's natural resources. It is clear from this that reforms to bring about access to water are allowed by the property clause. One of the main questions discussed in this thesis was whether section 32 of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 that made more water available for distribution for reform purposes by cancelling unexercised water user rights, leads to an arbitrary deprivation or an expropriation of property. It should be noted that section 32 of the National Water Act did not constitute an arbitrary deprivation of property, as sufficient reason exists for water law reform. A possible constitutional challenge based on the lack of due process of law because of the retrospective operation of the section may possibly be averted because of the existence of section 33 of the National Water Act. Section 33 of the Act mitigates hardship by allowing unexercised water uses to be declared existing lawful water uses in certain circumstances where a good reason for the non–exercise of the water use right existed. Even in cases where section 33 does not prevent section 32 from being regarded as an arbitrary deprivation of property because there still was not a proper procedure, the government will probably be able to show that the limitation in section 32 is, in terms of section 36(1) of the Constitution of 1996, reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society.
Despite the fact that section 25(1) prohibits arbitrary deprivations, it does not prohibit the government from regulating competing rights to use water even though some people may be negatively affected by the regulation. Because the Minister merely acts as public trustee of the nation's water resources on behalf of the national government in terms section 3(1) of the National Water Act, it cannot be claimed that the government acquired the cancelled water use rights. A claim that compensation should be paid for an expropriation of property will therefore not succeed. Compensation is only payable in terms of section 22(6) and section 22(7) of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 for a loss of existing water entitlements, such as existing lawful water uses or existing licences. A court should thus consider interpreting section 25 by providing for compensation where an individual was unfairly burdened and was therefore denied the protection of the equality clause in section 9 of the Constitution when his unexercised water use rights were cancelled by section 32.
The concept "beneficial use" currently restricts the content of the water use entitlement existing in terms of section 4 of the National Water Act 36 of 1998. The loss of the entitlement when inter alia a licence for an existing lawful water use is refused, is not protected by the payment of compensation when water is used in an unfair or disproportionate manner, because such utilisation would not be regarded to be beneficial use. It became apparent that in terms of the current water law dispensation in South Africa, the possibility of compensation for an amendment of a water use licence and the refusal of a licence for an existing lawful water use implies that a water use entitlement is a right in property. The fact that section 22(7) of the National Water Act states that the amount of the compensation must be determined in accordance with section 25(3) of the Constitution implies that the legislature also recognises that a water use entitlement is constitutional property. Section 22(7) of the National Water Act underlines the basic premises of the National Water Act by subjecting the amount of the compensation that is payable to the same limitations that restrict the entitlement to use the water. The stipulations of section 22(7) draw the attention to the fact that the exercise of both existing lawful water uses and water use licences as rights in property is subject to basic principles of the National Water Act such as the Reserve and the concepts "public trusteeship" and "beneficial use" of the water resources.
The fact that compensation is only payable when there has been severe prejudice to the economic viability of an undertaking implies that water use entitlements have to be exercised at the time of the application for the compensation to be payable. The concept "beneficial use" – in the sense that a water use must not be wasteful or polluting and in the sense that only water use entitlements that are being exercised are protected – thus restricts the water use entitlement as a property right. During the research, American and Australian water law reform and their interpretation of their property clauses were compared to water law reform in South Africa and the South African property clause.
Furthermore, Australian policy to encourage more beneficial water use by the trade in water entitlements or allocations, was also discussed. South Africans will likely in future be encouraged to trade in water use entitlements or allocations. The objective with allowing the trade in water use entitlements or allocations is to encourage people to rather use water for uses with a high value instead of uses with a lower value. In this way the concept "beneficial use" may be broadened to include water allocation or entitlement trading. However, it was argued that a disproportionate impact on third parties would mean that water allocation or entitlement trading would in some cases not be regarded as beneficial use anymore. / Thesis (LL.D.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Making Visible the Proximity Between ProteinsClausson, Carl-Magnus January 2014 (has links)
Genomic DNA is the template of life - the entity which is characterized by a self-sustaining anatomical development, regulated signaling processes, the ability to reproduce and to respond to stimuli. Through what is classically known as the central dogma, the genome is transcribed into mRNA, which in turn is translated into proteins. The proteins take part in most, if not all, cellular processes, and it is by unraveling these processes that we can begin to understand life and disease-causing mechanisms. In vitro and in vivo assays are two levels at which protein communication may be studied, and which permit manipulation and control over the proteins under investigation. But in order to retrieve a representation of the processes as close to reality as possible, in situ analysis may instead be applied as a complement to the other two levels of study. In situ PLA offers the ability to survey protein activity in tissue samples and primary cell lines, at a single cell level, detecting single targets in their natural unperturbed environment. In this thesis new developments of the in situ PLA are described, along with a new technique offering in situ enzyme-free detection of proximity between biomolecules. The dynamic range of in situ PLA has now been increased by several orders of magnitude to cover analogous ranges of protein expression; the output signals have been modified to offer a greater signal-to-noise ratio and to limit false-positive-rates while also extending the dynamic range further; simultaneous detection of multiple protein complexes is now possible; proximity-HCR is presented as a robust and inexpensive enzyme-free assay for protein complex detection. The thesis also covers descriptions on how the techniques may be simultaneously applied, also together with other techniques, for the multiple data-point acquisition required by the emerging realm of systems biology. A future perspective is presented for how much more information may be simultaneously acquired from tissue samples to describe biomolecular interactions in a new manner. This will allow new types of biomarkers and drugs to be discovered, and a new holistic understanding of life.
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