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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Je potřeba motivovat zaměstnance veřejného sektoru jinak než soukromého? / Is it necessary to motivate employees in the private sector in the same way as public sector?

Ondračka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Work motivation is one of basic methods of management, it is a specific scientific field containing many scientific theories. An Effective motivation must be focused on characteristics of both the subject and the target. The greatest economic subject is the national economy with two cooperating sectors -- private, based on private ownership, and public sector financed by public sources. People engaged in one of these sectors can have various ideas and claims. For all managers, it is essential to know these claims and interests in order to apply a convenient motivation method. The aim of the proposed diploma thesis is to contribute to a solution of the following question -- is it necessary to motivate employees in public sector differently than employees in private sector? For this purpose I designed and evaluated a questionnaire. In last chapter, I suggest what measures are most convenient in order to reach the most effective motivation of employees in a public sector as well as in a private sector.

Rozdíl mezi efektivitou pracovníků ve veřejné správě a v soukromém sektoru / The difference between the efficiency of public administration and private sector

Abrahám, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis answers the following question - Are the public or the private employees more effective in their work? In terms of the structure, number of majour factors driving the effectivness of employee's working styles are mentioned in the theoretic section of the paper. Followed by empirical research that investigates which employees display the type of behaviour that leads to superior performance. Final section presents recommendations on how such findings can help companies improve the behaviour of their workforce.

Potential use of PPP at the reconstruction of prison in Uherské Hradiště / Potential use of PPP at the reconstruction of prison in Uherské Hradiště

Gracová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to consider the usage of PPP method by the reconstruction of the object of former prison in town Uherské Hradiště using the methodology of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part the description of the PPP method and its features is given. In the practical part the simplified financial model for project is counted. The outcomes of the model should be taken from the public sector point of view as the basic source for making decision if PPP method is the most efficient for this project.

Analýza účinnosti partnerství veřejného a soukromého sektoru / Public Private Partnership

Bernardová, Soňa January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to a partnership of public and private sectors and to its usage at the sphere of providing public goods. Introductory chapter is oriented on characteristics, classification and possible backup of public goods. Next chapter is focused on PPP method - history of PPP projects, their characteristics, pros and cons. Legal aspect of PPP projects, their institutional backup and their comparison with public tenders are also included in the thesis. Analytical part shows various ways of implementation of PPP projects in the Czech Republic -- e.g. Accomodation capacities and parking of The Central Military Hospital in Prague and Aquapark in Olomouc, as representatives of local autonomies. Questionnaire research of locally autonomous units with the objective of finding out the level of knowledge and access to PPP projects, is another important part of this thesis. The objective of the thesis is the evaluation of a partnership of public and private sectors, as one of possible solutions of providing public goods.

Propuesta de un nuevo modelo de distribución para el canal Horeca de una empresa de consumo masivo / A new distribution model proposal for the HoReCa channel of a mass consumption company

Huidobro Puch, Danitza Mariana, Lomparte Manyari, Vanesa Consuelo, Morales Flores, Gustavo Elias, Valdez Arana, Mirtha 25 July 2019 (has links)
Una empresa de consumo masivo, líder en el sector avícola, presenta una tendencia decreciente en el mercado, en uno de sus giros de negocio del canal de ventas Food Service, el giro Horeca, conforme lo demuestran sus estadísticas. El presente trabajo, parte de esta premisa, y desarrolla un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo que permite concluir que el problema es la inadecuación del modelo de distribución general de la corporación para el giro Horeca. Se desarrolla una nueva estrategia de negocio para este giro, con un claro enfoque en un modelo de distribución apropiado, que responda a todas las variables críticas, y que tenga sentido dentro del contexto de la empresa que gestiona un negocio en marcha. Se analiza el concepto de respuesta eficiente al consumidor, y dos estrategias son propuestas: la descentralización de almacenes; y la entrega certificada nocturna. Ambas se presentan y son sometidas a una matriz de priorización, concluyéndose que, para efectos del presente trabajo, la opción a implementar es la entrega certificada nocturna que se implementa como un complemento, que agrega valor al sistema de distribución general, y propone una solución al sistema de distribución del giro de negocio Horeca. Implementación que es planteada en su fase inicial, tanto en lo que respecta a una implementación operativa, como al análisis financiero de la misma, que sustenta su viabilidad. / In a leader mass consumption company in the poultry sector, its Horeca business unit, one of the Food Service sales channel, has been showing a decreasing trend in its market position. From this premise as a starting point, a quantitative and qualitative analysis have been developed, to determine the root cause of the Horeca business unit problem. The analysis lead us to conclude that the problem cause is the inadequacy of the corporation's general distribution model applied to the Horeca business unit. A new business strategy is developed for Horeca, focused on an appropriate distribution model to respond to the critical variables of this business unit, and also taking into consideration the company context as an ongoing business which the Horeca unit is part of. To develop an improved distribution model proposal, the efficient consumer response (ECR) concept is analyzed, and two strategies were presented and evaluated: a warehouse decentralization and the certified delivery in late hours. Both were subjected to a prioritization matrix, and as a result, for the purposes of this work, the option to be implemented is the certified delivery in late hours, as an alternative that solves the Horeca distribution model problem and complements the general distribution system as an added value. The implementation of the certified delivery in late hour distribution model, is developed for an initial phase, supported by its viability financial analysis. / Tesis

Propuesta de mejora en el proceso de compras mediante herramientas Lean Procurement en una empresa de construcción / Proposed improvement in the procurement process through Lean Procurement in a construction company

Dadic García, Ilinka Jelena, Herrera Tello, Grace Aralita 13 July 2020 (has links)
La investigación aborda la problemática del proceso de compras de una empresa de construcción. Se identificó el problema de incumplimiento de plazo planeados para las compras y el incremento anual del costo del proceso de compras. Se emplearon herramientas de Lean Procurement para mejorar el plazo para las compras y reducir los costos anuales del proceso. La propuesta de mejora involucra la elaboración del Value Stream Map actual y futuro, así como también la medición de los tiempos y costos actuales versus la mejora implementada. Los resultados que se obtuvieron fueron la reducción del tiempo de compras en 22% y la reducción de costos en un 2%. / The research addresses the problems of the purchasing process of a construction company. The problem of non-compliance with the planned term for purchases and the annual increase in the cost of the purchasing process was identified. Lean Procurement tools were used to improve the term for purchases and reduce the annual costs of the process. The improvement proposal involves the preparation of the current and future Value Stream Map, as well as the measurement of the current times and costs versus the improvement implemented. The results that were obtained were the reduction of the time of purchases in 22% and the reduction of costs in a 2%. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Propuesta de mejora de la disponibilidad de una flota de equipos móvil mixer con un sistema basado en el mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad / Proposal to improve the availability of a fleet of mobile mixer equipment with a system based on maintenance focused on reliability

Inga Maita, Henrry Danny 04 September 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años el sector construcción ha experimentado altibajos en la demanda de concreto premezclado, por ello, las empresas de construcción se han vuelto más exigentes con respecto a la puntualidad y compromiso de sus proveedores, esta realidad no es ajena en la empresa Mixercon, que está posicionada en el sector construcción por más de 16 años brindando un servicio personalizado a sus clientes en la entrega de concreto premezclado; en el último año la empresa ha experimentado una baja rentabilidad en sus ingresos, y se ha detectado que el problema es la baja disponibilidad y confiabilidad de sus equipos móvil mixer, por este motivo esta investigación tiene como objetivo mejorar la disponibilidad y confiabilidad de sus equipos, enfatizando que dichos equipos representan los principales activos de la empresa, por ende, para poder cumplir con el objetivo planteado se realizó en la empresa un reconocimiento y levantamiento de información de la flota de equipos móvil mixer y se ha encontrado que con el transcurso de los años se iba incrementado los equipos móvil mixer, debido a la demanda de concreto premezclado, pero al mismo tiempo no se ha tomado un correcto manejo de la gestión de los equipos más antiguos, la antigüedad de estos, es uno de los factores por el cual se tiene una baja disponibilidad y confiabilidad en la operación dado a que no se lleva una adecuada gestión de renovación de sus activos, la mayoría de las empresas solo tienen en cuenta los costos directos de mantenimiento, sin embargo, no visualizan los costos indirectos de una mala gestión de mantenimiento y como estos afectan en los resultados de la empresa, más aún si es una empresa de servicios. La presente investigación da a conocer que una adecuada gestión de mantenimiento tiene como propósito mejorar la rentabilidad de la empresa y la disponibilidad de sus activos al 100%, para lo cual tiene como base un buen sistema de gestión de mantenimiento como pilar principal para su buen desarrollo, además permite la integración de todas las áreas de la empresa. / In recent years the construction sector has experienced ups and downs in the demand for ready-mixed concrete, therefore, construction companies have become more demanding with respect to the punctuality and commitment of their suppliers, this reality is not alien to the Mixercon company, which is positioned in the construction sector for more than 16 years providing a personalized service to its clients in the delivery of ready-mix concrete; In the last year the company has experienced a low profitability in its income, and it has been detected that the problem is the low availability and reliability of its mobile mixer equipment, for this reason this research aims to improve the availability and reliability of its equipment , emphasizing that said equipment represents the main assets of the company, therefore, in order to meet the proposed objective, a survey and information gathering of the fleet of mobile mixer equipment was carried out in the company and it has been found that over the course of Over the years mobile mixer equipment has increased, due to the demand for ready-mixed concrete, but at the same time a correct management of the older equipment has not been taken, the age of these is one of the factors for the which has a low availability and reliability in the operation given that an adequate management of the renewal of its assets is not carried out, Most companies only take into account the direct costs of maintenance, however, they do not visualize the indirect costs of poor maintenance management and how these results in the results of the company, especially if it is a service company. This research reveals that an adequate maintenance management aims to improve the profitability of the company and the availability of its assets to 100%, for which it is based on a good maintenance management system as the main pillar for its good development, in addition to allowing the integration of all areas of the company. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

A Macroeconomic Approach to the Growth of the Bolivian Informal Sector

Albarracin, Tania 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis attempts to measure the growth of the Bolivian informal sector. The study estimates the growth of the informal sector by defining it as the difference between the formal sector's reported real gross national product (GNP) and forecasted values of real GNP. The first chapter describes the Bolivian economy, defines its informal sector, and presents reasons for this sector's growth. Related research in informal activity, theoretical discussions, and perspectives are presented in the second chapter. Chapter III describes methodological research used in the analysis of the data. Chapter IV describes the results of the investigation. Conclusions and recommendations for the informal sector are provided in chapter V. The results show that it is possible to measure informal activity in a macro setting

Diseño y desarrollo de un modelo para mejorar la eficiencia del proceso productivo de una empresa MYPE dedicada a la elaboración de pinturas industriales aplicando 5s, Estudio de Trabajo y Gestión por Procesos / Design and development of a model to improve the efficiency of the production process of a MYPE company dedicated to the production of industrial paints applying 5s, Work Study and Process Management

Mau Dongo, Milagros Fabiola, Ramos Aliaga, Roger David 11 August 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación se encuentra estructurado en cuatro capítulos los cuales son: Marco teórico y estado del arte, descripción y análisis del proceso actual, propuesta de mejora, validación de la propuesta de mejora, además de conclusiones y recomendaciones. La presente investigación está enfocada en la elaboración de un modelo de gestión la producción para la empresa Pinturas Tricolor Pintri S.A.C, la cual se dedica a la producción y comercialización de pinturas, con una demanda anual promedio de 108130 galones, siendo su producto patrón el “esmalte anticorrosivo”. El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es elaborar la propuesta de un plan de mejoras basadas en la filosofía de manufactura esbelta, para incrementar la eficiencia productiva de la empresa, que actualmente se encuentra en 66.50% situándose por debajo del promedio del sector químico que tiene un valor de 71.70%. Es por ello que se propone la implementación de las técnicas de estudio del trabajo, 5s y gestión por procesos con el objetivo de reducir tiempos muertos y reprocesos involucrados en la producción, siendo estos los principales causantes del problema. Entre los resultados de esta investigación se encuentra una reducción del 58.70% en reprocesos y una disminución del tiempo total de 0.97 h⁄cil a 0.82 h⁄cil, además, se logró incrementar a 81.51% la eficiencia actual del proceso de la empresa. La inversión para la implementación, tiene un periodo de recuperación equivalente a un 4.15 bimestres, siendo este viable, en donde se recupera la inversión y se obtienen ganancias. / This research project is structured in four chapters which are: Theoretical framework and state of the art, description and analysis of the current process, improvement proposal, validation of the improvement proposal, as well as conclusions and recommendations. The present investigation is focused on the elaboration of a production management model for the company Pinturas Tricolor Pintri SAC, which is dedicated to the production and commercialization of paints, with an average annual demand of 108,130 gallons, its standard product being “ anticorrosive enamel ”. The main objective of this research is to develop a proposal for an improvement plan based on the philosophy of lean manufacturing, to increase the productive efficiency of the company, which is currently at 66.50%, being below the average of the chemical sector that has a value of 71.70%. That is why the implementation of work study techniques, 5s and process management is proposed in order to reduce downtime and rework involved in production, these being the main causes of the problem. Among the results of this research is a reduction of 58.70% in reprocesses and a decrease in total time from 0.97 h⁄cil to 0.82 h⁄cil, in addition, it was possible to increase the current efficiency of the company's process to 81.51%. The investment for the implementation has a recovery period equivalent to 4.15 two-month periods, this being viable, where the investment is recovered and profits are obtained. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Efecto de la pandemia 2020 en el sector cervecero en el Perú / The impact of the pandemic 2020 on the Brewing Industry

Luna Jiménez, Billy David, Romero Casavilca, Edith, Lozada Alcalde, Juan José, Vásquez Basilio, Johnny Antonio 31 May 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación desarrollaremos los efectos de la pandemia Covid-2019 en el sector cervecero en el Perú. Debido a que el sector cervecero se concentra en más del 90% en una sola empresa nos centraremos en ella, Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. (en adelante “Backus”). Para ello, revisaremos información disponible en el sector cervecero en el Perú y el mundo, así como las proyecciones en volúmenes, participación de ventas, participación de marcas, consumo de cerveza, entre otros. Actualmente, Backus cuenta con cinco plantas de procesamiento ubicadas en lugares estratégicos y con más de ciento ochenta mil puntos de venta en todo el país con un grupo diversificado de marcas locales e internacionales segmentados para cada tipo de cliente. En cuanto a la situación financiera de Backus, muestra una caída significativa en los ingresos como consecuencia de la pandemia lo cual hizo que la rentabilidad promedio al 2020 se vea afectada haciendo que Backus reduzca el reparto de dividendos en comparación a años anteriores. Finalmente, de la evaluación realizada a través de la valorización de Backus, podemos observar que el sector cervecero, a pesar del impacto económico producto de la pandemia, sigue teniendo una expectativa positiva en el mercado nacional viéndose reflejado en el valor de sus acciones 2019 y 2020, esto como consecuencia del buen trabajo de la compañía que siguen implementando modelos y estándares de calidad en pro de su mejor performance. / In this research work we will develop the effects of the Covid-2019 pandemic in the brewing industry in Peru. Since the brewing industry is concentrated in more than 90% in a single company, in this case Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. (hereinafter "Backus") so we will focus in it. For that, we will review information available in the brewing industry in Peru and the world, as well as projections in volumes, sales participation, brand participation, brewing consumption, among others. Currently, Backus has five processing plants located in strategic locations and it has more than one hundred and eighty thousand sales points throughout the country with a diversified portfolio of national and international brands segmented for each consumer profile. Regarding the financial situation of Backus, it shows a significant drop in income as a result of the pandemic, which caused the average profitability to 2020 to be affected, causing Backus to reduce the distribution of dividends compared to previous years. Finally, from the evaluation carried out through the valuation of Backus, we can observe that the brewing industry, despite the economic impact caused by the pandemic, continues to have a positive expectation in the national market, being reflected in the value of its shares in 2019 and 2020, this is as a result of the good work of the company that continues to implement models and quality standards in favor of its best performance. / Trabajo de investigación

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