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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-creating value: A service provider and customer perspective : A case study of cyber security services in the electric utility sector / Gemensamt värdeskapande: Ett tjänsteleverantörs- och kundperspektiv : En fallstudie av cybersäkerhetstjänster inom energisektorn

Berg, Mathilda, Svensson, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Purpose – This study aims to investigate the challenges faced by service providers in developing value propositions for cyber security services, as well as the challenges encountered by customers when purchasing these services. Thereby, bridging the gap regarding value proposition development for cyber security services in a business-to-business context.  Method – An exploratory single case study was conducted in the electric utility sector. In total, 19 interviews with respondents from 11 different organizations were conducted through exploratory-, semi-structured-, and validatory phases. The respondents mainly constituted security managers operating in the electric utility sector and employees at the case company, where the results from the semi-structured interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis.  Findings – The result of this study concludes in a framework consisting of three sections, Challenges, Strategies, and Actions. Ten challenges categorized into three spheres; customer, joint, and provider were found. In addition, eight strategies mitigating the challenges were found and categorized into three themes: Relationship management, Proactive measures, and Capability coordination. Each strategy includes several practical actions derived from the codes of the corresponding strategy that should be incorporated to mitigate the challenges associated with it.   Theoretical and practical contribution – This study contributes to the existing literature by examining how value is identified and created, both from the customer and provider perspective in a business-to-business context. Moreover, this study applies general-level challenges and strategies to the electric utility sector, verifying their relevance. The challenges and strategies that apply to this study are introduced in a framework for value co-creation guiding managers and customers in the value proposition development and purchase of cyber security services.  Limitations of the study – The research is limited to a single case study specific in the context of the electric utility sector. Hence, this calls for future research which could investigate the applicability of the results in other societal functions and critical infrastructure sectors. / Syfte – Denna studie syftar till att undersöka de utmaningar som tjänsteleverantörer står inför vid utvecklandet av värdeerbjudanden för cybersäkerhetstjänster, samt de utmaningar som kunder möter när de köper dessa tjänster. Således bidrar studien till att överbrygga gapet gällande framtagning av värdeerbjudanden för cybersäkerhetstjänster i ett business-to-business sammanhang. Metod – Studien genomfördes som en explorativ fallstudie inom energisektorn. Totalt genomfördes 19 intervjuer med respondenter från 11 olika organisationer genom tre faser: utforskande-, semistrukturerad- och validerande fas. Respondenterna utgjordes främst av säkerhetsansvariga verksamma inom energisektorn samt anställda på fallföretaget, där resultaten från de semistrukturerade intervjuerna analyserades genom en tematisk analys.  Resultat – Resultatet av studien har sammanställts i ett ramverk bestående av tre avsnitt, Utmaningar, Strategier och Åtgärder. Totalt identifierades tio utmaningar som kategoriserats i tre sfärer; kund, gemensam och leverantör. Fortsättningsvis identifierades åtta strategier som hanterar utmaningarna, vidare kategoriserades dessa i tre teman: Relationshantering, Proaktiva åtgärder och Koordinering av förmågor. Varje strategi innehåller praktiska åtgärder som härrör från motsvarande strategis koder vilka bör implementeras för att hantera de utmaningar som är förknippade med den strategin.  Teoretiskt och praktiskt bidrag – Denna studie bidrar till den befintliga litteraturen genom att undersöka hur värde identifieras och skapas, både ur kund- och leverantörsperspektiv i ett business-to-business sammanhang. Vidare tillämpar studien generella utmaningar och strategier på energisektorn och verifierar deras relevans. De identifierade utmaningarna och strategierna har introducerats i ett ramverk för gemensamt värdeskapande. Mer specifikt vägleder ramverket leverantörer i framtagandet värdeerbjudande och kunder i inköp av cybersäkerhetstjänster. Studiens begränsningar – Studien är begränsad till en enskild fallstudie inom energisektorn. Således krävs framtida forskning för att undersöka resultatens tillämpbarhet för andra samhällskritiska verksamheter.

The challenges facing private security companies in retaining clients : a case study in Gauteng shopping malls

Banda, Teboho Elliot 06 1900 (has links)
The private security industry is tasked with protecting lives and property against an evolving array of personal and property threats. Rendering such services comes with many market related challenges for private security providers. These services are rendered to various types of clients like government departments, hospitals, universities and shopping malls amongst others. These clients have unique and different needs and expectations, therefore shopping malls as clients of the private security industry were selected for the purpose of this research. The qualitative research approach was used for this study wherein a questionnaire was used to obtain information from private security and shopping mall personnel working in shopping malls in Gauteng. The findings of this study reveals that there are indeed client retention challenges that are facing private security companies providing services to shopping malls. Based on the findings, recommendations for the private security providers and further research in shopping mall security management are made. / Security Risk Management / M.Tech. (Security Management)

The impact of absenteeism on the private security industry in Gauteng Province, South Africa

Chauke, Busisiwe Patricia 30 June 2007 (has links)
Absenteeism is a grave problem in the workplace in South Africa. One can expect that the impact and patterns would differ from one sector to another. For instance the seriousness of absenteeism in a hospital or the security sector would not be the same as for a coffee shop or being absent from a school. However, absenteeism needs to be addressed in all sectors of the economy since it leads to losses in production and output, as well as a reduction in profits in many South African companies. This study explores absenteeism only in the security industry in Gauteng Province. The personal experiences of practitioners and managers regarding absenteeism, its extent and the impact in this province were examined during the research undertaken for this project. The aims of this study were largely the following: • To determine the main causes and reasons given for the current level of absenteeism among contract security personnel in the private security industry in Gauteng; • To see whether gender and employment grade contribute towards the absence of security officers during working hours; • To find out whether security officers routinely submit a sick note after being absent; • To ascertain management practices and responses to combating absenteeism, and • To identify what can be done to reduce absenteeism. The main research instrument used was a questionnaire. Some experienced academics were interviewed prior to administering the questionnaires to respondents in order to provide expert opinion and advice regarding this problem. Two different questionnaires were prepared, one for managers and one for security officers. The questionnaire had both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed to security officers in the Gauteng region, and one hundred to security managers. The questionnaires for the managers had 48 questions while those for the security officers contained 38 questions. Those academics and security managers interviewed all agreed that absenteeism is a workplace problem in the country, a problem that currently has not been investigated in sufficient detail. They accepted that a formal study of this nature would be worthwhile doing in the private security industry. Furthermore, a literature review was undertaken while a close analytical examination of the various concepts being used in the research was also done. The literature provided the theoretical base to which the study was able to link the collected information from the empirical part obtained by means of the questionnaires. The sources for the literature review consisted of books, journals, the internet and newspaper articles. The research established various causes of absenteeism in the industry, with the main ones being: i) Poor salaries ii) Long working hours iii) Poor communication with immediate supervisor iv) Transport problems v) Poor working conditions vi) Family problems, and vii) Boredom The exploration done in this research was intended primarily to determine ways to address absenteeism. The ideal solution would be to reduce and ultimately prevent absenteeism. As a result and emanating from the research findings a number of recommendations were formulated and directed to the industry as a whole, while others were directed towards the security managers, and lastly some to the security officers themselves. / Criminology / M.Tech. (Security Risk Management)

The impact of the private security industry on peace-building efforts in Africa : an assessment of Executive Outcomes, MPRI and DynCorp

Holager, Emma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The emergence and rapid growth of the private security industry in the 1990s followed from the downsizing of the armed forces in the aftermath of the Cold War and the development of new security threats which increased demand for military manpower and expertise. This has led to a redefinition of security strategies and the restructuring of armed forces by Western governments, which has resulted in the elimination of non-core activities from the functions of many armed forces. Recently it has been argued that the private security industry can challenge what previously was believed to be a primary responsibility of states, namely to take on peacebuilding initiatives and support to other peace operations. This study seeks to assess the impact of the private security industry in peacebuilding efforts in African conflicts. The study suggests that the private security industry have taken on a much stronger role in conflicts world wide since the 1990s, and that its activities have significantly changed. Companies such as MPRI and DynCorp have managed to keep close contact with their home governments, which arguably has been a crucial factor to their growing business. Furthermore, the private security industry have sought to distance itself from the negative connotations associated with mercenaries and the activities of companies such as Executive Outcomes in the 1990s, by avoiding operations involving elements of direct combat. This has been illustrated through the extensive case study of the activities of three private military and security companies: Executive Outcomes, MPRI and DynCorp. Furthermore, this thesis has confirmed an increased presence of the United States on the African continent post-9/11, illustrated by the presence of American-based private military and security companies which arguably are being used as proxies for US foreign policy purposes. Furthermore, this study has discussed the various implications the private security industry has on the traditional notion of the state’s monopoly on the legitimate use of force. This thesis has argued that the legitimate use to exercise violence is in the process of devolution from governments to other actors, which the extensive growth of the private security industry illustrates. Additionally, it has been argued that the privatisation of military and security services can harm the reliable delivery of essential services in conflict. Furthermore, the findings of this thesis has highlighted the dilemma that many countries do not want stricter regulation or elimination of the private security industry for the reason that these companies are viewed as valuable assets in fulfilling foreign policy objectives that for various reasons cannot be fulfilled by national armies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die opkoms en vinnige groei van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf in die 1990s was die gevolg van die afskaling van gewapende magte in die nasleep van die Koue Oorlog en die ontwikkeling van nuwe sekuriteitsbedreigings, wat die aanvraag na militêre arbeidskragte en kundigheid verhoog het. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot ’n herdefiniëring van sekuriteitstrategieë en die herstrukturering van gewapende magte deur Westerse regerings, met die gevolg dat niekernaktiwiteite van die funksies van talle gewapende magte uitgesluit is. Daar is onlangs aangevoer dat die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf aanspraak kan maak op ’n funksie wat voorheen as die primêre verantwoordelikheid van regerings beskou is, naamlik om vredesinisiatiewe en steun aan ander vredesverrigtinge te onderneem. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die impak van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf in vredesinisiatiewe in Afrika-konflikte te assesseer. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf sedert die 1990’s ’n baie groter rol in wêreldwye konflikte gespeel het, en dat die aktiwiteite van hierdie bedryf aanmerklik verander het. Maatskappye soos MPRI en DynCorp was suksesvol daarin om nabye kontak met hul tuisregerings te behou, wat stellig ’n deurslaggewende faktor in hul groeiende besighede was. Voorts het die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf gepoog om hom te distansieer van die negatiewe konnotasies wat met huursoldate en die aktiwiteite van maatskappye soos Executive Outcomes in die 1990’s geassosieer is deur bedrywighede wat elemente van direkte stryd inhou, te vermy. Hierdie poging is geïllustreer deur die omvattende gevallestudie van die aktiwiteite van drie privaat militêre en sekuriteitsmaatskappye: EO, MPRI en DynCorp. Die bevindinge van die studie bevestig voorts die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA) se toenemende teenwoordigheid op die Afrika-vasteland ná 9/11, wat duidelik blyk uit die teenwoordigheid van Amerikaansgebaseerde privaat militêre en sekuriteitsmaatskappye wat stellig as volmag gebruik word vir die VSA se buitelandsebeleidsdoelstellings. Die verskeie implikasies van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf vir die tradisionele siening van die regerings se monopolie ten opsigte van die wettige gebruik van magte word ook in die studie bespreek. Daar word aangevoer dat die wettige gebruik van geweld in die proses van devolusie is vanaf regerings na ander rolspelers, wat deur die omvattende groei van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf bevestig word. Daar word verder ook beweer dat die privatisering van militêre en sekuriteitsdienste die betroubare lewering van noodsaaklike dienste tydens konflik kan benadeel. Die studie se bevindinge werp ook lig op die dilemma dat talle lande strenger regulering of uitskakeling van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf teëstaan omdat hierdie maatskappye beskou word as waardevolle bates in die bereiking van buitelandsebeleidsdoelwitte, wat vir verskeie redes nie deur nasionale leërs bereik kan word nie.

Private security as an essential component of homeland security

Hetherington, Christopher John 06 1900 (has links)
CHDS State/Local / Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis argues that first preventers are not limited to law enforcement and/or intelligence personnel. Private security officers are our true first preventers because they control access to the myriad of facilities we enter and exit every day. They are the individuals with their boots on the ground in our efforts to recognize abnormal or unusual activity. Based on the observation by President George W. Bush in the National Strategy for Homeland Security that 85% of the nation's critical infrastructure is owned by private agencies and organizations, one conclusion is incontrovertible: No one is in a better position to be a first preventer than the private security officer in America. In New York State, a professionally trained and licensed security officer's primary directive is defined as detecting, deterring and reporting on conditions which might harm life or property. It is incumbent upon government public security officials, and private security executives themselves, to cultivate and exploit this undervalued segment of our efforts to combat terrorism on a national basis. In order to do so, and to assure the public of the competency of the private security workforce, it is imperative that private security officers be mandated to meet minimum standards. Therefore, this thesis makes the argument that advocating nationwide, state controlled licensing and training of private security officers is essential to the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security to employ 'First Responder' and 'First Preventer' strategies in the war on terrorism. / Civilian, Chief of Staff, New York City Police Pension Fund

Rethinking precarity: understandings of and responses to precarity by Zimbabwean migrant security guards in South Africa’s PSI in Gauteng province

Murahwa, Brian January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Global Labour University in conformity with the requirements of a MA in Labour Policy and Globalisation School of Social Sciences Faculty of Humanities University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg March 2016 / Understanding the subjective views of low skilled marginalised workers who occupy bottom ends of labour markets and are implicated in everyday precarious living and working conditions is crucial for advancing scholarship on precarity. This qualitative study grounded in a phenomenological theoretical framework highlights the disconnects between the academic understandings of precarity and an understanding of precariousness from Zimbabwean migrant security guards’ own perspective in South Africa’s Private Security Industry (PSI), Gauteng Province. Relying on data collected through a combination of an ethnographic experience in 2014 and in-depth face to face interviews I conducted from June 2015, this study examines the perceptions that migrant security guards have on precarity, the strategies and tactics they employ to navigate everyday precarious working and living conditions and most importantly, the rationale behind these workers continued stay and work under precarious situations. As workers with precarious backgrounds, the findings of this study reveals that migrant security guards treat wage employment instrumentally, a source of their livelihood that has led to improvements in their standards of living as interpreted by them. The strategies and tactics employed by these workers either individually or collectively are therefore rationally and tactically crafted so as not directly challenge and disrupt the existing structures (state, capital and law) but instead to survive within these structures so as not to jeopardise their main source of livelihood-wage employment. For migrant security guards, wage employment remains a vital tool for meeting their varied socio-economic and political objectives. This study therefore led to the conclusion that there is generally a mismatch between academic conceptualisation of precarity and the way marginalised and low skilled labour migrants interpret and understand circumstances. / GR2017

服務導向企業入口網站 / Building Security Services Architecture for

黃邦平, Huang, Pang Ping Unknown Date (has links)
現今企業在建置企業入口網站時,往往面臨到入口網站相關安全標準與技術眾多且繁雜,缺乏一個整合式安全機制建置解決方案來遵從,造成企業在規劃與佈署入口網站之安全性時,產生巨大成本及導入障礙。而服務導向架構概念的出現,其分散性、組合式、標準化之特色,使得企業入口網站安全機制可以在使用網路服務技術的服務導向架構環境中,被當成一種服務呈現,並透過網際網路來公布、發現與利用。 本研究的主要探討分析服務導向架構安全性與安全服務之相關文獻,針對企業入口網站之安全需求與現有安全性基礎結構做整合,提出一個服務導向企業入口網站安全服務架構,並利用二個企業入口網站個案來檢視此架構的安全涵蓋範圍,使企業能將服務導向式安全服務導入企業入口網站整合應用,拉高安全層級,建立一個備受使用者安全信賴的企業入口網站,進而提升企業競爭力。 本研究的成果及效益包括:(1)分析探討企業入口網站在服務導向架構應用下所衍生的不同安全需求(2)提出一個以服務導向企業入口網站為主的安全服務架構。(3)此架構可完整支援服務導向企業入口網站安全功能,並具有因應日後企業安全需求增加的擴充彈性,能持續強化企業入口網站安全性。 / To develop Enterprise Portal System, most enterprises always meet the problem of satisfying numerous security standards and dealing with complicated programming languages. It still lacks an integrated security solution which could provide enterprises an easy way to complete this task. Therefore, this technical problem leads to an entrance barrier and significant corresponding cost to enterprises when deploying their portal. Service-Oriented Architecture is a promising framework to improve the situation. Service-Oriented Architecture framework is distributed, combinable, standardized which and develop the security mechanisms security mechanisms in Service-Oriented Architecture environment. Considering the advantage of Service-Oriented Architecture, this study explores the possibility of building Security Services for Service-Oriented Enterprise Portal. This study analyzes Service-Oriented Architecture security and security services. In addition, the authors propose a Service-Oriented security service prototype architecture for enterprise portal to meet its security requirements. This architecture can integrate service-oriented security services into enterprise portal applications and improve security level. Accordingly, it could develop a highly reliable enterprise portal and create a better competitiveness. The work done by this study includes (1) analyzes the security requirements in a service-oriented enterprise portal, (2) proposes a new framework for enterprise portal service-oriented security services, and (3) demonstrate this framework can support complete security functions for enterprise portal, be flexibility to increase security functions for demands in the future and continue to strengthen the enterprise portal security. By considering this new framework, the design a Enterprise Portal System could be more convenient and secure and it will benefit the development of enterprise in the future.

Regional Security, Early Warning and Intelligence Cooperation in Africa

Lauren Angie Hutton January 2010 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explores the potential contributions of the mechanisms for early warning and intelligence sharing to regional security in Africa. The Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) and the Committee on Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA) are centrally concerned with the dissemination of information to enable decision-making on continental security. The main focus of the dissertation is on the manner in which the information generated by the CEWS and CISSA can contribute to regional security. In order to analyse the potential contribution of the CEWS and CISSA to regional security, a sound theoretical framework is proposed so as to explore how and why states choose to cooperate, as well as addressing multifaceted cooperation and integration at inter-state, government department and nonstate levels. Constructivist interpretations of international cooperation are utilised to explore the role of ideas, meanings and understandings in shaping behaviour. The focus is placed on the manner in which interaction as provided for by the CEWS and CISSA can shape understandings of reality and potentially impact on the definition of actors&rsquo / interests. This is based on the assumption drawn from security community and epistemic community theory that, enabling the creation of shared meanings and shared knowledge there is the potential for both the CEWS and CISSA to have a positive influence on the choices that stakeholders take in favour of peaceful change.</p>

Regional Security, Early Warning and Intelligence Cooperation in Africa

Lauren Angie Hutton January 2010 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explores the potential contributions of the mechanisms for early warning and intelligence sharing to regional security in Africa. The Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) and the Committee on Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA) are centrally concerned with the dissemination of information to enable decision-making on continental security. The main focus of the dissertation is on the manner in which the information generated by the CEWS and CISSA can contribute to regional security. In order to analyse the potential contribution of the CEWS and CISSA to regional security, a sound theoretical framework is proposed so as to explore how and why states choose to cooperate, as well as addressing multifaceted cooperation and integration at inter-state, government department and nonstate levels. Constructivist interpretations of international cooperation are utilised to explore the role of ideas, meanings and understandings in shaping behaviour. The focus is placed on the manner in which interaction as provided for by the CEWS and CISSA can shape understandings of reality and potentially impact on the definition of actors&rsquo / interests. This is based on the assumption drawn from security community and epistemic community theory that, enabling the creation of shared meanings and shared knowledge there is the potential for both the CEWS and CISSA to have a positive influence on the choices that stakeholders take in favour of peaceful change.</p>

The impact of absenteeism on the private security industry in Gauteng Province, South Africa

Chauke, Busisiwe Patricia 30 June 2007 (has links)
Absenteeism is a grave problem in the workplace in South Africa. One can expect that the impact and patterns would differ from one sector to another. For instance the seriousness of absenteeism in a hospital or the security sector would not be the same as for a coffee shop or being absent from a school. However, absenteeism needs to be addressed in all sectors of the economy since it leads to losses in production and output, as well as a reduction in profits in many South African companies. This study explores absenteeism only in the security industry in Gauteng Province. The personal experiences of practitioners and managers regarding absenteeism, its extent and the impact in this province were examined during the research undertaken for this project. The aims of this study were largely the following: • To determine the main causes and reasons given for the current level of absenteeism among contract security personnel in the private security industry in Gauteng; • To see whether gender and employment grade contribute towards the absence of security officers during working hours; • To find out whether security officers routinely submit a sick note after being absent; • To ascertain management practices and responses to combating absenteeism, and • To identify what can be done to reduce absenteeism. The main research instrument used was a questionnaire. Some experienced academics were interviewed prior to administering the questionnaires to respondents in order to provide expert opinion and advice regarding this problem. Two different questionnaires were prepared, one for managers and one for security officers. The questionnaire had both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed to security officers in the Gauteng region, and one hundred to security managers. The questionnaires for the managers had 48 questions while those for the security officers contained 38 questions. Those academics and security managers interviewed all agreed that absenteeism is a workplace problem in the country, a problem that currently has not been investigated in sufficient detail. They accepted that a formal study of this nature would be worthwhile doing in the private security industry. Furthermore, a literature review was undertaken while a close analytical examination of the various concepts being used in the research was also done. The literature provided the theoretical base to which the study was able to link the collected information from the empirical part obtained by means of the questionnaires. The sources for the literature review consisted of books, journals, the internet and newspaper articles. The research established various causes of absenteeism in the industry, with the main ones being: i) Poor salaries ii) Long working hours iii) Poor communication with immediate supervisor iv) Transport problems v) Poor working conditions vi) Family problems, and vii) Boredom The exploration done in this research was intended primarily to determine ways to address absenteeism. The ideal solution would be to reduce and ultimately prevent absenteeism. As a result and emanating from the research findings a number of recommendations were formulated and directed to the industry as a whole, while others were directed towards the security managers, and lastly some to the security officers themselves. / Criminology and Security Science / M.Tech. (Security Risk Management)

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