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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUCIANA ASSIS DE CASTRO 20 February 2001 (has links)
[pt] O micro-satélite Franco-Brasileiro é um satélite científico, projetado em conjunto pelo Brasil e França. O satélite será lançado pelo foguete ARIANE 5. Em função do lançador, a estrutura do satélite deve satisfazer certas restrições como: a massa total de 100 kg, sendo a massa estrutural máxima de 10,50 kg, e primeira frequência lateral maior que 50 Hz. O projeto inicial do satélite obteve massa estrutural igual a 9,89 kg e frequência lateral igual a 18,57 Hz. O valor da frequência está muito longe da mínima exigida, e para aumentá-la sem ultrapassar a massa permitida usou-se a otimização estrutural e análise de sensibilidade. Após a otimização o modelo atingiu a frequência de 23,89 Hz e a massa passou de 9,89 para 10,50 kg. A análise de sensibilidade mostrou que o painel inferior do satélite era o mais sensível em relação a frequência. Foi proposto um novo projeto reforçado com o acréscimo de enrijecedores sob o painel inferior. Foram analisadas cinco alternativas de projeto com diferentes arranjos dos enrijecedores. Destas cinco alternativas, optou-se por trabalhar com os projetos das alternativas 2 e 3 que apresentaram os melhores resultados. Um projeto apresentou frequência de 30,88 Hz e o outro frequência de 32,32 Hz. Os dois projetos ultrapassaram a massa máxima , 10,70 kg e 11,24 kg, respectivamente. A otimização realizada aumentou a frequência e reduziu a massa ao mesmo tempo. A maior frequência obtida foi a do terceiro projeto que passou de 32,32 para 33,16 Hz. O critério de projeto que exige que a primeira frequência lateral seja maior que 50 Hz terá que ser resvisto, pois é muito difícil de ser alcançado para um limite de massa estrutural de 10,50 kg com certas restrições geométricas que também têm que ser levadas em conta. Esta mudança de critério deverá ser negociada com os projetistas do foguete ARIANE 5. / [en] The French-Brazilian Micro-Satellite is a scientific satellite designed by France and Brazil. The satellite will be launched by the rocket ARIANE 5. The layout of the satellite was conceived to satisfy certain structural constraints such as: structural mass below 10.50 kg and first lateral frequency greater than 50 Hz. The initial design of the satellite has structural mass of 9.89 kg and first lateral frequency of 18.57 Hz. This frequency is far away from the minimum required. Therefore, changes had to be made in order to increase the first lateral frequency without violating the constraint of a maximum structural mass of 10.50 kg. The sensitivity analysis showed that the frequency was much more sensit ive to changes on the lower panel of the satellite. It was proposed a change with the purpose of stiffening the lower panel. Five reinforced design projects were analyzed. Two design projects were chosen which presented the best results. One project has a first lateral frequency of 30.88 Hz and the other one a frequency of 32.32 Hz. The two projects violated the structural mass constraint, with 10.70 kg and 11.24 kg, respectively. The optimization increased the frequency and reduced the structural mass at the same time. The largest frequency obtained was the one of the third project whose frequency was 33.16 Hz. The requirement related to the minimum frequency will have to be modified because it is very difficult to be satisfied by a structure with 10.50 kg of mass. / [es] Este trabajo describe un sistema gráfico interactivo, denominado FTOOL (Frame Analysis Tool), para la enseñanza y automatización de las tareas del proyecto extructural de pórticos planos. En este trabajo se consideran las tareas de dimensionamiento de extructuras de acero según la Norma Canadiense de proyectos de extructuras de acero en edificaciones - CAN/CSA-S16.1-94. La integración completa de las fases de preprocesamiento, análisis extructural, posprocesamiento y dimensionamientos, a través de una interface amigable y eficiente, crea un ambiente donde los resultados de un paso de la modelaje pueden ser interpretados por el estudiante y utilizados como información para determinar las modificaciones del paso siguiente. Experimentar diferentes concepciones extructurales lleva a los estudiantes a una mejor comprensión del comportamiento extructural y de las fases de dimensionamiento de los pórticos. Con las implementaciones realizadas en el programa FTOOL, los estudiantes de ingeniería y los ingenieros civiles ganarán rapidez en la ejecució de un proyecto ya que es posible realizar varias análisis en un corto espacio de tiempo para una misma extructura, probando diferentes tipos de perfiles metálicos. Con tal recurso, el usuario define una extructura más económica que puede atender las solicitudes previstas en el proyecto. El sistema permite también, probar posibles padronizaciones de elementos con el objetivo de facilitar la fabricación y el montaje. Los criterios de dimensionamiento implantados en el programa permiten a los usuarios no solo automatizar las etapas sino también explorar mejor las posibilidades de entender los modos de ruína de los elementos extructurales y los parámetros controladores del dimensionamiento de la extructura metálica. Estas etapas comprenden desde la determinación de la clase hasta el cálculo de los estados límites últimos y la utilización de los perfiles de la extructura. Los resultados realizados en la extructura pueden ser visualizados como un todo o a través de consultas individuales, barra a barra. La memoria de cálculo generada por el programa auxilia a los alumnos en el estudio de todas las etapas del proceso de dimensionamiento extructural en acero. 1268 El micro-satélite Franco-Brasileiro es un satélite científico, proyectado en conjunto por Brasil y Francia. El satélite será lanzado por el foguete ARIANE 5. En función del lanzador, la extructura del satélite debe satisfacer ciertas restricciones como: masa total de 100 kg, considerando la masa extructural máxima de 10,50 kg, y primera frecuencia lateral mayor que 50 Hz. El proyecto inicial del satélite consiguió masa extructural igual a 9,89 kg y frecuencia lateral igual a 18,57 Hz. El valor de la frecuencia está muy lejos de la mínima exigida, y para aumentarla sin ultrapasar la masa permitida se utilizó optimización extructural y análisis de sensibilidad. Después de la optimización, el modelo alcanzó frecuencia de 23,89 Hz y la masa pasó de 9,89 para 10,50 kg. El análisis de sensibilidad mostró que el panel inferior del satélite era el más sensible en relación a la frequencia. Fue propuesto un nuevo proyecto reforzado con la adición de enrijecedores bajo el panel inferior. Fueron analizadas cinco alternativas de proyecto con diferentes arreglos en los enrijecedores. De estas cinco alternativas, se optó por trabajar con los proyectos de las alternativas 2 y 3 que presentaron los mejores resultados. Uno de los proyectos presentó frecuencia de 30,88 Hz y el otro, frecuencia de 32,32 Hz. Ambos ultrapasaron la masa máxima, 10,70 kg y 11,24 kg, respectivamente. Al optimizar, se produjo un aumento de la frecuencia al mismo tiempo que se redujo la masa. La mayor frecuencia que se obtuvo fue la del tercer proyecto que pasó de 32,32 para 33,16 Hz. El criterio de proyecto que exige que la primera frecuencia lateral sea mayor que 50 Hz tendrá que ser resvisado, pues resultó muy difícil de alcanzar para un límite de masa extructural de 10,50 kg con ciertas r


MARCO ULISES DE LA QUINTANA COSSIO 28 March 2001 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do cálculo de sensibilidades necessário para a análise de problemas inversos e de otimização, usando o método híbrido dos elementos de contorno. Com esta finalidade, é desenvolvida uma formulação que permite obter as sensibilidades à mudança de forma, por diferenciação implícita das integrais de contorno, de uma estrutura já discretizada. Demonstra-se que as sensibilidades das matrizes obtidas desta formulação apresentam propriedades espectrais definidas, que são derivadas da formulação básica do método híbrido dos elementos de contorno. Todo o desenvolvimento é feito para um problema da elastostática tridimensional, embora sejam apresentadas apenas aplicações de problemas bidimensionais e de potencial, como casos particulares. As singularidades que surgem na integração no cálculo das sensibilidades são facilmente solucionáveis a partir das integrais da formulação básica do método híbrido dos elementos de contorno. As implementações numéricas são feitas utilizando a linguagem de programação Maple V release 3. Para ambos os casos, de potencial e elasticidade bidimensional, são usados elementos lineares para a representação do contorno. São apresentadas comparações entre os resultados analíticos obtidos através desta formulação com os resultados obtidos usando a técnica de diferenças finitas (centradas), com o objetivo de demonstrar a eficiência e precisão da metodologia aqui desenvolvida. / [en] The present work describes a formulation for computing design sensitivities required in inverse problems and shape optimization of solid objects, in the frame of the hybrid boundary element method. The so-called direct differentiation method is applied in order to calculate the gradients, i.e. the implicit diferentiation of the discretized boundary is performed, resulting in a general and efficient analysis technique for shape design sensitivity analysis of all structural quantities. It is demonstrated that the resulting sensitivities matrices present some useful spectral properties, which are related to the matrix spectral properties of the basic hybrid formulation. This formulation is valid for tridimensional solids, although only potential and bidimensional applications are considered as particular cases. The singularities that appear in the resulting boundary integrals are exactly the same which have already been dealt with in the basic formulation. The analytical and numerical procedures were performed by using the mathematical package Maple V release 3. Linear boundary elements were used for both potential and elasticity problems. Numerical results obtained by the present procedure are compared to finite differences results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present formulation. / [es] Este trabajo presenta un estudio del cálculo de sensibilidades, que tiene gran importancia en el análisis de problemas inversos y de optimización, usando el método híbrido de los elementos de contorno. Con esta finalidad, se desarrolla una formulación que permite obtener las sensibilidades al cambio de forma de una extructura ya discretizada, por diferenciación implícita de las integrales de contorno. Se demuestra que las sensibilidades de las matrices obtenidas por esta formulación presentan propriedades espectrales definidas, que son derivadas de la formulación básica del método híbrido de los elementos de contorno. El desarrollo de la formulación se realiza para un problema de elastostática tridimensional, aunque se presentan apenas las aplicaciones de problemas bidimensionales y de potencial, como casos particulares. Las singularidades que surgen en la integración en el cálculo de las sensibilidades pueden ser fácilmente resueltas a partir de las integrales de la formulación básica del método híbrido de los elementos de contorno. La implementación numérica utiliza el lenguaje de programación Maple V release 3. Para los casos de potencial y elasticidad bidimensional, se utilizan elementos lineales para la representación del contorno. Se comparan los resultados analíticos obtenidos a través de esta formulación con los resultados obtenidos usando la técnica de diferencias finitas (centradas), con el objetivo de demostrar la eficiencia y precisión de la metodología aqui desarrollada.

Machine Learning-based Multiscale Topology Optimization

Joel Christian Najmon (17548431) 05 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Multiscale topology optimization is a numerical method that enables the synthesis of hierarchical structures, offering greater design flexibility than single-scale topology optimization. However, this increased flexibility also incurs higher computational costs. Recent advancements have integrated machine learning models into MSTO methods to address this issue. Unfortunately, existing machine learning-based multiscale topology optimization (ML-MSTO) approaches underutilize the potential of machine learning models to surrogate the inner optimization, analysis, and numerical homogenization of arbitrary non-periodic microstructures. This dissertation presents an ML-MSTO method featuring displacement-driven topology-optimized microstructures (TOMs). The proposed method solves an outer optimization problem to design a homogenized macroscale structure and multiple inner optimization problems to obtain spatially distributed, non-periodic TOMs. The inner problem formulation employs the macroscale element densities and nodal displacements to define constraints and boundary conditions for microscale density-based topology optimization problems. Each problem yields a free-form TOM. To reduce computational costs, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are trained to predict their homogenized constitutive tensor. The ANNs also enable sensitivity coefficients to be approximated through a variety of standard derivative methods. The effect of the neural network-based derivative methods on topology optimization results is evaluated in a comparative study. An explicit dehomogenization approach is proposed, leveraging the TOMs of the ML-MSTO method. The explicit approach also features two post-processing schemes to improve the connectivity and clean the final multiscale structure. A 2D and a 3D case study are designed with the ML-MSTO method and dehomogenized with the explicit approach. The resulting multiscale structures are non-periodic with free-form microstructures. In addition, a second implicit dehomogenization approach is developed in this dissertation that allows the projection of homogenized mechanical property fields onto a discrete lattice structure of arbitrary shape. The implicit approach is capable of dehomogenizing any homogenized design. This is done by incorporating an optimization algorithm to find the lattice thickness distribution that minimizes the difference between a local target homogenized property and a corresponding lattice homogenized stiffness tensor. The result is a well-connected, functionally graded lattice structure, that enables control over the length scale, orientation, and complexity of the final microstructured design.</p>

Enabling Digital Twinning via Information-Theoretic Machine Learning-Based Inference Intelligence

Jeongwon Seo (8458191) 30 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Nuclear energy, renowned for its clean, carbon-free attributes and cost-effectiveness, stands as a pivotal pillar in the global quest for sustainable energy sources. Additionally, nuclear power, being a spatially high-concentrated industry, offers an unparalleled energy density compared to other sources of energy. Despite its numerous advantages, if a nuclear power plant (NPP) is not operated safely, it can lead to long-term shutdowns, radiation exposure to workers, radiation contamination of surrounding areas, or even a national-scale disaster, as witnessed in the Chernobyl incident of 1986. Therefore, ensuring the safe operation of nuclear reactors is considered the most important factor in their operation. Recognizing the intricate tradeoff between safety and economy, economic considerations are often sacrificed in favor of safety.</p><p dir="ltr">Given this context, it becomes crucial to develop technologies that ensure NPPs’ safety while optimizing their operational efficiency, thereby minimizing the sacrifice of economic benefits. In response to this critical need, scientists introduced the term “digital twin (DT)”, derived from the concept of product lifecycle management. As the first instance of the term, the DT model comprises the physical product, its digital representation, data flowing from the physical to the DT, and information flowing from the digital to the physical twin. In this regard, various nuclear stakeholders such as reactor designers, researchers, operators, and regulators in the nuclear sector, are pursuing the DT technologies which are expected to enable NPPs to be monitored and operated/controlled in an automated and reliable manner. DT is now being actively sought given its wide potential, including increased operational effectiveness, enhanced safety and reliability, uncertainty reduction, etc.</p><p dir="ltr">While a number of technical challenges must be overcome to successfully implement DT technology, this Ph.D. work limits its focus on one of the DT’s top challenges, i.e., model validation, which ensures that model predictions can be trusted for a given application, e.g., the domain envisaged for code usage. Model validation is also a key regulatory requirement in support of the various developmental stages starting from conceptual design to deployment, licensing, operation, and safety. To ensure a given model to be validated, the regulatory process requires the consolidation of two independent sources of knowledge, one from measurements collected from experimental conditions, and the other from code predictions that model the same experimental conditions.</p><p dir="ltr">and computational domains in an optimal manner, considering the characteristics of predictor and target responses. Successful model validation necessitates a complete data analytics pipeline, generally including data preprocessing, data analysis (model training), and result interpretation. Therefore, this Ph.D. work begins by revisiting fundamental concepts such as uncertainty classification, sensitivity analysis (SA), similarity/representativity metrics, and outlier rejection techniques, which serve as robust cornerstones of validation analysis.</p><p dir="ltr">The ultimate goal of this Ph.D. work is to develop an intelligent inference framework that infers/predicts given responses, adaptively handling various levels of data complexities, i.e., residual shape, nonlinearity, heteroscedasticity, etc. These Ph.D. studies are expected to significantly advance DT technology, enabling support for various levels of operational autonomy in both existing and first-of-a-kind reactor designs. This extends to critical aspects such as nuclear criticality safety, nuclear fuel depletion dynamics, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) analysis, and the introduction of new fuel designs, such as high burnup fuel and high-assay low-enriched uranium fuel (HALEU). These advancements are crucial in scenarios where constructing new experiments is costly, time-consuming, or infeasible with new reactor systems or high-consequence events like criticality accidents.</p>

Reliability-Based Sensitivity Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Railway Bridges

Al-Zubaidi, Hasan January 2022 (has links)
In response to the planned increase in operational speeds and axle loads of passengertrains that may lead to resonance-induced excessive vibrations in railway bridges,recent studies examined the reliability of bridges concerning train running safety andpassenger comfort limit states. In this respect, valuable information regarding theimportance of input variables can be obtained by conducting Sensitivity Analysis (SA).For instance, the determination of unimportant variables (where they can be treated asconstant) reduces the computational time, which is usually very high for probabilisticsimulations. In some of the previous studies, only deterministic SA has beenperformed. This thesis follows a stochastic approach using Global Sensitivity Analysis(GSA) methods. The considered performance functions are vertical acceleration anddeflection of single track ballasted simply supported reinforced concrete bridges.To reduce the computational time, available semi-analytical solution of a planarbeam under the passage of a series of moving loads is employed. To simulatethe bridge behaviour realistically, simplified methods to account for rail irregularityamplification, train-bridge interactions, and axle load redistribution were adopted.The considered random variables are train modal properties, number of train coaches,bogie spacing, axle spacing and loads, bridge mass, flexural stiffness and damping,and rail amplification factor. The analyses were carried out for a selected set of bridgelengths [10-30]m and a range of train speeds [100-400] km/hr. The study findingsshow that, in both acceleration and displacement, the dynamic response of the bridgeis sensitive to randomness in bridge mass, moment of inertia, coach length, and axleloads. Furthermore, the rail amplification factor and Young’s modulus are primarilyimportant for acceleration and displacement, respectively.

Identifiering av lämpliga platser för bostadsexploatering med hänsyn till översvämningsrisk

Nordlander, Hanna, Holm, Mie January 2022 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna och den globala uppvärmningen är ett faktum som kan leda till kraftigare nederbördstillfällen samt öka risken för bland annat översvämningar. Översvämningsrelaterade katastrofer har under de senaste 20 åren ökat och översvämningsrelaterade händelser står för 44 procent av världens naturkatastrofer. Samtidigt ökar tillväxten av många städer och samhällen vilket sätter större krav på beslutsfattare och kommuner att välja lämpliga platser för exploatering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys kan användas för att identifiera översvämningsrisker samt hur karteringen över översvämningsrisker vidare kan användas för att identifiera lämpliga platser för bostadsexploatering. Studien utfördes genom att intervjua översvämningsexperter och samhällsplanerare, samt genom att använda geografiska informationssystems (GIS)-baserade metoder såsom Multikriterieanalys (MKA), Analytisk hieratisk process (AHP) och känslighetsanalys. Intervjuerna gav värdefulla synpunkter på kriterier, rangordning och viktning. Resultaten av översvmningsriskkarteringen visar de områden som har mycket hög till mycket låg risk att exponeras för en översvämning. För att identifiera lämpliga platser för bostadsutveckling användes översvämningsriskkarteringen som ett kriterium tillsammans med andra viktiga komponenter såsom fysiska och sociala faktorer. Resultaten visar att den lämpligaste platsen är lokaliserad i den sydvästra delen av Näringen och har en storlek på 25 737 kvadratmeter (kvm). Den känslighetsanalys som utfördes i studien, genom att ändra rangordningen på kategorierna (översvämningsrisk, fysiska- och sociala faktorer), visade det att den största förändringen skedde när de sociala faktorerna fick en hög rangordning och vikt. Diskussionen och slutsatsen visar hur bland annat valet av kriterier och intervjupersoner kan påverka resultatet och att det finns många osäkerheter med att använda MKA. Resultatet av en MKA bör därför utvärderas om det ska vara möjligt att avgöra om bostäder kan exploateras på Näringen. / Climate change and global warming are some causes that can lead to heavier precipitation and increased risk of floods. Flood-related disasters have increased over the past 20 years and 44 percent of the world's natural disasters are due to flood-related events. At the same time, the growth is increasing in many of the world's cities and communities, which places greater demands on decision-makers and municipalities to choose suitable places for exploitation. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis can be used to identify flood risks and how the mapping of flood risks can be used further to identify suitable sites for housing development. The study was conducted by interviewing flood experts and urban planners and implementing Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based method such as Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Sensitivity Analysis to produce the results. The respondents provided valuable views on the criteria, ranking and weighting of criteria. The results of the flood hazard map show the areas that are at high and low risk of being flooded. In finding suitable sites for housing development, the flood hazard map was used as an input together with other important components such physical and social factors. The results show that the most suitable place is in the southwestern part of Näringen, which has a size of 25 737 m2. In the sensitivity analysis that was performed where ranking of the categories was changed (flood risk, physical and social factors), it showed that the biggest change took place when the social factors received high ranking and weight. The discussion and conclusion show how the choice of criteria, weighting and interviews can affect the results and the many uncertainties with using MCA. The results of an MCA should therefore be evaluated if it is to be possible to decide whether housing can be exploited on Näringen.

Användbarhet av GIS i tidiga planläggningsskeden inom järnväg : Tillämpning av cost path -analys för lokalisering av järnvägskorridor

Hallengren, Rickard, Bäckström, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Järnvägen transporterar människor samt gods billigt och miljövänligt. I Sverige identifierar Trafikverket flera alternativa sträckningar när de planerar en ny järnväg. Landskapets karaktär, miljöförhållanden, geologi, tätortsstruktur, befolkningsutveckling, resande och transporter är exempel på kriterier som kan påverka beslutet om var dessa sträckningar ska placeras. Geografiska Informationssystem (GIS) kan standardisera processen för att identifiera flera möjliga korridorer. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ge rekommendationer på hur GIS, särskilt cost path och känslighetsanalys, kan användas vid planering av nya järnvägskorridorer. Ett testfall i Blekinge län valdes för att illustrera potentialen i dessa metoder. Examensarbetet utvärderar även den nuvarande användningen av GIS inom företagsvärlden genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på Vectura Consulting AB. Cost path och känslighetsanalysen identifierar fem olika korridorer där olika teman (miljö, jordarter, markanvändning, lutning och lika vikt) används och viktas enligt deras betydelse. De resulterande sträckningarna, speciellt sträckningen som baserades på markanvändningstemat, överensstämmer till viss del en planerad korridor från en tidigare förstudie. Intervjuerna indikerade att GIS ses som ett användbart verktyg men att det idag används huvudsakligen för presentation och visualisering av data. Resultaten visar att det finns en önskan om att använda GIS för att utföra analyser. Det kan även användas som ett samgranskningsverktyg för att lätt visualisera alla parters intressen. En nackdel däremot, är att det tar tid att lära sig och förstå samt att det krävs kunskap för att behärska det fullt ut. Trots skillnaderna i hur den planerade korridoren och de GIS-genererade korridorerna skapades, visade resultatet likheter mellan dem. De övergripande resultaten indikerar att GIS, speciellt cost path-analyser är ett användbart verktyg för att välja nya järnvägs korridorer. / Railway systems transport people and goods in an economic and environmentally-friendly way. In Sweden the Transport Administration identifies several possible routes when planning a new railway. Landscape features, environmental conditions, geology, population structure, population trends, travel and transport are examples of criteria that can affect decisions about the location of the routes. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can standardize the process of identifying several possible corridors. The main aims of this thesis are to recommend on how GIS and particularly cost path and sensitivity analysis can be used to plan new railway tracks. A test case in Blekinge County (southeastern Sweden) was selected to illustrate the potential of these methods. The thesis also assesses the current use of GIS in the industry through semi-structured interviews of employees of Vectura consulting AB. The cost path and sensitivity analyses identified five different corridors. Different selection themes (environment, soil, land-use, slope and equal weight) were used and weighted, according to their importance. The selected routes especially the land-use theme correspond in a part to a corridor identified by a previous study. The interviews indicated that GIS is seen to be a useful tool but that its use at present is primarily for presenting and visualizing data. The results suggest however that there is also a desire to use GIS to perform analyses. It can also be used as an assessment tool to easily visualize the interests of all parties. High training requirements were identified as the principal disadvantages of GIS based analyses. Despite differences in how the planned and the GIS-generated corridors were created, the results of the two methods were similar. Overall, the results indicate that GIS, particularly cost path-analysis can be a useful tool for selecting new railway corridors.

Artificial neural network modeling of flow stress response as a function of dislocation microstructures

AbuOmar, Osama Yousef 11 August 2007 (has links)
An artificial neural network (ANN) is used to model nonlinear, large deformation plastic behavior of a material. This ANN model establishes a relationship between flow stress and dislocation structure content. The density of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) was calculated based on analysis of local lattice curvature evolution. The model includes essential statistical measures extracted from the distributions of dislocation microstructures, including substructure cell size, wall thickness, and GND density as the input variables to the ANN model. The model was able to successfully predict the flow stress of aluminum alloy 6022 as a function of its dislocation structure content. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the significance of individual dislocation parameters on the flow stress. The results show that an ANN model can be used to calibrate and predict inelastic material properties that are often cumbersome to model with rigorous dislocation-based plasticity models.

Interactive Evolutionary Design with Region-of-Interest Selection for Spatiotemporal Ideation & Generation

Eisenmann, Jonathan A. 26 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Optimal control of articulated vehicles for tyre wear minimisation / Optimal styrning av lastbil för minimering av däckslitage

Maroof, Vallan January 2021 (has links)
Tyre wear is a significant problem on today's road vehicles, particularly for heavy trucks. As the tyre wears, microplastics is released in the air causing long term health issues and environmental pollution. With the introduction of automated vehicles there is a big potential to improve tyre wear of heavy trucks. In this direction, this thesis investigates the fundamentals of motion planning for minimising the lateral tyre wear in cornering for automated articulated vehicles. The trade-off between journey time and tyre wear is analysed. For the simulations, firstly an articulated vehicle model is used from the literature and validated with IPG/TruckMaker. Secondly, a sensitivity analysis is conducted on the articulated vehicle on a couple of parameters. The front cornering stiffness, hitch point, trailer mass and trailer centre of gravity position where the parameters influence on tyre wear is analysed. The results showed that moving the hitch point forward decreases the total tyre wear, increasing mass of the trailer increases tyre wear while the front cornering stiffness and centre of gravity position of the trailer did low to no difference to the total tyre wear. Then, an optimal control problem was configured to investigate the motion planning of an articulated vehicle. Then, the motion planning system is configured to find an optimal feasible trajectory with respect to dynamic and path constraints for the articulated vehicle to minimise lateral wear at a predefined path for fixed journey times. Four case different configurations of the problem are investigated to study the influence of driving style, lateral manoeuvrability allowance, vehicle acceleration capabilities and of the number of steering axles on the tractor. The results showed that motion planning can be used for minimising lateral tyre wear. The case study with largest impact on tyre wear was driving style, where the tyre wear showed significant difference between slow driving and aggressive driving. The second case study showed that wider lateral allowance led to less tyre wear and increasing the acceleration capabilities also decreases lateral tyre wear. The additional steering axle on the truck decreased tyre wear at higher velocities but for lower velocities the difference was negligible. / Däckslitage är ett signifikant problem både ur ett miljöperspektiv och ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Väldigt lite fokus läggs på utsläpp från däck när olika utsläppskällor diskuteras. När transportsamhället rör sig mot automation finns det stora möjligheter att utnyttja automatiserade fordon för att minska däckslitage. Det här examensarbetet undersöker möjligheterna att minimera däckslitage genom ruttplanering för automatiserade lastbilar med en artikulationspunkt. Ett optimeringsproblem formuleras och definieras med två målfunktioner för att undersöka hur det laterala däckslitaget i kurvor kan minimeras utan att förlänga restiden. Ruttplaneringens uppgift är att finna den mest optimala rutten med hänsyn till den fördefinierade vägen, fordonets dynamiska begränsningar och vägens begränsningar. Fyra delstudier genomförs, där körstil, vägbredd, maximal tillåten acceleration och påverkan av en ytterligare styrande axel undersökes. För att genomföra simuleringarna implementeras en bilmodell från litteraturen. Bilmodellen jämförs sedan med ett program för att validera dess noggrannhet och robusthet. Sedan görs en känslighetsanalys med hänsyn till däckslitage på några fordonsparametrar, nämligen artikuleringspunkten, framaxelns kurvstyvhet, placering av släpets tyngdpunkt och släpets vikt. Resultatet påvisade att ruttplanering är en bra metod för att minimera däckslitage, resultatet visade att körstil var en viktig faktor till däckslitage, där aggressiv körstil resulterade i mer slitage. Sedan visades det att vägbredd också hade en stor påverkan, där bredare vägar gav upphov till mindre slitage, och smalare vägar gav upphov till mer slitage. Vid högre tillåtna acclerationsnivåer blev däckslitaget lägre men högre vid lägre accelerationsgränser. När två styrbara axlar styrbara används så påvisades mindre däckslitage mot samma restid som när en axel är styrbar. Sist så visade känslighetsanalysen en stor skillnad på totalt däckslitage i relation till placering av artikuleringspunkten. Högre släpvikt gav också mer slitage medan placering av släpets tyngdpunkt och framaxelns kurvstyvhet gav upphov till låg ändring i totalt däckslitage.

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