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Efekti menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i finansijske performanse preduzeća / Effects of knowledge management on employee job satisfaction and financial performance of enterprisesKavalić Mila 14 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je da se utvrde smerovi i intenziteti dve grupe efekata: menadžmenta znanja (KM) na zadovoljstvo poslom (JS) zaposlenih i finansijske performanse (FP) preduzeća, uz prikaz uticaja pojedinih kontrolnih varijabli (nacionalno poreklo preduzeća, vlasnička struktura preduzeća, veličina preduzeća, visina finansijskih performansi preduzeća) na dimenzije menadžmenta znanja, kao i utvrđivanje moderatornih odnosa (pol, godine starosti, vrsta radnog mesta i stepen stručne spreme ispitanika) na relacije KM na JS. Istraživanje je izvršeno anketiranjem, na uzorku N=520 ispitanika (menadžeri svih nivoa) iz proizvodnih preduzeća u Srbiji. Statistička obrada podataka vršena je pomoću namenskog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Pri tome, korišćene su sledeće statističke metode: deskriptivna statistika, t-test, korelaciona analiza, regresiona analiza, analiza varijanse (ANOVA) i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za analizu moderatornih dejstava. U radu su posmatrane dve grupe uticaja, menadžment znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i menadžment znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća. Prilikom analize relacija obe grupe, uočene su značajne razlike. Uticaj menadžmenta znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća je jasan i nedvosmislen: statistički značajan i pozitivan. Međutim, uticaj menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih je znatno kompleksniji: uglavnom je statistički značajan i negativan, ali ima i statistički značajnih i pozitivnih uticaja.<span style="font-size: 12px;">Osnovno ograničenje istraživanja je činjenica da se rezultati istraživanja odnose na zemlje sa specifičnim tranzicionim uslovima privrede, tako i na prisutnost psihološkog stava ljudi koji je specifičan u ovakvim uslovima. S druge strane, mora se napomenuti da je značajan istraživački uzorak obuhvatio i strane kompanije koje posluju u Srbiji, što može implicirati univerzalnost rezultata. S obzirom da se tranzicioni uslovi menjaju, značajno bi bilo pratiti te promene i u odnosu na njih postaviti nova istraživanja i komparirati rezultate i u skladu sa tim davati preporuke za dalji rad i unapređenje poslovanja.</span></p> / <p>The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the directions and intensities of two groups of effects: knowledge management (KM) on employee job satisfaction (JS) and enterprise financial performance (FP). In addition, the impact of individual control variables (national origin of the enterprise, ownership structure, the size of the enterprise, and the financial performance of the enterprise) on the dimensions of knowledge management (KM) is presented. Also the effects of the defined moderating relations (gender, age, type of job and level of education of respondents) on the relations of KM to JS are analyzed. The research was conducted via survey, on a sample of N = 520 respondents (managers of all levels) from manufacturing enterprises in Serbia. Statistical data analysis was conducted with the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. The following statistical methods were used: descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hierarchical regression analysis for analysis of moderator actions. Two groups of influences were observed: knowledge management on employee job satisfaction and knowledge management on enterprise financial performance. During the analysis of these relations, significant differences were noticed. The impact of knowledge management on financial performance is clear and unambiguous: statistically significant and positive. However, the impact of knowledge management on employee job satisfaction is much more complex: it is mostly statistically significant and negative, but it also has statistically significant and positive impacts. The main limitation of the research is the fact that the research results refer to countries with specific transition conditions of the economy, and to the presence of the psychological attitude of people, which is specific in such conditions. On the other hand, it must be noted that a significant research sample included foreign companies operating in Serbia, which may imply the universality of the results. Given that the transition conditions are changing, it would be important to monitor these changes and in accordance with them set new studies and compare the results and accordingly make recommendations for further research and business improvement.</p>
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The Impact of Creative Ambiguity - A Case Study of the Aftermath of the Kosovo-Serbia Brussels Agreement 2013Odai, Minja January 2020 (has links)
Creative ambiguity as a negotiation strategy is used often in peace agreements and refers to when ambiguities are used in agreements to serve as a positive motivation to get over obstacles. While it has many positive impacts, the use of creative ambiguity also often times shifts the burden of the negotiation phase to the implementations phase, and thus can result into agreements that are not implemented as well as plummeting the relations between the parties affected. This thesis aims to understand how the use of creative ambiguity in the Brussels Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia had an impact on the heightened conflict between the countries. This thesis is a single instrumental case study that illustrates the issue of creative ambiguity through the case of the Brussels Agreement. Through analysing interferences from material mainly collected from both countries’ government websites, this study conducted that the use of creative ambiguity had a harmful impact not only on the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, but also on the implementation of the agreement.
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Contributions to a genre in declineMilin, Melita 18 May 2017 (has links)
The achievements of Dvorak, Borodin and Cajkovskij among others served as models for the first Serbian symphonies. Their themes were often based on authentic folk tunes or on tunes composed in folk spirit, and they demanded thematic work of primarily variational type, thereby producing looser and sometimes rhapsodic structures. Amold Schönberg was not alone in expressing his distaste for such \'folkloristic symphonies\' and their \'static treatment of folklore, but the public and many composers in different countries were sensitive to their melodic, rhythmic and harmonic richness, wide emotional span and lyrical charm. This different kind of symphony had a decisive influence on Serbian composers who wished to create a national school of their own.
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Tradicionalno i novo u srpskoj muzici posle Drugog svetskog rata 1945-1965 [The Traditional and the New in Serbian Music after the Second World War 1945-1965], Belgrad 1998, pp. 261 [Zusammenfassung]Milin, Melita 19 May 2017 (has links)
The aUthor of the book investigates the innovative processes in the Serbian music between 1945 and 1965, taking into due consideration the factor of tradition and the wider European context of musical development.
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Rozvojová pomoc a potřeba strategie odchodu: Případ České republiky a Srbska / Development aid and the need for exit strategies: Case of the Czech Republic and SerbiaLeškovská, Ludmila January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of exit strategies within the development studies and the development community. The exit of financial aid by donors from developing countries have large effects on the recipients. Modern donors are facing the challenge of how to effectively exit a partner country without affecting the sustainability of their intervention, their relationship with the partner and the economic and social impact on the beneficiaries. For this purpose, modern donors establish exit strategies to guide their processes. Czech Republic as a new modern donor is aiming to increase its effectivity of development cooperation. However, when exiting partner countries such as Serbia, it does not follow an exit strategy. This thesis tries to analyse how the process of exit of the Czech Republic can be used to argue for the need of exit strategies, and what lessons can be learned from past exits.
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A Call to Anger : A feminist participatory approach to anti-trafficking communication for social change in collaboration with the Youth Advocacy Group of NGO AtinaCosta da Silva Catela Teixeira, Margarida January 2021 (has links)
Voices of women affected by trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation (THBSE) are often marginalized and they are not usually included in the design and implementation of anti-trafficking campaigns. Although these campaigns present themselves as Communication for Social Change, the final result often betrays the principles of this form of communication. This thesis aims to tackle that gap, in partnership with the Serbian NGO Atina and their Youth Advocacy Group. The objective is to understand what is the perspective of women affected by THBSE in regards to institutional imagery of anti-trafficking campaigns and its persuasive potential for social change. The methodology was informed by a feminist participatory approach which included a) a focus group where participants were shown examples of anti-trafficking imagery, b) a workshop where participants designed their own campaign, and c) two expert interviews. After analyzing a sample of 21 images of anti-trafficking campaigns from 12 countries (Serbia, USA, Canada, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Brazil, Luxembourg, Colombia, Ukraine and Israel), this thesis finds that anti-trafficking campaigns tend to fail at their potential for social change. This is due to misrepresentations that ignore the complexity of THBSE as a system of exploitation and by perpetuating harmful stereotypes about what a victim should or should not look like, thereby contributing to the silencing and marginalization of victims. Anti-trafficking campaigns also tend to rely on awareness-raising rather than promoting social change. This thesis also presents what a campaign designed by women affected by sexual exploitation would look like, which focused on systemic change rather than individualized narratives. Based on the research, it was also possible to propose guidelines for participatory approaches to communication against THBSE.
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Квалитет смештајних капацитета као индикатор развијености руралног туризма у Србији / Kvalitet smeštajnih kapaciteta kao indikator razvijenosti ruralnog turizma u Srbiji / Quality of accommodation capacities as an indicato of rural tourism development in SerbiaPenić Mirjana 29 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Руралне области имају посебно место као предели изузетних вредности, као еколошке оазе, центри традиционалне културе и разноврсности етно-културне баштине. Понуда руралног туризма Србије је слаба, готово у самом повоју и неравномерно распоређена. У раду је дат приказ проучавања релевантне литературе и анализа досадашњих сазнања као и тренутна ситуација везана за рурални туризам и квалитет смештајних капацитета на подручју Републике Србије. У раду је урађена и компаративна анали између руралних подручја Србије, Хрватске и Словеније. У методолошком делу приказани су инструменти, процедура и узорак истраживања, а постављене су и хипотезе рада. Кроз резултате и дискусију, хипотезе су потврђене, делимично потврђене или оповргнуте, уз помоћ статистичких прорачуна и других метода провере, док су у закључку рада представљени научни и практични допринос теоријског и теренског истраживања, као и ограничења истраживања.</p> / <p>Ruralne oblasti imaju posebno mesto kao predeli izuzetnih vrednosti, kao ekološke oaze, centri tradicionalne kulture i raznovrsnosti etno-kulturne baštine. Ponuda ruralnog turizma Srbije je slaba, gotovo u samom povoju i neravnomerno raspoređena. U radu je dat prikaz proučavanja relevantne literature i analiza dosadašnjih saznanja kao i trenutna situacija vezana za ruralni turizam i kvalitet smeštajnih kapaciteta na području Republike Srbije. U radu je urađena i komparativna anali između ruralnih područja Srbije, Hrvatske i Slovenije. U metodološkom delu prikazani su instrumenti, procedura i uzorak istraživanja, a postavljene su i hipoteze rada. Kroz rezultate i diskusiju, hipoteze su potvrđene, delimično potvrđene ili opovrgnute, uz pomoć statističkih proračuna i drugih metoda provere, dok su u zaključku rada predstavljeni naučni i praktični doprinos teorijskog i terenskog istraživanja, kao i ograničenja istraživanja.</p> / <p>Rural areas occupy a special position as areas of exceptional value, ecological oases, traditional culture centres, and ethno-cultural heritage variety in rural tourism of Serbia. The offer of rural tourism in Serbia is weak, at its earliest phase and unevenly distributed. The paper reviews the relevant literature and analyses former knowledge as well as current situation with regard to rural tourism and quality of accommodation in the Republic of Serbia. The paper renders comparative analysis between rural areas of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Methodological part includes instruments,procedure and sample of the research, with the main hypotheses of the paper. Within the results and the discussion parts the hypothesis, were confirmed, partially confirmed or discarded, by means of statistical calculations and other methods. Finally the conclusion part brings forth the scientific and practical contribution of theoretical and fieldwork and the restrictions of the research.</p>
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Structural Changes and Urban Transformations-Accidental Housing Revival, Case Study of Niš, SerbiaVranic, Petar January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis is intended as a contribution to the understanding of the influencestructural changes has on urban transformation in housing domain, by focusing onmechanisms behind the upgrading as accidental model for regeneration of the collectivehousing. In particular, the aim is to do so in relation to a comparison between differentoperational scales on which process is carried out. The process is investigated at the city,neighborhood and street/square scale. With the use of qualitative methods, such asinterviews, in depth analysis of policies and regulations and observations, differences inmanifestation of the regeneration on different scales are discovered. It is suggested thatundefined strategy, indifferent attitude of local authorities, inconsistent legislativeenvironment, disconnection between the operational scales and presence of the market asessential driving force of the process, results in asymmetric outcomes of upgrading, both inphysical and social terms. But on the other hand, in respect to wider political and economicalenvironment in which regeneration happened, it is acknowledged that considerable housingstock is renovated and living standards are improved. The most critical issue in the process isproved to be the uneven awareness of the importance of the regeneration among the actorsat different scales and consequently their performance in respect to it. Furthermore,influence of upgrading on the community life and social relation in the regeneratedneighborhoods are totally neglected, which has for its consequences decreased use ofcommon space between the buildings and erosion of existed communities. It is proved alsothat fully market driven regeneration has rather regressive consequences on urbantransformation in context of Nis but in same time gives valuable lessons for improvement ofthe future upgrading as regeneration model for collective housing. Based on these lessons,adaptive policy changes are suggested and platform for further studies in system or processoriented urban regeneration and design is established. Thesis is organized as follows: firstmethodological approach is explained, second it situate problem in wider regional and localcontext in respect to urban transformation and housing trends, third thesis discuss analysisof operational scales and conclude with final cross-scale discussion and potentials for furtherresearch.
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Genderová politika Srbska v kontextu přístupových jednání o vstupu do EU / Gender Policy of Serbia in the Context of the EU Accession NegotiationsNavrátilová, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Martina Navratilova - Gender Policy of Serbia in the Context of EU Accession Negotiations Abstract This thesis deals with the gender policy of Serbia during the years 2009-2021. During this period, the European Union had a tremendous effect on the gender policies of Serbia, hence it is crucial to include the perspective of NGOs as an important partner of both Serbia and the EU. The aim of the research is to, based on the analysis and the current state of the legislative and institutional framework, assess the impact of Serbia's gender policies on the lives of Serbian women. This analysis is carried out through a thorough examination of official documents, secondary literature and by conducting three interviews with Serbian civil society members. The research has proven that despite the complex progress of Serbian gender policy, its practical results have not been significant.
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Čínský vliv na politické a ekonomické klima balkánských států / China's Geopolitical Aspirations and Serbia's Role in the One Belt, One Road Initiative Analyzed Through the Context of the Heartland Theory by Halford John MackinderKuljanin, Vedran January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an in-depth analysis on the projected nature of China's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative through Chinese engagement in Eastern Europe, with a particular focus on Serbia. The current geopolitical situation provides a unique opportunity for the use of the Heartland Theory, first presented by Halford John Mackinder in 1904, which outlines and justifies state expansion across Eurasia. The main objectives of this thesis are to discuss possible outcomes for Serbia following increased Chinese investment and to provide a recommendation for a European response. Being an adjacent nation of the Heartland, a potential future member of the European Union, and currently balanced between Europe's and China's pull, Serbia has became a unique and important state to consider when assessing China's intentions in Europe. China's continued economic and political rise in recent years has allowed them to become influential in nations previously untethered to China, and has ominously begun to follow the footsteps that Mackinder had predicted a century prior. Although the theory suggests a nation's intent to rule the world, which one could argue China is pursuing, the aim of this thesis is in fact to uncover and illustrate the effects that China's potential advance to world...
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