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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Smith, Carnel Lorenzo, Sr. 07 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of a Computer-based Multimedia Educational Module on Knowledge of the Menstrual Cycle

Moon, Joan Lucille 02 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.


DIELSON MOURA DE PAULA 26 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo analisa o papel da liderança servidora (LS) e compartilhada (LC) no desempenho de times de desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de informação (TI) apoiados em metodologias ágeis, no contexto de uma empresa de energia. A pesquisa se concentra no impacto da LS do Agile Master (AM) e da LC entre o AM e o Líder Técnico (LT) no desempenho de projetos, investigando o papel mediador da aprendizagem e da criatividade nos times. Para testar as hipóteses, foram coletados dados através de uma survey envolvendo cerca de 217 componentes de 71 times ágeis (incluindo os AM, os LT e os Product Owner de cada time), e métricas de desempenho institucionais dos times consolidadas pela Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe-marca registrada). A análise utilizou regressão multivariada com múltiplas fontes de dados. Os resultados indicam que a liderança servidora do AM impacta significativamente a liderança compartilhada entre o AM e o LT nos times, e que a liderança compartilhada também impacta positivamente a aprendizagem e a criatividade dos times. Além disso, a liderança compartilhada e a criatividade nos times estão inversamente relacionadas ao tempo de execução de projetos e positivamente ao seu valor agregado ao negócio. A pesquisa contribui para a teoria e práticas de gestão ao investigar a ligação entre perfis de liderança e desempenho, expandindo o conhecimento sobre as conexões entre liderança e sucesso em projetos de TI que utilizam metodologias ágeis. / [en] This study examines the role of servant leadership and shared leadership in the performance of new information technology development teams using agile methodologies within an energy company. The research focuses on the impact of the Agile Master s (AM) servant leadership and the shared leadership between the AM and the Technical Leader (TL) on project performance, exploring the mediating roles of team learning and creativity. Data were collected through a survey of approximately 217 members from 71 agile teams (including AMs, TLs, Product Owners, and Developers), alongside institutional performance metrics consolidated by the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe-trademark). The analysis employed multivariate regression with data from multiple sources. Findings indicate that the AM s servant leadership significantly influences the shared leadership between the AM and TL, and that shared leadership positively affects team learning and creativity. Furthermore, shared leadership and creativity within teams are inversely related to project execution time and positively related to the business value added by the projects. This research contributes to management theory and practice by examining the link between leadership profiles and performance, enhancing the understanding of the connections between leadership and success in IT projects employing agile methodologies.

An analysis of the abuse of power by leaders in Christian organisations: cultural comparisons from Canada, Germany and South Africa

Winter, Marian Jean 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to determine what constitutes the abuse of power by leaders in Christian organisations and how it can be addressed, especially in a multicultural context. The theoretical and empirical research defines the abuse of power, especially in Christian organisations, and outlines the results. It determines the role that culture plays in the abuse of power and presents strategies that can be used effectively to prevent or deal with the abuse of power in different cultural contexts in Christian organisations. The cultures considered in the empirical research are English-speaking Canadians, Germans (from what was formerly West Germany), and white South Africans. In this research, the abuse of power, the aspects that define abusive leaders and the victims, and the effects of the abuse of power on the leaders, victims and the organisations are discussed. The literature and the responses from the research participants clearly confirm the existence of abusive leadership in Christian organisations. The characteristics that constitute an ethical Christian leader are defined and underlined by the responses from the respondents in this research: spiritual transformation, love, servant leadership, accountability, trust and forgiveness. Addressing the abuse of power in Christian organisations, specifically in a multicultural context is challenging. Leaders must be prepared to learn about and understand the cultures represented in the team. They also have a responsibility to challenge their team members to reflect on their cultural characteristics, to have healthy discussions and to form an organisational third culture that profits from the potential that each team member can contribute. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Christian leadership)

A model of shared leadership in local government

Bvuma, Solani Victoria 09 1900 (has links)
Knowledge management (KM) has been cited as a strategic asset and a source of competitive advantage for organisations. While the issues of KM have been widely discussed by many researchers, there is a paucity of studies pertaining to the role of KM in enhancing organisational performance, especially in the banking sector. The focus of this research was to investigate the role of KM in enhancing organisational performance in selected banks of South Africa. The objective was to find out how knowledge was identified, captured, organised and retained in order to enhance performance of the banks. There is uncertainty about whether the use of KM could partly solve the banks‟ approaches to improving their quality of service to their communities in the modern information environment. Though KM has been implemented in commercial and business environments towards operational advantages and financial gains, KM survival principles and tools might help South African banks improve performance and fulfil their mandate. Knowledge, when properly managed, can significantly enhance an organisation‟s performance. The research design that was used in this study was an embedded case study design. Quantitative data were collected from a sample of middle level managers with the aid of a survey whilst interviews and document analysis were used to collect qualitative data. The findings of this study indicated that KM concepts were not universally understood at selected banks. The findings showed that collaboration between banks and the communities in creating a meaningful and relevant knowledge environment was essential for the survival of organisations. The banking industry practices were not deliberately based on KM but the study established that they were amenable to KM practices. The recommendation was to perform a knowledge inventory which could help develop appropriate institution-wide policies and practices for proper and well-organised methods of integrating work processes, collaborating and sharing (including the efficient use of knowledge technology platforms), and developing an enabling institutional culture. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Consulting Psychology)

幼稚園僕人領導、組織信任與工作滿意關係之研究 / The relationship between servant leadership, organizational trust and job satisfaction in kindergarten

林素君, Lin,Su-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討僕人領導、組織信任與工作滿意之間的關係,並以組織信任為中介變項,檢驗組織信任在僕人領導對工作滿意關係上的影響與效果。本研究將組織信任分為同事信任與領導信任兩個層面,採用Barbuto和Wheeler所發展出的僕人領導問卷、改編自Jorde-Bloom的幼兒教師工作滿意調查問卷以及自編的組織信任問卷為研究工具,對台北市公私立幼稚園教師進行問卷調查,共發出608份問卷,有效問卷共256份,有效問卷回收率為42.1%。本研究採用結構方程模式(SEM)驗證僕人領導、組織信任與工作滿意之間的影響與效果,並根據研究結果獲得以下結論,最後提出建議作為後續研究及幼教政策與行政實務之參考。 一、僕人領導對同事信任、領導信任與工作滿意皆有顯著的正向影響。 二、組織信任的兩個研究層面中,同事信任對工作滿意有正向的顯著影響關係,領導信任對工作滿意也有正向的影響。 三、組織信任在僕人領導對工作滿意的中介影響關係上顯示:同事信任在僕人領導對工作滿意的影響上有顯著的中介效果;領導信任在僕人領導對工作滿意的影響上也有顯著的中介效果。 四、將同事信任與領導信任為中介變項的結構模式分析結果兩相比較後發現:(一)僕人領導對領導信任的影響高於對同事信任的影響;(二)領導信任在僕人領導對工作滿意影響路徑上的中介效果高於同事信任的中介效果。研究證實領導信任是僕人領導對工作滿意發揮影響的關鍵。 / This research aims to explore the relationship among servant leadership, organizational trust and job satisfaction. Organization trust was hypothesized as a mediator between servant leadership and job satisfaction. Two dimensions of organization trust were examined: faculty trust and leader trust. Survey data were collected from 256 kindergarten teachers and analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM) methods. The findings of the study revealed that: (1) servant leadership positively influenced faculty trust, leader trust and job satisfaction; (2) the influence of organizational trust on job satisfaction implied that both faculty trust and leader trust have a positive influence on job satisfaction; (3) both faculty trust and leader trust significantly influenced the mediating effect of servant leadership on job satisfaction; (4) the impact of servant leader on leader trust was higher than that on faculty trust, and leader trust had higher mediating effect than faculty trust. The result indicated that leader trust acted as a significant mediator between servant leadership and job satisfaction. Managerial implications and some suggestions for future research were provided at the end of this thesis.

讀書會召集人領導功能之研究 / A study of the conveners' leadership of study circles

游淑靜 Unknown Date (has links)
讀書會(study circles)為一種志願團體,若立案為社團法人者,為非營利組織,回顧台灣讀書會自民國七十四年台北「媽媽充電會」及高雄「揚帆主婦社」成立發軔至今,隨著解嚴、社區主義及女性主義的抬頭,已有長足進展,依據民國九十年十月第五屆全國讀書會博覽會之統計,目前全國有案可稽之讀書會有1,912個。 表面數字雖值得欣慰,但這其中卻不乏中途倒會、進入冬眠或目標變質者,因此,讀書會泡沫式的現象非常值得觀察研究。大致說來,讀書會發展有四階段,即籌組期、發展期、倦怠期和成熟期,在發展過程中,如果無法渡過倦怠期危機,很容易就倒會,名存實亡。國內雖有讀書會暴起暴落,然而成立超過十年,成員超過五十人者(甚至超過二百人),也大有所在。因此,讀書會的領導與管理,攸關讀書會之成敗,是值得探討之主題。 借鏡於國外案例,美國的讀書會發展,據一九九七年統計,已有五十萬個讀書會;瑞典的讀書會據一九九六年統計,有三十五萬個讀書會在運作。以目前台灣約兩千三百萬人,約有兩千個讀書會,相較於美國及瑞典,台灣民眾參與讀書會比例,顯然偏低,值此全民學習、終身學習的時代,讀書會尚有極大發展空間,值得政府及民問來共同推廣。 有鑑於此,本論文期經由文獻探討、深度訪談、比較研究及焦點團體座談,從讀書會不同發展階段、Yuk1的有效領導管理行為、易經啟示理念等不同理論,來建立不同面向之讀書會領導功能模型,並針對讀書會召集人領導功能、讀書會未來發展方向提出結論及建議,供讀書會及各相關單住參考。 本論文結論重點為:一、讀書會是否成立為法人、繳費多寡,和讀書會經營成敗無關,最重要是讀書會能給會員什麼收穫。二、不同發展階段有不同領導功能特色及重點,領導功能可概分為決策、影響力、建立關係、取給資訊和權變等五種面向,其中權變領導為核心。三、領導功能有智慧面及知識面,二者相輔相成,相互為用。四、讀書會可參與社區議題和公共政策,促進社群意識,建立公民社會。 建議重點為:一、讀書會會員應以「自我導向學習」(self-direction learning)來參加讀書會,達成終身學習、豐裕心靈。二、讀書會召集人日久可能有倦怠現象,應培養接班人,使讀書會能薪火相傳,永續發展。三、讀書會應尋求市場區隔,結合社會資源,配合社會發展,尋找讀書會定位及舞台。四、讀書會可辦理新生訓練、發行出版品、辦理各種活動等方式,提昇會員社會化程度及組織凝聚力。五、召集人應加強領導管理智能及人文素養,有如領航人,帶領讀書會邁向新世代。六、轉換型領導、服務型領導是較適於讀書會召集人運用的領導類型。七、政府輔導讀書會政策應有一貫性,不要人去政息。入、政府應協助成立讀書會資源中心,整合各種資源經驗,促進讀書會發展。 關鍵詞:讀書會、召集人、自我導向學習、轉換型領導、服務型領導。 / Study Circles are voluntary groups until registered formally in which case they are called non-profit organizations. Taking a view backward, the development of study circles in Taiwan was triggered by“Mama chong diann hwei”in Taipei and“Yang farn juu fuh sheh”in Kaohsiung. Since the remoal the Martial law and the promotion of cormnunitarialism and feminism in Taiwan, study circles have progressed steadily until today. According to statistics printed by the 5th National Study Circles Fair in October 2001, the number of Study Circles in Taiwan has reached 1,912. Though the number is encouraging, we found that a great deal of study circles have disbanded, stopped activities or replaced their original goals. Though the bubble-phenomenon regarding study circles is worthy of research and observation, generally speaking, the development of study circles has typically followed 4 stages: preparation, development, fatigue and maturation. During the development process, if particular study circles can't pass through the fatigue stage, they will usually dissolve very soon, normally not lasting for longer than half year. Though some study circles are like bubbles, there are also a lot of study circles that have existed more than 10 years, have more than 50 members (some more than 200 members), and continue to be more stable and reputable. It seems that the leadership and management of study circles' conveners is directly related to the success of the organizations. This tendency has become the theme to be further researched by this study. In USA, there were 500,000 study circles in 1997. In Sweden, there were 350,000 study circles In 1996. Presently, there are 1,912 study circles in Taiwan with about 23 million population Compared to the USA and Sweden, the participation rate is quite low. During this“life-long” learning age, there is quite a bit of latitude in regards to the development of study circles. This thesis used "documentary-type methods" ,"in depth interviews" , "comparative study" and "focus group" styles to try to establish various leadership models such as "different development stage leadership model", "Yuki's valid leadership behavior model" and "Yin-and promote their respective study circles. The conclusion is 1.The member fees and official registration of study circles do not determine the success of a study circle versus what the study circle can give to the members. 2.Different stages need different leadership, leadership includes decision making, influence, relations, information and contingency. Contingency leadership is the center of all leadership. 3.Leadership has the dual dimensions of wisdom and knowledge , those two help and engender each other. 4.Study circles can participate in community issues and public policies to help establish a more civil society. The suggestions are 1.The members of the study circles should base themselves on "self-directional learning" to participate and target "life long" learning. 2. The conveners of the study circles have the phenomenon of exhaustion, the study circles should cultivate suitable members to take over the role of leaders to progress the study circles. 3.The study circles should choose their market segment, follow the development of the society, and find their own performing stage. 4.The study circles can organize new member training programs, publishing books and another activities to upgrade the cohesion of study circles. 5. The conveners of the study circles should improve their leadership and knowledge to lead the organization to walk into the new age. 6.Transformational leadership and servant leadership are more appropriate style for study circles' conveners. 7.The government's policy of sponsoring the study circles should be maintained to help develop the study circles. S.The government should help to establish a study circle resource center to promote the progress of the study circles on a national front. Key words: study circles; conveners; self-direction learning;transformational leadership; servant leadership.

A model of shared leadership in local government

Bvuma, Solani Victoria 09 1900 (has links)
Knowledge management (KM) has been cited as a strategic asset and a source of competitive advantage for organisations. While the issues of KM have been widely discussed by many researchers, there is a paucity of studies pertaining to the role of KM in enhancing organisational performance, especially in the banking sector. The focus of this research was to investigate the role of KM in enhancing organisational performance in selected banks of South Africa. The objective was to find out how knowledge was identified, captured, organised and retained in order to enhance performance of the banks. There is uncertainty about whether the use of KM could partly solve the banks‟ approaches to improving their quality of service to their communities in the modern information environment. Though KM has been implemented in commercial and business environments towards operational advantages and financial gains, KM survival principles and tools might help South African banks improve performance and fulfil their mandate. Knowledge, when properly managed, can significantly enhance an organisation‟s performance. The research design that was used in this study was an embedded case study design. Quantitative data were collected from a sample of middle level managers with the aid of a survey whilst interviews and document analysis were used to collect qualitative data. The findings of this study indicated that KM concepts were not universally understood at selected banks. The findings showed that collaboration between banks and the communities in creating a meaningful and relevant knowledge environment was essential for the survival of organisations. The banking industry practices were not deliberately based on KM but the study established that they were amenable to KM practices. The recommendation was to perform a knowledge inventory which could help develop appropriate institution-wide policies and practices for proper and well-organised methods of integrating work processes, collaborating and sharing (including the efficient use of knowledge technology platforms), and developing an enabling institutional culture. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Consulting Psychology)

Cross-Cultural Comparison of Servant Leadership in the United States and Latin America

Merino, Ismael 01 December 2016 (has links)
In this study, the subject matter evaluated is the difference between the United States and Latin America concerning the practice and acceptance of servant leadership. This research compares the practice and the acceptance of servant leadership between the United States of America and Latin America. In order to do this, a cross-cultural comparison was conducted between these two groups. The objective was to find the differences in the leadership styles of these two groups and subsequently analyze the results. The Hofstede’s cultural dimensions were used to be able to compare cultural differences, and understand why these differences appear in the societies of the two groups studied. A survey was conducted in order to gather different feedback from individuals of the U.S. as well as from Latin America. The approach for this research started by analyzing the results of the survey and dividing it into the two cultural groups. The results were tested using a one tailed t-test for the mean difference of independent samples. This research provides information on how and why leadership styles differ between the two groups studied and what are the characteristics that people seek in leaders of these two groups when testing servant leadership between the U.S. and Latin American samples.

Life in Balance: The Work-Life Balance Stories of Black Female School Leaders

Johnson, Jaime Mecholle 20 December 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the work-life balance experiences of Black females school leaders. Due to the inherent intersectionality of race and gender that is experienced by Black females, a study of their unique experiences with work-life balance is valuable to the field of educational leadership. The responsibilities associated with school leadership positions are extensive and those school leaders who also have spouses and children must figure out a way to fulfill responsibilities associated with each role. Work-life balance is important to understand for school leaders whose career responsibilities may interact with those associated with their personal lives. The theoretical framework, Black Feminist Thought, guided the data collection and analysis processes, and provided the basis for the resulting narrative findings. This study gave voice to an otherwise silenced, marginalized group, Black female school leaders. All data was synthesized into narratives and from these narratives came six themes: (1) Familial Sacrifice; (2) Servant Leadership; (3) Informal and Formal Work-life Balance Policies; (4) Notion of Self-Care; (5) Upbringing and Black Females’ Prideful Identity; and (6) Black Females having to prove themselves. While this study does not show evidence of school leaders having achieves work-life balance, the findings will inform the practices of perspective Black female school leaders and add the voices of Black female school leaders to the literature on Black female school leader’s experiences with work-life balance.

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