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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo endócrino-comportamental da reprodução de pinguins-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) mantidos em cativeiro / Endocrine and behavioral study of captive magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)

Ribeiro, Jéssica Domato 12 April 2017 (has links)
A vasta maioria dos pinguins são aves de reprodução sazonal. O pinguim-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) forma colônias reprodutivas em latitudes superiores a 42º S no Chile, Argentina e Ilhas Malvinas/ Falklands, demonstrando comportamento sazonal como outras aves de clima temperado. Durante o inverno, os pinguins migram em direção ao norte, sendo frequentemente avistadas em águas brasileiras nas regiões sul e sudeste. Apesar de diversas instituições no Brasil abrigarem esta espécie de pinguim em seus plantéis, sua taxa reprodutiva em cativeiro é baixa e irregular em todo o país. Desde 2009, a Sabina Parque Escola do Conhecimento (Santo André SP) mantem um plantel de aproximadamente 20 pinguins que nunca apresentara histórico reprodutivo ou se quer sinais de acasalamento. Em 2012, um programa de luz mimetizando o fotoperiodo vivenciado pelas colonias reprodutivas in situ foi instaurado, e a resposta endócrino-comportamental de parte desse plantel (9 machos e 9 fêmeas) foi registrada. Com o início do programa de luz a população não apenas aumentou gradativamente o número de indivíduos pareados, como também iniciou a postura de ovos (férteis e inférteis) e a criação de filhotes. Oscilações nos esteróides fecais e comportamentos de machos e fêmeas com diferentes resultados reprodutivos são detalhadas para duas estações reprodutivas consecutivas (setembro a janeiro). De modo geral, os níveis hormonais no segundo ano de monitoramento foram mais altos, sugerindo uma infuência da idade sobre a secreção de esteróides sexuais. No segundo ano de avaliação, machos que obtiveram filhotes apresentaram concentrações de andrógenos fecais aparentemente mais elevadas que machos pareados sem ovos ou com ovos inférteis, mas similares aos machos despareados cujo os níveis mantiveram-se altos de outubro a janeiro. Não foi possível tirar conclusões sobre os padrões de secreção de progestégenos e estrógenos fecais nos machos monitorados. Nas fêmeas, aumentos nos níveis de andrógenos fecais foram notórios apenas nos indivíduos com ovos e sem filhotes. Elevações na secreção de progestágenos fecais em fêmeas despareadas ou sem postura não resultaram na produção de ovos, apesar desses aumentos serem compativeis àquelas observadas nas fêmeas com ovos ou filhotes. Adicionalmente, em outro período deste trabalho, uma falha mecânica no controle do fotoperíodo desencadeou na elevação do comprimento de luz durante os meses de inverno (24 horas luz/ dia de maio a agosto). Esta superexposição a luz artificial induziu comportamentos reprodutivos em três casais monitorados (inclusive com a postura de ovos por uma fêmea), além de induzir uma segunda muda quatro meses após a primeira muda. Estes achados demonstram a alta susceptibilidade da espécie aos programas de luz, e levantam a possibilidade de utilizar essa ferramenta não só para a estimular a reprodução em cativeiro, mas talvez para induzir uma segunda estação reprodutiva no ano ou reduzir o intervalo entre estações reprodutivas. Ambos desdobramentos possuem aplicabilidade na propagação de indivíduos da família Spheniscidae, a qual 60% das espécies é classificada em alguma categoria de ameaça da IUCN. / Most penguin´s species are seasonal breeders. Magellanic penguins have their breeding sites in Chile, Argentina and Malvinas/ Falklands Islands (42° S and higher latitudes), demonstrating their seasonal behavior as other birds from temperate zones. During the winter, penguins migrate north, and are commonly seen in waters from Brazilian south and southeast regions. Although many institutions keep magellanic penguins in Brazil, the breeding success among these birds is low and irregular all over the country. Since 2009, Sabina Park School of Knowledge (Santo André SP), maintain approximately 20 magellanic penguins without any breeding history or reproductive behavior. In 2012, a lighting program simulating the photoperiod of the penguins´ breeding sites in situ was initiated, and the endocrinal and behavioral responses from part of the animals (9 males and 9 females) was surveyed. After the lightning program started, there was not only a progressive rise in the number of paired animals, but also an outset of laying (fertile and infertile eggs) and raise of chicks. Fecal steroids and behaviors of males and females with different outcomings are exposed for two consecutive breeding seasons (September January). Generally, the hormonal levels of the second year monitored were higher, suggesting an influence of the animal´s maturity upon the sex steroids. On the second year´s evaluation, males with chicks apparently presented higher androgens levels as compared with males without eggs or with infertile eggs, but similar to non-paired males whose levels were high the from October to January. It was not possible to obtain any conclusions on progestogens nor estrogens secretions standards. Fecal androgens on females showed a notorious rise only in the paired without chick group. Rises on the secretion of fecal progestogens on females of the non-paired and without-laying groups did not progress to egg production, although the rises were compatible with the ones seen on females with-egg laying, and with-chicks. Father, on a different stage of this survey, a mechanic failure on the photoperiod control triggered an elevation on the light length during winter months (24 hours light/ day from May to August). This over exposition of artificial light induced reproductive behaviors on three surveyed animals (including an egg laying of one of the females), as well as induced a second molt four months after their annual molt. Those findings demonstrate the high susceptibility to lightning programs showed by this specie, also raise a possibility of using it as a tool, not only to stimulate captivity breeding, but also to induce a second breeding season during the year or decrease the breeding season interval. Both results have applicability on the conservation of Spheniscisdae individuals, which has 60% of species classified in endangered categories (IUCN)

Sexualidade e envelhecimento: uma análise da relação atividade e satisfação sexual / Sexuality and aging: an analysis of relationship between sexual activity and satisfaction

Rodrigues, Carlos Lima 12 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar se há associação entre atividade sexual e satisfação sexual, e as condições demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde, e também a importância dada à vida sexual no passado e no presente, para a população idosa residente no município de São Paulo. Foram considerados os dados do Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento, relativos à amostra de 2006, composta por 1.078 sujeitos, correspondendo após ponderação a uma população de 854.724 idosos do município de São Paulo. Homens e mulheres foram analisados separadamente, e os dados comparados posteriormente. Os resultados mostraram que frente ao aumento da idade e determinadas condições socioeconômicas e de saúde, a satisfação sexual é cada vez menos associada à atividade sexual, sendo isso mais verificado entre as mulheres do que os homens. Em relação às condições de saúde, a ocorrência de doenças entre as mulheres mostrou mais interferência negativa para a satisfação sexual do que entre os homens. Entre os casados verificou-se maior relação entre a atividade sexual e a satisfação sexual. Como conclusão observou-se que, com o avanço da idade, a satisfação sexual está menos associada à realização de atividade sexual, independente do sexo, porém, isso se verifica mais entre as mulheres, o que não justifica dizer que as pessoas idosas são assexuadas. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether there is an association between sexual activity and sexual satisfaction, and demographic, socioeconomic and health conditions, and the importance given to sexual life in the past and nowadays by the elderly population living in São Paulo. Data from the SABE Study - Health, Welfare and Aging were considered, relating to sample of 2006, consisting of 1078 individuals, corresponding to a population of 854.724 elderly, after weighting, in São Paulo. Men and women have been analyzed separately and then information has been compared. The results showed that against the increased age and specific socioeconomic and health conditions, sexual satisfaction is becoming less associated with sexual activity and it is more observed among women than men. Regarding health conditions, occurrences of diseases among women proved more negative interference for sexual satisfaction than men. Among those married there was a highest ratio between sexual activity and sexual satisfaction. As a conclusion, it was observed that, with increasing age, sexual satisfaction is less tied to the sexual activity, regardless of sex, but it occurs more among women, which is not right to say that older people are asexual.

Estudo endócrino-comportamental da reprodução de pinguins-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) mantidos em cativeiro / Endocrine and behavioral study of captive magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)

Jéssica Domato Ribeiro 12 April 2017 (has links)
A vasta maioria dos pinguins são aves de reprodução sazonal. O pinguim-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) forma colônias reprodutivas em latitudes superiores a 42º S no Chile, Argentina e Ilhas Malvinas/ Falklands, demonstrando comportamento sazonal como outras aves de clima temperado. Durante o inverno, os pinguins migram em direção ao norte, sendo frequentemente avistadas em águas brasileiras nas regiões sul e sudeste. Apesar de diversas instituições no Brasil abrigarem esta espécie de pinguim em seus plantéis, sua taxa reprodutiva em cativeiro é baixa e irregular em todo o país. Desde 2009, a Sabina Parque Escola do Conhecimento (Santo André SP) mantem um plantel de aproximadamente 20 pinguins que nunca apresentara histórico reprodutivo ou se quer sinais de acasalamento. Em 2012, um programa de luz mimetizando o fotoperiodo vivenciado pelas colonias reprodutivas in situ foi instaurado, e a resposta endócrino-comportamental de parte desse plantel (9 machos e 9 fêmeas) foi registrada. Com o início do programa de luz a população não apenas aumentou gradativamente o número de indivíduos pareados, como também iniciou a postura de ovos (férteis e inférteis) e a criação de filhotes. Oscilações nos esteróides fecais e comportamentos de machos e fêmeas com diferentes resultados reprodutivos são detalhadas para duas estações reprodutivas consecutivas (setembro a janeiro). De modo geral, os níveis hormonais no segundo ano de monitoramento foram mais altos, sugerindo uma infuência da idade sobre a secreção de esteróides sexuais. No segundo ano de avaliação, machos que obtiveram filhotes apresentaram concentrações de andrógenos fecais aparentemente mais elevadas que machos pareados sem ovos ou com ovos inférteis, mas similares aos machos despareados cujo os níveis mantiveram-se altos de outubro a janeiro. Não foi possível tirar conclusões sobre os padrões de secreção de progestégenos e estrógenos fecais nos machos monitorados. Nas fêmeas, aumentos nos níveis de andrógenos fecais foram notórios apenas nos indivíduos com ovos e sem filhotes. Elevações na secreção de progestágenos fecais em fêmeas despareadas ou sem postura não resultaram na produção de ovos, apesar desses aumentos serem compativeis àquelas observadas nas fêmeas com ovos ou filhotes. Adicionalmente, em outro período deste trabalho, uma falha mecânica no controle do fotoperíodo desencadeou na elevação do comprimento de luz durante os meses de inverno (24 horas luz/ dia de maio a agosto). Esta superexposição a luz artificial induziu comportamentos reprodutivos em três casais monitorados (inclusive com a postura de ovos por uma fêmea), além de induzir uma segunda muda quatro meses após a primeira muda. Estes achados demonstram a alta susceptibilidade da espécie aos programas de luz, e levantam a possibilidade de utilizar essa ferramenta não só para a estimular a reprodução em cativeiro, mas talvez para induzir uma segunda estação reprodutiva no ano ou reduzir o intervalo entre estações reprodutivas. Ambos desdobramentos possuem aplicabilidade na propagação de indivíduos da família Spheniscidae, a qual 60% das espécies é classificada em alguma categoria de ameaça da IUCN. / Most penguin´s species are seasonal breeders. Magellanic penguins have their breeding sites in Chile, Argentina and Malvinas/ Falklands Islands (42° S and higher latitudes), demonstrating their seasonal behavior as other birds from temperate zones. During the winter, penguins migrate north, and are commonly seen in waters from Brazilian south and southeast regions. Although many institutions keep magellanic penguins in Brazil, the breeding success among these birds is low and irregular all over the country. Since 2009, Sabina Park School of Knowledge (Santo André SP), maintain approximately 20 magellanic penguins without any breeding history or reproductive behavior. In 2012, a lighting program simulating the photoperiod of the penguins´ breeding sites in situ was initiated, and the endocrinal and behavioral responses from part of the animals (9 males and 9 females) was surveyed. After the lightning program started, there was not only a progressive rise in the number of paired animals, but also an outset of laying (fertile and infertile eggs) and raise of chicks. Fecal steroids and behaviors of males and females with different outcomings are exposed for two consecutive breeding seasons (September January). Generally, the hormonal levels of the second year monitored were higher, suggesting an influence of the animal´s maturity upon the sex steroids. On the second year´s evaluation, males with chicks apparently presented higher androgens levels as compared with males without eggs or with infertile eggs, but similar to non-paired males whose levels were high the from October to January. It was not possible to obtain any conclusions on progestogens nor estrogens secretions standards. Fecal androgens on females showed a notorious rise only in the paired without chick group. Rises on the secretion of fecal progestogens on females of the non-paired and without-laying groups did not progress to egg production, although the rises were compatible with the ones seen on females with-egg laying, and with-chicks. Father, on a different stage of this survey, a mechanic failure on the photoperiod control triggered an elevation on the light length during winter months (24 hours light/ day from May to August). This over exposition of artificial light induced reproductive behaviors on three surveyed animals (including an egg laying of one of the females), as well as induced a second molt four months after their annual molt. Those findings demonstrate the high susceptibility to lightning programs showed by this specie, also raise a possibility of using it as a tool, not only to stimulate captivity breeding, but also to induce a second breeding season during the year or decrease the breeding season interval. Both results have applicability on the conservation of Spheniscisdae individuals, which has 60% of species classified in endangered categories (IUCN)


Glenn, Stephanie 01 January 2018 (has links)
This study bridges the gap in literature about the impact of father absence on female adult attachment and current stress levels. A sample of 666 female college students between the ages of 18 and 22 at the University of Kentucky was recruited to complete an online survey about their experience with their fathers and the effects on their attachment and stress levels, while assessing the age of their first sexual experience. Father absence seems to be a significant predictor of earlier sexual activity among females and anxious attachment styles, along with higher stress levels. When the father is absent from the home, females have sex earlier than when the father is present in the home. Females who experience father absence have higher anxious attachment levels and higher current stress levels. These findings inform therapists about the importance of recognizing attachment injuries when dealing with individuals and supports the need for mother and father involvement in a female’s life.

The social context of pregnancy intention

Lehan Mackin, Melissa Ann 01 July 2011 (has links)
Pregnancy intention is extensively examined in the literature and the concept of "unintended" pregnancy is considered a significant health problem. Large efforts have been made to reduce negative health consequences presumably associated with pregnancies that are unexpected, unwanted, or mistimed but have had limited impact. A study was conducted to examine contextual issues surrounding women's experiences with pregnancy intention its intersection with knowledge, perceptions, and use of emergency contraception in a population of female university students. The project was a mixed method study including a survey examining demographic characteristics, sexual history, and knowledge and use characteristics in addition to interviews exploring prospective perceptions of pregnancy intention. An integrative review informed the background of the study demonstrating the need for expansion of current concepts of pregnancy intention that inform measurement and subsequent interventions. Quantitative survey results provide new information including higher rates of use in comparison to previous studies but persistence of misinformation. Qualitative interview findings illustrate a process by which individual agency in terms of sexual and pregnancy decision making is influenced by a precursor of the embodiment of convictions and empowerment. Combined conclusions confirm the need of exploring the role of the social context on pregnancy intention, suggest ways in which nurses can empower women to be their own agents of health, and start discussions of how intervention approaches to pregnancy intention can be improved.

Sexual Self-schemas: An Exploration Of Their Impact On Frequency Of Masturbation And Sexual Activity, Sexual Satisfaction, And Marital Adjustment

Kocak, Gozde 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to assess whether differences among categories of sexual self-schemas of men and women existed for weekly frequency of masturbation and sexual activity, level of sexual satisfaction, and level of marital adjustment in the context of marital relationship. In order to evaluate this, the Sexual Self-Schema Scale (Hill, 2007) was translated into Turkish, and its psychometric quality was tested on undergraduate university students. In a sample of 204 married individuals, the interrelationship between sexual self-schema categories and study variables was evaluated through univariate analyses of covariance. Results revealed that the Sexual Self-Schema Scale consisted of three factors in the sample of university students: Loving/Compassionate, Sensual/Stimulating, and Direct/Outspoken. However, the pattern of factors differed for married individuals / factors were labeled as Loving/Warm, Direct/Outspoken, and Reserved/Conservative in this sample. For married individuals, differences among categories of sexual self-schemas were reported for frequency of sexual activity, sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment. Specifically, individuals having positive sexual self-schemas in the present study reported higher frequency of sexual activity, higher levels of sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment in their relationships compared to aschematic and negative schematic individuals. However, weekly frequency of masturbation did not result in any difference among categories. Moreover, gender differences were demonstrated. Women were shown to endorse lower levels of sexual satisfaction and to engage in less frequent masturbation than men. After findings were evaluated, limitations were discussed with an emphasis on recommendations for future research, and implications for clinical psychology were mentioned.

The direct and moderating effect of bullying on adolescent health

Rahey, Leila (Leila Anne), 1971- 19 July 2007 (has links)
In the last two decades, research has established a negative association between involvement in bullying and emotional health difficulties. Few studies, in comparison, explore the relationship between bullying and victimization and physical health. Moreover, studies are lacking on the influence of bullying on health in adolescence. Three studies were conducted to explore the association between bullying and adolescent positive and negative health behaviours. Using an ecological model, we examined the influence of bullying and victimization on physical activity and health status, risky sexual behaviours and sexual coercion, and dating violence perpetration and victimization. Each study explored how bullying influenced the relationship between environmental factors and adolescent health. Results suggest that both bullying and victimization can have a negative influence on risky health behaviours. As well, the findings suggest that relationships with adults may protect youth involved in bullying from negative health experiences. These results support a model of co-occurring health behaviours in youth, including involvement in bullying. Hence, we propose that teen health promotion programs target overall lifestyle choices rather than solely focusing on individual health behaviours. As well, we recommend that bullying prevention programs need to address engagement in unhealthy habits during adolescence, while being sensitive to the complex relationship between environmental and bullying factors that can influence physical health in adolescence. / Thesis (Ph.D, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2007-07-18 21:11:08.184

Sexual Health Knowledge and Attitudes of a Sample of Saskatchewan Post-Secondary Freshmen

2014 July 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the sexual health knowledge and attitudes of a sample of Saskatchewan post secondary freshmen aged 17-19. Three primary questions guided this research: What do Saskatchewan freshmen know about the general sexual health topics of physiology, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections? What are common attitudes about sexual activity, risk behaviors, and relationships? What were the main sources of sexual health information for these freshmen, and do they express a need for more education and resources? The study design was a qualitative web-based survey. Participants were volunteer freshmen aged 17-19 from the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatoon Institute of Applied Science and Technology, and 515 responded. Sixty-two percent were sexually active. Condoms were seen as helpful (98%) but only 57% saw them as effective for preventing pregnancy. Only 47% saw condoms as effective for preventing HIV/AIDS. Knowledge of reproductive physiology and STI symptoms and consequences were low with an average knowledge score of 26%, while HIV and AIDS knowledge scores averaged 80%. Knowledge of long acting contraceptives was much lower than birth control pills. Human papilloma virus was poorly understood, and many wanted more information about HPV vaccination. Attitudes were mixed about safe sexual activities, with respondents identifying condoms (94%), withdrawal (18%) and anal sex (15%) as safer sex. Condoms were used at last intercourse by 57%. A variety of attitudes were expressed about condom use, sex in relationship, and social pressures. Topics concerning to respondents were sexual violence, HIV/AIDs, STIs, unintended pregnancy, and the influence of alcohol/ drugs on sexual activity. Very few respondents had heard of or accessed sexual health websites designed and promoted to teens. An interest was expressed for more information from doctors and public health nurses, more guest speakers for SBSHE, and easier access to sexual health clinics. The information gathered in this study highlighted many areas for further detailed inquiry, and topics that can be better addressed in physician’s offices and sexual health curriculum. Additionally, the results could guide sexual health educators, policy makers and direct physicians towards collaboration and advocacy projects, and ultimately contribute to long term improvement in sexual health of Saskatchewan teens.

Organização social e comportamento reprodutivo de uma população de pôneis da raça brasileira / Social organization and reproductive behavior of the population from Brazilian pony breed

Tarouco, Adriana Kroef January 2004 (has links)
Aspectos relacionados com a organização social e seus reflexos no comportamento reprodutivo de garanhões submetidos a coberturas em sistemas de manadas, não têm sido estudados nas populações domesticadas. Este estudo foi conduzido com os seguintes objetivos: identificar as unidades sociais estabelecidas num grupo de garanhões e de éguas; verificar os fatores envolvidos na estabilidade, na repetibilidade e na composição dos haréns; verificar o efeito do garanhão na atividade de cobertura; estabelecer relações entre os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e a condição sócio-sexual dos reprodutores; verificar a existência de atividade sexual noturna. Foi realizado em duas estações de monta (Ano I – 2001/02; Ano II – 2002/2003). No primeiro ano, os animais foram acompanhados diariamente durante um período de 12 dias, totalizando 117,02 horas de observação. A duração média dos períodos diários de observação diurna foi de 8,1horas. No segundo ano, os animais foram acompanhados em três períodos de observação (1, 2 e 3) com intervalos de 21 dias entre eles. A duração média dos períodos de observação diários foi de 9,6h e o tempo total foi igual a 203,51h. No Ano I, foram utilizados quatro garanhões com idades iguais a 3, 5 e mais de 12 anos e um grupo de 46 éguas solteiras, com idades entre 3 e 20 anos. No segundo, observaram-se quatro garanhões com 3, 6 e com mais de 12 anos e um grupo de 40 éguas solteiras, com idades entre 3 e mais de 12 anos. As unidades sociais identificadas foram do tipo harém e grupo de solteiros. Os reprodutores com três anos de idade não formaram haréns. Estabeleceram-se relações hierárquicas entre os garanhões e dentro dos haréns. A dominância, a capacidade de luta, os níveis de testosterona e a idade dos garanhões parecem ter influenciado no tamanho e na manutenção dos haréns. Foi constatada estabilidade em sua composição e esta dependeu do status reprodutivo das fêmeas, da dominância do garanhão no grupo e do tamanho do potreiro de observação. Não foi verificada repetibilidade na composição dos haréns. Todos os garanhões tiveram os seus níveis plasmáticos médios de testosterona aumentados, em média, 77,6%, quando foram expostos às éguas e quando formaram haréns (85,6%), embora os do grupo de solteiros tivessem os níveis mais baixos. O total de coberturas observadas no Ano I foi 28. As éguas foram cobertas em média, 1,86 vez, e o número médio de coberturas diárias foi 1,17. O número médio de éguas cobertas /dia foi igual a 1,08. O número médio de éguas receptivas, diariamente, foi igual a 8,5. O tempo médio de duração das coberturas foi igual a 38,4 segundos e o intervalo médio diário entre as mesmas foi de 79,75 minutos. No Ano II, os garanhões realizaram um total de 134 coberturas. As éguas foram cobertas, em média, 2,21 vezes. O número médio de coberturas diário foi 2,1. O número médio de éguas receptivas, diariamente, foi 20,7. O número médio de éguas cobertas/ dia foi 1,78. O tempo médio de duração das coberturas foi igual a 37 segundos e o intervalo médio diário entre as mesmas foi de 104,1minutos. Nos dois anos de estudo foi verificada atividade sexual noturna. O índice geral de prenhez no Ano I foi 79,4% e, no segundo, foi 72,25%. / Aspects related of social organization and its effects on the reproductive behavior of domestics stallions breeding under free range management systems, not have been studied. This study was carried out with the following objectives: to identify the social unities established between stallions and mares; to verify the factors involved in the stability, repeatability and in the composition of harems; to verify the effect of the stallion in the mating activity; to establish the relationship between the plasmatic levels of testosterone and the social-sexual condition of the stallion; to verify the existence of night sexual activity. This study was carried out in two mating seasons (Year I – 2001/02; Year II – 2002/03). In the first year, the animals were accompanied daily during a period of 12 days, totalizing 117.02 hours. The average duration of daily periods of day observation was 8.1 hours. In the second year, the animals were accompanied in three periods of observation (1, 2 and 3) with intervals of 21 days between them. The average duration of daily periods of observation was 9.6h and the total observation time was equal to 203.51h. In each interval of periods of observation, the social unities were disrupted and the mares were separated. In Year I four stallions were used, with ages of 3, 5 and more than 12 years and a group of 46 no lactates mares from the same breed, with ages varying from 3 to 20 years. In the second year, four stallions were observed, with 3, 6 and more than 12 years of age, and a group of 40 no lactates mares, with ages varying from 3 to more than 12 years of age. The social unities identified in the two years of observation were of the harem and the bachelor group type. The stallions with three years of age did not form harem. Hierarchic relationships among stallions and within harems were established. The dominance, the fight capacity, the aggressive behavior, the testosterone levels and the age of the stallions seem to influence the size and the maintenance of the harems. The stability in the composition of harems was observed, and the factors identified in this process were the reproductive status of females, the dominance of the stallions over the group and the size of the observation field. Repeatability in the composition of the harems was not verified. All stallions had their mean testosterone plasmatic levels increased, in average 77.6%, when were exposed to the mares, and when they formed harems (average of 85.6%). The mating activity of the stallions varied individually. The total mating observed in the 12 days from Year I was 28. The mares were mated in average 1.86 times, and the mean number of daily mating was 1.17. The mean number of mares mated per day was 1.08. The mean number of receptive mares, daily, was 8.5. The average of time during the matings was of 38.4 seconds and mean daily interval between matings was 79.75 minutes. In the second year of observation, the stallions performed a total of 134 matings. Considering the three periods of observation, the mares were mated, in average, 2.21 times. The mean number of daily matings was 2.1. The average number of receptive mares, daily, was 20.7. The average number of mated mares per day was 1.78. The average duration time of the matings was 37.0 seconds and the mean daily interval between matings was 104.1 minutes. In the two years of the study, the existence of sexual activity at night was verified. In the first year, the general pregnancy index was 79.4%. In the second year, the general index was 72.25%.

Organização social e comportamento reprodutivo de uma população de pôneis da raça brasileira / Social organization and reproductive behavior of the population from Brazilian pony breed

Tarouco, Adriana Kroef January 2004 (has links)
Aspectos relacionados com a organização social e seus reflexos no comportamento reprodutivo de garanhões submetidos a coberturas em sistemas de manadas, não têm sido estudados nas populações domesticadas. Este estudo foi conduzido com os seguintes objetivos: identificar as unidades sociais estabelecidas num grupo de garanhões e de éguas; verificar os fatores envolvidos na estabilidade, na repetibilidade e na composição dos haréns; verificar o efeito do garanhão na atividade de cobertura; estabelecer relações entre os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e a condição sócio-sexual dos reprodutores; verificar a existência de atividade sexual noturna. Foi realizado em duas estações de monta (Ano I – 2001/02; Ano II – 2002/2003). No primeiro ano, os animais foram acompanhados diariamente durante um período de 12 dias, totalizando 117,02 horas de observação. A duração média dos períodos diários de observação diurna foi de 8,1horas. No segundo ano, os animais foram acompanhados em três períodos de observação (1, 2 e 3) com intervalos de 21 dias entre eles. A duração média dos períodos de observação diários foi de 9,6h e o tempo total foi igual a 203,51h. No Ano I, foram utilizados quatro garanhões com idades iguais a 3, 5 e mais de 12 anos e um grupo de 46 éguas solteiras, com idades entre 3 e 20 anos. No segundo, observaram-se quatro garanhões com 3, 6 e com mais de 12 anos e um grupo de 40 éguas solteiras, com idades entre 3 e mais de 12 anos. As unidades sociais identificadas foram do tipo harém e grupo de solteiros. Os reprodutores com três anos de idade não formaram haréns. Estabeleceram-se relações hierárquicas entre os garanhões e dentro dos haréns. A dominância, a capacidade de luta, os níveis de testosterona e a idade dos garanhões parecem ter influenciado no tamanho e na manutenção dos haréns. Foi constatada estabilidade em sua composição e esta dependeu do status reprodutivo das fêmeas, da dominância do garanhão no grupo e do tamanho do potreiro de observação. Não foi verificada repetibilidade na composição dos haréns. Todos os garanhões tiveram os seus níveis plasmáticos médios de testosterona aumentados, em média, 77,6%, quando foram expostos às éguas e quando formaram haréns (85,6%), embora os do grupo de solteiros tivessem os níveis mais baixos. O total de coberturas observadas no Ano I foi 28. As éguas foram cobertas em média, 1,86 vez, e o número médio de coberturas diárias foi 1,17. O número médio de éguas cobertas /dia foi igual a 1,08. O número médio de éguas receptivas, diariamente, foi igual a 8,5. O tempo médio de duração das coberturas foi igual a 38,4 segundos e o intervalo médio diário entre as mesmas foi de 79,75 minutos. No Ano II, os garanhões realizaram um total de 134 coberturas. As éguas foram cobertas, em média, 2,21 vezes. O número médio de coberturas diário foi 2,1. O número médio de éguas receptivas, diariamente, foi 20,7. O número médio de éguas cobertas/ dia foi 1,78. O tempo médio de duração das coberturas foi igual a 37 segundos e o intervalo médio diário entre as mesmas foi de 104,1minutos. Nos dois anos de estudo foi verificada atividade sexual noturna. O índice geral de prenhez no Ano I foi 79,4% e, no segundo, foi 72,25%. / Aspects related of social organization and its effects on the reproductive behavior of domestics stallions breeding under free range management systems, not have been studied. This study was carried out with the following objectives: to identify the social unities established between stallions and mares; to verify the factors involved in the stability, repeatability and in the composition of harems; to verify the effect of the stallion in the mating activity; to establish the relationship between the plasmatic levels of testosterone and the social-sexual condition of the stallion; to verify the existence of night sexual activity. This study was carried out in two mating seasons (Year I – 2001/02; Year II – 2002/03). In the first year, the animals were accompanied daily during a period of 12 days, totalizing 117.02 hours. The average duration of daily periods of day observation was 8.1 hours. In the second year, the animals were accompanied in three periods of observation (1, 2 and 3) with intervals of 21 days between them. The average duration of daily periods of observation was 9.6h and the total observation time was equal to 203.51h. In each interval of periods of observation, the social unities were disrupted and the mares were separated. In Year I four stallions were used, with ages of 3, 5 and more than 12 years and a group of 46 no lactates mares from the same breed, with ages varying from 3 to 20 years. In the second year, four stallions were observed, with 3, 6 and more than 12 years of age, and a group of 40 no lactates mares, with ages varying from 3 to more than 12 years of age. The social unities identified in the two years of observation were of the harem and the bachelor group type. The stallions with three years of age did not form harem. Hierarchic relationships among stallions and within harems were established. The dominance, the fight capacity, the aggressive behavior, the testosterone levels and the age of the stallions seem to influence the size and the maintenance of the harems. The stability in the composition of harems was observed, and the factors identified in this process were the reproductive status of females, the dominance of the stallions over the group and the size of the observation field. Repeatability in the composition of the harems was not verified. All stallions had their mean testosterone plasmatic levels increased, in average 77.6%, when were exposed to the mares, and when they formed harems (average of 85.6%). The mating activity of the stallions varied individually. The total mating observed in the 12 days from Year I was 28. The mares were mated in average 1.86 times, and the mean number of daily mating was 1.17. The mean number of mares mated per day was 1.08. The mean number of receptive mares, daily, was 8.5. The average of time during the matings was of 38.4 seconds and mean daily interval between matings was 79.75 minutes. In the second year of observation, the stallions performed a total of 134 matings. Considering the three periods of observation, the mares were mated, in average, 2.21 times. The mean number of daily matings was 2.1. The average number of receptive mares, daily, was 20.7. The average number of mated mares per day was 1.78. The average duration time of the matings was 37.0 seconds and the mean daily interval between matings was 104.1 minutes. In the two years of the study, the existence of sexual activity at night was verified. In the first year, the general pregnancy index was 79.4%. In the second year, the general index was 72.25%.

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