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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employees' perceptions to quality management in different organizational settings and its relation to job satisfaction

Chan, Chiu-kuen, Hilia., 陳肖娟. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Private security and government: a Hong Kong perspective, 1841-1941

Hamilton, Sheilah Elizabeth. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / History / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

上 海 合 作 組 織 之 研 究

甘可怡, Kan, Ko-yi Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯解體後,中亞地區出現哈薩克斯坦、烏茲別克斯坦、吉爾吉斯坦、塔吉克斯坦與土庫曼斯坦五個新興國家。中亞不但擁有豐富的自然資源及重要的地緣戰略位置,傳統上屬於俄羅斯勢力範圍的地區,並與中國這個崛起中的國際強權為鄰,這樣一個特殊的地區,自然吸引各種國際勢力競相進入。911事件後,美國軍事力量正式進駐中亞,使其得以牽制俄羅斯與中國,中亞地區再次成為國際政治中的焦點。 上海合作組織是一個成立於2001年新興的國際組織,成員國涵括中國、俄羅斯、哈薩克、烏茲別克、吉爾吉、塔吉克。本文透過「地緣政治研究途徑」,來觀察上海合作組織的發展過程與前景;911事件後中亞地區情勢的變化,以及美國駐軍中亞對於上海合作組織發展的影響。 首先,本文說明上海合作組織的發展過程,以觀察各成員國為解決共同問題的實際運作情形,以及介紹上海合作組織的組織結構。同時,探討上海合作組織的合作基礎,說明上海合作組織的成立是各國間基於共同利益與解決共同問題所形成的結果,並進一步分析各成員國自身加入上海合作組織的地緣政治考量。 其次,本文討論極端主義在中亞發展的情形,藉此探討上海合作組織中亞地區成員國之間的內部關係,以及對上海合作組織發展的影響。上海合作組織成立的首要目標是要打擊中亞的極端主義,以維護中亞地區的穩定。 最後,本文說明美國中亞政策的演變,討論911事件後美國駐軍中亞的地緣戰略意涵,及其對中國和俄羅斯的衝擊,最後探討911事件對上海合作組織的發展及中亞情勢的影響。 本文認為:冷戰後,中亞地區在全球地緣戰略格局中的地位顯著上升,成為國際強權爭奪的場域,中國與俄羅斯成立上海合作組織的目的,是為追求在中亞地區中取得優勢地位,911事件後美國駐軍中亞,影響了上海合作組織的發展。911事件後,俄羅斯、中國和美國以中亞地區為場景的地緣政治大競賽中,美國暫時取得優勢地位,俄羅斯是後來居上,中國則必須繼續藉由上海合作組織將強與中亞國家的經濟與軍事合作,以維持在中亞地區的影響力。 / After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in Central Asia emerged five states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. These countries are not only have the rich natural resources, but also take the important role of the global geostrategic patterns. Traditionally, Central Asia was viewed as a part of Russian’s influence and is adjacent to China. Beyond question, such an unusual area lures the international powers to engage the affairs of it. Since the 911 event, the U.S. acquired the opportunity to deploy their military in Central Asia. By means of military presence, the U.S. found the way to counteract the influence of Russia and China in Central Asia. Consequently, the Central Asia became the focus in international politics. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was established by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in 2001. This dissertation examines the origins and prospects of the SCO, analyzes the variation of geostrategic situation in Central Asia, and discusses how the U.S. military presence in Central Asia influenced the development of SCO. Since the end of the Cold War, the Central Asia has played a significant role in global geostrategic patterns. The motive of China and Russia to promote the establishment of SCO in 2001 is to seek the predominance in the Central Asia. After the 911 event, the U.S. military presence appeared in Central Asia. And this fact indeed affected the development of SCO. China, Russia and U.S. as the three main actors of the ongoing New Great Game, which is occurring in Central Asia. The results of the New Great Game are as follow, U.S. temporarily stands on a vantage point in the present days. As for Russia, it takes the second place by controlling the CIS Collective Security Treaty Organization. As regards China, by exerting the SCO to enhance the economic and political ties with Central Asia countries, it still strives to maintain the influence in Central Asia.

內戰下的上海市社會局研究(1945-1949) / A Study of Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs during the Chinese Civil War, 1945-1949

李鎧光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以上海市社會局為主體,探討其從1945年10月至1949年4月間各項業務執行的情況及其市民生活的關係。首先從社會局的職權與人事談起,社會局最早成立於1927年7月,負責農工商業相關行業的註冊、處理勞資糾紛與相關統計。一年後職權增加了對人民團體和社會福利機構的管理,也負責各種度量衡器具的檢定,戰後再增加糧食管理及書報影劇審查兩項工作。就人事方面而言,社會局局長以吳開先在任的時間最長,同時他也出任市黨部的執行委員會委員。另外針對1948年社會局全體公務員的學經歷進行分析,發現49歲以下的職員占絕大多數,以學歷而言,超過半數的男性職員受過不同程度的高等教育,女性職員是以中學學歷者占多數,附屬機構的公務員則更年輕,學歷也相對較低。與戰前的社會局相比最大的特點在小學以下的成員大幅減少和隨著局長異動而大量換人的情形也不復存在。 本研究的其他部分皆與社會局如何執行它的職權有關,分為四大主題:(1)報紙、雜誌、通訊社審查;(2)電影戲劇審查;(3)調整工資及調解勞資爭議;(4)對人民團體的管理。 在報紙、雜誌、通訊社審查部分,共舉行了三次大規模清查措施,只有1949年3-4月的「報刊總清查」才有比較主動的抽查措施。在獲准發行的報紙與雜誌中有一個特點,就是越晚獲得許可的刊物轉呈次數越多,可見社會局沒有最終決定權。在沒有獲得發行的報紙與雜誌中,社會局常以「申請手續不完整」的理由(包括各種文字)讓申請案無法通過,數量上甚至多過發行後才被查禁的。 社會局對電影影片的審查是某種形式上的複審,重點是核對內政部發給的准演執照是否相符。劇團、票房和俱樂部審查強調的重點是表演內容,包括所有劇本、科白與節目流程都要申請核准方能表演。總計3202部電影中未通過審查的只有28部,凡是有墮落的、不符現實的場景與情節都會被要求刪減或修改。劇本審查方面,可能出於受戰爭影響無暇創作或比較容易通過審查,大多以重演舊的劇目為主。 工人工資的調整以市政府每月發佈的生活費指數乘上1937年6月的底薪為計算方式,與糧食價格互相比較,貨幣購買力逐確實漸下降,使得多數工人不足以養家活口,所以勞資爭議越來越多。而就勞資爭議進行分析,以有沒有發生罷工停業分為兩類,有罷工停業的案件有589件,沒有罷工停業的則有5521件。就行業類別來看,與上海的產業結構相符,以紡織業最多。從具體的個案討論中,社會局確實努力促成和解,但卻沒有能力預防與阻止勞資爭議與暴力衝突。 人民團體分為資方的同業公會、勞方的工會、與一般民眾的社會團體,三者的數量在戰後四年間皆有顯著的成長。從電影院公會的例子可以看出,公會與社會局爭執的焦點在票價的調整,還有公會也必須負責各種臨時性或經常性的賑災捐款。相關資料也顯示,社會局對於勞工福利設施推行不力,也無法控制工會基層組織,在那些被共產黨吸收的工會中,社會局只能在警察局取締之後,解散工會再加以重組,無法有效防止共產黨的滲透。社會團體的問題在於社會局僅僅做到登記的工作而無法加以有效的管理,即使是國民黨成立的團體也是如此。 整體來說,社會局在這四年的時間裡,雖然進行很多種的社會統計,也透過機關刊物向民眾進行法令宣傳,但被動的登記成效比較好而主動執行力不足,其中又以無法有效防止勞資爭議與積極管理各種人民團體為主要缺點。 / This thesis draws on archival data from Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs (Shehui ju 社會局) to examine how this organization undertook its duties between October 1945 and April 1949 (the period of the Chinese Civil War), as well as its impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Founded in July 1927, the Bureau was initially responsible for the registration of agricultural and industrial sectors, resolution of wage disputes, and compilation of business statistics. It was subsequently burdened with additional duties, including the oversight of civic organizations and social welfare institutions, examination of measurement tools, regulation of foodstuffs, and censorship of publications. The thesis begins with a discussion on the Bureau’s administrative structure and personnel. Director Wu Kaixian had the longest incumbency of all the staff members, and also served as a commissioner in the Executive Committee of the KMT’s City Party Office. In terms of the backgrounds of public servants who worked at the Bureau, the data collected indicates that in the year 1948 most were less than 49 years of age. Over half of the male civil servants had received various higher education degrees, while the most of the women merely had secondary educations. The staff members of the Bureau’s affiliated institutions were generally younger and had lower educational levels. The period covered by this study differed from the prewar years in witnessing fewer people with only preliminary educational background, while personnel changes became less relevant following the appointment of new Directors. The rest of the thesis centers on how the Bureau executed its authority and carried out its duties, with the subject matter being divided into the following four categories: 1) Censorship of newspapers, magazines, and news agencies; 2) Censorship of motion pictures and dramas; 3) Reconciliation of wage and labor disputes; 4) Governance of civic organizations. Three large-scale censorship campaigns involving newspapers, magazines, and news agencies were undertaken, but only the “General Censorship” from March to April 1949 witnessed proactive measures. In considering censored newspapers and magazines, it seems especially noteworthy that the latter publications were released more often than being transferred, which suggests that the Bureau did not have the authority to make final decisions. The reason given by the Bureau for banning certain newspapers and magazines from publication was usually “incomplete application procedure.” The quantity of such publications was even greater than those banned after publication. The Bureau’s process of re-examining motion pictures focused on the validity of licenses issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The criteria of censorship adopted by theatres, box offices, and clubs placed greater emphasis on performance content, including scripts, voiceover, and program rundowns. Of 3,202 movies examined by the Bureau, only 28 failed to pass, with discouraging and unrealistic scenarios usually being deleted or modified. Most of the adopted scripts were somewhat dated, perhaps due to wartime lack of creativity and productivity. The adjustment of the labor wages was based on the product of the government-issued monthly cost of living index multiplied by salary levels of July 1937. Against the background of rising food prices, purchasing power parity proved relatively low, which rendered blue-collar workers less able to sustain their families and sparked increasing wage disputes. Such conflicts can be categorized by whether or not they resulted in strikes, with those triggering strikes numbering 589 and those that did not 5,521. Like Shanghai’s overall industrial structure, the textile industry led others in terms of such disputes. The Bureau did intervene by trying to promote reconciliation, yet it failed to prevent such disputes and resulting acts of violence. Civic organizations included employers’ associations, labor unions, and ordinary social groups formed by citizens. The number of all three kinds of organizations increased significantly during the four years of the Chinese Civil War. As can be seen in the case of the Cinema Association, the major point of conflict between Bureau and the Association centered on adjustments of ticket prices and the Association’s assuming responsibility for all kinds of charitable donations on a regular or temporary basis. The records reveal that the Bureau was not serious about the welfare infrastructure for laborers, and proved unable to control the grassroots organization of the labor unions. The Bureau could not prevent the Communist Party from exerting increasing influence over unions, but did dissolve them after police crackdowns and then attempted to reorganize them. The main issue with these civic organizations was that the Bureau was only in charge of registration yet proved unable to manage effective mobilization, a phenomenon that applied even to those organized by the KMT. In conclusion, the thesis argues that during the four years covered by this study, despite the fact that the Bureau was able to compile extensive sociological statistics and disseminate rules of law via its publications, its ability to execute policy decisions turned out to be far less effective. Moreover, the Bureau could not effectively suppress labor disputes and mobilize relevant civic organizations.

Národní mytologie na světové výstavě EXPO 2010 v Šanghaji / National mythology of the world exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai

Machoňová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the national presentation of the Czech Republic at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai in terms of mythology, symbols, signs and codes. It describes the history of the World Exhibitions, attempts to highlight Czechoslovak achievements and on the basis of that to define key points of successful communication for an international, predominately Chinese audience. By comparing information on traditional Chinese symbols and values with that of Czech explains correlations between Czech and Chinese culture. This can help visitors from China identify with the Czech Republic. A mythological analysis is executed examining the exterior of the Czech pavilion, the exhibition inside, and notes narrative structures of individual exhibits and how they work to provide the preferred interpretation. Part of the overall analysis includes an overview of supporting events, which also help to strengthen the perception of Czech Republic to visitors. The information gleaned is used to summarize learnings that could be useful for the upcoming EXPO in Milan in 2015.

水的雙城記: 上海與蘇州自來水之供應(1860-1937) = A tale of water in two cities : water supply in Shanghai and Suzhou (1860-1937). / Tale of water in two cities: water supply in Shanghai and Suzhou (1860-1937) / 上海與蘇州自來水之供應(1860-1937) / Shui de shuang cheng ji: Shanghai yu Suzhou zi lai shui zhi gong ying (1860-1937) = A tale of water in two cities : water supply in Shanghai and Suzhou (1860-1937). / Shanghai yu Suzhou zi lai shui zhi gong ying (1860-1937)

January 2016 (has links)
水作為人類最基本的必需品,本應是人人共用的自然之物。但隨著近代社會的工業化及城市化發展,水資源愈見有限,人們對水的認識也逐漸改變:水被賦予許多新的涵義,並與現代技術結合而成為一種商品。在中國,從1850年到1950年間,使用商品水漸漸成為富裕、衛生、文明、摩登的象徵。本論文主要探討在這百年間用水的演化如何在蘇州城中體現出來。 / 在中國現代供水進程中,上海公共租界最先建立起具有標誌性的自來水廠。而後法租界、華界也爭相仿效建立。但在上海整個城市中,自來水的用水方式沒有得到統一。租界內漂亮的洋房在屋內即有供水,而租界內華人居住的弄堂與租界之外的華界地區仍使用水夫挑水。這種差異帶出了西人和華人的區別,同時還是富人和窮人生活方式的區別。 / 在本研究重點研究的蘇州城內,清末至民國時期,地方精英一直試圖建立現代象徵的自來水,卻未能成功。最終,城內少數富裕商戶合資開掘自流井,然後將井水接連水管入屋,創建了蘇州模式的自來水。這與整個城市供水為目標的自來水廠相差甚遠,但由於民國時期蘇州城內勢力分散,沒有力量創辦統一的供水模式,只有少數的富裕人家可以使用自流井,大多數的居民,仍然大量依靠淺水井和河水。 / Water, as an essential ingredient for life, is supposed to be freely used. However, in the age of industrialization and urbanization, with fear of water shortage and environmental degradation, people imposed new ideas on this natural resource, and transformed water from public good into a tradable commodity by using new technology. In China from 1850 to 1950, commoditized water supply made people feel affluent, healthy, civilized, and modern. This thesis examines the transformation of water use in the city of Suzhou. / The establishment of the first water supply company in the Shanghai International Settlement in the late nineteenth century was a significant milestone of China's modern water supply. Soon after that the French Concession and the Chinese Zone attempted to follow the practice. The services of water supply were yet never unified in Shanghai. While better-off households in the Foreign Concession enjoyed indoor tap water supply, many others, especially those who lived in the Chinese walled city, bought water directly in streets installed with water taps. The way to consume water reflected living standard. / During late Qing period and China’s Republican period, the local elites of Suzhou City also attempted to set up modern water supply, but failed with insufficient capital. Eventually, a few wealthy merchants formed a small company of water supply. Instead of using steam engines to pump water from river, the company opened artesian wells, and built water pipes to transport water to households. This created the Suzhou model of water supply. However, because of competing local forces, this modern water supply in Suzhou was of a small scale. Only a few rich people could afford to consume the water, a majority of the Suzhou population still relied on ordinary shallow wells and rivers to have their daily water. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 陳文妍. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 178-190). / Abstracts also in English. / Chen Wenyan.

Private banking in the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: issues and comparisons.

January 1993 (has links)
by Leung Sze Man, Amelia. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 24-26). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --- p.iii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iv / Chapter / Chapter I --- BACKGROUND AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM --- p.1 / Introduction --- p.1 / Development of the Private Banking Business --- p.4 / Private Banking in Hong Kong --- p.8 / Scope of this Project --- p.10 / Chapter II --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.12 / What is Private Banking? --- p.12 / "Hong Kong Private Banking -- the ""Switzerland of Asia""" --- p.15 / Internal Marketing in the Private Banking Unit --- p.19 / Bibliography --- p.24 / Chapter III --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --- p.27 / Research Design --- p.27 / Data Collection Methods --- p.29 / Sample Design --- p.33 / Data Analysis --- p.35 / Chapter IV --- FINDINGS --- p.36 / Private Banking in Hong Kong -- a Comparison --- p.36 / Internal Marketing in the Private Banking Operation of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in Hong Kong --- p.39 / Quantitative Analysis --- p.39 / Qualitative Analysis --- p.53 / HSBC Private Banking in the HongkongBank of Canada in Vancouver (VPB) --- p.62 / Chapter V --- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.68 / Private Banking in the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in Hong Kong in the Future --Sharpen its Competitive Edge --- p.68 / Internal Marketing Efforts -- a Proactive Approach --- p.70 / Globalization through Communications --- p.75 / APPENDICES / Chapter I --- Questionnaire for HSBC Branch Managers and Customer Service Officers in Hong Kong --- p.77 / Chapter II --- Interview Guide for HSBC Private Banking Managerin Vancouver --- p.78 / Chapter III --- Comparison among the four Major Players in Private Banking in Hong Kong --- p.79 / Chapter IV --- Scattergram for Correlational Analysis: Attitudes vs. Referrals in Hong Kong --- p.80 / Chapter V --- HSBC Proposed Internal Marketing Plan --- p.81

Prediction of future earnings in an emerging market by fundamental analysis: evidence from China A-share market.

January 2002 (has links)
Yu Xin. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 35-38). / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

A corporate finance perspective comparison among HSBC, Hang Seng Bank, and BOCHK.

January 2003 (has links)
by Lam Yu-Kan, Wong Yik. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 74). / ABSTRACT --- p.3 / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.5 / Chapter / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY IN HK --- p.6 / Chapter 2. --- BRIEF HISTORY AND CORPORATE STRATEGIES (WITH CHANGES OVER THE HISTORY) --- p.7 / Chapter 3. --- OPERATING AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ..… --- p.16 / Chapter 4. --- LONG-TERM INVESTMENT POTENTIAL --- p.57 / Chapter 5. --- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.68 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.74

圖像的流動與互動: 任伯年仕女畫的風格與意旨. / Circulation and interaction of image: style and significance of Ren Bonian's women painting / 任伯年仕女畫的風格與意旨 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Tu xiang de liu dong yu hu dong: Ren Bonian shi nü hua de feng ge yu yi zhi. / Ren Bonian shi nü hua de feng ge yu yi zhi

January 2010 (has links)
As the most important city in the Far East after the Opium War in terms of physical capital and western civilization importation, Shanghai, with an unprecedented openness, created a hybrid environment of domestic and foreign immigrants. Furthermore, its location advantage at the meeting point of the South-North major transportation routes and within the most economically developed regions of Jiangsu and Zhejiang produced an unparalleled social tolerance and cultural context, thus providing new room for revival and innovation of then declining figure paintings. / As the most popular Shanghai-based artist in the 20th century, Ren Bonian's life spanned Late Qing's most critical 50 years that were full of external challenges. Under then Shanghai's complex historical and cultural background, his figure paintings, especially women story paintings, demonstrated the significance of multi-referential. His women paintings were so welcomed also have other reasons: such as the influences from other Shanghai artists of women paintings; his reference to and evolution of classical image in his paintings; his absorption and creation of folk image; and his understanding and interpretation of Japanese image. Ren Bonian's rewriting and re-reading of women's images in his diversified women paintings showed the abundance of women-related topics in late Qing. / This thesis is to show that a unique path of women paintings in the development of figure paintings can be reflected in the work of Ren Bonian, the most creative figure-painting artist in 19th century. Moreover, via the artist himself and the vertical and horizontal axis constructed from his figure paintings, I investigate the reference to and digging of women paintings, the supply of the most active nutrient for innovations by figure paintings of women-related topics to Shanghai arts, and the borrowing and conversion of women image, consumption representation and visual desire in the diversified old and new, Chinese and foreign culture. I hope this thesis can fill the gap of study on Women paintings in Ren Bonian's figure paintings, and playa role in the promotion of research on Qing's women paintings. / 周越. / Adviser: Harold Kar-Leung Mok. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-03, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-208). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhou Yue.

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