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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza ekonomické přidané hodnoty generované nefinančními korporacemi kotovanými na Burze cenných papírů Praha / Analyze of economic value added generated by non-financial companies listed on Prague stock exchange.

Voldán, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this Masters Thesis is to analyse economic value added generated by non-financial companies listed on Prague stock exchange. Main goal is not only to calculate the amount of economic value added, but also to compare results of two economic models used to specify Re (Minimal required return of companys own capital), necessary to calculate economic value added. Next goal is to analyze link between economic value added and stock price. Correlation between this two parameters would be a sign of possibility to predict future stock price in dependance on generated economic value added. For this Masters thesis, It is important to have all balance sheets, P/L statements and stock market data for all selected corporations. All these informations were exported from database Thomson Reuters Eikon available on University of economics in Prague.

Perceptions and Preferences of Commercial Fishers in the Florida Keys for Alternative Management Frameworks

Pierce, Brett P 09 November 2011 (has links)
The decline of the world’s fisheries, and the inability of traditional management frameworks to maintain them, has led managers to adopt new, alternative management frameworks. Alternative management frameworks include marine protected areas (MPA) and dedicated access privileges (DAP). The use of such frameworks has often been shown to be quite unpopular, especially with commercial fishers. In this thesis, commercial fishers’ preference for alternative management frameworks is examined in the context of the unique multispecies fisheries of the Florida Keys. By surveying commercial fishers, it was found that the size of operation plays no role in affecting fisher perception of dedicated access privileges. Furthermore, fishers who are organized are less likely to support dedicated access privilege frameworks. Finally, the fishing industry does not support the implementation of dedicated access privileges in the Florida Keys. These findings can provide inputs for managers in developing effective management plans in the region.


Plottová, Sylvia January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation is to identify the factors influencing the decision-making of enterprises on entering the capital market in selected CEE countries and formulate recommendations for further development of this form of financing. The key methodological tool is the collection of primary data by means of a questionnaire in which respondents (usually in the CFOs position) expressed their views on the issues related to internal and external factors affecting IPO activity. The results of the questionnaire survey show that the strongest motives for IPO implementation are the ability to raise capital to finance investment opportunities, improve publicity and image of the company, reduce debt, and be recognized by a relevant financial community as an important company. Among the barriers that most affect IPO implementation are the obligation to disclose company information that is key to a competitive advantage, asymmetry of information between external investors and the company, the interest in retaining decision-making control over the company, and the existence of alternative administratively less complex capital resources at the time of implementation of IPO. As per CFOs macroeconomic factors that have the greatest impact on IPO are favorable conditions in the stock market, favorable conditions in the sector in which the company operates, favorable GDP growth, and the use of banking loan at a relatively low interest rate. The results of the dissertation are the basis for the formulation of recommendations for potential IPO candidates.

Uplatnění matematických a statistických metod v řízení podniku / Application of Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Company Management

Brančík, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the investment recommendation for Czechoslovak Com- mercial Bank, a.s. The recommendation is based on business strategy based on Fibonacci retracement and analysis of the current risks of financial markets. The first part deals with the parameters and the results of the business strategy. Second part proposes investment and non-investment recommendations. At the end of the thesis are summarized all aspects of the research.

Aktieforum på sociala medier : Vad bidrar till högre avkastning? / Stock forum on social media : What contributes to higher returns?

Dyrstad, Oscar, Sali, Darin January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats observerar och analyserar hur medlemmar på sociala medier påverkas av aktiegrupper. Uppsatsens syfte är att ge läsaren en djupare förståelse till hur kunskapen bland medlemmar i aktiegrupper generellt ser ut och om det går att se likheter mellan faktorer som kunskap och investeringsbeteende och hur det återspeglas i deras totala avkastning. Med begreppet kunskapsfaktorer avses de variabler som påverkar medlemmarnas avkastning på deras aktier. Sådana variabler kan vara investeringsbeteende, mängden aktier som ägs eller finansiell kunskap. Med begreppet finansiell kunskap avser denna studie kunskap och förståelse inom finansiering, investering och aktiekunskap som behandlas i finansiell litteratur. Tillvägagångssätt som valdes för studien var en kvantitativ enkät som skrevs i Google Forms och delades i flera svenska aktiegrupper på Facebook där enkäten totalt fick 402 svar. Enkätfrågorna undersökte forskningsfrågorna med hjälp av olika variabler där frågor om ålder, utbildning, grad av engagemang i forum och finansiell kunskap ställdes. Enkäten utfördes anonymt och inga personuppgifter lagrades. Vidare upprättades enkätresultaten med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik. Därefter analyserades resterande variabler med hjälp av en regressionsanalys. Resultatet av regressionsanalysen visade att det enbart var två variabler som var statistisk signifikanta och korrelerade till positiv avkastning för medlemmarna i aktiegrupperna. De andra variablerna var inte statistisk signifikanta. Resultatet av analysen visade att det fanns flera likheter bland medlemmarna i dessa aktiegrupper. Likheterna som observerades var bland annat hur ofta medlemmarna i dessa grupper besökte aktieforum, utbildning och åldern. Ålder som observerades var relativt jämnt fördelat bland respondenterna där cirka hälften av respondenterna var mellan 18–35 år. Frågorna kring utbildning visade att cirka 66 % av respondenterna hade en högskole- eller universitetsutbildning. De flesta respondenterna svarade att de var studenter. Det går därmed att konstatera att medlemmarna i dessa aktiegrupper tenderar att vara unga och har genomsnittligt en högskole- eller universitetsutbildning. Resultatet av regressionsanalysen visade på att två av variablerna påverkade avkastningen positivt. Dessa två variabler var ”Äger du fler än tio olika aktier?” och ”Har du läst böcker eller annan litteratur som behandlar aktier?”. / This study analyses how social media impact members of forums regarding shares investments, return on equity on these investments and how social media affects these members in their investment behaviour. The study sets out to observe the level of financial literacy among these members and if there are factors that affect their investment returns. The study was conducted via a survey with a regression analysis along with descriptive statistics. The survey questions were designed to measure the research questions with several variables such as age, education, frequency of visiting stock forums etc. The survey was shared on stock forums on Facebook and gathered a total of 402 responses. These responses were then analysed. The results of the survey conclude that there are only two statistically significant factors that affect the investment returns for members of these forums, while also observing the similarities between members: The majority are young (between 18–35) and 66 % of participants have college/university education.

Prvotní veřejné nabídky akcií z pohledu investora / Initial Public Offerings in Investor’s View

Flídrová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
I considered on initial public offerings in my thesis. The thesis describes signification of initial public offerings including its advantages and disadvantages, informs about its specifications and recommends to investors, what they should focus on, if they think of such type of investment.

Založení malé kavárny / Creating of Small Cafe

Zatloukalová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to draw up a business plan for a small cafe. Thesis begins with thorough analysis of general and field business environment and uncovering strengths and weaknesses of a new beginning company. Then a target customer group is identified. Based on those analyses, a comprehensive business plan for establishing a cafe is created along with marketing plan, financial plan and risk analysis.

Las reducciones de capital por absorción de pérdidas y sus efectos en el costo computable de accionistas no domiciliados / Capital reductions for loss absorption and their effects on the computable cost of non-domiciled shareholders

León Puccio, Pablo Antonio 06 1900 (has links)
En nuestro medio, los sujetos no domiciliados que deciden vender sus acciones de empresas peruanas deben realizar un procedimiento de certificación de capital invertido ante la Administración tributaria. Sin embargo, hasta el momento, esta ha ajustado el costo computable de las acciones de titularidad de los sujetos no domiciliados cuando las empresas peruanas emisoras de tales acciones han realizado reducciones de capital para absorber pérdida. De este modo, la presente investigación tiene como objeto determinar si las reducciones de capital para absorber pérdidas deberían implicar una disminución del costo computable de las acciones de las empresas peruanas que son enajenadas por sujetos no domiciliados.

Market shares of regional shopping centres with proximity to an IKEA warehouse : IKEA Centres Case Study / Marknadsandelar för köpcentrum med närhet till ett IKEAvaruhus

Almgren, Anders, Haggren, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on regional shopping centre’s market shares. It is written in cooperation with IKEA Centres that provided data regarding their shopping centres and funds for the gathering of statistics. The research question for the study is: What level of market share is valid for regional shopping centres in close proximity to an IKEA warehouse? In order to answer this question as accurate as possible the study is designed as a case study. The case is implemented on three different shopping centres, owned by IKEA Centres, with similar locations and market areas. The three shopping centres that are selected as subject centres in the study are Birsta City in Sundsvall, I-Huset in Linköping and Erikslund Shopping Center in Västerås. The case is focused on the regional shopping centres isolated and do not include the IKEA furniture store. The first part of the study concerns the delineation of the subject centres’ primary- and secondary market area. This is done using Reilly’s Law based on the prerequisites of the specific shopping centre. By using this method breaking points or borders of the market areas can be defined and located based on the calculated driving time. To be able to calculate the potential market shares for the centres, the buying power segmentation method is used.  The statistics are bought from Statistics Sweden and concerns mainly the number of households in the market areas and their disposable income. The market share is calculated by comparing the potential buying power of the households and the actual sales in the shopping centres. The results of the conducted study regarding the market share in the total market area is that Birsta City has a significant larger market share (60%) than the two other centres that the study concerns. I-Huset (17% market share) and Erikslund Shopping (25% market share) are located in regions with a higher population and more competition, the authors see this as the main factor to the difference in the market share. Results regarding market shares in different categories of goods are also presented. The three subjects’ centres offer several different collections of items. All centres have a large market share in the fashion segments that are offered, a wide tenant mix in combination with the target groups is seen to be an effecting factor. / Denna masteruppsats fokuserar på ämnet regionala shoppingcenters och dess marknadsandel. Uppsatsen är skriven i samarbete med IKEA Centres vilka har bidragit med data angående köpcentren samt medel för inköp av statistik. Studiens frågeställning är: Vilken marknadsandel har regionala köpcenter där ett Ikeavaruhus finns i närheten? För att besvara denna frågeställning på bästa sätt är studien utformad som en fallstudie. Fallstudierna är implementerade på tre olika shopping center i liknande läge och med likvärdiga marknadsområden. De tre köpcentrumen vilket är utvalda som ämnescenter i studien är Birsta City i Sundsvall, I-Huset i Linköping och Erikslund Shopping Center i Västerås. Forskningen är baserad på shopping centret och berör inte IKEAs möbelvaruhus. Den första delen av studien behandlar avgränsningen av köpcentrumens primära och sekundära marknadsområden. Avgränsningen är utförd med Reilly’s Law baserad på de specifika köpcentrets förutsättningar. Genom att använda den här metoden definieras brytpunkter och gränser för marknadsområdet kan avgränsas med hjälp av den beräknade körtiden. För att sedan beräkna köpcentrets marknadsandel används metoden ”Buying power segmentation method”. Statistiken som används är köpt från SCB och berör huvudsakligen antalet hushåll i marknadsområdena samt dess disponibla inkomst. Marknadsandelen är beräknad genom att jämföra den potentiella köpkraften hos hushållen med den faktiska försäljningen i köpcentren. Resultatet av den utförda studien rörande marknadsandelar av den totala marknaden är dels att Birsta City har en betydligt större marknadsandel (60%) än de två andra undersökta köpcentren. I-Huset (17% marknadsandel) samt Erikslund Shopping (25% marknadsandel) är belägna i regioner med högre invånarantal och större konkurrens. Författarna ser detta som en avgörande faktor till skillnaden i marknadsandel jämfört med Birsta City. Resultat angående marknadsandelar i olika kategorier av varor är också presenterade. De tre studerade köpcentren erbjuder ett brett utbud av produkter. Samtliga center har en stor marknadsandel i kategorier rörande kläder & mode. Den breda hyresgästmixen samt målgruppen för köpcentren antas vara påverkande faktorer till detta.

Доходы от приватизации унитарных предприятий и акций акционерных обществ как вид неналоговых доходов регионального бюджета : магистерская диссертация / Revenues from the privatisation of unitary enterprises and shares of joint stock companies as a form of non-tax revenues of regional budget

Дружинин, К. В., Druzhinin, K. V. January 2016 (has links)
В науке и практике наибольшее внимание уделяется вопросам формирования налоговых поступлений, так как они составляют наибольшую долю поступлений в бюджет. Вместе с тем, учитывая противоречивые тенденции экономического развития и как следствие нестабильное поступление налоговых доходов, необходимо обратить внимание на формирование неналоговых доходов бюджета, в том числе доходов от приватизации унитарных предприятий и акций акционерных обществ, которые могут выступить в качестве дополнительной основы стабильности доходной базы бюджета. Неналоговые доходы являются составной частью доходов всех бюджетов бюджетной системы Российской Федерации. Целью исследования является теоретический и практический анализ формирования доходов от приватизации унитарных предприятий и акций акционерных обществ, а также поиск путей совершенствования их собираемости. Практическая значимость заключается в возможности использования рекомендаций по дальнейшему совершенствованию собираемости доходов от приватизации унитарных предприятий и акций акционерных обществ в Свердловской области и других субъектах Российской Федерации, что позволит повысить значимость неналоговых доходов при формировании бюджетов на очередной финансовый год. / In science and practice most attention is paid to questions of formation of tax revenues, as they account for the greatest share of revenues. However, given the contradictory trends of economic development and as a consequence unstable the tax revenues necessary to pay attention to the formation of non-tax budget revenues, including revenues from the privatisation of unitary enterprises and shares of joint stock companies, which can act as additional bases of stability of the revenue base budget. Non-tax revenues are an integral part of the income of all budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation. The aim of the study is a theoretical and practical analysis of revenue generation from the privatization of unitary enterprises and shares of joint stock companies, as well as finding ways to improve their collection. Practical significance consists in possibility of use recommendations for further improvement in revenue collection from privatization of unitary enterprises and shares of joint stock companies in the Sverdlovsk region and other Russian regions, which will increase the importance of non-tax revenues in budget for the next fiscal year.

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