Spelling suggestions: "subject:"signage"" "subject:"lignage""
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A Safety Analysis of Fatigue and Drowsy Driving in the State of UtahYoung, Hunter T. 13 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Fatigue and drowsy driving in the state of Utah has been a causal factor in thousands of crashes over the years and poses a serious threat to public safety. Consequently, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of drowsy driving in the state, to identify locations where fatigue and drowsy driving may be contributing factors to current crashes, and to identify methods to help mitigate these crashes. A 3-year drowsy driving crash rate spanning the years 2002 – 2004 was used to determine which segments of Utah highway are most prone to drowsy driving crashes. Drowsy driving corridors were located on Interstates 15, 70, 80, and 84 as well as United States Routes 89 and 91. Furthermore, State Route 36 also had two drowsy driving corridors. In order to recommend appropriate drowsy driving countermeasures for the drowsy driving corridors, a review of the existing countermeasures was conducted. The existing countermeasures included cable median barrier, rumble strips, rest areas, and drowsy driving freeway signage. The freeway signage is used to alert drivers of the adverse effects of drowsy driving and was the basis for a before-after study as well as a public survey of drowsy driving along Interstate 80 west of Salt Lake City. The before-after study of the drowsy driving freeway signage concluded that the freeway signage has played a part in reducing the number of crashes by as much as 63 percent in the eastbound direction and by as much as 22 percent in the westbound direction. As indicated, a public survey was conducted at two rest areas to supplement the findings of the before-after analysis. Using the 405 completed surveys, 14 Chi-Square tests were conducted with five of the test yielding statistically significant results. Finally, recommendations were made for the 41 drowsy driving corridors resulting from the 3-year crash rate analysis. Drowsy driving countermeasures recommended include: additional shoulder and centerline rumble strips, cable median barrier, guardrail replacement, and drowsy driving highway signage. Drowsy driving countermeasures not yet implemented but which should be considered by the Utah Department of Transportation are transverse rumble strips, wider longitudinal pavement markings, in-lane pavement markings indicating “AVOID FATIGUE DRIVING,” minimizing edge drop off, flattening slopes in clear zones, and adding a modified rest area.
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Разработка системы централизованного управления трансляцией контента с применением технологии нейронных сетей : магистерская диссертация / Development of a centralized control system for broadcasting content using neural network technologyКузнецов, Е. М., Kuznetsov, E. M. January 2021 (has links)
Практическая значимость данной выпускной квалификационной работы связана с изложенной в ней разработкой системы централизованного управления трансляцией контента, которая успешно реализуется на рынке. С внедрением информационных технологий в нашу жизнь изменяется характер предоставления публичной информации в обществе. На смену бумажным вариантам объявлений и вывесок приходят электронные аналоги, отличающиеся высокой яркостью, динамичность, скоростью обновления информации. Высокий спрос на оперативное, централизованное обновление транслируемого на экраны контента, способствовал появлению на рынке “цифровых вывесок” систем Digital Signage, позволяющих централизованно управлять показываемым контентом на распределенной сети медиа устройств, обновлять его, не производя манипуляций непосредственно с каждым девайсом. Результатом работы является разработанная система управления контентом MMVS Digital Signage, которая успешно реализуется на рынке и дает компании ряд конкурентных преимуществ. Результаты работы подтверждены расчетами экономических показателей. / The practical significance of this final qualifying work is associated with the development of a system for centralized content broadcasting management, which is successfully implemented on the market, as described in it. With the introduction of information technology into our life, the nature of the provision of public information in society is changing. The paper versions of advertisements and signs are being replaced by electronic counterparts, which are distinguished by high brightness, dynamism, and the speed of information updating. The high demand for prompt, centralized updating of content broadcasted to screens has contributed to the appearance on the market of “digital signage” of Digital Signage systems, which allow centrally managing the displayed content on a distributed network of media devices, updating it without manipulating directly with each device. The result of the work is the developed content management system MMVS Digital Signage, which is successfully implemented in the market and gives the company a number of competitive advantages. The results of the work are confirmed by calculations of economic indicators.
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Проект внедрения сервиса «Бронирование переговорных комнат» : магистерская диссертация / Project for the implementation of the service "Reservation of meeting rooms"Покузиёв, Г. А., Pokuziyov, G. A. January 2021 (has links)
Встреча является незаменимым событием в любой организации, где люди могут просто делиться знаниями и информацией или обсудить важные решения. Чтобы облегчить эту деятельность, большинство исследований сосредоточено на улучшении программного обеспечения, помогающего участникам выбрать оптимальное время. Это исследование нацелено на эту область и устранение существующих проблем. Прежде всего, поскольку переговорная комната может быть зарезервирована только для встречи, назначенной на определенное время, есть некоторые обстоятельства, что эти ресурсы используются недостаточно. Например, встреча может быть закончена раньше запланированного времени или даже не состояться вообще, но по-прежнему оставляет место в программном обеспечении для планирования и запрещает другим сотрудникам её использовать. Чтобы решить эти проблемы выше, в этой диссертации рассматривается разработка умной системы управления и планирования помещений в режиме реального времени, мониторинг занятости помещений для поддержки специальных встреч и максимизации эффективности их загрузки. / The meeting is an indispensable event in any organization where people can simply share knowledge and information or discuss important decisions. To facilitate this activity, most of the research has focused on improving software to help participants choose the best time. This study aims to address this area and address existing issues. First of all, since a meeting room can only be reserved for a meeting scheduled for a specific time, there are some circumstances that these resources are underutilized. For example, a meeting might end earlier than scheduled, or even not take place at all, but still leaves room in the scheduling software and prohibits other employees from using it. To address these issues above, this dissertation looks at developing a smart real-time room management and scheduling system, monitoring room occupancy to support ad hoc meetings, and maximizing room utilization.
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Digitala skyltar i stadsmiljö : Utvärdering av ljusemitterande storbildsskärmars kontrastförhållande och påverkan på det upplevda stadsrummet / Digital signages in urban environmentsMartinsson, Viktor, Wikström, Tina January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att förse kommuner och fackmän med en rimlig utgångspunkt vid upprättande av ljusemitterande skyltar i stadsmiljö och på så vis bidra till perceptuellt väl sammansatta stadsrum. De vägledande frågeställningar som tas upp i rapporten ser till såväl lämpliga kontrastförhållanden som digitala skyltars påverkan på rumsupplevelsen. Med grund i vetenskapsteori rörande seende, rumslig upplevelse och digitala skyltar upprättades en 20 kvadratmeter stor digital skylt på Tändstickstorget i Jönköping, vari ett fältexperiment kom att äga rum den 15 mars 2017. Under experimentet kom skylten att ställas till sex olika scenarier med avseende på skyltluminans och kontrastförhållande till dess direkta omgivning, vilka samtliga granskades av en respondentgrupp om 20 personer. Därefter följde en omfattande visuell utvärdering av den digitala skyltens perceptuella påverkan på det aktuella torgrummet, med skylten inställd på det scenario som dömts behagligast. Av resultaten framgår att ett lågt kontrastförhållande mellan den ljusemitterande skylten och dess direkta omgivning föredras framför ett högt, då en tydlig korrelation mellan höga kontraster och obehag identifierats. Vidare visar resultaten att en digital skylt leder till att stadsrummet som helhet upplevs mörkare och att dess upplevda form och storlek förändras. Konkurrens uppstår mellan lokala landmärken och skylten, då dess luminanta yta blir det dominerande objektet i synfältet. Det framgår tydligt av undersökningen att beslut vid implementering av digitala skyltar i stadsmiljö bör styrkas med en god kunskapsgrund, något som resultaten och det specifikt för studien utformade mätdataformuläret avser bidra till. / This thesis aims to provide municipalities and professionals with a reasonable starting point when planning for light emitting signs in urban environments, thus contributing to perceptually cohesive urban spaces. The questions raised in this report examine appropriate contrast ratios as well as digital signage’s impact on the spatial experience. Based on scientific theory concerning human vision, spatial experience and digital signage’s a 20-square meter digital sign was installed at Tändstickstorget in Jönköping, where a field experiment took place on the 15th of March 2017. The sign was programmed into six different scenarios with regard to its screen luminance and contrast ratio to its immediate surroundings, all of which were reviewed by 20 respondents. Furthermore, an extensive visual evaluation was carried out to investigate the perceptual impact the digital sign had on the city square, with the sign set to the scenario deemed most pleasant. The results show that a low contrast ratio between the light emitting sign and its immediate surroundings is preferred to a high ratio, seeing as a clear correlation between high contrasts and discomfort has been identified. Moreover, the results show that a digital sign makes the urban space perceptually darker overall, whilst at the same time affecting the form and size of the space. Competition arises between the local landmarks and the sign, as its luminous surface becomes the dominant object in the field of view. It is clear from the study that decisions regarding the implementation of digital signs in urban environments should be strengthened with a good knowledgebase, which the results along with the measurement data form developed specifically for the study intends to contribute with.
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Bilayer Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells for Signage and Lighting ApplicationsLindh, E. Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Artificial light surrounds us in a manifold of shapes. It is mainly utilized for illumination, but also for graphical communication of complex and evolving messages and information, among other things. It can be generated in different ways with incandescent lamps and fluorescent tubes constituting two common examples. Organic solid state light-generation technologies, which boast advantages such as solution processability, thin and flexible form factors, and large versatility, are modern additions to the field. But regardless of the means of generation, whenever light is to be used to communicate information, as signage or displays, it needs to be patterned. Unfortunately patterning is often complicated and expensive from a fabrication point of view, or renders the devices inefficient. To bridge the gap between present technologies and the need for low-cost and low-complexity patterned light emitters, it is important to develop new device architectures and/or fabrication procedures. In this thesis we show that patterned light emission can be attained from solution processable bilayer light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs), in which the bilayer stack comprises an electrolyte and an organic semiconductor as the first and second layer, respectively. We investigate a subtractive direct-write approach, in which electrolyte is displaced and patterned by the contact motion of a thin stylus, as well as an additive inkjet-patterning technique. Both result in electroluminescent patterns, e.g., light-emitting sketches and microscopic signage with high pixel density. But they can also build macroscopic patterned regions with homogeneous emission depending on the design of electrolyte features. Using an in-operando optical microscopy study we have investigated the operational physics and some limiting factors of the bilayer LECs. More specifically we find that the electrolyte film homogeneity is a key property for high optical quality, and that the emitting region is defined by the location of the interfaces between electrolyte, anode, and organic semiconductor. We observe that the cationic diffusion length is less than one micrometer in our employed organic semiconductors, and rationalize the localized emission by cationic electric double-layer formation at the cathode, and the electronically insulating electrolyte at the anode. To date, the presented luminescent signage devices feature high-resolution patterns, in both pixelated and line-art form, and show great robustness in terms of fabrication and material compatibility. Being LECs, they have the potential for truly low-cost solution processing, which opens up for new applications and implementations. However, these first reports on patterned bilayer LECs leave plenty of room for improvements of the optical and electronic characteristics. For instance, if the optoelectronic properties of the devices were better understood, a rational design of microscopic electrolyte features could provide for both more efficient LECs, and for more homogeneous light emission from the patterned regions.
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Implementación de señalética y wayfinding para el espacio turístico Ruta del Sillar - ArequipaPérez Martínez, Vielka Mercedes 11 August 2021 (has links)
A lo largo de la historia en la cuidad de Arequipa, el sillar ha sido un material
importante para los pobladores como medio de expresión. Los habitantes de esta ciudad
inician utilizándolo como lienzo para dejar grabado su testimonio mediante símbolos
con gran significado para ellos. Posteriormente, los artesanos y cortadores de la ciudad
empiezan a utilizarlo como elemento para la consturcción de diferentes monumentos
arquitectónicos, logrando con ello crear un espacio tan único que se convirerte en una
característica importante para la ciudad de Arequipa. Debido al rol significativo que
tiene el sillar en la historia de la ciudad, se decidió implementar dentro de la Cantera
de Añashuayco un espacio turístico que muestra esculturas hechas por la Asociación
Turística de Cortadores y Artesanos Ruta del Sillar Canteras Arequipa.
La realización de este proyecto pretende abordar la investigación y análisis del espacio
turístico Ruta del Sillar, para estudiar el funcionamiento de la señalética y wayfinding
del lugar. En base a ello, la investigación se ha centrado en el estudio de los beneficios
que tiene la implementación de este tipo de elementos en un espacio turístico abierto,
para generar resultados positivos en la percepción del público objetivo frente a su visita
y analizar su experiencia al realizar este recorrido lleno de historia. De igual manera se
hace un estudio sobre la importancia que tiene la creación de una idetidad gráfica para
un espacio turístico específico como método de diferenciación de su imagen . / Over the years the history in the city of Arequipa, ashlar has been an important
material for the people as a means of expression. The population of this city began using
it as a canvas to record their testimony through symbols with great meaning for them.
Subsequently, the artisans and cutters of the city began to use it as an element for the
construction of different architectural monuments, creating a space so unique that it
became an important feature for the city of Arequipa. Due to the significant role that ashlar
has in the history of the city, it was decided to implement within the Añashuayco Quarry
a tourist space that shows sculptures made by the Asociación Turística de Cortadores y
Artesanos Ruta del Sillar Canteras Arequipa.
The realization of this project aims to approach the investigation and analysis of the Ruta
del Sillar tourist space, to study the operation of the signage and wayfinding of the place.
Based on this, the research has focused on the study of the benefits of the implementation
of this type of elements in an open tourist space, to generate positive results in the
perception of the target public regarding their visit and analyze their experience when
take this tour full of history. In the same way, a study is made on the importance of creating
a graphic identity for a specific tourist space as a method of differentiating its image / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Análisis del sistema de señalética y diseño gráfico ambiental en la actualidad para personas con discapacidad visual en el Metro de LimaCastro Mesias, Hilda Guadalupe 01 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación analiza el sistema de señalética y diseño gráfico ambiental del Metro de Lima y la manera que impacta en la movilidad de las personas con discapacidad visual. Se identifica las características del sistema, las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad visual respecto a su movilidad y el modo de interacción de éstas con este establecimiento. Se propone como hipótesis que el sistema de señalética y diseño gráfico ambiental tiene deficiencias que impactan de manera social en la vida de las personas con discapacidad visual.
Para esta investigación se aplica un enfoque cualitativo, se analiza un espacio y un grupo humano determinado, a través de la observación, investigación de campo, análisis visual y de experiencias. Se recaudó documentación visual, listas de frecuencias y cotejo.
Los principales hallazgos fueron que el sistema efectivamente tiene deficiencias que lo convierten en un servicio limitado y no inclusivo, provocando inaccesibilidad al transporte de personas con discapacidad visual. En consecuencia, hay una restricción de participación social, dificultad de poder satisfacer necesidades y deseos diarios.
Para concluir, el sistema sí impacta en las formas de desplazamiento de estas personas, afecta su desarrollo personal al no poder cumplir con necesidades diarias y en su desenvolvimiento social e inclusivo puesto que, a través de la posibilidad de movilidad autónoma en los espacios hay interacción, como hacer actividades o conocer, hablar, estar con otro. Además, se propone crear una solución con un diseño universal, que no sea exclusivo de personas que presenten discapacidades físicas, sino que sea apto para todos. / This research analyzes the environmental signage and graphic design system of the Metro de Lima and the way it impacts the mobility of people with visual disabilities. It seeks to analyze the characteristics of the system, identify the needs regarding its mobility and the mode of impact. It was proposed as a hypothesis that the environmental signage and graphic design system has deficiencies that have a social impact on the lives of people with visual disabilities.
The most functional for this research is a qualitative approach, a space and a certain group are analyzed, through observation, field research, visual analysis and experiences. Visual documentation and frequency lists and checklists were collected.
The main findings were that the system does indeed have deficiencies that make it a limited and non-inclusive service, causing inaccessibility to transportation. Consequently, there is a restriction of social participation, difficulty of being able to satisfy daily needs and desires.
To conclude, the system does impact on the mobility of these people, affects their personal development by not being able to meet daily needs and their social and inclusive development since, through mobility in spaces there is interaction, such as doing activities or meet, talk, be with another. In addition, it is proposed to create a solution with a universal design, which is not exclusive to people with physical disabilities, but is suitable for everyone. / Trabajo de investigación
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Preparing for the Future: Creating Outreach Materials for Edge of the Farm Conservation AreaTyler, Sandra Rose 29 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Лексика обозначений чисел в китайских объявлениях и вывесках и способы их перевода для туристов : магистерская диссертация / Vocabulary of numbers in Chinese advertisements and signs and ways to translate them for touristsЛян, Я., Liang, Y. January 2024 (has links)
Relevance in the context of the modern rapid development of globalization, language and cultural exchanges are becoming more frequent. In this context, public signage and billboards, as important means of transmitting cultural information, play a vital role in promoting international tourism and cultural understanding. Effective language translation, especially in tourist centers, can not only help tourists better understand the local culture, but also improve the overall impression of tourists. Therefore the study of the translation of digital terms into publicly available signage is of great importance for improving intercultural exchanges. The purpose of the study is to in-depth study the use of numbers and methods of their translation in public signs in China and Russia. By analyzing the differences in the semantics and use of numerals in two languages, this study attempts to identify the complexity and difficulties of translating numerals in intercultural communication. / Актуальность в условиях современного стремительного развития глобализации языковые и культурные обмены становятся все более частыми. В этом контексте общественные вывески и рекламные щиты, являясь важными средствами передачи культурной информации, играют жизненно важную роль в продвижении международного туризма и культурного взаимопонимания. Эффективный языковой перевод, особенно в туристических центрах, может не только помочь туристам лучше понять местную культуру, но и улучшить общее впечатление туристов. Поэтому изучение перевода цифровых терминов на общедоступные вывески имеет огромное значение для улучшения межкультурных обменов. Целью исследования является углубленное изучение использования цифр и методов их перевода в общественных вывесках Китая и России. Анализируя различия в семантике и употреблении числительных в двух языках, данное исследование пытается выявить сложность и трудности перевода числительных в условиях межкультурной коммуникации.
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Uma arquitetura de software baseada em serviços para sinalização digital interativaFreitas, Douglas Oliveira de 21 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-21 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The use of large displays for digital signage in collective spaces is increasing for numerous purposes. For most signalling scenarios, the dynamic adjustment of the display contents is desirable. Contextual information related to the site and to the signalling profile of observers may be taken into consideration for the selection of content and for user interaction. Interactions can occur implicitly and transparently, by just mutually identifying users and systems for the selection of the content displayed, or by allowing the explicit data exchange between users and the signalling system. Mobile computing devices and wireless technologies extend the possibilities of interaction with users, creating a complex scenario for the exhibition of public and private data. The dynamic analysis of contextual information, the retrieval and generation of presentation data, and the interaction with users all require significant processing which demonstrate the complexity of encoding a digital signage system. This thesis presents a distributed system and service-based software architecture developed for creating interactive digital signage systems. The architecture allows the centralized, but scalable, creation and management of digital signage systems containing different displays and users. An implementation of the proposed architectural model and software was carried out and the results show its ability to serve the creation of dynamic, flexible and interactive digital signage systems. / O uso de monitores de vídeo como forma de sinalização e apresentação de conteúdos digitais em ambientes de uso coletivo é crescente, com inúmeras finalidades. Além disso, para a maior parte dos cenários de sinalização, o ajuste dinâmico dos conteúdos a apresentar é algo desejável. Informações contextuais, relacionadas ao local de sinalização e ao perfil dos observadores, podem ser levadas em consideração para a seleção de conteúdos e para a interação com usuários. Interações podem ocorrer de forma implícita e transparente, apenas identificando usuários e sistemas mutuamente para a seleção do conteúdo exibido, ou permitindo a troca de dados explícita entre os usuários e o sistema de sinalização. Dispositivos computacionais móveis e tecnologias de comunicação sem fio ampliam as possibilidades de interação com usuários, criando um cenário complexo para exibição de dados públicos e privados. A análise dinâmica de parâmetros de contexto, a obtenção e a geração de conteúdos e a interação com usuários, contudo, requerem processamentos que evidenciam a complexidade da codificação de sistemas de sinalização digital. Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura de sistema distribuído e de software baseado em serviços, desenvolvida para a criação de sistemas de sinalização digital interativa. A arquitetura permite a criação e o gerenciamento centralizado, mas escalável, de sistemas de sinalização digital contendo diferentes pontos de apresentação e conjuntos de usuários. Uma implementação do modelo arquitetural e de software proposto foi realizada e os resultados mostram sua capacidade de atender à criação de sistemas de sinalização digital dinâmicos, flexíveis e interativos.
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