Spelling suggestions: "subject:"designal transduction"" "subject:"absignal transduction""
1071 |
Biochemical and functional characterisation of phospholipase C-η2Popovics, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Phospholipase C enzymes are important cell signalling enzymes that catalyse the cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphophate PI(4,5)P₂ into two biologically active second messenger molecules. These are the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate which initiates Ca²⁺ release from the endoplasmic reticulum and the diacylglycerol that activates protein kinase C. Although this basic function is shared between the different isoforms, the PLC family encompasses a diverse collection of proteins with various domain structures in addition to the PLC-specific domains. The neuron-specific “6th family” of these enzymes, PLCηs have most recently been identified with two members, PLCη1 and PLCη2. The aim of the thesis is to characterise the PLCη2 variant from several aspects. Firstly, it describes that PLCη2 possesses a high sensitivity towards Ca²⁺. Secondly, it investigates how the Ca²⁺-induced enzymatic activity of PLCη2 is controlled by its different domains. Also it provides evidence that the pleckstrin homology domain targets PLCη2 to membranes by recognising PI(3,4,5)P₃. Moreover, the uniquely structured EF-hand is responsible for the Ca²⁺-sensitivity of the enzyme. Finally, it is demonstrated that the C2 domain is important for activity. The initial biochemical characterisation is followed by the description of a physiological role for PLCη2. It is shown using a neuroblast model that PLCη2 is crucial for neuronal differentiation and neurite growth. Further efforts were made to assess how PLCη2 is responsible for this effect. It was revealed that it might be involved in regulating intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics, transcriptional activity and actin reorganisation in differentiating neurons. As the functions of PLCη2 are just beginning to come to light, more aspects for future research are also suggested in the thesis. Hopefully, this and the data presented within the thesis will stimulate even greater interest in this fascinating new field of research.
1072 |
A protein in search of a function: The c-di-AMP-binding protein DarA of Bacillus subtilisWeiß, Martin 17 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
1073 |
Expressão gênica diferencial durante a esporulação de Blastocladiella emersonii e estudo da sinalização por GMP cíclico / Differential gene expression during Blastocladiella emersonii sporulation and analysis of the cyclic GMP signaling pathwayVieira, André Luiz Gomes 24 April 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos a análise das variações na expressão gênica global durante a fase de esporulação do fungo aquático Blastocladiella emersonii utilizando a tecnologia dos microarranjos de cDNA em lâminas contendo 3.773 genes distintos. Ao todo 615 genes foram classificados como induzidos enquanto 645 foram classificados como reprimidos ao longo da esporulação. As categorias funcionais mais representadas entre os genes induzidos foram: microtúbulo e citoesqueleto, transmissão de sinal, atividade de ligação ao íon Ca2+, proteólise (apenas no início da esporulação) e biogênese e organização do cromossomo (apenas no final da esporulação). Dentre os genes reprimidos, as categorias funcionais mais representadas foram: biossíntese de proteína, transporte de carboidratos e metabolismo energético. A comparação dos dados de expressão gênica da esporulação com aqueles obtidos recentemente em nosso laboratório para a germinação mostrou um grande número de genes regulados inversamente ao longo das duas fases de diferenciação do ciclo de vida de B. emersonii. Muitos genes induzidos na esporulação são reprimidos na germinação e vice versa. Analisamos também o efeito de glicose e triptofano sobre a expressão gênica durante a formação dos zoósporos, tendo em vista que tais nutrientes são capazes de inibir a esporulação de B. emersonii. Nossos resultados mostraram que na presença de glicose (1%) genes envolvidos na composição e atividade do citoesqueleto foram superexpressos, enquanto na presença do aminoácido triptofano houve um aumento na expressão de genes envolvidos no processo de enovelamento de proteínas e proteólise, e na resposta ao estresse oxidativo. Além disso, genes envolvidos no processo de esporulação propriamente dito foram reprimidos durante o tratamento com triptofano. Investigamos também a via de sinalização por GMP cíclico (cGMP), cujos níveis aumentam consideravelmente durante a esporulação de B. emersonii. Iniciamos o estudo com uma busca no banco de ESTs de B. emersonii (http://blasto.iq.usp.br) por seqüências que codificassem enzimas envolvidas na síntese e degradação de cGMP. Foram encontradas três ESTs que codificam domínios catalíticos que parecem pertencer a três diferentes guanilato ciclases e uma EST codificando uma fosfodiesterase com alta similaridade com fosfodiesterases que possuem alta afinidade por cGMP. Experimentos de microarranjos de cDNA validados por RT-PCR quantitativo em tempo real mostraram que os quatro transcritos são expressos durante esporulação, com picos de indução durante a fase tardia da esporulação, momento em que ocorre a biogênese dos zoósporos. Além disso, dados obtidos a partir de experimentos in vivo e in vitro utilizando inibidores das enzimas guanilato ciclase e óxido nítrico sintase, sugeriram a participação do íon Ca2+ e do radical livre óxido nítrico (•NO) na atividade de guanilato ciclase, em uma via do tipo Ca2+-•NO-cGMP. / In the present work, we analyzed global gene expression changes during the sporulation phase of the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii using cDNA microarray technology with chips containing 3773 distinct genes. A total of 615 genes were upregulated and 645 were down-regulated along the sporulation of the fungus. The overrepresented functional categories among the induced genes were: microtubule and cytoskeleton, signal transduction, Ca2+ binding activity, proteolysis (only at the beginning of sporulation), and chromosome biogenesis and organization (only at the end of sporulation). Among the down-regulated genes, the over-represented functional categories were: protein biosynthesis, carbohydrate transport, and energetic metabolism. Sporulation gene expression data were compared with those obtained recently in our laboratory for the germination phase, showing that a great number of genes are inversely regulated along the two differentiation stages of B. emersonii life cycle. We also analyzed the effects of glucose and tryptophan on gene expression during biogenesis of the zoospores, as such nutrients are able to inhibit B. emersonii sporulation. Our results showed that in the presence of glucose (1%) genes related to activity and composition of cytoskeleton were over-expressed, while in the presence of tryptophan genes involved in protein folding, proteolysis and oxidative stress were induced. In addition, genes involved in the sporulation process per se were downregulated by tryptophan treatment. We also investigated the cyclic GMP signaling pathway, as the levels of this cyclic nucleotide increase considerably during B. emersonii sporulation. Firstly, we searched for sequences encoding enzymes involved in cGMP synthesis and degradation using the B. emersonii EST databank (http://blasto.iq.usp.br). Three sequences were found encoding distinct guanylate cyclase catalytic domains, and one showed high similarity with phosphodiesterases that exhibit high affinity for cGMP. Microarray experiments, validated by real time quantitative RT-PCR, showed that the four transcripts are induced during sporulation, reaching maximum levels at the late stages of sporulation, when zoospore biogenesis occurs. In addition, data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments using inhibitors for the enzymes guanylate cyclase and nitric oxide synthase indicated the involvement of the ion Ca2+ and the free radical nitric oxide (•NO) in guanylate cyclase activity, suggesting the existence of a Ca2+-• NO-cGMP signaling pathway.
1074 |
Regulação da via de sinalização de TGF-b pelo microRNA miR- 146b-5p no câncer de tiróide. / Regulation of TGFbeta signaling pathway by microRNA miR-146b-5p in thyroid cancer.Geraldo, Murilo Vieira 23 November 2011 (has links)
MicroRNAs são pequenos RNAs não codificadores de proteínas envolvidos na regulação pós-transcricional da expressão gênica. Análises de expressão em larga escala identificaram aumento da expressão de miR-146b-5p no carcinoma papilífero (PTC), o subtipo mais prevalente do câncer de tiróide. Uma análise in silico apontou SMAD4, um membro da via de sinalização de TGFbeta, como potencial alvo de miR-146b-5p. A via de TGFbeta é uma via inibitória da proliferação da célula folicular, contudo o mecanismo de escape do sinal inibitório de TGFbeta pela célula tumoral tiroideana permanence não esclarecido. A expressão de miR-146b-5p em linhagem normal PCCL3 diminuiu os níveis de SMAD4, conferindo resistência ao sinal anti-proliferativo de TGFbeta e aumentando a proliferação celular. A inibição de miR-146b-5p em linhagens de PTC aumentou os níveis de SMAD4, restaurou a resposta ao sinal anti-proliferativo de TGFbeta, diminuindo a proliferação celular. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho revelam o papel oncogênico de miR-146b-5p como um regulador negativo da via de TGFbeta. / MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Large-scale analyses revealed that miR-146b-5p is overexpressed in papillary carcinomas (PTC), the most prevalent form of thyroid cancer. A computational analysis indicated SMAD4, an important member of the TGF-<font face=\"Symbol\">b signaling pathway, as a putative target of miR-146b-5p. The TGFbeta pathway is a negative regulator of thyroid follicular cell growth, and the mechanism by which thyroid cancer cells evade its inhibitory signal remains unclear. The overexpression of miR-146b-5p in normal follicular PCCL3 cells decreased SMAD4 levels, conferred resistance to TGFbeta anti-proliferative signal and increased cell proliferation. The specific inhibition of miR-146b-5p in papillary carcinoma cell lines significantly increased SMAD4 levels, restored the TGFbeta signal transduction and decreased cell growth. Altogether, our data confirm the oncogenic role of miR-146b-5p in thyroid follicular cells as a negative regulator of TGFbeta signaling pathway.
1075 |
Mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no fenótipo endotelial em resposta a estímulos físicos e químicos / Molecular mechanisms involved in endothelial phenotype in response to physical and chemical stimuliSilva, Thaís Girão da 01 August 2018 (has links)
O endotélio reveste a parede vascular e possui função essencial na manutenção da homeostase. A célula endotelial é capaz de perceber estímulos extracelulares, como fatores químicos e mecânicos, transmitir a informação para dentro da célula e regular sua função e fenótipo. Neste sentido, investigamos os mecanismos moleculares associados as células endoteliais em dois contextos importantes de intervenções vasculares 1) nos stents farmacológicos, onde a rapamicina exerce funções antiproliferativas e pró-trombogênicas, e 2) na revascularização cardíaca por ponte de safena, onde o alto estiramento mecânico exerce grande impacto no remodelamento vascular e no fenótipo da célula endotelial. A rapamicina pertence à classe de drogas limus, bastante utilizadas nos stents farmacológicos usados no procedimento de desobstrução vascular. Além de sua função antiproliferativa, exploramos os efeitos deletérios associados a pró-trombogênese. Os dados demonstraram que a rapamicina ativa o receptor de TGF independentemente de seu ligante TGFbeta, promovendo aumento na expressão da PAI-1 (pró-trombogênica), alteração no fenótipo endotelial (Transição endotélio-mesenquimal - EndMT) e na formação de fibras de estresse. Os efeitos observados são dependentes da ativação de Smad2 e independentes da via clássica antiproliferativa por mTOR. Experimentos in vivo mostraram que o tratamento com inibidor do receptor de TGF diminui os efeitos pró-trombogênicos e a expressão de PAI-1 induzidos pela rapamicina em artérias carótidas de camundongos. A ponte de safena é um procedimento bastante utilizado na cirurgia de revascularização cardíaca e a arterialização do segmento venoso submetido ao estresse hemodinâmico arterial resulta em remodelamento vascular, que influencia o sucesso do procedimento. Nossos dados demonstram que a célula endotelial humana de veia safena humana (hSVEC), susceptível as modificações do tipo EndMT induzido quimicamente (estímulo pró-fibrótico e pró-inflamatório), não expressou o mesmo comportamento em resposta ao aumento de estiramento mecânico que ocorre durante a arterialização venosa. Entretanto, detectamos uma pronunciada redução dos filamentos de actina, modulação no padrão de ativação da cofilina e na proporção de actina glomerular (G-actina) entre citoplasma e núcleo, com redução da biodisponibilidade de NO. De modo interessante, demonstramos que a redução no filamento de actina é específica para a célula endotelial venosa, não sendo observado em células endoteliais de origem arterial de aorta e coronária. Em conjunto, os dados mostram que 1) efeitos pró-trombogênicos associados a rapamicina são mediados por ativação do receptor de TGF independente do seu ligante e da atividade antiproliferativa da droga e 2) a adaptação da célula endotelial venosa ao estiramento mecânico envolve modulação da síntese/degradação de filamentos de actina e redução na biodisponibilidade de NO. Estes novos elementos sobre o mecanismo de transdução de estímulos químicos e físicos pelo endotélio poderão ser explorados terapeuticamente para modular a plasticidade endotelial em disfunções cardiovasculares / Endothelium is the inner layer in vascular wall and displays an essential role in the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis. Endothelial cell senses the extracellular stimuli, such as chemical and mechanical factors, transduce and process these signals to regulate cell function and phenotype. Here, we investigated molecular underpinning of the endothelial cells under two important scenarios: 1) in drug-eluting stents, where rapamycin exerts antiproliferative and undesirable prothrombogenic functions, and 2) in vein graft bypass surgery, where increased stretch modulates vascular remodeling and endothelial cell phenotype. Rapamycin belongs to the class of limus drugs and is widely used in drug eluting stents (DES) to vascular restenosis. In addition to its antiproliferative function, we explore the deleterious effects associated with prothrombogenesis. Our data demonstrated that rapamycin activates TGF receptor independent of its ligand TGFbeta, in concert with promotion of PAI-1 expression (prothrombogenic), changes in endothelial phenotype (Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transition - EndMT) and stress fibers induction. These effects are Smad2 dependent and independent of the classical antiproliferative mTOR pathway of rapamycin. Our in vivo experiments showed that TGF receptor inhibitor treatment decreases prothrombogenic effects and PAI-1 expression induced by rapamycin in mice carotid arteries. Saphenous vein is widely used in coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and the vein arterialization remodeling in response to the increased stress influences graft patency. Our data demonstrated that human saphenous vein endothelial cell (hSVEC) is susceptible to chemically induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) by pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory stimuli. On the other hand, physical stimulus associated with high stretch failed to induce EndMT. However, we detected a pronounced decrease of actin filaments, modulation of the cofilin activation, changes in the proportion of glomerular actin (G-actin) between cytoplasm and nucleus, and reduction of NO bioavailability. Interestingly, the reduction of actin fibers by high stretch is specific to venous endothelial cell since arterial endothelial cells from aorta, and coronary artery failed to display the response. Altogether, our data show that 1) the thrombogenic effects of rapamycin are mediated by TGF receptor activation independent of its ligand and independent of the antiproliferative pathway of the drug, and 2) the adaptation of venous endothelial cell to mechanical stretch involves synthesis/degradation of actin filaments and reduced NO bioavailability. These new elements on signal transduction of endothelial cells in response to chemical and physical stimuli may be therapeutically explored to modulate endothelial plasticity in cardiovascular disorders
1076 |
O diabetes abole o aumento da expressão do gene SLC2A4 induzido pela contração muscular \"in vitro\": participação das cinases AMPK E CAMKII e dos fatores transcricionais MEF2D, GEF, HIF-1<font face=\"Symbol\">a e TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a. / Diabetes abolishes the \'\'in vitro\'\' muscle contraction-induced increase in SLC2A4 gene expression. Participation of AMPK and CAMKII kinases and MEF2D, GEF, HIF-1<font face=\"Symbol\">a and TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1 transcriptional factors.Lima, Guilherme Alves de 18 August 2011 (has links)
O gene SLC2A4 codifica a proteína GLUT4, fundamental na homeostasia glicêmica. OBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito do diabetes na expressão do GLUT4 pela atividade contrátil. MÉTODOS: Músculos sóleos de ratos não diabéticos (ND) e diabéticos tratados com insulina (DI) ou salina (DS) foram incubados e contraídos. A expressão de GLUT4, pAMPK e CAMKII foram analisados por PCR e Western blotting, e a atividade de MEF2D, GEF, HIF-1<font face=\"Symbol\">a e TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1 por gel shift. Células C2C12 transfectadas com plasmídeos contendo os sítios de ligação para MEF2, HIF, e TR foram tratadas com AICAR ou cafeína. RESULTADOS: Em animais ND e DI, a contração aumentou o conteúdo de GLUT4, mas não nos DS. Em animais ND, a contração aumentou a atividade da AMPK e dos fatores MEF2D, GEF e TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1, mas não nos DS. Em animais ND, os inibidores de AMPK e CAMKII aboliram o aumento do GLUT4 e da atividade de MEF2D e GEF. Em células C2C12 a cafeína e a AMPK ativaram os 3 sítios. CONCLUSÃO: O diabetes abole o aumento da expressão do GLUT4 sob a atividade contrátil devido a redução da atividade de MEF2D, GEF e TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1 e AMPK. / The SLC2A4 gene encodes the GLUT4 protein, which is essential in glucose homeostasis. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the diabetes effect on muscle contraction-induced in SLC2A4 gene expression. METHODS: Soleus muscles of Non diabetic rats (ND) and diabetic treated with insulin (DI) or saline (DS) were incubated and contracted. The GLUT4, pAMPK and CAMKII expressions were analyzed by PCR and Western blotting, and the MEF2D, GEF, HIF-1<font face=\"Symbol\">a and TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1 activity by gel shift. C2C12 cells transfected with plasmids containing the binding sites for MEF2, HIF, and TR were treated with AICAR or caffeine. RESULTS: Contraction increased the GLUT4 amount in animals ND and DI, but not in DS. In ND animals, contraction increased AMPK, MEF2D, GEF and TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1 activity, but not in DS. In ND animals, AMPK and CAMKII inhibitors abolished the GLUT4 increase as like MEF2D and GEF activity. In C2C12 cells AMPK and caffeine activated the 3 sites. CONCLUSION: Diabetes abolishes the muscle contraction-induced GLUT4 increase due to reduced of MEF2D, GEF, TR<font face=\"Symbol\">a1 and AMPK activity.
1077 |
Of Mice, Men and Memories: The Role of the Rodent Hippocampus in Object RecognitionUnknown Date (has links)
Establishing appropriate animal models for the study of human memory is
paramount to the development of memory disorder treatments. Damage to the
hippocampus, a medial temporal lobe brain structure, has been implicated in the memory
loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. In humans, the role of the
hippocampus is largely defined; yet, its role in rodents is much less clear due to
conflicting findings. To investigate these discrepancies, an extensive review of the rodent
literature was conducted, with a focus on studies that used the Novel Object Recognition
(NOR) paradigm for testing. The total amount of time the objects were explored during
training and the delay imposed between training and testing seemed to determine
hippocampal recruitment in rodents. Male C57BL/6J mice were implanted with bilateral
dorsal CA1 guide cannulae to allow for the inactivation of the hippocampus at discrete
time points in the task. The results suggest that the rodent hippocampus is crucial to the
encoding, consolidation and retrieval of object memory. Next, it was determined that there is a delay-dependent involvement of the hippocampus in object memory, implying
that other structures may be supporting the memory prior to the recruitment of
hippocampus. In addition, when the context memory and object memory could be further
dissociated, by altering the task design, the results imply a necessary role for the
hippocampus in the object memory, irrespective of context. Also, making the task more
perceptually demanding, by requiring the mice to perform a two-dimensional to three-dimensional
association between stimuli, engaged the hippocampus. Then, in the
traditional NOR task, long and short training exploration times were imposed to
determine brain region activity for weak and strong object memory. The inactivation and
immunohistochemistry findings imply weak object memory is perirhinal cortex
dependent, while strong object memory is hippocampal-dependent. Taken together, the
findings suggest that mice, like humans, process object memory on a continuum from
weak to strong, recruiting the hippocampus conditionally for strong familiarity.
Confirming this functional similarity between the rodent and human object memory
systems could be beneficial for future studies investigating memory disorders. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
1078 |
Analysis of the Role of Autophagy in Dauer Formation and Dauer Recovery Regulated by TGF-β Signaling Pathway in Caenorhabditis elegansUnknown Date (has links)
Caenorhabditis elegans optionally enter into a dauer diapause phase that results
in a prolonged life in a semi-dormant state. Entry into and recovery from dauer diapause
includes many physical changes in body structure, physiology, and gene expression.
Entry into dauer diapause is regulated by several signaling pathways including
transforming growth factor (TGF-β). Autophagy plays an important role in dauer
formation and recover. During dauer transformation autophagy is up-regulated and may
play a role in remodeling the molecular structure for long term survival during dauer
diapause. This research helps determine the role of autophagy in dauer development and
recovery mediated through the TGF-β signaling pathway. This research also determines
in which tissue autophagy is necessary for dauer formation and recovery through TGF-β signaling. This research is shedding light on the function of autophagy in the TGF-β
signaling pathway, both processes of which have been linked to tumorigenesis, heart
disease and cancer. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
1079 |
Reduced Reproductivity and Larval Locomotion in the Absence of Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase in DrosophilaUnknown Date (has links)
The inevitable aging process can be partially attributed to the accumulation of
oxidative damage that results from the action of free radicals. Methionine sulfoxide
reductases (Msr) are a class of enzymes that repair oxidized methionine residues. The
two known forms of Msr are MsrA and MsrB which reduce the R- and S- enantiomers of
methionine sulfoxide, respectively. Our lab has created the first genetic animal model
that is fully deficient for any Msr activity. Previously our lab showed that these animals
exhibit a 20 hour delay in development of the third instar larvae (unpublished data). My
studies have further shown that the prolonged third-instar stage is due to a reduced
growth rate associated with slower food intake and a markedly slower motility. These
Msr-deficient animals also exhibit decreased egg-laying that can be attributed to a lack of
female receptivity to mating. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
1080 |
Characterization of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP69D in the giant fiber circuitUnknown Date (has links)
PTP69D is a receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP) with two intracellular catalytic domains (Cat1 and Cat2), which has been shown to play a role in axon
outgrowth and guidance of embryonic motorneurons, as well as targeting of photoreceptor neurons in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we
characterized the developmental role of PTP69D in the giant fiber (GF) neurons; two
interneurons in the central nervous system (CNS) that control the escape response of the fly. In addition to guidance and targeting functions, our studies reveal an additional role for PTP69D in synaptic terminal growth in the CNS. We found that inhibition of
phosphatase activity in catalytic domain (Cat1) proximal to the transmembrane domain
did not affect axon guidance or targeting but resulted in stunted terminal growth of the
GFs. Cell autonomous rescue and knockdown experiments demonstrated a function for
PTP69D in the GFs, but not its postsynaptic target neurons. In addition,complementation studies and structure-function analyses revealed that for GF terminal growth, Cat1 function of PTP69D requires the immunoglobulin and the Cat2 domain but not the fibronectin type III repeats nor the membrane proximal region. In contrast, the fibronectin type III repeats, but not the immunoglobulin domains, were previously shown to be essential for axon targeting of photoreceptor neurons. Thus, our studies uncover a novel role for PTP69D in synaptic terminal growth in the CNS that is mechanistically distinct from its function during earlier developmental processes. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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