Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8ignificant factors"" "subject:"3significant factors""
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Factors in the implementation of online courses of study in selected community colleges in MississippiDone, Kenneth Lamar 02 May 2009 (has links)
This study was designed to examine administrators’ attitudes toward the significant factors for facilitating the implementation of online courses at select community colleges in Mississippi. The population for this study included all presidents, vice presidents, deans, business managers, directors of campus technology, and distance learning coordinators at the select community colleges in Mississippi. The total population was 79 administrators. For this study, 79 questionnaires were electronically distributed to the participants, 70 (89%) were returned. 1 (2%) was excluded due to incomplete answers. 69 questionnaires (87%) were analyzed and used for this study. The findings show that in terms of relationships between select variables (position, college, age, gender, ethnicity, and experience) and administrators’ attitudes toward implementing online courses three variables had a positive relationship with administrators’ attitudes (i.e., age, ethnicity, and experience). Also, 3 variables had a negative relationship with administrators’ attitudes (i.e., position, college, gender). Furthermore administrators rated their attitudes toward online courses as “strongly agree”. In terms of the most important factors that facilitate implementing online courses at the select community colleges in Mississippi, administrators rated their responses as “strongly agree.” Those factors were resources, infrastructure, willingness of administrators to implement online courses and faculty to participate in implementing online courses. In this study, administrators rated their responses on barriers that limit implementation of online courses as “agree.” Those barriers that limit implementing online courses are lack of technical support, lack of faculty participation and lack of student access to the resources. Finally, in accordance with the finding, this study offered several major recommendations to administrators and community colleges that should be considered before implementing and delivering online courses. Some of those recommendations related to knowledge and skills of using technology by administrators, establishing good infrastructures to offer excellent online courses, and qualifying and recruiting the human resources needed to administer online courses successfully
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Betydande faktorer för effektiva specialtransporterAndersson, Elisabeth, Maria, Reineck January 2015 (has links)
För att vara konkurrenskraftig på marknaden behöver företag hitta och använda möjliga resurser för förbättringar. En grund för ett kostnadseffektivt och kundtillgängligt logistiksystem är transporter. Det är viktigt att ha fokus på både interna och externa transporter när processer ska optimeras och via detta erhålla lägre kostnader. Den enskilt största logistikkostnaden i många företag är transportkostnaden. Studien har utförts på ett företag som är verksamma inom industrin. Fallstudieföretaget har ett fokusområde inom transporter, där syftet är att utveckla verksamheten inom specialtransporter. Denna studie ämnar att studera detta fokusområde. Med att effektivisera specialtransporter menas att öka kundservicen och minska kostnaderna. Specialtransporter innebär mestadels interna transporter, men externa transporter förekommer också. Specialtransporterna utför bland annat transporter av maskiner, maskindelar och kemikalier. Dessa är inte direkt kopplade till produktionen. Idag utförs beställningar av specialtransporter via telefon till ett orderkontor. Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer som har betydelse för att erhålla effektiva specialtransporter. Detta ska ligga till grund för att ge rekommendationer till fallstudieföretaget för fortsatt arbete med effektivisering av specialtransporter. För att besvara syftet har litteraturstudier, observationer, dataanalys, intervjuer och benchmarking genomförts. Via litteraturstudierna har betydande faktorer för att erhålla effektiva specialtransporter identifierats. Utifrån övriga metoder har ett nuläge hos fallstudieföretaget kunnat beskrivas och genom detta har slöserier och förbättringsområden identifierats. Några betydande faktorer för att erhålla effektiva specialtransporter som har uppmärksammats i litteraturen är information, effektiv logistik och standardisering. De identifierade slöserierna hos fallstudieföretaget är bland annat bristande kommunikation, information och utnyttjande av resurser. Dessa identifierade slöserier på fallstudieföretaget överensstämmer väl med de betydande faktorerna som framkom från litteraturen. De betydande faktorerna som presenteras i denna studie kan företag ha i åtanke när de vill erhålla effektiva specialtransporter. / To be competitive in the market, companies need to find and use available resources for improvements. Transport is a source to cost-effective and customer accessible logistics system. Both internal and externals transports are important to focus on when processes are optimized in order to obtain lower costs. The main logistics cost in many companies constitutes of transports. This case study has been conducted in an industrial company. This study intends to make the transports more effective, through better customer service and reduced costs. The transports that have been studied are not directly linked to the production. When a transport is needed an order is made by telephone. The purpose of the study is to identify significant factors for effective special transports. The factors form a foundation for recommendations to the case company in the future work to have more effective special transports. To answer the purpose literature studies, observations, data analysis, interviews and benchmarking have been carried out. Some significant factors for effective special transports are information, effective logistics and standardization. Some identified waste in the case company is lack of communication and information and the utilization of resources. The significant factors have a correspondence with the identified waste.
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Betydelsefulla faktorer vid bemötandet av patienter under återhämtningsprocessen efter hjärtinfarkt : En litteraturöversikt ur patientens perspektiv / Significant factors in the encounter of patients recovering from a myocardial infarction : A literature review from a patient’s perspectiveGernandt, Maria, Åkerblom, Lina January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund Sedan mitten av 1990-talet har dödligheten av hjärtinfarkt halverats tack vare forskning kring hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Då flera studier visar att många patienter som överlever en hjärtinfarkt upplever lågt välbefinnande behöver dessa stöd i sin återhämtningsprocess. Syfte Syftet var att belysa betydelsefulla faktorer vid bemötandet av patienter under återhämtningsprocessen efter hjärtinfarkt, detta ur ett patientperspektiv. Metod En litteraturstudie har gjorts utifrån tio kvalitativt vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Efter att kritiskt ha granskat artiklarnas resultat sammanfördes dessa i en översiktstabell. Utifrån detta identifierades återkommande nyckelord, vilka alla svarade på syftet, för att därefter sammanställas under fem kategorier. Resultat De fem kategorier som framkom är: Kunskap och information, Acceptans och hanteringsstrategier, Den upplevda kroppen, Goda sociala relationer och Existentiell mening. Resultatet visar att patienter som överlevt en hjärtinfarkt är i stort behov av relevant kunskap och information, såväl verbal som skriftlig sådan. Även acceptans är väsentligt liksom möjligheten att skapa strategier för att kunna hantera den förändrade livssituationen. Genom familj och vänner men även genom medpatienter med liknande upplevelser visar sig goda sociala relationer ha stor betydelse för patienterna. Slutligen visar resultatet hur känslan av hopp och existentiell mening är ett viktigt stöd för en positiv återhämtningsprocess. Diskussion Diskussionen har berört de fem kategorierna utifrån såväl tidigare relevant forskning som Antonovskys teoribildning om Känsla av sammanhang, KASAM. Sjuksköterskor kan bidra till en god återhämtningsprocess genom att öka patienters kunskap och stärka förmågan att acceptera för att de ska kunna få en ökad förståelse och begriplighet för sitt aktuella hälsotillstånd. Verktyg och strategier för livsstilsförändringar bör erbjudas vilket kan underlätta för patienterna att kunna hantera sin situation. Dessutom ska sjuksköterskan inge stöd och hopp för att öka känslan av meningsfullhet. / Background Thanks to cardiovascular science, myocardial infarction has been halved by fifty percent since the 1990’s. However, many studies show that the majority of the ones who survive from a myocardial infarction experience low levels of wellbeing why support is needed in the process of recovery. Aim The aim of this study was to illuminate significant factors in the encounter of patients recovering from a myocardial infarction, from a patient’s perspective Methods A literature review was made based on ten qualitative, scientific articles retrieved from the databases Cinahl and PubMed. The contents of the articles were critically reviewed and put together in an overview table. Accordingly to the results of the studies significant keywords were identified and compiled into five categories. Results The five categories is: Knowledge and information, Acceptance and strategies, Experience of the body, Significant social relations and Existential meanings. The findings show that patients who survives a myocardial infarction is in great need of relevant knowledge and information, both verbally and in writing. Acceptance and strategies is important to handle the life changing factors. The result shows that social relations like family and friends, as well as other patients with similar experiences, also has a significant impact on the patients. Finally, hope and the experience of living a meaningful life is an important support in a positive process of recovery. Discussions The five categories have been discussed by previous, significant science and the theoretical base Sense of coherence, by Antonovsky. To achieve a positive process of recovery nurses can help patients by increasing their knowledge and strengthening their ability to accept and understand the new state of health. Life changing tools and coping strategies should be provided by nurses as well as giving hope and support to facilitate the situation and increase the experience of a meaningful life.
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InfluÃncia de fatores significativos para o estÃgio supervisionado na licenciatura em matemÃtica no municÃpio de Fortaleza/CEJÃderson Cavalcante da Silva 00 September 2018 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O estÃgio supervisionado à uma atividade de natureza complexa e vÃrios fatores circunscrevem o processo formativo da aÃÃo realizada por licenciandos/estagiÃrios. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo configura-se como uma pesquisa de campo exploratÃria, com abordagem quantitativa, tendo como objetivos: 1) Avaliar fatores significativos que influenciam na atividade de estÃgio supervisionado nos cursos de licenciatura em matemÃtica, no municÃpio de Fortaleza/CE, a partir da aÃÃo realizada por estagiÃrios/licenciandos; 2) Construir um modelo de regressÃo linear mÃltiplo formado pela Ãnica variÃvel dependente Escore total dos 17 itens do instrumento associado ao conjunto de variÃveis independentes que envolvem os itens de caracterizaÃÃo do participante da pesquisa. A populaÃÃo objeto da pesquisa foi formada pelos estagiÃrios em matemÃtica matriculados na licenciatura em matemÃtica, no ano de 2017, no perÃodo de estÃgio, bem como os licenciandos em matemÃtica que jà cursaram pelo menos uma das disciplinas de estÃgio referentes Ãs quatro instituiÃÃes de ensino superior (UECE, IFCE, IDJ/UVA, UFC) situadas no municÃpio de Fortaleza/CE. A amostra da pesquisa foi formada por 169 licenciandos/estagiÃrios em matemÃtica. Para a coleta de dados foi construÃdo um questionÃrio que contÃm itens de caracterizaÃÃo e uma escala de avaliaÃÃo com itens medidos em uma escala LIKERT. Para isso, utilizou-se, na anÃlise dos dados, o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versÃo 20.0 para Windows. Os resultados evidenciaram, preliminarmente, um nÃvel de qualidade boa na composiÃÃo/formulaÃÃo formada pela escala de avaliaÃÃo com 17 itens medidos em uma escala LIKERT (α de Cronbach igual a 0,845). Em seguida, na anÃlise fatorial exploratÃria, avaliou-se a existÃncia de 5 fatores significativos. Por fim, realizou-se, separadamente, a construÃÃo de duas regressÃes lineares mÃltiplas, possibilitando identificar a magnitude das influÃncias (positivo/negativo) que circunscrevem a prÃtica de estÃgio supervisionado no padrÃo apresentado em nossa matriz de dados. Assim, percebe-se que, por mais que tradicionalmente o estÃgio supervisionado tenha sido destacado como um perÃodo desconexo com as aÃÃes da formaÃÃo do ensino superior (disciplinas e outras), tal proposta formativa pode apresentar-se de forma distinta em outras realidades brasileiras. No caso do municÃpio de Fortaleza/CE foi avaliado que os quatro cursos de licenciaturas em matemÃtica estÃo conseguindo, a partir de um processo formativo, articulaÃÃo das aÃÃes desenvolvidas segundo a perspectiva dos licenciandos/estagiÃrios
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A framework for the management of professional bodies in South AfricaRajcoomar, Amendra 06 1900 (has links)
Professional bodies represent practitioners who continually seek guidance on industry related problems and challenges. Each professional body adopts values that are aligned to their own field of expertise. The operations of professional bodies are generally similar in many aspects and demands proficiency in order to maintain credibility and relevance. Research has revealed that professional bodies are lacking in effectiveness and need to improve so that maximum benefit can be relished by practitioners. This research attempts to develop a framework that can be utilised as a guide by professional bodies so that they can achieve excellence.
The aim of the study was to develop a framework that can be used for the management of professional bodies by exploring the views and opinions of a total of 748 participants from management and members of professional bodies locally. The data was collected from interviews, and two separate questionnaires, one for professional bodies and the other for practitioners. The data was analysed statistically primarily using factor analysis to determine the significant factors that contributed to the developed framework for professional bodies.
The questionnaires espoused questions related to the demographics of the respondents, management, mandate of professional bodies, offerings and benefits, assurance mechanisms, role of members, needs of members and more. The research instrument used the seven point Likert scale for the respondents to rate each question. The questionnaires were posted online for the respondents to participate.
The research significant factors for professional bodies and practitioners emanated separately through factor analysis. The factors were then combined resulting in a total of 14 research overall factors that were used to develop a framework for professional bodies.
The beneficiaries of this study are primarily professional bodies. The framework will also be useful to management in industry since it addresses partnership and collaboration efforts between industry, professional bodies and training authorities. / Business Management / DBL
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Fem för en - från komplexitet till simplicitet : En fallstudie om avgörande faktorer och riskkällor utifrån en multidimensionell IT-investering / Five for one – from complexity to simplicityStafström, Anna, Lundberg, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagens snabbföränderliga värld och höga konkurrenstryck ställer krav på innovativa investeringar för en verksamhets fortskridning. Nytt paradigm inom IT-branschen är molntjänst, där utbjudande leverantör bör ta hänsyn till vissa faktorer för att erhålla ett gynnsamt utfall. Vanligt förekommande inom IT-branschen är att nyttja Business Case i beslutssituationer där olika faktorer noga övervägs innan investeringsbeslut fattas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att med hjälp av Business Case identifiera och belysa avgörande faktorer och riskkällor vid investeringsbeslut. De identifierade riskkällorna ska också undersökas i syfte att söka minimera dem. Med hjälp av teoretisk och empiriskt underlag ämnar studien sammanställa ett Business Case för säkrare investeringsbeslut vid multidimensionella IT-investeringar. Metodik: Detta är en fallstudie utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Studien är uppbyggd kring semi-strukturerade intervjuer, där tre representanter ifrån fallföretaget IST låtit svara på djupgående intervjufrågor. Slutsats: Samtliga faktorer som granskats har mer eller mindre betydande roll för beslutstagande vid multidimensionell IT-investering. De faktorer som anses ha störst betydelse vid ett investeringsbeslut är också de faktorer som utgör störst risk. Dessa är marknadsbehov IT-branschen och tekniska förutsättningar vilka besvarar kandidatuppsatsens frågeställningar. Med Business Case som utgångspunkt reduceras osäkerheter och säkrare investeringsbeslut möjliggörs. / Background: In today’s rapidly changing society, the high competitive pressures require innovative investments in order for companies to proceed. A new paradigm within the IT-industry is Cloud service, where the vendor needs to take into account certain factors to obtain a favourable outcome. Therefore, it is common to use Business Case in the IT-industry during the decision making process where different factors are carefully considered before deciding whether or not to make an investment. Purpose: By using Business Case, the aim of this study is to identify and highlight the critical factors and sources of risk when making an investment-decision. The identified hazards should also be explored in order to seek to minimize them. With the help of theoretical and empirical data the study intends to compile a Business Case for safer investment for multidimensional IT-investments. Methodology: In this study qualitative research has been used. The study is based on semi-structured interviews, where three representatives from IST have been asked to answer essential interview questions. Conclusion: All factors examined in this study were more or less of a significant role in the decision making process of a multidimensional IT-investment. However, the most important factors when making a decision are also the factors that constitute the greatest risk. These are the market needs in the IT industry and technological conditions, which respond to the questions asked in this particular thesis. Using the Business Case as a starting point, uncertainties are reduced and the possibilities of a safer investment decisions are improved.
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A framework for the implementation and practice of professional bodiesRajcoomar, Amendra 06 1900 (has links)
Professional bodies represent practitioners who continually seek guidance on industry related problems and challenges. Each professional body adopts values that are aligned to their own field of expertise. The operations of professional bodies are generally similar in many aspects and demands efficacy in order to maintain credibility and relevance. Research has revealed that professional bodies are lacking in efficacy and need to improve so that maximum benefit can be relished by practitioners. This research attempts to develop a framework that can be utilised as a guide by professional bodies so that they can achieve excellence.
The aim of the study was to develop a framework that can be used for the formation, practice and management of professional bodies by exploring the views and opinions of a total of 1119 participants from management and members of professional bodies locally. The data was collected from interviews, a focus group discussion and two separate questionnaires, one for professional bodies and the other for practitioners. The data was analysed statistically primarily using factor analysis to determine the significant factors that contributed to the developed framework for professional bodies.
The questionnaires espoused questions related to the demographics of the respondents, management, mandate of professional bodies, offerings and benefits, assurance mechanisms, role of members, needs of members and more. The research instrument used the seven point Likert scale for the respondents to rate each question. The questionnaires were posted online for the respondents to participate.
The research significant factors for professional bodies and practitioners emanated separately through factor analysis. The factors were then combined resulting in a total of 14 research overall factors that were used to develop a framework for professional bodies.
The beneficiaries of this study are primarily professional bodies, practitioners and also SAQA. The framework will also be useful to management in industry since it addresses partnership and collaboration efforts between industry, professional bodies and academia. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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Optimering av betongbjälklag med hänsyn till avgörande faktorer. / Optimization of concrete slabs with regard to critical factors.Berggren, Julia, Andersson, Maja January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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