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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске / Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske / Prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years in the territory of Republic of Srpska

Domuz Sanela 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Увод: Астма као хронично оболење представља велики здравствени, социјални и економски проблем широм света Ово оболење једно је од најчешћих хроничних оболења код деце и најчешћи узрок повећаног броја хоспитализација код деце млађе од 15 година. Резултати досадашњих студија говоре у прилог пораста преваленције астме и алергијских болести код деце у последњих десетак година. Епидемиолошка испитивања су значајна за разумевање природе астме, као и откривања могућих фактора за тренд пораста учесталости астме код деце. Разлика у географској дистрибуцији учесталости симптома астме унутар исте земље сугерише да фактори средине, више него можда генетски фактори, утичу на дистрибуцију преваленције симптома астме. У литератури се као најзначајнији фактори средине истичу загађење животне средине и климатски фактора. Доступне студије показују да постоји узрочна повезаност између повећане изложености загађењу животне средине и акутних респираторних симптома. Процењено је да је у Европи током 2000. године дошло до губитка 3,6 милиона година живота услед повећања концентрације респирабилних честица. И новије препоруке Светске здравствене организације одлучно предлажу смањење изложености деце загађујућим материјама. Резултати доступних студија сугеришу да ефекти загрејавања и топлотних таласа, као и ниских темепратура, утичу на морбидитет и учесталост хоспитализација деце са астмом. Циљеви истраживања били су одредити преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске, затим одредити утицај загађујућих материја животне средине и климатских фактора на преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске. Материјал и методе: Истраживање је проведено у облику студије пресека и обухватало је 3000 деце узраста од 6 до 15 година из 13 основних школа на територији Републике Српске. Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година одређивала се путем упитника Интернационалне студије за астму и алергије код деце (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood &ndash; ISAAC). Овај упитник дизајниран је за потребе мултицентричне студије о преваленцији астме, алергијског ринитиса и екцема код деце. Мерење квалитета ваздуха обухватало је следеће параметре: сумпoр диoксид SO2 (&mu;g/m3), угљен мoнoксид CO (mg/m3), азот диоксид NO2 (&mu;g/m3), oзoн O3 (&mu;g/m3) и респирабилне честице PM10 (&mu;g/m3). Континуирана мерења компоненти загађености ваздуха вршила су се на метеоролошком опсерваторију гдје су се континуирано мерили имисионе концентрације стационарним еколошким лабораторијем. Мерења климатских фактора на станицама Републичког хидрометеоролошког завода Републике Српске вршила су се према стандардима Светске метеоролошке организације (WMO). Мерења су се вршила у оквиру метеорoлошког круга који се налази на отвореном простору да би се избегао вештачки утицај околине и у одређеним терминима у зависности од ранга станице. Подаци су анализирани уз помоћ статистичког софтвера IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Резултати: Визинг у последњих 12 месеци имало је 7,9% деце укључене у студију. Дијагнозу астме икада имало је постављено 3,5% испитаника. Статистички значајну учесталост недијагностиковане астме имала су деца са блажим симптомима астме у последњих 12 месеци. Сув кашаљ ноћу био регистрован је код 14,8% испитаника. Код дечака је била значајно виша преваленција визинга у последњих 12 месеци и сувог кашља него код девојчица. Код превремено рођене деце статистички значајно је виша преваленција свих симптома астме. Регистрована је и значајна релација између пушења међу укућанима и појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци (&chi;2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Код испитаника чији укућани су пушачи била је виша преваленција овог симптома (9,6%) у односу на децу чији укућани не пуше (6,7%). Пушење мајки у трудноћи статистички значајно је утицало на преваленцију свих симптома астме код деце. Концентрација азот оксида и PM10 је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци, док је повезаност са преваленцијом дијагнозе астме код деце на маргини статистичке значајности. Концентрација сумпор диоксида и озона је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга у последњих 12 месеци. Преваленција астме у планинској регији је 7,3%, у умерено-континенталној регији је 8,0% и медитеранској регији 8,4%. Просечна годишња температура даје статистички значајан допринос предвиђању појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци међу децом која су икада имали визинг у току живота. Са порастом просечне годишње температуре за 1 степен вероватноћа појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци је 1,98 пута већа међу децом која су икада имала визинг. Пораст максималне просечне дневне температуре статистички значајно утиче на појаву визинга у току живота и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци. Постоји статистички значајна повезаност између минималне просечне дневне температуре и појаве визинга толико тешког да дете није у могућности изговорити неколико речи између два удаха. Закључак: Мушки пол, рођење пре термина, изложеност дуванском диму и пушење мајке током трудноће представљају статистички значајане ризике за развој астме код детета. Дечаци, деца млађег узраста, превремено рођена деца и деца храњена млечним формулама у првих 6 месеци живота имају статистичи значајан ризик за развој сувог кашља. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце имају следеће мерене загађујуће материје: SO2, O3, азот оксиди и PM10. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце има пораст просечне годишње температуре и више вредности максималне просечне дневне температуре.</p> / <p>Uvod: Astma kao hronično obolenje predstavlja veliki zdravstveni, socijalni i ekonomski problem širom sveta Ovo obolenje jedno je od najčešćih hroničnih obolenja kod dece i najčešći uzrok povećanog broja hospitalizacija kod dece mlađe od 15 godina. Rezultati dosadašnjih studija govore u prilog porasta prevalencije astme i alergijskih bolesti kod dece u poslednjih desetak godina. Epidemiološka ispitivanja su značajna za razumevanje prirode astme, kao i otkrivanja mogućih faktora za trend porasta učestalosti astme kod dece. Razlika u geografskoj distribuciji učestalosti simptoma astme unutar iste zemlje sugeriše da faktori sredine, više nego možda genetski faktori, utiču na distribuciju prevalencije simptoma astme. U literaturi se kao najznačajniji faktori sredine ističu zagađenje životne sredine i klimatski faktora. Dostupne studije pokazuju da postoji uzročna povezanost između povećane izloženosti zagađenju životne sredine i akutnih respiratornih simptoma. Procenjeno je da je u Evropi tokom 2000. godine došlo do gubitka 3,6 miliona godina života usled povećanja koncentracije respirabilnih čestica. I novije preporuke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije odlučno predlažu smanjenje izloženosti dece zagađujućim materijama. Rezultati dostupnih studija sugerišu da efekti zagrejavanja i toplotnih talasa, kao i niskih temepratura, utiču na morbiditet i učestalost hospitalizacija dece sa astmom. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su odrediti prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske, zatim odrediti uticaj zagađujućih materija životne sredine i klimatskih faktora na prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku studije preseka i obuhvatalo je 3000 dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina iz 13 osnovnih škola na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina određivala se putem upitnika Internacionalne studije za astmu i alergije kod dece (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood &ndash; ISAAC). Ovaj upitnik dizajniran je za potrebe multicentrične studije o prevalenciji astme, alergijskog rinitisa i ekcema kod dece. Merenje kvaliteta vazduha obuhvatalo je sledeće parametre: sumpor dioksid SO2 (&mu;g/m3), ugljen monoksid CO (mg/m3), azot dioksid NO2 (&mu;g/m3), ozon O3 (&mu;g/m3) i respirabilne čestice PM10 (&mu;g/m3). Kontinuirana merenja komponenti zagađenosti vazduha vršila su se na meteorološkom opservatoriju gdje su se kontinuirano merili imisione koncentracije stacionarnim ekološkim laboratorijem. Merenja klimatskih faktora na stanicama Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda Republike Srpske vršila su se prema standardima Svetske meteorološke organizacije (WMO). Merenja su se vršila u okviru meteorološkog kruga koji se nalazi na otvorenom prostoru da bi se izbegao veštački uticaj okoline i u određenim terminima u zavisnosti od ranga stanice. Podaci su analizirani uz pomoć statističkog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Rezultati: Vizing u poslednjih 12 meseci imalo je 7,9% dece uključene u studiju. Dijagnozu astme ikada imalo je postavljeno 3,5% ispitanika. Statistički značajnu učestalost nedijagnostikovane astme imala su deca sa blažim simptomima astme u poslednjih 12 meseci. Suv kašalj noću bio registrovan je kod 14,8% ispitanika. Kod dečaka je bila značajno viša prevalencija vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci i suvog kašlja nego kod devojčica. Kod prevremeno rođene dece statistički značajno je viša prevalencija svih simptoma astme. Registrovana je i značajna relacija između pušenja među ukućanima i pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci (&chi;2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Kod ispitanika čiji ukućani su pušači bila je viša prevalencija ovog simptoma (9,6%) u odnosu na decu čiji ukućani ne puše (6,7%). Pušenje majki u trudnoći statistički značajno je uticalo na prevalenciju svih simptoma astme kod dece. Koncentracija azot oksida i PM10 je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci, dok je povezanost sa prevalencijom dijagnoze astme kod dece na margini statističke značajnosti. Koncentracija sumpor dioksida i ozona je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci. Prevalencija astme u planinskoj regiji je 7,3%, u umereno-kontinentalnoj regiji je 8,0% i mediteranskoj regiji 8,4%. Prosečna godišnja temperatura daje statistički značajan doprinos predviđanju pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci među decom koja su ikada imali vizing u toku života. Sa porastom prosečne godišnje temperature za 1 stepen verovatnoća pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci je 1,98 puta veća među decom koja su ikada imala vizing. Porast maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature statistički značajno utiče na pojavu vizinga u toku života i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci. Postoji statistički značajna povezanost između minimalne prosečne dnevne temperature i pojave vizinga toliko teškog da dete nije u mogućnosti izgovoriti nekoliko reči između dva udaha. Zaključak: Muški pol, rođenje pre termina, izloženost duvanskom dimu i pušenje majke tokom trudnoće predstavljaju statistički značajane rizike za razvoj astme kod deteta. Dečaci, deca mlađeg uzrasta, prevremeno rođena deca i deca hranjena mlečnim formulama u prvih 6 meseci života imaju statističi značajan rizik za razvoj suvog kašlja. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece imaju sledeće merene zagađujuće materije: SO2, O3, azot oksidi i PM10. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece ima porast prosečne godišnje temperature i više vrednosti maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature.</p> / <p>Introduction: Asthma аs a chronic diseases is a major health, social and economic problem worldwide. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and the most common cause of an increased number of hospitalizations in children under the age of 15 years. The results of previous studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in children in the last ten years. Epidemiological studies are important for understanding the nature of asthma, as well as for discovering of possible factors for the increasing trend of the prevalence of asthma in children. The difference in the geographical distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms within the same country suggests that environmental factors, rather than genetic factors may influence the distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms. Air pollution and climatic factors highlight as the most important environmental factors in the literature. Available studies indicate that there is a causal link between increased exposure to air pollution and acute respiratory symptoms. It is estimated that was a loss of 3.6 million years of life due to increased concentrations of respirable particles in Europe during 2000. year. Also, the recent recommendations of the World Health Organization strongly suggest reducing children&#39;s exposure to air pollutants. The results of the available studies suggest that the effects of warming and heat waves, as well as low temperatures, influence on the incidence of morbidity and hospitalization in children with asthma. The aims of this research were to determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska, to determine the impact of air pollutants and climatic factors on the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the form of cross-sectional study and included 3,000 children aged 6 to 15 years from 13 primary schools in Republic of Srpska. The prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years is determined through a questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC). This questionnaire has been designed for the needs of a multi-center study of the prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in children. Measuring air quality included the following parameters: sulfur dioxide SO2 (mg/m3), carbon monoxide CO (mg/m3), nitrogen dioxide NO2 (mg/m3), ozone O3 (g/m3) and respirable particles PM10 (mg/m3). Air quality monitoring is performed using the meteorological observatory, where we continuously measured the emission concentration by a stationary ecological laboratory. Measurements of climate factors in stations of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Republic of Srpska were done according to the standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Measurements were made in certain periods depending on the station rank in the space of the meteorological circle which was located in the open space in order to avoid artificially influence the environment. Data were analyzed using statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months was 7.9%, while the prevalence of diagnosed asthma ever was 3.5%. Children with symptoms of mild asthma in the past 12 months had statistically significant prevalence of undiagnosed asthma. A dry cough at night was registered in 14.8% of participants. Boys have significantly higher prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months and a dry cough than girls. Premature infants have significantly higher prevalence of all asthma symptoms. It was registered significant relationship between smoking among family members and the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months (&chi;2 (1, N = 1956) = 5.13, p = 0.02). Prevalence of these symptoms was higher for participants who lived with smokers (9.6%) compared to children whose family members do not smoke (6.7%). Maternal smoking during pregnancy significantly influenced the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children. The concentration of nitrogen oxides and PM10 was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing and dry cough in the past 12 months. The concentration of sulfur dioxide and ozone was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months. The prevalence of asthma in the highland climate regions was 7.3%, in the continental regions was 8.0% and 8.4% in the mediterranean regions. The average annual temperature gives a statistically significant contribution to predicting the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months among children who have ever had wheezing during their lifetime. The likelihood of wheezing in the past 12 months was 1.98 times higher for each degree of average annual temperature rise among children who ever had wheezing. The increase of average daily maximum temperature significantly affects the occurrence of wheezing ever and dry cough in the past 12 months. There is a statistically significant correlation between the average daily minimum temperature and the occurrence of severe wheezing that the child is not able to say a few words between breaths. Conclusion: Male gender, preterm birth, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and maternal smoking during pregnancy are a statistically significant risk for the development of asthma in children. Boys, younger children, premature babies and children formulas fed during first 6 months of life have a statistically significant risk for the development of a dry cough. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children showed following air pollutants: SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides and PM10. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children has rise of the average annual temperature and higher value of the maximum average daily temperature.</p>

Povezanost vremena nastanka multiple skleroze sa karakteristikama kliničke slike, toka bolesti, nalazima nuklearne magnetne rezonance i likvora / The correlation of time beginning Multiple sclerosis with clinical features, disease course, magnetic resonance imaging features,and presence oligoclonal band in cerebrospinal fluid

Suknjaja Vesna 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Početak multiple skleroze (MS) u dečijem uzrastu je dijagnostički i terapijski izazov. I ako rani početak MS-a uglavnom ukazuje na dobru kratkoročnu prognozu, neka deca razviju te&scaron;ku onesposobljenost, fizičku ili kognitivnu, a vi&scaron;e od 50% obolelih uđe u sekundarno progresivnu formu bolesti pre 30. godine života. Rana dijagnoza je neophodna za uvođenje imunomodulatorne terapije, kojom se obezbeđuje dobra dugoročna prognoza. CILJ: Analiza parametara koji bi omogućili ranu dijagnozu multiple skleroza sa ranim početkom u odnosu na simptome, sprovedene dijagnostičke procedure i tok bolesti. Sagledavanje inicijalnih kliničkih manifestacija multiple skleroze, prisustva ologoklonaliteta, nalaza MRI endokranijuma i njihovih osobenosti u dečijoj populaciji uz komparaciju sa inicijalnim kliničkim manifestacijama kod pacijenata obolelih od multiple skleroze u odraslom dobu. MATERIJALI METODE: Ova retrospektivno/ prospektivna studija obuhvata pacijente lečene na Klinici za neurologiju KCV u Novom Sadu u periodu od dvanaest godina, od januara 2003. godine do januara 2015. godine sa znacima i simptomima inicijalne demijelinacione bolesti CNS. Od ove kohorte izdvojeno je dve grupe pacijenata; prva grupa pacijenata kod kojih je bolest nastala pre 18. godine života, i druga grupa uzrasta od 20-55 godina. Pacijenti su epidemiolo&scaron;ki obrađeni prema godinama početka bolesti, polu, porodičnoj istoriji, simptomima na početku bolesti (inicijalni simptom), toku bolesti- pojavi drugog relapsa i vremena do pojave drugog relapsa, nalazu MRI, nalazu evociranih potencijala i prisustvo oligoklonalnih traka u likvoru. Tokom praćenja beleži se vreme do drugog relapsa i tip relapsa. Tražila se korelacija između kliničkih i dijagnostičkih rezultata sa brzinom pojave drugog relapsa. Za testiranje razlika između grupa kori&scaron;ćen je Pirsonov hi-kvadrat test, a za testiranje jačine povezanosti kori&scaron;ćeno je Kramerovo V. Neparametrijski podaci su obrađivani Men-Vitni U testom. REZULTATI: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, u grupi pacijenata sa ranim početkom MS-a odnos ženskog i mu&scaron;kog pola je bio 1,3:1, a u grupi pacijenata sa uobičajenim početkom MS-a 2,2:1. Iz dobijenih rezultata vidimo da ima manje nego &scaron;to je očekivano pacijenata rođenih u mesecima decembru 4,6% i januaru (5,9%), a vi&scaron;e nego &scaron;to je očekivanu u mesecima martu (11,3%) i julu (10,6%), &scaron;to nije statistički značajno (p=0,726). Prema manifestaciji bolesti kod dece 17,6% ima polisimptomatski početak, a kod odraslih 37,6% ima polisimptomatski početak.Polisimptomatski početak statistički je značajno vi&scaron;e zastupljen kod odraslih pacijenata (p=0,020).Poremećaj piramidnog sistema (P=0,010) i senzorne smetnje (P=0,006) su zastupljeniji kao inicijalni stimptom u grupi odraslih.Nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti optičkog neuritisa (p=0,366 ili p&gt;0,05) i ataksije /stablarne simptomatologije (p= 0,791) u ove dve grupe. Najče&scaron;ći inicijalni simptom kod dece, gotovo u istoj razmeri su optički neuritis (35,3%) i ataksija (35,3%). U grupi odraslih pacijenata senzorne smetnje (41,6%) su najče&scaron;ći inicijalni simptom, odmah za njim sledi piramidna simptomatologija (37,6%). Prema nalazu broja lezija na MRI pregledu, u grupi ispitanika sa ranim početkom MS-a vi&scaron;e su zastupljeni oni sa manje od 4 lezije, nego &scaron;to je to slučaj u grupi odraslih. Odnos broja pacijenata sa 4-10 i preko 10 lezija simetričan je u obe grupe. Korelacija između doba početka MS-a i broja lezija viđenih na MRI je statistički značajna i neznatna (P=0,06). Nije nađena statistička značajnost u prisustvu lezija u korpusu kalozumu između ove dve grupe pacijenata ( P=0,920). Primenom Fi&scaron;erovog dvostranog egzaktnog testa koji je u ovom slučaju statistički značajan (p=0,034), možemo reći da se grupa sa ranim početkom MS-a i ona sa uobičajenim početkom statistički značajno razlikuju, tumefaktivne lezije su prisutnije kod ispitanika sa ranim početkom MS-a. Pozitivni oligoklonali su zastupljeniji u grupi odraslih pacijenata ( P= 0,018). U na&scaron;oj grupi ispitanika kada smo pratili vreme pojave drugog pogor&scaron;anja, najkraće godinu dana, u grupi dece 11 pacijenata (21,6%) nije imalo pogor&scaron;anje , dok je 40 pacijenata imalo pogor&scaron;anje (78,4%),. Medijana kod grupe dece za pojavu drugog &scaron;uba bolesti je 12 meseci. U grupi odraslih 22 pacijenta ( 21,8%) nije imalo drugi relaps tokom perioda praćenja, dok je njih 79 (78,2%) imalo drugi relaps. Prosečno vreme u grupi odraslih pacijenata do drugog relapsa je 9 meseci. U grupi dece ne postoje značajne razlike u odnosu broja lezija viđenih na inicijalnom MRI pregledu i vremenu pojave drugog relapsa ( p=0,884) Kod odraslih postoji značajna razlika u vremenu relapsa između grupe sa manje od 4 lezije i grupe sa 4-10 lezija (p=0,09).Korelirali smo pacijente sa pozitivnim i negativnim ologoklonalnim trakama u likvoru u obe grupe sa vremenom nastanka prvog pogor&scaron;anja, pri toj korelaciji nije dobijena statistički značajna razlika ni u grupi dece ( P= 0,598) ni u grupi odraslih (P=0,133). Kod ispitanika sa ranim početkom če&scaron;ća je pozitivna porodična anamneza, u vidu prisustva MS i drugih imunolo&scaron;kih bolesti( P =0,042). ZAKLJUČAK: Polisimptomatski početak je če&scaron;ći kod odraslih, pozitivne oliogoklonalne trake su ređe pozitivne kod dece, kod dece je najče&scaron;ći inicijalni simptom optički neuritis a kod odraslih senzitivne i motorne smetnje. Manje od 4 lezije se če&scaron;će javljaju kod dece na inicijalnom MRI pregledu, &scaron;to je najverovatnije povezano sa vremenom stvarnog početka bolesti i njenom kliničkom manifestacijom. Kod pacijenta sa ranim početkom MS-a duži je period do drugog pogor&scaron;anja. U grupi dece ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u odnosu broja lezija viđenih na inicijalnom MRI pregledu i vremenu pojave drugog relapsa. Kod odraslih postoji značajna razlika u vremenu relapsa između grupe sa manje od 4 lezije i grupe sa 4-10 lezija. Inicijalne manifestacije MS-a u dečijem uzrastu ne razlikuje se u mnogome od MS-a kod odraslih po karakteristikama i toku bolesti.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Тhe onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) in childhood poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Althougth the onset of MS in childhood typically predicts a fevoruable short/term prognosis, some children are severy disabled. Etiher physically or cognitively, and more then 50% are predicted to enter the secondary-progressive phase of the disease by the age of 30 years. Immunomodulatory therapies for MS and their safe application in children can improve long-therm prognosis. AIM: We saught to identifay clinical and diagnostic features in children wich inplicate to early diagnosis of MS in children. We aimd to determine the clinical features, cerebro spinal fluid, magnetic resonance imagin (MRI) features of children and their comparation with adult MS patients. METHODS: In this retrospective/prospective study we present data from 152 patients with clinical isolated syndrom (CIS) for the first time, which are obtained throught Clinic of Neurology , Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad from January 2003 to January 2015g. Patients were divided into two grups - in first group patients 51 with early onset of disease before 18 years, and second group patients with adult onset desease (20-55 year). Patients wer observed for a minimum one year. The common presenting symptoms, gender, MRI finding, oligoclonal band (OCB) and Visual evoked potential findings, corse of disease, family history were compared between the two groups and with thime of second relaps. To test the difference between groups was used Chi-square Pearson product moment test, and to test the strength of connection used is a Kramer V. Population data are processed Men-Whitney U test. RESULTS: Of the total number of respondents, in the Group of patients with early beginning MS the ratio of women and men was 1.3:1, and in the group of adult MS patients 2, 2:1. From the results we can see that fewer than expected has patients born in the months December ( 4.6%) and January (5.9%), and higher than expected in a March (11.3%) and July (10.6%), which is not statistically significant (p = 0,726). According to the manifestation of disease in children 17.6% has a polifocal onset, and in adults 37.6% has a polifocal onset. Polifocal beginning is significantly over represented in adult MS patients (p = 0,020). Motor disorder (P = 0,010) and sensory disabilities (P = 0.006) are more present as the initial manifestation illness in the adult. They not found statistically significant differences in the representation of optic neuritis (p = 0,366 or p &gt; 0.05) and ataxia (p = 0.791) in these two groups. The most common initial symptom in children, almost in the same scale are the optical neuritis (35.3%) and ataxia 6 (35.3%). In a group of adult patients sensory disturbances (41.6%) are the most common initial symptom, right behind him follows a motor disturbens (37.6%). According to the number of lesions on the MRI exam, in a group of subjects with early MS more are they less than four lesions, than is the case in the group adults. The ratio of the number of patients with 4-10 and over 10 symmetrical lesions in both groups. Correlation between the time of the beginning of the MS and the number of lesions seen on MRI is statistically significant and insignificant (P = 0.06). There was no statistical significance in the presence of lesions in the corpus callosum indicates between these two groups of patients (P = 0,920). Application of Fisher the exact test case that is in this case a statistically significant (p = 0.034). We can say that the group with the early start of MS and the one with the usual beginning of significantly different, tumefactiv lesions are present in patients with early onset MS, Positive oligoclonal bands are more present in a group with adult MS patients (P = 0.018). In our group of respondents when we track time appear another relapse, minimum one year, 11 children (21,6%) had no deterioration, while the 40 children had worsening (78,4%). The median at groups of children for the appearance of second relapse is 12 months. In the adult these 22 (21,8%) had another relapse for tracking period, while 79 (78.2%) had another relapse. The average amount of time in the adult patients relapse to another is 9 months. In a group of children there are no statistically significant differences in the relative number of lesions seen on the initial MRI examination and time show up another relapse (p = 0,884). In adults there is a significant difference in relapse time between groups with fewer than four lesions and groups with 4-10 lesions (p = 0.09). Pressures are patients with positive and negative ologoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid in both groups with the time of occurrence of the first downturn, when the correlation is not get statistically significant difference in the children (P = 0.598) or in a group of adults (P = 0,133). In patients with early starting stacks is a negative family history, and often the presence of MS and other immunological diseases (P = 0,042). CONCULSIONS: Polisifocal beginning is more common in adults, positive oliogoklonalne bands are less positive in children, with children being the most common initial symptom is optic neuritis, in adult sensitive and motor disturbances. Tumefactiv lesions are present in patients with early onset MS. Less than four lesions are more common in children on the initial MRI examination, which is probably connected with the time of the real onset of the disease and its clinical manifestation n the group of children there are no statistically significant differences in relation to the number of lesions seen on MRI at the initial examination and the timing of another relapse. For adults there is a significant difference in time of relapse between the groups with less than 4 lesions and groups with 4-10 lesions. Children onset MS does not significantly differ from that it has been typically seen in adults in terms of major clinical manifestations and course of disease.</p>

Korelacija kliničkog i radiološkog nalaza sa prisustvom neuropsiholoških posledica kod povređenih sa blagim traumatskim oštećenjem mozga / Correlation between clinical and radiological findings with presence of neuropsychological impairments in patients with mild traumatic brain injury

Karan Mladen 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Traumatsko o&scaron;tećenje mozga (TOM) nastaje usled dejstva spolja&scaron;nje mehničke sile na kranijum i endokranijalni sadržaj, koje se karakteri&scaron;e privremenim ili trajnim neurolo&scaron;kim o&scaron;tećenjem, funkcionalnom onesposobljeno&scaron;ću ili psihosocijalnom neprilagođeno&scaron;ću. Blago TOM je najče&scaron;će i čini između 70% i 90% svih povređenih sa TOM. Postoji veliki broj definicija ovog kliničkog entiteta, ali gotovo sve sadrže Glazgov koma skor 13-15, poremećaj stanja svesti u različitom trajanju, te posttraumatsku amneziju kao odrednice koje defini&scaron;u blago TOM. Najveći broj povređenih sa blagim TOM ima dobru prognozu i potpunu rezoluciju tegoba u kratkom vremenskom periodu nakon povređivanja, bez medicinski relevantnih posledica. Međutim, jedna grupa povređenih koja navodi nagla&scaron;enije i dugotrajnije tegobe koje mogu imati uticaja na ukupno zdravstveno stanje i kvalitet života. U savremenom naučnoistraživačkom radu aktuelni su poku&scaron;aji da se primenom novih dijagnostičkih metoda, detaljnim praćenjem povređenih i primenom neuropsiholo&scaron;kih testova objektivizuju ove tvrdnje, kako bi se pacijenti sa povi&scaron;enim rizikom od nastanka dugotrajnih tegoba pravovremeno identifikovali i kako bi se mogao sprovesti adekvatan tretman. Cilj: Cilj ove studije je da se utvrditi da li postoji korelacija između kliničkih i radiolo&scaron;kih simptoma i znakova i rezultata neuropsiholo&scaron;kog testiranja kod povređenih sa blagim traumatskim o&scaron;tećenjem mozga, kao i da se utvrdi da li neki od od kliničkih simptoma i znakova mogu biti pouzdan prediktor pojave perzistentnih neuropsiholo&scaron;kih posledica, i koja je priroda moždanih o&scaron;tećenja koja mogu biti u njihovoj osnovi. Materijal i metode: Sprovedeno istraživanje je u celosti bilo kliničko, prospektivno, i obuhvatilo je 64 povređena sa blagim TOM koji su u periodu od 2012. do 2015. godine hospitalizovani na Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Pre prijema je svim ispitanicima načinjen pregled endokranijuma kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (CT) koji nije prikazivao znakove traumatskih o&scaron;tećenja kranijuma niti endokranijalnog sadržaja. U toku hospitalizacije kod povređenih su praćeni i beleženi relevantni klinički parametri. U prvih 72 sata od povređivanja je kod 37 ispitanika načinjen pregled endokranijuma magnetnom rezonancom (MRI). Kod 25 ispitanika je načinjeno neuropsiholo&scaron;ko ispitivanje baterijom neuropsiholo&scaron;kih testova mesec dana nakon povređivanja i 6-9 meseci nakon povređivanja. Rezultati su uno&scaron;eni u bazu podataka i nakon toga statistički analizirani. Rezultati: U analiziranoj grupi od 64 povređena sa blagim TOM kod 37 ispitanika (58%) je načinjen MRI pregled endokranijuma, a pozitivan nalaz u smislu postojanja traumom izazvanih o&scaron;tećenja moždanog parenhima pronađen je kod 17 ispitanika (46%). Najsenzitivnije MRI sekvence su SWI i T2* kojima se otkrivaju veoma diskretni depoziti razgradnih produkata krvi. Povređeni sa pozitivnim MRI nalazom imaju lo&scaron;ije postignuće na rekogniciji liste B Rejovog testa verbalnog učenja u odnosu na povređene iz grupe bez intrakranijalne traumatske lezije. Rezultati neuropsiholo&scaron;kih testova ukazuju na pobolj&scaron;anje rezultata između prvog i drugog testiranja u pogledu egzekutivnih i govornih funkcija u ispitivanoj grupi. U ostalim ispitivanim kognitivnim aspektima nije pronađena značajna razlika među navedenim grupama Zaključak: TOM predstavlja jedan od najvećih savremenih medicinskih izazova koji se nameće zbog svoje visoke incidence, dijagnostičkih i terapijskih problema, ali i potencijalno lo&scaron;eg ishoda i visokih tro&scaron;kova rehabilitacije i resocijalizacije povređenih. Rezultati studije se mogu iskoristiti za bolje razumevanje blagog TOM u smislu lak&scaron;eg re&scaron;avanja dijagnostičkih dilema, kreiranje efikasnijih dijagnostičkih protokola i preciznije procene ishoda nakon povređivanja ove vrste.</p> / <p>Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a result of the influence of external mechanical forces on scull and endocranial structures which can produce temporarily or permanent neurological impairment, functional disability or psychosocial unconformity. Mild TBI is the most frequent form of TBI and represent between 70% and 90% of all TBI cases. There are several different definitions of mild TBI, but almost all of them contain Glasgow Coma Scale score 13-15, altered state of consciousness and different forms of amnesia as criteria for mild TBI diagnosis. Largest number of patients suffered mild TBI have good prognosis and complete resolution of symptoms in short period of time after injury, with out of any kind of sequeles. However, small group of patients report various symptoms and complaints which can last longer than is usual and seriously affect quality of life of this patients. Numerous researches has been conducted applying novel imaging technologies, long follow-up periods and neuropsychological testing in order to make these non-specific self-reported complaints as much objective as possible. The other reason is necessity of timely identification of patients in risk of developing long term complaints so they can be treated in a proper manner. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine is there correlation between clinical and radiological signs and symptoms and results of neuropsychological testing in patients with mild TBI. The aim also was to determine are there some clinical signs which can be reliable predictor of appearance of neuropsychological consequences and what is the nature of cerebral lesion suspected to be a cause of this consequences. Materials and methods: The research was clinical, completely prospective and included total of 64 patients with mild TBI who were hospitalized between 2012 and 2015 at Clinic for neurosurgery, Clinical Centre of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. All patients had computed tomography scan (CT) at the admission which failed to show any signs of trauma of cranial bones or endocranial content. During the first 72 hours after injury the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been performed in 37 patients. 25 patients had neuropsychological testing one month and 6-9 months after injury. We entered results in database and after completion we performed statistical analysis. Results: In 37 of 64 patients (58%) MRI examination has been performed and in 46% of patients we found trauma induced small haemorrhagic and oedematous brain lesions. The most sensitive sequences in our protocol were SWI and T2* confirmed superb sensitivity in detection of small foci of blood. Patients with detected MRI abnormalities showed poorer accomplishment at recognition of list B of Ray Auditory Verbal Learning Test in comparison with group with no intracranial lesions. The results of neuropsychological testing showed significant improvement of executive and speech functions between two periods in time when tests have been administered. We found no other significant differences between analysed cognitive functions in this period in our group of patients. Conclusion: TBI is one of the most important contemporary medical problems due to his high incidence, diagnostics and therapy related issues, but also potentially poor outcome and high costs of rehabilitation. Results of this study can be used for better understanding of mild TBI in order to solve some diagnostic dilemma, create more efficient diagnostic protocols and facilitate more precise outcome assessment after mild TBI.</p>

Sinais e sintomas vestibulares em pacientes que receberam tratamento com drogas derivadas da platina / Vestibular signs and symptoms in patients after platinum based chemotherapy

Deutschmann, Sandra Maria 02 August 2016 (has links)
A toxicidade vestibular pode ser definida como danos que uma substância química causa sobre a estrutura e a função vestibular. Entre as drogas que podem causar a vestibulotoxicidade estão os agentes antineoplásicos como os derivados da platina. OBJETIVO: Identificar a frequência de ocorrência de alteração vestibular em pacientes oncológicos tratados com derivados da platina, os sinais e sintomas vestibulares nestes pacientes, e se a alteração vestibular pré-existente exacerba os sintomas eméticos durante a quimioterapia com derivados da platina. METODOLOGIA: Amostra foi composta por pacientes adultos com câncer que realizaram tratamento com drogas derivadas da platina. O protocolo para o monitoramento vestibular foi composto pelo questionário Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) Brasileiro, Testes da Função Vestibular (manobra de Dix-Hallpike e vecto-eletronistagmografia) e pela descrição de sintomas eméticos e tontura durante a quimioterapia e avaliação vestibular. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e oito pacientes realizaram a avaliação vestibular pré-quimioterapia, sendo que 23 (48%) apresentaram avaliação vestibular dentro da normalidade. Dezesseis pacientes submeteram-se ao monitoramento vestibular com avaliação antes e após tratamento, sendo que após o tratamento dois pacientes (12,5%) apresentaram avaliação vestibular dentro da normalidade e 14 (87,5%) apresentaram algum tipo de alteração vestibular, evidenciada somente pela prova calórica. Nenhum paciente referiu queixas vestibulares ao DHI na avaliação pré-tratamento, assim como quase todos os pacientes, exceto um, na avaliação pós tratamento. Apenas um (6,3%) com avaliação vestibular alterada pós-tratamento apresentou grau leve no DHI. A dose de cisplatina entre os pacientes que mostraram piora do quadro vestibular variou entre 160 e 400 mg/m² e dois pacientes foram tratados com carboplatina com dose de 2306 mg/m² e 1801 mg/m². Não houve diferença de manifestação dos sintomas eméticos/tontura durante a avaliação vestibular ou após quimioterapia entre os pacientes com e sem alteração vestibular prévia. Entretanto, os pacientes que referiram sintomas eméticos durante os ciclos de quimioterapia foram aqueles que manifestaram maior desconforto na PC, independente da dose de quimioterapia ou da alteração vestibular. CONCLUSÃO: Alteração vestibular ou a modificação do quadro vestibular ocorreu em 50% dos pacientes com câncer tratados com derivados da platina. O sinal mais frequente de alteração nos testes vestibulares foi a hiporreflexia à prova calórica, sem sintomas vestibulares relatados na vida diária destes pacientes. As alterações vestibulares pré-existentes não exacerbaram os sintomas eméticos durante a quimioterapia / Vestibular toxicity may be defined as a damage that chemical substances cause on the structure and the function of the vestibular system. Among the drugs that may cause vestibulotoxicity there are antineoplastic agents, such as those derived from platinum. OBJECTIVE: To identify the frequency of occurrence of vestibular alterations in cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy; the vestibular signs and symptoms in these patients, and whether the pre-existing vestibular alterations exacerbate emetic symptoms during chemotherapy with platinum-based drugs. METHODS: The sample was composed of adults who were treated of the cancer with platinum-based chemotherapy. The vestibular monitoring protocol involved the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), Vestibular Function Tests (positioning nystagmus with Dix-Hallpike maneuver and vectoelectronystagmography) and the description of emetic symptoms and dizziness during chemotherapy and vestibular evaluation. RESULTS: Forty-eight subjects performed the pre-treatment vestibular evaluation, and 23 of them (48%) presented vestibular assessment within the normal range. Sixteen patients underwent the vestibular monitoring evaluation before and after treatment: after the treatment two patients (12.5%) showed normal vestibular assessment while 14 (87.5%) showed a vestibular disorder, basically in the caloric tests, but the alteration was considered a modification in their baseline stage in eight patients (50%). None of the patients reported complaints in the pre-treatment assessment, with a DHI scores within the normal range, as well as all the patients, except one, in the post treatment assessment (81,3%). Only one patient (6.3%) had a score above normal (mild complaint) with altered vestibular evaluation in the post treatment assessment. The dose of cisplatin among these patients who had a modification in the vestibular function varied from 160 to 400 mg/m² and two patients were treated with carboplatin with do of 2306 mg/m² and 1801 mg/m². There was no difference of emetic symptoms/dizziness during the chemotherapy or the vestibular evaluation among patients with or without previous vestibular alterations. However, patients who reported more emetic symptoms during chemotherapy cycles were those who showed greater discomfort in the caloric test, regardless of the dosage of chemotherapy or vestibular alteration. CONCLUSION: Vestibular alterations or modification of the baseline alteration were found in 50% of cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. The most common sign of vestibular alteration in the vestibular tests was the hiporeflexia at the caloric test with no reported symptoms in their daily life. The preexisting vestibular alterations did not exacerbate emetic symptoms during chemotherapy

Co-infecção HIV/Leishmania: manifestações clínicas em uma série de casos / HIV/Leishmania co-infection: clinical manifestations in a serie of cases

Vergara, Maria Paulina Posada 04 April 2005 (has links)
Em áreas endêmicas para leishmaniose visceral, a AIDS aumenta o risco de aparecimento desta doença de cem a mil vezes. Conhecem-se muitos estudos sobre leishmaniose visceral (LV) em HIV/AIDS no Mediterrâneo, mas, pouco sobre leishmaniose tegumentar (LT) em HIV/AIDS. No Brasil não se constatou, até o momento, um aumento de casos de co-infecção HIV-Leishmania, mas, isto pode ser conseqüente ao subdiagnóstico por várias causas incluindo o não conhecimento da apresentação clínica nesses casos. Pela prevalência maior da LT em relação à LV no Brasil, é de se supor que ocorram com freqüência casos de co-infecção com a forma tegumentar de leishmaniose no nosso meio. Como no Brasil não dispomos de estudos de descrição sistemática da apresentação clínica nos casos de co-infecção, um parâmetro importante visando o diagnóstico, realizou-se um estudo transversal e descritivo, durante um período de dois anos a partir de fevereiro de 2002, em dois centros de tratamento de doenças infecciosas em São Paulo. Partimos de uma população alvo de 113 pacientes com sorologia positiva para HIV, procedentes de área endêmica para leishmanioses, 69 com algum sintoma sugestivo de leishmaniose visceral ou tegumentar e 44 assintomáticos. Em dez pacientes foi diagnosticada leishmaniose por encontro de parasitos ou antígeno de Leishmania em tecidos, maioria (8/10) por busca ativa, sendo cinco casos de LV e cinco de LT. Baseados nesses casos, observamos que, o contato com área endêmica de leishmaniose mesmo por um período curto como duas semanas deva ser valorizado, principalmente se foi recente. Houve dificuldade no encontro de casos porque a leishmaniose não é considerado como diagnóstico diferencial de infecções intercorrentes nos casos de HIV/AIDS no nosso meio, houve presença concomitante de outras doenças oportunistas mais prevalentes e manifestações clínicas atípicas ou semelhantes a infecções oportunistas. xvi Os casos de LV apresentaram manifestações clássicas, enquanto que os casos de LT apresentaram lesões diversas, desde úlcera única até lesões múltiplas e polimórficas (placas infiltrativas, pápulas, nódulos, máculas), com tendência à disseminação atingindo mucosa e pele, incluindo área genital (em quatro dos cinco pacientes com LT). Em dois pacientes observaram-se aparecimento de lesões (num caso) e piora (noutro caso), após início da terapia antirretroviral altamente efetiva (HAART), com características sugestivas de síndrome inflamatória de recuperação imune. Quanto à classificação de HIV segundo CDC, oito pacientes eram C3 e dois B3 e todos apresentavam contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ menor que 200 células/?l. A sorologia para leishmaniose foi positiva em todos os casos de LV mas, positiva em três dos cinco casos de LT. O teste de Montenegro foi negativo nos dois casos de LV onde o teste foi realizado e positivo em todos os três pacientes de LT submetidos ao teste. No tratamento da leishmaniose, freqüentemente os pacientes apresentaram efeitos adversos aos medicamentos e obervou-se mortalidade alta (40%) e freqüência alta de recidiva nos pacientes sobreviventes (100% dos LT e 66% dos LV) / In endemic areas of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), AIDS increases the risk for VL in 100 to 1000 times. There are many studies on VL in HIV/AIDS patients from the Mediterranean basin but data on tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL) are scarce. In Brazil, no increase in the number of cases of HIV/Leishmania co-infection was reported so far, but it may be due to subdiagnosis owing to various reasons including ignorance on clinical features of the co-infected patients.. Since the prevalence of TL is greater than VL in Brazil, we presume that cutaneous or mucosal leishmaniasis would be frequent in cases of coinfection in our country. Since there are no studies on systematic description of clinical manifestations of HIV/Leishmania co-infection in Brazil, an important basis for diagnosis, study was done for a period of two years from February 2002 aiming description of clinical manifestations in a transversal study in two infectious disease reference centers in Sao Paulo city, Brazil. The target population was constituted by 113 HIV positive patients that reported some kind of contact with endemic area for leishmaniasis, 69 being with some symptoms suggestive of visceral or tegumentary leishmaniasis, and 44 asymptomatic. In ten patients diagnosis of leishmaniasis was established by the detection of amatigotes or Leishmania antigens in tissue samples, five presented VL and five TL. Eight of 10 were found by active search. Based in these cases, we noted that contact with endemic area, even for short time like two weeks has to be considered in the diagnosis, mainly if it occurred recently. The search for these cases were difficult because leishmaniasis is not considered within differential diagnosis ofopportunistic infections in HIV positive patients among physicians, and in addition more prevalent opportunistic infections were concomitantly present and the clinical features were atypical for leishmaniasis or similar to other opportunistic infections. Clinical manifestation of VL was classic, while that of TL was quite variable, ranging from single to multiple ulcers, with polimorphic xviii presentations (papules, nodules, infiltrative plaques, macules) that tended to disseminate to the other areas of skin and mucosa, including genital area (in four from five TL patients). In two patients appearance of lesions (in one case) and worsening of tegumentary manifestations (in another case) after introduction of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) were observed that were suggestive of the so called immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Concerning CDC classification of HIV, eight patients were C3 and two B3, and all presented CD4+ T cell count lower than 200/?l. All the VL patients had anti-Leishmania antibody test positive, however in TL three of five cases of was positive. Leishmanin skin (Montenegro) test was negative in two cases of VL submitted to this test, and positive in all three TL patients evalued. Frequent toxicity and adverse events with treatments were observed, as well as high mortality (40%), and high frequency of relapses among survivors (100% of TL and 66% of VL cases)

Análise do conhecimento sobre diagnóstico e prevenção do câncer colorretal em pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde e alunos da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo / Colorectal cancer awareness among patients from the Unified Health System and medical students in Ribeirao Preto

Feitosa, Marley Ribeiro 25 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O aumento das taxas de incidência e mortalidade por câncer colorretal (CCR) no Brasil pode ter sido consequência do processo de transição socioeconômica do país, com maior exposição aos fatores de risco. No entanto, fatores como o desconhecimento a respeito das estratégias de prevenção primária e secundária podem ter contribuído para o aumento do impacto da doença. Objetivos: Avaliar o grau de conhecimento a respeito do CCR em pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e alunos da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP) e caracterizar a realidade do programa de rastreamento no município de Ribeirão Preto. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, onde se aplicou um questionário próprio, elaborado a partir de um caso clínico contendo sinais de alarme do CCR a fim de investigar o conhecimento sobre a doença. Foram entrevistados 1000 pacientes do SUS de Ribeirão Preto e 134 alunos da FMRP, no período de janeiro de 2015 a março de 2016. Resultados: Comparados aos alunos, os pacientes entrevistados apresentaram menor capacidade de diagnosticar o CCR (8% x 94,8%; p< 0,001). Notou-se, ainda, diferença no número médio de fatores de risco do CCR (0,76±1,3 x 4,18±1,72; p < 0,001) e no número médio de exames complementares para o diagnóstico do CCR (0,1±0,3x 2,5±1,12; p < 0,001) citados pelos pacientes e alunos. Apenas 3,7% dos entrevistados conseguiram identificar o coloproctologista como responsável pelo tratamento do caso. A análise multivariada mostrou que, no grupo de pacientes, idade >= 50 anos, sexo feminino, história familiar prévia de CCR e nível de escolaridade mais elevado foram variáveis independentes associadas a um maior grau de conhecimento a respeito da doença. Na amostra de pacientes com idade >= 50 anos, apenas 11,1% havia realizado algum teste de rastreamento e apenas 0,2% havia recebido informações prévias sobre a doença. Conclusões: O nível de conhecimento a respeito do diagnóstico, fatores de risco e métodos complementares de prevenção do CCR foi baixo entre os pacientes e adequado no grupo de alunos. Idade maior ou igual a 50 anos, sexo feminino, história familiar prévia de CCR e nível de escolaridade elevado foram fatores associados a um maior grau de conhecimento sobre a doença. Observou-se baixa taxa de realização de exames de rastreamento para o CCR. / Introduction: The increasing burden of colorectal cancer (CRC) in Brazil may be a consequence of the socio-economic transition with higher exposure to risk factors. In addition, low levels of CRC awareness and lack of a screening program may have been responsible for the high CRC incidence and mortality rates in Ribeirão Preto. Objectives: (1) to evaluate CRC awareness among patients from the Unified Health System and medical students from Ribeirao Preto Medical School, and (2) to investigate screening practices in the city. Methods: We conducted face-to-face interviews with a questionnaire prepared by the authors, from January 2015 to March 2016. A total of 1000 users and 134 medical students were interviewed. Results: Compared to medical students, the ability to diagnose CRC was lower among patients (8% x 94.8%; p< 0.001). Patients identified lower mean number of risk factors (0.76±1.3 x 4.18±1.72; p< 0.001) and screening methods (0.1±0.3 x 2.5±1.12; p< 0.001). Thirty-seven subjects (3.7%) identified the proctologists as the most appropriate specialist to treat CCR. On a multivariate analysis, age >= 50 years old, sex (female), family history of CCR and higher education levels were significantly associated with increased CRC awareness. Four hundred and seven patients were considered eligible to CRC screening; however, only 11.1% had already performed any method. Only 0.2% of the patients had been previously exposed to any kind of information about CRC. Conclusions: CRC awareness was very low among Health System users and adequate among medical students. Age >= 50 years old, sex (female), family history of CCR and higher education levels were independent predictors of increased knowledge among patients. Low rates of screening were observed in the city.

Sinais e sintomas vestibulares em pacientes que receberam tratamento com drogas derivadas da platina / Vestibular signs and symptoms in patients after platinum based chemotherapy

Sandra Maria Deutschmann 02 August 2016 (has links)
A toxicidade vestibular pode ser definida como danos que uma substância química causa sobre a estrutura e a função vestibular. Entre as drogas que podem causar a vestibulotoxicidade estão os agentes antineoplásicos como os derivados da platina. OBJETIVO: Identificar a frequência de ocorrência de alteração vestibular em pacientes oncológicos tratados com derivados da platina, os sinais e sintomas vestibulares nestes pacientes, e se a alteração vestibular pré-existente exacerba os sintomas eméticos durante a quimioterapia com derivados da platina. METODOLOGIA: Amostra foi composta por pacientes adultos com câncer que realizaram tratamento com drogas derivadas da platina. O protocolo para o monitoramento vestibular foi composto pelo questionário Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) Brasileiro, Testes da Função Vestibular (manobra de Dix-Hallpike e vecto-eletronistagmografia) e pela descrição de sintomas eméticos e tontura durante a quimioterapia e avaliação vestibular. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e oito pacientes realizaram a avaliação vestibular pré-quimioterapia, sendo que 23 (48%) apresentaram avaliação vestibular dentro da normalidade. Dezesseis pacientes submeteram-se ao monitoramento vestibular com avaliação antes e após tratamento, sendo que após o tratamento dois pacientes (12,5%) apresentaram avaliação vestibular dentro da normalidade e 14 (87,5%) apresentaram algum tipo de alteração vestibular, evidenciada somente pela prova calórica. Nenhum paciente referiu queixas vestibulares ao DHI na avaliação pré-tratamento, assim como quase todos os pacientes, exceto um, na avaliação pós tratamento. Apenas um (6,3%) com avaliação vestibular alterada pós-tratamento apresentou grau leve no DHI. A dose de cisplatina entre os pacientes que mostraram piora do quadro vestibular variou entre 160 e 400 mg/m² e dois pacientes foram tratados com carboplatina com dose de 2306 mg/m² e 1801 mg/m². Não houve diferença de manifestação dos sintomas eméticos/tontura durante a avaliação vestibular ou após quimioterapia entre os pacientes com e sem alteração vestibular prévia. Entretanto, os pacientes que referiram sintomas eméticos durante os ciclos de quimioterapia foram aqueles que manifestaram maior desconforto na PC, independente da dose de quimioterapia ou da alteração vestibular. CONCLUSÃO: Alteração vestibular ou a modificação do quadro vestibular ocorreu em 50% dos pacientes com câncer tratados com derivados da platina. O sinal mais frequente de alteração nos testes vestibulares foi a hiporreflexia à prova calórica, sem sintomas vestibulares relatados na vida diária destes pacientes. As alterações vestibulares pré-existentes não exacerbaram os sintomas eméticos durante a quimioterapia / Vestibular toxicity may be defined as a damage that chemical substances cause on the structure and the function of the vestibular system. Among the drugs that may cause vestibulotoxicity there are antineoplastic agents, such as those derived from platinum. OBJECTIVE: To identify the frequency of occurrence of vestibular alterations in cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy; the vestibular signs and symptoms in these patients, and whether the pre-existing vestibular alterations exacerbate emetic symptoms during chemotherapy with platinum-based drugs. METHODS: The sample was composed of adults who were treated of the cancer with platinum-based chemotherapy. The vestibular monitoring protocol involved the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), Vestibular Function Tests (positioning nystagmus with Dix-Hallpike maneuver and vectoelectronystagmography) and the description of emetic symptoms and dizziness during chemotherapy and vestibular evaluation. RESULTS: Forty-eight subjects performed the pre-treatment vestibular evaluation, and 23 of them (48%) presented vestibular assessment within the normal range. Sixteen patients underwent the vestibular monitoring evaluation before and after treatment: after the treatment two patients (12.5%) showed normal vestibular assessment while 14 (87.5%) showed a vestibular disorder, basically in the caloric tests, but the alteration was considered a modification in their baseline stage in eight patients (50%). None of the patients reported complaints in the pre-treatment assessment, with a DHI scores within the normal range, as well as all the patients, except one, in the post treatment assessment (81,3%). Only one patient (6.3%) had a score above normal (mild complaint) with altered vestibular evaluation in the post treatment assessment. The dose of cisplatin among these patients who had a modification in the vestibular function varied from 160 to 400 mg/m² and two patients were treated with carboplatin with do of 2306 mg/m² and 1801 mg/m². There was no difference of emetic symptoms/dizziness during the chemotherapy or the vestibular evaluation among patients with or without previous vestibular alterations. However, patients who reported more emetic symptoms during chemotherapy cycles were those who showed greater discomfort in the caloric test, regardless of the dosage of chemotherapy or vestibular alteration. CONCLUSION: Vestibular alterations or modification of the baseline alteration were found in 50% of cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. The most common sign of vestibular alteration in the vestibular tests was the hiporeflexia at the caloric test with no reported symptoms in their daily life. The preexisting vestibular alterations did not exacerbate emetic symptoms during chemotherapy

Estrutura clínica fonoaudiológica: modelo de articulação sujeito e linguagem na determinação dos sintomas fonoaudiológicos / Structure speech clinic: joint model of subject and language in the determining of speech therapy symptoms

Silva, Gisele Gouvêa da 30 April 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:12:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gisele Gouvea da Silva.pdf: 2202457 bytes, checksum: 6cbda52fa0cea126ca9c3ef9fe33e56a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis was formulated around oodles of issues that have been the subject of research in speech therapy clinic structure which were gathered in a challenge to unravel: what are the epistemological and praxis conditions to empower the symptomatology and the speech diagnostic and thus reinvent its method of treatment? To care about these questions, it was decided to return to Demosthenes and establish the formalization of different logical, ethical and rhetorical functions that were assumed in overcoming its history of his stuttering, the invention of his healing and discursive strategies applied on public speaking. Define the specific characteristics of the position occupied by Demosthenes as stuttering, as a clinician and after as a speaker, represents a strategy for research on the place of capture of the speech therapist, the subject and the social in the field of speech and language. The construction of the clinical case had as support the version told by Plutarch and the speech by Demosthenes: Prayer of the Crown (BC), which enshrines the last as the great orator of antiquity. It was necessary to return to Demosthenes because it represented the possibility of making visible the mechanisms of their treatment method for the emergence of the speech therapy clinic as we know it today, in which it follows the practical experience and the limits of clinical strategy. After followed in the case of Demosthenes and in the history of the main movements of similarities and differences of speech therapy clinic to medical clinic, to the psychological and to the psychoanalytic clinic, we proposed a model of understanding of the subject articulation and language in determining speech therapy symptoms. With this subsidy, we made up an integrative way to meet the different requirements necessary to rethink the diagnostic and the speech therapy clinic intervention in relation to other clinical cases described in the literature. To verify etiological hypotheses, diagnostic and therapeutic, was used as the basis of linguistic reasons the structural analysis of language developed by Saussure, improved by Jakobson and inserted in the design of language acquisition proposed by De Lemos, and still the theory of the subject in Lacan. Finally, we discuss the process of autonomy of the symptoms language model, and we indicate the possible directions of reinvention of diagnostic reasoning and clinical method on the relationship between subject and language / Esta tese foi formulada em torno a uma série de questões que têm sido objeto de investigação da estrutura clínica fonoaudiológica, reunidas em uma espécie de desafio a desvendar: quais são as condições epistemológicas e práxicas para autonomizar a semiologia e a diagnóstica fonoaudiológica e, consequentemente, reinventar o seu método de tratamento? Para lidar com essas questões, optou-se por retornar a Demóstenes e estabelecer a formalização das diferentes funções lógicas, éticas e retóricas assumidas na história de superação da sua gagueira, na invenção de sua cura e nas estratégias discursivas empregadas diante do falar em público. Delimitar as características específicas da posição ocupada por Demóstenes como gago, como clínico e depois como orador representa uma estratégia de investigação sobre o lugar de captura do fonoaudiológo, do sujeito e do social, no campo da fala e da linguagem. A construção do caso clínico teve como suporte a versão contada por Plutarco e alguns discursos proferidos por Demóstenes, entre eles: Oração da Coroa (IV a.C.), que o consagra como grande orador da Antiguidade. Retornar a Demóstenes representou a possibilidade de tornar visíveis os mecanismos do seu método de tratamento para a emergência da clínica fonoaudiológica tal como a conhecemos hoje, pela qual se deduz a experiência prática e os limites da estratégia clínica. Acompanhamos, no caso de Demóstenes e na história dos principais movimentos de aproximações e distanciamentos da clínica fonoaudiológica à clínica médica, à psicológica e à psicanalítica e propusemos um modelo de entendimento da articulação sujeito e linguagem na determinação de sintomas fonoaudiológicos. Tendo isso em vista, formulamos um modo integrativo de reunir as diferentes exigências necessárias para repensar a diagnóstica e a intervenção clínica fonoaudiológicas, em relação a outros casos clínicos descritos na literatura. Para verificar hipóteses etiológicas, diagnósticas e terapêuticas, utilizamos como base de fundamentação linguística a análise estrutural da linguagem desenvolvida por Saussure, aprimorada por Jakobson e a inserida pela concepção de aquisição de linguagem proposta por De Lemos e, ainda, a teoria do sujeito em Lacan. Para finalizar, discutimos a autonomização do modelo de sintomas de linguagem e indicamos direções possíveis de reinvenção do raciocínio diagnóstico e método clínico, na articulação entre sujeito e linguagem

Staphylococcus spp. em úlceras venosas na perspectiva clínica e microbiológica / Staphylococcus spp. in venous ulcers ont he clinical and microbiological perspective

MARTINS, Marlene Andrade 05 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:25:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Marlene Andrade Martins.pdf: 838189 bytes, checksum: 6a399180bc5d72130785d31bc207a701 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-05 / INTRODUCTION: In recent years, there has been the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains from patients seen in primary lesions with venous ulcers. OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency and susceptibility profile of Staphylococcus sp.; verify the prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of isolates; detect MLSB resistance in Staphylococcus sp. isolated from venous ulcers; describe the frequency of clinical signs and symptoms indicative of infection of venous ulcers (2005); identify the clinical stage of infection, to determine the relationship between clinical signs and symptoms of infection and culture results found for Staphylococcus sp. METHODS: Were evaluated 69 people with 98 ulcers in the period of October/09 to October/2010. The isolates resistant to cefoxitin and/or oxacillin (disk diffusion) were subjected to confirmatory test for detection of MIC, using tapes of oxacillin (E-test ®). The phenotypic detection of the inducible resistance to the MLSB group was performed by the D-test. The clinical signs and symptoms were investigated in accordance with criteria established by the document Identifying criteria for wound infection (EWMA, 2005). Were used the software Statistics Package for Social Sciences for Windows ® (SPSS 17.0) for data processing. For association analysis were used the Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests, adopting a significance level of 5% (&#945; = 0.05). Legal ethical aspects have been respected. RESULTS: The prevalence of S. aureus was 83% and 15% of CoNS. Were identified 28% of MRSA and 47% MRCoNS. Among S. aureus, 69.6% were resistant to erythromycin, 69.6% to clindamycin, 69.6% to gentamicin and 100% to ciprofloxacin. 74% of MRSA showed high level resistance to oxacillin, MIC &#8805; 256 &#956;g/mL, and in 65.2% predominated MLSBc constitutive resistance. Of the two MRSA isolates with sensibility to clindamycin, just one was positive for D-test. Signs and symptoms of infection more frequent were: discoloration of the wound and increase the volume of exudate. The stage III of infection was identified in 70 (71.4%) ulcers. An association among friable granulation tissue and cultures positive for Staphylococcus sp. (P = 0.004) and increase the local temperature of the skin and multiresistant Staphylococcus (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Staphylococcus sp. multidrug-resistant were isolates of venous ulcers in people treated in primary care. The results confirm that the MRSA isolates, beyond resistance to beta-lactams, also exhibit cross-resistance to other antimicrobials such as clindamycin, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, and gentamicin. Remain a challenge to find indicators of infection for venous ulcers / INTRODUÇÃO: Nos últimos anos, tem sido observada a ocorrência de cepas multirresistentes provenientes de pacientes atendidos na atenção primária com lesões de etiologia venosa. OBJETIVOS: Determinar nos isolados de úlceras venosas a frequência e o perfil de suscetibilidade de Staphylococcus spp. aos antimicrobianos e, assim determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (MIC); detectar a resistência MLSB e correlacionar a positividade das culturas com os sinais e sintomas clássicos de infecção. Adiciona-se a classificação do estágio clínico de infecção das úlceras segundo critérios de EWMA, 2005. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 69 pessoas com 98 úlceras no período de outubro/09 a outubro/2010. Os isolados resistentes a cefoxitina e/ou oxacilina (disco-difusão) foram submetidos ao teste confirmatório para detecção da CIM, empregando fitas de oxacilina (E-test®). Realizou-se a detecção fenotípica da resistência induzível ao grupo MLSB por meio do D-test. Utilizou-se o software Statistics Package for the Social Sciences for Windows® (SPSS 17.0), para processamento dos dados. A análise de associação envolveu os testes Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher s, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5% (&#945;=0,05). Aspectos éticos legais foram atendidos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de S. aureus foi de 83% e de 15% de CoNS. Identificou-se 28% de MRSA e 47% de MRCoNS. Entre o S. aureus, 69,6% apresentaram resistência a eritromicina, 69,6% a clindamicina, 69,6% a gentamicina e 100% a ciprofloxacina. 74% dos MRSA apresentaram elevado nível de resistência a oxacilina, MIC &#8805; 256 &#956;g/mL, e em 65,2% predominou a resistência constitutiva MLSBc. Dentre os dois isolados MRSA com sensibilidade à clindamicina, apenas um foi positivo para o D-teste. Os sinais e sintomas de infecção mais frequentes foram: descoloração do leito da lesão e aumento do volume do exsudato. O estágio III de infecção representou 70 (71,4%) das úlceras. Verificou-se associação entre tecido de granulação friável e culturas positivas para Staphylococcus spp. (p=0,004) e, aumento da temperatura local da pele com a ocorrência de Staphylococcus multirresistentes (p=0,002). CONCLUSÕES: Staphylococcus multirresistentes foram isolados de úlceras venosas em pessoas atendidas na atenção primária. Os resultados apresentados confirmam que os isolados MRSA, além da resistência aos beta-lactâmicos, também apresentam resistência cruzada a outros antimicrobianos. Cabe a preocupação com o aumento dessa resistência microbiana o que exige além da vigilância epidemiológica, também a priorização das políticas publicas em saúde por meio de programas efetivos de prevenção e controle. Ainda, permanece o desafio acerca dos indicadores de infecção para as úlceras venosas.

Co-infecção HIV/Leishmania: manifestações clínicas em uma série de casos / HIV/Leishmania co-infection: clinical manifestations in a serie of cases

Maria Paulina Posada Vergara 04 April 2005 (has links)
Em áreas endêmicas para leishmaniose visceral, a AIDS aumenta o risco de aparecimento desta doença de cem a mil vezes. Conhecem-se muitos estudos sobre leishmaniose visceral (LV) em HIV/AIDS no Mediterrâneo, mas, pouco sobre leishmaniose tegumentar (LT) em HIV/AIDS. No Brasil não se constatou, até o momento, um aumento de casos de co-infecção HIV-Leishmania, mas, isto pode ser conseqüente ao subdiagnóstico por várias causas incluindo o não conhecimento da apresentação clínica nesses casos. Pela prevalência maior da LT em relação à LV no Brasil, é de se supor que ocorram com freqüência casos de co-infecção com a forma tegumentar de leishmaniose no nosso meio. Como no Brasil não dispomos de estudos de descrição sistemática da apresentação clínica nos casos de co-infecção, um parâmetro importante visando o diagnóstico, realizou-se um estudo transversal e descritivo, durante um período de dois anos a partir de fevereiro de 2002, em dois centros de tratamento de doenças infecciosas em São Paulo. Partimos de uma população alvo de 113 pacientes com sorologia positiva para HIV, procedentes de área endêmica para leishmanioses, 69 com algum sintoma sugestivo de leishmaniose visceral ou tegumentar e 44 assintomáticos. Em dez pacientes foi diagnosticada leishmaniose por encontro de parasitos ou antígeno de Leishmania em tecidos, maioria (8/10) por busca ativa, sendo cinco casos de LV e cinco de LT. Baseados nesses casos, observamos que, o contato com área endêmica de leishmaniose mesmo por um período curto como duas semanas deva ser valorizado, principalmente se foi recente. Houve dificuldade no encontro de casos porque a leishmaniose não é considerado como diagnóstico diferencial de infecções intercorrentes nos casos de HIV/AIDS no nosso meio, houve presença concomitante de outras doenças oportunistas mais prevalentes e manifestações clínicas atípicas ou semelhantes a infecções oportunistas. xvi Os casos de LV apresentaram manifestações clássicas, enquanto que os casos de LT apresentaram lesões diversas, desde úlcera única até lesões múltiplas e polimórficas (placas infiltrativas, pápulas, nódulos, máculas), com tendência à disseminação atingindo mucosa e pele, incluindo área genital (em quatro dos cinco pacientes com LT). Em dois pacientes observaram-se aparecimento de lesões (num caso) e piora (noutro caso), após início da terapia antirretroviral altamente efetiva (HAART), com características sugestivas de síndrome inflamatória de recuperação imune. Quanto à classificação de HIV segundo CDC, oito pacientes eram C3 e dois B3 e todos apresentavam contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ menor que 200 células/?l. A sorologia para leishmaniose foi positiva em todos os casos de LV mas, positiva em três dos cinco casos de LT. O teste de Montenegro foi negativo nos dois casos de LV onde o teste foi realizado e positivo em todos os três pacientes de LT submetidos ao teste. No tratamento da leishmaniose, freqüentemente os pacientes apresentaram efeitos adversos aos medicamentos e obervou-se mortalidade alta (40%) e freqüência alta de recidiva nos pacientes sobreviventes (100% dos LT e 66% dos LV) / In endemic areas of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), AIDS increases the risk for VL in 100 to 1000 times. There are many studies on VL in HIV/AIDS patients from the Mediterranean basin but data on tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL) are scarce. In Brazil, no increase in the number of cases of HIV/Leishmania co-infection was reported so far, but it may be due to subdiagnosis owing to various reasons including ignorance on clinical features of the co-infected patients.. Since the prevalence of TL is greater than VL in Brazil, we presume that cutaneous or mucosal leishmaniasis would be frequent in cases of coinfection in our country. Since there are no studies on systematic description of clinical manifestations of HIV/Leishmania co-infection in Brazil, an important basis for diagnosis, study was done for a period of two years from February 2002 aiming description of clinical manifestations in a transversal study in two infectious disease reference centers in Sao Paulo city, Brazil. The target population was constituted by 113 HIV positive patients that reported some kind of contact with endemic area for leishmaniasis, 69 being with some symptoms suggestive of visceral or tegumentary leishmaniasis, and 44 asymptomatic. In ten patients diagnosis of leishmaniasis was established by the detection of amatigotes or Leishmania antigens in tissue samples, five presented VL and five TL. Eight of 10 were found by active search. Based in these cases, we noted that contact with endemic area, even for short time like two weeks has to be considered in the diagnosis, mainly if it occurred recently. The search for these cases were difficult because leishmaniasis is not considered within differential diagnosis ofopportunistic infections in HIV positive patients among physicians, and in addition more prevalent opportunistic infections were concomitantly present and the clinical features were atypical for leishmaniasis or similar to other opportunistic infections. Clinical manifestation of VL was classic, while that of TL was quite variable, ranging from single to multiple ulcers, with polimorphic xviii presentations (papules, nodules, infiltrative plaques, macules) that tended to disseminate to the other areas of skin and mucosa, including genital area (in four from five TL patients). In two patients appearance of lesions (in one case) and worsening of tegumentary manifestations (in another case) after introduction of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) were observed that were suggestive of the so called immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Concerning CDC classification of HIV, eight patients were C3 and two B3, and all presented CD4+ T cell count lower than 200/?l. All the VL patients had anti-Leishmania antibody test positive, however in TL three of five cases of was positive. Leishmanin skin (Montenegro) test was negative in two cases of VL submitted to this test, and positive in all three TL patients evalued. Frequent toxicity and adverse events with treatments were observed, as well as high mortality (40%), and high frequency of relapses among survivors (100% of TL and 66% of VL cases)

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