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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simplificações na modelagem de habitações de interesse social no programa de simulação de desempenho térmico EnergyPlus / Modeling simplification of social houses in the thermal performance simulation program EnergyPlus

María del Pilar Casatejada Gil 12 June 2017 (has links)
Os programas computacionais de simulação do desempenho termoenergético de edificações têm adquirindo cada vez mais importância devido às possibilidades que apresentam para a avaliação dos projetos. No entanto, há dificuldades para o seu uso nas fases iniciais de projeto, por demandarem tempo, técnicos especializados, orçamentos elevados e um projeto detalhado. Atualmente, existem ferramentas computacionais simplificadas, mas que apresentam limitações quanto às possibilidades de uso, não oferecendo resultados precisos como os dos métodos mais complexos. Portanto, este trabalho propõe avaliar as possibilidades de simplificação das zonas térmicas no programa de simulação EnergyPlus, sem comprometer os resultados das simulações. Esta simplificação auxiliaria o uso dessas ferramentas computacionais nas fases iniciais do projeto. O edifício estudado é uma habitação de interesse social (HIS) naturalmente ventilada, térrea e isolada, simulada para três cidades do Brasil (Curitiba, Manaus e São Paulo). Esta HIS é modelada no EnergyPlus de duas formas: como um modelo multizona (MuZ) e como um modelo monozona (MoZ), em que toda a habitação é considerada apenas como uma única zona térmica. O impacto da simplificação das zonas térmicas é avaliado em dois estudos que consideram: 1) vários horários para abertura e fechamento de portas internas, e 2) diferentes geometrias e distribuições internas para os ambientes. Em ambos os estudos, os resultados mostram que a diferença absoluta horária da temperatura entre os modelos MoZs e MuZs é significativamente baixa para todos os casos considerados, estando abaixo de 0,4ºC mais de 50% do tempo. As maiores diferenças encontradas entre os MoZs e MuZs são obtidas nos modelos simulados nos climas mais frios, nos modelos nos quais as portas internas são consideradas fechadas e nos ambientes menores com uma exposição à radiação solar mais reduzida. As diferenças anuais mínimas e máximas da temperatura interna do ar entre os MoZ e MuZ são notadamente elevadas. No entanto, estes valores são observados num dia e uma hora específica, sendo a média anual significativamente baixa para todos os casos. / Building thermal and energy performance simulation programs are gaining more and more importance due to the possibilities they present for a project evaluation. However, there are difficulties for its use in the early stages of the project, because they demand time, specialized technicians, high budgets and a detailed project. Currently, there are simplified computer tools, but they present limits to the possibilities of its use, since they do not offer accurate results as more complex methods. Therefore, this work proposes to evaluate the possibilities of simplification of the thermal zones in EnergyPlus simulation program without compromising the results of the simulations. This simplification would help the computational tools use in the early design of the project. The studied building is a naturally ventilated single-story isolated social house, simulated for three cities of Brazil (Curitiba, Manaus and São Paulo). This building is modeled in two ways: as a multizone model (MuZ) and as a monozone model (MoZ), where the entire floorplan is considered as one thermal zone. The impact of the thermal zones simplification is evaluated in two studies considering: 1) several schedules for internal doors opening and closing, and 2) different building geometries and floorplans. In both studies, the results show that the absolute difference of temperature between the MoZs and MuZs models is significantly low for all of the cases, being below 0.4ºC more than 50% of the time. The maximum differences found between MoZs and MuZs are obtained in models simulated in colder climates, in models where internal doors are considered closed and in smaller rooms with reduced exposure to solar radiation. The minimum and maximum annual differences of the air temperature between the MoZ and MuZ are considerably high. However, these values are observed in a specific day and hour, with the annual average being significantly low for all cases.

Topologie et géométrie des complexes de groupes à courbure négative ou nulle / Topology and geometry of non-positively curved complexes of groups

Martin, Alexandre 31 May 2013 (has links)
Étant donné un complexe de groupes, quand peut-on déduire une propriété de son groupe fondamental à partir des propriétés analogues de ses groupes locaux ? Ce problème naturel de géométrie des groupes a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux dans le cas des graphes de groupes et des complexes de groupes finis. Cette thèse se propose de développer des outils géométriques pour étudier le cas des complexes de groupes à courbure négative ou nulle. Nous nous intéressons à des propriétés de nature asymptotique : EZ-structures, hyperbolicité. Ce faisant, nous démontrons un théorème de combinaison pour les groupes hyperboliques qui généralise au complexe de groupes de dimension arbitraire un théorème de Bestvina-Feighn. / Given a complex of groups, when is it possible to deduce a property for its fundamental group out of the analogous properties of its local groups? This natural problem of geometric group theory has been adressed mainly for graphs of groups and complexes of finite groups. In this thesis, we develop geometric tools to study non-positively curved complexes of groups. We focus on properties of an asymptotic nature: EZ-structures, hyperbolicity. This allows us to prove a combination theorem for hyperbolic groups, which generalises a theorem of Bestvina-Feighn to complexes of groups of arbitrary dimension.


Souza Filho, Paulo da Silva e 02 December 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present study aimed to contribute, in the methodological way, to the field of Soil Science and Irrigation, more specifically Micro-Irrigation (Targeted Irrigation), by in situ to obtain physical and hydric parameters, specially the hydrodynamic functions of a Paleudalf soil. A multi-drip system, whose application is linked to the Drip Method principles, was designed to obtain hydraulic conductivity K(h) and soil-water retention curve θ(h). The system applied flow rates of 2, 4 and 8 L h-1 and, their respective areas of wetting and saturation in the dynamic balance moment were measured and worked as basis for the adjustment of a regression function, so as the saturated flow was estimated in dynamic balance. With the pairs of values to the advances in wetting and time fronts, the declivity of the respective regression line was determined considering the three flow rates tested in the study. The average value of sorptivity calculated was 2.68 cm h-0,5, with values of η = 2.22, β = 0.44 e hw = −2.29 cm H2O. By using these values of soil parameters, the soil-water retention characteristic curve (SWRCC) and the hydraulic conductivity function as function of the water content in the soil were estimated and graphically represented. The retention curve obtained through field experimental data does not match to the one obtained in laboratory according to standard methodology, but it was possible to build an exponential function which allows the correction of the volumetric soil moisture values. / O presente estudo visou contribuir no âmbito metodológico, nas áreas da ciência do solo e da irrigação, notadamente a microirrigação (irrigação localizada), na obtenção in situ de parâmetros físicos e hídricos, em especial as funções hidrodinâmicas do Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico Arênico (PVd). Foi projetado um sistema multi-gotejador , cuja aplicação está vinculada aos princípios do Método do Gotejador , na obtenção da condutividade hidráulica e da curva de retenção de água no solo . Vazões aplicadas de 2, 4 e 8 L h-1 e suas respectivas áreas de molhamento e de saturação no momento do equilíbrio dinâmico serviram de base para o ajuste de uma função de regressão, estimou-se o fluxo saturado em equilíbrio dinâmico. Com os pares de valores do avanço da frente de molhamento e de tempo determinou-se a declividade da respectiva reta de regressão para as três vazões testadas no trabalho. O valor médio de sorptividade calculado foi de 2,68 cm h-0,5, sendo obtidos os valores de η = 2,22, β = 0,44 e hw = −2,29 cm de H2O. Usando estes valores dos parâmetros do solo, a curva característica de retenção de água no solo (CCRAS) e a função da condutividade hidráulica em função do conteúdo de água do solo foram estimados e representados graficamente. A curva característica obtida com dados experimentais de campo não foi igual àquela obtida em laboratório conforme metodologia padrão, mas foi possível obter uma função exponencial que permite corrigir os valores de umidade volumétrica do solo.

Analýza vybraných lingvistických aspektů zjednodušené beletrie ve srovnání s originály / Analysis of Selected Linguistic Aspects of Simplified Fiction as against the Originals

Romanenko, Elena January 2017 (has links)
The thesis presents a multi-aspectual analysis of simplified fiction at the B2 and C1 levels and their original counterparts. It aims to explore the simplification and language transformation performed on authentic texts to adapt them to particular CEFR levels. The thesis also endeavors to provide an insight into whether there are common linguistic features that characterize authentic and adapted texts of different levels, thus helping teachers and learners justify their choice between original and simplified texts. Based on the theoretical framework, the thesis provides an analysis of a specialized corpus of six texts which is comprised of the first chapters of the two original novels and their simplified versions adapted to the B2 and C1 levels by two different publishers. Each sample was subjected to scrutiny of selected linguistic features, thus unveiling the tendencies in the language, discourse, and information control in the graded readers. Consequently, the results of the text analysis were contrasted with CEFR to compare the actual text complexity with its assigned CEFR level. The results of the analysis seem to indicate certain discrepancies in this respect. Keywords: CEFR, specialized corpus, graded readers, authentic texts, simplification, language control, discourse control,...

O consenso como meio de simplificação do procedimento criminal : perspectivas e possibilidades no processo penal brasileiro

Hoppe, Harold January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar como o consenso tem sido utilizado para abreviar, interromper ou encerrar antecipadamente o procedimento criminal. A inserção do consenso ou dos acordos entre acusação e defesa nos sistemas jurídicos de civil law exigiu a abertura de espaços de oportunidade ao exercício da ação penal (princípio da legalidade), e tem contribuído para a superação da ideia de que todo o processo penal deve contar sempre com as fases preliminar, intermediária e decisória. O estudo de Direito Comparado revela como Itália, Alemanha e Espanha incorporaram as soluções negociadas norte-americanas em seus respectivos ordenamentos, ora oferecendo soluções diversionistas à aplicação da lei penal, ora admitindo que a declaração de culpa e a consequente aplicação da pena tomem em conta o acordo firmado entre acusação e defesa. A pesquisa prossegue com a averiguação dos principais óbices à admissibilidade dos acordos no processo penal, notadamente a eventual violação aos direitos ao silêncio e de não produzir prova contra si mesmo, e a suposta privatização do processo com a admissão de uma verdade consensuada. Diante deste cenário internacional, analisam-se as alterações legislativas levadas a efeito pelo Brasil para admitir os acordos em seu processo penal, bem como a principal inovação no projeto de novo Código Processual Penal brasileiro: os acordos penais. O estudo conclui que o consenso não é incompatível com os princípios e valores do devido processo legal, mas reconhece a necessidade de aprimoramento dos mecanismos de controle judicial daquele, salvaguardas essas que não só protegem o acusado mas também reforçam a natureza pública e indisponível do processo penal. / The purpose of the present study is to analyze how the consensus has been used to shorten, interrupt or close the criminal procedure in advance. The insertion of consensus or agreements between prosecution and defense in the civil law legal systems has required the opening of opportunities for criminal prosecution (the principle of legality), and has contributed to overcoming the idea that all criminal proceedings must always have the preliminary, intermediate and decision-making phases. The Comparative Law Study reveals how Italy, Germany, and Spain incorporated US negotiated solutions into their respective jurisdictions, sometimes offering diversionary solutions to the application of criminal law, or assuming that the guilty plea and the consequent application of the penalty take into account the agreement between accusation and defense. The investigation proceeds with the investigation of the main obstacles to the admissibility of the agreements in criminal proceedings, namely the possible violation of the rights to silence and of not producing evidence against itself, and the supposed privatization of the process with the admission of a truth agreed upon. In view of this international scenario, we analyze the legislative changes carried out in Brazil to admit the agreements in the criminal process, as well as the main innovation present in the draft new Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code: penal agreements. The study concludes that consensus is not inconsistent with the principles and values of due process, but recognizes the need to improve judicial control mechanisms, which safeguards not only protect the accused but also reinforce the public nature and unavailability of criminal proceedings.

Evaluation of Error Metrics Used for Quality Assessment of Simplified Meshes

Udd, Dennis January 2022 (has links)
Level of Detail (LOD) is an important area in game development and it is a term used to describe the complexity of 3D models. Complex 3D models that are rendered from a far distance can often be simplified, to minimise rendering costs. The visual appearance of a simplified model should be as close to the original model as possible. This process requires metrics that can produce a similarity score or a distance value between meshes of different quality.  In this report, four different metrics are evaluated on a dataset with models of different qualities. The metrics are the MSDM2, Chamfer Distance, Hausdorff Distance and Simplygon's internal distance called Maximum Deviation. The dataset is already annotated with subjective scores from an earlier experiment, and the metrics are evaluated using the Spearman and the Pearson Correlations between metric values and subjective scores. The metrics are evaluated on the whole model set, and on different categories of models. The correlation scores are calculated using three different regression techniques. These are a per-dataset regression, a scaled per-dataset regression, and an averaged per-model regression. In addition to this, the metrics are also evaluated on the same dataset but where the LOD:s are created using a different simplifying algorithm, Simplygon's own reducer.  The results show that MSDM2 is the best metric in correlation with subjective scores when using a per-dataset regression. It is also noticed that the other metrics are all quite similar. The difference between the MSDM2 metric and the other metrics is also much larger on categories like "Hard surface"- and "Complex" models. When using the less common regression techniques, MSDM2 has the worst correlation, and Chamfer Distance correlates the best.  When comparing the results from the two datasets, Simplygon's own reducer seem to have a greater correlation with the MSDM2 metric. There was no clear difference in scores for the other metrics.  The end result is that one metric is not always the best metric. The type of model, and the simplification algorithm used to create the LOD, can both affect the result. The evaluation technique also changes the result.

Digitalt anpassad information för personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi

Zoort, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete i informationsdesign med inriktning textdesign. Syftetmed studien är att undersöka aspekter som gör digitala texter tillgängliga förutvald mottagargrupp med hjälp av principer framtagna för dessa i kombinationmed principer inom informationsdesign. Undersökningar och analyser har gjorts genom litteraturundersökning, läsbarhetsanalys, enkätundersökning, intervju och A/B test. Undersökningarna har visat på behovet av förenklat, anpassat informationsmaterial för mottagarna. Ett förslag på ett anpassat exempelmaterial för mottagarna läggs fram i slutet av rapporten.Teorier som har används i studien är läsbarhetsteorier, kommunikationsteoriersamt teorier inom grafisk formgivning och tillgänglighet för att styrka studien och dess relevans inom forskningen.

A contrastive study on the translation of hyphenated compounds in fashion writing

Tobiasson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the translation of hyphenated compounds from English to Swedish in a non-fiction text about fashion. The translation is performed by the author of this study, which is important to keep in mind. The aim is to evaluate the structure and function of hyphenated compounds and analyze if and what changes occur in the translation process. The quantitative analysis demonstrates that the majority of the hyphenated compounds function as adjectives in the source text, and the most frequent left-hand elements are adjectives and nouns, while the most frequent right-hand elements are nouns and -ed participles. An overview of the translation equivalents in the target text reveals compound participles, compound adjectives, and prepositional phrases as the most common structural categories. The qualitative analysis illustrates how general methods like transposition, modulation, and literal translations are necessary in order to produce appropriate translations. Furthermore, translation universals, especially in the form of explicitation and simplification, prove to be prominent strategies when translating hyphenated compounds. Explicitation is particularly evident when hyphenated compounds are rendered as postmodifying prepositional phrases, clauses, and noun phrases, while simplification is especially notable in the category of simple adjectives. In addition, a noteworthy finding that stands out compared to previous studies is how some hyphenated compounds are kept in their hyphenated form when translated, which appears to correlate with the genre of fashion writing.


JAN JOSE HURTADO JAUREGUI 01 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] À medida que o processo de digitalização avança em diversos setores, a criação de modelos digitais 3D torna-se cada vez mais necessária. Normalmente, esses modelos são construídos por designers 3D, exigindo um esforço manual considerável quando o objeto modelado é complexo. Além disso, como o designer não tem uma referência precisa na maioria dos casos, o modelo resultante está sujeito a erros de medição. No entanto, é possível minimizar o esforço de construção e o erro de medição usando técnicas de aquisição 3D e modelos CAD previamente construídos. A saída típica de uma técnica de aquisição 3D é uma nuvem de pontos 3D bruta, que precisa de processamento para reduzir o ruído inerente e a falta de informações topológicas. Os modelos CAD são normalmente usados para documentar um processo de projeto de engenharia, apresentando alta complexidade e muitos detalhes irrelevantes para muitos processos de visualização. Portanto, dependendo da aplicação, devemos simplificar bastante o modelo CAD para atender aos seus requisitos. Nesta tese, nos concentramos na construção de modelos digitais 3D a partir dessas fontes. Mais precisamente, apresentamos um conjunto de algoritmos de processamento de geometria para automatizar diferentes etapas de um fluxo de trabalho típico usado para esta construção. Primeiro, apresentamos um algoritmo de redução de ruído de nuvem de pontos que visa preservar as feições nítidas da superfície subjacente. Este algoritmo inclui soluções para a estimativa normal e problemas de detecção de feições nítidas. Em segundo lugar, apresentamos uma extensão do algoritmo de redução de ruído de nuvem de pontos para processar malhas triangulares, onde tiramos proveito da topologia explícita definida pela malha. Por fim, apresentamos um algoritmo para a simplificação extrema de modelos CAD complexos, que tendem a se aproximar da superfície externa do objeto modelado. Os algoritmos propostos são comparados com métodos de última geração, apresentando resultados competitivos e superando-os na maioria dos casos de teste. / [en] As the digitalization process advances in several industries, the creation of 3D digital models is becoming more and more required. Commonly, these models are constructed by 3D designers, requiring considerable manual effort when the modeled object is complex. In addition, since the designer does not have an accurate reference in most cases, the resulting model is prone to measurement errors. However, it is possible to minimize the construction effort and the measurement error by using 3D acquisition techniques and previously constructed CAD models. The typical output of a 3D acquisition technique is a raw 3D point cloud, which needs processing to reduce the inherent noise and lack of topological information. CAD models are typically used to document an engineering design process, presenting high complexity and too many details irrelevant to many visualization processes. So, depending on the application, we must severely simplify the CAD model to meet its requirements. In this thesis, we focus on the construction of 3D digital models from these sources. More precisely, we present a set of geometry processing algorithms to automatize different stages of a typical workflow used for this construction. First, we present a point cloud denoising algorithm that seeks to preserve the sharp features of the underlying surface. This algorithm includes solutions for the normal estimation and sharp feature detection problems. Second, we present an extension of the point cloud denoising algorithm to process triangle meshes, where we take advantage of the explicit topology defined by the mesh. Finally, we present an algorithm for the extreme simplification of complex CAD models, which tends to approximate the outer surface of the modeled object. The proposed algorithms are compared with state-of-the-art methods, showing competitive results and outperforming them in most test cases.

Text Simplification and Keyphrase Extraction for Swedish

Lindqvist, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
Attempts have been made in Sweden to increase readability for texts addressed to the public, and ongoing projects are still being conducted by disability associations, private companies and Swedish authorities. In this thesis project, we explore automatic approaches to increase readability trough text simplification and keyphrase extraction, with the goal of facilitating text comprehension and readability for people with reading difficulties. A combination of handwritten rules and monolingual machine translation was used to simplify the syntactic and lexical content of Swedish texts, and noun phrases were extracted to provide the reader with a short summary of the textual content. A user evaluation was conducted to compare the original and the simplified version of the same text. Several texts and their simplified versions were also evaluated using established readability metrics. Although a manual evaluation of the result showed that the implemented rules generally worked as intended on the sentences that were targeted, the results from the user evaluation and readability metrics did not show improvements. We believe that further additions to the rule set, targeting a wider range of linguistic structures, have the potential to improve the results.

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