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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Solution into Vacuum - Structural Transitions in Proteins

Patriksson, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
Information about protein structures is important in many areas of life sciences, including structure-based drug design. Gas phase methods, like electrospray ionization and mass spectrometry are powerful tools for the analysis of molecular interactions and conformational changes which complement existing solution phase methods. Novel techniques such as single particle imaging with X-ray free electron lasers are emerging as well. A requirement for using gas phase methods is that we understand what happens to proteins when injected into vacuum, and what is the relationship between the vacuum structure and the solution structure. Molecular dynamics simulations in combination with experiments show that protein structures in the gas phase can be similar to solution structures, and that hydrogen bonding networks and secondary structure elements can be retained. Structural changes near the surface of the protein happen quickly (ns-µs) during transition from solution into vacuum. The native solution structure results in a reasonably well defined gas phase structure, which has high structural similarity to the solution structure. Native charge locations are in some cases also preserved, and structural changes, due to point mutations in solution, can also be observed in vacuo. Proteins do not refold in vacuo: when a denatured protein is injected into vacuum, the resulting gas phase structure is different from the native structure. Native structures can be protected in the gas phase by adjusting electrospray conditions to avoid complete evaporation of water. A water layer with a thickness of less than two water molecules seems enough to preserve native conditions. The results presented in this thesis give confidence in the continued use of gas phase methods for analysis of charge locations, conformational changes and non-covalent interactions, and provide a means to relate gas phase structures and solution structures.

From Solution into Vacuum - Structural Transitions in Proteins

Patriksson, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
<p>Information about protein structures is important in many areas of life sciences, including structure-based drug design. Gas phase methods, like electrospray ionization and mass spectrometry are powerful tools for the analysis of molecular interactions and conformational changes which complement existing solution phase methods. Novel techniques such as single particle imaging with X-ray free electron lasers are emerging as well. A requirement for using gas phase methods is that we understand what happens to proteins when injected into vacuum, and what is the relationship between the vacuum structure and the solution structure.</p><p>Molecular dynamics simulations in combination with experiments show that protein structures in the gas phase can be similar to solution structures, and that hydrogen bonding networks and secondary structure elements can be retained. Structural changes near the surface of the protein happen quickly (ns-µs) during transition from solution into vacuum. The native solution structure results in a reasonably well defined gas phase structure, which has high structural similarity to the solution structure. </p><p>Native charge locations are in some cases also preserved, and structural changes, due to point mutations in solution, can also be observed in vacuo. Proteins do not refold in vacuo: when a denatured protein is injected into vacuum, the resulting gas phase structure is different from the native structure.</p><p>Native structures can be protected in the gas phase by adjusting electrospray conditions to avoid complete evaporation of water. A water layer with a thickness of less than two water molecules seems enough to preserve native conditions.</p><p>The results presented in this thesis give confidence in the continued use of gas phase methods for analysis of charge locations, conformational changes and non-covalent interactions, and provide a means to relate gas phase structures and solution structures.</p>

Axonal translation and links to neuropathies

Lin, Qiaojin January 2018 (has links)
Neurons connect to their remote targets via axons, which usually survive for the lifetime of an organism. Spatiotemporal regulation of the axonal proteome by local protein synthesis (LPS) plays a critical role in neuronal wiring and axon survival, raising the intriguing possibility that some neurological disorders involve LPS dysfunction. To visualise LPS in situ, I optimised multiple imaging techniques to investigate Netrin-1-induced translation in cultured retinal axons. Total axonal protein synthesis measured by metabolic and puromycin labelling indicates axons experience stage-dependent alterations in translation rate upon Netrin-1 stimulation. Remarkably, Netrin-1 triggers a burst of β-actin synthesis starting within 20 seconds of cue application at multiple non-repetitive sites visualised by single molecule translation imaging, an approach that allows direct visualisation of translation dynamics in response to external stimuli. Further studies have shown that local translation can occur on Rab7a-associated late endosomes, where mRNA recruitment and translation are coordinately regulated. Notably, mRNAs encoding mitochondria-related proteins are found translating on late endosomes docking in the vicinity of mitochondria, suggesting late endosomes act as ‘platforms’ for the localised synthesis of mitochondrial proteins necessary for maintaining mitochondrial integrity. Moreover, this process is affected in axons expressing the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B (CMT2B)-related Rab7a mutants, leading to abnormal mitochondrial biogenesis and activity and compromised axon survival. Finally, attenuated de novo protein synthesis is observed in axons expressing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-associated fused in sarcoma (FUS) mutants and hypomethylated wild-type FUS. Live imaging reveals mislocalised mutant or hypomethylated FUS granules are transported along axons and accumulate at growth cones, possibly irreversibly trapping RNA molecules, resulting in reduced distance travelled by RNA granules in axons. Furthermore, mutant FUS expression results in defective retinal projections in vivo, highlighting the importance of RNA metabolism and local translation in axonal homeostatic mechanisms. In conclusion, aberrant translational activity in axons leads to prominent axonopathy, which recapitulates features of early stages of neurological diseases, providing the basis for novel therapeutic strategies.

Imagerie moléculaire de l’ARN de la télomérase dans des cellules cancéreuses humaines

Laprade, Hadrien 07 1900 (has links)
Les télomères sont raccourcis à chaque cycle de réplication de l’ADN à cause du problème de réplication des extrémités. Leur longueur dicte la capacité proliférative des cellules eucaryotes. Des télomères trop courts, aillant atteints la limite de Hayflick, feront entrer les cellules en sénescence réplicative. Pourtant dans les cellules progénitrices ainsi que 90% des cellules cancéreuses la longueur des télomères est maintenue par un complexe ribonucléoprotéique, la télomérase. L’assemblage de ce complexe ainsi que son recrutement aux télomères son des processus dynamiques sous le contrôle d’une régulation fine. Toutefois, comment cette régulation à un impact sur la dynamique de la télomérase dans le noyau n’est toujours pas complétement compris. Dans ce projet nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode se basant sur le système MS2 permettant d’observer pour la première des particules uniques d’ARN de télomérase (hTR) par microscopie à fluorescence sur cellules cancéreuse humaines vivantes. Le suivi en temps réel de ces particules aux télomères a permis de révéler que la télomérase scanne activement les télomères via des interactions courtes avec la protéine télomérique TPP1. Des interactions plus stables nécessaires à l’allongement des télomères peuvent être formées grâce à l’appariement entre hTR et l’ADN simple brin du télomère sous contrôle du domaine OB-fold de la protéine télomérique POT1. Le suivi de ces particules au cours du cycle cellulaire a révélé que ces interactions ne sont pas restreintes à la phase S, la phase d’élongation des télomères. La mesure de la dynamique de hTR dans les corps de Cajal (CBs) couplé à des expériences de photo-activation ont pu montrer que hTERT joue un rôle dans la sortie de hTR des CBs. Enfin des mesures d’intensités de fluorescence de hTR aux télomères montrent qu’une seule particule est recruté sur un télomère en phase S. / Telomeres are shortened at each DNA replication cycle, due to the end replication problem. Their length dictates the proliferative capacity of eukaryotic cells. Too short telomeres, reaching the Hayflick limit, will lead the cells to replicative senescence. However, in stem cells and 90% of cancer cells telomere length is maintained by a ribonucleoproteic complex named telomerase. The assembly of this complex and its recruitment to telomeres are process under a fine regulation. Yet, how this regulation impacts the nuclear dynamics of telomerase is not fully understood. In this project, we developed a new method based on the MS2 system to image for the first time telomerase RNA (hTR) particles in living human cancer cells by fluorescence microscopy. The real time tracking of these particles at telomeres revealed that telomerase actively scan all telomeres by short interactions with the TPP1 shelterin protein. Long stable interaction needed for telomere elongation can be made by the pairing of hTR template and single stranded telomeric DNA under the control of the OB-fold domains of the shelterin protein POT1. By tracking telomerase particle during the cell cycle, we revealed that telomerase recruitment to telomeres is not restricted to S phase, when telomeres are elongated. By measuring the dynamics of hTR in Cajal bodies (CBs) with photo-activation and photo-bleaching technics we showed that hTERT play a role in the hTR exit from CBS. Finally, fluorescence intensity measures of hTR at telomeres showed the recruitment of only one particle on a telomere.

Single-Molecule Metal-Induced Energy Transfer: From Basics to Applications

Karedla, Narain 02 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the centromeric epigenetic mark

Padeganeh, Abbas 04 1900 (has links)
Le centromère est le site chromosomal où le kinetochore se forme, afin d’assurer une ségrégation fidèles des chromosomes et ainsi maintenir la ploïdie appropriée lors de la mitose. L’identité du centromere est héritée par un mécanisme épigénétique impliquant une variante de l’histone H3 nommée centromere protein-A (CENP-A), qui remplace l’histone H3 au niveau de la chromatine du centromère. Des erreurs de propagation de la chromatine du centromère peuvent mener à des problèmes de ségrégation des chromosomes, pouvant entraîner l’aneuploïdie, un phénomène fréquemment observé dans le cancer. De plus, une expression non-régulée de CENP-A a aussi été rapportée dans différentes tumeurs humaines. Ainsi, plusieurs études ont cherchées à élucider la structure et le rôle de la chromatine contenant CENP-A dans des cellules en prolifération. Toutefois, la nature moléculaire de CENP-A en tant que marqueur épigénétique ainsi que ces dynamiques à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire demeurent des sujets débat. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de comptage de molécules uniques à l'aide de la microscopie à réflexion totale interne de la fluorescence (TIRF) sera décrite, puis exploitée afin d'élucider la composition moléculaire des nucléosomes contenant CENP-A, extraits de cellules en prolifération. Nous démontrons que les nucléosomes contenant CENP-A marquent les centromères humains de façon épigénétique à travers le cycle cellulaire. De plus, nos données démontrent que la forme prénucléosomale de CENP-A, en association avec la protéine chaperon HJURP existe sous forme de monomère et de dimère, ce qui reflète une étape intermédiaire de l'assemblage de nucléosomes contenant CENP-A. Ensuite, des analyses quantitatives de centromères lors de différenciation myogénique, et dans différents tissus adultes révèlent des changements globaux qui maintiennent la marque épigénétique dans une forme inactive suite à la différentiation terminale. Ces changements incluent une réduction du nombre de points focaux de CENP-A, un réarrangement des points dans le noyau, ainsi qu'une réduction importante de la quantité de CENP-A. De plus, nous démontrons que lorsqu'une dédifférenciation cellulaire est induite puis le cycle cellulaire ré-entamé, le phénotype "différencié" décrit ci-haut est récupéré, et les centromères reprennent leur phénotype "prolifératif". En somme, cet oeuvre décrit la composition structurale sous-jacente à l'identité épigénétique des centromères de cellules humaines lors du cycle cellulaire, et met en lumière le rôle de CENP-A à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire. / The centromere is a unique chromosomal locus where the kinetochore is formed to mediate faithful chromosome partitioning, thus maintaining ploidy during cell division. Centromere identity is inherited via an epigenetic mechanism involving a histone H3 variant, called centromere protein-A (CENP-A) which replaces histone H3 in centromeric chromatin. Defects in the centromeric chromatin can lead to missegregation of chromosomes resulting in aneuploidy, a ¬¬frequently observed phenomenon in cancer. Moreover, deregulated CENP-A expression has also been documented in a number of human malignancies. Therefore, much effort has been devoted to uncover the structure and role of CENP-A-containing chromatin in proliferating cells. However, the molecular nature of this epigenetic mark and its potential dynamics during and outside the cell cycle remains controversial. In this thesis, the development of a novel single-molecule imaging approach based on total internal reflection fluorescence and the use of this assay to gain quantitative information about the molecular composition of CENP-A-containing nucleosomes extracted from proliferating cells throughout the cell cycle as well as the dynamics and cellular fate of CENP-A chromatin in terminal differentiation are described. Here, we show that octameric CENP-A nucleosomes containing core Histones H2B and H4 epigenetically mark human centromeres throughout the cell cycle. Moreover, our data demonstrate that the prenucleosomal form of CENP-A bound by the chaperone HJURP transits between monomeric and dimeric forms likely reflecting intermediate steps in CENP-A nucleosomal assembly. Moreover, quantitative analyses of centromeres in myogenic differentiation and adult mouse tissue sections revealed that centromeres undergo global changes in order to retain a minimal CENP-A epigenetic code in an inactive state, upon induction of terminal differentiation. These include a robust decrease in the number of centromeric foci, subnuclear rearrangement as well as extensive loss of CENP-A protein. Interestingly, we show that forced dedifferentiation under cell cycle reentry permissive conditions, rescued the above-mentioned phenotype concomitantly with the restoration of cell division. Altogether, this work delineates the structural basis for the epigenetic specification of human centromeres during the cell cycle and sheds light on the cellular fate of the CENP-A epigenetic code outside the cell cycle.

Single-molecule Imaging of the Cell Division Ring in Escherichia coli Using the ALFA-tag / Enmolekyl-mikroskopi av delningsringen i Escherichia coli med användandet av ALFA-taggen

Westlund, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The use of super-resolution (SR) microscopy is an important tool for understanding the inside mechanisms of bacterial cells. However, for SR imaging, the labelling of the proteins of interest is a great challenge as flourescent proteins (FPs) are often too big to be directly fused to the target protein and traditional immunolabelling with antibodies creates too long separation between the fluorophore and the target protein. In an attempt to overcome this hurdle, the Escherichia coli (E. coli) cell division protein FtsZ is in this project fused to a nanotag (NT) that is subsequently labelled with a nanobody (NB). The ALFA-tag, a short amino acid peptide, is chromosomally fused to the target protein, creating a MG1655/FtsZ-ALFA strain where all FtsZ proteins have an ALFA-tag attached. Recognising the ALFA-tag is the NB αALFA (anti-ALFA) which is fused to a FP and expressed from a plasmid. The MG1655/FtsZ-ALFA strain is labelled using standard plasmid transformation which allows for live cell imaging of the division ring in E. coli. Both FPs sfGFP and mEos3.2 are used for labelling which means that the cells can be imaged in epifluorescence microscopy and single-molecule Photo-Activated Localisation Microscopy (PALM), and even single-molecule time lapses of the constricting FtsZ-ring is possible. This system is also applicable to other bacterial proteins. / Superupplösningsmikroskopi (SUM) är ett viktigt redskap för att förstå de inre processerna i en bakteriecell. Att på ett framgångsrikt sätt tagga målproteinerna har dock visat sig vara en utmaning för SUM. Att direkttagga målproteinerna med fluorescerande protein är oftast inte möjligt på grund av de fluorescerande proteinernas storlek och traditionell märkning med antikroppar skapar ett för stort avstånd mellan fluorofor och målprotein. För att överkomma detta problem taggas här celldelningsproteinet FtsZ iEscherichia coli (E. coli) med hjälp av nanotaggar (NT) och nanokroppar (NK). ALFA-taggen, en kort aminosyrapeptid, är kromosomt bunden till FtsZ i cellinjen MG1655/FtsZ-ALFA, så att varje FtsZ protein som produceras har en ALFA-tag bunden till sig. NK αALFA (anti-ALFA) känner igen och binder till ALFA-taggen när de kommer i kontakt. NK är bunden till ett fluorescerande protein och uttryckt från en plasmid vilket gör att MG1655/FtsZ-ALFA kan bli taggad med hjälp av vanlig plasmidtransformation. Denna metod möjliggör mikroskopi av divisionsringen i levande E. coli-celler. Två olika fluorescerande protein används, sfGFP och mEos3.2, vilket innebär att både epifluorensmikroskopi och fotoaktiverad lokaliseringsmikroskopi (PALM) kan användas. Dessutom är även intervallfotografering i enmolekylmikroskopi av divisionsringens konstriktion möjligt. Denna märkningsteknik är vidare applicerbar på andra bakteriella protein.

Investigation des fonctions de la protéine du pore nucléaire TPR en utilisant la microscopie à molécule unique

Bop, Bineta 08 1900 (has links)
Le complexe de pores nucléaires est le seul point d'entrée et de sortie du transport nucléocytoplasmique. Le panier nucléaire, l'un de ses principaux composants, s'est avéré impliqué dans la régulation des gènes et pourrait jouer un rôle majeur dans le contrôle de la qualité de l'export d'ARNm. Cependant, on sait peu de choses sur le fonctionnement du panier dans l'export nucléaire et la régulation des gènes. La principale composante structurelle du panier, la TPR (Translocated Promoter Region), est considérée comme l'acteur principal de la fonction de contrôle de la qualité du panier. Il reste à établir par quel mécanisme cette protéine assure la sélection des mRNP compétentes pour l'exportation. Malgré son implication connue dans le contrôle de la qualité des mRNP, l'exportation et la maturation, des questions demeurent: que fait vraiment le panier, qu'est-ce qui définit le contrôle qualité, comment le panier nucléaire est-il capable d'identifier l'ARN qui n'est pas compétent pour l'exportation et quels sont les rôles de différentes protéines composant le panier nucléaire. Récemment, il a été montré que la protéine TPR est présente dans deux populations, l'une dans le nucléoplasme et l'autre liée au NPC. Nos études préliminaires utilisant FRAP (Fluorescence Recorvery After Photobleaching) et la microscopie à molécule unique montrent que les molécules nucléoplasmiques de TPR ne sont pas impliquées dans un échange rapide avec les molécules assemblant avec les paniers ancrés au NPC et présentent différentes sous-populations basées sur la diffusion. L'analyse de études protéomiques préliminaires de notre laboratoire a révélé que l’interactome de TPR présente un enrichissement inattendu en protéines impliquées dans la maturation de l'ARNm, notamment l'épissage et les facteurs de traitement de l'extrémité 3'. Ces résultats pourraient suggérer des interactions complexes des nouvelles fractions nucléoplasmiques de TPR avec la machinerie de maturation des ARNms et nous amènent à poser les questions suivantes : Quelle est la fonction de la protéine du panier TPR lorsqu'elle n'est pas associée au NPC, et la TPR nucléoplasmique participe-t-elle au métabolisme de l'ARN nucléaire, reliant potentiellement les processus nucléaires au contrôle de la qualité au NPC? Mon projet s'est concentré sur l'étude des fonctions et de la dynamique de la protéine du panier nucléaire TPR à l'aide de techniques d'imagerie fluorescente en cellule vivante et de suivi de protéine unique. Nous avons pu identifier la dynamique et la localisation des différentes populations de TPR à partir des profils de diffusion de leurs trajectoires, qui peuvent être réparties en 5 catégories : Dirigée, Brownienne, Restreinte, Confinée et Butterfly. Nos données suggèrent que les trajectoires confinées pourraient être liée à l’association de TPR à la chromatine tandis que les browniennes représenteraient les molécules de TPR diffusant librement dans le noyau. De plus, nous avons constaté que les trajectoires dirigées et restreintes pourraient être liées à la maturation de l'ARN vu que ces deux sous-populations de TPR sont les plus affectées lorsque la transcription est inhibée. Également, en absence de la transcription par l’ARN polymérase II, TPR forme des granules dans le nucléoplasme, suggérant son implication durant la transcription active. Ainsi, notre étude montre que la fraction nucléoplasmique du TPR est subdivisée en fractions non associées aux pores hétérogènes qui pourraient jouer plusieurs rôles dans le métabolisme de l'ARN et la qualité de l'export. / The nuclear pore complex is the only entry and exit point for the nucleocytoplasmic transport. The nuclear basket, one of its main components, was shown to be involved in gene regulation and could play a major role in quality control of mRNA export. However, little is known on how the basket functions in nuclear export and gene regulation. The main structural component of the basket, TPR (Translocated Promoter Region), is thought to be the main actor in the quality control function of the basket. It is yet to be establish by which mechanism this protein ensures the selection of competent mRNPs for export. With all these involvement of the basket in quality control, export, and maturation, one question remains: What is the basket really doing, what defines quality control, how the nuclear basket can identify RNAs that aren’t competent for export, and what are the roles of the different proteins that make up the basket. Recently it was shown that TPR is present in two populations, one in the nucleoplasm and another bound at the NPC. Our preliminary studies using FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching) and single molecule microscopy shows that the nucleoplasmic TPR molecules aren’t exchanging with the baskets anchored at the NPC and present different subpopulations based on diffusion. Analysis of preliminary proteomics studies from our laboratory revealed an interactome with an unexpected enrichment of proteins involved in mRNA maturation notably splicing and 3’ end processing factors. These results imply complex interactions of the new fractions of TPR and lead us to ask these following questions: What is the function of the basket protein TPR when it is not associated with the NPC, and does nucleoplasmic TPR participate in nuclear RNA metabolism, potentially linking nuclear processes to quality control at the NPC? My project focused on investigating the functions and dynamics of the nuclear basket protein TPR using fluorescent live-cell and single-protein imaging techniques. We were able to identify the dynamics and localization of the different populations of TPR based on the diffusion profiles of their trajectories, which can be divided in 5 categories: Directed, Brownian, Restricted, Confined and Butterfly. Our data suggest that the confined population might be linked to chromatin association of TPR, whereas the Brownian would represent the free diffusing TPR molecules in the nucleus. We further found that the Directed and Restricted trajectories could be linked to RNA maturation as these two subpopulations of TPR are most affected when transcription is inhibited. Moreover, in absence of transcription, TPR forms granules in the nucleus, suggesting its implication during active transcription. Altogether, our study shows that the nucleoplasmic fraction of TPR is subdivided in heterogenous diffusive fractions that could play several roles in the metabolism of RNA and quality of export

Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy to Study Plasma Membrane Protein Dynamics

Piguet, Joachim January 2010 (has links)
Membrane protein dynamics is of great importance for living organisms. The precise localization of proteins composing a synapse on the membrane facing a nerve terminus is essential for proper functioning of the nervous system. In muscle fibers, the nicotinic acetylcholine is densely packed under the motor nerve termini. A receptor associated protein, rapsyn, acts as a linker between the receptor and the other components of the synaptic suramolecular assembly. Advances in fluorescence microscopy have allowed to measure the behavior of a single receptor in the cell membrane. In this work single-molecule microscopy was used to track the motion of ionotropic acetylcholine (nAChR) and serotonin (5HT3R) receptors in the plasma membrane of cells. We present methods for measuring single-molecule diffusion and their analysis. Single molecule tracking has shown a high dependence of acetylcholine receptors diffusion on its associated protein rapsyn. Comparing muscle cells that either express rapsyn or are devoid of it, we found that rapsyn plays an important role on receptor immobilization. A three-fold increase of receptor mobility was observed in muscle cells devoid of rapsyn. However, in these cells, a certain fraction of immobilized receptors was also found immobile. Furthermore, nAChR were strongly confined in membrane domains of few tens of nanometers. This showed that membrane composition and membrane associated proteins influence on receptor localization. During muscle cell differentiation, the fraction of immobile nAChR diminished along with the decreasing nAChR and stable rapsyn expression levels. The importance of rapsyn in nAChR immobilization has been further confirmed by measurements in HEK 293 cells, where co-expression of rapsyn increased immobilization of the receptor. nAChR is a ligand-gated ion-channel of the Cys-loop family. In mammals, members of this receptor family share general structural and functional features. They are homo- or hetero-pentamers and form a membrane-spanning ion channel. Subunits have three major regions, an extracellular ligand binding domain, a transmembrane channel and a large intracellular loop. 5HT3R was used as a model to study the effect of this loop on receptor mobility. Single-molecule tracking experiments on receptors with progressively larger deletions in the intracellular loop did not show a dependence of the size of the loop on the diffusion coefficient of mobile receptors. However, two regions were identified to play a role in receptor mobility by changing the fractions of immobile and directed receptors. Interestingly, a prokaryotic homologue of cys-loop receptors, ELIC, devoid of a large cytoplasmic loop was found to be immobile or to show directed diffusion similar as the wild-type 5HT3R. The scaffolding protein rapsyn stabilizes nAChR clusters in a concentration dependent manner. We have measured the density and self-interactions of rapsyn using FRET microscopy. Point-mutations of rapsyn, known to provoke myopathies, destabilized rapsyn self-interactions. Rapsyn-N88K, and R91L were found at high concentration in the cytoplasm suggesting that this modification disturbs membrane association of rapsyn. A25V was found to accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum. Fluorescent tools to measure intracellular concentration of calcium ions are of great value to study the function of neurons. Rapsyn is highly abundant at the neuromuscular junction and thus is a genuine synaptic marker. A fusion protein of rapsyn with a genetically encoded ratiometric calcium sensor has been made to probe synapse activity. This thesis has shown that the combined use of biologically relevant system and modern fluorescence microscopy techniques deliver important information on pLGIC behaviour in the cell membrane. / <p>QC 20151217</p>

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