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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

JAV ir ES konkurencijos apsaugos sistemų palyginimas / Comparative analysis of the systems for the protection of competition in the us and the european union

Jančiauskaitė, Ilona 24 November 2010 (has links)
JAV ir Europos Sąjungos konkurencijos apsaugos sistemų palyginimas SANTRAUKA JAV ir ES tenka panašus pasaulinės konkurencijos užtikrinimo vaidmuo. JAV konkurencijos sistema yra viena pažangiausių pasaulio konkurencijos sistemų, taigi ES, siekdama užtikrinti efektyvią konkurenciją vidaus rinkoje bei sėkmingai konkuruoti pasaulio rinkose, atsižvelgia į JAV patirtį, ir daugelį metų vykstanti ES ir JAV konkurencijos sistemų konvergencijos tendencija tikriausiai stiprės. Vis dėlto esminių reguliavimo skirtumų konkurencijos sistemose vis dar yra. Pagrindinis magistro darbo tikslas – atskleisti bei išsamiai išaiškinti tyrimo metu aktualius JAV ir ES konkurencijos apsaugos sistemų skirtumus teorijoje ir praktikoje. Papildomas magistro darbo tikslas – pateikti autoritetingus JAV ir ES konkurencijos sistemų skirtingo reguliavimo vertinimus, teigiamus bruožus bei kritiką. Siekiant šių tikslų, analizuojami JAV ir EB konkurencijos teisės aktų tekstai, doktrina, teismų ir neteisminių institucijų praktika draudžiamų susitarimų, piktnaudžiavimo dominuojančia padėtimi ir koncentracijų kontrolės srityse. Magistro darbe apžvelgiama JAV ir EB konkurencijos sistemų istorinė raida, tikslai, viešo ir privataus įgyvendinimo skirtumai, sankcijų bei amnestijos programų ypatumai. Lyginamas draudžiamų susitarimų vertinimas JAV pagal rule of reason su analize pagal EB steigimo sutarties 81 straipsnį, atliekamas išsamus vertikaliųjų susitarimų vertinimo tyrimas. Magistro darbe pateikiami piktnaudžiavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Comparative Analysis of the Systems for the Protection of Competition in the United States and the European Union SUMMARY The US and the EU perform similar roles in protecting the global competition. The EU, which pursues the goal to have the competetive common market and to successfully compete in the global market, considers the antitrust policy in the US, therefore the current convergency of the competition rules would probably increase. Nevertheless, there is still some substantial divergency in the systems for the protection of competition in the US and the EU. The primary objective of the master thesis is to reveal and to investigate the actual differences in the systems for the protection of competition in the US and the EC in legal theory and practise. The subsidiary objective is to present the authoritative views, positive arguments and criticism for the divergent regulation in both systems. In order to accomplish these objectives, the provisions of legal acts, doctrine, manifold case examples of the courts and competition authorities have been analysed in the regulation of prohibited agreements, single firm conduct and merger control. The master thesis presents the overview of the evolution of antitrust, the main objectives and differences in the public and private enforcement, sanctions and the leniency policy. The divergent approach is revealed by comparing the rule of reason approach in the US and the analysis of Article 81 of the EC Treaty, as well as different... [to full text]

Informacinių sistemų analizės ir įvertinimo metodika / Methodology for analysis and evaluation of information systems

Bručaitė, Justina, Ragėnas, Aldas 28 January 2008 (has links)
Darbo tyrimo sritis yra informacinių technologijų vertinimo metodologijos ir jų praktinis taikymas, detaliau nagrinėjamos COBIT (angl. Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) ir CMM (angl. Capability Maturity Model). Tyrimo objektas - vertinimo proceso kompiuterizavimas, problema - informacinių technologijų atitikimo įmonių veiklos poreikiams nustatymas. Tikslas yra suteikti galimybes įvertinti įmonių informacinių technologijų atitikimą jų veiklos poreikiams, sukuriant kompiuterizuotą vertinimo sistemą. / The problem of identifying the adequacy beside information systems and business needs exists in enterprises. This research work analyzes a few evaluation methodologies and proposes supporting software tool developed for this purpose on the base of integration of two methodologies - Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) and Capability Maturity Model (CMM). The developed software tool allows to approach to the main purpose of this research work – to provide the opportunity to evaluate the adequacy beside information systems and business needs.

Kompiuterių tinklų saugos modelių sudarymas / Design of Computer Network Security

Ališauskaitė, Vaida 28 January 2008 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe išanalizuoti įvairios paskirties saugos modeliai. Pagal gautus rezultatus sudarytas apibendrintas informacijos saugos praradimo riziką įvertitnantis kompiuterių tinklų saugos modelis. Sukurta grėsmę keliančius įvykius aptinkanti sistema. / The master's work analysis different types of security models. It also proposes a new computer network security reference model, which includes risk management process. A suspicious network events detection system is designed to make network monitoring easier.

Elektroninių užsakymų sprendimų tyrimas ir realizacija / The Research and Realization of E-Order Solutions

Černiauskas, Saulius 28 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe tiriami elektroninių užsakymų sprendimai elektroninio verslo sistemose. Siekiama nustatyti problemas, kurias turi spręsti elektroninio užsakymo sistema, ištirti egzistuojančius šių problemų sprendimo būdus bei nustatyti pastarųjų privalumus ir trūkumus. Taip pat siekiama realizuoti elektroninio užsakymo sistemą, sprendžiančią nustatytas problemas atsižvelgiant į ištirtų metodų privalumus ir trūkumus. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas UBL (Universal Business Language) kalbos panaudojimui universalios elektroninio užsakymo sistemos kūrime. Darbe ištirtos švediškos sąskaitos-faktūros, daniškos sąskaitos-faktūros ir Zanzibar portalo sistemos, panaudojančios UBL. / The goal of this research is to define the main problems solved by e-order solutions, as well as to analyse the existing methods of solving these problems and research similar existing systems, and finally to create and test a model of such system. The research is focused on the implementation of UBL (Universal Busines Language) in e-business systems. It covers the methods of e-procurement systems and the methods of using UBL in realization of these systems. The research covers the existing systems, such as Swedish E-Invoice, Danish E-Invoice and Zanzibar Portal. The main problem of all existing methods and solutions is the integration of existing systems on both, buyer and seller sides. In this work, the project of an e-order system is made in attempt to create a universal solution that would ensure the inegration of any existing system.

MS .Net žiniatinklio programų pritaikymas bevielio ryšio įrenginiams / Adaptation of MS.Net internet applications for wireless connection devices

Ramoška, Mantas 28 January 2008 (has links)
ASP.Net technologijomis sukurtos sistemos integracija su bevielio ryšio mobiliais įrenginiais. Restoranų tinklo informacinė sistema su trimis vartotojų lygiais: administratorius, restorano filialas ir užsakovas bei pritaikyta bevieliams įrenginiams. Ištirtos sistemos panaudojamomo problemas, bei užtikrintas sukurtos sistemos panaudojamumas (usability). / The goal of master thesys is to find technological solution to integrate internet systems, developed using Microdoft ASP.Net and WAP standarts. And to develope a practical solution for „Restaurant orders information system“. Analyzed information from many sources, there are three main problems when adapting information system for mobile devices: screen size, navigation and input methods. All these problems describe system usability. And the goal of work is to reach maximum level of usability. To develope that solution Agile software development method eXtreem Programming and usability oriented method were chosen.

ES struktūrinių fondų administravimo problemos: komplikuotų procedūrų bei santykių tarp projekto veikėjų probleminiai aspektai / Problems of administration of EU structural funds: problemic aspects of complicated procedures and relations between project partners

Alauskaitė, Jolanta 26 June 2008 (has links)
Nors Lietuvoje mažėja nereikalingos administracinės naštos apimtis, tačiau ES Struktūrinių fondų administravimo sistemoje trūksta labiau išplėtotos reguliavimo politikos, egzistuoja santykinai aukšta administracinė našta ir tai tebėra daug administracinės veiklos apribojimų. Komplikuotos procedūros bei administracinė našta projektų valdymo metu dažniausiai vyksta dėl įgyvendinančiųjų ir administruojančiųjų ES Struktūrinius fondus institucijų tarpusavio nesusikalbėjimo, jų organizacinių kultūrų skirtumų, prastos komunikacijos tarp projekto veikėjų ir per griežtos administravimo tvarkos bei procedūrinės naštos. / Although the amount of unnecessary administrative burden in Lithuania is decreasing, but the administration system of the EU Structural funds lacks more developed regulation policy; the relatively high administrative burden remains and this still serves as the restriction of administrative activity. The complicated procedures and heavy administrative burden during the management of projects are caused mainly due the lack of agreement between the institutions that are implementing or administering the EU Structural funds, due to their organizational cultures and too strict administration rules.

Mechaninių gaminių integruotos gamybos sistemos modelio sukūrimas / Integrated model of manufacturing system for mechanical products

Borusas, Henrikas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe pateikiamos teorinės integruotos gamybos sistemos galimybės ir prielaidos, įdiegimo funkcijos ir etapai. Analizuojamos integruotos gamybos sistemos integravimo praktinės galimybės realiam mechaniniam gaminiui, nurodoma laukiama nauda ir kiti privalumai. / The practical realization of model theoretical bases to medium Lithuanian company X is carried out. Considered company in manufacturing business of small trucks components’ is involved. It applies the various metal profiles as materials and machining, welding and painting operations. The company business process was modeled, tested and validated. It works on the virtual prototypes at the early business conception stage. Main task of developed model in this stage is forecasting of manufacturing cost and decision making selecting suppliers and partners. The results and conclusions of work are presented.

Turinio valdymo sistemos modelis / The model of content management system

Ridlauskas, Renaldas 13 January 2006 (has links)
The content management system is a tool which is essential to load and administrate information that is in the net site. The main CMS purpose is money and time saving which is committed for the site care. To look after the site and freshen it could an employee not having specific news. Content management system is analyzing Lithuania��s and the world’s measure in this work. Their basal internal are reviewing and specifying requests for content management system’s model. So, there is analyzing two platforms: “PHP”and “Zope”. Considering to every platform’s advantages and disadvantages there is arbitrary “Zope” platform. Considering to the analysis part which specific create the content management system model. So, the content management system accomplished testing model and gives auditorial example. CMS functional is evaluating in the experimental part. Finally, there is no general purpose control system; there is only theoretical project which shows content management system’s place.

Tiesioginio testavimo sistemų lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of online testing systems

Astrauskas, Aurelijus 22 May 2006 (has links)
This work is to compare two online testing systems – EDU Campus and TestTool4. The first one is using various types of standard test questions with the emphasis to math-based subjects. It has some unique features too. The second one is using graphical model based approach to the testing of the knowledge.

Kardiovaskulinės reabilitacijos klinikos informacinės sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas / Development and research of information system of patients with heart disease

Pociūnas, Ernestas 24 May 2006 (has links)
Today information is very expensive and useful. If you want to get wanted information when you need it, get information in wanted form and get information which you expected, you need an information system. The main purpose of this project is to create web-based information system of patients with heart disease, which let store, modify information about patients and their medical testing. There will be a possibility to generate reports for the period you want or for the wanted patient. The point of this information system is to store information, process necessary information faster, to facilitate and make faster personnel work. Medical testing results can be put into the database in two ways: from specific file or from interface. Other part of master‘s work is research named „SQL performance speed in Java and PL/SQL stored procedures“. PL/SQL is the procedural language extension to SQL and it encapsulates SQL statements in procedural logic. Starting with Oracle8i, Oracle supports Java in the database. Java stored procedures also can encapsulate SQL statements that run within the database via procedural logic. In this paper you can find the answer for the question, where do I have to put the SQL, Java or PL/SQL stored procedures.

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