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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žinių naudojimo verslo informacinėse sistemose tyrimas / Investigation of knowledge use in business information systems

Valatkaitė, Irma 21 December 2004 (has links)
In the research of the business IS development the business rules approach has achieved a lot of attention and already has a steady niche with a strong motivation behind. The usefulness of the approach and its advantages over the traditional IS development approaches call for the technology standards. Despite the work done towards standardization there is still a way to go – commercial products use their unique modeling languages for business rules, most of their rules processing and enforcement engines are stand-alone, even the embeddable ones use their unique rules representation format. In our research focusing on the business rules we have stepped towards employing the widely spread technology of active databases and have argued that it is feasible and possible to model business rules using conceptual graphs. Such a model having representations in visual and textual form (linear form and CGIF) and the possibility to translate the model to the near natural English language can be used both at conceptual and implementation levels. We have designed and implemented the automatic trigger generation component. Using the representative example from the real business organization (the representative example was comprised of structural domain knowledge and corresponding business rules) we have carried out the experiment during which the business rules model was transformed from visual notation to CGIF, then from CGIF to XML, and then from XML to MS SQL Server trigger. The... [to full text]

Žinių naudojimo verslo informacinėse sistemose tyrimas / Investigation of knowledge use in business information systems

Valatkaitė, Irma 21 December 2004 (has links)
In the research of the business IS development the business rules approach has achieved a lot of attention and already has a steady niche with a strong motivation behind. The usefulness of the approach and its advantages over the traditional IS development approaches call for the technology standards. Despite the work done towards standardization there is still a way to go – commercial products use their unique modeling languages for business rules, most of their rules processing and enforcement engines are stand-alone, even the embeddable ones use their unique rules representation format. In our research focusing on the business rules we have stepped towards employing the widely spread technology of active databases and have argued that it is feasible and possible to model business rules using conceptual graphs. Such a model having representations in visual and textual form (linear form and CGIF) and the possibility to translate the model to the near natural English language can be used both at conceptual and implementation levels. We have designed and implemented the automatic trigger generation component. Using the representative example from the real business organization (the representative example was comprised of structural domain knowledge and corresponding business rules) we have carried out the experiment during which the business rules model was transformed from visual notation to CGIF, then from CGIF to XML, and then from XML to MS SQL Server trigger. The... [to full text]

Frančizes prekybos tinklo užsakymų valdymo informacinė sistema / Orders management information system for retail franchise network

Pap, Pavel 17 January 2006 (has links)
Information management systems give an opportunity for business to optimize there processes, minimize costs and save resources. In nowadays these systems help to stay on the market and be competitive with other participants. The objective of this job is to analyze and project(design) orders management system for the network of retail stores associated by franchise and has a central administrative unit which holds all the franchise rights and managing all activities. System has such general abilities: 1. Generate an order using prognosis algorithm. 2. Edit an order. 3. Coordinate order with receiver (member of the franchise network). 4. Prepare order for execution (goods picking, gathering, loading, shipment). Full system was installed at the administrative unit allowing all other members to use order coordination ability.

Sraigtinių siurblių naudojimas vasaros polderiuose / The use screw pumps in polder systems

Liepis, Matas 31 May 2006 (has links)
The flooded meadows of the Pamarys region permanently are an object of increased attention and require new solutions using grasslands for farming and sustainable development of the area. During the last decade's new environmental regulations has more tighten restrictions for farming and especially in protected areas. Nemunas delta Regional Park is one of the biggest protected areas in this region. The status of protected area fundamentally changed the farming conditions in polder systems. Summer polders (these are flooded in spring time) are the main chain in the plenty of problems, and proper farming and use of polder systems not only decrease expenses for maintenance, but also essentially improve ecological situation of the ecosystem in such areas. The most important problem still remains fish killing in pumping stations of polder systems. More the 10 years before the Sysa pumping station was modernized installing here screw pumps. It was experimental pumping station for several years ad latter the same pumps were installed in more three pumping stations. Today we have already 14 years experience and can do some conclusions about the use of screw pumps. The history of screw pumps, some practical experiments, analysis of collected data in three different polder systems (with screw pumps and conventional pumps) a comprised in this final Msc. degree work.

Kompiuterinių matematikos sistemų programų grafinės vartotojo sąsajos kūrimo galimybių analizė / The Analysis of Creative Opportunities of Graphical User Interface Software of Computer Mathematics Systems

Aleksienė, Sandra 08 June 2006 (has links)
This paper is an analysis of creative opportunities of graphical user interface software of computer mathematics systems. There were two computer mathematics systems chosen: Matlab 7, Maple 10 and Mathematica 5.2 for this work. In order to compare the creative opportunities of graphical user interface software in computer mathematics systems and universal programming languages, C++ Builder 6 system was chosen. In line, there were four application programs groups created in mathematics systems and in C++ Builder system. The process of creating these programs, the peculiarities of the codes and the final result were compared. To sum up, computer mathematics systems may be used for creating application programs. Classical programming tasks may be implemented in these programs. Moreover, computer mathematics systems used for creating software cannot be changed by any other program that needs classical programming constructions, analytic computations and creating of graphical user interface.

Geodezinių ir fotogrametrinių matavimų taikymas miesto trimatei geoinformacinei sistemai tobulinti / Applying geodetic and photogrammetric measurements to improve the development of a city’s 3-dimensional geoinformation system

Čypas, Kęstutis 31 October 2006 (has links)
Objective of the research. The improvement of a methodology of a city’s 3-dimensional geoinformation system development, updating and registration of changes by applying geodetic and photogrammetric measurements.

Kokybės valdymo statybos procese modeliavimas / Quality management modelling in construction process

Juodvalkis, Tomas 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama kokybės problema statybos procese. Analizuojamos kokybės valdymo sistemos, modeliai, jų taikymas organizacijų veiklai tobulinti. Apžvelgiama užsienio šalių patirtis kokybės valdyme, žinomų sistemų veikimo principai, galimybė jas kompiuterizuoti. Analizuojami Lietuvos teisiniai aktai, reglamentuojantys statybų kokybę. Išnagrinėjus teorinius kokybės valdymo metodus, pasiūlomas kokybės pasiekimo modelis, sukurtas atsižvelgiant į dabartinę statybų padėtį Lietuvoje, aprašoma statinių kokybės įtaka statybos dalyvių veiklai. Pateikiamos išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. / Master thesis describes a problem of quality management in construction process. The systems, models of quality management and its integration in practice was described in this paper. An experience of quality management in the world, well known quality management systems and computerisation possibility was rewiewed. The law of conmstruction quality management was created, designed specialy for domestic market of Lithuania, derived from the theory of construction quality management. Influence of construction quality in business was described.

Žmogaus judesių tyrimas / Human motion research

Ivanovas, Julius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Judėjimas yra pagrindinis žmogaus veiklos komponentas. Buvo atlikta daug mėginimų atskleisti jo principus pasitelkiant fiziką bei dinamiką. Kartu kompiuterinė grafika ir robotų technika plėtoja šias pastangas, tačiau daug problemų lieka neišspręstų, netgi ir aprašant paprasčiausią atvejį: linijinį, tiesiaeigį, ritmišką ėjimą. Taigi netiesinių sistemų tyrimo tikslas yra surasti tvarką chaose; surasti įrodymų, kad nereguliari elgsena yra valdoma nedidelės deterministinių lygčių sistemos, pritaikant ją eksperimentiniams signalams laike. Tokio tyrimo sėkmės galima tikėtis, nustačius, kad šios sistemos būsenos kintamieji yra tvirtai suporuoti tarpusavyje. Chaotiškų sistemų tyrimų tikslas yra nustatyti dvi pagrindines jų savybes: dimensiją ir entropijos spektrą. Paprastai kalbant, dimensija yra dydis, parodantis diferencialinių lygčių skaičių, reikalingą aprašyti sistemai, o entropija yra dydis, parodantis informacijos apie sistemos būseną praradimą laiko bėgyje. Teigiama baigtinė entropija yra chaoso egzistavimo įrodymas. Šio darbo tikslas yra sukurti chaotiško signalo analizės sistemą, kuri leistų ištirti elementarius monotoniškus žmogaus rankos judesius dvimatėje plokštumoje. / Since we encounter many phenomena with irregular motion, e.g. the weather, turbulence, carbon resistor noise, chemical reactions and biological signals (human motion), we are tempted to investigate whether we could model the dynamics with nonlinear differential equations. Our aim is to find order within the chaos; to find evidence that the irregular behavior is governed by a small set of deterministic equations, using experimental time series. We might be successful in particular when the state variables of the system are strongly coupled. In this report, we will restrict ourselves to the determination of several properties that describe a chaotic system, including the dimension and entropy spectra. Loosely speaking, the dimension is a measure for the number of differential equations needed to describe the system, while the entropy is a measure for the loss of information about the state of the system in the course of time. Positive but finite entropy is a hall-mark of chaos. In this paper, we will describe few experiments that were performed on a portion of human motion data, and compare the results to theoretical model of system for signal analysis.

Lygiagretieji algoritmai tiesinės algebros uždaviniuose / Parallel algorithms for linear algebra problems

Šuškevič, Andžej 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe yra nagrinėjami tiesinės algebros uždavinių sprendimai, panaudojant įvairias skaičiavimo priemones bei specializuotas bibliotekas. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra ištirti tokių uždavinių sprendimo būdus bei išnagrinėti jų išlygiagretinimo galimybes. Išanalizavus susijusią literatūrą, ištyrus pasirinktų tiesinių lygčių sistemų sprendimo algoritmus bei atlikus susijusius praktinius bandymus buvo pateikta detali algoritmų analizė bei jų panaudojimo rekomendacijos. Be to, panaudojant BalticGrid technologines galimybes, pavyko paskirstyti tiesinės algebros uždavinių sprendimą tarp keliasdešimties kompiuterių, tuo pačiu sumažinus bendrą užduočių skaičiavimo laiką. / The title of this work is “Parallel algorithms for linear algebra problems”. The main goal of Master thesis is to research solving possibilities of linear algebra problems, using different kind of computing machines and dedicated linear algebra libraries. In the beginning of the work author introduces the comparison of the system for parallel computing such as symmetric multi-processing and massively parallel processing. Later in this chapter the main linear algebra problems and theirs solutions were introduced. In the beginning of the second part, different kinds of algorithms for solving linear equation systems, such as LU factorization and SVD – singular value decomposition, were researched. In the next part of this chapter author looked for possibility to make computations of linear equation system in a parallel way. In the practical part of the work, the author developed few programs, which were used for analysis of different kind of algorithms and used BalticGrid technologies for parallel solving of linear equation systems. In the closing part of the work author presents the main results of the work and suggests some recommendations.

Darbo teisės sistema ir organizacija / System and organization of labour law

Levickaitė, Aušrinė 24 November 2010 (has links)
Teisės sistema suprantama kaip teisės struktūra – teisės moksle išskirtų atskirų elementų visuma. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas – parodyti, kad į teisės sistemą gali būti žvelgiama ne tik kaip į atskirų struktūrinių elementų visumą, bet ir kaip į organizaciją. Pažymėtina, kad organizacija – tai ne tik jos elementų vidinė tvarka, bet ir tų elementų tarpusavio santykiai, kurie užtikrina bendrą sistemos funkcionavimą. Pagrindinis darbo teisės sistemos funkcionavimo efektyvumo rodiklis – šios sistemos organizuotumo lygis, kuris yra veiksmingo teisės normų veikimo rezultatas. Kad būtų įgyvendinamos pagrindinės teisės funkcijos ir teisėkūra būtų efektyvi, svarbu suvokti teisės sistemą apskritai. Praktinė teisės normų sisteminimo reikšmė yra ta, kad turi būti sudarytos sąlygos patogiau naudotis teisės normų visuma. Pirmojoje magistro darbo dalyje teisės sistema nagrinėta struktūriniu požiūriu: aptarta teisės sistemos vidinė sandara, pradedant smulkiausiu struktūriniu elementu – teisės norma, plačiau nagrinėjant jos vidinę sandarą, ir baigiant stambiausiuoju – teisės šaka. Taip pat aptartas teisės socialinis veiksmingumas kaip teisės normų organizavimo rezultatas. Antrojoje dalyje atskleista darbo teisės, kaip vienos iš bendros teisės sistemos grandžių, sistema. Čia detalizuota darbo teisės samprata ir struktūra, taip atskleidžiant darbo teisės sistemos veikimą ir ją sudarančių elementų pagrindines funkcijas. Trečiojoje magistro darbo dalyje į darbo teisės organizaciją pažvelgta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / As a rule in the jurisprudence the system of law is regarded as a structure of law. But the problem is, that the traditional approach to the system of law as to the structure makes some doubts regarding the existence of the inside relations between the elements constituting the system, which ensure the proper functioning of the law as a single whole, as every single element there is regarded as an independent regulator of social relations. Researching the system of labour law as the organisation, a new concept of regulating direction is used. Regulating direction is regarded as a minimal element of the system of law. Regarding the organization of the system of law it is efficiency is one of the most important factors. Efficiency is not and ought not to serve as a ultimate criterion of legitimacy, but as a matter of fact plays very important role determining whether a set of rules may be called law. Labour law has long been chaotic, having no clear inner system and causing plenty of problems to the parties of legal relation. Codifying the labour law was a lawfully perfect decision systemizing it and making handy for a user. The practical problem of engaging foreigners was identified in the last part of the study which is mainly caused by inappropriate organisation of the legal rules of the labour law.

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