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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realiojo laiko sistemų veiksenos įvertinimas / Evaluation of Real Time System Behavior

Milinis, Tadas 06 June 2006 (has links)
Complexity and variety of systems that are working in real time mode need to be specified regarding all behavior conditions. The correctness of the specification, determines whether implemented system will supply conditions that were set. To ensure that specification of the described real-time system is correct, we have to do verification and validation of the specification. Traditional verification methods do not assure full real time system inspection. The main drawback, talking about them, is impossibility of system evaluation according time. In this paper a reachable states graph and its generating algorithms are described, while two time moments are compared using linear programming, Simplex method. Therefore, method for checking equivalent state in system behavioral pathway was suggested. Also, theoretical reasoning for creating computer applications, which automates generation of reachable states graph, is given. Reachable states graph fully evaluates real time system behavior.

Mokesčių sistemos įvertinimas. Mokesčių sistemų lyginamoji analizė / Estimation of taxing system. Comparison of tax systems

Papečkienė, Ingrida 21 December 2006 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe apžvelgiu mokesčių sistema Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje, analizuoju pagrindinius mokesčius, kadangi mokesčiais Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje, taip pat ir kitose valstybėse surenkama dauguma valstybės pajamų. Baigiamajame darbe išskiriami tokie aspektai: istorinė mokesčių apžvalga, apmokestinimo principai, mokesčių klasifikacija, pagrindiniu Lietuvos Respublikos mokesčių įvertinimas. Panaudodama Latvijos ir Lietuvos teisės aktus, kitą reikalingą medžiagą ir surinkus duomenis apie į biudžetą sumokėtus mokesčius, sulyginu ir išanalizuoju Latvijos ir Lietuvos pagrindinius mokesčius. T.y. gyventojų pajamų mokestį, kurį jau seniai reikėjo mažinti, nes iš esmės gyventojų pajamoms tenka labai didelė mokesčių našta, pelno mokestį, kurio panaikinimas leistų įmonėms daugiau laiko, lėšų ir pastangų skirti vertės bei darbo vietų kūrimui, investicijoms, verslo plėtrai ir pridėtinės vertės mokestį, pamažu naikinat kitus mokesčius, palikti jį pagrindiniu biudžeto lėšų surinkimo įrankiu. / The final paper reviews the tax system in Lithuania and Latvia. Moreover it analyses the main revenue of the state budget. The aspects of the final paper are historical review of taxes, the principles of taxation, the classification of taxes and the assessment of the main taxes in Lithuania. The paper deals with comparison and analysis of the main taxes in Lithuania and Latvia. It is done on the grounds of the countries’ law and the data about the revenue. The later consists of researching the income fee that had to be diminished long time ago, because of the big taxes people have to pay. Moreover, it speaks about the profit fee, if which was abolished, the institutions would have more time, funds and efforts for making vacancies, investments and the growth of business.

Kokybės vadybos sistemos diegimas privačios sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos darbuotojų požiūriu / Implementation of the system of quality management with the attitude towards the workers of private medical institution

Kalantienė, Aušra 03 January 2007 (has links)
Kokybė apima kiekvieną ir visas veikas, atliekamas sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje. Šio darbo tikslas yra iš įvertinti sveikatos priežiūros kokybės sistemų diegimo aspektus privačioje gydymo įstaigoje medicinos darbuotojų požiūriu. Sveikatos priežiūros kokybę užtikrinančių sistemų diegimas – pagrindinė įstaigos sritis, siekiant pelningos veiklos. Baigiamajame darbe, analizuojami Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai, įvairi mokslinė literatūra bei anketinės apklausos metodu vertinama UAB „Kardiolita“ medicinos darbuotojų požiūrį apie šios įstaigos kokybės vadybos sistemų diegimą. Išnagrinėta, jog privačios sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos akcininkai bei vadovai suinteresuoti diegti sėkmingas kokybės vadybos sistemas, tačiau dėl nepakankamo dėmesio atskiriems etapams – informacijos darbuotojams stokos, kontrolės organizavimo, nepakankamo darbuotojų mokymo bei supažinimo su kokybės vadybos sistemos nauda bei neanalizuojant kokybės kaštų – aptinkami trūkumai, kurie trukdo gerinti kokybę minimaliomis išteklių sąnaudomis. Efektyvus sveikatos priežiūros kokybės vadybos sistemos valdymas pasiekiamas, kai dalyvauja visų lygių darbuotojai ir analizuojami kokybės kaštai, o visam procesui vadovauja atatinkamą išsilavinimą turinti sveikatos vadybininkas. / The title of the final work – is implementation of the system of quality management with the attitude towards the workers of private medical institution. Key words: quality, quality of medical care, systems of quality management, quality management, the rate of medical workers, education of workers, quality cost outlay. Summary. Quality covers all and each action performed at a medical institution. The aim of this work is to evaluate the aspects of the quality of implementation of the system in medical care with the attitude towards the workers of medical institution. The implementation of the systems which quarantee the quality of medical care – is the main sphere of the institution in order to reach profitable activy. The acts of Lithuanian Republic law are being analysed in the final work as well as a varied scientific literature. The system of the implementation of quality management at the stock company „Cardiolita“ was evaluated by a survey with the attitude of its workers. It was analysed that the shareholders and managers are interested in the successful implementation of the quality management system.

Gimnazijos pažangumo ir lankomumo informacinė sistema / Information system of progress and attendance at Gymnasium

Jėckienė, Rasa 08 January 2007 (has links)
This work is an information system of progress and attendance at Kedainiai Sviesioji gymnasium. This information system will store data – grades and absences from school. It will also include information about schoolchildren and teachers. One of the aims of the informative society development nowadays is to reduce time expenditures. Thus the users of IS would be able to spend more time familiarizing with latest technologies and its perspectives as well as analysing the activity of rivals as in the times of market economy one of the main criteria of prosperous activity is to keep in step with modern technologies. The aim - to project and introduce the information system of progress and attendance. Problems solved: • The problem of progress and attendance record – therefore the grades and absences from school will be entered up. • The function of control – it will enable to control the grades and absences from school. • The function of information storage – it will enable to collect information about schoolchildren (information is constantly renewed and sorted according to particular criteria) and give the accounts that can be viewed or/and printed (the information in database can be also viewed or printed).

Realaus laiko sistemų modeliavimas ir tyrimas / Real Time System modeling and analysis

Liutkevičius, Agnius 25 May 2004 (has links)
The aim of this research is to create the modeling and simulation tool for the real time systems. The component based object oriented model of real time system is introduced as solution. This model uses JAVA and XML languages to specify one component of the real time system. The model can be used to generate source code directly from components specifications. The modeling and simulation system was created based on component model. It can be used for modeling real time systems of any domain, any abstraction level or any complexity level. The experiments show that proposed modeling technique is correct.

Fizinės realaus laiko modeliavimo posistemės sudarymas bei tyrimas / Corporal real-time modeling subsystem creation and research

Wojno, Kazimierz 01 June 2004 (has links)
A real-time system is one in which the correctness of the computations not only depends upon the logical correctness of the computation but also upon the time at which the result is produced. If the timing constraints of the system are not met, system failure is said to have occurred. Real-time system consist specialized hardware an software components. Nowadays, systems are so big and complex that teams of architects, analysts, programmers, testers and users must work together to create reliable real-time system. To manage this, a number of system development life cycle models have been created. System development life cycle refers to a methodology for developing systems. It provides a consistent framework of tasks and deliverables needed to develop systems. System development consist stages, that are common for all models: project planning, requirements definition, system design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance. However, there still are problems, that lead project to the failure. Problems appear while iterating from design stage to the implementation or prototype creation. Thesis describes methodology, that provide a way to overcome these problems. The main idea is to transform functional structure of the real-time system, that is designed using easy to understand graphical environment, to the executable code that will be able to run on target hardware components. Thesis describe the methods of doing such transformation. Methodology allows to create... [to full text]

Lietuvos darbo biržos IS tyrimas / Analysis of Lithuanian jobcentre Information system

Mačytė, Vilija 08 January 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Project aim – to analyse existing IS of Lithuanian jobcentre and ascertain perfection and development possibilities of it. In reference with results offer suggestions to Lithuanian jobcentre Information system planning department on IS development and potentialities renewal. Organization and information structures and work model of Lithuanian jobcentre was inspected. It was made analysis of jobcentre and compared with other similar search systems. There were marked the mane functional and technological development stages of jobcentre information system. As a result of this analysis it was shown Lithuanian jobcentre information system variation from DBIRZA to DBIRZA_I Users demands on pending IS work processes were investigated and framed out by questionnaire, also Lithuanian jobcentre process modeller by which must be renewed jobcentre IS was investigated. Possible software was reviewed. MySQL technology was chosen for data base build-up and PHP technology for programming. Employer’s information registration and administration also unemployed registration use case modellers were prepared. They detail describes information flows and computerized tasks of system. There were made structural diagrams of information flows. According to information flows the entity relations diagram was created, the logical structure of data base for certificates was developed. The data base Projektas was created for search system. Specification of program modules was made up. Manuals... [to full text]

Finansų maklerio įmonės veiklos automatizavimo sistemos prototipas / Automatization system prototype of Finance Macler Company

Noreikaitė, Kristina 10 January 2005 (has links)
Automatization system prototype of Finance Macler Company.

Laktato ir vegetacinių sistemų rodiklių kaita kartotinio sunkėjančio krūvio metu / Alternation of indicators of lactate and vegetative systems during heightening of load

Paknys, Darius 19 May 2005 (has links)
Alternation of indicators of lactate and vegetative systems during heightening of load. Purpose of the investigation was to compare alternation of vegetative systems indicators and blood lactate concentrations and during iterative load heightening. Tasks of the investigation: to compare alternation of vegetative systems indicators during replacement and recovery under different loads in respect of lactate threshold. Eight young healthy males took part in the investigation. Average age of subjects was 21,7 years. Investigation was carried out in Laboratory of Sports Physiology of Lithuania Physical Education Academy. Every subjects has undergone two different investigations: working with veloergometer. One –interval increasing load (3 min of work and 3 min of rest), mill-pedalling frequency – 70 times per minute; the other one – continuous increasing load until subject’s inability to maintain required pedalling frequency. The first load was 70 W. Capillary blood sampling was done from finger at the end of the third min of each load during interval test. While doing continuous increasing load subjects after the warming-up (5 min of work with 50 W of capacity) with the help of the veloergemeter produced continuous load that was heightened by 21 W every minute. Wheeling frequency was 70 times per minute. Starting load was 70 W. Load was continuously heightened until the fatigue, i.e. until the subject was able to take a new load for one minute. During the whole investigation and... [to full text]

Mokesčių administravimo pokyčiai valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje diegiant integruotas informacines sistemas / Changes of tax administration in state tax authority in process of implementation of integrated information system

Švažinskienė, Gerarda 30 May 2005 (has links)
Master final work, 55 pages, 12 figures, 8 tables, 40 sources of literature, in Lithuanian language. The object of research – tax administration in State Tax Authority implementing integrated information systems. The objective of research is to identify the main problems of implementation of integrated information systems of taxes and to present suggestions for its solving. The main tasks are solved: 1) to determine the objectives and principles of Lithuania and EU tax harmonization; 2) to determine the necessity of harmonization of taxes; 3) to determine the objectives and tasks of administration of taxes and its compatibility with the Europe Council directives; 4) to identify the changes of tax administration and the problems of implementation of integrated informative systems of taxes that are established in State Tax Authority and the ways of the problems solving. Research methods. In order to achieve the objective, logical analysis and synthesis, comparable analysis, the analysis of juridical documents and statistical data, the analysis of STA projects of informational systems were done; the methodics of prognostication of transactions efficiency (developed by T.Magyla and V. Bagdonas) and Pareto method were applied. The author contributed with the employees of the Department of International Information Change of Ministry of Finance doing this research. Besides, part of information was collected in the inside Intranet network of STA.

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