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Induced Dirac-Schrödinger operators on $S^1$-semi-free quotientsOrduz Barrera, Juan Camilo 22 November 2017 (has links)
John Lott berechnete eine Signatur mit ganzzahligen Werten für den Orbitraum einer kompakten, orientierbaren (4k + 1)-Mannigfaltigkeit mit einer halbfreien S1-Wirkung. Diese Signatur ist eine Homotopieinvariante für den Orbitraum. Allerdings konstruierte er keinen Operator vom Dirac-Typ, der die Signatur als Index besitzt. In dieser Arbeit konstruieren wir einen solchen Operator auf dem Orbitraum der S1-Wirkung, einem Thom-Mather stratifizierten Raum mit einem singulären Stratum von positiver Dimension, und wir zeigen, dass der Operator im wesentlichen eindeutig bestimmt ist. Ferner zeigen wir, dass sein Index mit Lotts Signatur übereinstimmt, zumindest wenn der stratifizierte Raum die sogenannte Witt-Bedingung erfüllt. Wirnennendiesen Operator den induzierten Dirac-Schrödinger Operator. Unsere Konstruktionsstrategie ist es, einen geeigneten S1-invarianten transversal elliptischen Operator erster Ordnung auf den S1-invarianten Differentialformen zu definieren, der den gesuchten Operator auf den Differentialformen des Orbitraums induziert.
Die Witt-Bedingung, eine topologische Bedingung, welche in diesem Fall von der Kodimension der betrachteten Punktmenge abhängt, lässt verschiedene analytische Schlussfolgerungen zu. Insbesondere ist, wenn die Bedingung nicht erfüllt ist, der Hodge-de Rham Operator auf dem Quotientenraum nicht notwendigerweise essentiell selbstadjungiert und die Wahl einer Randbedingung ist daher notwendig. Diese Wahlfreiheit erscheint unnatürlich in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Lotts Signatur unabhängig von der Witt-Bedingung wohldefiniert ist.
Der Dirac-Schrödinger Operator, der in dieser Arbeit konstruiert wird, unterschei- det sich vom Hodge-de Rham Operator durch einen Term nullter Ordnung, welcher sicherstellt, dass der Operator wesentlich selbstadjungiert ist. Außerdem antikommutiert dieser Term nullter Ordnung mit der Signatur-Involution, wodurch der gesamte Operator zerfällt und so der Index berechnet werden kann, auch wenn die Witt-Bedingung nicht erfüllt ist. / John Lott has computed an integer-valued signature for the orbit space of a compact orientable (4k + 1) manifold with a semi-free S1-action, which is a homotopy invariant of that space, but he did not construct a Dirac type operator which has this signature as its index. In this Thesis, we construct such operator on the orbit space, a Thom-Mather stratified space with one singular stratum of positive dimension, and we show that it is essentially unique and that its index coincides with Lott’s signature, at least when the stratified space satisfies the so called Witt condition. We call this operator the induced Dirac-Schrödinger operator. The strategy of the construction is to “push down” an appropriate S1-invariant first order transversally elliptic operator to the quotient space. The Witt condition, a topological condition which in this case depends on the codi- mension of the fixed point set, has various analytic consequences. In particular, when not satisfied, the Hodge-de Rham operator on the quotient space does not need to be essentially self-adjoint and therefore a choice of boundary conditions is required. This choice freedom is not natural in view of the fact that Lott’s signature is well defined independently of the Witt condition.
The Dirac-Schrödinger operator constructed in this Thesis differs from the Hodge-de Rham operator by a zero order term which ensures it to be essentially self-adjoint. Moreover, this zero order term anti-commutes with the chirality involution allowing the whole operator to split so that the index can be computed even if the Witt condition is not satisfied.
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Numbers and topologies / two aspects of Ramsey theoryShi, Lingsheng 10 July 2003 (has links)
In der Ramsey Theorie fuer Graphen haben Burr und Erdos vor nunmehr fast dreissig Jahren zwei Vermutungen formuliert, die sich als richtungsweisend erwiesen haben. Es geht darum diejenigen Graphen zu charakterisieren, deren Ramsey Zahlen linear in der Anzahl der Knoten wachsen. Diese Vermutungen besagen, dass Ramsey Zahlen linear fuer alle degenerierten Graphen wachsen und dass die Ramsey Zahlen von Wuerfeln linear wachsen. Ein Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, abgeschwaechte Varianten dieser Vermutungen zu beweisen. In der topologischen Ramseytheorie bewies Kojman vor kurzem eine topologische Umkehrung des Satzes von Hindman und fuehrte gleichzeitig sogenannte Hindman-Raeume und van der Waerden-Raeume ein (beide sind eine Teilmenge der folgenkompakten Raeume), die jeweils zum Satz von Hindman beziehungsweise zum Satz von van der Waerden korrespondieren. In der Dissertation wird zum einen eine Verstaerkung der Umkehrung des Satzes von van der Waerden bewiesen. Weiterhin wird der Begriff der Differentialkompaktheit eingefuehrt, der sich in diesem Zusammenhang ergibt und der eng mit Hindman-Raeumen verknuepft ist. Dabei wird auch die Beziehung zwischen Differentialkompaktheit und anderen topologischen Raeumen untersucht. Im letzten Abschnitt des zweiten Teils werden kompakte dynamische Systeme verwendet, um ein klassisches Ramsey-Ergebnis von Brown und Hindman et al. ueber stueckweise syndetische Mengen ueber natuerlichen Zahlen und diskreten Halbgruppen auf lokal zusammenhaengende Halbgruppen zu verallgemeinern. / In graph Ramsey theory, Burr and Erdos in 1970s posed two conjectures which may be considered as initial steps toward the problem of characterizing the set of graphs for which Ramsey numbers grow linearly in their orders. One conjecture is that Ramsey numbers grow linearly for all degenerate graphs and the other is that Ramsey numbers grow linearly for cubes. Though unable to settle these two conjectures, we have contributed many weaker versions that support the likely truth of the first conjecture and obtained a polynomial upper bound for the Ramsey numbers of cubes that considerably improves all previous bounds and comes close to the linear bound in the second conjecture. In topological Ramsey theory, Kojman recently observed a topological converse of Hindman's theorem and then introduced the so-called Hindman space and van der Waerden space (both of which are stronger than sequentially compact spaces) corresponding respectively to Hindman's theorem and van der Waerden's theorem. In this thesis, we will strengthen the topological converse of Hindman's theorem by using canonical Ramsey theorem, and introduce differential compactness that arises naturally in this context and study its relations to other spaces as well. Also by using compact dynamical systems, we will extend a classical Ramsey type theorem of Brown and Hindman et al on piecewise syndetic sets from natural numbers and discrete semigroups to locally connected semigroups.
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A System of Non-linear Partial Differential Equations Modeling Chemotaxis with Sensitivity FunctionsPost, Katharina 03 September 1999 (has links)
Wir betrachten ein System nichtlinearer parabolischer partieller Differentialgleichungen zur Modellierung des biologischen Phänomens Chemotaxis, das unter anderem in Aggregationsprozessen in Lebenszyklen bestimmter Einzeller eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Unser Chemotaxismodell benutzt Sensitivitäts funktionen, die die vorkommenden biologischen Prozesse genauer spezifizieren. Trotz der durch die Sensitivitätsfunktionen eingebrachten, zusätzlichen Nichtlinearitäten in den Gleichungen erhalten wir zeitlich globale Existenz von Lösungen für verschiedene biologisch realistische Klassen von Sensitivitätsfunktionen und können unter unterschiedlichen Bedingungen an die Systemdaten Konvergenz der Lösungen zu trivialen und nicht-trivialen stationären Punkten beweisen. / We consider a system of non-linear parabolic partial differential equations modeling chemotaxis, a biological phenomenon which plays a crucial role in aggregation processes in the life cycle of certain unicellular organisms. Our chemotaxis model introduces sensitivity functions which help describe the biological processes more accurately. In spite of the additional non-linearities introduced by the sensitivity functions into the equations, we obtain global existence of solutions for different classes of biologically realistic sensitivity functions and can prove convergence of the solutions to trivial and non-trivial steady states.
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Dynamics of high-dimensional covariance matricesAvanesov, Valeriy 15 February 2018 (has links)
Wir betrachten die Detektion und Lokalisation von plötzlichen Änderungen in der Kovarianzstruktur hochdimensionaler zufälliger Daten. Diese Arbeit schlägt zwei neuartige Ansätze für dieses Problem vor. Die Vorgehensweise beinhaltet im Wesentlichen Verfahren zum Test von Hypothesen, welche ihrerseits die Wahl geeigneter kritischer Werte erfordern. Dafür werden Kalibrierungsschemata vorgeschlagen, die auf unterschiedlichen Nichtstandard-Bootstrap-Verfahren beruhen. Der eine der beiden Ansätze verwendet Techniken zum Schätzen inverser Kovarianzmatrizen und ist durch Anwendungen in der neurowissenschaftlichen Bildgebung motiviert. Eine Beschränkung dieses Ansatzes besteht in der für die Schätzung der „Precision matrix“ wesentlichen Voraussetzung ihrer schwachen Besetztheit. Diese Bedingung ist im zweiten Ansatz nicht erforderlich. Die Beschreibung beider Ansätze wird gefolgt durch ihre theoretische Untersuchung, welche unter schwachen Voraussetzungen die vorgeschlagenen Kalibrierungsschemata rechtfertigt und die Detektion von Änderungen der Kovarianzstruktur gewährleistet. Die theoretischen Resultate für den ersten Ansatz basieren auf den Eigenschaften der Verfahren zum Schätzen der Präzisionsmatrix. Wir können daher die adaptiven Schätzverfahren für die Präzisionsmatrix streng rechtfertigen. Alle Resultate beziehen sich auf eine echt hochdimensionale Situation (Dimensionalität p >> n) mit endlichem Stichprobenumfang. Die theoretischen Ergebnisse werden durch Simulationsstudien untermauert, die durch reale Daten aus den Neurowissenschaften oder dem Finanzwesen inspiriert sind. / We consider the detection and localization of an abrupt break in the covariance structure of high-dimensional random data. The study proposes two novel approaches for this problem. The approaches are essentially hypothesis testing procedures which requires a proper choice of a critical level. In that regard calibration schemes, which are in turn different non-standard bootstrap procedures, are proposed. One of the approaches relies on techniques of inverse covariance matrix estimation, which is motivated by applications in neuroimaging. A limitation of the approach is a sparsity assumption crucial for precision matrix estimation which the second approach does not rely on. The description of the approaches are followed by a formal theoretical study justifying the proposed calibration schemes under mild assumptions and providing the guaranties for the break detection. Theoretical results for the first approach rely on the guaranties for inference of precision matrix procedures. Therefore, we rigorously justify adaptive inference procedures for precision matrices. All the results are obtained in a truly high-dimensional (dimensionality p >> n) finite-sample setting. The theoretical results are supported by simulation studies, most of which are inspired by either real-world neuroimaging or financial data.
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Nichtkommutative BlochtheorieGruber, Michael 01 October 1998 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit "Nichtkommutative Blochtheorie" beschäftigen wir uns mit der Spektraltheorie bestimmter Klassen von Hilbertraumoperatoren, den elliptischen Operatoren auf Darstellungsräumen von Hilbert-C*-Moduln. Die auftretenden C*-Algebren kodieren dabei Symmetrieeigenschaften der entsprechenden Operatoren.Für kommutative Symmetrien ist die Blochtheorie ein geeignetes Hilfsmittel. Wir schildern diese Methode zunächst in einem geometrischen Kontext, der allgemein genug ist, um die bekannten Ergebnisse über die Abwesenheit singulärstetigen Spektrums im Hinblick auf physikalische Anwendungen zu erweitern. Wir lassen uns dann durch eine Neuinterpretation der Blochtheorie aus einem nichtkommutativen Blickwinkel inspirieren zur Entwicklung einer nichtkommutativen Blochtheorie. Dabei werden bestimmte Eigenschaften von C*-Algebren verknüpft mit Eigenschaften des Spektrums elliptischer Operatoren. Diese Blochtheorie für Hilbert-C*-Moduln erlaubt es, verschiedene bekannte Resultate aus dem Bereich kommutativer (diskreter und kontinuierlicher) Geometrien mit nichtkommutativen Symmetrien in einem neuen gemeinsamen Rahmen zusammenzufassen, der Raum läßt für Modelle nichtkommutativer Geometrien mit nichtkommutativen Symmetrien. Wichtigstes Beispiel für die behandelte Klasse von Operatoren in der mathematischen Physik sind die Schrödingeroperatoren mit periodischem Magnetfeld und Potential. Wir ordnen sie in den Rahmen kommutativer und nichtkommutativer Blochtheorie ein und wenden die zuvor bereitgestellten Methoden an. / In this doctoral thesis "Nichtkommutative Blochtheorie'' (non-commutative Bloch theory) we investigate the spectral theory of a certain class of operators on Hilbert space: the elliptic operators associated with representations of Hilbert C*-modules. The C*-algebras that arise encode symmetry properties of the corresponding operators. For commutative symmetries Bloch theory is a proper tool. We describe this method in a geometric context which is general enough to extend known results about absence of singular continuous spectrum in view of physical applications. Then --- inspired by a new interpretation of Bloch theory from a non-commutative point of view --- we develop a non-commutative Bloch theory. Here certain properties of C*-algebras get linked to spectral properties of elliptic operators. This Bloch theory for Hilbert \CS-modules allows to unite, in a new common framework, several known results from the field of commutative (discrete and continuous) geometries having non-commutative symmetries; this leaves ample room for models of non-commutative geometries having non-commutative symmetries. In mathematical physics, the most important example for the class of operators considered is given by the Schrödinger operators with periodic magnetic field and potential. We place them into the framework of commutative and non-commutative Bloch theory and apply the methods developed before.
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Forecasting Global Equity Indices Using Large Bayesian VARsHuber, Florian, Krisztin, Tamás, Piribauer, Philipp 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper proposes a large Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR) model with common stochastic volatility to forecast global equity indices. Using a dataset consisting of monthly data on global stock indices the BVAR model inherently incorporates co-movements in the stock markets. The time-varying specification of the covariance structure moreover accounts for sudden shifts in the level of volatility. In an out-of-sample forecasting application we show that the BVAR model with stochastic volatility significantly outperforms the random walk both in terms of root mean squared errors as well as Bayesian log
predictive scores. The BVAR model without stochastic volatility, on the other hand, underperforms relative to the random walk. In a portfolio allocation exercise we moreover show that it is possible to use the forecasts obtained from our BVAR model with common stochastic volatility to set up simple investment strategies. Our results indicate that these simple investment schemes outperform a naive buy-and-hold strategy. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Švédská zahraniční politika v prvních letech vlády Karla XI. / Swedish foreign policy during early years of Charles XI's reignLiška, Martin January 2011 (has links)
- The thesis is focused on Swedish foreign policy during the period 1660 - 1675, the early years of Charles XI's reign. Although Sweden is considered as an empire practically all over the 17th century, from the economic point of view it was a weak country. Sweden was totally depending on financial help from its allies, especially during periods of peace, as it was the case between 1660 and 1675. This fact belongs to the main aspects influencing the Swedish foreign policy at this time. Main part of the thesis is dedicated to relations between Sweden and other European states. The most significant were the relations with France and Denmark, since France was the ally which provided Sweden the needed finance. The role of Denmark was also essential because of its geographical position as neighbouring country to Sweden. The thesis indeed discusses relations to some other states that played an important role as well - England, the Netherlands, Brandenburg, other German states, Poland and Russia. The aim of the thesis is not just to analyse the Swedish foreign policy, but even to answer questions if there was any alternative or if the way this policy was conducted was the only possible one and also, if such policy can be considered as success or failure. These questions are answered at the final part of...
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Asymptotische Aequivalenz fuer ein Modell unabhaengiger nicht identisch verteilter DatenJähnisch, Michael 01 January 1999 (has links)
Die Dissertation ``Asymptotische \Äquivalenz f\ür ein Modell unabh\ängiger nicht identisch verteilter Daten'' besch\äftigt sich mit der Le Camschen Theorie der Experimente. Le Cam hat den sogenannten $\Delta$-Abstand zwischen statistischen Experimenten definiert; ist dieser Abstand f\ür zwei Modelle klein, so sind ihre statistischen Eigenschaften \ähnlich. Zwei Folgen von Experimenten nennt man asymptotisch \äquivalent, falls ihr $\Delta$-Abstand gegen Null konvergiert.\\ In dieser Arbeit beweisen wir asymptotische \Äquivalenz zwischen einem Modell mit unabh\ängigen, nicht identisch verteilten Beobachtungen und einem Gaußschen Shift-Modell. Die i-te Beobachtung des ersten Experimentes ist dabei gem\äß einer Dichte $h(i/n,.)$ verteilt, wobei die Funktion h eine Schar von Dichten bildet. Wir approximieren also ein kompliziertes statistisches Experiment durch ein einfacheres, n\äymlich ein Gaußsches Shift-Modell. Die Dichten h geh\ören einer Menge h\ölderstetiger Funktionen an, so daß wir es mit einem nichtparametrischen Problem zu tun haben. Das von uns bewiesene \Äquivalenzresultat kann auch als eine nichtparametrische Version der ebenfalls von Le Cam eingef\ührten LAN Bedingung aufgefaßt werden. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel zum Beweis des oben beschriebenen Resultats ist das sogenannte Coupling von stochastischen Prozessen, d.h. die Konstruktion solcher Prozesse auf einem gemeinsamen Wahrscheinlichkeitsraum, so daß die Prozesse nahe beieinander liegen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit beweisen wir eine funktionale Version eines solchen Coupling Resultats f\ür den sequentiellen empirischen Prozeß und den Kiefer-M\üller Prozeß unter Verwendung der sogenannten Ungarischen Konstruktion. / The thesis "Asymptotic Equivalence of Experiments for a Model with Independent and Nonidentically distributed Observations" deals with the theory of experiments that was developped by Le Cam. \\ Le Cam defined the so called $\Delta$-distance between experiments. If this distance is small for two given models it means that their statistical properties are similar. We call two sequences of experiments asymptotic equivalent if their $\Delta$-distance converges to zero.\\ In this thesis we prove asymptotic equivalence between a model with independent and nonidentically distributed observations and a Gaussian shift model. The i-th observation in the first model is distributed according to a density $h(i/n,.)$ where $h$ is a bunch of densities on the unit interval. This means that we approximate a complicated statistical experiment by a simpler one, namely a Gaussian shift model. The densites h belong to a H\"older ball such that we have a nonparametric problem. Our result can also be viewed as a nonparametric version of the LAN property which was also defined by Le Cam. An important tool for proving our result is the coupling of stochastic processes, i.e. the construction of processes on a common probability space such that they are close in a strong sense. In the second part of the thesis we prove a functional version of such a coupling result for the sequential empirical process and the Kiefer-M\"uller process by using the Hungarian construction.
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Analýza platobných systémov v Českej republike a Slovenskej republike / Analysis of payment systems in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak RepublicGavorníková, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation deals with interbank payment systems with finality of settlement in Czech Republic and Slovakia. First chapter defines each payment system based on different criteria and deals with risks related to operation of payment systems. As both countries are members of European Union, same legal documents of European Union apply for both of them. These documents are described in the second chapter. A brief description of payment systems used in European Union is included in the third chapter. There is also described the development of payment flows in European payment systems TARGET, TARGET2 and EURO1. Forth chapter contains global analysis of Czech payment system CERTIS and Slovak payment systems EURO SIPS and TARGET2-SK from different perspectives. Very important part of this dissertation is fifth chapter, where payment systems are analyzed based on the comparison -- number of participants, number of process payments and volumes of these transactions.
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Genetic Aberrations in Non-Melanoma Skin CancerAshton, Kevin John, K.Ashton@griffith.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
Genetic changes are hallmarks of cancer development involving the activation and/or inactivation of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, respectively. In non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) development, the initiation of genetic mutations results from exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Non-melanoma skin cancers are comprised of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Several related cutaneous lesions also exist, of which solar keratoses (SK) are widely accepted as a precursor dysplasia to SCC development. The study of recurrent genetic changes present within NMSC and SK should help reveal causative mutations in skin cancer development. Such analysis could also elucidate links in the genetic similarity of these dysplasia. The rapid screening of numerical changes in DNA sequence copy number throughout the entire genome has been made possible by the advent of comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH). This technique enables the identification of net gains and loss of genetic material within a tumour DNA sample. Chromosomal regions of recurrent gain or loss identify loci containing putative oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, respectively with potential roles in NMSC tumourigenesis. Used in conjunction with tissue microdissection and universal degenerate PCR techniques this can enable the elucidation of aberrations in small histologically distinct regions of tumour. Such a technique can utilize archival material such as paraffin embedded tissue, which is the major source of neoplastic material available for cancer research. This study used the CGH technique to investigate aberrations in BCC, SCC and SK samples. The screening of copy number abnormalities (CNAs) in BCC revealed that although these tumours were close to diploid and generally genetically stable, they did contain several recurrent aberrations. The loss of genetic material at 9q was identified in a third of BCC tumours studied. This is characteristic of inactivation of the PTCH tumour suppressor gene, a known attribute in some sporadic BCC development. Validation of this loss was performed via loss of heterozygosity, demonstrating good concordance with the CGH data. In addition the over-representation of the 6p chromosome arm was revealed in 47% of biopsies. This novel CNA is also commonly observed in other cutaneous neoplasias, including Merkel cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. This suggests a possible common mechanism in development and or promotion in these cutaneous dysplasias, the mechanisms of which have yet to be clearly defined. In contrast to BCC, numerical genetic aberrations in SCC and SK were much more frequent. Several regions of recurrent gain were commonly shared between both dysplasias including gain of 3q, 4p, 5p, 8q, 9q, 14q, 17p, 17q and 20q. Common chromosomal regions of loss included 3p, 8p, 9p, 11p, 13q and 17p. In addition loss of chromosome 18 was significantly observed in SCC in comparison to SK, a possible defining event in SK progression to SCC. The identification of shared genetic aberrations suggests a clonal and genetic relationship between the two lesions. This information further supports the notion for re-classification of SK to an SCC in situ or superficial SCC. Finally, the CNAs detected have been similarly observed in other squamous cell-derived tumours, for example cervical and head and neck SCC. This provides further evidence to common mechanisms involved in the initiation, development and progression of SCC neoplasia. This study has identified a number of recurrent chromosomal regions, some of which are novel in NMSC development. The further delineation of these loci should provide additional evidence of their significance and degree of involvement in NMSC tumourigenesis. The identification of the cancer-causing genes mapped to these loci will further demarcate the genetic mechanisms of BCC and SCC progression. An understanding of the events involved in skin cancer formation and progression should shed additional light on molecular targets for diagnostics, management and therapeutic treatment.
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