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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skill versus Strength in Swallowing Training: Neurophysiological, Biomechanical, and Structural Assessments

Sella, Oshrat January 2012 (has links)
Swallowing is a complex sensorimotor behaviour that includes precisely-timed bilateral activation and relaxation of muscles of the face, lips, tongue, cheeks, palate, larynx, pharynx and oesophagus. These events of activation and inhibition are controlled by many structures of the brain and are executed by cranial nerves that carry motor and sensory information to and from the swallowing muscles. Swallowing disorders are common sequelae of many neurological and structural disorders, including stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and head and neck cancer. Changes to swallowing physiology are also prevalent in older individuals, but these changes do not necessarily translate to dysphagia. Decreased muscle strength, changes to motor unit properties, and hypotrophic changes in skeletal muscles can result in age-related changes in swallowing physiology. In addition to muscular changes, neural changes might also change swallowing function in older subjects. The motor-learning literature presents a clear distinction between the differential applications and effects of skill- and strength-training approaches for rehabilitation of limb movement. In contrast to limb-movement rehabilitation, swallowing rehabilitation approaches consist mainly of strength training, although the pathophysiological basis for dysphagia is not always weakness. Therefore, this Phase I clinical-trial critically evaluated a unique swallowing skill training protocol in which the goal of intervention is to increase precision of motor control during swallowing. A Phase I clinical-trial was necessary to identify the appropriate protocol for inducing neurophysiological, biomechanical, and structural adaptations, to estimate effect sizes, and to identify adverse effects. The first and primary question addressed in this thesis was whether swallowing skill training would produce greater physiological effects in healthy subjects than a traditional swallowing strength training approach. In order to answer this question, three levels of assessment were included. Neurophysiological assessment consisted of delivering single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the M1 area that sends efferent projections to the submental muscle group during a functional task of volitional saliva swallowing, and during a non-functional task of submental muscle group contraction. Biomechanical assessments consisted of pharyngeal and upper esophageal sphincter (UES) pressure measurements using pharyngeal manometry during effortful and non-effortful swallowing tasks, submental muscle activation measurements using surface electromyography (sEMG) during effortful and non-effortful swallowing tasks, and hyoid displacement using ultrasonography. Structural assessment consisted of measuring the cross sectional area of the submental muscle group. Finally, motor performance during training, and subjective ratings of the training protocols were assessed. Two skill training protocols were developed to assess the use of immediate versus delayed visual feedback in swallowing skill training. In addition, a pilot study aimed at examining the effects of increased dosage of training sessions was conducted. Forty healthy subjects (20 young, and 20 old; 20 females and 20 males) were allocated to skill and strength training groups in a counterbalanced manner. Strength training consisted of execution of the effortful swallowing technique targeting increased demand for strength. Skill training targeted precise timing and force execution during swallowing execution. Several motor-learning principles were considered in devising the training protocols, including the principles of task specificity and high intensity of training. Biofeedback was included to promote motor learning. Since the submental muscle group plays an important role in hyolaryngeal excursion, the current study utilized submental sEMG biofeedback using custom-made training software. The training protocols consisted of 1000 repetition of swallowing over a 2-week period. Subjects trained for an hour, five days a week, for 2 weeks (i.e., 10 training sessions). The extended dosage protocol included 10 subjects and comprised an additional eight sessions. The results indicated that there was a significant difference in submental activation following training, with strength training having an increase in sEMG peak amplitude in comparison to skill training. There were no other differences between groups at the 5% error level. Patterns of change were revealed when marginally significant results (0.05 < p ≤ 0.10) were investigated as well. Strength training resulted in a trend towards increased neural drive for volitional effortful-type tasks (i.e., effortful saliva swallowing, effortful water swallowing, and submental muscle contraction) as indicated by increased MEP magnitude (p = 0.07) which was consistent with significantly increased peak amplitude of submental activity measures (p < 0.001). This finding supports the task specificity principle of motor learning. Skill training resulted in no changes in MEP magnitude. There was a trend (p = 0.06) towards increased submental muscles activity during functional swallowing tasks (i.e., non-effortful swallowing) in young subjects,. Males in skill training had decreased duration of UES opening in 10 mL water effortful swallowing task (p = 0.02), a trend towards increased UES pressure in non-effortful saliva swallowing task (p = 0.07), and reduced hyoid displacement following training (p < 0.001). Changes in pharyngeal pressures were detected for skill training with delayed visual feedback that resulted in decreased pressure at mid-pharynx in effortful and non-effortful tasks (p < 0.05). No difference in submental CSA changes was detected in either training group. Both groups improved motor performance measured by data collected during the session (target hit-rate and muscle activity). The results of the pilot study that examined the effects of an extended dosage of training were difficult to interpret due to the small sample size. However, there were significant and marginally significant effects of skill training on mid-pharyngeal and UES pressure duration events. Dysphagia is common in patients with Parkinson’s disease, but no specific training programme exists for these patients, leading to the second question addressed through this research. Since movement planning is compromised due to dysfunction of the basal ganglia, providing external information for planning and executing swallowing was hypothesized to alleviate dysphagic symptoms. Ten subjects were recruited. Swallowing skill training with immediate feedback was administered for one hour every day, five days a week, for 2 weeks, similar to the training dosage and frequency in the healthy group. Biomechanical and structural changes were assessed. Swallowing skill training with immediate feedback led to an increase in submental activity in effortful swallowing tasks but not non-effortful tasks. In addition, it was found that individuals with dysphagia secondary to Parkinson’s disease have deceased submental muscle reserve relative to healthy subjects. Preliminary analysis of MEP data led to exploration of submental MEP measures between younger and older subjects. This ‘discovery’ research shed light on the third topic addressed in this thesis. There are contradicting results in the literature regarding age-related brain activity during swallowing. Since submental MEPs were included as an outcome measure in the main study, it was important to evaluate them at baseline in order to understand and interpret changes in this measure. Unlike other measures, such as pharyngeal pressure and hyoid displacement that have been documented in the literature to change with age, no similar study has been conducted to assess for differences in swallowing-related MEPs. Baseline data from the main study were analysed. Older subjects produced larger MEP magnitude in comparison to young in volitional saliva swallowing and volitional submental contraction. This finding raised some questions regarding the use of MEPs as an outcome measure, since it is not clear what constitutes a ‘positive’ change. This study documented, for the first time, the application of skill training in swallowing in a healthy and dysphagic population. Positive effects of treatment were found in the dysphagic group; an indication of negative effects was identified in the healthy group. In addition, this is the first study to compare skill to strength training in swallowing. The only significant difference between the two was significantly greater submental activation in effortful swallowing tasks following strength training in comparison to skill training; although there were some significant interactions between age and training type and gender and training type. This project represents the first Phase I clinical-trial of an innovative approach for addressing swallowing impairments. Achieving the ultimate aim of finding the most appropriate training protocol for treating individuals with a specific pathophysiological basis of dysphagia, requires the implementation of a long-term on-going research programme characterized by a staged process. This research programme sets an initial reference framework from which further projects can estimate the sample size required to answer specific questions, control for effects of age and gender and their interaction with training, increase precision in choosing assessment tools, and test new specific questions.

Transferring soft skills from the performing arts curriculum to business : a German-based exploration into the possibilities for training management consultants

Havar-Simonovich, Timea January 2012 (has links)
Recent research findings have reinforced the importance of soft skills for managerialsuccess. Consequently, there is an ongoing practical need for and research interest ineffective soft skill training. In order to improve the soft skills of their employees,companies have begun to turn to performing artists in the hope of achieving a hightraining effect. While this phenomenon has created excitement, it has hardly been thesubject of serious investigation guided by research questions and executed researchmethodologies. In particular, hardly any insights exist into the exercises artists use whenproviding soft skill training and coaching for a business audience. In order to exploresuch activities in a systematic way, this thesis turns the attention to the performing artshigher education curriculum for identifying relevant exercise categories and for linkingthem to soft skills. This is accomplished through in-depth interviews conducted withclassical singing and drama teachers in Germany. In order to achieve a transfer to thebusiness world, HR representatives from German-based management consulting firmsare also questioned through in-depth interviews in order to explore relevant soft skillsaddressable by performing arts interventions. The results show transfer links betweeneight performing arts curriculum items and seven soft skill categories. Apart fromexploring the relationship between arts-based exercises and managerial soft skills, theresearch results confirm the benefit rationale for arts-based training and highlightsuccess factors. The outcomes are visualised in a suggestive model aimed at providing asystematic orientation for arts-based trainers and for organisations considering soft skilltraining based on the performing arts. However, the research has also limitations,especially a too conservative number of connections between performing arts curricularitems and soft skill categories. Other limitations include a regional and cultural focus onGermany, as well as the reduction of arts-based training activities to the boundaries offormal performing arts education. These shortcomings are used for motivating futureresearch.

Treino de Habilidades Sociais e Terapia Analítica Funcional no tratamento de Fobia Social.

Magri, Maíra Ribeiro 16 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:20:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maira Ribeiro Magri.pdf: 752733 bytes, checksum: af7ce31e8751e2549e6bc05bca14762c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / This study aimed to compare the effects of FAP and THS interventions on behaviors related to social skills class (or social anxiety disorder) of an adult participant with social phobic, to assess the level of anxiety during the intervention and between sessions, and to compare the results of the SPIN and IHS before and after the intervention and compare. For that, it was used an AB1CB2 multiple baseline design between behaviors where A was the baseline phase, B1 and B2 were phases in which two classes of behavior (C1 and C2) were submitted to FAP interventions and other two (C3 and C4) were submitted to THS interventions, and C was intervention phase classes of behavior (C1 and C2) were submitted to THS interventions and other two (C3 and C4) were submitted to FAP interventions. The results showed an increase in the frequency of occurrence of classes throughout the sessions and the highest frequencies were in the sessions of FAP. The participant related a higher level of anxiety in THS sessions compared to FAP. The application of the instruments, showed no difference between aplications before and after interventions. The data indicated that FAP may be effective in the interventions for social skill behaviors. However, further studies should be performed either to evaluate the generalization and for provide more evidence of the effectiveness and provide the area of research and application the possibility of providing more effective treatments to behavior problems. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos das intervenções FAP e THS nas classes de comportamentos relacionados a habilidades sociais (ou ansiedade social) de um participante adulto fóbico social, comparar os resultados das aplicações do SPIN e do IHS antes e depois da intervenção; avaliar o nível de ansiedade ao longo da intervenção e entre as sessões. Para isso, foi utilizado um delineamento AB1CB2 de linha de base múltipla entre comportamentos sendo A a fase de linha de base, B1 e B2 as fases em que duas classes de comportamento (C1 e C2) passaram por intervenções FAP e outras duas (C3 e C4) por intervenção THS e C a fase em que as classes C1 e C2 passaram por THS e C3 e C4 foram submetidas a intervenção FAP. Os resultados apontaram um aumento na frequência de ocorrência das classes de comportamento sob intervenção ao longo das sessões, com maiores frequências nas sessões de FAP. O participante relatou maior nível de ansiedade nas sessões de THS comparado às de FAP. Em relação às aplicações dos instrumentos, não foi possível observar diferença entre as aplicações realizadas antes da linha de base e ao final das intervenções. Os dados indicaram que a FAP também pode ser eficaz no tratamento de comportamentos relacionados a habilidades sociais. Contudo, novos estudos devem ser realizados tanto para avaliar a generalização como para fornecer mais evidências da eficácia e prover à área de pesquisa e de aplicação a possibilidade de fornecer tratamentos mais eficazes aos comportamentos problemas.

Strategies to Teach Customer Service Skills

Ortman, James Francis 01 January 2017 (has links)
Business managers' failure to retain dissatisfied customers leads to millions of dollars in lost revenue. The purpose of this single case study was to explore managers' training strategies to teach sales associates customer service skills. The sample included 3 training managers from the mobile phone industry in Michigan who recorded a 25 % increase in customer retention after implementing customer service training. The conceptual framework for this study was human capital theory. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and training documents. Data analysis entailed using coding techniques and cluster analysis. Member checking applied to clarify the interpretation of participants' responses and reveal missing information. The 3 themes that emerged were mentoring and recruitment, training and development, and customer satisfaction. Mentoring and recruitment surfaced from the managers' need to hire qualified sales associates. Training and development grew from the need to have a strategy to train sales associates in customer service skills. Customer satisfaction emerged from the need to retain customers for a stable business environment. The findings from this study may contribute to social change by showing the training strategies managers use to teach customer service skills to sustain business and mitigate harmful effects of job loss. The data suggested a trained sales force could work to retain customers and provide customer satisfaction. Data from this study may contribute to the prosperity of mobile phone customers from well-educated sales associates that enhance the quality of using mobile phones in the local communities. The beneficiaries of this research include business managers, sales associates, and customers.

Key Factors Considered When Purchasing a VR Hobby Skill Training Simulator : A Consumer Perspective / Nyckelfaktorer som tas hänsyn till vid köp av en VR Hobby Skill Training Simulator : Ett konsumentperspektiv

Lindmark, Ada, Nilsson Kinberg, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, VR and VR devices have become more popular due to advances intechnology and lower costs, making the technology more accessible to the general public. One application within VR that is expected to grow is VR hobby skill training simulators (VR HSTS), which are now accessible not only for education and companies but also to consumers. In contrast to games which are mainly played for entertainment purposes, and unlike simulators used in educational or professional settings not purchased by the practitioners themselves, VR HSTS add complexity. This is characterized by a systematic pursuit of activities meaningful for the practitioner and a social world that is formed by involved participants sharing a common interest in a specific hobby. This raises questions about the customers of VR HSTS and their purchasing behavior, where the literature has not yet covered this new and fast-developing area. As companies strive to meet customer needs and create desirable value propositions, it is crucial to understand the customers and their behavior. Through semi-structured interviews with customers of a VR HSTS, this study investigates their consumer behavior with the purpose of understanding what drives consumers to purchase a VR HSTS. By analyzing the results using thematic analysis and a theoretical framework adapted from the theory of planned behavior, the factors seen as important in the decision-making process are identified. This study concludes that the key factors considered when purchasing a VR HSTS are perceived quality of VR, perceived quality of the specific VR HSTS, what other people, who practice the same hobby but who the customers do not know, think about the VR HSTS, what people who they do know think about the product or purchase, money, ease of purchase and use. This study finds the research area of consumer behavior within VR HSTS to be of great importance in order to understand customers in a fast-developing field, where our study contributes with new insights and factors important for the customers whenmaking a VR HSTS purchase. / VR och VR-enheter har under de senaste åren ökat i popularitet till följd av utvecklingen av teknologin och lägre kostnader vilket gjort tekniken mer tillgänglig till allmänheten. Ett användningsområde inom VR som väntas växa är VR hobby skill training simulators (VR HSTS) som nu inte bara är tillgängliga för utbildning och företag, utan också konsumenter. Till skillnad från spel som främst spelas i underhållningssyfte och simulatorer som används i utbildning och professionella kontexter där användaren själv inte köpt produkten, ökar komplexiteten med VR HSTS. Här karaktäriseras användandet med en systematisk sysselsättning av aktiviteter som skapar en större mening för utövaren likväl som en social värld som formas av involverade människor som delar ett intresse i en specifik hobby. Detta väcker frågor om kunderna till VR HSTS och deras köpbeteende där litteraturen inte än har täckt detta nya och snabbt utvecklande område. Eftersom företag strävar efter att möta kundernas behov och skapa åtråvärdavärde erbjudanden är det avgörande att förstå kunderna och deras beteende. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med kunder som köpt en VR HSTS undersöker denna studie deras beteende med syftet att förstå vad som driver dem till att köpa en VR HSTS. Genom att analysera resultaten med hjälp av tematisk analys och ett anpassat teoretiskt ramverk baserat på theory of planned behavior kartläggs faktorerna som ses som viktigast i beslutsprocessen. Denna studie sammanfattar att nyckelfaktorerna som tas hänsyn tillvid köpet av en VR HSTS är uppfattad kvalitet på VR och den specifika VR HSTS, vad andra människor, som utövar samma hobby men som kunderna inte känner, tycker om VR HSTS, vad personer som de känner tycker om produkten eller köpet, pengar och enkelt köp och användning. Denna studie anser att forskningsområdet om konsumentbeteende inom VR HSTS är viktigt för att förstå kunder inom ett snabbtutvecklande område, där vår studie bidrar med nya insikter och faktorer som är viktiga för kunderna när de gör ett köp av VR HSTS.

The implementation of an apprenticeship training programme in the Addis Ababa technical vocational education and training (TVET) colleges and enterprises

Demessew Alemu Woldetsadik 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative research investigated the implementation problems of apprenticeship training program in the Addis Ababa TVET colleges and enterprises. The research looked into the training program conducted by TVET Colleges and enterprises. Relevant literature on the nature of apprenticeship training and the factors that could affect its implementation were also reviewed. The research applied the theoretical statement of Bandura’s (1977) theory of observation /imitation/, Vygotsky’s theory of ZPD, contextual or the situated learning (Lave and Wenger, 1991), the constructivist view of learning and career theory as the main theoretical frameworks to describe the apprenticeship training process. The theories, however, do not mention the factors that can hamper the implementation of apprenticeship training in a specific social context. The theory of observation was preferred since it can describe the apprentice’s effort to master the skill of an occupation by observing the craftsman at the enterprises. The situated learning was preferred as it gives value to practice as a condition for the effectiveness of learning. Similarly, the research considered Vygotsky’s theory of the ZPD. The application of ZPD indicates the difference between what the apprentice can accomplish independently and what he/she can do with the close assistance of supervisor on a given task. Holland’s career theory (as cited in De lary, Duncan & Swarth, 2006) is also considered to describe the apprenticeship training in relation with an occupation. The current research has enabled to consider context specific conditions by focusing on the investigation of the causes of the implementation challenges of the apprenticeship training. The researcher collected data from Addis Ababa TVET Agency experts, deans of one private and another public TVET Colleges, college apprenticeship training coordinators, trainers, trainees, supervisors and enterprises by employing unstructured and structured interviews, observation and Focus Group Discussion tools. The analysis was made by making the data pass through three successive steps: data reduction, data display and interpretation, and conclusion. The findings showed that the implementation of the apprenticeship training program had challenges that could be shared among its actors; Trade Unions had no involvement in the implementation of the apprenticeship training program; the selected colleges and enterprises addressed their challenges by using limited strategies and without regular and systematic way; the presence of some less motivating factors for the participation of the apprentices in the apprenticeship training was reported; the presence of conditions that could adversely affect the apprentices’ acquisition of occupational skills was reported; the provision of apprenticeship training at the enterprises lack, either facilities or training services, in order to arrange the apprenticeship training program for TVET college trainees; and there were some indications for the presence of some weak professional qualities of supervisors that have implications for the apprentices’ training. Eventually, it was concluded that the implementation of apprenticeship training program in the Addis Ababa TVET Colleges and enterprises had challenges that require the consideration of both institutional and human conditions. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

技能型學習遊戲之設計要素對學習情緒及成效之影響研究 / A study on assessing the effects of the design features of game-based learning for skill training on learning emotion and performance

胡琬琪, Hu, Wan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
學習型遊戲可提供學習者一個具備「滿足學習發生的基本需求」、「以問題解決為基礎」、「有趣」以及「吸引人」等特色的安全學習環境,而技能型學習遊戲更不同於一般認知與情意型遊戲,其設計過程除了著重事實、知識之外,更強調經由實際操作或練習使學生能真正習得某些動作和技能。因此,有哪些遊戲設計要素能吸引學習者,讓學習者在進行技能學習過程中感到有趣,進而達到學習目標,值得我們關切。再者,從學習型遊戲設計層面來看,重視學習情緒和使用者經驗是不可或缺的遊戲設計考量面向,特別是在數位學習環境中,哪些遊戲設計要素會對學生的學習情緒及學習成效產生影響,值得更進一步的探討。 因此,本研究採用兩款具遊戲設計要素差異之英文打字遊戲,探討技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素對於學習者之學習情緒與學習成效之影響與關聯,以釐清技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素如何影響學習者之正負面情緒以及學習成效,進而作為學習型技能遊戲設計時的參考。研究結果顯示,具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲對於引發女性學習者之負面情緒會產生顯著差異,而男性學習者則未產生顯著差異;本研究採用之兩款技能型英打學習遊戲,均可以有效增進學習者之學習成效,並且遊戲設計要素較高之技能型英打學習遊戲對於男性學習者較具學習成效;具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲,其遊戲設計要素之「適時回饋」為設計學習型遊戲時之最重要因素;而學習情緒會影響學習成效部分,僅在低打字能力學習者採用具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲時獲得部份驗證。 / Game-based learning can provide a safe environment with satisfied basic needs during learning process, problem solving domain foundation, funny and attractive characteristics for learners. Skill learning games are different from normal cognitive and affective games. The design of skill learning games emphasizes on not only facts and knowledge but also on learning some kinds of motion and skills by operation and practice, so we concerned about the key design features attracting learners to interest the learning process and get the learning goals. On the other hand, it is indispensable for key design features considering about learning emotions and learner’s experience, and it is also necessary to be further investigated about which feature will affect the learner’s emotion and learning performance. Two English typing games with different design features were adapted to investigate the effects and relations between design features and learner’s emotion and learning performance to clarify the positive or negative emotions and performance were affected by which design feature of the skill learning games and to set a reference for the game designer. The study results show that female learner’s negative emotion which was caused by different game design features of the English typing games was significantly affected, but male learner’s emotion was not. The two adapted games were both with learning performance, and her male learning performance was better with better game design features of the typing games. Proper feedback was the most important design feature. The effects of emotions to performance were partly proven from poor typing ability learners.

The implementation of an apprenticeship training programme in the Addis Ababa technical vocational education and training (TVET) colleges and enterprises

Demessew Alemu Woldetsadik 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative research investigated the implementation problems of apprenticeship training program in the Addis Ababa TVET colleges and enterprises. The research looked into the training program conducted by TVET Colleges and enterprises. Relevant literature on the nature of apprenticeship training and the factors that could affect its implementation were also reviewed. The research applied the theoretical statement of Bandura’s (1977) theory of observation /imitation/, Vygotsky’s theory of ZPD, contextual or the situated learning (Lave and Wenger, 1991), the constructivist view of learning and career theory as the main theoretical frameworks to describe the apprenticeship training process. The theories, however, do not mention the factors that can hamper the implementation of apprenticeship training in a specific social context. The theory of observation was preferred since it can describe the apprentice’s effort to master the skill of an occupation by observing the craftsman at the enterprises. The situated learning was preferred as it gives value to practice as a condition for the effectiveness of learning. Similarly, the research considered Vygotsky’s theory of the ZPD. The application of ZPD indicates the difference between what the apprentice can accomplish independently and what he/she can do with the close assistance of supervisor on a given task. Holland’s career theory (as cited in De lary, Duncan & Swarth, 2006) is also considered to describe the apprenticeship training in relation with an occupation. The current research has enabled to consider context specific conditions by focusing on the investigation of the causes of the implementation challenges of the apprenticeship training. The researcher collected data from Addis Ababa TVET Agency experts, deans of one private and another public TVET Colleges, college apprenticeship training coordinators, trainers, trainees, supervisors and enterprises by employing unstructured and structured interviews, observation and Focus Group Discussion tools. The analysis was made by making the data pass through three successive steps: data reduction, data display and interpretation, and conclusion. The findings showed that the implementation of the apprenticeship training program had challenges that could be shared among its actors; Trade Unions had no involvement in the implementation of the apprenticeship training program; the selected colleges and enterprises addressed their challenges by using limited strategies and without regular and systematic way; the presence of some less motivating factors for the participation of the apprentices in the apprenticeship training was reported; the presence of conditions that could adversely affect the apprentices’ acquisition of occupational skills was reported; the provision of apprenticeship training at the enterprises lack, either facilities or training services, in order to arrange the apprenticeship training program for TVET college trainees; and there were some indications for the presence of some weak professional qualities of supervisors that have implications for the apprentices’ training. Eventually, it was concluded that the implementation of apprenticeship training program in the Addis Ababa TVET Colleges and enterprises had challenges that require the consideration of both institutional and human conditions. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

A biblical approach to poverty alleviation : a case study of Pinelands Methodist Church, phambili ngeThemba's community building efforts through job creation in Langa township

Black, Timothy Jay 26 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was to determine an appropriate intervention to assist in bringing transformation to the poverty-stricken community of Langa, Cape Town, South Africa. Intense poverty is a fact of life for almost 3 billion people in the world, a figure which includes approximately 50 per cent of the South African population. The Bible gives clear instruction mandating care for ‘the poor’. Therefore, those claiming to follow the teaching of Scripture must make poverty alleviation a priority. Phambili ngeThemba began as an intervention in the Langa Township community to discover ways to engage with issues around poverty. Research facilitated by Learn to Earn, a non-profit organization offering skills training and job creation, was done to understand if individual and community development was necessary and, if so, how it could be structured as a method to alleviate poverty in the Langa Community. Both quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken. Through random proportionate sampling in a thorough needs analysis of the businesses in and around Langa, the ideal character qualities desired by local business for the workforce were elicited. These were traits that could be developed in unemployed people. Use of basic questionnaires and oral feedback by three selected focus groups comprised of Langa residents enabled evaluation of local human service resources and identification of the felt needs in the community. The Priority Index (P-Index) research technique distinguished between the actual needs of the community and their perceived needs or wants. The results became the training foundation for the Zanokhanyo Training and Resource Centre, providing holistic development for the unemployed to equip them for placement in the workforce. Copyright / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Interpersoonlike verrykingsprogram vir multikulturele groepe / An interpersonal enrichment programme for multicultural groups

Vlok, Engela Susanna 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Ons bevind ons in 'n nuwe Suid-Afrika waar die klem baie sterk op die uitwissing van die spore van die apartheidsera gele word. Die oopstelling van skole het nie daartoe bygedra dat kinders hulle vooroordele oorboord gooi en mekaar spontaan aanvaar nie. Die verandering in wetgewing wat 'n eksterne verandering is, het nie noodwendig tot verandering van gesindhede gelei nie. Daar kan derhalwe tereg gevra word hoe versoening tussen mense van verskillende kulture tot stand kan kom. In hierdie studie is gepoog om vas te stel of 'n verrykingsprogram in groepverband interpersoonlike vaardighede en verhoudinge van persone van uiteenlopende kulturele agtergronde kan bevorder. Die program is onder gekontroleerde omstandighede aangebied en die idiografiese navorsingsmetode is gebruik. Daar is bepaal watter faktore die aard en die kwaliteit van verhoudinge tussen persone van verskillende kulturele herkoms be'invloed. Riglyne is gestruktrueer en kriteria is ge'identifiseer waarvolgens die program saamgestel is. Die ouderdomme van die leertinge het tussen 15 en 21 jaar gewissel. Tydens die multikulturele groepsbelewing het die leertinge die geleentheid gehad om persoonlike en interpersoonlike vaardighede te ontwikkel sodat daar 'n openheid en 'n beg rip vir mekaar ontstaan het. Die interaksie met persone afkomstig van 'n verskeidenheid oriemtasies het daartoe gelei dat raakpunte in die diversiteit ontdek is en hulle het mekaar as individue begin erken en verstaan. Nuutgestigte verhoudings was gekenmerk deur vertroue, warmte en empatie. Deur middel van verbeterde selfbegrip en interpersoonlike vaardighede het die verhoudings tussen groeplede in verskeie dimensies beduidend verbeter. Hierdie navorsing het aangetoon dat mense van uiteenlopende kulturele orientasies soos in Suid-Afrika die geval is, deur middel van ervaringsleer in groepverband, tot grater eenheid en verdraagsaamheid saamgesnoer kan word. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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