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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redesign of trans-splicing molecules for the correction of dystrophia myotonica type 1 toxic RNA transcripts

Harrison, Eleanor G 01 December 2014 (has links)
Dystrophia myotonica (DM1), one of the most common forms of muscular dystrophy, is caused by a repeated trinucleotide expansion in the DMPK gene. This mutation results in the accumulation of toxic cellular RNA transcripts. Spliceosome-mediated RNA trans-splicing (SMaRT) technology is a form of gene therapy that possesses the potential to correct these toxic RNA transcripts and thus cure the disease. Despite its promise, prior research applications of SMaRT technology to DM1 have been hampered by poor efficiency and have not been validated in a relevant model of the disease. In order to improve the efficiency of trans-splicing, this study examined the use of novel SMaRT molecules containing altered binding domains. These SMaRT molecules were tested in a clinically relevant cell model of DM1 and their corrective ability compared with that of a standard SMaRT molecule. The results were quantified by RT-PCR. The outcome of this study indicated the need to utilize more specific methods for measuring efficiency and for understanding the specific interactions of SMaRT molecules with target transcripts.

Silent Partnership in the Age of Smart Technology

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Smart technology is now pervasive in society and has partnered with people on every level, yet its social and cultural implications are easily overlooked by the majority. In this thesis, I work on building a silent partnership between humans and smart technology and creating smart devices/systems as silent partners by revealing the complexity of smart technology and tackling the current issues of unilateral transparency, a lack of negotiation, and the dynamic of the sense of control. This work draws on varied fields such as critical cultural studies, science and technology studies (STS), media studies, information studies, sociology, psychology, and design and consists of three main themes: materiality, politics, and affect. In addition, I utilize theoretical frameworks such as posthumanism, actor-network theory (ANT), assemblage, materialism, and affect theory to analyze the underlying factors and relationships among human and nonhuman actors such as technology companies, governments, engineers, designers, users, as well as infrastructure, algorithms, and smart devices/systems. Finally, I offer four roles to rethink smart technology (an actor, a fluid, a peer, and a silent partner) and propose 15 design principles to redesign smart devices/systems as silent partners. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Communication Studies 2020

Communication and Data Sharing in Swedish District Heating Systems : Investigating Communication for Improved Energy Efficiency in District Heating Systems through Smart Technology Integration

Mbaku Fonjah, Junior Mbabit Tebo, Musa, Hadi January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the current state of information sharing between district heating (DH) operators and customers in Sweden, with a focus on addressing the lack of coordination between the primary (operator) and secondary (customer) sides of DH systems. The study aims to investigate existing research on information sharing, examine the benefits of two information-sharing scenarios, and provide insights and recommendations for future partnerships between operators and customers. The study utilises qualitative methods consisting of semi-structured interviews with industry experts, which include district heating system operators, apartment rental companies, and energy management companies. It is complemented by a review of previous studies on DH systems. The results underscore the importance of enhanced communication and data exchange for optimising DH performance and sustainability. The study shows a lack of information sharing between district heating operators and customers, pointing to ownership issues, perceived lack of value, absence of suitable business models, and resource constraints as primary barriers. Insights and recommendations provided by stakeholders offer actionable strategies for facilitating future information sharing. Simplifying processes, developing transparent data management systems, and creating suitable business models are seen as key priorities.

Mobilaus marketingo sprendimų įtaka verslo sėkmei / Impact to the business success of the mobile marketing solutions

Lašinskas, Deividas 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotos mobilaus marketingo sprendimų ir priemonių įgyvendinimo verslo įmonėse galimybės ir įvertintas poveikis didinant veiklos efektyvumą. Pirmoje darbo dalyje pateikiama mobilaus marketingo sąvoka, analizuojamos mobilaus marketingo panaudojimo galimybės ir pagrindinės kliūtys. Taip pat išnagrinėta mobilaus marketingo strategijos reikšmė, mobilaus marketingo įtaka marketingo komplekso elementams bei aptartos mobilaus marketingo priemonės ir įrankiai. Antroje dalyje išanalizuotos išmaniųjų mobiliųjų įrenginių naudojimo tendencijos, mobilaus interneto plėtra, mobiliųjų technologijų pagrindiniai bruožai ir privalumai bei mobilaus marketingo rinka. Trečioje dalyje ištirtas mobilaus marketingo priemonių praktinis panaudojimas ir įvertintas mobilaus marketingo poveikis Lietuvos elektroninės prekybos įmonių veiklos efektyvumui. / The thesis focuses on mobile marketing marketing solutions and measures implementation possibilities in organizations and its impact on increasing efficiency. In the first part of the work the concept of mobile marketing, the mobile marketing usability and the main obstacles are analyzed. It is also considered a strategy value of mobile marketing, influence of marketing mix elements and also this part presented main mobile marketing tools. In the second part the use of smart mobile devices trends, mobile web development, and mobile technology and the key features and benefits of mobile marketing market are analyzed. The third part underlines the practical implementation of marketing tools and evaluated mobile marketing opportunities for increasing the efficiency of Lithuanian e-commerce companies.

The Aesthetic Experience, Flow, and Smart Technology: Viewing Art in a Virtual Environment

Ikard, Carol 01 January 2016 (has links)
Smart technology can support art educators and museum professionals in mediating the aesthetic experience. It can also increase museum attendance, enrich the viewer's delight and engagement with artworks and art collections, and provide an avenue for extending art on a global level. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which a mobile art app with text-based narrative influences scores on an aesthetic experience questionnaire. This quantitative research measured the difference in pretest and posttest human-computer interaction scores on the Aesthetic Experience Questionnaire Form after participants used two versions of a mobile art app. Csikszentmihalyi's flow was the theoretical framework. After the administration of the pretest to 67 participants, 25 participants successfully viewed an art app with or without verbiage and then completed the posttest. Results revealed a significant (p < .001) mean increase in questionnaire scores among the group that used the app with verbiage (mean difference = 0.41), but no significant improvement among the group that used the app without verbiage (mean difference = -0.03). These findings indicate that certain mobile technologies are capable of mediating an aesthetic experience. Future research may provide information to educators and museums about the quality of the aesthetic experience. This information may increase and enrich human aesthetic experiences with art and may assist to develop human understanding of different perceptions that ultimately engender inclusivity and positive social change.

Smart futures meet northern realities: anthropological perspectives on the design and adoption of urban computing

Ylipulli, J. (Johanna) 24 February 2015 (has links)
Abstract This thesis explores the sociocultural processes shaping the design, adoption and use of new urban technology in the city of Oulu in northern Finland. The exploration is conducted at experiential level focusing on people’s personal perspectives which allows uncovering underlying cultural meanings, social structures and historically formed practices and discourses. The unique case for the thesis is provided by the recent technological development in Oulu that has been shaped by agendas such as ubiquitous computing and smart cities. The thesis first investigates in-depth the design process of the new urban technology, and also compares the visions of the designers and decision-makers with the practices and perspectives of the city inhabitants. Then, the adoption process of public urban technologies is studied in detail by constructing a conceptual appropriation model. Finally, the effects of the northern location of Oulu on the design and use of the urban technology are scrutinized. The research is based on empirical, qualitative research materials comparing the experiences of young adult and elderly city inhabitants; in addition, quantitative use data of urban technologies is utilized to provide an overview on the use trends. The key findings indicate that the design and decisions concerning novel technologies and the outcome are shaped by complex sociomaterial practices based on experiences from previous similar projects, and on certain preconceptions about the city inhabitants and technology’s role in the cityscape. Different people have differing power positions in relation to the development of the urban public places, and technology implementation can marginalize some segments of city inhabitants. Further, the adoption of novel urban technologies is found to depend heavily on the norms of public places and people’s long-term experiences of technology use. Finally, climate, ICT use and sociocultural context are shown to be profoundly interconnected, and thus, urban computing design must reconsider the situatedness of technology. These findings call for further sociocultural studies on future smart cities. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirja tarkastelee sosiokulttuurisia tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet uuden kaupunkiteknologian suunnitteluun, omaksumiseen ja käyttöön Pohjois-Suomessa Oulussa. Tutkimus keskittyy ihmisten kokemukselliseen tasoon, jonka kautta on mahdollista hahmottaa kulttuurisia merkityksiä, sosiaalisia rakenteita sekä historiallisesti muotoutuneita käytäntöjä ja diskursseja. Tutkimuksen taustalla on Oulun viime vuosien teknologinen kehitys, joka osaltaan perustuu visioihin älykaupungista ja kaupunkitilaan sulautetusta jokapaikan tietotekniikasta. Tutkimus tarkastelee aluksi uuden kaupunkiteknologian suunnitteluprosessia, ja peilaa lisäksi suunnittelijoiden ja päättäjien visioita kaupunkilaisten käytäntöihin ja näkökulmiin. Seuraavaksi julkisten kaupunkiteknologioiden käyttöönottoa jäljitetään rakentamalla malli, joka kuvaa omaksumisprosesseja. Lopuksi selvitetään Oulun pohjoisen sijainnin vaikutusta teknologian suunnitteluun ja käyttöön. Tutkimus perustuu empiirisiin, laadullisiin tutkimusaineistoihin, joiden avulla tutkitaan ja vertaillaan nuorten aikuisten ja ikääntyneiden kaupunkilaisten kokemuksia. Lisäksi käytetään määrällistä aineistoa kuvaamaan kaupunkiteknologioiden käytön kehityssuuntia. Väitöskirjan mukaan kaupunkiteknologioita koskevat päätökset ja lopputulos ovat monimutkaisten sosiaalis-materiaalisten käytäntöjen muovaavia. Käytäntöjen taustalla ovat kokemukset samankaltaisista projekteista sekä ennakkokäsitykset kaupunkilaisista ja teknologian roolista kaupunkitilassa. Tutkimus valottaa ihmisten erilaisia valta-asemia kaupunkien kehityksessä ja tuo esiin, miten teknologia voi marginalisoida joitakin ihmisryhmiä. Tutkimus osoittaa, miten julkisten paikkojen normit ja pitkän ajan kuluessa muovautuneet teknologiakokemukset vaikuttavat uusien kaupunkiteknologioiden omaksumiseen. Lisäksi todetaan ilmaston, tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käytön ja sosiokulttuurisen kontekstin vahva yhteys, jonka vuoksi alan tutkimuksen tulisi arvioida uudelleen teknologian paikkasidonnaisuutta. Tulokset osoittavat, että sosiokulttuurista tutkimusta älykaupungeista tarvitaan lisää.

El uso de la tecnología inteligente en hoteles a nivel internacional y su aplicación en el Perú / Use of smart technology in hotels internationally and its application in Peru

Pagador Barton, Andrea, Uriarte Delgado, Nicole 18 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, la tecnología ha transformado la vida de las personas, influyendo de manera positiva en los servicios hoteleros que la han incorporado como principal herramienta en la experiencia de los clientes. El uso de la tecnología inteligente en el sector hotelero tiene gran impacto en los niveles de satisfacción de los huéspedes; ello permite reconocer sus principales necesidades y atenderlas de manera personalizada. Asimismo, permite otorgar una mayor comodidad, lo cual desencadena una mejor experiencia en el espacio en que se encuentra. La investigación se centra en el estudio del uso de la tecnología inteligente o smart technology que los huéspedes emplean durante su estadía en hoteles a nivel internacional y su posible aplicación en la gestión de hoteles en el Perú. El estudio se basa en la revisión bibliográfica de fuentes académicas, tales como tesis de grado, investigaciones y revistas científicas, que permiten reconocer los principales estándares en el uso de la tecnología inteligente en la industria hotelera. Se obtuvo como hallazgo que los hoteles que usan la tecnología inteligente contribuyen en la adquisición de altos niveles de satisfacción. Asimismo, las tecnologías inteligentes son aún limitadas en el Perú, ya que se requiere de una inversión alta, la que no equipara la demanda en el país. Sin embargo, se han implementado sistemas tecnológicos que facilitan la gestión y personalizan la interacción del huésped. En conclusión, la tecnología inteligente es importante, ya que otorga altos niveles de calidad al sector hotelero, logrando altos niveles de satisfacción en las personas. / Nowadays, technology has transformed people's lives, influencing hotel services that have incorporated it as the main tool in the customer experience. The use of smart technology in the hotel sector has a high impact on the satisfaction levels of guests, since this allows them to recognize their main needs and attend them in a personalized way. It also allows for greater comfort, which triggers a better experience in the space in which it is located. Given this, this research focuses on the use of intelligent technology or smart technology that guests use during their stay in hotels internationally and its possible application in hotel management in Peru. The study is based on a bibliographic review, based on various academic sources such as graduate theses, research reports and scientific journals, which allow to recognize the main standards in the use of smart technology in the hotel industry. The main finding was that hotels that use smart technology contribute to the acquisition of high levels of satisfaction. This implementation of technology facilitates management, adapting to the main activities, to make guests experience situations better. Likewise, it was observed that the use of smart technologies is still limited in Peru, because it requires a high investment, which does not match the demand in the country. However, technological systems have already been implemented that facilitate management and personalize guest interaction. In conclusion, smart technology is important, as it provides high levels of quality to the hotel sector, achieving high levels of satisfaction in people. / Trabajo de investigación

Future of Shopping Malls with Smart Cities : A case study on how smart cities can influence the transformation of shopping malls in Turkey

Varol, Erke, Özçelik, Muratcan January 2022 (has links)
Technological innovations are one of the most impactful occurrences in our lives nowadays. Almost every product or service is being transformed into a more ubiquitous one due to the expectation of offering a better experience or becoming economically more viable. One of the most recent common instances is cities that transforms into smart ones. Many functions of smart cities are upgraded digitally in order to improve their service. This study is inspired by this aspect to focus on the shopping side of the cities. The most common type of retailing is shopping malls and there is evidence to lead this paper to point out how smartness could be impactful for the shopping malls. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that shows that online shopping is getting popular and shopping malls are in their maturity stage in terms of the Life-Cycle concept. Shopping malls’ customer turnover is increasing every year and smartness could be the spark to overcome this obstacle. Therefore, this paper’s research focus has formed into the possible determinant factors that could be significant in the case of adoption of smartness into shopping malls and possible facts that could create value for the shopping malls in the purpose of eliminating the current obstacles that shopping malls are facing.

Hur påverkas produktion i tillverkande företag vid införande av smart teknik? : En studie av de främst påverkade faktorerna undertidsperioden 2011 och framåt

Johansson Lundström, Malin, Porat, Ingrid January 2016 (has links)
På Hannovermässan, världens ledande mässa inom industriell teknologi, i Tyskland år 2011 myntades begreppet Industrie 4.0 som beskriver den fjärde industriella revolutionen. Denna handlar om att integrera affärsprocesser med ingenjörsprocesser och på så sätt göra produktionen mer effektiv, miljövänlig och flexibel. Sedan 2011 har man även börjat tala om smarta fabriker och införande av smart teknik inom tillverkningsindustrin. Många hävdar att smart teknik och Industrie 4.0, tillsammans med vår tids krav på kundanpassade produkter, kommer att revolutionera den tillverkande industrin och förväntningarna är stora på vad smartteknik kan komma att bidra med. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur produktionen i tillverkande företag påverkas med hjälp av införande av smart teknik. Studien kommer att identifiera och analysera de främst påverkade faktorerna vid införande av smart teknik från år 2011 och framåt. De faktorer som identifierats och studeras närmare är; flexibilitet, kostnader, ledtider, miljöpåverkan, produktkvalitet och tillförlitlighet. I arbetet att hitta de faktorer som främst påverkar produktionen i tillverkande företag vid införande av smart teknik har främst två metoder använts. En inledande litteraturstudie gjordes för att identifiera de vanligast förekommande faktorerna. Valda faktorer verifierades därefter med hjälp av intervjuer och studiebesök hos två tillverkande företag som implementerat smart teknik, Scania CV AB och Volvo Car Corporation. Under vald tidsperiod har dessa företag tillsammans med KTH genomfört projektet FFI Line informationsystem architecture (LISA), där LISA är en variant av en smart fabrik. En slutsats som dragits i denna studie är att de faktorer som främst påverkas med hjälp av smart teknik inom tillverkningsindustrin är några av de som identifierades vid undersökningens start; flexibilitet, kostnader, miljöpåverkan och tillförlitlighet. Exempel på hur dessa påverkas presenteras vidare; om en informationsarkitektur (såsom LISA) implementeras blir det lättare att genomföra förändringar i maskinparken, det gör processkedjan mer dynamisk vilket ger en ökad flexibilitet för företagen. Med hjälp av uppkopplade enheter kan företagen snabbare informeras om fel i produktionen och på så sätt minska mängden kassationer vilket innebär kostnadsbesparingar. Genom att hastighetsanpassa motorer samt att optimera robotars rörelser, exempelvis genom att i större utsträckning använda mjuka rörelser, kan energi sparas och därmed ge en minskad miljöpåverkan. Dock blir företagen vid införande av smart teknik beroende av uppkoppling och det blir då viktigt att säkerställa att tillförlitliga system används om problem uppstår. Andra faktorer som påverkas är ledtider och produktkvalitet, som dock snarare påverkas som konsekvenser av att ovan nämnda faktorer påverkas. Ytterligare en slutsats är att Industrie 4.0 inom svensk tillverkningsindustri betraktas som en evolution snarare än en revolution och att den smarta tekniken är något som implementerats gradvis. / The term Industrie 4.0 was first coined in Germany 2011, at the Hannover Messe, the world’s leading Trade Fair for Industrial Technology. It is a term describing the fourth Industrial Revolution. This revolution concerns making production more efficient, environmentally friendly and flexible, by integrating business processes with engineering processes. Since 2011, smart factories and implementation of smart technology in manufacturing has also been a major talking point. Many claim that smart technology and Industrie 4.0, together with the increasing demands for customization, will revolutionize the manufacturing industry and the expectations for what smart technology will contribute with are great. The purpose of the study is to investigate what factors of the production in manufacturing companies are affected by the introduction of smart technology, from year 2011 onwards. The factors identified and investigated are; flexibility, costs, lead times, environmental impact, product quality and reliability. The study was conducted in two stages. First, a literature study to identify and investigate the factors, and second, visits, interviews and verification of the factors with two manufacturing companies who have both implemented smart technology; Scania CV AB and Volvo Car Corporation. During the selected time period, these companies have, together with KTH, participated in the FFI Line information system architecture project (LISA) project where LISA is a type of smart factory; an information architecture. A conclusion to be drawn is that the factors mostly affected by smart technology within the manufacturing industry are some of those identified in this study; flexibility, costs, environmental impact and reliability. Examples of impact are; if an information architecture (for example LISA) is implemented, it becomes easier to implement changes in the factory. This makes the process chain more dynamic, which gives the company greater flexibility. With the help of connected units, companies are faster informed about errors in the production, which makes it possible to decrease the amount of scrap. This leads to cost savings. Also, by using speed-controlled engines and by optimizing the movements of robots, energy can be saved, which leads to less environmental impact and also cost savings. Though, by implementing smart technology, companies also make themselves dependent on wireless connectivity. Therefore, it becomes important to make sure reliable systems are used. Other factors affected by the implementation of smart technology are lead times and product quality, but they are rather affected as consequences of the affection of the other factors, mentioned above. Another conclusion to be drawn is that Industrie 4.0, within Swedish manufacturing, is considered to be an evolution rather than a revolution and smart technology is something that is implemented gradually.

The concept of a smart hotel and its impact on guests’ satisfaction, privacy and the perception of the service quality

Domanski, Mikolaj January 2020 (has links)
Smart technology has become very extensive and popular in many areas of our lives in the last few years. Their role is to make life and activities performed by the user easier, faster, better and more interesting. Smart technology has been used for years in areas such as education, industry and transport. The response of the hospitality industry is to implement technology in hotels, usually the more luxurious ones, that improves the operation of employees and is a convenience for hotel guests. The name of this concept is a smart hotel, which is similar to the already existing smart house and smart city concepts. The purpose of the study was to examine the concept of smart hotel and investigate the impact that smart technology has on guests’ satisfaction, privacy and service quality. The study was conducted using mixed methods research whereby both qualitative and quantitative data were collected in parallel, analyzed individually and then linked with each other. Qualitative data collection constituted of in-dept interviews with hotel employees and hotel guests, and the quantitative part of the study was based on the online survey with hotel guests. The main findings are a proposal definition of a smart hotel, and the belief that smart technology contributes to a better quality of provided services by employees and increases the grade of satisfaction among guests. However, the result also shows that a greater role of hotels is needed in order to reduce the disproportion of equal access to smart technology for all hotel guests.

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