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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smarta elnät eller smarta användare? : En studie om användarens roll vid planering, utveckling och användning av smarta elnät / Smart Grids or Smart Users? : A Study of the Users’ Role in Planning, Developing and Usage of Smart Grids

Vallé, Troy January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att närmare studera användarnas roll vid planering, utveckling och användande av smarta elnät, vad man kan dra för lärdomar av pågående projekt inom utvecklingen av smarta elnät när det kommer till användarnas roll i projekten, samt ge rekommendationer för ett framtida arbete. Detta gjordes genom en fallstudie av två sammanhängande projekt inom en kommun i Sverige som för närvarande arbetar med smart stadsutveckling och smarta elnät. Empiriinsamling skedde med hjälp intervjuer av boende och ansvariga i projektet samt projektdokumentation.   Resultatet visar att de boendes roll i planeringen av projektet inte var stor, och att de inte räknades in bland de viktiga intressenter som enligt rekommendationer skulle vara delaktiga i projektet. Vidare skedde användarmedverkan i en begränsad form vid utvecklingen av den teknik som skulle användas hemma hos de boende, och då främst i form av användartester efter det att systemen hade tagits fram.  Vidare visade intervjuerna på ett bristande engagemang hos användarna när det kommer till att använda tekniken som finns tillgängliga i det smarta nät som utvecklats inom kommunen. Dessa resultat utgör viktiga lärdomar för framtida projekt.    Rekommendationerna som togs fram för ett framtida arbete inom smarta elnät är främst att det bör ske en ökad involvering av användare under samtliga delar i projekt rörande smarta elnät för att säkerställa en relevant och demokratisk samhällsutveckling och att detta bör ingå i projektens målsättningar. Vidare bör framtida projekt undersöka möjligheterna med att studera och arbeta med sociala praktiker inom energianvändning, för att undersöka hur man kan skapa en övertygelse hos de boende som leder till en ökad vilja att spara energi, och utnyttja de tekniska verktyg som gör detta möjligt. Det krävs även arbete för att hitta ytterligare incitament till aktiv energibesparing för att optimal användning av de smarta näten ska kunna uppnås. / Smarta elnät och tjänsteutveckling för hemmet – vem är i behov av en smartare vardag?

A smart poster? Visual design of marketing material for an exhibition of the concept Smart City / En Smart affisch? Visuell utformning av marknadsföringsmaterial till utställning om konceptet Smart City

Andersson, Stina, Hultstrand Klint, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
Företaget HiQ i Norrköping vill skapa en bättre värld genom att förenkla och förbättra människors liv med hjälp av teknik. Konceptet Smart City handlar om utmaningar inom områden som energi, miljö och trafik som Norrköping kommun kommer att ställas inför i framtiden. HiQ anordnar i maj 2015 ett hackathon där studenter under några timmar ska komma fram till olika Smart City-lösningar. Dessa idéer kommer sedan presenteras i en utställning på Visualiseringscenter i Norrköping. För att dra besökare till utställningen krävs det att utställningen marknadsförs mot en intresserad och relevant målgrupp. Marknadsföringen till utställningen ska verka för att övertyga målgruppen att gå på utställningen. En affisch togs därför fram efter teorier och utvärderades sedan under sex kvalitativa intervjuer. Därefter transkriberades de insamlade data och analyserades med hjälp av meningskoncentrering.Studien syftar till att undersöka hur en affisch bör utformas visuellt för att locka målgruppen, Medieteknikstudenter vid Linköpings universitet, till utställningen. För att locka målgruppen till utställningen bör affischen innehålla fler visuella element i form av bilder, det vill säga illustrationer eller fotografier som är kopplade till konceptet och utställningen. Den textbaserade informationen bör tydligare förklara vad det är utställningen handlar om. Affischen bör utformas mer utmärkande om den ska bli ihågkommen. För att affischen som utformades i denna studie ska generera det förväntade intrycket krävs en del justeringar.

The achivement of Christopher Smart's A song to David.

Maynard, Temple James January 1963 (has links)
I The Origins of A Song to David This chapter deals with the outlook of the poet, his re-dedication to the service of God, his Hymn to the Supreme Being (1756), his madness and confinement, Jubilate Agno, and references to the Psalms and A Song to , David in the Jubilate Agno. II (i) The Form and Structure of the Poem A Song to David is a poem of praise, a paean bringing in the whole of the cosmos. As such it takes its origin from the Psalms of David. Smart prepared himself for the triumph of the Song by writing his Seatonian poems on the attributes of the Supreme Being. The stanzaic pattern of the Song, romance-six, is used by other eighteenth-century poets, but its master is Smart. The basic structural device consists of repetition and the matching of parts of the poem. The description of the contents provided by the poet is not wholly to be trusted. (ii) An Explication of the Poem This section, the longest portion of the thesis, is a line by line commentary on the poem; the intent is to supply background for the reader. The meaning of ambiguous or obscure phrases is suggested; glosses for unfamiliar words are either supplied from the work of previous critics and editors or suggested by the study of biblical and other contemporary texts. The character of David, as drawn by Smart, is not the historical or biblical figure, though it has something in common with the medieval concept of David. Cross-references to Jubilate Agno are noted. The work of W. F. Stead, W. H. Bond, and J. B. Broadbent is correlated with some original study. The climactic nature of the final stanzas is discussed. III (i) Links with Other Poems by Smart The recurrence of similar themes and patterns in other works is pointed out. There is a definite relationship between the Song and Smart's later poems. (ii) Comparison with Some Other Poets Other poets of a similar bent utilize a biblical story in their work. Parallels and contrasts are found in the handling of a similar theme by Cowley, Prior, and Browning. A close resemblance exists between A Song to David and The Benedicite Paraphrased, a poem by James Merrick. (iii) A Song to David is Unique in its Aesthetic Achievement The achievement of A Song to David is defined. The effect upon the reader is discussed and the success of the poet commented upon. A place is claimed for A Song to David in the top rank of devotional poetry. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Smart meter integrado a analisador de qualidade de energia para propósitos de identificação de cargas residenciais / Smart meter integrated to power quality analyzer for identification purposes of residential loads

Fugita, Sergio Date 20 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em apresentar o desenvolvimento de um Smart meter, integrado a um analisador de qualidade de energia, para análise de distorções harmônicas, utilizando método de redes neurais artificiais embarcado em hardware. Tal Smart meter está incluído dentro dos conceitos de Smart Grid, que serão apresentados também neste trabalho. O intuito do desenvolvimento do Smart meter para análise de distorções harmônicas é auxiliar concessionárias de energia elétrica a identificar que tipo de carga o consumidor utiliza em sua residência, a fim de contribuir para a tomada de decisões apropriadas, tais como a diminuição da emissão de correntes harmônicas, demanda de energia, detecção de falhas no fornecimento de energia elétrica e faturas diferenciadas de acordo com a quantidade de harmônicas injetadas na rede elétrica. Adicionalmente, observou-se que o Smart meter desenvolvido pode ser ainda utilizado para detectar fenômenos de VTCD, como elevação, afundamento e interrupção de energia. Todo o processo de desenvolvimento do Smart meter é apresentado no decorrer desta tese de doutorado. / This thesis consists to present the development of a Smart Meter integrated to power quality analyzer for the analysis of harmonic distortion, using methods based on artificial neural networks in embedded hardware. This Smart Meter is included within the concepts of Smart Grid, which will be also presented in this work. The intention of the development of the Smart Meter for analysis of harmonic distortion is to assist utilities companies to identify what loads type the consumer uses at your residence in order to contribute for supporting decisions, such as reducing the emission of the harmonic currents, power demand and faults detection in electric energy supply and distinct bills according to the amount of harmonics injected into the power grid. In addition, it was observed that this developed Smart Meter can be even used to detect the VTCD phenomena, such as swell, sag and interruption of the energy supply. All development steps of this Smart Meter is presented in this doctoral thesis.

Category-Based Analysis of Smart Contracts

Ozcan, Fatma Rana 21 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Sensor Based Motion Tracking and Recognition in Martial Arts Training / Sensor Based Motion Tracking and Recognition in Martial Arts Training

Agojo, Stephan January 2017 (has links)
In various martial arts, competitors are interested in quantifying and categorising techniques which are exercised during training. The implementation of embedded systems into training gear, especially a portable wireless body worn system, based on inertial sensors, facilitates the quantification and categorisation of forces and accelerations involved during the training of martial arts. The scope of this paper is to give a brief overview of contemporary technology and devices, describe key methods that are implemented in such devices and as well to provide a project outline. For this reason a literature research was carried out using search engines and databases. The search yielded that devices are capable of tracking activities of daily life; however only one product was found which can track and recognise techniques applied in martial arts training just for the upper body. The realisation of a sensor based tracking system which can track and classify different exercises is possible with present technology. Even so, different challenges such as implementing a sensor fusion and classifier algorithm need to be overcome. Therefore, the project development has to be viewed as an iterative process.

Intelligent home automation security system based on novel logical sensing and behaviour prediction

Jose, Arun Cyril January 2017 (has links)
The thesis, Intelligent Home Automation Security System Based on Novel Logical Sensing and Behavior Prediction, was designed to enhance authentication, authorization and security in smart home devices and services. The work proposes a three prong defensive strategy each of which are analyzed and evaluated separately to drastically improve security. The Device Fingerprinting techniques proposed, not only improves the existing approaches but also identifies the physical device accessing the home cybernetic and mechatronic systems using device specific and browser specific parameters. The Logical Sensing process analyses home inhabitant actions from a logical stand point and develops sophisticated and novel sensing techniques to identify intrusion attempts to a home’s physical and cyber space. Novel Behavior prediction methodology utilizes Bayesian networks to learn normal user behavior which is later compared to distinguish and identify suspicious user behaviors in the home in a timely manner. The logical sensing, behavior prediction and device fingerprinting techniques proposed were successfully tested, evaluated and verified in an actual home cyber physical system. The algorithms and techniques proposed in the thesis can be easily modified and adapted into many practical applications in Industrial Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / PhD / Unrestricted

Aplikace na lokalizaci zařízení využívající blockchain

Symerský, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the creation of the application solution for device localization using blockchain.The first part of the thesis is an overview of blockchain platforms and existing projects working with localization and description of technologies used in the implementation. The second part deals with the creation of the solution which is divided into the mobile application, the server application and the blockchain part. The last part describes testing, results, evaluation of the whole solution and its use.

Utveckling och implementering av ettpositioneringssystem för inomhusbruksom kan användas för styrning av belysning / Development and implementation ofan indoor positioning system withapplications to smart lighting

Nilsson, Rickard January 2012 (has links)
SammanfattningDetta examensarbete behandlar ett ämne det forskats mycket på de senaste åren, positioneringinomhus. Utomhus är GPS standard men för positionering inomhus finns det än så länge ingenstandard. Syftet med lokaliseringssystemet som utvecklats i detta projekt är att lokaliserapersoner och andra föremål i rörelse i kontorsliknande miljöer. För ett sådant system finns mångamöjliga användningsområden. Ett av dessa är styrning av belysning.Inledningsvis gjordes en litteraturstudie vars syfte var att undersöka vilka teknologier samtmetoder som finns tillgängliga för positionering av personer och objekt inomhus. En mängdolika teknologier hittades. Många valdes bort då de inte uppfyllde de krav som ställts påkomplexitet, pris samt energiförbrukning. Ett system baserat på radiosignaler valdes,huvudsakligen för att hårdvaran fanns tillgänglig och för att ingen annan teknologi evalueradestill att vara bättre än ett radiobaserat system. Det system som utvecklats använderradiosignalernas styrka, mätt mellan den portabla enhet som ska positioneras samt noder medfast position placerade i taket. Dessa enheter är utvecklade för användning i sensornätverk.Nätverket använder sig av protokollet 802.15.4e. Detta är en standard utvecklad för enheter medlåg energiförbrukning och bandbredd.För ett positioneringssystem baserat på radiosignaler finns två nyckelfaktorer: radiosignalernasbeteende i olika situationer och vid användning av olika antenner samt valet avpositioneringsalgoritm som används för att beräkna en position utifrån tillgänglig data. Denförstnämnda faktorn har noga undersökts genom analys av sambandet mellan radiosignalersstyrka och avstånd. Denna analys har visat att mängden interferens från andra enheter samtanvänd antenntyp i stor utsträckning påverkar detta samband.Det positioneringssystem som implementerats har testats för olika förhållanden och parametrar.De huvudparametrar som varierats är antenntyp, typ av kalibreringssystem för förhållandetmellan signalstyrka och avstånd, mängd radiotrafik från andra enheter, positioneringsalgoritmsamt filtrering. När fyra noder med fast position och cirkulärpolariserade antenner användsuppnås en noggrannhet på 1,7 m som tack vare dessa antenner inte påverkas nämvärt av miljönomkring. Denna noggrannhet kan med stor sannolikhet förbättras om fler noder samt en bättreanpassad filtreringsmetod används. Det arbete som presenteras i denna rapport har godaförutsättningar att bli grunden till ett kommersiellt system riktat både till företag ochprivatpersoner. / AbstractThis Master thesis treats a subject in which a lot of research has been carried out during the lastcouple of years: indoor positioning. Outdoors GPS has been a standard for a long time but thereis still no standard available for indoor positioning. The purpose of the positioning systemdeveloped during this project is to localize humans and other moving objects inside officebuildings, with many potential applications including light control.A literature study with the purpose to investigate what different technologies that could possiblybe used for this positioning system has been conducted. Many technologies met needs from afunctionality point of view but cost, complexity and power consumption filtered out most ofthem. A radio signal based system was chosen mainly because the required hardware wasavailable and no technology was evaluated to be able to out-perform a radio signal based system.The positioning system that has been developed uses the signal strength of the radio link betweena portable device and a number of devices fixed in the ceiling. These devices are developed forbeing used in a sensor network and they use the 802.15.4e protocol. This is a standard that hasbeen developed for low power devices that do not demand a high bandwidth.In a positioning system based on radio signals there are two key factors. These are the behaviorof the radio signals and antennas in different environments and also the algorithm used tocalculate the position from the information available. Regarding the first factor, dependenciesbetween signal strength and distance have been thoroughly analyzed. Tests show that the antennatype used and the amount of interference caused by other electronic devices significantlyinfluence this dependency.The implemented positioning system has been tested under various circumstances. The mainones are antenna type, calibration of the relation between signal strength and distance, amount ofradio traffic from other devices, positioning algorithm and filtering. When four fixed devices andcircularly polarized antennas are used an accuracy of 1.7 m is achievable. This accuracy could befurther improved if more fixed devices and a better filtering method are used. The usage ofcircularly polarized antenna makes the accuracy less dependent on the environment. Workpresented in this report is a good foundation for a system that later could be released as acommercial system available both for companies and private individuals.

A study into scalable transport networks for IoT deployment

Sizamo, Yandisa 14 March 2022 (has links)
The growth of the internet towards the Internet of Things (IoT) has impacted the way we live. Intelligent (smart) devices which can act autonomously has resulted in new applications for example industrial automation, smart healthcare systems, autonomous transportation to name just a few. These applications have dramatically improved the way we live as citizens. While the internet is continuing to grow at an unprecedented rate, this has also been coupled with the growing demands for new services e.g. machine-to machine (M2M) communications, smart metering etc. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) architecture was developed decades ago and was not prepared nor designed to meet these exponential demands. This has led to the complexity of the internet coupled with its inflexible and a rigid state. The challenges of reliability, scalability, interoperability, inflexibility and vendor lock-in amongst the many challenges still remain a concern over the existing (traditional) networks. In this study, an evolutionary approach into implementing a "Scalable IoT Data Transmission Network" (S-IoT-N) is proposed while leveraging on existing transport networks. Most Importantly, the proposed evolutionary approach attempts to address the above challenges by using open (existing) standards and by leveraging on the (traditional/existing) transport networks. The Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the proposed S-IoT-N is attempted on a physical network testbed and is demonstrated along with basic network connectivity services over it. Finally, the results are validated by an experimental performance evaluation of the PoC physical network testbed along with the recommendations for improvement and future work.

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