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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recent Awareness and Use of the Great American Smokeout and Variation across Socioeconomic Status, Age and Gender

Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the current level of awareness and use of the Great American Smokeout (GASO) and the extent to which that may vary by lifetime smoking, socioeconomic status, age and gender. We hypothesized and found that the current levels of awareness and use were significantly less than the most recent reports available (over 13 years ago), and that awareness of the GASO was more likely in lifetime smokers, those with more education, and older age groups, but found no significant effect related to gender. The drop in awareness and use of the GASO was more than half and almost five times, respectively, compared to that of most recent previous reports. These findings highlight a critical need for more attention and resources to reinvigorate the GASO as a useful event for smokers. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

An educational tobacco intervention: impact of the Health Belief Model on college students

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether an educational tobacco intervention impacted college students' perceptions relative to tobacco, self-efficacy, and perceived stress levels. The Health Belief Model (HBM) provided a theoretical framework to distinguish differences relative to tobacco between groups. Both the control (N=155) and intervention (N=184) group consisted of a convenience sample of students from a 2000-level health course. A pre- and post-test questionnaire was administered to both groups which included questions regarding demographics, tobacco use, HBM, self-efficacy, and perceived stress. Data analysis included frequency counts, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, and two-way ANOVA. Two-way ANOVA results indicated statistically significant differences for the Health Belief Model questions (p=0.002) and self-efficacy items (p=0.03). No statistical significance was found regarding perceived stress. These findings provide evidence an educational tobacco intervention administered at the college level can have a significant impact on students. / by Kelley E. Rhoads. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Avaliação de danos citotóxicos e citogenéticos em fumantes de cigarros industrializados e vaporizadores de cigarros eletrônicos /

Schwarzmeier, Lígia Ângelo Tavares. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Janete Dias Almeida / Coorientadora: Celina Faig Lima Carta / Banca: Ana Lia Anbinder / Banca: Vinícius Coelho Carrard / Resumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a frequência de micronúcleos e anomalias metanucleares na mucosa bucal de vaporizadores de cigarro eletrônico e de fumantes de cigarro industrializado, e comparar com ex-fumantes e não fumantes para determinar se existe diferença no dano citogenético e citotóxico, bem como se o dano diminui após a cessação tabágica. Os pacientes foram divididos em 4 grupos: Controle; E-cig; Fumante e Ex-fumante. Os critérios de inclusão adotados foram: ausência de histórico de neoplasia maligna bucal e ausência de quaisquer sinais clínicos visíveis de alteração no local avaliado. Foi realizada avaliação quanto ao grau de dependência nicotínica, por meio do Teste de Fagerström para Dependênca à Cigarro e Escore de Consumo Situacional Issa, e quanto ao perfil tabágico dos pacientes. A mensuração de CO expirado foi utilizada como critério objetivo de avaliação de consumo de tabaco, bem como a concentração de cotinina no sangue capilar dos pacientes avaliados. As amostras foram coletadas por meio de citologia esfoliativa da região de bordo lateral de língua e soalho bucal. Os esfregaços obtidos foram fixados com spray alcoólico e as lâminas coradas pelo método de Feulgen. Posteriormente, foi realizada a investigação dos micronúcleos e das anomalias metanucleares. Para a comparação dos dados não paramétricos foram utilizados os testes Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Já para as correlações e associações entre os dados, foram utilizados o teste da correlação d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate the frequency of micronuclei and metanuclear anomalies in the oral mucosa of electronic cigarette vaporizers and smokers of industrialized cigarettes and to compare with former smokers and nonsmokers to determine if there is a difference in cytogenetic and cytotoxic damage, as well as if it decreases after smoking cessation. The patients were divided into 4 groups: Control; E-cig; Smoker; and Former smoker. The inclusion criteria adopted were: absence of a history of oral malignancy and absence of any visible clinical signs of alteration at the evaluated site. An assessment was made of the degree of nicotinic dependence, using the Fagerström Test for Cigarette Dependence and the Issa Situational Consumption Score, and of the smoking profile of the patients. Measurement of expired CO was used as the objective criterion for the evaluation of tobacco consumption as well as the concentration of cotinine in the capillary blood of the evaluated patients. The samples were collected from the tongue lateral region and floor of the mouth by means of exfoliative cytology. The smears obtained were fixed with alcoholic spray and the slides were stained by the Feulgen method. Subsequently, the investigation of the micronuclei (MN) and metanuclear anomalies was carried out. For the non-parametric data, the KruskalWallis and Mann-Whitney tests were performed. For the correlations and associations between the data, the Spearman correlation test and the Fisher Exact Test were respectively used. A significance level of 5% was adopted for all tests. From the results, we observed a significant difference between groups E-cig and Control (p = 0.0072), and also between groups Smoker and Control (p = 0.0004), in the total of MN. In contrast, groups E-cig and Former smoker were similar, whereas the group of Smoker was significantly higher than Former smoker (p = 0.0370)..Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Efeitos da cessação do tabagismo nos parâmetros clínicos periodontais: estudo prospectivo de 12 meses / A prospective 12-month study of the effect of smoking cessation on periodontal clinical parameters

Ecinele Francisca Rosa 01 March 2011 (has links)
Embora o tabagismo seja o maior fator de risco na prevalência, extensão e severidade das doenças periodontais, existem poucos estudos intervencionais sobre os benefícios do abandono do fumo sobre as condições periodontais. O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo de 12 meses foi avaliar o efeito do abandono do tabagismo no tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico de pacientes com periodontite crônica severa. Materiais e Métodos: Dos 201 pacientes triados, 93 foram considerados elegíveis e receberam tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico e tratamento para cessação do tabagismo simultâneamente. Foram realizados controle e manutenção periodontal a cada três meses, após o término do tratamento periodontal. Um único examinador calibrado e cego para a condição de fumante realizou exame periodontal completo em seis sítios por dente, no início, 3, 6 e 12 meses após o tratamento não-cirúrgico periodontal. Outro examinador aferiu a concentração de monóxido de carbono expirado e realizou entrevista com base em um questionário estruturado, a fim de coletar dados demográficos e de hábitos tabágicos, nos mesmos períodos. Resultados: Dos 93 indivíduos incluídos, 52 permaneceram no estudo até 12 meses de acompanhamento. Destes, 17 pararam de fumar e 35 continuaram fumando ou oscilaram. Após um ano, somente os que pararam de fumar apresentaram ganho clinico de inserção significante (p = 0,04). No entanto, não houve diferenças entre os grupos de pacientes que pararam de fumar e não pararam de fumar ou que oscilaram em relação ao nível de inserção clínica, profundidade de sondagem, sangramento à sondagem e índice de placa após um ano (p > 0,05). Conclusão: Indivíduos que pararam de fumar apresentaram ganho clinico de inserção significante após um ano de acompanhamento. / Although smoking is the major risk factor in the prevalence, extent and severity of periodontal diseases, there are few data from intervention studies regarding the benefits of quitting smoking on periodontal conditions. The aim of this 12-month prospective study was to assess the adjunctive effect of smoking cessation in nonsurgical periodontal therapy of subjects with severe chronic periodontitis. Materials and Methods: Of the 201 enrolled subjects, 93 were eligible and received non-surgical periodontal treatment and concurrent smoking cessation treatment. Periodontal maintenance was performed every three months. Full-mouth periodontal examination in six sites per tooth was performed by a calibrated examiner, blinded to smoking status, at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months after non-surgical periodontal treatment. Furthermore, expired air carbon monoxide concentration measurements and interviews based on a structured questionnaire were performed in order to collect demographic and smoking data. Results: Of the 93 eligible subjects, 52 remained in the study after one year. Of these, 17 quit smoking and 35 continued smoking or oscillated. After one year, only quitters presented significant clinical attachment gain (p=0.04). However, there were no differences between subjects who quit smoking or who did not regarding clinical attachment level, probing depth, bleeding on probing and plaque index after one year (p>0.05). Conclusion: Quitters presented significant clinical attachment gain after one year of follow-up.

Efeitos da cessação do tabagismo no tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico: estudo prospectivo de 24 meses / A prospective 24-month study of the effect of smoking cessation on non-surgical periodontal therapy

Ecinele Francisca Rosa 02 July 2014 (has links)
Embora o tabagismo seja um importante fator de risco para as doenças periodontais, ainda não existem estudos a longo prazo que demonstrem o benefício do abandono do fumo sobre as condições periodontais. O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo de 24 meses foi avaliar o efeito do abandono do tabagismo no tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico de pacientes com periodontite crônica severa. Materiais e Métodos: Dos 286 pacientes triados, 116 foram considerados elegíveis e receberam tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico e tratamento para cessação do tabagismo simultaneamente. Foram realizados controle e manutenção periodontal a cada três meses, após o término do tratamento periodontal. Um único examinador calibrado e cego para a condição de fumante realizou exame periodontal completo em seis sítios por dente, no início, 3, 12 e 24 meses após o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico. Outro examinador aferiu a concentração de monóxido de carbono expirado e realizou entrevista por meio de um questionário estruturado, a fim de coletar dados demográficos e hábitos tabágicos, nos mesmos períodos. Resultados: Dos 116 sujeitos incluídos, 61 permaneceram no estudo por 24 meses de acompanhamento. Destes, 18 pararam de fumar (NF), 32 continuaram fumando (F) e 11 oscilaram (O). Ao longo de 24 meses todos os grupos apresentaram redução significativa no número de cigarros fumados. Os grupos NF e F apresentaram redução significativa no índice de placa e o grupo NF redução significativa no sangramento à sondagem. Quando comparado com F, aos 24 meses, NF apresentou redução significativa na concentração de monóxido de carbono exalado, na porcentagem de sítios com nível clinico de inserção maior igual a 3mm, na profundidade de sondagem de todos os sítios e daqueles inicialmente doentes e ganho de inserção significativo para sítios inicialmente doentes (p> 0,05). Conclusão: Parar de fumar promoveu benefício adicional ao tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico de pacientes com periodontite crônica severa, após 24meses de acompanhamento. / Although smoking is an important risk factor for periodontal diseases, there are no long term studies that demonstrate the benefit of smoking cessation on periodontal conditions. The aim of this 24-month prospective study was to assess the effect of smoking cessation on non-surgical periodontal therapy of subjects with severe chronic periodontitis. Materials and Methods: Of the 286 screened subjects, 116 were eligible and received non-surgical periodontal treatment and concurrent smoking cessation treatment. Periodontal maintenance was performed every three months. Full-mouth periodontal examination in six sites per tooth was performed by a calibrated examiner, blinded to smoking status, at baseline, 3, 12 and 24 months after non-surgical periodontal treatment. Furthermore, expired air carbon monoxide concentration measurements and interviews based on a structured questionnaire were performed in order to collect demographic and smoking data. Results: Of the 116 subjects enrolled, 61 remained in the study up to 24 months of follow-up. Of these, 18 quit smoking (Q), 32 continued smoking (NQ) and 11 oscillated (O). Over the 24 months, all groups showed significant reduction in the number of consumed cigarettes. Q and NQ groups showed significant reduction in plaque index and Q presented significant reduction in bleeding index. When compared with NQ at 24 months, Q showed a significant reduction in the concentration of exhaled carbon monoxide, in the percentage of sites with CAL 3 mm, in probing depth for all sites and for initially diseased sites and greater attachment gain for initially diseased sites (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Smoking cessation promotes adjunctive benefits in non-surgical periodontal therapy of subjects with severe chronic periodontitis.

Koučování jako podpůrná metoda v procesu odvykání kouření / Coaching as a support method in the process of quitting smoking

Šmejkalová, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibility of using psychological coaching as a support method for smoking cessation. The theoretical section provides an overview of key information on the topics of coaching and smoking, with an emphasis primarily on the aspects applied in the qualitative research project, the description of which constitutes the content of the empirical section. On the basis of the author's preconceived original design which, in addition to the diagnostic and evaluation phases, comprised the essential stage of the three-month long coaching of nine smokers in different stages of the cessation process, the author sought to map the potential benefits, advantages and other aspects of the use of coaching as an innovative method, thusfar not commonly included among the established alternatives offered as smoking cessation intervention techniques. Keywords: coaching, smoking, tobacco dependence, smoking cessation, quitting smoking

Fourth year dental students' barriers to tobacco intervention services

Pendharkar, Bhagyashree 01 December 2009 (has links)
In order to facilitate effective tobacco cessation services within dental school clinics, it is necessary to understand the perceived barriers encountered by dental students while providing these services. The aim of this study was to identify which factors fourth year dental students perceive to be associated with barriers to providing tobacco intervention services. A written survey was developed and completed by the incoming fourth year dental students at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2008. The survey assessed the perceived barriers to providing tobacco intervention services and related factors. Descriptive, bivariate and logistic regression analyses were conducted. The response rate was 97 percent. Some of the most frequently reported barriers included: patient's resistance to tobacco intervention services (96%), inadequate time available for tobacco intervention services (96%) and forgetting to give tobacco intervention advice (91%). The following variables were significantly (p<0.05) related to greater perceived barriers in providing tobacco intervention services: lower "adequacy of tobacco intervention curriculum coverage of specific topics covered over the previous three years" and "perceived importance of incorporating objective structured clinical examination teaching method for learning tobacco intervention." Students could benefit from additional didactic training and enhanced clinical experience in order to facilitate effective intervention services in the dental school.

Och sen var det bara att sluta...-en kvalitativ studie om motivation för att nå till ett rökstopp

Persson Moberg, Kerstin, Persson, Marianne January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstrakt </strong>Tobak har varit den mest lönsamma konsumentprodukten i världen under mycket lång tid. Nikotinet medför att människor blir beroende både fysiologiskt och psykologiskt. Rökning har relaterats till olika sjukdomstillstånd och är idag den enskilt största orsaken till för tidig död. I Sverige leder rökningen varje år till ett betydande antal för tidiga dödsfall. Rökning är ett stort folkhälsoproblem. De flesta har dock en vilja att sluta röka. Motivation och vilja har visat sig vara nödvändigt för att nå ett rökstopp. <em>Syftet</em> var att beskriva före detta rökares tankar om motivation för att göra rökstopp och att sedan vidmakthålla detta rökstopp<em>. Metoden</em> som användes var en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Tio före detta rökare intervjuades och en ostrukturerad intervjumetod valdes.<strong> </strong>Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. <em>Resultatet</em> visade att rökstoppet var en process där motivationen sågs i tre olika faser. De olika faserna var motivation för att förebereda beslut om rökstopp, motivation för att ta beslut om rökstopp samt motivation för att vidmakthålla rökstopp. I de olika faserna identifierades känslor som osäkerhet där exempelvis behovet av stöd framkom. Egenmakt handlade om att bestämma sig och frihetskänslor visade bland annat stolthet och oberoende. <em>Slutsatsen </em>blev att motivationen för att nå ett rökstopp grundades på flera olika faktorer och varierade från individ till individ och över tid.</p><p><strong>         Nyckelord: </strong>folkhälsoproblem, motivation, rökstopp, tobak. <strong></strong></p><p><strong>         </strong></p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong> Tobacco has been the most profitable consumer product in the world for a very long time. Nicotine makes people addicted, both physiologically and psychologically. Smoking has been related to various diseases and is today the single largest cause of premature death. In Sweden, a significant number of premature deaths are caused each year due to smoking. Smoking is a major public health problem. Most people have a desire to stop smoking. Motivation and willingness have been shown to be necessary to reach a smoking cessation. <em>The aim </em>was to describe the former smokers' views on motivation to quit and then maintain that smoking cessation. <em>The method</em> used was a qualitative interview study. Ten former smokers were interviewed and an unstructured interview method was chosen. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. <em>The results</em> showed that smoking cessation was a process in which motivation was seen in three different phases. The different phases were motivation to prepare a decision on quitting smoking, motivation to make decisions about smoking cessation, and motivation for maintaining smoking cessation. The various phases were identified feelings of uncertainty, where for example the need for support was found. Empowering was about how to determine their freedom and how feelings were revealed and among other things, pride and independence. <em>Conclusion </em>was<em> </em>that the motivation to reach a smoking cessation was based on several factors, varying from individual to individual and over time.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>motivation, public health problem, smoking cessation, tobacco.</p>

Rökavvänjning ur deltagarens perspektiv : en utvärdering

Eriksson, Lovisa, Quazi, Sonia January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tobaksrökning är den största och vanligaste orsaken till sjukdom. Över en miljon svenskar röker. Behandling med rökavvänjning har visat sig vara den mest effektiva metoden för att uppnå ett rökfritt liv. Syfte: Att undersöka hur personer som deltar i rökavvänjningskurser inom primärvården uppfattar dessa kurser. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om det finns skillnader i uppnådd rökfrihet mellan personer som får rådgivning individuellt respektive i grupp. Metod: Studien är en deskriptiv enkätstudie med 27 deltagaresom deltar/ deltagit i rökavvänjning i syfte att sluta röka. Resultat: Den främsta anledningen till att deltagarna slutade röka var för att de ville, det var deras beslut. Stöd i grupp och i allmänhet var bra med kursen och det var viktigt att vara starkt motiverad för att lyckas sluta. Det fanns ett stort intresse för att utföra lungfunktionstest. Få personer träffade, och ville träffa, andra yrkeskategorier än sjuksköterska/distriktssköterska. Bästa tiden för rådgivningvar på eftermiddagen. Det fanns ingen skillnad i rökfrihet mellan dem som deltagit i grupp respektive individuell rådgivning då alla deltagarna har blivit rökfria under kursen. Slutsats: Gruppstöd, god information, den egna viljan samt stark motivation och hjälp till motivation ansågs vara en förutsättning för lyckad rådgivning. Det kunde ej utrönas huruvida individuell rådgivning eller rådgivning i grupp påverkade rökfrihet. Då rådgivningen i hela Uppsala län baseras på samma underlag och inga tidigare utvärderingar finns bör ytterligare studier göras som utvärderar insatsen. / Abstract: Smoking tobacco is the greatest and most common cause of disease. More than a million Swedes smoke. Treatment with smoking cessation courses has proved to be the most efficient method to attain a life without smoking. Aim/purpose: To study how people who participate in smoking cessation courses provided by primary care perceived the courses. A secondary aim was to investigate whether there were any differences in attaining a nonsmoking life between participants in smoking cessation courses given individually or in groups. Method: The study is a descriptive survey study with 27 participants whose goal in participating in smoking cessation courses was to quit smoking. Results: The main reason for participants to quit smoking was that they wanted this themselves, it was their decision. Support from the group and in general was a positive aspect of smoking cessation courses and a strong motivation was considered important in order to succeed. An ample interest in performing pulmonary function tests was noted. Few participants met, or had interest in meeting, professionals other than nurse/district nurse. The ideal time to attend smoking cessation courses was during the afternoons. No difference was noted in success to quit smoking between courses given individually or in group, as all participants had quit smoking. Conclusion: Group support, good information, own will/motivation and help to be motivated were considered to be the makings of a successful course. It was not possible to conclude whether smoking cessation courses held individually or in group affected success in quitting to smoke. As all smoking cessation courses in Uppsala County are based on the same material and no prior evaluation has been made, further research in this field is recommended.

Unterstützende Maßnahmen zur Raucherentwöhnung

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung: "Nahezu jeder zweite Deutsche war oder ist akutell regelmäßiger Raucher. Fast ein Viertel - in manchen Altersstufen sogar mehr - aller Adoleszenten und Erwachsenen sind nikotinabhängig oder stark gesundheitsgefährdete "starke Raucher" mit mehr als 20 Zigaretten pro Tag. Fast alle regelmäßigen Raucher wissen zwischenzeitlich, daß Rauchen gefährlich und gesundheitsschädlich ist; jeder zweite Raucher bezeichnet sich sogar selbst als "abhängig. 90% haben bereits mindestens einmal über zumindest einige Tage versucht aufzuhören - ohne Erfolg. [...]"

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