Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smoking cessation"" "subject:"moking cessation""
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Fatores de sucesso no abandono do tabagismoEcher, Isabel Cristina January 2006 (has links)
Para investigar fatores que contribuem para o sucesso no abandono do tabagismo, foram entrevistados 16 fumantes em abstinência há mais de seis meses com dependência ≥ 5 na escala de Fagerström, recrutados intencionalmente junto à comunidade de Porto Alegre, no período de 2004 a 2006. Escolheu-se entrevistar indivíduos abstêmios no período de seis meses com base nos estágios seqüenciais da história natural das tentativas de abandonar o hábito de fumar. A fase de manutenção é aquela em que os indivíduos mantêm-se convictos em abstinência ao fumo, por mais de 6 meses. A captação dos sujeitos se deu por intermédio de cartazes, divulgação entre amigos e indicação dos próprios participantes. As entrevistas foram realizadas pela pesquisadora na residência ou local de trabalho dos participantes. A entrevista, que teve por base a conversação, foi um evento psicológico e social que envolveu o perguntar ou discutir o tema “Como você conseguiu parar de fumar?”, em linguagem de domínio dos participantes, com abordagem dos motivos da decisão, estratégias utilizadas, mudanças de hábitos, recaídas e vivência de não fumar. Após a transcrição, as entrevistas foram examinadas pela Análise de Conteúdo, que envolveu exploração, sistematização e operacionalização das informações, mediante classificação e recorte das falas pela diferenciação e, posteriormente, pela agregação em unidades de significado, culminando com a interpretação das categorias e possíveis explicações para o fenômeno investigado. A confirmação das informações se deu pelo mecanismo de conferência com pares e pela participação de um revisor externo, que fez a leitura e análise das entrevistas e elaborou um resumo interpretativo, chegando aos mesmos resultados na versão original final. Da análise emergiram sete categorias: determinação de abandonar o tabagismo, apoio recebido, informação sobre os malefícios do cigarro, campanhas de esclarecimento, utilização de artifícios, restrições sociais ao fumo e benefícios relacionados ao parar de fumar. Os resultados são os seguintes: os indivíduos precisam estar determinados a parar de fumar e os profissionais de saúde, grupos familiar e social devem apoiar, compreender e motivar os fumantes a abandonarem o tabagismo; informações e campanhas que alertam para os prejuízos à saúde desacomodam o fumante e reforçam a conscientização e o comprometimento com a decisão de parar de fumar; os artifícios utilizados auxiliam na substituição da vontade de fumar; as restrições sociais mobilizam e educam, assim como constrangem e banem o fumar em locais públicos; e a divulgação dos benefícios advindos do ato de parar de fumar constitui uma importante contribuição que os mantém abstêmios do fumo. O processo de abandono do tabagismo variou entre os indivíduos estudados, tendo cada um precisada escolher a melhor maneira para permanecer longe do hábito. Acredita-se que o querer de fato parar predomina sobre os outros fatores e que o fumante necessita de muita determinação e apoio de toda a sociedade para conseguir vencer a barreira da dependência à nicotina. / To investigate factors that contribute to the success in tobacco smoking cessation we have interviewed 16 smokers in abstinence for more than six months with a dependence ≥ 5 in the Fagerström scale. They were intentionally recruited before the Porto Alegre community in the period of 2004 to 2006. We have chosen to interview abstemic individuals in a period of six months based on sequential stages of the natural history of the trials to cease the smoking habit. The maintenance phase is a phase where those that, for more than 6 months, are convict in abstaining from smoking. The gathering of subjects was done through posters, spreading out the word to friends and indication of the participants themselves. Interviews were conducted by the researcher at the residence or working place of the participants. The interview was based on conversations and, as such, it was a psychological and social event that involved asking and discussing the theme “How were you able to stop smoking?”, using a language that was dominated by the participants, being approached the reasons for the decision, strategies used, change of habits, relapses and non-smoking experience. After transcription, interviews were examined by the Content Analysis that involved the exploitation, systematization and operacionalization of information, classifying and cutting off speeches by differentiation and further gathering in units of signification, culminating with the interpretation of categories and possible explanations for the investigated phenomenon. Confirmation of information was done by means of a conference mechanism with pairs and for the participation of external proof readers that read and analyze the interviews and put together an interpretative abstract, reaching the same results in the final original version. From the analysis seven categories emerged: determination to tobacco smoking cessation, support received, information on the misdeeds of cigarettes, elucidating campaigns, the use of artifices, social restrictions to smoking and benefits related to smoking cessation. Results point out to the need of the individuals to be determined to quit smoking and the support of health professionals and family and social members to support, understand and motivate smokers to cease tobacco smoking; information and campaigns that alert to harms to health displace smokers and reinforce the awareness and the commitment with the decision to quit smoking; artifices used help in the substitution of will to smoke; social restrictions mobilize and educate, as well as restrain and ban smoking in public places and the disclosure of the benefits arising from the act of stop smoking is an important contribution that keep them abstemious from smoking. The process of tobacco smoking cessation did not occur the same way among individuals of the studied group, each one had to choose the best way to remain far from the habit. It is believed that the fact or really willing to quit is preponderant over other factors and that the smoker needs a lot of determination together with the support of the society to be able to overcome the barrier of nicotine dependence.
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Zkušenosti pravidelných kuřáků s odvykáním kouření / Experiences of regular smokers with addiction treatment of smokingDIEPOLDOVÁ, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with aspects of breaking the habit of smoking. My thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three main chapters: smoking, impact of smoking and breaking of the smoking habit. I also defined the history of smoking, type of tobacco consuming, addiction to tobacco, treatments of the addiction, negative aspects of smoking etc. Practical part consists of quantitative research through questionnaires. The aim of my thesis was to find out what is tobacco addiction, gather the information and experience from the smokers who had experience with breaking their habit, analyze the methods of breaking the smoking habit and explain their main motivations for quitting the smoking. I have also included statistic data of my research.
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Fatores de sucesso no abandono do tabagismoEcher, Isabel Cristina January 2006 (has links)
Para investigar fatores que contribuem para o sucesso no abandono do tabagismo, foram entrevistados 16 fumantes em abstinência há mais de seis meses com dependência ≥ 5 na escala de Fagerström, recrutados intencionalmente junto à comunidade de Porto Alegre, no período de 2004 a 2006. Escolheu-se entrevistar indivíduos abstêmios no período de seis meses com base nos estágios seqüenciais da história natural das tentativas de abandonar o hábito de fumar. A fase de manutenção é aquela em que os indivíduos mantêm-se convictos em abstinência ao fumo, por mais de 6 meses. A captação dos sujeitos se deu por intermédio de cartazes, divulgação entre amigos e indicação dos próprios participantes. As entrevistas foram realizadas pela pesquisadora na residência ou local de trabalho dos participantes. A entrevista, que teve por base a conversação, foi um evento psicológico e social que envolveu o perguntar ou discutir o tema “Como você conseguiu parar de fumar?”, em linguagem de domínio dos participantes, com abordagem dos motivos da decisão, estratégias utilizadas, mudanças de hábitos, recaídas e vivência de não fumar. Após a transcrição, as entrevistas foram examinadas pela Análise de Conteúdo, que envolveu exploração, sistematização e operacionalização das informações, mediante classificação e recorte das falas pela diferenciação e, posteriormente, pela agregação em unidades de significado, culminando com a interpretação das categorias e possíveis explicações para o fenômeno investigado. A confirmação das informações se deu pelo mecanismo de conferência com pares e pela participação de um revisor externo, que fez a leitura e análise das entrevistas e elaborou um resumo interpretativo, chegando aos mesmos resultados na versão original final. Da análise emergiram sete categorias: determinação de abandonar o tabagismo, apoio recebido, informação sobre os malefícios do cigarro, campanhas de esclarecimento, utilização de artifícios, restrições sociais ao fumo e benefícios relacionados ao parar de fumar. Os resultados são os seguintes: os indivíduos precisam estar determinados a parar de fumar e os profissionais de saúde, grupos familiar e social devem apoiar, compreender e motivar os fumantes a abandonarem o tabagismo; informações e campanhas que alertam para os prejuízos à saúde desacomodam o fumante e reforçam a conscientização e o comprometimento com a decisão de parar de fumar; os artifícios utilizados auxiliam na substituição da vontade de fumar; as restrições sociais mobilizam e educam, assim como constrangem e banem o fumar em locais públicos; e a divulgação dos benefícios advindos do ato de parar de fumar constitui uma importante contribuição que os mantém abstêmios do fumo. O processo de abandono do tabagismo variou entre os indivíduos estudados, tendo cada um precisada escolher a melhor maneira para permanecer longe do hábito. Acredita-se que o querer de fato parar predomina sobre os outros fatores e que o fumante necessita de muita determinação e apoio de toda a sociedade para conseguir vencer a barreira da dependência à nicotina. / To investigate factors that contribute to the success in tobacco smoking cessation we have interviewed 16 smokers in abstinence for more than six months with a dependence ≥ 5 in the Fagerström scale. They were intentionally recruited before the Porto Alegre community in the period of 2004 to 2006. We have chosen to interview abstemic individuals in a period of six months based on sequential stages of the natural history of the trials to cease the smoking habit. The maintenance phase is a phase where those that, for more than 6 months, are convict in abstaining from smoking. The gathering of subjects was done through posters, spreading out the word to friends and indication of the participants themselves. Interviews were conducted by the researcher at the residence or working place of the participants. The interview was based on conversations and, as such, it was a psychological and social event that involved asking and discussing the theme “How were you able to stop smoking?”, using a language that was dominated by the participants, being approached the reasons for the decision, strategies used, change of habits, relapses and non-smoking experience. After transcription, interviews were examined by the Content Analysis that involved the exploitation, systematization and operacionalization of information, classifying and cutting off speeches by differentiation and further gathering in units of signification, culminating with the interpretation of categories and possible explanations for the investigated phenomenon. Confirmation of information was done by means of a conference mechanism with pairs and for the participation of external proof readers that read and analyze the interviews and put together an interpretative abstract, reaching the same results in the final original version. From the analysis seven categories emerged: determination to tobacco smoking cessation, support received, information on the misdeeds of cigarettes, elucidating campaigns, the use of artifices, social restrictions to smoking and benefits related to smoking cessation. Results point out to the need of the individuals to be determined to quit smoking and the support of health professionals and family and social members to support, understand and motivate smokers to cease tobacco smoking; information and campaigns that alert to harms to health displace smokers and reinforce the awareness and the commitment with the decision to quit smoking; artifices used help in the substitution of will to smoke; social restrictions mobilize and educate, as well as restrain and ban smoking in public places and the disclosure of the benefits arising from the act of stop smoking is an important contribution that keep them abstemious from smoking. The process of tobacco smoking cessation did not occur the same way among individuals of the studied group, each one had to choose the best way to remain far from the habit. It is believed that the fact or really willing to quit is preponderant over other factors and that the smoker needs a lot of determination together with the support of the society to be able to overcome the barrier of nicotine dependence.
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Neuroaktivní steroidy a závislosti / Neuroactive steroids and addictionsJandíková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Neuroactive steroids are a group of steroid hormones which act non-genomically to influence the neuron excitability of neuronal synapses. Addictive substances can interfere with the synthesis of neuroactive steroids through many mechanisms, affecting their levels and changing their functionality. At the same time, neuroactive steroids play a role in the development of addiction, since their levels change during attempts to quit and therefore affect the success of treatments for addiction. This study focuses on the relationships between individual addictive substances and neuroactive steroids, the individual functional mechanisms and how they influence each other. It is generally known that addictive substances result in the release of anxiolytics that act on neuroactive steroids. This plays a role in the development of addiction. We also describe in detail the effect of smoking on steroid hormones and the endocrine system in general. Using tobacco addition as a model, we studied the relationship between addiction and neuroactive steroids. As part of my doctoral studies we performed a prospective study that followed changes in the steroid spectra induced by smoking as well as when quitting smoking. We also developed a predictive model to predict the likelihood of success in treating tobacco...
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Fatores de sucesso no abandono do tabagismoEcher, Isabel Cristina January 2006 (has links)
Para investigar fatores que contribuem para o sucesso no abandono do tabagismo, foram entrevistados 16 fumantes em abstinência há mais de seis meses com dependência ≥ 5 na escala de Fagerström, recrutados intencionalmente junto à comunidade de Porto Alegre, no período de 2004 a 2006. Escolheu-se entrevistar indivíduos abstêmios no período de seis meses com base nos estágios seqüenciais da história natural das tentativas de abandonar o hábito de fumar. A fase de manutenção é aquela em que os indivíduos mantêm-se convictos em abstinência ao fumo, por mais de 6 meses. A captação dos sujeitos se deu por intermédio de cartazes, divulgação entre amigos e indicação dos próprios participantes. As entrevistas foram realizadas pela pesquisadora na residência ou local de trabalho dos participantes. A entrevista, que teve por base a conversação, foi um evento psicológico e social que envolveu o perguntar ou discutir o tema “Como você conseguiu parar de fumar?”, em linguagem de domínio dos participantes, com abordagem dos motivos da decisão, estratégias utilizadas, mudanças de hábitos, recaídas e vivência de não fumar. Após a transcrição, as entrevistas foram examinadas pela Análise de Conteúdo, que envolveu exploração, sistematização e operacionalização das informações, mediante classificação e recorte das falas pela diferenciação e, posteriormente, pela agregação em unidades de significado, culminando com a interpretação das categorias e possíveis explicações para o fenômeno investigado. A confirmação das informações se deu pelo mecanismo de conferência com pares e pela participação de um revisor externo, que fez a leitura e análise das entrevistas e elaborou um resumo interpretativo, chegando aos mesmos resultados na versão original final. Da análise emergiram sete categorias: determinação de abandonar o tabagismo, apoio recebido, informação sobre os malefícios do cigarro, campanhas de esclarecimento, utilização de artifícios, restrições sociais ao fumo e benefícios relacionados ao parar de fumar. Os resultados são os seguintes: os indivíduos precisam estar determinados a parar de fumar e os profissionais de saúde, grupos familiar e social devem apoiar, compreender e motivar os fumantes a abandonarem o tabagismo; informações e campanhas que alertam para os prejuízos à saúde desacomodam o fumante e reforçam a conscientização e o comprometimento com a decisão de parar de fumar; os artifícios utilizados auxiliam na substituição da vontade de fumar; as restrições sociais mobilizam e educam, assim como constrangem e banem o fumar em locais públicos; e a divulgação dos benefícios advindos do ato de parar de fumar constitui uma importante contribuição que os mantém abstêmios do fumo. O processo de abandono do tabagismo variou entre os indivíduos estudados, tendo cada um precisada escolher a melhor maneira para permanecer longe do hábito. Acredita-se que o querer de fato parar predomina sobre os outros fatores e que o fumante necessita de muita determinação e apoio de toda a sociedade para conseguir vencer a barreira da dependência à nicotina. / To investigate factors that contribute to the success in tobacco smoking cessation we have interviewed 16 smokers in abstinence for more than six months with a dependence ≥ 5 in the Fagerström scale. They were intentionally recruited before the Porto Alegre community in the period of 2004 to 2006. We have chosen to interview abstemic individuals in a period of six months based on sequential stages of the natural history of the trials to cease the smoking habit. The maintenance phase is a phase where those that, for more than 6 months, are convict in abstaining from smoking. The gathering of subjects was done through posters, spreading out the word to friends and indication of the participants themselves. Interviews were conducted by the researcher at the residence or working place of the participants. The interview was based on conversations and, as such, it was a psychological and social event that involved asking and discussing the theme “How were you able to stop smoking?”, using a language that was dominated by the participants, being approached the reasons for the decision, strategies used, change of habits, relapses and non-smoking experience. After transcription, interviews were examined by the Content Analysis that involved the exploitation, systematization and operacionalization of information, classifying and cutting off speeches by differentiation and further gathering in units of signification, culminating with the interpretation of categories and possible explanations for the investigated phenomenon. Confirmation of information was done by means of a conference mechanism with pairs and for the participation of external proof readers that read and analyze the interviews and put together an interpretative abstract, reaching the same results in the final original version. From the analysis seven categories emerged: determination to tobacco smoking cessation, support received, information on the misdeeds of cigarettes, elucidating campaigns, the use of artifices, social restrictions to smoking and benefits related to smoking cessation. Results point out to the need of the individuals to be determined to quit smoking and the support of health professionals and family and social members to support, understand and motivate smokers to cease tobacco smoking; information and campaigns that alert to harms to health displace smokers and reinforce the awareness and the commitment with the decision to quit smoking; artifices used help in the substitution of will to smoke; social restrictions mobilize and educate, as well as restrain and ban smoking in public places and the disclosure of the benefits arising from the act of stop smoking is an important contribution that keep them abstemious from smoking. The process of tobacco smoking cessation did not occur the same way among individuals of the studied group, each one had to choose the best way to remain far from the habit. It is believed that the fact or really willing to quit is preponderant over other factors and that the smoker needs a lot of determination together with the support of the society to be able to overcome the barrier of nicotine dependence.
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Viva sem tabaco - características dos usuários de uma intervenção mediada por internet para fumantesGomide, Henrique Pinto 28 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-01-26T11:47:03Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-01-29T10:51:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-29T10:51:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2017-04-28 / Embora as Intervenções para tabagistas mediadas por internet sejam uma das abordagens
complementares ao tratamento do tabagismo, pouco se sabe sobre as características de
seus usuários. Uma das comorbidades associadas ao tabagismo é a depressão. Assim, a
presente tese é dividida em dois estudos. Estudo 1. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos usuários
que utilizaram uma intervenção para tabagismo mediada por Internet de código-aberto
disponível em sete idiomas. Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal. Os dados foram coletados
entre 02/03/2014 e 30/03/2017 via Google Analytics (GA) e usuários da intervenção,
incluídos somente se fossem fumante e maior de 18 anos e concordassem em participar da
pesquisa (n = 1530). Resultados: De acordo com os dados do GA, a intervenção recebeu
25.970 visitas de 113 países. Entre os usuários da intervenção, a idade média dos usuários
registrados no site foi de 43,2 (SD = 11,3) anos; 65,7% eram mulheres e 50,7% possuíam um
alto nível de dependência de acordo com o teste de dependência de nicotina de Fagerstrom.
O idioma escolhido por 99,4% foi o português. O tempo mediano da visita dos usuários
registrados no sistema foi de 7,6 minutos e o número mediano de páginas visitadas de 12
(DIQ =15). Estudo 2. Objetivos: avaliar a prevalência de depressão entre os usuários da
intervenção Viva sem Tabaco. Métodos: estudo transversal retrospectivo. Participaram
ao todo 1433 participantes. Os critérios de inclusão foram: ser maior de 18 anos e ter
preenchido as duas questões do instrumento PHQ-2. Participantes responderam perguntas
de caracterização, uso de tabaco e álcool, depressão e uso da intervenção. Resultados. A
média de idade dos participantes foi de 42,3 anos. A maioria era do sexo feminino (67,0%) e
70,0% estava empregada. Da amostra total, 36,4% os participantes apresentavam depressão
de acordo com o PHQ-2. Ter depressão estava associado com dependência de tabaco (OR
= 1,10, CI95% = 1,00 - 1,20) e associado com estar desempregado (OR = 0,53, CI95% =
0,29 - 0,97). Conclusões: Fumantes que utilizam a intervenção via internet se assemelham
aos que procuram por tratamentos tradicionais na maioria das características avaliadas,
porém, são mais jovens e possuem maior escolaridade, além de geralmente utilizarem este
método como a primeira tentativa de cessação. Além disso a depressão estava associada
ao tabagismo. Tendo em vista o aumento do acesso à Internet e as mudanças tecnológicas,
intervenções online podem ser promissoras para oferecer tratamento à diferentes perfis
de fumantes e devem oferecer suporte para aqueles que foram detectados com depressão. / Tobacco cessation Internet interventions are one of the complementary approaches to
treat smoking. However, little is known about the characteristics of the users of these
interventions and whether depression is prevalent among these users. This thesis describes
two studies. Study 1. Objective: to describe characteristics of smokers who used an opensource
Internet smoking intervention available in seven languages. Methods: Cross-sectional
study. Data was collected between 03/02/2014 and 03/30/2017 through Google Analytics
(GA) and intervention users were included in the sample only if they were smokers 18 years
or older and agreed to participate in the study (n = 1,530). Results: according to the GA
data, the intervention received 25.970 visits from 113 countries. Among the intervention
users, the mean age of registered participants was 43.2 (SD = 11.3) years old; 65.7%
were women and 50.7% presented high level of dependence according to the Fagerström
Test for Nicotine Dependence. The most common language chosen by participants was
Portuguese (99.4%). The median time of the registered users’ visit was 7.6 minutes and
the median number of pages seen was 12 (IQR= 15). Study 2. The aim of this study was to
evaluate the prevalence of depression among users of the Viva sem Tabaco - a web-based
intervention for smoking cessation. Methods: this was a retrospective cross-sectional study.
1433 participants were invited to participate in the Internet-based intervention. Inclusion
criteria were: being 18 years or older and a smoker; exclusion criteria were: did not fill two
questions of the screening depression questionnaire PHQ-2 and had made multiple accesses
within a limited time span, characterizing invalid access. At the end, the sample had 461
participants. Participants answered questions related to sociodemographic characteristics,
tobacco history, depression (PHQ-2 and PHQ-9), alcohol use and intervention use. Results:
Participants average age was 42.3 years (SD = 12.1). Most participants were female (67%),
and seventy per cent were employed during the time of the study. From the total sample,
36.4% of the participants presented depression according to PHQ-2. Being screened with
depression was associated with tobacco dependence (OR = 1.10; CI95% = 1.00 - 1.20)
and associated with not having a job (OR = 0.53; CI95% = 0.29 - 0.97). Conclusions:
Smokers that used the Internet intervention are similar to the smokers that seek traditional
smoking cessation treatment in most of the evaluated characteristics; however, they are
younger, had higher levels of education, used the Internet intervention as the first cessation
attempt and had higher risk of being depressed. Taking into account the increased access
to Internet and the technological changes, online interventions may be promising to offer
treatment to different types of smokers, especially those screened as depressed.
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Perfil de mulheres tabagistas atendidas em um serviço especializado da cidade de São Paulo / Profile of female smokers attending a specialized service in São Paulo cityCaroline Figueira Pereira 10 December 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O tabagismo é um dos hábitos mais difundidos mundialmente, configurando-se em um problema complexo e multifacetado. Enquanto o número de homens fumantes estagnou, o de mulheres está em constante crescimento, estimando-se que cerca de 250 milhões de mulheres fumam diariamente em todo mundo. A maior dificuldade das mulheres em cessarem o tabagismo, e a grande estratégia de marketing da indústria tabagista voltada para esse público, são apontadas como razões para esse fenômeno, somado a isso existe uma escassez de estudos publicados sobre essa questão na literatura brasileira e mundial. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e comportamental de mulheres tabagistas atendidas em um Serviço Especializado de Saúde da cidade de São Paulo. Método: Delineada como pesquisa de coorte retrospectivo de abordagem quantitativa, o estudo foi realizado através de busca ativa nos prontuários das pacientes que foram atendidas no serviço especializado para cessação do tabagismo do Estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 2005 e 2010. Para a análise dos prontuários, foi realizado o uso de um questionário, os dados coletados foram armazenados por meio do software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) e analisados pelo programa RStudio, em que foram realizadas todas as análises. Resultados: A coorte de 655 prontuários caracterizou-se por mulheres com idade média de 49 anos (DP=10,1), solteiras (34%); com segundo grau completo (27,9%), inseridas no mercado de trabalho (54,9%), com nível de dependência a nicotina muito elevado (78,5%) e que apresentavam critérios diagnóstico de depressão (23,6%), ansiedade (24,2%) e hipertensão (21,9%). Como principais razões para o ato de fumar as mulheres tabagistas atribuíam sensação de prazer (50,2%) e propriedades relaxantes (69,3%), e a principal razão alegada para a busca do tratamento foi motivos de saúde (62%). A faixa etária demonstrou associação significativa com a influência de terceiros no início do tabagismo (p=0,05). O tempo de permanência no tratamento mostrou-se positivamente associado ao diagnóstico de depressão (p=0,04) e hipertensão (p<0,01), ao convívio com parentes tabagistas (p<0,01) e procura por tratamento devido a motivos de saúde (p=0,02). O grau de dependência associou-se positivamente com a precocidade do início do tabagismo (p<0,01), ao uso de tranqüilizantes (p=0,02), menor nível educacional, em todas as situações em que fumam (p<0,01), exceto com bebidas alcoólicas. Conclusão: Publicações sobre esse fenômeno são escassas no Brasil e no mundo, o estudo apresenta evidências que podem contribuir para proposição de estratégias na prática clínica da cessação do tabagismo feminino, uma vez que identifica o perfil daquelas mulheres que buscam por tratamento, sugerindo também o perfil daquelas que não estão chegando ao serviço, quer por serem consideradas mais vulneráveis para o tabagismo, e/ou por não estarem sendo sensibilizadas pelas campanhas antitabágicas, o que reflete no não desejo da mulher em abandonar o hábito de fumar. / Introduction: Smoking is one of the most widespread worldwide habits, setting up a complex and multifaceted problem. While the number of male smokers has stalled, the womens number is constantly growing and it is estimated that about 250 million women around the world smoke daily. The greatest difficulty in women cease smoking, and a the great marketing strategies of the cigarette industry facing this audience, are cited as reasons for this phenomenon, added to this there is a paucity of published studies on this issue in the Brazilian and world literature. Objective: The objective is to describe the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral profile of female smokers attending in a Specialized Health Service located in São Paulo, Brazil. Method: This study is outlined as a retrospective cohort with a quantitative approach that was conducted by active search in the records of patients who were treated for smoking cessation between 2005 and 2010. The analysis of medical records was conducted using a questionnaire, and the data were stored using the SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and all analyzes were performed by RStudio program. Results: A cohort of 655 medical records was characterized by women with an average age of 49 years (SD = 10.1), unmarried (34%); with high school degree (27.9%); in the labor market (54.9%), with high level of nicotine dependence (78.5%) that presented diagnostic criteria for depression (23.6%), anxiety (24.2%) and hypertension (21.9%). The main reason for the act of smoking was attributed to the feeling of pleasure (50.2%) and relaxation (69.3%), and the main reason given for seeking treatment was related to health reasons (62%). The age group showed a significant association with the influence of others people at smoking initiation (p = 0.05). The treatment time was positively associated with depression diagnosis (p = 0.04) and hypertension (p <0.01), living with smoking relatives (p <0.01), and search for treatment due to health reasons (p = 0.02). The degree of dependence is positively associated with the early smoking initiation (p <0.01), use of tranquilizers (p = 0.02), lower educational level, in all situations who smoking (p <0 01) except for alcoholic drinks. Conclusion: The publications related to this phenomenon are scarce in Brazil and worldwide. The study presents evidence that can contribute to propose strategies in clinical practice of female smoking cessation, since it identifies the profile of those women who seek treatment, also suggesting that the profile of those who are not getting the service, due to the more vulnerable to tobacco use, and or they are not being sensitized by anti-smoking campaigns, which reflects the desire of the women does not to leave the smoking habit.
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耳穴戒烟之認識調查馮美儀, 01 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Predictors of Adherence, Withdrawal Symptoms and Changes in Body Mass Index: Finding from the First Randomized Smoking Cessation Trial in a Low-income Country SettingBen Taleb, Ziyad 28 June 2016 (has links)
The most commonly attributed causes of failure of smoking cessation are non-adherence to treatment, experiencing severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms and post-cessation weight gain. However, there is a lack of information regarding these factors among smokers who attempt to quit in low-income country settings. The main objective of this study was to identify predictors of: 1) adherence to cessation treatment; 2) severity of withdrawal symptoms: and 3) post-cessation changes in body mass index among 269 smokers who attempted to quit in a randomized smoking cessation trial in a low-income country setting (Aleppo, Syria). All participants received behavioral counseling and were randomized to receive either 6 weeks of nicotine or placebo patch and were followed for one year.
Findings from logistic regression showed that lower adherence to cessation treatment was associated with higher daily smoking, greater withdrawal symptoms, waterpipe use, being on placebo patch and the perception of receiving placebo patch. Generalized estimating equation (GEE) analyses indicated that throughout the study, lower total withdrawal score was associated with greater education, older age of smoking initiation, higher confidence in ability to quit, higher adherence to patch, lower nicotine dependence, lower reported depression, waterpipe use and the perception of receiving nicotine patches rather than placebo. Further, smoking abstainers gained 1.8 BMI units (approximately 4.8kg) greater than non-abstainers over one year post quitting. In addition, greater BMI was associated with being female, smoking to control weight and having previously failed to quit due to weight gain.
In conclusion, nicotine dependence, waterpipe use and expectancies regarding cessation treatment are important factors that influence adherence to cessation treatment and severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, targeted interventions that take into consideration the prevailing local and cultural influences on diet and levels of physical activity are recommended especially for females and smokers with weight concerns prior to quitting. Collectively, these findings will help in conducting future tailored effective cessation programs in Syria and other low-income countries with similar levels of developments and tobacco use patterns.
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A Comparison of Counterconditioning and Role-Playing Strategies in the Hypnotic Treatment for Cigarette SmokingBowman, David Ross 12 1900 (has links)
This study compared the relative efficacy of two different theoretically-derived strategies in the hypnotic treatment for cigarette smoking. The use of counterconditioning suggestions (present or absent) was compared to the use of role-playing suggestions (present or absent) in a two-way factorial design. Also investigated was whether there were any pretreatment variables which could predict successful long-term smoking control. Fifty adult chronic smokers were matched on the dimensions of baseline smoking rate, number of years smoking and number of previous attempts to quit smoking, then assigned to one of four treatment groups. All subjects were offered four sixty-minute group hypnotherapy treatment sessions over a three week period, with smoking rate assessed at the second, third and fourth sessions, and at one-month, three-months and six-months post-treatment. The two dependent measures of percentage reduction from baseline smoking rate and percentage of subjects in each treatment group remaining abstinent from smoking showed similar results. ANOVA procedures found a significant Time of assessment X Counterconditioning interaction, indicating that the use of counterconditioning suggestions facilitates the long-term maintanence of smoking control more than the use of role-playing suggestions or a "hypnotic relaxation" treatment using no specific suggestions. The demographic variables of increased age, having a smoking-related health problem, and being a "stimulation" type of smoker were found to correlate highly with successful long- term outcome and to correctly classify subjects as abstainers or nonabstainers the majority of the time.
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