Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smoking cessation"" "subject:"moking cessation""
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The association between smoking cessation and glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a THIN database cohort studyLycett, D., Ryan, R., Farley, A., Roalfe, A., Mohammed, Mohammed A., Szatkowski, L., Coleman, T., Morris, R., Farmer, A., Aveyard, P., Nichols, L. 06 1900 (has links)
Yes / Smoking increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, several population studies also show
a higher risk in people 3–5 years after smoking cessation than in continuing smokers. After 10–12 years the risk
equates to that of never-smokers. Small cohort studies suggest diabetes control deteriorates temporarily during the
first year after quitting. We examined whether or not quitting smoking was associated with altered diabetes control in
a population study, for how long this association persisted, and whether or not this association was mediated by
weight change.
Methods We did a retrospective cohort study (Jan 1, 2005, to Dec 31, 2010) of adult smokers with type 2 diabetes using
The Health Improvement Network (THIN), a large UK primary care database. We developed adjusted multilevel
regression models to investigate the association between a quit event, smoking abstinence duration, change in HbA1c,
and the mediating effect of weight change.
Findings 10 692 adult smokers with type 2 diabetes were included. 3131 (29%) quit smoking and remained abstinent
for at least 1 year. After adjustment for potential confounders, HbA1c increased by 0·21% (95% CI 0·17–0·25; p<0·001;
[2·34 mmol/mol (95% CI 1·91–2·77)]) within the first year after quitting. HbA1c decreased as abstinence continued
and became comparable to that of continual smokers after 3 years. This increase in HbA1c was not mediated by weight
Interpretation In type 2 diabetes, smoking cessation is associated with deterioration in glycaemic control that lasts for
3 years and is unrelated to weight gain. At a population level, this temporary rise could increase microvascular
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Assessing Adult Tobacco Smoking Cessation in Low-and-Middle Income Countries: Analysis of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey Data, 2009 – 2012Owusu, Daniel 01 May 2016 (has links)
Smoking cessation can reduce health risk and prevent millions of tobacco-related deaths. However, cessation rates are low in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs), with only a small proportion of smokers intending to quit. Given the paucity of literature to support tobacco cessation programs in LMICs, this study aimed to: 1) identify factors associated with intention to quit smoking, 2) assess the relationship between health care provider quit advice/tobacco screening and utilization of cessation assistance, and 3) examine the relationship between home smoking rule and smoking intensity across three stages of smoking cessation (precontemplation, contemplation and preparation) in LMICs. Data were obtained from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2009-2012, a nationally representative household survey of noninstitutionalized civilians aged 15 years and older. Weighted multivariable regression analyses were conducted using SAS version 9.4. Adjusted odds ratios (OR), percent change in smoking intensity and associated 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. Home smoking rule and exposure to anti-smoking messages were the important factors associated with contemplation and preparation to quit smoking. Approximately 1%, 7%, 9% and 15% used quitline, medical treatment, counseling/cessation clinic and cessation assistance (all three combined), respectively, in the past year. Quit advice was significantly associated with utilization of counseling/cessation clinic (OR=3.89, 95% CI=2.8–5.5), medical treatment (OR=1.71, 95% CI=1.2–2.4) and cessation assistance (OR=2.60, 95% CI=2.0–3.4). Tobacco screening was associated with utilization of counseling/cessation clinic (OR=2.60, 95% CI=1.1–5.9) and medical treatment (OR=1.71, 95% CI=1.2–2.4). Living in a completely smoke-free home was associated with a 22.5% (95% CI=17.1%–28.0%), an 18.6% (95% CI=9.0%–28.2%), and a 19.4% (95% CI=3.9%–34.9%) significant reduction in smoking intensity among smokers in precontemplation, contemplation and preparation, respectively. In conclusion, the results suggest that smoke-free home, anti-smoking campaigns, and health care provider intervention promote smoking cessation in LMICs. Therefore, comprehensive smoke-free policies, anti-smoking media campaigns and integration of tobacco screening and quit advice into the health care system are important for tobacco cessation in LMICs, suggesting the need for full implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention for Tobacco Control Articles 8 and 11 – 13.
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To determine the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation clinics undermanagement of Department of Health in Hong KongSiu, Hung-fai., 蕭洪暉. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medical Sciences / Master / Master of Medical Sciences
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Motivational Interviewing (MI) : en litteraturstudieCafmeyer, Helene, Carlsson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Rökning skapar både ett fysiskt och ett psykologiskt beroende vilket gör vanan svår att bryta. En del av sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde är att arbeta hälsofrämjande och att använda sig av kunskapsbaserade metoder. En av dessa är Motivational Interviewing (MI) som är en patientcentrerad samtalsmetod som kan användas inom omvårdnad i syfte att hjälpa patienter till hälsofrämjande livsstilsförändringar. Inga tydliga riktlinjer finns dock för metodens effektivitet vid rökavvänjning. Syfte: Att undersöka forskningsresultat som stödjer eller avfärdar MI som rökavvänjningsmetod. Design: En litteraturöversikt användes i denna uppsats. Resultat: Resultatet sammanställdes utifrån den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Stöd framkom gällande rökstopp, minskat bruk av cigaretter, motivation, minskat röksug samt kostnadseffektivitet vid återfallsprevention. Avfärdande resultat framkom gällande rökstopp och kostnadseffektivitet vid rökstopp. Slutsats: Resultaten indikerar att metoden kan användas framgångsrikt om den anpassas efter de förutsättningar som ges gällande exempelvis patientens rökvanor och aktuella motivation. Mer forskning behövs dock. / Background: Smoking creates a physiological and psychological dependence which makes the habit difficult to break. Nurses are responsible, as part of their professional duty, to work with lifestyle prevention using evidence-based methods. One of them is Motivational Interviewing, MI, a patient-centered technique, which aims to help patients with health-promoting lifestyle changes. There are no clear guidelines regarding this method's efficiency on smoking cessation. Aim: To study the research findings that support or reject MI on smoking cessation. Design: A literature review was used to perform this study. Results: The results were extracted from the scientific literature. Support were found in relation to smoking cessation, reduced smoking, motivation, reduced temptation to smoke and cost-effectiveness on relapse prevention. However, rejection emerged regarding smoking cessation and cost-effectiveness on smoking cessation. Conclusion: The results indicate that the method can be successfully used if adjusted for the conditions given, for example the patient´s smoking history and current motivation. Further research is needed.
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Astma-KOL-sköterskors erfarenheter av att stödja patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom till tobaksavvänjning : En intervjustudieForsberg, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en kostsam folksjukdom med stora risker att utveckla följdsjukdomar. Rökning är den enskilt största orsaken till KOL och en framgångsrik tobaksavvänjning ger därför stora hälsovinster. Distriktssköterskans arbetsuppgift är att motivera och vägleda patienter till egenvård och livsstilsförändringar. Syftet med studien var att belysa astma-KOL-sköterskans erfarenheter av att stödja patienter med KOL till tobaksavvänjning. Metod En studie med kvalitativ ansats och deskriptiv design har gjorts. Sju astma-KOL-sköterskor som arbetar med tobaksavväjning har intervjuats via semistrukturerade intervjuer som spelades in och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade vikten av att vara lyhörd och skapa en god relation med patienten samt att undvika ett anklagande förhållningssätt. Patientens motivation uppfattades vara den dominerande framgångsfaktorn. Motiverande samtal kunde väcka, stärka och upprätthålla motivation till rökstopp. Även socialt stöd och konsekvensinsikter uppgavs vara stora framgångsfaktorer. Patienters upplevelser av skam och skuld, psykisk ohälsa och ensamhet beskrevs vara hindrande faktorer som försvårade arbetet med tobaksavvänjning. Svårigheter att fånga upp patienter antogs höra samman med en bristande följsamhet till befintliga rutiner gällande att identifiera, registrera och remittera patienter till astma-KOL-mottagningen. Personal- och tidsbrist bidrog till upplevelser av stress och nedprioritering av astma-KOL-mottagningens arbete vilket uppgavs förhindra ett effektivt stöd till tobaksavvänjning. Slutsatsen är att astma-KOL-sköterskorna strävade efter att följa rekommenderade riktlinjer i sitt arbete. Arbetet upplevdes som komplext och var såväl stimulerande som frustrerande, samt att de önskade sig mer stöd från chefer i form av ytterligare tid för det specifika arbetet med tobaksavvänjning. / Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a costly public health problem with major risks of developing complications. Smoking is the single biggest cause of COPD and a successful tobacco cessation therefore provides great health benefits. District nurse's duty is to motivate and guide patients to self-care and lifestyle changes. The purposeof this study was to elucidate the Asthma-COPD nurse’sexperience in supporting patients with COPD to tobacco cessation. MethodA study with qualitative approach and descriptive design has been made. Seven Asthma-COPD nurses who work with tobacco cessationwere interviewed through semi-structured interviews were recorded and analyzed using qualitative content analysis.The resultsshowed the importance of being responsive and create a good relationship with the patient and to avoid an accusatory approach. The patient's motivation was perceived to be the dominant factor for success. Motivational interviewing could awaken, strengthen and sustain the motivation to quit smoking. Even social support and consistency insights were reported to be major success factors. Patients experiences of shame and guilt, mental illness and loneliness was described to be impeding factors that hampered the work on tobacco cessation. Difficulty in identifying patients were adopted to correlate with poor adherence to existing procedures in force to identify, register and refer patients for asthma-COPD clinic. Human resource and time constraints contributed to the experiences of stress and de-prioritization of asthma-COPD clinic's work, which was reported to prevent effective aid to smoking cessation. The conclusionis that asthma-COPD nurses strove to follow the recommended guidelines in their work. The work was perceived as complex and was both stimulating and frustrating, and that they wanted more support from managers in the form of additional time for the specific work on tobacco cessation.
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Efeito de um programa antitabágico na perda dentária: estudo prospectivo intervencional de 24 meses / Effect of a smoking cessation program on tooth loss: a 24-month prospective studyGomes, Elaine Fueta 29 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de um programa antitabágico e do tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico na perda dentária em fumantes portadores de periodontite crônica. Fumantes que desejavam parar de fumar se inscreveram no serviço oferecido pelo Programa de Cessação de Tabagismo do Hospital Universitário em São Paulo. Eles se submeteram a tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico concomitantemente à terapia de cessação de tabagismo. Manutenção periodontal foi realizada a cada três meses até 24 meses de acompanhamento. Um examinador calibrado e cego para o hábito de fumar realizou exame periodontal completo na inclusão dos pacientes e após 3, 6, 12 e 24 meses após o término do tratamento periodontal. Este examinador verificou a perda dentária durante o período de acompanhamento. Durante os 24 meses no estudo, a decisão da extração dentária era tomada por um consenso de três periodontistas do grupo de pesquisa. Dos 1.214 pacientes inscritos, 306 foram examinados, 112 foram incluídos e 59 continuaram no estudo por dois anos. Destes, 18 (31%) pararam de fumar e 41 (69%) continuaram fumando ou oscilaram. A média geral do número de dentes perdidos foi 0,63 (±1,4). Após ajustar para as extrações realizadas durante a fase de tratamento periodontal, a média diminuiu para 0,42 (± 1,2), sendo 0,39 ± 0,8 no grupo dos que pararam de fumar e 0,44 ± 1,3 no grupo que continuou fumando (p = 0.88). Apesar de a extensão cumulativa e a média dos dentes ausentes terem sido semelhantes nos dois grupos durante o acompanhamento, houve uma tendência de maior perda dentária no grupo fumante no primeiro ano de acompanhamento. Com estes resultados, verificou-se que a cessação to tabagismo não promoveu um benefício adicional na perda dentária em fumantes 24 meses após parar de fumar. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a smoking cessation program and non surgical periodontal treatment on tooth loss in smokers with chronic periodontitis. Smokers willing to quit smoking enrolled in the service offered by the Smoking Cessation Program at the University Hospital in São Paulo. They have undergone non surgical periodontal treatment concomitantly to smoking cessation therapy. Periodontal maintenance was performed every 3 months until 24 months of followup. A calibrated examiner, blinded to smoking status, performed complete periodontal examination on baseline and after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after periodontal treatment. The examiner assessed tooth loss during follow-up. During the 24 months of follow-up, the decision to extract a tooth was taken by a consensus of 3 periodontists of the study group. Of the 1,214 enrolled patients, 306 were examined, 112 were included and 59 remained in the study for two years. Of these, 18 (31%) quit smoking and 41 (69%) continued to smoke or oscillated. The mean number of tooth lost was 0.63 (±1.4). After adjusting for the extractions performed during the treatment phase, the mean number decreased to 0.42 (±1.2), being 0.39 ± 0.8 in the quitters group and 0.44 ± 1.3 in the group the continued to smoke (p=0.88). Even though the cumulative extent and mean number of missing teeth were similar in both groups during follow-up, there was a tendency for a higher tooth loss in the smokers group in the first year of follow-up. It was concluded that smoking cessation did not promote an additional benefit on tooth loss in smokers 24 months after smoking cessation.
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Efeito de um programa antitabágico na perda dentária: estudo prospectivo intervencional de 24 meses / Effect of a smoking cessation program on tooth loss: a 24-month prospective studyElaine Fueta Gomes 29 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de um programa antitabágico e do tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico na perda dentária em fumantes portadores de periodontite crônica. Fumantes que desejavam parar de fumar se inscreveram no serviço oferecido pelo Programa de Cessação de Tabagismo do Hospital Universitário em São Paulo. Eles se submeteram a tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico concomitantemente à terapia de cessação de tabagismo. Manutenção periodontal foi realizada a cada três meses até 24 meses de acompanhamento. Um examinador calibrado e cego para o hábito de fumar realizou exame periodontal completo na inclusão dos pacientes e após 3, 6, 12 e 24 meses após o término do tratamento periodontal. Este examinador verificou a perda dentária durante o período de acompanhamento. Durante os 24 meses no estudo, a decisão da extração dentária era tomada por um consenso de três periodontistas do grupo de pesquisa. Dos 1.214 pacientes inscritos, 306 foram examinados, 112 foram incluídos e 59 continuaram no estudo por dois anos. Destes, 18 (31%) pararam de fumar e 41 (69%) continuaram fumando ou oscilaram. A média geral do número de dentes perdidos foi 0,63 (±1,4). Após ajustar para as extrações realizadas durante a fase de tratamento periodontal, a média diminuiu para 0,42 (± 1,2), sendo 0,39 ± 0,8 no grupo dos que pararam de fumar e 0,44 ± 1,3 no grupo que continuou fumando (p = 0.88). Apesar de a extensão cumulativa e a média dos dentes ausentes terem sido semelhantes nos dois grupos durante o acompanhamento, houve uma tendência de maior perda dentária no grupo fumante no primeiro ano de acompanhamento. Com estes resultados, verificou-se que a cessação to tabagismo não promoveu um benefício adicional na perda dentária em fumantes 24 meses após parar de fumar. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a smoking cessation program and non surgical periodontal treatment on tooth loss in smokers with chronic periodontitis. Smokers willing to quit smoking enrolled in the service offered by the Smoking Cessation Program at the University Hospital in São Paulo. They have undergone non surgical periodontal treatment concomitantly to smoking cessation therapy. Periodontal maintenance was performed every 3 months until 24 months of followup. A calibrated examiner, blinded to smoking status, performed complete periodontal examination on baseline and after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after periodontal treatment. The examiner assessed tooth loss during follow-up. During the 24 months of follow-up, the decision to extract a tooth was taken by a consensus of 3 periodontists of the study group. Of the 1,214 enrolled patients, 306 were examined, 112 were included and 59 remained in the study for two years. Of these, 18 (31%) quit smoking and 41 (69%) continued to smoke or oscillated. The mean number of tooth lost was 0.63 (±1.4). After adjusting for the extractions performed during the treatment phase, the mean number decreased to 0.42 (±1.2), being 0.39 ± 0.8 in the quitters group and 0.44 ± 1.3 in the group the continued to smoke (p=0.88). Even though the cumulative extent and mean number of missing teeth were similar in both groups during follow-up, there was a tendency for a higher tooth loss in the smokers group in the first year of follow-up. It was concluded that smoking cessation did not promote an additional benefit on tooth loss in smokers 24 months after smoking cessation.
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Efeito do uso de cigarro eletrônico na cessação tabágica : revisão sistemática com metanálise de ensaiosclínicos randomizadosBenedetto, Igor Gorski January 2016 (has links)
Fundamento: O cigarro eletrônico é um sistema de liberação de nicotina semelhante ao cigarro convencional que vem sendo utilizado como alternativa de cessação do tabagismo. Dados sobre segurança e eficácia são escassos. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar sistematicamente os efeitos do cigarro eletrônico comparado com grupo controle (placebo) sobre a cessação tabágica e seus eventos adversos. Métodos: Foi realizada busca nas bases Cochrane Central, Medline (via PubMed), Lilacs, Scielo, Google Schoolar e Embase até novembro de 2015. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) que compararam o cigarro eletrônico com placebo na cessação do tabagismo. Resultados: Foram identificados 6812 estudos, sendo dois ECRs, totalizando 562 pacientes (389 pacientes no grupo intervenção e 173 no grupo controle) incluídos na análise. Em 12 semanas, a análise dos estudos evidenciou um RR para cessação tabágica de 2,21 [IC 95% 1,10 – 4,44; p=0,03]. Em 24 semanas, um RR de 2,11 [IC 95% 0,98 – 4,54; p=0,06] foi observado. Eventos adversos não foram descritos especificamente nos dois estudos, mas não houve diferença nos grupos. Conclusões: Os dados deste estudo sugerem que, embora um efeito significativo tenha sido observado em 12 semanas, o cigarro eletrônico com liberação de nicotina não é melhor que o placebo para cessação do tabagismo em 24 semanas. Ainda, é preciso considerar os potenciais riscos à saúde como intoxicações ou lesão inalatória decorrentes do uso do cigarro eletrônico. / Backgroud: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) is a nicotine delivery system similar to conventional cigarette and has been used as a smoking cessation alternative. Data on safety and efficacy are scarce. The aim of this study was to systematically review the effects of electronic cigarettes compared with control group (placebo) on smoking cessation and its adverse events. Methods: A search was performed in the Cochrane Central Medline (via PubMed) Lilacs Scielo Google Scholar and Embase until November 2015. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared the electronic cigarette with placebo in smoking cessation. Results: 6812 studies were identified and two RCTs totaling 562 patients (389 patients in the intervention group and 173 in the control group) were included in the analysis. In 12 weeks, the analysis of studies showed an RR for smoking cessation of 2.21 [CI 95% 1.10 – 4.44; p=0.03]. At 24 weeks an RR of 2.11 [CI 95% 0.98 – 4.54; p=0,06] was observed. Adverse events were not specifically describe in the two studies, but there was no difference between groups. Conclusions: The data from this study suggest that, although a significant treatment effect has been observed at 12 weeks, the electronic cigarette with nicotine release is no better than placebo for smoking cessation in 24 weeks. Still, the potential risks to health as poisoning or inhalation injury resulting from the use of the electronic cigarette should be considered.
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Early stages of the co-occurring, mental health and substance use disorder (MH-SUD) recovery process present various social and physical challenges to the recovering person, including habitual cigarette smoking. Presenting smoking cessation to a person with a co-occurring disorder could also depend on behavioral health professional’s perceptions of implementing supplemental services in early recovery. Behavioral health professionals also face the challenge of assessing people’s motivation to quit smoking. Data was collected through an online survey that shaped this quantitative, cross-sectional study focused on understanding perceptions of smoking cessation in early MH-SUD recovery. The study’s data highlighted that the participants (N = 61) perceive smoking cessation as an appropriate intervention while also reporting high levels of self-confidence when assessing motivation to quit to smoking. Identifying as a smoker and former smoker, highest level of education and gender did not have a significant impact on perceptions of smoking cessation in early MH-SUD recovery. The study created an overview on how behavioral health professionals understand and support smoking cessation that contributes additional knowledge to social work’s existing research on habitual cigarette smoking and co-occurring disorders.
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Family Practice Nurses and Smoking Cessation Interventions for Pregnant WomenCantin, Christina 18 March 2013 (has links)
PURPOSE: To describe 1) smoking cessation (SC) interventions by Family Practice Nurses (FPN) during prenatal visits, and 2) the predictors and barriers of FPN-provided SC counselling for pregnant women.
DESIGN: Non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design. Onetime, cross-sectional questionnaire using a previously validated questionnaire, modified and converted to electronic format.
METHODS: Descriptive and multivariable analysis. Predictors investigated included nurses’ age, beliefs about their role in SC, self-efficacy to provide effective counselling, SC training, and interest in updating SC knowledge.
PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-nine members of the Ontario Family Practice Nurses’ interest group (18% response rate) working in primary care settings across Ontario.
RESULTS: Nearly one quarter (21.5%) of respondents never offer SC counselling to pregnant women. Nurses with higher levels of self-efficacy were more likely to provide SC counselling. Nurses are less likely to provide concrete assistance in the quitting process or arrange follow-up. The most commonly cited barriers included lack of time and cost of medication.
CONCLUSIONS: FPNs are not consistently providing evidence-based SC interventions for pregnant women. Training to enhance self-efficacy may increase the frequency, efficiency and quality of FPN-provided SC interventions.
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