Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smoking cessation"" "subject:"moking cessation""
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Informovanost klientů pražských lékáren o možnostech léčby závislosti na tabáku / Prague pharmacies clients' awareness about treatment of tobacco dependence possibilitiesKadeřábková, Renata January 2017 (has links)
Objective: to investigate awareness of customers of Prague pharmacies about the possibilities of treatment of tobacco dependence, including interventions by pharmacists. Methodology: the sample of around 200 respondents will consist of customers of selected Prague pharmacies who are currently smokers. To meet the research objectives, the following research questions were chosen: 1: How often in pharmacy are smokers interviewed about smoking? 2: What kind of smoking cessation support do them pharmacists offer? 3: Where would smokers search professional help with smoking cessation? 4: How much informed are smokers about professional help with quitting smoking in pharmacy? Data collection methods: data will be collected through anonymous questionnaires during an interview; data analysis will take place in MS Excel. Results and recommendations: the results of the questionnaire survey should identify smokers' experience with quitting smoking, including their knowledge of where to go for help to this end. The thesis can help to increase awareness among customers of pharmacies about the possibilities of quitting smoking offered in pharmacies and to increase confidence in pharmacies staff. As for recommendations, specific proposals and comments may be provided to pharmacies concerning smoking cessation advice.
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Family Practice Nurses and Smoking Cessation Interventions for Pregnant WomenCantin, Christina January 2013 (has links)
PURPOSE: To describe 1) smoking cessation (SC) interventions by Family Practice Nurses (FPN) during prenatal visits, and 2) the predictors and barriers of FPN-provided SC counselling for pregnant women.
DESIGN: Non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design. Onetime, cross-sectional questionnaire using a previously validated questionnaire, modified and converted to electronic format.
METHODS: Descriptive and multivariable analysis. Predictors investigated included nurses’ age, beliefs about their role in SC, self-efficacy to provide effective counselling, SC training, and interest in updating SC knowledge.
PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-nine members of the Ontario Family Practice Nurses’ interest group (18% response rate) working in primary care settings across Ontario.
RESULTS: Nearly one quarter (21.5%) of respondents never offer SC counselling to pregnant women. Nurses with higher levels of self-efficacy were more likely to provide SC counselling. Nurses are less likely to provide concrete assistance in the quitting process or arrange follow-up. The most commonly cited barriers included lack of time and cost of medication.
CONCLUSIONS: FPNs are not consistently providing evidence-based SC interventions for pregnant women. Training to enhance self-efficacy may increase the frequency, efficiency and quality of FPN-provided SC interventions.
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Tabakentwöhnungsmaßnahmen in der allgemeinärztlichen Versorgung: Implementierung, Effektivität und Wege einer optimierten AllokationSonntag, Holger, Hoch, Eva, Jahn, Birgit, Spiegel, Barbara, Pfister, Hildegard, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2003 (has links)
Hintergrund / Ziel der Studie: Im Bereich der Tabakentwöhnung existieren mittlerweile zahlreiche erprobte therapeutische Maßnahmen und Medikamente. Dennoch ist die Inanspruchnahme vorhandener Entwöhnungsangebote sehr dürftig. Es besteht die begründete Hoffnung, dass durch eine stärkere Einbeziehung der Hausärzte in den Bereich der Tabakentwöhnung eine Versorgungslücke geschlossen werden könnte. Die Studie soll Durchführbarkeit und Erfolg einer solchen Ausweitung des Anbieterkreises von Tabakentwöhnungsmaßnahmen im Hausarztbereich untersuchen. Unterschiedliche bereits vorhandene Therapieansätze werden hierbei hinsichtlich Effektivität und Effizienz in der allgemeinärztlichen Routineversorgung miteinander verglichen.
Methoden: In Phase I der Studie werden bundesweit Patienten in mehr als 800 Arztpraxen an einem Stichtag per Fragebogen zu ihrer Gesundheit und ihrem Rauchverhalten befragt. In Phase II werden die in Phase I identifizierten entwöhnungswilligen Raucher in ausgewählten Arztpraxen für die Intervention rekrutiert und randomisiert vier Gruppen mit (idealerweise) jeweils 250 Personen zugeteilt: einer Bupropion SR (Zyban®)-Gruppe, einer Nikotinersatzmittel-Gruppe, einer Verhaltenstherapie-Gruppe und einer Kontrollgruppe. Die Behandlung erfolgt jeweils durch die Ärzte in ihren Praxen unter Supervision und mit Unterstützung durch Studienmonitore.
Erwartete Ergebnisse: In Abhängigkeit von Merkmalen des Arztes und seiner Praxis auf der einen Seite sowie Merkmalen der betroffenen Patienten auf der anderen, sollte die Akzeptanz, Durchführbarkeit und Wirksamkeit der ausgewählten Therapieansätze unterschiedlich ausfallen. Insgesamt sollte jedoch jede Therapiebedingung gegenüber der Kontrollbedingung hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität überlegen sein. Im 6-Monats Follow-up sollte die Zyban-Gruppe gegenüber allen anderen Gruppen die höchste Abstinenzquote aufweisen.
Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse sollten Hinweise auf Möglichkeiten einer bedarfsgerechten, optimierten Allokation vorhandener Maßnahmen zur Tabakentwöhnung in der allgemeinärztlichen Versorgung liefern. / Background / aim of the study: Although a number of efficacious smoking cessation measures and medications do exist, only a small number of smokers (tobacco users) make use of them. A stronger engagement of general practitioners (GPs) in the field of smoking cessation might help to improve health care in this important area. The study will investigate feasibility and effectiveness of different readily available smoking cessation measures under routine conditions in primary health care practices.
Method: In phase I of the study patients' health status and tobacco consumption are assessed by means of questionnaires provided on a nationwide appointed date in more than 800 general practices in Germany. In phase II selected practices offer smoking cessation treatments to identified smokers. Participants recruited will be randomly assigned to four groups ideally consisting of 250 subjects each: A bupropion SR (Zyban©) condition, a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) group, a cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) group and a control condition. Treatments will be conducted by GPs in their practices under supervision of study monitors offering therapeutical and organisational support.
Expected results: Acceptance, feasibility, and effectiveness of smoking cessation treatments offered will differ depending on GP and patient characteristics. Overall, success-rates (while success is primarily defined as abstinence from tobacco use) should be higher in all therapeutic conditions as compared to controls. In the 6-month follow-up abstinence rates are expected to be highest in the bupropion SR group.
Conclusion: Results should yield indications for an improved allocation of available smoking cessation measures in primary care.
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A Survey of Healthcare Providers’ Attitudes and Knowledge on E-cigarettes Based On Evidence-Based PracticeGeist, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Att sluta röka inom vården; En enkätstudie bland patienterLundgren, Fabian, Hedlund, Nils January 2009 (has links)
Rökning är en av de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för hjärtkärlsjukdom i Sverige. Det finns ett flertal vetenskapligt underbyggda metoder för att sluta röka. Rådgivning och motiverande samtal kring rökavvänjning, samt nikotinersättningsmedel är väl utarbetade metoder. Syftet är att undersöka vilket stöd till rökfrihet som rökande patienter får på avdelning 10 på UMAS. Metoden är en enkätstudie och resultatet presenteras genom kvantitativ data. Urvalet består av de patienter som befann sig på avdelningen (n = 75) de två veckor som studien genomfördes. Urvalet är ett icke slumpmässigt, ett konsekutivt, urval. Resultatet av studien visar att ett stort antal patienter inte tillfrågas i fall de är rökare. Det är också vanligare att män tillfrågas i fall de röker än kvinnor. Bland rökande patienter var nikotinersättningsmedel den vanligaste metoden som erbjudits för att vara rökfri. Vidare visar resultatet att flera av de patienter som svarat att de inte är rökare, tidigare har rökt. Då materialet som ligger till underlag för studiens resultat är litet bör slutsatserna av studien betraktas med försiktighet. Av samma anledning kan inte heller resultatet av studien anses vara generaliserbart för populationen och bör därför inte överföras på annan verksamhet. / Smoking is one of the most common risk factors for heart and vascular diseases in Sweden. There are many scientifically proven methods to quit smoking. Among the well established ones are counselling and Motivational Interviewing together with different nicotine replacement therapies. The aim of this study was to investigate the support smoking patients are given not to smoke at ward 10 at UMAS. The chosen method is a survey study and the result is presented as quantitative data. The respondents are patients who were present at the ward (n = 75) during the two weeks when data was collected. It is a non-probability sample, a consecutive selection. The result shows that a large number of patients are not asked if they smoke. It is also more common to ask men than women if they smoke. Among the smoking patients nicotine replacement therapy is the most frequent method offered to stay off smoking. Further on the result shows that several of the patients who answered that they did not smoke were previous smokers. Considering the size of data collected the conclusions made in the study should be looked upon tentatively. For the same reason there is no possibility to generalize the result and convert it on to other areas.
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Retail Environment Features that Affect Smoking Behavior in Changsha, ChinaWang, Ling 19 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Intervention to slow progression of peripheral arterial diseaseChristman, Sharon K. 06 August 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Erfarenheter av rökavvänjning hos patienter som lider av ångestsyndrom : En allmän literaturstudie / Experiences of smoking cessation in patients suffering from anxiety disorders : A general literature studyJasiqi, Qendresa, Moucharif, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under det senaste decenniet har tobaksrökningen i Sverige minskat, däremot är tobaksrökningen fortfarande hög hos personer som lider av ett ångestsyndrom. Ångestsyndrom är ett psykiatriskt tillstånd som omfattar flera olika diagnoser och kan vara en riskfaktor för tobaksrökning. Aktuell forskning visar att det finns en stark koppling mellan rökning och ångestsyndrom, där rökning ökar i takt med sjukdomens svårighetsgrad. Det är av vikt att förstå de mekanismer som driver denna höga rökning, särskilt i samband med ångestsyndrom. För att kunna diagnostisera, behandla och ge omvårdnad till personer som lider av ångestsyndrom är det viktigt att hälso- och sjukvården uppmärksammar denna patientgrupp. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa erfarenheter av rökavvänjning hos patienter som lider av ångestsyndrom. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier identifierades: Deltagarnas motivation och stöd att sluta röka, deltagarnas erfarenheter av KBT samt främjande och hindrande faktorer till rökavvänjning Konklusion: Resultatet påvisade erfarenheter av rökavvänjning hos personer som lider av ångestsyndrom. Patienterna upplevde att stöd, uppmuntran och KBT stärkte deras rökavvänjning medan brist på motivation, abstinensbesvär och ångestsymtom försämrade behandlingen. För att kunna stödja personer som har ångestsyndrom och genomgår rökavvänjning krävs det förbättrade och förtydligande riktlinjer inom vården. Tydligare riktlinjer kan utgöra en bas för sjuksköterskan att utforma och erbjuda adekvat omvårdnad till patienterna. / Background: During the last decade, tobacco smoking in Sweden has decreased, but tobacco smoking is still high among people who suffer from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety syndrome is a psychiatric condition that includes several different diagnoses and can be a risk factor for tobacco smoking. Current research shows that there is a strong link between smoking and anxiety disorders, with smoking increasing in line with the severity of the illness. It is important to understand the mechanisms that drive this high smoking rate, especially in the context of anxiety disorders. In order to be able to diagnose, treat and provide nursing care to people suffering from anxiety disorders, it is important that the healthcare system pays attention to this patient group. Aim: The aim was to highlight the experiences of smoking cessation in people suffering from anxiety disorders. Method: This study is a general literature study with an inductive approach. Results: Three main categories were identified: Participants' motivation and support to quit smoking, participants' experiences of KBT and promoting and hindering factors for smoking cessation. Conclusion: The result demonstrated experiences of smoking cessation in people suffering from anxiety disorders. Patients felt that support, encouragement and (CBT) enhanced their smoking cessation, while lack of motivation, withdrawal symptoms and anxiety symptoms impaired treatment. To be able to support people who have anxiety disorders and undergo smoking cessation, improved and clarifying guidelines are required in healthcare. Clearer guidelines can form a basis for the nurse to design and offer adequate care to the patients.
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Improving smoking cessation data collection via a health visitor community of practiceMcCullough, B., Small, Neil A., Prady, S.L. 05 1900 (has links)
No / A Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) funded study engaged health visitors in investigating the ways in which routinely collected data were captured, stored, transferred, analysed and then used to inform clinical practice. This report focuses on the establishment of a community of practice (CoP) to support these activities and then presents the outcome of the CoP's investigations into the collection and use of data on one key area of concern; maternal smoking behaviour. Evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice made by the CoP ranged from simple changes to the daily working practices of health visitors to ensure accurate data collection and dissemination of information, to major changes to processes and procedures relating to data quality and data sharing. The findings of the CoP emphasised the importance of cross-discipline communication and collaboration.
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Effekt einer Tabakentwöhnung auf die Anzahl endothelialer Progenitorzellen und das kardiovaskuläre Risikoprofil / Effect of smoking cessation on the number of endothelial progenitor cells and cardiovascular risk profileSteier, Jasmin 25 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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