Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smoking cessation"" "subject:"moking cessation""
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Utbildning och dess stöd för sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsinterventioner inom rökavvänjning / Education and its support for the nurse’s interventions in smoking cessation.Lindholm, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns kunskaper om rökningens risker, orsaker till att sjuksköterskor röker, hur rökningen påverkar viljan till att genomföra omvårdnad i rökavvänjning och prevention och rådgivning. I studier har det framkommit att det finns ett utbildningsbehov bland sjuksköterskorna rörande omvårdnadsinterventioner inom rökavvänjning bland patienter. Det saknas kunskap kring vilket stöd utbildning ger i omvårdnadsarbetet för rökavvänjning. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa sjuksköterskans utbildning i rökavvänjning och på vilket sätt utbildningen stödjer sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsinterventioner inom rökavvänjning. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en forskningsöversikt där tretton originalartiklar analyserades med deduktiv innehållsanalys. Som stöd för analysen användes Fawcetts metabegrepp för omvårdnad. Resultat: Fyra teman framkom som belyser det stöd som utbildning kan ge sjuksköterskan i omvårdnadsåtgärder inom rökavvänjning; Utbildning som stöd till att känna sin egen roll och människosyn, Utbildning som stöd till att skapa hjälpande relationer, Utbildning som stöd till att uppmuntra och behandla och Utbildning som stöd till förmåga och självkänsla att utföra omvårdnad. Slutsats: Utbildningens stöd till sjuksköterskan vid rökavvänjning är att hon får kännedom om sin egen roll och människosyn, kan motivera och behandla patienten liksom skapa hjälpande relationer åt denne och får förmåga och självkänsla i att utföra omvårdnaden. Klinisk betydelse: Den här studiens kliniska betydelse är att den belyser vikten av sjuksköterskans utbildning i rökavvänjning och hur den kan stödja sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsinterventioner i detta. / Background: There is existing knowledge to be found about the risks about smoking, causes that nurses smokes themselves, how it interferes with their own motivation to perform preventive interventions and smoking cessation for the patients. Studies have shown that a need for education exists among nurses for interventions in smoking cessation. But knowledge is lacking about what kind of support education might give nurses in their interventions for smoking cessation. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurse’s education and in what way it can support nursing interventions in smoking cessation. Method: The study was conducted as a research-study where thirteen scientific articles were analyzed with deductive content analysis with Fawcetts metaconcepts for nursing. Result: The analyze resulted in four thematic findings for the support which education might give the nurse in interventions for smoking cessation; Education as support for knowing once role and beliefs, Education as support for creating helping relations, Education as support for encouragement and treatment and Education as support for capacity and self-efficiacy in nursing interventions. Conclusion: Educations support to the nurse in performing interventions in smoking cessation is that it gives knowledge about one’s own role and beliefs, how the nurse can motivate and treat the patients as well as creating heliping relations for them and support the nurse’s own capacity and self-efficiacy in the nursing interventions. Clinical significance: The clinical significance of this study is that is describes the value of the education of the nurse in smoking cessation and how it can support the nursing interventions in this subject. / <p>Röda Korsets sjuksköterskeförening stipendium 2013</p>
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Impact of Smoking Cessation Education on Workplace WellnessColes, Monica 01 January 2019 (has links)
Guidelines and laws prohibit smoking in public places, and evidence supports the safety and effectiveness of workplace wellness programs in promoting healthy environments. A long-term care (LTC) facility selected as the focus for this project does not offer wellness programs and does not restrict on-site smoking by employees. The purpose of this project was to construct an evidence-based smoking cessation education program for delivery to employees at the LTC facility. The practice-focused question addressed whether a workplace wellness smoking cessation education program would increase employees' knowledge of the harmful effects of smoking and promote engagement in smoking cessation strategies. A pretest and posttest to assess knowledge of the harmful effects of smoking was designed to be administered to employees prior to and after the education program. A panel of 6 experts consisting of 4 clinical nurse specialists, a nurse educator, and a nurse researcher was selected to assess the potential effectiveness of the education program. A 10-question survey was used to obtain the panel experts' evaluation of the program. Descriptive statistics were then used to analyze the results. Nearly all of the experts surveyed reported that they would recommend the education program to a friend or colleague, with 66% selecting "very likely" This is indicative of the potential for the program to be effective. Findings might support social change at the selected facility by increasing staff knowledge of the harmful effects of smoking and staff commitment to participating in a smoking cessation program.
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Tobacco Cessation Education for Primary Care Nurses and Advanced Practice ProvidersScammell, Stephanie 01 January 2018 (has links)
Tobacco use is the leading cause of premature and preventable death in the United States, yet millions of Americans continue to use tobacco. Nursing professionals comprise the largest health care provider group and can help improve tobacco cessation among their patients. The purpose of this doctoral project was to increase nursing staff and advanced practice providers knowledge, skills, and confidence related to tobacco cessation interventions. The project took place in a family medicine clinic in Central Texas. The nursing staff (which included 1 registered nurse and 3 licensed vocational nurses) and advanced practice providers (which included 3 nurse practitioners and one physician assistant) were asked to participate in the project. Knowles' theory of adult learning and Prochaska's transtheoretical model served as the conceptual frameworks for the project. The United States Public Health Service Rx for Change program was used to create 2 posters on tobacco cessation interventions that were presented to staff as an educational intervention. A 10-question knowledge survey and a 15-question skills and confidence survey were administered before and after the education program; 8 nurses completed the survey before the education and 7 nurses completed the survey after the education. For the presurvey, 29% of responses were correct; while for the postsurvey 83% of responses were correct. Results also showed an increase on the 4-point Likert-scale survey measuring the participants' skills and confidence regarding tobacco cessation interventions. The finds of this project will help nurses and advanced practice providers use evidence-based practices to promote smoking cessation, leading to positive social change for patients, families, and communities.
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An economic evaluation of two community health worker models of tobacco dependence treatments among Ohio Appalachian smokersReisinger, Sarah A. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Kontrola tabáku v ČR a Kanadě se zaměřením na socioekonomické, politické aspekty a celkové podmínky / Tobacco control in the CR and Canada aimed especially at socioeconomic, political and environmental aspectsFraser, Keely January 2021 (has links)
(English) Smoking is the leading cause of premature mortality and morbidity globally (WHO, 2018). Within the Czech Republic (CR) tobacco consumption ranks among the highest in the world, and tobacco control measures rank among the poorest globally (Joossens and Raw, 2014; American Cancer Society, 2018). Smoking related chronic diseases and the loss of active part of life are an enormous and growing burden on the Czech system. There is urgency to invest in efforts that will control and decrease the demand for tobacco products (OECD, 2017). Experiences and lessons learned in tobacco control (TC) by other countries, such as Canada, may provide valuable insight to help guide Czech decision makers in identifying policy best buys moving forward. The basic research carried out as part of this PhD project focuses specifically on a comparison of TC in Canada and the CR. It also includes: 1) a national cross-sectional survey of all organizations involved in TC to describe capacity and involvement in TC measures outlined by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (Fraser et al. 2019); 2) a prospective cohort study which describes the results of intensive smoking cessation treatment offered by Centers for Tobacco Dependent (CTD) (Králiková et al. 2014); 3) a cross sectional survey of patients...
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The Effects of Counterfactual Thinking on Readiness to Change Smoking-Related BehaviorsEavers, Erika R. 29 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Tobacco Cessation and Referral to the National QuitlineBlocker, Julia, Lazear, Janice, Ridner, Lee 18 May 2020 (has links)
Background: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. The rates of smoking remain elevated in rural, low income populations in comparison with the rest of the United States. Thus, prompting the process improvement project of implementing the Ask–Advise–Connect (AAC) method to the national quitline in a nurse practitioner–managed clinic for an automotive manufacturing plant in rural Tennessee. Methods: Ask–Advise–Connect method was added to the current smoking cessation program. The employees who utilized the clinic were assessed for smoking status at each visit and subsequently counseled on cessation. Individuals interested in cessation were connected to the national quitline with the AAC method. Pharmaceutical options and nicotine replacement therapy was also offered at no cost to the employee. Findings: In the 4-month period, the clinic provided 102 tobacco cessation counseling visits to workers who smoke. Twenty-four employees enrolled in the cessation program. The participants reported a cessation rate of 12.5% and 21% had a significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked. Of the participants, 12.5% (n = 3) engaged in behavioral counseling with the quitline. Conclusion/application to practice: The addition of the AAC method as part of the smoking cessation program had limited success. As smoking cessation is difficult to achieve, any success greater than 7% can be considered an achievement. The 12.5% cessation rate of the participants was above the national average. Thus, demonstrating the benefit of having a workplace cessation program and incorporating the AAC method to the current smoking cessation program.
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Upplevelsen av att inte kunna sluta röka vid kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdomEklund, Britt-Marie, Nilsson, Siv January 2011 (has links)
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is one of the most widespread lung diseases today and is a growing cause for suffering and mortality worldwide. It is considered to be the third leading cause of death in the near future. Smoking is the most important risk factor for this disease and about 50% of smokers develop COPD. The purpose of this study was to mediate the experience of not being able to stop smoking described by persons diagnosed with mild or moderate COPD. The study involved five women and five men. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed using qualitative latent content analysis. The analysis resulted in two themes: Life is governed by a long smoking history that is difficult to break and To be aware of and enlightened, but lacking ability to make a decision, and in five categories: That it is the wrong time in life to stop; To break a lifelong pattern is almost impossible; That plans to stop does not lead to results; Being aware of the consequences of continued smoking and to have received help and support but not liking to be patronized. Participants' lives were governed by a lifelong smoking habit which was difficult to break, although they had knowledge about the harmful effects of smoking. Individuals life situation is very important if the cessation of smoking can be successfully implemented and with lasting results. To have plans to stop smoking is not enough it is also necessary to get motivation and support from the environment and at the right time. Participants that where reluctant to smoking cessation where also critical to the information and support that was given to them. This indicates that health professionals should be more sensitive and provide an individually tailored support when an individual decides to stop smoking. / <p>Validerat; 20110102 (ysko)</p>
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Faktorer som påverkar rökavvänjning för personer med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En allmän litteraturstudie / Factors that impact smoking cessation for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : A general literature reviewAndersson, Evelina, Andersson, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cigarrettrökning är den vanligaste typen av tobaksanvändningen i världen och en bidragande faktor till sjukdomar, bland annat kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). KOL är en kronisk sjukdom där rökning är den största riskfaktorn. Det finns inget botemedel, men rökstopp kan minska symtom och risken för tidig död samt bromsa sjukdomsutvecklingen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva främjande och hindrande faktorer som påverkar rökavvänjning vid rökavvänjningsinterventioner för personer med KOL. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats genomfördes. Tio artiklar bearbetades och analyserades och resulterade i två huvudkategorier. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i domänerna Främjade faktorer för rökavvänjning och Hindrande faktorer för rökavvänjning med nio kategorier. Kategorierna under främjande faktorer för rökavvänjning var motivation, utbildning, längre behandlingstid, fler uppföljningsbesök, stöd och hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Kategorierna under hindrande faktorer för rökavvänjning var begär av rökning, fysiskt beroende av nikotin, kostnad för rökavvänjningsintervention och avsaknad av psykosocialt stöd. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien påvisade att det finns strukturella och personliga faktorer som påverkar rökavvänjningen. För personer med KOL är det viktigt att vårdpersonalen arbetar personcentrerat för att identifiera faktorer som hindrar och främjar rökavvänjning för varje enskild individ. / Background: Cigarette smoking is the most common type of tobacco use in theworld and a contributing factor for diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD). COPD is a chronic disease where smoking is the largest risk forcontracting COPD. While there is no cure, smoking cessation can slow down theprogress of the disease, reduce symptoms and the risk of early death. Aim: The aim ofthis review was to describe positive and negative factors that impact smokingcessation at smoking cessation interventions for people with COPD. Method: Ageneral literature study with an inductive approach was conducted. Tenstudies were processed and analyzed and resulted in two main categories. Result: The results are presented in the domains Positive Factors for Smoking Cessation and Negative Factors for Smoking Cessation with nine categories. Categories presentedunder Positive factors for smoking cessations were motivation, education, longertreatment, added follow-up visitations, support and healthy lifestyle. Categoriespresented under Negative factors for smoking cessations were craving for smoking,physical nicotine addiction, costs of smoking cessation interventions and lack ofpsychosocial support. Conclusion: The literature study indicated that structural andpersonal factors impact smoking cessation and the interventionsindividually promotes smoking cessation. It is important to work through personcentered care for people with COPD to identify factors that impact smoking cessation for each person.
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Evaluating Effectiveness of an Inpatient Nurse-directed Smoking Cessation Program in a Small Community HospitalGies, Cheryl E. 03 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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