Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mms"" "subject:"mems""
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Smartcard based heart-beat service for M2M communicationErlandsson, Marcus January 1984 (has links)
This study concerns machine-to-machine (M2M) applications that use smartcards. More specifically,The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) smart card is used for the purpose of monitoring a continuousnetwork connection between a host device and a server. Multicom Security is a security company thatoffers several secure communication connection services (e.g. payment transactions, alarm signals). Themonitoring of these connections is carried out with continuous heart-beat messages sent from thedevice to a server. Today they provide this heart-beat service through logic in their own manufactureddevices, but they have a desire to place the logic on a SIM card in order to be able to move such serviceswith this card and not with a device. Such services can then also be offered on devices not necessarilymanufactured by Multicom Security.The work consisted of investigation of current telecommunication standards, papers regardingsmartcard applications and the current monitoring service, in order to consider possible solutions toimplement a proof of concept of such solution and evaluate it. One aspect of the study was to checkwhether the implemented solution was general and would work in different mobile equipments and alsoto determine the limitations of such smartcard applications.Three solutions were considered for implementation of which one was successfully implemented andtested. The successful heart-beat application was developed using a network subscription enabled JavaCard smart card and using SMS as bearer for the heart-beat messages. By evaluating the solution withbasic tests of functionality, robustness, performance and compatibility the solution was considered to begeneral and compliant with most new mobile equipments. The evaluation was performed in realenvironment with the application running on an actual SIM card with network subscription tested indifferent mobile devices such as cell phones, built-in communication modules and alarm control panels.An alternative solution based on GRPS instead of SMS was also realized but the tests could not becarried out completely due to lack of access to the SIM card implementation by the card provider.
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Budu 4erez 5 : SMS på ryska / Budu 4erez 5 – SMS in RussianFjellner, Tor-Björn January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar olika språkliga företeelser som förekommer i SMS på ryska och diskuterar tänkbara tolkningar och förklaringar. Bland annat presenteras exempel på olika metoder att komprimera språket, t.ex. utelämnade mellanslag, utelämnade skiljetecken, förkortningar av ord och satser. Vidare presenteras och kommenteras olika observerade metoder att transkribera ryska till det latinska alfabetet. Därefter ges exempel på lekfullhet och formexperiment av olika slag. Hit hör bl.a. användning av s.k. smileys, lek med ord och stil, inblandning av andra språk. Sedan diskuteras förekomsten av stavfel och tänkbara orsaker till dessa. Detta följs av en jämförelse mellan rysk telegramstil och SMS på ryska. Slutligen görs en snabb överblick i hur SMS-språket passar in i ett historiskt sammanhang och faktorer som kan påverka dess utveckling inom den närmaste framtiden. Studien bygger på 59788 SMS som samlades in i Moskva i maj 2010. Nyckelord: #a Ryska språket #x SMS (textmeddelanden) #2 sao
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Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-språket hos svenska högstadieungdomar / Hihi kiss ; * : A study of the language in text messages by Swedish students in lower secondary schoolSvensson, Phauline January 2013 (has links)
This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in. The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys. Most of the speech acts in the messages were expressions of feelings or attitude. In the investigated corpus, 181 emoticons were found, scrutinized and placed into categories, which show various kinds of implicit information. The girls have used 97 emoticons and the boys 84. The most common emoticon was , which appeared 66 times in the messages and mostly served the purpose of making the message nice and friendly and sometimes to alleviate a direction. The reason for using emoticons in text messages was to bring life to it by expressing feelings, without an emoticon the true emotion of the message can easily be misunderstood.
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SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) FÖR FLYGUNDERHÅLL PART-145Åmansson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Denna litteraturstudie behandlar Safety Managment System (SMS), ett relativt nytt begrepp och arbetssätt inom flygindustrin för att arbeta med flygsäkerhet och som initierades av det som idag är International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), ett organ inom Förenta Nationen (FN). SMS utvecklades eftersom det i flygsäkerhetsarbetet har blivit allt svårare att utpeka enskilda faktorer som orsakar olyckor, utan är i större grad en kedja av faktorer när en olycka inträffat. SMS är en systematisk metod för att hantera säkerhet, inklusive de nödvändiga organisatoriska strukturer, ansvarsområden, riktlinjer och rutiner. SMS omfattar säkerhetspolicy och mål, riskhantering, säkerhetsförsäkran samt säkerhetsfrämjande. Transportstyrelsen publicerade 2013 ett svenskt State Safety Program (SSP) med krav på SMS inom andra verksamhetsområden inom flyget. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) publicerade 2013 ett förslag där SMS skulle krävas hos flygunderhållorganisationer (Part-145), vilket ej än har fastställts och publicerats. Syftet var att tydliggöra hur implementeringsarbetet fortgår för SMS inom svenska Part-145 organisationer, vilka faktorer som kan försvåra arbetet, samt att belysa möjligheter och utmaningar vid implementering av SMS. Även att få en förståelse i skillnaden mellan dagens säkerhetsarbete i förhållande till vid implementerat SMS inom flygunderhåll. Arbetet begränsades till SMS i Svenska flygindustrin och inom flygunderhåll Part-145 och arbetet baseras på källor från ICAO, EASA, Transportstyrelsen, relevant litteratur och forskning samt en kvalitativ intervju med representant på Transportstyrelsen. Slutsatsen är att det finns i dagsläget starka indicier på att EASA kommer att publicera ett lagförslag sommaren 2018 som gäller för underhålls-organisationer (Part-145) och att dessa organisationer då kommer att ha en tvåårsperiod för implementering. Vidare krav på rapportering, riskbedömning och tydligt krav på dokumentering är viktiga skillnader mellan dagens krav och de nya kraven i och med SMS. Vidare kan man konstatera att risken vid implementering av SMS är att man överkomplicerar implementeringen, inte anpassar systemet till egna organisationen, att rutiner sedan inte används alternativt otillräckligt med resurser eller att man efter implementering inte kontinuerligt arbetar med SMS. Vi kan även slå fast att framgångsfaktorer för att erhålla ett fungerande SMS inkluderar utbildning och engagerad ledning samt att SMS anpassas för organisationens verksamhet och blir väl integrerat i de dagliga aktiviteterna. / This literature study covers the Safety Management System (SMS), a relatively new concept and working method within the aviation industry to work with flight safety and initiated by what is now the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a United Nation (UN) specialized agency. SMS was developed since work with flight safety has become increasingly difficult to identify individual factors that cause accidents, but to a greater extent a chain of factors when an accident occurred. SMS is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, responsibilities, policies and procedures. SMS includes safety policy and objectives, risk management, safety assurance and safety promotion. The Swedish Transport Agency published in 2013 a Swedish State Safety Program (SSP) with requirements for SMS in other areas in aviation. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) published in 2013, a proposal with requirements of SMS to the maintenance organizations (Part-145), which has not yet been established and published. The objective was to clarify how the implementation work continues for SMS in Swedish Part-145 organizations, the factors that can complicate the work, as well as highlighting opportunities and challenges in the implementation of the SMS. Also to get an understanding of the difference between today's safety work in relation to the implemented SMS in aviation maintenance. The work was limited to SMS within Swedish aviation industry and maintenance Part-145 and the work is based on sources from ICAO, EASA, Swedish Transport Agency, relevant literature and research as well as a qualitative interview with a representative of the Swedish Transport Agency. The conclusion is that there is at today strong indications that EASA will publish a legislative proposal the summer of 2018, which applies to maintenance organizations (Part-145), and that these organizations will then have two years to implement the new requirements. Further reporting requirements, risk assessment and clear demands on documentation are important differences between today's requirements and the new requirements of the SMS. Furthermore, it can be stated that the risk in the implementation of SMS is that it complicates implementation more than needed, do not customize the system to their own organization, the routines then will not be use alternative insufficient resources, or that after the implementation the organization do not continuously work with the SMS. We can also conclude that the success factors to obtain effective SMS includes education and management commitment and that the SMS adapts to the organization's operations and is well integrated in the daily activities.
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The transformation and reshaping of South African languages via cell-phone messaging: sms speak as a local practiceDavids, Gaironesa January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / South Africa is a diverse, multilingual country with a majority of its youth owning or using cellular phone technologies. The cell phone interaction between multilingual individuals from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds suggests that a range of multilingual styles are being developed in the electronic domain, particularly when sending SMSes (Short Message Service messages). This study uses the Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective (SFL) to analyse how English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa are being transformed through the medium of text messaging at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). In using methods such as thematic analysis and SFL this research is interested in the linguistic choices individuals make when engaging in SMS/Mxit messages to express themselves. The study aims to look at the effects of concepts such as globalization, stylization, polylingual languaging and transidiomatic practices on text messaging itself; and in turn to see how these text messages are typified by the mixing and blending of languages and their multimodal aspects are then considered to be a coherent and cohesive social practice among the youth. In addition, considering new developments in language studies, particularly the notions of language as social practice and hybrid languaging practices, it also looks at SMS/Mxit messages and examines them against the ‘traditional’ monolingual concepts of codeswitching and code-mixing. The linguistic analysis of this text based data presents a framework for exploring how members of the youth portray their identities as it allows the researcher to deal with interpersonal dimensions of language in texts in a systematic manner. These interpersonal dimensions view the relationships between participants in relation to their performance of identity. Drawing on SMS/Mxit data from 60 third year university students, the focus of this thesis is to investigate if the languages used during SMS/Mxit interactions are being modified and transformed by this medium of communication. It simultaneously looks at these student communicators performing a range of identity options. The study concludes that English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa are not used as separate language entities but are instead used as one language resource. It highlights how speakers use features of any language as linguistic options for a communicative event. Ultimately, the study demonstrates that SMS speak is not seen as an alternative language used within a third space but has instead become a norm in terms of language practices among the youth.
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Medmänsklighet och samhällsansvar – SMS-livräddarens upplevelse av en hjärtstoppssituation : En kvalitativ intervjustudieBlomnell, Linda, Hoppe, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Idag ställs allt högre krav på prehospital akutsjukvård och dess tillgänglighet. Forskning visar att samhället är allt mer beroende av frivilliga resurser, som SMS-livräddare. Dock är frivilliga insatser som utförs vid akuta situationer av icke professionella personer ett relativt outforskat område. Det behövs fördjupad kunskap om vad som motiverar livräddarna att oegoistiskt hjälpa en för dem främmande människa. Syftet i föreliggande studie är att beskriva SMS-livräddarens upplevelse av att vara först på plats vid en hjärtstoppssituation. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats och åtta kvalitativa intervjuer. I resultatet redovisas huvudkategorin "Medmänsklighet och samhällsansvar". Drivkraften bakom kan förstås som ett ansvar för medmänniskan, relaterat till det lokala samhället och ett ofrånkomligt beroende av att vara solidarisk med varandra. Både ett intresse för individen och ett intresse för orten tycks finnas. Den bakomliggande drivkraften kan ytterligare förstås som empati och handlingskraft som manifesteras i en stolthet över att kunna hjälpa en drabbad människa. Då tycks det inte ha någon avgörande betydelse att uppskattningen uteblir. Följande fyra generiska kategorier med citat från informanterna framkommer i resultatet: Handlingsfokusering; Otillräcklighet och frustration; Empati och engagemang samt Bekräftelse och egen stolthet. Studiens slutsats är: att då professionell vård saknas finns det frivilliga människor som i akuta situationer utanför sjukhus är beredda att agera. En känsla av att göra någonting är bättre än att inte göra någonting alls. Ytterligare forskning behövs om insatstid och utfall vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus i relation till SMS livräddares insatser.
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Forecasting Inundation Extents in the Amazon Basin Using SRH-2D and HAND Based on the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow ServicesEdwards, Christopher Hyde 02 August 2021 (has links)
Floods are the most impactful natural disasters on earth, and reliable flood warning systems are critical for disaster preparation, mitigation, and response. The GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services (GESS) provide forecasted streamflow throughout the world. While forecasted discharge is essential to flood warning, forecasted inundation extents are required to understand and predict flood impact. In this research, I sought to expand GESS flood warning potential by generating inundation extents from streamflow forecasts. I compared Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND), a method beneficial for flood mapping on a watershed scale, to a 2D hydrodynamic model, specifically Sedimentation and River Hydraulics – Two Dimension (SRH-2D), a method localized to specific areas of high importance. In three study areas in the Amazon basin, I validated HAND and SRH-2D flood maps against water maps derived from satellite SAR imagery. Specifically, I analyzed what features of an SRH-2D model were required to generate more accurate flood extents than HAND. I also analyzed the practicality of using SRH-2D for forecasting by comparing flood extents generated from simulating a complete forecast hydrograph to flood extents precomputed at predetermined, incremental flowrates. The SRH-2D models outperformed HAND, but their accuracy decreased at flowrates different than those used for calibration, limiting their reliability for forecasting and impact analysis. Based on this study, the key features necessary for a reliable SRH-2D model for forecasting include (1) a high-resolution DEM for an accurate representation of the floodplain, (2) correct representation of channel flow control, and (3) a channel bathymetry approximation and exit boundary rating curve that correctly predict water levels at a range of input flowrates. For forecasting practicality, the precomputed flood extents had accuracies comparable to the complete hydrograph simulations, showing their potential for estimating forecasted inundation extents. Future research should include (1) a more comprehensive analysis using existing SRH-2D models in areas with more bathymetry information and calibration data, (2) further assessment of the reliability of precomputed flood maps for forecasting applications, and (3) quantifying the effect of error in the streamflow forecasts on the accuracy of the resulting flood extents.
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Automatický hlásič dopravní nehody vozidel / Automatic detector of vehicle road accicentsŽurek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This master‘s thesis treat of car safety. It includes an introduction into already existing active and passive safety systems and briefly describes their basic principles. It also includes a description of basic principles of car electronic systems. It will acquaint us also with elementary calculations in the area of car crashing into a solid obstacle. On base of this information was developed and consequently realized development module of an automatic car accident alarm that transfers information using SMS messages to a cell phone. The message contains date, time and GPS coordinates of the accident and acceleration sensor readings in three axes.
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Návrh PPO na zvolené části toku / Design of flood protectionRajnoch, Dalibor January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis copes with the evaluation of status quo and further proposal for a flood control arrangements for the river Dřevnice (Zlín district). The evaluation as such has been made by the hydraulic calculation of flow alongside 2D numeric model - SMS-TUFLOW software was used for these calculations and sub-calculations. Based on the results as evaluated by numerical model, the proposal for a flood control arrangements has been made and is further available within the document. Last not least, the utilization of the aforementioned arrangements was measured and described.
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Řízení výroby zemědělských stacionárních strojů z hlediska bezpečnosti / Production management of stationary agricultural machinery from the perspective of safetyŠtancl, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The main content of the diploma thesis is the implementation and evaluation of the safety audit in selected company using the manual Self-Audit Handbook for SMEs. The identification of security risks in the company is also performed by statistical analysis of accidents at work in the company and evaluating the most common causes of accidents. Based on the detected weaknesses are proposed measures to eliminate them.
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