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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití sociálních sítí neziskovými organizacemi / The Use of Social Networks by Nonprofit Organizations

Sedláčková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this work is to design principles of implementation and operation of the social network for a particular non-profit organization. The structure of this work is divided into several steps. The first part is applied to the theory of social network I focus on social network which are used in the Czech Republic and users of social networks. In the next part I describe the nongovernmental organizations, their environment and the ways of getting resources. The most important part is the analysis of the technological environment, where are mentioned the reasons for the implementation of the social networks for the nongovernmental organizations. Other important parts are the principles of fundraising, a principle that nongovernmental organizations should follow when contacting potentional donors. Another part is applied to the analysis of the activities of five selected nongovernmental organizations or their program on social networks. It also includes evaluation of communication nongovernmental organization on social networks with a potentional donor or volunteer. In the following section I analyze in detail the work program of the Hestia and their activities on the social network. In the chapter is also analysis of the main account on the social network Facebook. The last part is the design of social network for program of the non-profit organization. This part is very inspired by the work of the previous chapters.

Segmentace v sociálním marketingu: Aplikace na kampani proti nadměrné konzumaci alkoholu / Segmentation in social marketing: Application on campaign against alcohol excessive consumption

Strunová, Milena January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the segmentation of the Czech population which is serviceable in social marketing, specifically for creation of social program with the theme of responsible consumption of alcohol. It is based on a segmented group's approach to alcohol and furthermore the segments are profiled according to their lify style. First of all in the theoretical part of the thesis there is explained why it is important to pay attention to the issue of alcohol consumption in the Czech republic and what kind of consequences of increased alcohol consumption can have for individuals, society and the state. Subsequently it is described in which programs associated with the problem of alcohol already the state was involved. Later on the segmentation in social marketing is characterized and there are explained the approaches which are used in it. In the practical part through the analytical program Data Analyzer the segmentation is performed using database of data MML - TGI provided by Median. In the segmentation there were used demographic, geographic, and especially life style criteria for detailed profiling of all segments. Segmentation outputs can be used by non-profit organizations or the National Drugs Coordinator in creating a social program, of which theme is the responsible consumption of alcohol.

O governo quer que eu mude: marketing social e comportamento do consumidor na adoção de um programa governamental / The government wants me to change: social marketing and consumer behavior in the adoption of a governamental program

Hamilton Coimbra Carvalho 20 December 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação são investigados fatores que influenciam a adoção pelos consumidores de programas governamentais. O Marketing Social é o ramo do conhecimento que se dedica ao estudo da mudança comportamental dos indivíduos em resposta a intervenções de interesse social. Essas intervenções assumem com freqüência a forma de programas conduzidos por entes governamentais. São programas que geralmente têm sucesso limitado por não adotarem a filosofia de marketing em sua concepção e orientação. No campo tributário, um tipo de comportamento individual que procura ser estimulado pelos três níveis de governo no Brasil é o de pedir nota fiscal nas compras, com o objetivo de combater a sonegação de impostos e aumentar os recursos públicos. Os recursos financeiros são a base para os investimentos públicos e para os gastos sociais. Um dos principais caminhos para aumentar esses recursos é arrecadar tributos com mais eficiência. Nesse contexto, programas como a Nota Fiscal Paulista são lançados com o objetivo de alterar o comportamento individual dos consumidores. Nesta dissertação, esse programa foi analisado sob o enfoque de Marketing Social e de linhas de pesquisa relacionadas ao estudo do comportamento do consumidor. Partindo-se da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado e com a incorporação de conceitos importantes no Marketing, como satisfação, lealdade e boca-a-boca, chegou-se à proposição de um modelo teórico integrativo, que considerou a relação da atitude, de seus antecedentes e dos fatores norma social e auto-eficácia com os efeitos de marketing decorrentes da adoção ou não da Nota Fiscal Paulista pelo consumidor. Adicionalmente, foram identificadas as diferenças entre os grupos de adotantes e não adotantes do programa. O método de pesquisa se baseou em métodos qualitativos e na coleta de dados por meio de questionário disponibilizado pela Internet. A análise dos resultados teve por estratégia principal o emprego da modelagem de equações estruturais. A adoção do programa foi considerada como variável moderadora, possibilitando uma análise multigrupos. Dentre as principais conclusões da pesquisa, pode-se destacar que a atitude é o principal fator explicativo dos efeitos de marketing e o principal fator na previsão da adoção do programa. Adotantes e não-adotantes apresentaram perfis significativamente diferentes na amostra. Para os adotantes, a satisfação foi o antecedente mais importante da atitude. Para os não-adotantes, benefícios líquidos percebidos foi o fator com mais impacto na atitude. Risco de privacidade também foi um fator importante para esse grupo. A principal contribuição da pesquisa é a identificação dos fatores mais relevantes para a adoção da Nota Fiscal Paulista, colaborando para o estudo de uma área pouco explorada no contexto de marketing. Dentre as principais recomendações gerenciais, que podem ser aplicadas a diversos programas governamentais, citam-se a necessidade de intervenção para criar e reforçar atitudes positivas em relação ao programa governamental, a utilização freqüente de pesquisas com os consumidores para a orientação na condução do programa, a segmentação dos consumidores, a necessidade de incremento da auto-eficácia dos consumidores e da simplificação do programa, e a elaboração de estratégias relacionadas ao composto de marketing que decorram de um plano estratégico de marketing. Discutem-se ainda aspectos como os efeitos sobre o comportamento dos consumidores decorrentes do tipo de recompensa a ser oferecido em um programa social, da certeza ou não dessa recompensa e da interpretação que o consumidor faz das regras do programa. Limitações do estudo e sugestões para estudos futuros são também apresentadas. / This thesis analyzes the factors impacting the adoption of governmental programs by consumers. Social Marketing is the field of knowledge that studies the change in individual behavior in response to interventions of social interest. These interventions are often performed through programs conducted by governmental agencies. These programs generally have limited success for not adopting the marketing philosophy in their design and orientation. In the tax area, a type of behavior that is stimulated by the three levels of government in Brazil is the request of tax receipts on purchases, aiming the reduction of tax evasion and increase in public funds. Public funds are the basis for public investment and social spending. One of the main approaches to increase these resources is to collect taxes more efficiently. In this context, programs such as Nota Fiscal Paulista are introduced aiming the change in the behavior of consumers. In this thesis, this program was analyzed under the perspective of Social Marketing and other related studies of consumer behavior. Based initially on the Theory of Planned Behavior and incorporating important concepts of Marketing, such as satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth, an integrative theoretical model was proposed, which considered the relationship between attitude, their antecedents, social norms, self-efficacy and the marketing effects that result from the adoption or not of the Nota Fiscal Paulista. Additionally, the research identified differences between adopters and nonadopters. The methodology was based on qualitative procedures and data collection through a survey made available on the Internet. The main strategy of analysis was based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The adoption of the program was considered a moderating variable, allowing a multi-group analysis. Among the main findings, the research indicated that attitude is the most important factor in explaining marketing effects and in predicting the adoption of the program. The profile of adopters was significantly different from the profile of non-adopters in the sample. In the adopters subsample, satisfaction was the most important antecedent of attitude. In the non-adopters subsample, perceived net benefit was the most important factor that impacted their attitude. Privacy risk was also an important factor in that subsample. The most important managerial recommendations, that can be applied in several government programs, are: the need to create and reinforce positive attitudes towards the program, the frequent employment of consumer research to guide the program, the segmentation of consumers, the need to increase consumers´ self-efficacy and the simplification of the program, and the development of marketing mix strategies resulting from a strategic marketing plan. Other aspects including the effects of rewards on consumer behavior, the certainty of rewards and the mindset activated by the rules of the program are also discussed. Limitations to the study and suggestions for future studies are also presented.

Purchasing for a Cause : Millennials' Perceptions of the Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns of Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Phillips, Alicia Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Millennials make up the largest generation to date and are highly involved in the support of social causes. Due to their philanthropic interests, Millennials have recently become the target of cause-marketing campaigns. Two studies utilizing focus groups were conducted with 70 college students in order to study the Millennial generation's perception of cause-related marketing campaigns. Study 1 focused on Millennials' general perceptions of cause-related marketing. Study 2 examined the Symbiotic Sustainability Model by focusing on Millennials' perceptions of partner number and relationships of a specific NGO (non-governmental organization), Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Focus group data from both studies indicated that Millennials were very familiar with cause-related marketing campaigns and see the marketing on a daily basis. Participants noted that donation amounts, donation methods, partner congruency, and transparency were all important factors in evaluating cause-related marketing campaigns. The participants were optimistic about cause-related marketing in theory. but were resentful of corporations and sympathetic of NGOs in the examples that they gave. Susan G. Komen for the Cure was seen negatively because they were perceived as monopolizing and dominating the cause market. Participants also believed that pink ribbon breast cancer marketing was too common and had negative effects on pink cause-related marketing campaigns.

Simple Question, Complex Answer : Pathways Towards a 50% Decrease in Building Energy Use

Weiss, Philipp January 2014 (has links)
Addressing building energy use is a pressing issue for building sector decision makers across Europe. In Sweden, some regions have adopted a target of reducing energy use in buildings by 50% until 2050. However, building codes currently do not support as ambitious objectives as these, and novel approaches to addressing energy use in buildings from a regional perspective are called for. The purpose of this licentiate thesis was to provide a deeper understanding of most relevant issues with regard to energy use in buildings from a broad perspective and to suggest pathways towards reaching the long-term savings objective. Current trends in building sector structure and energy use point to detached houses constructed before 1981 playing a key role in the energy transition, especially in the rural areas of Sweden. In the Swedish county of Dalarna, which was used as a study area in this thesis, these houses account for almost 70% of the residential heating demand. Building energy simulations of eight sample houses from county show that there is considerable techno-economic potential for energy savings in these houses, but not quite enough to reach the 50% savings objective. Two case studies from rural Sweden show that savings well beyond 50% are achievable, both when access to capital and use of high technology are granted and when they are not. However, on a broader scale both direct and indirect rebound effects will have to be expected, which calls for more refined approaches to energy savings. Furthermore, research has shown that the techno-economic potential is in fact never realised, not even in the most well-designed intervention programmes, due to the inherent complexity of human behaviour with respect to energy use. This is not taken account of in neither current nor previous Swedish energy use legislation. Therefore an approach that considers the technical prerequisites, economic aspects and the perspective of the many home owners, based on Community-Based Social Marketing methodology, is suggested as a way forward towards reaching the energy savings target.

The effect of marketing appeals on consumers' intention to pro-environmental behaviour : A social marketing study applying the Theory of planned behaviour in Jönköping, Sweden

Lunden, Senja, Sundström, LisaBeth, Suliman, Aya January 2020 (has links)
Background: Due to increasing environmental issues, the social marketing efforts from organisations are increasing with the aim to push for more sustainable behaviour. One recurring issue in these campaigns is palm oil production. Generally, social marketing relies on negative emotional appeals, such as fear, shame, and guilt, to generate desired responses to the message. This paper focuses on the use of both positive and negative emotional appeals in social marketing within the area of environmental sustainability.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between the elements of the theory of planned behaviour with the addition of the social marketing appeal and how it, in turn, affects the intention to avoid palm oil. Further, the research aims to study the effects of positive emotional appeals within pro-environmental social marketing.   Method: To conduct this study, a quantitative approach was taken. Two questionnaires were made with the aim to measure respondents’ motivational factors leading to an intention to behavioural change based on the marketing appeal. One questionnaire included an advertisement using a positive appeal whereas the other utilised a negative appeal.   Conclusion: Both marketing appeals show positive relationships between the elements in the adapted theoretical framework, with perceived behavioural control being the strongest predictor of the intention to behavioural change. Further, it was discovered that the financial factor can be important to consider when it comes to sustainable consumption.

How do consumers get engaged in a brand community? : The case of Estrella Damm.

Cruz, Dana, Aulestia, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Background: Looking at many different studies, it’s known that the topics mentioned before are well researched. However, there are not many cases of brand community and customer engagement like the one with Estrella Damm. That’s why the authors wanted to work on the combination of all of them with the use of the company Estrella Damm, as they are highly involved in its community and it has made a big change in the last few years. Going from a brand of living life to a brand that generates consciousness about the Mediterranean Sea. Purpose: The purpose of the following research is to demonstrate that by putting into a side the brand's product the researchers can feel engaged through the actions they have. The objective is to answer the question; “How do consumers get engaged in a brand community? The case of Estrella Damm”. Method: For this qualitative study, case study and autoethnography methods were used to analyze in-depth the research question due to the deep knowledge of how this engages since the researchers are part of its brand community. These methods are the most appropriate since the analyzed brand is focused on creating awareness of the Mediterranean contamination, and the researchers know first-hand the engagement with the brand. Thus, a case study of this company, and with the support of the autoethnography of the authors, permit to develop as properly as possible study. Conclusion: Consumers get engaged in a brand community through different actions the company makes. In this study, the main factor of being engaged involves the company showing to the consumer that it is not only focused on its product/service, but is using its influence and power to improve social and environmental welfare, and thus, the company gets an engaged and committed consumer in its community.

El microtargeting como herramienta para elevar la efectividad del mensaje de las campañas sociales publicitarias del Estado en Facebook / Microtargeting as a tool to increase the effectiveness of the message of the State’s social advertising campaigns on Facebook.

Fernández Toscano, Alexandra Isabelle 26 August 2020 (has links)
La situación actual de las campañas sociales impulsadas por el Estado peruano indica que existe una baja efectividad. Solo en el 2017, el 18% del total de campañas impulsadas por Estado fueron consideradas como efectivas, hecho que preocupa al Estado, al tratarse de problemas altamente importantes para el cuidado y desarrollo del país. Por otro lado, hoy en día, los países y sus Estados vienen implementando varias herramientas pertinentes del marketing digital con la finalidad de optimizar su gestión y mejorar los problemas de la sociedad. Una de estas herramientas es el microtargeting, una herramienta del campo del marketing político digital utilizada principalmente en Facebook, que ha logrado optimizar campañas políticas. Ante ello, se realizó un estudio sobre esta herramienta y sus posibilidades de ser aplicada en otro campo diferente al político: el social. El objetivo central de este estudio es identificar de qué manera el microtargeting podría elevar la efectividad del mensaje de las campañas sociales publicitadas en Facebook. Para realizar el análisis, se ha considerado como metodología una investigación de tipo exploratoria de método cualitativo. El enfoque considerado es estudio de caso, utilizando la técnica de entrevistas. Se ha considerado realizar doce entrevistas a especialistas dentro de las siguientes especialidades: marketing social y publicidad social, marketing digital y comunicación para el desarrollo. Los resultados indican que el microtargeting sí mejoraría parte de la efectividad del mensaje, debido a su gran aporte en identificación del target y el aseguramiento de la llegada del mensaje exacto al público exacto. / The current situation of the social campaigns promoted by the Peruvian State indicates that there is low effectiveness. Only in 2017, 18% of the total campaigns promoted by the State were considered effective, a fact that worries the State, since they are highly important problems for the care and development of the country. On the other hand, today, countries and their states have been implementing various relevant digital marketing tools in order to optimize their management and improve society's problems. One of these tools is microtargeting, a tool in the field of digital political marketing used mainly on Facebook, which has managed to optimize political campaigns. Given this, a study was carried out on this tool and its possibilities of being applied in another field different from the political one: the social one. The main objective of this study is to identify how microtargeting could increase the effectiveness of the message of social campaigns advertised on Facebook. To carry out the analysis, an exploratory research with a qualitative method has been considered as the methodology. The approach considered is a case study, using the interview technique. It has been considered to carry out twelve interviews with specialists within the following specialties: social marketing and social advertising, digital marketing and communication for development. The results indicate that microtargeting would improve part of the effectiveness of the message, due to its great contribution in identifying the target and ensuring the arrival of the exact message to the exact audience. / Trabajo de investigación

Tracking the integration process of the Syrian immigrants, who have fled the Syrian Civil War and settled in Södertälje city, Sweden (2011-2017)

Benjaro, Sisil January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

La méthode du marketing social appliquée à une intervention nutritionnelle en magasin / A social marketing approach for a store-based nutrition intervention.

Gamburzew, Axel 30 May 2018 (has links)
Les populations défavorisées sont souvent peu réceptives aux messages de santé publiques, perçus comme trop complexes et peu adaptés. De nombreuses interventions nutritionnelles ont été menées, y compris en magasin, mais l’impact de ces interventions sur les comportements d’achats reste peu convaincant. L’utilisation des principes et des techniques issus du marketing pourrait constituer une stratégie efficace pour développer des interventions adaptées à ces populations.L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer, mettre en oeuvre et évaluer une intervention nutritionnelle dans deux magasins dans les quartiers Nord de Marseille, selon la méthode du marketing social. Pendant 6 mois, une sélection d’aliments peu coûteux et de bonne qualité nutritionnelle ont été mis en avant via un étiquetage en rayon, soutenu par une campagne de communication et des actions promotionnelles en magasin : dépliants, affiches, tête de gondole, stand de dégustation. L’analyse des achats des clients a montré un effet positif de l’intervention sur l’achat de féculents et de fruits et légumes. Un questionnaire rapide à la sortie des magasins a montré que 31 % des clients ont remarqué l’opération, et que ce pourcentage était plus élevé à la fin de l’intervention. Un questionnaire plus approfondi a montré que les clients ayant remarqué l’intervention obtenaient des scores plus élevés à un quiz sur la nutrition et comprenaient mieux le système d’étiquetage que les clients ne l’ayant pas vue.Bien que ces résultats soient plutôt encourageants, un certain nombre de questions demeurent, en particulier sur la temporalité du changement de comportement, l’importance de la segmentation de la cible et la prise en compte des comportements irrationnels et inconscients dans le marketing social. / Low-income populations are often unreceptive to public health messages that may be perceived as too complex and poorly adapted. Many nutrition interventions have been conducted, including store-based interventions, but their impact on purchase behaviors is not convincing. The use of marketing principles and techniques could be an effective strategy for developing interventions adapted to these populations.The objective of this PhD was to develop, implement and evaluate a nutrition intervention in two stores in the northern districts of Marseille (France), using a social marketing approach. For six months, a selection of inexpensive foods of good nutritional quality was promoted through shelf labeling, supported by a communication campaign and in-store promotional actions: leaflets, posters, endcap placement, tasting booth. Analysis of customer purchases showed a positive effect of the intervention on the purchases of starchy foods and fruits and vegetables. An exit survey revealed that 31% of customers had seen the intervention, and that this rate was higher at the end of the intervention. A more in-depth survey showed that customers who saw the intervention scored higher on a quiz about nutrition and had better understanding of the labeling system than did customers who had not seen the intervention.Although these results are rather encouraging, questions remain, in particular about the temporality of behavioral change, the importance of target segmentation and the consideration of irrational and unconscious behavior in social marketing.

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