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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbara studentbostäder : Självförvaltning av studentbostäder / Sustainability in student homes : Tentant participation in student housing

Gundstedt, Emma, Karlsson, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten till självförvaltning i studentbostäder. Med rådande studentbostadsbrist i baktankarna är syftet med arbetet att bidra till en ökad produktion av studentbostäder i Sverige, med målet är att klarlägga studenters inställning till självförvaltning. Detta ska besvaras med hjälp av frågeställningarna som följer:   Vad innebär självförvaltning? I vilken utsträckning kan en student hjälpa till med förvaltningen av bostadshuset? Hur stort är intresset för självförvaltning bland studenterna? Uppsatsen grundar sig på en litteraturstudie om självförvaltning, intervjuer med fastighetsförvaltare och slutligen en enkätstudie, som ska klarlägga studenters inställning till självförvaltning. Uppsatsen är en fördjupning av vad självförvaltning innebär. Begreppet är svårtolkat, men kan förklaras som ett underhållsarbete inom den egna fastigheten som utförs av de boende till en reducerad hyra. Detta är dock endast möjligt vid ett ömsesidigt samarbete där hyresvärden frivilligt överlåter underhållsansvaret till hyresgästerna, som i sin tur är villiga att åta sig ansvaret. Utöver de psykologiska aspekter som finns kan även lagar försvåra utveckling och expansion av självförvaltningsprojekt. Under intervjuer med fastighetsförvaltare presenterades förslag på underhållsarbeten som studenter skulle kunna överta, med resultatet att en övervägande del av uppgifterna kunde överlåtas om alla förvaltares svar sammanställdes. Vidare gjordes en enkätundersökning som representerar 232 tillfrågade personer och utgörs av lika delar studenter vid högskola och universitet som gymnasister. En uppdelning mellan kön, hemmiljö och boende gjordes för att se om några skillnader förelåg mellan urvalsgrupperna. Förvaltare har en delvis negativ inställning till idén om självförvaltning, eftersom de har ett lägre förtroende för hur ansvarstagande studenterna är. Enligt enkätresultatet har gymnasister en bättre inställning till självförvaltning än studenterna. Det som är genomgående är att gymnasister generellt har ett större intresse för samtliga frågeställningar i enkäten och det som avviker mest är deras förhållning till ansvar och inflytande, som sågs som dubbelt så viktigt hos gymnasisterna än hos studenterna. Vår rekommendation är att utföra en testomgång med enbart deltagare som börjar högskola eller universitet direkt efter gymnasiet, eftersom det är vår tro att de inte ännu är påverkade av rådande bostadsmarknad och har ett större intresse för självförvaltning än studenterna. / Abstract This paper investigates the possibility of tenant governance in student housing. With the shortage of student homes in mind, the purpose of this work is to contribute to an increased production of student homes in Sweden, with the aim to clarify students' attitudes towards tenant governance. This should be answered through the questions that follow:   1. What is the intent of tenant governance? 2. To what extent can a student help with the maintenance of the residential building? 3. How great is the interest in tenant governance among students? This paper is based on a literature study on the subject of tenant governance, interviews with property managers and a questionnaire study, to clarify students' attitudes towards tenant governance. The paper further investigates what tenant governance means and it is clarified that the concept is somewhat unclear but may be explained as maintenance work within the residential building that is carried out by the tenants, whom in return get their rent reduced. The concept of tenant governance depends on mutual cooperation between the landlord and the tenants. For tenant governance to work properly a landlord, who is willing to devolve his or hers responsibilities regarding the maintenance work to the tenants, is needed along with having tenants that are willing to assume that responsibility. In addition to the psychological aspects are laws that may hamper the development and expansion of tenant governance projects. In interviews suggested maintenance work, which could be performed by the students, was presented to property managers of student homes. The outcome was positive as the results show that the property managers could devolve all of the suggested work to the students, if compiled together.  Furthermore, a survey representing 232 people surveyed, consisting of equal parts of university students and high school students was carried out. A break down by gender, upbringing and type of living was made to see if any differences exist between the sample groups. The interviews showed that the property managers have a partly negative attitude towards the idea of tenant governance in student housing as their confidence in students' sense of responsibility is limited. According to the survey results, high school students tend to have a more positive attitude towards tenant governance than the university students. In general the high school students seem to have a greater interest in the questions asked. The most important difference between the sample groups was the fact that high school students tended to see influence and responsibility twice as important as the university students. Our proposal is to implement a test round with tenant governance in student housing. Moreover we suggest having only students who begin university directly after high school, as it is our belief that they are less influenced by today's housing market and have a greater interest in tenant governance than the university students.

Produire le logement social : hausse de la construction, changements institutionnels et mutations de l'intervention publique en faveur des HLM (2004-2014) / Producing social housing : increase in construction, institutional change and shifts in public policy (2004-2014)

Gimat, Matthieu 28 November 2017 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, le coût des terrains nécessaires à la production de logements locatifs sociaux neufs a augmenté, au même titre que le coût de leur construction. Dans le même temps, l’État a considérablement réduit les subventions directes qu’il accorde à chaque opération HLM. Malgré cela, le nombre de logements locatifs sociaux livrés chaque année a connu une hausse importante et durable. Alors que 46 000 logements HLM ont été produits en 2000, plus de 100 000 le sont systématiquement à partir de 2006.La thèse explore cet apparent paradoxe, en analysant les évolutions de l’organisation institutionnelle du système de production HLM. Pour ce faire, elle s’appuie sur le traitement de données statistiques ainsi que sur une enquête réalisée auprès d’acteurs locaux de l’habitat au sein des communautés d’agglomération du Val-de-Bièvre, du Boulonnais et de la communauté urbaine de Bordeaux. Un outillage théorique spécifique est proposé, qui croise les apports de la théorie de la régulation et de recherches sur les acteurs de la production urbaine. Cela permet de montrer qu’un ensemble de décisions politiques, d’ajustements locaux et de dispositifs de coordination ont été articulés de façon originale au cours de la décennie. Ils visent notamment à faire que les organismes HLM mobilisent leurs réserves financières dans la production neuve, à distribuer inégalement dans l’espace le surplus de logements produits et à réorganiser les modalités d’accès à la ressource foncière. Le système mis en place est cependant dépendant des opérateurs à but lucratif ainsi que des évolutions des marchés immobiliers ; il participe de plus à redéfinir les bénéficiaires de l’intervention publique en France. / Since the early 2000s, social housing production in France has become increasingly more expensive: both land prices and construction costs have increased. At the same time, the State has considerably reduced the direct subsidies granted to each new development. However, the number of new social dwellings has increased significantly and lastingly. While 46,000 dwellings were produced in 2000, more than 100,000 have been produced each year since 2006. This thesis explores this apparent paradox by analyzing the evolution of the institutional organization of the French social housing production system. To do so, it relies on the processing of statistical data as well as on a survey carried out among local housing decision makers in the urban areas of Bordeaux and Boulogne-sur-Mer, and in the Val-de-Bièvre, a gathering of municipalities located south of Paris. An original theoretical framework is used, which combines regulation theory with the results of research focusing on the actors of urban production. This allows for the underlining of the fact that a set of political decisions, local adjustments and coordination mechanisms were articulated in a novel way throughout the decade. In particular, those seek to ensure that social housing organizations use their financial reserves for the production of new dwellings, that new social dwellings are unevenly distributed in space, and that access to land for social housing is reorganized. However, this system appears to depend on real estate markets and for-profit operators; it also participates in redefining the beneficiaries of public intervention in France.

La participation des locataires : un instrument de gestion dans les organismes HLM / Tenant participation : a management instrument in social housing organizations

Demoulin, Jeanne 25 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les effets de l’intégration de l’impératif participatif dans les organismes HLM à partir de trois terrains de recherche complémentaires : les discours des dirigeants du « Mouvement HLM », les dispositifs de « concertation locative » et les actions de « développement social ». Nous mettons tout d’abord en évidence la manière dont les dispositifs participatifs viennent accompagner le tournant néolibéral de l’action publique à partir de la fin des années 1970 et montrons ce faisant l’ancienneté de la coexistence entre deux formes de participation - la première mettant l’accent sur l’évaluation du service rendu et la seconde sur l’accompagnement social des locataires. Le regard est ensuite porté sur les pratiques actuelles des organismes HLM, étudiées à partir d’une enquête menée au sein d’un organisme HLM dans le cadre d’une convention industrielle de formation par la recherche (CIFRE). En caractérisant les attendus attachés aux dispositifs, les conditions de leur mise en en œuvre et leurs effets sur le système d’acteurs, la démonstration met en lumière le sens donné à la participation dans le milieu HLM, caractérisé par la coexistence de logiques patrimoniale, entrepreneuriale et sociale. Ce faisant, elle enrichit la compréhension des logiques qui président à la formalisation et à la diffusion de dispositifs participatifs dans les sociétés contemporaines d’une part, de leurs effets sur les pratiques professionnelles et les relations entre institutions et individus d’autre part. Cette thèse entend ainsi contribuer à l’analyse des transformations systémiques produites par l’intégration de la participation dans les structures sociales. / This thesis examines the effects of the integration of the participatory imperative in social housing organizations. It is grounded in three complementary fieldworks: "Mouvement HLM"’s speeches, the "rental consultation" settings and "social development"’s actions. This work first demonstrates how participatory mechanisms support the neoliberal turn in public action that started in the late 1970s. In so doing, it shows the historical coexistence between two forms of participation. The first form emphasizes on the evaluation of service delivery. The second insists on social assistance for tenants. The analysis then focuses on social housing organizations’ contemporary practices and is based on a survey conducted in a social housing organization under an Industrial Research Training Convention (CIFRE). Looking at the participatory settings’ expected outcomes, their implementation’s prerequisites and their effects on the system of actors, the demonstration highlights the meaning of "participation" in social housing organizations which are characterized by the coexistence of patrimonial, entrepreneurial and social logics. On the one hand, this thesis broadens the understanding of the logics that govern the formalization and the propagation of participatory settings in contemporary society. On the other hand, it deepens the comprehension of participatory setting’s effects on professional practices and relationships between individuals and institutions. Therefore, this thesis aims to contribute to the analysis of systemic transformations produced by the integration of participation in social structures.

Habitable et confortable : modèles culturels, pratiques de l’habitat et pratiques de consommation d’énergie en logement social et copropriétés / Liveable and comfortable : cultural models, residential practices and energy consumption practices in social and private housing

Bonnin, Marguerite 07 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse en architecture se veut être une réponse à l’impasse conceptuelle dans laquelle se trouvent la plupart des recherches centrées sur les comportements de consommation d’énergie au logement, étudiés soit sous l’angle technique soit sous l’angle culturel, sans réussir à dresser une image complète des pratiques de consommation d’énergie. Elle repose sur une démarche de recherche inductive menée à partir de deux enquêtes de terrain, l’une auprès de vingt ménages habitant le parc social et l’autre chez six ménages du parc privé, qui ont conduit à une description ethnographique fine des pratiques domestiques. Celle-ci repose principalement sur la mise en place d’une méthodologie originale permettant de rendre lisibles les usages réels de l’énergie en fonction des activités qui ont lieu au domicile, en leur rendant leur contexte et leur dimension spatiale. Les résultats permettent de révéler un lien fort entre le rapport au logement qu’entretiennent les habitants (grâce à l’occupation des différents espaces et des ambiances mises en place, de la mise en scène du logement), et leur rapport à l’énergie (au travers de l’usage des différents appareils utilisant de l’énergie, du chauffage ou de l’aération), qui ne relève de facteurs financiers que dans des cas extrêmes. Les comportements de consommation alors observés prennent place dans le contexte de la construction d’un environnement rendu habitable et confortable par ses habitants, et donc dans une dimension très subjective du « bien habiter » et du « bien consommer ». / This architectural thesis is the reaction to the conceptual impasse found within most of the researches centred around behavioural patterns concerning energy consumption within housing, which is examined from either a technical or a cultural angle while failing to represent an overall view of energy consumption practices. The thesis is based on an inductive research approach following two surveys: with twenty households from the social housing sector and with six from the private housing sector, which generate a comprehensive ethnographic definition of domestic practices. This definition is predominantly based on a newly formulated methodology which provides insight into the real uses of energy with regards to domestic activities by applying a spacial quality to the context and dimension of such behaviours. The results reveals a strong link between the connection that the inhabitants have with their dwellings (resulting from their use of various spaces and their creation of particular environments, the staging of the home) and their relationship with energy (via the use of energy-based appliances, of heating and ventilation), rather than economic factors which are only relevent in extreme cases. Behaviours concerning consumption therefore take place within the context of a created environment made liveable and comfortable by its occupants and therefore a very subjective context with regards to «living well» and «consuming well».

Le dispositif des logements-foyers : entre politiques publiques et trajectoires individuelles / The sheltered housing model : between public policy and individual path

Simzac, Anne-Bérénice 12 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de vieillissement démographique, la question de l’habitat des personnes âgées est centrale. Cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre d’une convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE), traite spécifiquement des logements-foyers pour les personnes de plus de 60 ans, nouvellement appelés « résidences autonomie » par la loi d’Adaptation de la Société au Vieillissement. Elle interroge le caractère intermédiaire de ces établissements au prisme des politiques publiques et des trajectoires individuelles par une approche en sociologie politique et en mobilisant la notion de parcours résidentiel comme outil heuristique. L’enjeu de cette recherche est de mettre en évidence la spécificité et la complexité d’une offre d’habitat en pleine mutation. Nous posons comme hypothèse principale que la situation intermédiaire des logements-foyers est plurielle et révèle les points de tension auxquels ce modèle d’habitat est confronté. Cette thèse présente, dans un premier temps, la construction et l’évolution des politiques relatives aux logements-foyers et y apporte un éclairage européen. Dans un deuxième temps, elle analyse le statut hybride de ces habitats entre établissement médico-social et logement social et s’attache à situer ces structures parmi l’ensemble de l’offre d’habitat intermédiaire en France. Dans un troisième temps, est étudié l’ancrage des logements-foyers dans les parcours résidentiels des personnes âgées. Cette recherche est abordée à travers une approche par regards croisés permettant de recueillir les discours des différents acteurs du secteur (personnes âgées, professionnels et institutionnels) et mobilise une méthode qualitative par entretiens, observations et analyse documentaire. Nous montrons ainsi que la situation intermédiaire des logements-foyers s’explique par une construction incrémentale des politiques publiques. L’intermédiarité de ces structures leur est spécifique et complexifie leur reconnaissance et leur fonctionnement quotidien. Leurs résidents se trouvent ainsi plus concernés par la notion de filière que de parcours résidentiel. / In a context of an aging population, the issue of housing the elderly has become crucial. This PhD thesis, developed in the framework of a CIFRE contract (Industrial Conventions of Training through Research), tackles the issue of sheltered housing for people above 60, referred to as “résidences autonomie” (“homes for an independent life”) in the new French law on aging. It analyzes the transitional nature of such housing from the public policy and the individual points of view, through a political sociology approach and mobilizing the notion of residential process as a heuristic tool. The purpose of this research is to highlight the specificity and complexity of a housing model currently undergoing important changes. Our main hypothesis is that the transitional nature of sheltered housing is diverse and reveals the stress points the model faces. First, we discuss the development and evolution of sheltered housing policies, and present a European overview. Second, the hybrid nature of such housing, halfway between social health-care institutions and social housing, is analyzed and put back into the whole transitional housing offer in France. Third, we focus on the place of sheltered housing in the residential path of senior citizens. We have used a crossover approach, collecting viewpoints from the sector’s various actors –elderly people, professional workers, and public representatives–, as well as a qualitative method including interviews, observations and literature review. By doing so, we highlight the fact the transitional nature of sheltered housing finds its roots in the incremental construction of public policies. The transitional nature of these establishments is specific to them, and complicates their acknowledgement and daily operation. As a result, residents are faced with a linear housing model rather than actual residential mobility.


ELIZABETH MACEIRA ANTELO VASQUEZ 26 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Em vigor desde Julho de 2013, a NBR 15575:2013 agrupa indicadores de desempenho que remetem a um modelo de moradia adequada. Com um novo conceito de construção, valoriza a atividade de projetos e o envolvimento de toda cadeia produtiva, proporcionando um salto na qualidade das edificações. Devido às características de projeto das habitações destinadas a população considerada de baixa renda, atender ao desempenho mínimo estabelecido pela NBR 15575 representará uma elevação no padrão dessas edificações. Com a proposta de padrão mínimo de desempenho, a norma de desempenho rompe o paradigma de que a qualidade das habitações deve corresponder unicamente ao padrão econômico dos usuários. Em busca de melhoria da qualidade das habitações populares, este trabalho visa avaliar o conforto ambiental nos projetos habitacionais do PMCMV – Faixa 1, na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa aborda os requisitos de conforto ambiental presentes na NBR 15575 –desempenho térmico, acústico e lumínico – face aos sistemas construtivos componentes da envoltória da edificação. / [en] As a means of solving the housing deficit caused by the rapid growth of the urban population, public authorities have been promoting over the last few decades actions aimed at encouraging the production of popular housing projects. Currently, the federal government, by means of a national housing policy, is focusing investments on what is called the Band 1 of the program My House, My Life (in Portuguese, Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida – PMCMV), which aims to create mechanisms to encourage the production and purchase of new housing units by families with monthly income of up to 1,800.00 reais. Launched in 2009, the program contracted more than 4.2 million housing units until February 2017. With that in mind, the construction of popular housing has proven committed to meeting the demand for quantity but is inefficient regarding design and construction quality. Although, for most beneficiaries, the buildings represent an evolution in their housing pattern, basic requirements of appropriate housing are depreciated. With solutions usually focused on construction speed and scale economy, a rationalization of space production prevails. Other aspects are left in the background, such as: environmental comfort criteria, functionality, proper location and even, in some cases, construction quality. Providing the market with quality environments is as important as supplying the housing demand, mainly under the perspective of the future resident. The quality of a building results in the welfare of the user promoted by the living conditions, and the architectural design is the way to develop these conditions.

Housing Cooperatives and Social Capital: The Case of Vienna

Lang, Richard, Novy, Andreas January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Drawing on the case of Vienna, the article examines the role of third sector housing for social cohesion in the city. With the joint examination of an organisational and an institutional level of housing governance, the authors apply an interdisciplinary, multi-level research approach which aims at contributing to a comprehensive understanding of social cohesion as a contextualised phenomenon which requires place-based as well as structural (multi-level) solutions. Using a large-scale household survey and interviews with key informants, the analysis shows an ambiguous role housing cooperatives play for social cohesion: With the practice of "heme-oriented housing estates", non-profit housing returns to the traditional cooperative principle of Gemeinschaft. However, community cooperatives rather promote homogenous membership and thus, encompass the danger to establish cohesive islands that are cut off from the rest of the city. Furthermore, given the solidarity-based housing regime of Vienna, fostering bonding social capital on the neighbourhood level, might anyway just be an additional safeguarding mechanism for social cohesion. More important is the direct link between the micro-level of residents and the macro-level of urban housing policy. In this respect, cooperative housing represents a crucial intermediate level that strengthens the linking social capital of residents and provides opportunity structures for citizen participation. However, the increasing adoption of a corporate management orientation leads to a hollowing out of the cooperative principle of democratic member participation, reducing it to an informal and non-binding substitute. Thus, it is in the responsibility of both managements and residents to revitalise the existing democratic governance structures of cooperative housing before they will be completely dismantled by market liberalization and privatization. In contrast to other European cities, third sector housing in Vienna has the potential to give residents a voice beyond the neighbourhood and the field of housing. / Series: SRE - Discussion Papers

A gramática da habitação mínima : análise do projeto arquitetônico da habitação de interesse social em Porto Alegre e Região Metropolitana

Mayer, Rosirene January 2012 (has links)
A presente tese propõe um modelo geométrico paramétrico para a geração, baseada em regras, da geometria do projetos de Habitação de Interesse Social, HIS, adequada à realidade socioeconômica brasileira. A definição do modelo partiu da análise dos padrões existentes na morfologia dos projetos arquitetônicos de uma amostra da produção de HIS de Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) e Região Metropolitana. A identificação destes padrões serviu para acessar os limites de variação e qualificação do projeto da HIS. Foram utilizadas representações adimensionais associadas a grafos de adjacência para descrição das relações espaciais mais freqüentes em dois níveis distintos porém relacionados - para o equipamento e para os compartimentos. O modelo de Gramáticas da Forma serviu à descrição das regras de composição e configuração do espaço e seus componentes. A análise comparativa do corpus e das necessidades programáticas forneceu a variação admissível dos parâmetros dimensionais. A implementação computacional do modelo geométrico resultante permitiu a exploração das variações paramétricas das alternativas de configuração de projeto. Os resultados permitiram verificar uma homogeneidade da estrutura sintática do corpus que ultrapassa os limites tipológicos. Parte das diferenças existentes entre os elementos da amostra podem ser atribuídas a variações paramétricas das partes e a sua influência mútua na composição da área total e da forma da unidade habitacional. Variações paramétricas de uma configuração podem servir para adaptar a inserção da unidade habitacional no lote ou no edifício. A aplicabilidade do modelo geométrico paramétrico pode ser vista sob dois aspectos interrelacionados: como matriz generativa para o desenvolvimento de projetos mais adequados a problemas específicos e, conseqüentemente, e como uma alternativa a padronização da produção habitacional. / This thesis proposes a parametric geometrical model for the rule-based generation of the configurational geometry of social housing architectural designs, suitable to the Brazilian socioeconomic context. The model was based on analysis of existing patterns identified in the morphology of architectural designs from a sample of the social housing production in Porto Alegre and Metropolitan Area. The identification of these patterns was intended to access the limits of variation and qualification of social housing designs. The association between dimensionless representations and adjacency graphs was used for the description of spatial relations in two distinguished but related levels: for the furniture and the rooms. The shape grammars model was used to describe the geometrical rules governing the composition and configuration of the space and its components. The comparative analysis of the corpus and functional needs enabled to identify the admissible variation of the dimensional parameters. The computational implementation of the resulting geometrical model allowed the exploration of the parametric variations in the design configuration alternatives. The results showed homogeneity of syntactic structure of the corpus, which overcomes the typological limits.! Part of the differences between the elements of the sample may be attributed to the parametric variations in rooms and their mutual influence on the composition of the total area and the shape of the housing unit. The parametric variations in a design can also enable setting the location of the housing unit on a plot or in a building. The application of the parametric geometrical model can be seen in two interrelated aspects: as a generative matrix for the development of projects best suited to specific problems, and consequently, as an alternative to the standardization of housing production.

Em busca de habitabilidade: adequações inseridas no conjunto habitacional Boa Sorte em Coimbra, MG / Searching for habitability: adaptations inserted in Boa Sorte low-income housing state, Coimbra, MG

Silva, Elisangela Ferreira 01 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3371538 bytes, checksum: cd75e6774cb31997ff12e7963d165844 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-01 / This work approaches housing and urban problems regarding to housing production with social interest and its response on the housing appropriation process by the dweller searching for habitability. It is analyzed adaptations inserted in Boa Sorte low-income housing estate, implanted in Coimbra/MG in order to guide further housing projects to be implanted in countryside towns with similar characteristics. This study is a descriptive and explicative research work, and the variables and indicators were defined from literature review and for field data collection it was used a toll called spatial readings . For technical data survey and for obtaining user satisfaction degree related to housing, tools commonly used in post-occupation evaluation research was used. For analysis, data were grouped according to housing categories: pragmatic, symbolic and functional. The results show that the identified adaptations are physical and use adjustments, evidencing that there is a passive and active adaptation process from the dweller in relation to his or her house. Original housings had their useful area increased, most of them as self-building without technical guidance, whose enhancement and addition of environment were for attending specific needs of each family and in a certain way are related to cultural costumes typical of countryside town people. It was also identified insertion of physical elements and addition, alteration and replacement of sanitary and electrical systems because of problems presented by them. Some architectural problems and diseases reveal the low functional and building performance of the houses. It is concluded by the need of going over housing problems in relation to meeting minimal dwelling standards, especially when implanted in countryside towns with a small number of inhabitants because the social-cultural characteristics of the population and soil value, which interferes in the final cost per unity, are different when compared to units in big cities. / Esta pesquisa aborda a problemática urbana e habitacional quanto à produção da habitação de interesse social e seu reflexo no processo de apropriação da moradia pelo morador em busca de habitabilidade. São analisadas as adequações inseridas no conjunto habitacional Boa Sorte, implantado no município de Coimbra/MG, de forma a orientar futuros projetos habitacionais a serem implantados em cidades do interior com características similares. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo e explicativo, sendo que, as variáveis e os indicadores foram definidos a partir da revisão de literatura e para a coleta de dados em campo foi utilizado o instrumento denominado leituras espaciais . Para o levantamento de dados técnicos e obtenção do grau de satisfação dos usuários em relação à moradia, foram aplicadas ferramentas comumente utilizadas em pesquisa de avaliação pós-ocupação (APO). Para análise, os dados foram agrupados segundo as categorias de habitabilidade: pragmática, simbólica e funcional. Os resultados revelam que as adequações identificadas são tanto físicas quanto de uso, comprovando que há um processo de adaptação ativa e passiva do morador em relação à sua residência. As habitações originais tiveram sua área útil aumentada, a maioria sob a forma de autoconstrução sem orientação técnica, cujas ampliações e acréscimos de ambientes destinaram-se a atender a necessidades particulares de cada família, e que, de certa forma, estão relacionadas a hábitos culturais típicos de moradores de cidades do interior. Também foram identificados a inserção de elementos físicos e materiais de revestimento, a adição, alteração e substituição de elementos dos sistemas hidrossanitários e elétrico por apresentarem deficiências. Alguns conflitos arquitetônicos e manifestações patológicas observadas revelam o baixo desempenho funcional e construtivo das unidades habitacionais. Conclui-se pela necessidade de revisão dos programas habitacionais quanto ao atendimento de padrões mínimos de habitabilidade, principalmente quando implantados em cidades do interior e de pequeno porte, já que as características socioculturais da população e o valor do solo que interfere no custo final por unidade, são diferentes quando comparados aos das grandes cidades.

Minha Casa Minha Vida : análise da percepção de valor sobre as áreas comuns / PMCMV : analysis of perception of value on common areas

Marques, Laura Marques de January 2015 (has links)
O Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) representa um marco na trajetória dos programas nacionais de habitação, dado o volume de investimentos e a quantidade de unidades habitacionais produzidas. Em contraponto a isso, pesquisas têm apontado problemas em relação ao que se tem produzido através do programa, incluindo o não atendimento das necessidades dos usuários, principalmente no que se refere aos espaços comuns. A pesquisa teve como propósito a analisar de que forma ocorre a percepção de valor com relação às áreas comuns de empreendimentos construídos pelo PMCMV. A partir disso, procurou-se fazer um levantamento da percepção de valor de usuários, bem como de alguns agentes envolvidos com a produção habitacional (técnicos CAIXA e Prefeitura), para ser possível, assim, identificar oportunidades de melhoria para o programa. Procedeu-se com um Estudo de Caso, feito em empreendimentos destinados às famílias de baixa renda (Faixa 1/FAR) beneficiadas pelo programa, no Município de São Leopoldo. Os conceitos e abordagens utilizados para a análise provêm, principalmente, da área de marketing. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas. A primeira teve o intuito de buscar o entendimento sobre o contexto e definir o problema de pesquisa, através de um aprofundamento de conhecimentos consolidados sobre o assunto, e coleta inicial de dados. Na segunda etapa, foi elaborada a configuração dos métodos de avaliação, com um planejamento da coleta de dados. Na terceira etapa, foi feita a coleta e análise inicial dos dados, nos empreendimentos selecionados para a pesquisa. Na quarta etapa, houve a análise e interpretação dos resultados obtidos, com a representação gráfica desses resultados. Também se buscou confrontar os resultados com a literatura, incluindo autores com trabalhos sobre o espaço urbano, além de discutir os resultados com técnicos considerados como “possíveis tomadores de decisão”. Uma contribuição do trabalho foi a utilização de técnicas que permitissem a explicitação da percepção do valor (de usuários e de técnicos) desde os níveis mais concretos para os mais abstratos, considerando, entre outros, fatores psicológicos e subjetivos, como os valores pessoais que afetam a percepção. Outra contribuição foi a discussão sobre a interferência da gestão no uso dos espaços comuns de empreendimentos realizados pelo programa, sendo um componente importante para a percepção de valor. Além disso, foi possível identificar que a análise sobre a solução de problemas constatados extrapola o escopo do estudo, envolvendo, entre outras questões, as de gestão e políticas públicas. / The Government Program MCMV (so called Minha Casa Minha Vida or My House my Life) represents a landmark in the trajectories of Brazilian housing government programs due to both the large scale of funding e the high numbers of yielded housing unit. Conversely, studies have been pointing to problems to what has been produced through this program, including the lack of fulfillment of the needs of people contemplated by the program, mainly when one considers the common spaces. The current study aimed an analysis of the perception of value in associated with value on common areas of undertakings carried out by the PMCMV. From this point on, a tentative was made to survey the perception of value not only from the point of view of the beneficiaries of the program but also from that of some agents involved in the housing production (technical people from the Bank (CAIXA) dealing with the housing funds and City Hall technical people). This was done as part of a strategy to pin point opportunities to improve the program. The strategy of Case Study was used during a field study done in undertakings construct in the São Leopoldo municipality and destined for housing low income families (spectrum 1/FAR) which were contemplated by the program. The concepts and approaches utilized in the analysis came mainly from the marketing area. The study was divided in 4 phases. The aim of the first phase was to seek an understanding of the context and to define the core of the research; this was done by gaining insight in the consolidated knowledge available on the subject, and through a preliminary data collection. In the second phase, a configuration the methods of evaluation was carried out along with a planning on data collection. In the third phase, the harvest of data was completed and a preliminary analysis of the date was done. In the fourth phase, the harvest the analysis and interpretation of the collected data was completed and a graphic representation of these results was done. I was also sought to compare the results obtained in this study with those in the literature, including publication on urban space. Additionally the results of the current study were discussed were discussed with technical people considered as “probable decision makers”. One contribution of this work was the use of techniques that would allow conveying the meaning of perception of value (by beneficiaries of the program and technical people) from de more concrete levels up to the most abstract, considering, among other, psychological and subjective factors such as personal values that affect people’s perception. Another contribution of the study was the discussion about to what extent the management interferes in the use of common spaces of the undertakings done by the program, this being and important component for the perception of value. It was additionally possible to identify that the analysis about solution of the detected problems is beyond the scope of this study and involves, among others, matter management and public policies.

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