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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pour qui l'eau ? Les contrastes spatio-temporels des discours sur le Rhône (France) et le Sacramento (Etats-Unis) / Water for Whom? Contrasts in spatio-temporal discourse on the Rhône River (France) and the Sacramento River (United States)

Comby, Émeline 01 December 2015 (has links)
Les relations entre eau et sociétés se comprennent en contexte et reposent sur des représentations. Les discours permettent de cerner leurs évolutions, notamment à travers des jeux d’acteurs. Les trajectoires du Rhône en France sont éclairées par celles du Sacramento aux Etats-Unis. Les observations au bord de ces fleuves sont mises en perspective au moyen de l’analyse d’un corpus principal de 5 985 articles de presse écrite. Les traitements mêlent approche quantitative et qualitative, inductive et déductive, en croisant analyse de contenu, analyse de données textuelles, représentation cartographique et étude de citations. Ce corpus offre un regard rétrospectif pour appréhender des discontinuités exogènes et endogènes, des contraintes statiques et dynamiques et des trajectoires. Les luttes définitionnelles autour d’un problème social entraînent des interactions entre différentes arènes, mettant au premier plan des porte-paroles et des logiques de pouvoir. Le cadre conceptuel de l’Advocacy Coalition Framework permet de mieux comprendre les hybridations, combinant politiques ascendante et descendante, ainsi que les processus de légitimation des discours. Différents espaces-temps s’inscrivent dans une dialogique entre ici et ailleurs, aujourd’hui et hier, risque et catastrophe. L’étude diachronique est couplée à une approche synchronique. Lors du XXème siècle, le Rhône et le Sacramento sont le fruit d’arbitrages souvent portés par l’Etat. Or, depuis une trentaine d’années, des coalitions de cause sont prêtes à se mobiliser pour que les représentations locales de l’eau soient prises en compte. Si les textes juridiques et les travaux scientifiques français invitent à une potentielle gestion intégrée à l’échelle d’un fleuve, l’exemple rhodanien montre la variabilité spatio-temporelle des représentations de l’eau et des problèmes identifiés, ce qui peut générer des tensions et rendre les compromis complexes. / A given society’s relationship with water is contextual, based on individual and public perceptions. This research investigated how public perception has been shaped by different stakeholders in two different river systems. To do so, we compared the trajectories of the Rhône River (France) and the Sacramento River (United States) by combining field observations with a principal dataset of 5,985 newspaper articles. Because the definition of social problems occurs within public arenas, this retrospective study of newspaper coverage allowed us to evaluate exogenous and endogenous discontinuities, static and dynamic constraints, and environmental and social trajectories. Media coverage was analyzed using content, quotation, and textual data analysis as well as GIS. Conflict between values entails interaction between different arenas, mobilizes spokespeople, and consolidates power relations. The Advocacy Coalition Framework promotes the hybridization between bottom-up and top-down policies and legitimizes different processes of discussion and problem-solving. Dialog between stakeholders exists in space and time between here and elsewhere, present and past, and risk and disasters. These temporal factors were addressed with a synchronic study. During the twentieth century, the Rhône River and the Sacramento River have undergone a great number of changes, primarily due to different decisions made at the national level. Nevertheless in both basins, advocacy coalitions have been key sources of political changes for thirty years: they share a set of beliefs and act in concert to address local concerns in water policy. Finally, a more detailed case study is presented for the Rhône basin, where French law and scientific knowledge require integrated river basin management. The Rhône case study demonstrates the spatial and temporal variability of opinions, debates, and discourses about water, which often embody tensions because of conflicting demands.

La controverse autour des expulsions de sans-papiers dans la presse française (2006-2010) : analyse des discours et des enjeux sociopolitiques / The controversy over the deportation of « sans-papiers » in French newspapers (2006-2010) : an analysis of sociopolitical issues and discourses

Jacquez, Lise 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la controverse construite autour des expulsions d’étrangers en situation irrégulière en France entre 2006 et 2010 et sur sa médiatisation dans cinq titres de la presse quotidienne nationale française : l’Humanité, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde et Le Parisien (édition nationale). L’objectif principal est de saisir les enjeux sociopolitiques structurant les discours des différents acteurs qui font exister cette controverse dans l’espace public : le gouvernement, les militants des droits des étrangers et, enfin, les médias. Il s’agit notamment de voir s’il existe une mise en débat de la gestion sécuritaire des flux migratoires dans les discours médiatiques. Notre propos s'organise en trois parties. La première partie est une mise en perspective historique de la place des étrangers dans l’État-nation français depuis la Révolution française jusqu'à la fin du 20ème siècle. Elle nous permet de comprendre les difficultés politiques spécifiques qui surgissent lorsqu’il s’agit de penser la question des droits et de la place des migrants dans un monde organisé en États-nations. La deuxième partie décrit et analyse les positionnements politiques et les discours des principaux acteurs du débat sur l'immigration irrégulière et les sans-papiers, soit l’État d'un côté et le champ militant de l'autre. Enfin, dans une troisième et dernière partie, nous analysons le rôle joué par les journaux français dans la construction de la controverse autour des expulsions. Le corpus comporte 2602 articles, que nous analysons d'abord de manière quantitative à l'aide du logiciel Modalisa, puis de manière plus qualitative (analyse narrative, iconique et argumentative). Nos conclusions insistent sur les cadrages privilégiés dans les discours de presse ainsi que sur leurs difficultés à élaborer une ligne éditoriale cohérente et ambitieuse sur la question des migrations et une autonomie vis-à-vis des discours politiques. Elles montrent d’abord que l’accroissement de la répression vis-à-vis des sans-papiers est loin de faire consensus et est, au contraire, très controversée dans la presse française. Mais, malgré ce discours dénonciateur, les journaux peinent à prendre politiquement position sur la situation des sans-papiers et à mobiliser des arguments contre la logique sécuritaire. Les registre mobilisés par les journaux pour sortir de l’approche sécuritaire de l’immigration se limitent donc généralement à l’invocation de principes humanitaires et de valeurs morales, et au recours à l’argument de l’intégration (sociale, scolaire, professionnelle) des sans-papiers dans la société française. / This research concerns the controversy over the deportation of foreign nationals in irregular or illegal situation in France between 2006 and 2010, as well as the mediatisation of this controversy in five national French newspapers: l'Humanité, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde and Le Parisien (national edition). The main goal is to understand the socio-political issues structuring the discourses offered by the various social actors that take part in this controversy in the public sphere : the government, activists and advocates for migrants' rights, and the media. This research focuses in particular on ascertaining whether the security-centred management of migratory flows is debated in media discourses.The argument is divided into three parts. The first part gives historical perspective to the position of foreign nationals in the French nation state from the French Revolution to the end of the twentieth century. It illuminates the political difficulties that appear when conceiving of the rights and the position of migrants in a world made of nation states. The second part describes and analyses the political positioning as well as the discourses of the main social actors taking part in the debates on irregular and illegal migration; looking at the state on the one hand, and activist movements on the other. Finally, the third part proposes an analysis of the role played by French newspapers in the construction of the controversy over deportations. The corpus consists of 2602 press articles, which are firstly quantitatively analysed with the help of software Modalisa, and then approached qualitatively (narrative, iconic and argumentative analyses).This research conclusions focus on the interpretative frames most used in newspapers' discourses. It discusses the way these discourses encounter difficulties not only in elaborating a coherent and ambitious editorial line regarding migration, but also in retaining a certain autonomy in relation to political discourses. The conclusions show firstly that there is a clear lack of consensus concerning the increasing repression of illegal migrants, amounting to a real controversy in French newspapers. However, despite this denunciation, newspapers find it difficult both to take a political stand on the situation of illegal migrants, and to mobilise arguments against security-based discourses. Indeed, in order to eschew these approaches focusing on security, newspapers are often limited to invoking humanitarian principles and moral values, and to focusing on the integration (whether it be social, educative, professional) of illegal migrants in French society.

米国における「人身取引」問題 : 「実態」をめぐる語りの変遷 / "TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS" IN THE UNITED STATES : TRACING CHANGES IN THE NARRATIVE REALITY / ベイコク ニオケル ジンシン トリヒキ モンダイ : ジッタイ オメグル カタリ ノ ヘンセン

佐々木, 綾子, Sasaki, Ayako 23 March 2010 (has links)
博士(社会学) / 甲第568号 / 178p / Hitotsubashi University(一橋大学)

Dluhová past - možnosti řešení dluhové problematiky / Debt trap: possible solutions of debt problems

Juppová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Debt trap - the possibility of resolving the debt issue " is concerned with how the public policy of the state responds to the increasing indebtedness of Czech society and that address the causes and consequences of this debt. Features a history of borrowing money and significant impact on society interest in history and in the present. It also shows what causes can lead to debt and the consequences of over-indebtedness bears. Specific cases of clients with debt issues provides a chapter on the social counseling (Občanská poradna Plzeň - Citizens Advice Bureau Plzeň), which among other increasingly engaged in consultancy in the field of debt. The main part is the analysis of public policy events - it is a holistic approach to policy examined, the selected aspects, events, actors, goals. The analysis traces the development of indebtedness of Czech citizens and state intervention and non-state actors in this issue. Also evaluates the actors in this issue shows the complexity of the process of recognition of a social problem and highlights the influence of public interest and political culture of the state in the implementation of public policy. In conclusion, given the public attitude to the issue of debt in the Czech Republic.

From Body to Self - Towards a Socially Enacted Autonomy With Implications for Locked-in Syndrome and Schizophrenia

Kyselo, Miriam 04 November 2013 (has links)
Embodied approaches to cognition consider themselves as alternatives to a brain-bound view of cognition. They decisively emphasize that the brain is not the minimal basis for cognition, but that the body plays a crucial role as well. But what do we actually mean by “the body” and to what extent is it a necessary condition for cognition? Is bodily action equated with movement? Is the human body just a biological phenomenon? How is it related to the human self and sociality? This thesis explores these questions by confronting embodied cognitive science with Locked-in Syndrome (LIS), a case of global paralysis, which despite the lack of voluntarily bodily action seems to leave the patient cognitively intact. I suggest that LIS poses a challenge to embodied cognitive science putting into question our basic assumptions on what it means to be a human cognitive system. A body without movement and a self whose connection to the social sphere is radically impoverished – how can we make sense of this? LIS challenges the concepts by which we describe the structure and various dimensions of cognition and it invites us to make explicit the background epistemology and general perspective through which we relate the different aspects of cognition. First, I provide an overview of the philosophy of cognitive science, from the orthodox perspective up to recent embodied cognitive science. I then introduce and clarify the enactive approach, an integrative framework for cognitive science that also serves as the epistemological basis of this thesis. Based on the different states of LIS I formulate a challenge to embodied cognitive science and discuss how the sensorimotor, functionalist and phenomenological approach to embodiment account for it. The discussion casts doubt on the assumption that a body has mainly to do with movement and it reposes the question how tool-use figures in cognition. It also brings to attention the dimension of bodily subjectivity and raises a much-neglected issue in recent cognitive science: the role of the body in social interactions. I show that these approaches to embodiment entail restrictive or loose notions of the body and are not fully able to account for cognition in LIS. I formulate a proposal for an enactive concept of the body integrating aspects from the sensorimotor and phenomenological approach to the body. I defend the idea that the enactive approach is the best framework in embodied cognitive science to counter the challenge posed by LIS and BCI. However, since embodied cognitive science entails an individualistic perspective not fully taking into account that humans are embedded in a social environment the question how the body matters in social interaction can also not be resolved from an enactive perspective on the body. In the last part of this thesis I thus propose transcending the level of individual embodiment. I make suggestions for elaborating on the enactive notion for the cognitive system (autonomy) from a social perspective. I propose to conceive of human mind in terms of a network that is based on the enaction of social processes of distinction and participation. Based on this notion I show how we arrive at an understanding of the human cognitive system which could ultimately account for the basic challenge posited by LIS – the clarification and interrelation of the concepts of body, self and sociality. In the last chapter I provide support for the plausibility for this proposal by applying it to another empirical context, namely psychiatry. What we think about the nature of human mind sets the ground for our thinking about breakdowns and what happens in cases when it does not work. I explore possible implications of the concept of socially enacted human autonomy for mental disorders in general, and for schizophrenia in particular.

Interpersonal Functions of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Their Relationship to Facial Emotion Recognition and Social Problem-Solving

Copps, Emily Caroline January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Gängkriminalitet på Flashback : En kvalitativ studie om konstruktionen och representationen av gängkriminella. / Gang Crime on Flashback : A qualitative study on the construction and representation of gang criminals.

Yilmaz, Denise, Vergara Bergendorff, Nataly January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka konstruktionen av gängkriminalitet och gängkriminella genom att analysera hur diskursen lyder på det svenska diskussionsforumet Flashback. Den metodologiska ansatsen har därmed varit konstruktivistisk. Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för detta sociala problem och bidra med insyn till det sociala arbetets praktik. Genom en tematisk analys av det empiriska materialet som har utgjorts av sex diskussionstrådar från Flashback har vi identifierat tre övergripande teman. Dessa har döpts till: Hur konstrueras orsakerna till gängkriminalitet, Hur konstrueras lösningarna till gängkriminalitet och The Spiral of Silence. Resultaten som varit mest framträdande visar att diskussionerna på Flashback kopplar starkt till främlingsfientlighet och invandringsfrågor. Invandringen diskuteras nästan uteslutande när det pratas om gängkriminalitet, och det finns en tydlig koppling mellan gängkriminalitet, gängkriminella och invandrare i diskussionstrådarna. Studien visar även att rasistiska strukturer spelar en betydande roll i konstruktionen av gängkriminalitet och gängkriminella. Resultaten visar också avhumanisering genom bland annat kränkande språk och föreställningar om “den andre”. Med den sammantagna empirin som grund vill vi i diskussionskapitlet betona att försiktighet bör iakttas när man talar om gängkriminalitet och att det inte kan reduceras till en specifik etnicitet eller ras, utan beror på individuella, sociala och ekonomiska faktorer. Vi diskuterar även vikten av att som blivande socionomer vara medvetna om de maktförhållanden som råder för att inte riskera att vidmakthålla och återskapa förtryck och ojämlikhet. Därtill är det ytterst viktigt att vi som socionomer är vaksamma för att inte förbise underliggande faktorer till gängkriminalitet, något som bättre kan åstadkommas genom ökad kunskap och medvetenhet. / The purpose of this essay is to examine the construction of gang crime and gang criminals by analyzing the discourse on the Swedish discussion forum Flashback. The methodological approach has thus been constructivist. The aim of the study is to increase the understanding of this social problem and contribute with transparency to the practice of social work. Through a thematic analysis of the empirical material consisting of six discussion threads from Flashback, we have identified three overarching themes. These have been named: How to Construct the Causes of Gang Crime, How to Construct the Solutions to Gang Crime and The Spiral of Silence. The results that have been the most prominent show that the discussions on Flashback strongly connect to xenophobia and immigration issues. Immigration is discussed almost exclusively when talking about gang crime, and there is a clear connection between gang crime, gang criminals and immigrants in the discussion threads. The study also shows that racist structures play a significant role in the construction of gang crime and gang criminals. The results also showdehumanization through, among other things, offensive language and ideas about “the other”. With the collected empirical evidence as a basis, we want to emphasize in the discussion chapter that caution should be exercised when talking about gang crime and that it cannot be reduced to a specific ethnicity or race, but depends on individual, social and economic factors. We also discuss the importance for future social workers to be aware of the power relations that prevail in order not to risk perpetuating and recreating oppression and inequality. In addition, it is extremely important that we as social workers are vigilant not to overlook underlying factors to gang crime, something that can be better achieved through increased knowledge and awareness.

Efficacy of a Worksite Trial of the Diabetes Prevention Program among Employees with Prediabetes

Weinhold, Kellie Rose 15 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Bortom skott i rubrikerna : en analys av dödsskjutningar som ett socialt problem i nyhetsmedier

Edwall, Nathalie, Stålberg, Marielle January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att analysera hur dödsskjutningar konstrueras som ett socialt problem i nyhetsmedier samt undersöka hur socialt arbete relateras till fenomenet i nyhetsartiklar. För att uppnå syftet har nyhetsartiklar publicerade år 2023 av fyra olika medieredaktörer använts som empiriskt material. Nyhetsartiklarna har studerats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, med utgångspunkt i ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv på hur sociala problem skapas och med en framingteoretisk infallsvinkel. Resultatet av studien visar att nyhetsrapporteringen präglas av två teman, känsloramen och ansvarsramen. Inom känsloramen ryms studiens resultat som påvisar att nyhetsrapporteringen präglas av känslor. Både i den bemärkelse att människors känslor kring en dödsskjutning presenteras, liksom att scenarion och offer gestaltas på ett sätt som kan framkalla känslor hos mottagarna, och därmed bidra till en konstruktion av dödsskjutningar som ett skrämmande och hotfullt socialt problem. Ansvarsramen belyser hur socialt arbete inte direkt pekas ut som ansvarigt till problematiken, utan där socialtjänsten snarare rapporteras om i relation till enskilda fall där dem brustit i sitt ansvar. Slutligen är polis och skola aktörer som relateras till ansvarsfrågan rörande gängkriminaliteten och det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet, där samverkan lyfts som en nyckel i bekämpandet av brottsligheten. I sin helhet belyser studien ett samspel mellan nyhetsmedier och konstruktionen av ett idag aktuellt socialt problem. Som akademisk disciplin ämnar socialt arbete att studera sociala problem och hur de påverkar individer och samhället. Hur det sociala problemet konstrueras påverkar följaktligen vilka åtgärder som adresseras.

O tema trabalho infanto-juvenil em artigos acadêmicos de psicólogos (as): uma interpretação ideológica

Prado, Renata Lopes Costa 28 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:32:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Lopes Costa Prado.pdf: 1206710 bytes, checksum: 0c436ad1997caa598e8f2c45e5e9f487 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study is part of one of the research lines of the NEGRI (Nucleus of Studies on Gender, Race and Age), whose general aim is to contribute to the comprehension of the social construction of the childhood in Brazil. The specific objective is to offer an interpretation of the treatment given to the theme child and adolescent labor on the Brazilian academic production of Psychology. We have analysed 24 articles about child and adolescent labor elaborated by psychologists and published between 1985 and 2007 in Brazilian academic publications. For such, we have counted on the contribution of the new studies about childhood (JAMES and PROUT, 1997; JENKS, 2002; MONTANDON, 2001; SIROTA, 2001; ROSEMBERG, 1979), the studies regarding the construction of social problems (OSZLAK and O DONNELL, 1976; GUSFIELD, 1989; HILGARTNER and BOSK, 1988; BEST, 2001, 2007; LAHIRE, 2005) and, as central theoretic referential, the John B. Thompson s (2002) production about ideology. At the methodological level, we sought to link the hermeneutics of depth s as proposed by John B. Thompson (2002) to the content analysis techniques (BARDIN, 1977; ROSEMBERG, 1981). We observed the use of dramatic rhetoric on the Brazilian academic production of Psychology Rhetoric that stigmatizes working children, adolescents and poor families. Thus, this production can be (re) interpreted as ideological, in the sense that it supports the relation of domination between ages and social classes / Esta dissertação compõe uma das linhas de pesquisa do Núcleo de Estudos sobre Gênero, Raça e Idade (NEGRI), cujo objetivo geral é contribuir para a apreensão da construção social da infância no Brasil. O objetivo específico foi oferecer uma interpretação do tratamento dado ao tema trabalho infanto-juvenil (TIJ) na produção acadêmica brasileira da Psicologia. Foram analisados 24 artigos sobre TIJ elaborados por psicólogos e publicados entre 1985 e 2007 em revistas acadêmicas brasileiras. Contou-se, para tanto, com aportes dos novos estudos sobre a infância (JAMES e PROUT, 1997; JENKS, 2002; MONTANDON, 2001; SIROTA, 2001; ROSEMBERG, 1979), dos estudos sobre construção de problemas sociais (OSZLAK e O DONNELL, 1976; GUSFIELD, 1989; HILGARTNER e BOSK, 1988; BEST, 2001, 2007; LAHIRE, 2005) e, como referencial teórico central, da produção de John B. Thompson (2002) sobre ideologia. No plano metodológico, buscou-se articular o método da hermenêutica de profundidade (HP), tal como proposto por John B. Thompson (2002), às técnicas da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977; ROSEMBERG, 1981). Apreendeu-se o uso de retórica dramática na construção argumentativa da produção acadêmica brasileira da Psicologia. Tal retórica estigmatiza crianças, adolescentes trabalhadores e família pobres. Assim, esta produção pode ser (re)interpretada como ideológica, na medida em que sustenta relações de dominação entre idades e entre classes sociais

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