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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ryšys su sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių paauglių vertybių sistemos ir socialinės kompetencijos raiška / Parents’ educational style and its relationship with going in for sport and not going in for sport teenagers value system and expression of social competence

Bačiūnaitė, Laimutė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Socialinė – kognityvinė teorija akcentuoja nuolatinę individo ir jo aplinkos tarpusavio sąveiką: žmonės yra veikiami aplinkos, bet kartu ir patys renkasi veikimo būdus. Jie tuo pat metu reaguoja į situaciją ir kuria ją iš naujo, jie veikia savo aplinkoje esančių individų elgesį ir tuo pačiu formuojasi patys. Darbo objektas: ryšys tarp tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus šeimoje ir paauglių vertybių sistemos bei socialinės kompetencijos. Tyrimo problema: diktatoriška tėvų auklėjimo pozicija šeimoje ir įvairūs draudimai glaudžiai siejasi su paauglystės amžiaus tarpsnio vaikų nekontroliuojamu elgesiu bei netinkama socialine adaptacija visuomenėje. Pataikavimas ir manipuliavimas sukuria tokį šeimos klimatą, kuris trukdo paaugliui sėkmingai socialiai bręsti – paauglio iniciatyva ir savarankiškumas arba iš viso nesivysto, arba vystosi socialiai netinkama kryptimi. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ryšį su sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių paauglių vertybių sistemos ir socialinės kompetencijos raiška. Probleminio klausimo ir iš jo išplaukiančios hipotezės formulavimas leido apibrėžti Tyrimo uždavinius: 1. Paauglių tėvų dominuojančių auklėjimo stilių (autokratinis, autoritetinis, liberalus) įvairovės atskleidimas. 2. Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių 12 – 18 metų paauglių vertybių sistemos reikšmingumo atskleidimas ir palyginimas. 3. Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių 12 – 18 metų paauglių socialinę kompetenciją formuojančių gebėjimų įvertinimas. 4. Įvertinti paauglių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social – cognitive theory emphasizes a constant interaction of individual and his or her surroundings: people are influenced of surroundings, but also they can choose means of action themselves. They react into a situation and create it from the beginning. They influence behaviour of other individuals in their own surroundings and at the same time they develop their own behaviour. Object of research Styles of parents upbringing, value system, social competency. Problem Dictatorial or heavy – handed position of upbringing in the family and various prohibitions are connected with adolescentic age of children, who have misbehaviour and incorrect social adaptation. Indulgence and manipulation creates a climate which results to mature not successfully. Teenagers’ initiative and their independency of two ways: it develops in a wrong social way or it doesn’t develop at all. Purpose of research To investigate a relationship of parents upbringing and its style with going in for sports and not going in for sports teenagers, investigating their value system and expression of a social competence. Goals of investigation 1. Teenagers’ parents style of upbringing and its discovery of variety. 2. Going in for sports and not going in for sports 12 – 18 age teenagers a hierarchy of a valuable system, revealing and comparison. 3. Evaluate teenagers of the age 12 – 18 going in for sports and not going in for sports, their level of social competency. 4. To... [to full text]

Neformalaus švietimo pedagogo socialinės kompetencijos tobulinimas siekiant ugdymo kokybės / Development of social competence of an educator of non-formal education in order to achieve the quality of education

Šileikienė, Laima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sparti Lietuvos visuomenės raida kelia naujus reikalavimus asmenims ir juos ugdančiai švietimo sistemai: didėja pedogogo profesinės veiklos laukas, keičiasi mokytojo vaidmuo ugdymo procese, mokytojo darbas tampa vis sudėtingesnis ir reikalaujantis daugiau meistriškumo, vadovavimo, bendravimo, bendradarbiavimo, nuolatinio mokymosi. Todėl pedagogo socialinė kompetencija, kurios pagrindinės dimensijos yra nuolatinis mokymasis, bendravimas bei bendradarbiavimas, tampa viena svarbiausių, o jos tobulinimas- būtinybe. Šiame darbe siekiama išryškinti esminius neformalaus švietimo pedagogų socialinės kompetencijos raiškos ypatumus visuotinės kaitos kontekste bei išsiaiškinti meno mokyklų pedagogų požiūrį į neformalaus švietimo pedagogo socialinę kompetenciją ir jos tobulinimo galimybes siekiant ugdymo kokybės. / Rapid development of Lithuanian society raises new requirements to individuals and education system, which educates them: professional activities’ area of an educator is enlarging, the role of a teacher in educational process is changing, work of a teacher is becoming more sophisticated and it requires more skills, leadership, communication, cooperation, and continual learning. Due to this fact social competence of an educator, which main dimensions is continual learning, communication and cooperation, has become one of the most important things, and its perfection is necessity. The main goals of the work is to point out substantial peculiarities of social competence expression of educators of non-formal education in the context of universal alternation and to ascertain attitude of art schools’ teachers towards social competence of an educator of non-formal education and possibilities of its development in order to achieve the quality of education.

Pirmaklasių socialinės kompetencijos sąsajos su šeimos sudėtimi ir tėvų tarpusavio santykių kokybe / First graders' social competence links with the family composition and parental relationship quality

Kubilskienė, Agnė 03 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrime dalyvavo 222 pirmų klasių mokiniai iš septynių Kauno mokyklų. Tiriamųjų amžius– nuo 6 iki 8 metų. Tyrime dalyvavo 134 mergaitės (60,4 %) ir 88 berniukai (39,6 %). Vaikų socialinė kompetencija buvo matuojama naudojant Socialinės kompetencijos pradinėje mokykloje skalės (SKPMS) trumpąją versiją, kurią užpildė klasės mokytoja. Metodika parengta Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Teorinės psichologijos katedros doktorantės Šarūnės Magelinskaitės- Legkauskienės. Tėvų tarpusavio santykių kokybė vertinta Suvokiamos santykio kokybės skale (Perceived Relationship Quality Components (PRQC)) (Flet-cher et al., 2000), kurią užpildė vaikų tėvai. Lietuviška skalės versija buvo gauta iš Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedros doc. dr. Visvaldo Legkausko. Šeimos sudėtis buvo vertinta klausiant tėvų, ar vaikas gyvena su abiem biologiniais tėvais, ar vaiko tėvai yra išsiskyrę, teiraujamasi apie vaikų skaičių šeimoje, jų amžių, tiriamojo gimimo eiliškumą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad socialinė kompetencija tarp berniukų ir mergaičių nesiskiria, tačiau yra tendencija skirtumui atsirasti. Pirmaklasių mergaičių iš pilnų šeimų, socialinė kompetencija yra aukštesnė nei mergaičių iš išsiskyrusių šeimų. Pirmaklasių socialinės kompetencijos ir vaikų skaičiaus šeimoje ryšys yra susijęs su lytimi: berniukų, turinčių bent vieną brolį ar seserį, socialinė kompetencija nesiskiria nuo vienintelių šeimoje berniukų; mergaičių, turinčių bent vieną brolį ar seserį, socialinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess first graders' social competence links with the family composition and parental relationship quality. Subjects were 222 first-grade students attending seven schools in Kaunas. Age of subjects was ranging from 6 to 8 years. 134 (60.4%) of the subjects were girls and the rest 88 (39.6%) were boys (39.6%). Children's social competence was measured using the short versijon of the Social competence of elementary school scale (SKPMS),completed by the class teacher. The methodology developed by doctoral student Šarūnė Magelinskaitė-Legkauskienė at Vytautas Magnus University, Department of Theoretical Psychology. The quality of the relationship between parents rated Perceived Relationship Quality Components (PRQC) (Flet-cher et al., 2000), completed by the parents of children. Lithuanian version of the scale was obtained from doc. dr..Visvaldas Legkauskas at Vytautas Magnus University, Department of General Psychology. Family composition has been rated by asking parents whether the child lives with both biological parents or the child's parents are divorced, has been asked about the number of children in the family, their ages, birth order of the first – graders. The results showed that social competence is not different between boys and girls, but there is the tendency to occur the difference. First-graders living in two-parent families in the girls sample groups have a higher social competence than first-graders living in divorced families... [to full text]

Attachment and the Development of Personality and Social Functioning

Fransson, Mari January 2014 (has links)
According to attachment theory, the establishment of an attachment bond to a caregiver not only provides the infant with protection from danger, but also many other resources presumably beneficial to the child’s general psychological development. Although there is substantial empirical support for a link between attachment security and social functioning in childhood and adolescence, less is known about whether childhood attachment contributes to social functioning beyond adolescence. Similarly, attachment has been found predictive of broad aspects of a person’s functioning, but few attempts have been made to link attachment to the currently dominating perspective on personality, the Five Factor Model (FFM). Results in Study I partially supported our expectations, by showing prospective links from middle childhood security to various aspects of social functioning in young adulthood. Further, security contributed to developmental change in social functioning from middle childhood to young adulthood. In Study II, middle childhood security was found to predict some of the FFM personality traits (primarily extraversion and openness) concurrently and prospectively, partially supporting our expectations. The third aim of this thesis was to address whether attachment disorganization, which has usually been found predictive of maladaptive phenomena, may predict also other, non-pathological outcomes. In Study II, we found that higher levels of disorganization in young adulthood were concurrently associated with more openness and lower conscientiousness. Furthermore, in Study III disorganization was shown to be concurrently associated with more New Age spirituality and more absorption in adulthood. In addition, absorption was, in accordance with our expectations, found to statistically mediate the link between disorganization and New Age spirituality. Hence, these findings supported our assumption that disorganization might be expressed in other life domains besides specifically maladaptive ones. Taken together, we suggest that attachment spreads its influence to a broad set of life domains through its continuous influence on general psychological components such as cognitive representations and self-regulation abilities. However, the modest strength of our results indicates that attachment is only one among several factors involved in the development of social functioning, personality traits, and spirituality.

Att stärka barnens sociala förmåga i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med barn i svårigheter i socialt samspel och hjälpmedel i arbetet.

Hübinette, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers’ approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior. Social skills are an important part of the pre-school assignment. The children have to learn how to¨cooperate and empathize with others. The result of the study shows that children’s skills in playing and taking turns are the biggest issues in the daily activities. The teachers see an important task in helping children achieve social competence and helping children translate their emotions. The special education team assists greatly in the preschool teachers’ work with children in need of special support.

Specialized Summer Camp for Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities: A Naturalistic Context for Enhancing Social Competence, Friendship, and Self-Concept

Case, Emily Kathryn 10 December 2012 (has links)
Social competence and positive self-concept are essential to future adaptive outcomes and overall well-being; but children and adolescents with learning disabilities (LD) frequently struggle in these domains. This dissertation examined changes in the social competence and self-concept of campers with learning disabilities (LD), within a specialized summer camp, with particular focus on friendship development. The dissertation is presented in two manuscripts, which will be submitted for publication. The objective of the first manuscript was to examine changes in campers’ social skills, social acceptance, self-worth, and self-esteem, within the context of summer camp, as reported by parents and campers. Parental reports indicated small gains in social skills, social acceptance, and self-worth from the beginning to the end of camp; with gains in social acceptance and self-worth maintained four to five months later. Campers did not report changes in any domains. Parents and campers reported declines in camper self-esteem at follow-up. In general, campers with LD+ADHD exhibited smaller gains in social competence and self-concept, than those with LD. Results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and existing camp and LD research. The objective of the second manuscript was to investigate campers’ friendship development, within the summer camp context. Many campers reported having high-quality, reciprocal friendships at the beginning of camp. Campers reported more reciprocal friendships after camp, but these were not maintained at follow-up. Campers also reported having a best camp friend by the end of camp, and this relationship was maintained at follow-up. In terms of friendship quality, campers reported increased closeness by the end of camp and conflict ratings were low, overall. This study examined factors predicting changes in social competence. High-quality, reciprocal friendships predicted changes in campers’ social acceptance, according to parents. Similarly, reciprocal friendships predicted changes in camper reported social acceptance. These results highlight the inter-connections between friendship and aspects of social competence. Camp attendance was found to be a relevant factor in friendship development and quality. The concluding chapter discusses social competence, friendship, and self-concept outcomes for campers with LD within the context of a specialized summer camp. The implications of the findings for present theory and clinical practice are discussed, including specific recommendations for this camp’s structure and program evaluation procedures.

An Exploratory Study of the Relationship among Perceived Personal and Social Competence, Health Risk Behaviors, and Academic Achievement of Selected Undergraduate Students

Rhodes, Darson Lee 01 December 2009 (has links)
A sample of 656 undergraduate students from multiple sections of an introductory nutrition course, a personal health course, and a physical fitness course at a large Midwestern University completed one of four surveys. Using matrix sampling, each participant completed a survey measuring one of four personal and social competence constructs; coping skills, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, or judgment skills; 11 health risk behaviors, and college grade point average (GPA). Descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple regression analyses were calculated to determine relationships among these variables. Thirteen statistically significant correlations were found among personal and social competence constructs and health risk behaviors. Health risk behaviors statistically significantly correlated with one or more constructs of personal and social competence included: frequency of marijuana use, number of days cigarettes were smoked, number of days alcohol was consumed, incidences of binge drinking, incidences of driving and drinking alcohol, alcohol or drug use prior to last incidence of sexual intercourse, non-use of condoms during sexual intercourse, feelings of sadness or hopelessness for two weeks or more that resulted in ceasing some usual activities, and number of physically inactive days. Statistically significant correlations were found most often among perceived judgment skills and health risk behaviors and perceived intrapersonal skills and health risk behaviors. Variance in academic success due to perceived personal and social competence and health risk behaviors was limited. Only a small percentage of variance in self-reported, college GPA could be attributed to perceived coping skills and judgment skills, while no variance could be attributed to perceived intrapersonal skills or interpersonal personal skills. Also, few health risk behaviors accounted for any variance in self-reported, college GPA. Results suggest strategies to improve undergraduates' personal and social skills may reduce engagement in some health risk behaviors.

Competência social, inclusão escolar e autismo : um estudo de caso comparativo / Social competence, school inclusion and autism : a comparative case study

Camargo, Síglia Pimentel Höher January 2007 (has links)
A literatura atualmente existente sobre o autismo é farta de evidências sobre os prejuízos inerentes às características da síndrome. Em decorrência disso, surgem diversos questionamentos relativos à possibilidade de inclusão dessas crianças no ensino comum. Entretanto, acredita-se que proporcionar a estas crianças oportunidades de conviver com outras da mesma faixa etária, possibilita o desenvolvimento da competência social. Diante disso, o presente trabalho apresenta dois estudos. No primeiro é apresentada uma revisão crítica da literatura a respeito do conceito de competência social e dos estudos atualmente existentes na área de autismo e inclusão escolar. Identificou-se poucos estudos sobre este tema, indicando a necessidade de novas investigações que demonstrem as potencialidades interativas de crianças com autismo e a possibilidade de sua inclusão no ensino comum, desde a educação infantil. Com este propósito, o segundo estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória que investigou o perfil de competência social de uma criança pré-escolar com autismo comparado ao de uma criança com desenvolvimento típico, da mesma idade e sexo. Além disso, foi investigada a influência do contexto escolar (pátio e sala de aula) no perfil de competência social de ambas as crianças. Para tanto, foi realizada a observação sistemática das crianças na escola. A codificação das imagens foi realizada por 1 avaliador, “cego” aos objetivos do estudo e utilizou-se como instrumento a versão adaptada da Escala Q-sort de Competência Social (Almeida, 1997). Os resultados demonstraram diferenças e semelhanças no perfil de competência social das duas crianças, sendo que a expressão de competência social da criança com autismo foi melhor no pátio que na sala de aula. / The current literature on autism has shown evidences about the impairment of syndrome. In this way, several questions appear, putting the children’s education in the mainstream school in doubt. However, it is believe that provide to these children opportunities to live with other children, of the same age group, makes possible the social competence development. So, this work presents two studies. In the first a critical literature review is presented about the concept of social competence and the current studies on autism and school inclusion. Few studies were identified about this topic, point to the need of studies that demonstrate the autistic children’s interactive potentialities and the possibility of their inclusion in the mainstream school, since early education. The second study is an exploratory research that investigated one autistic child's (AU) social competence profile, in situation of school inclusion, compared with a child with typical development (TD), of the same age and sex. Besides, it was investigated the influence of the school context (classroom or playground) on the profile of both children's social competence. It was conducted a children's systematic observation at the school. The images codification was accomplished by one judge, "blind" to the objectives of the study and the adapted version of the Q-sort Scale of Social Competence was used (Almeida, 1997). The results demonstrated both differences and similarities in children's social competence profile and the expression of autistic child's social competence was better at playground than classroom.

Competência social, inclusão escolar e autismo : um estudo de caso comparativo / Social competence, school inclusion and autism : a comparative case study

Camargo, Síglia Pimentel Höher January 2007 (has links)
A literatura atualmente existente sobre o autismo é farta de evidências sobre os prejuízos inerentes às características da síndrome. Em decorrência disso, surgem diversos questionamentos relativos à possibilidade de inclusão dessas crianças no ensino comum. Entretanto, acredita-se que proporcionar a estas crianças oportunidades de conviver com outras da mesma faixa etária, possibilita o desenvolvimento da competência social. Diante disso, o presente trabalho apresenta dois estudos. No primeiro é apresentada uma revisão crítica da literatura a respeito do conceito de competência social e dos estudos atualmente existentes na área de autismo e inclusão escolar. Identificou-se poucos estudos sobre este tema, indicando a necessidade de novas investigações que demonstrem as potencialidades interativas de crianças com autismo e a possibilidade de sua inclusão no ensino comum, desde a educação infantil. Com este propósito, o segundo estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória que investigou o perfil de competência social de uma criança pré-escolar com autismo comparado ao de uma criança com desenvolvimento típico, da mesma idade e sexo. Além disso, foi investigada a influência do contexto escolar (pátio e sala de aula) no perfil de competência social de ambas as crianças. Para tanto, foi realizada a observação sistemática das crianças na escola. A codificação das imagens foi realizada por 1 avaliador, “cego” aos objetivos do estudo e utilizou-se como instrumento a versão adaptada da Escala Q-sort de Competência Social (Almeida, 1997). Os resultados demonstraram diferenças e semelhanças no perfil de competência social das duas crianças, sendo que a expressão de competência social da criança com autismo foi melhor no pátio que na sala de aula. / The current literature on autism has shown evidences about the impairment of syndrome. In this way, several questions appear, putting the children’s education in the mainstream school in doubt. However, it is believe that provide to these children opportunities to live with other children, of the same age group, makes possible the social competence development. So, this work presents two studies. In the first a critical literature review is presented about the concept of social competence and the current studies on autism and school inclusion. Few studies were identified about this topic, point to the need of studies that demonstrate the autistic children’s interactive potentialities and the possibility of their inclusion in the mainstream school, since early education. The second study is an exploratory research that investigated one autistic child's (AU) social competence profile, in situation of school inclusion, compared with a child with typical development (TD), of the same age and sex. Besides, it was investigated the influence of the school context (classroom or playground) on the profile of both children's social competence. It was conducted a children's systematic observation at the school. The images codification was accomplished by one judge, "blind" to the objectives of the study and the adapted version of the Q-sort Scale of Social Competence was used (Almeida, 1997). The results demonstrated both differences and similarities in children's social competence profile and the expression of autistic child's social competence was better at playground than classroom.

Vítimas, autores e testemunhas de bullying : uma avaliação das habilidades sociais e de indicadores da competência social / Victims, authors and bystanders of bullying: an assessment of social skills and social competence indicators

Comodo, Camila Negreiros 15 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-03T11:58:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCNC.pdf: 1449274 bytes, checksum: bee01043a380ca144eb73a07da8f2e9b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T17:32:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCNC.pdf: 1449274 bytes, checksum: bee01043a380ca144eb73a07da8f2e9b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T17:32:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCNC.pdf: 1449274 bytes, checksum: bee01043a380ca144eb73a07da8f2e9b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-10T17:32:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCNC.pdf: 1449274 bytes, checksum: bee01043a380ca144eb73a07da8f2e9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The literature has shown evidence that bullying is a worldwide phenomenon that deserves the attention of researchers and the community as a whole. Considering that bullying occurs in interpersonal relationships among students, it is important to understand the role of social skills repertoire of these individuals and their social competence to deal with the bullying situation, as a way to provide a more accurate diagnosis on the relationship of social skills and bullying, as well as contribute for the prevention of this type of violence. Considering these aspects, this study aimed to: (1) correlate social skills classes with authoring and victimization bullying behaviors; (2) compare the social skills of victims, authors, victims-authors and bystanders of bullying in terms of frequency and difficulty; (3) identify similarities and differences between the scores of authorship and victimization in bullying considering the self-assessment, peers and teachers evaluations; (4) assess and describe social competence indicators of teenagers involved in bullying; (5) functionally analyze the behavior of victims, perpetrators and bystanders of bullying. To analyze the social skills of students involved in bullying were applied the IHSA-Del-Prette, QIPVE and Peer Assessment with 241 adolescents aged 11 to 16 years. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially, and it was found that bullying behaviors and victimization showed a negative correlation with social skills classes. It was also found that students involved in bullying reported a less elaborate repertoire of self-control, assertiveness and empathy. Additionally, a comparison was also made between the bullying instruments used in this study. For this purpose 263 students responded to QIPVE and Peer Assessment, and 10 teachers appointed students as victims and bullies. This comparison brought data that there are differences between the self-assessment, evaluation of teachers and peers nominations about the involvement in bullying. To assess social competence indicators was realized an interview with 10 bullies, eight victims, 10 victims-authors and 10 bystanders. The interviews were transcribed and the responses were categorized. The results indicated that all respondents reported fail to achieve important indicators of social competence, which brings an impact on quality of life and development of these adolescents. Finally, the functional analysis of the student´s behavior pointed out that the attacks made by the bullies are reinforced by the removal of the victims and the bystanders’ silence and/or laughter. These datas indicate that anti-bullying programs should teach some specific social skills classes, promote not only social skills but also social competence and reach the entire school community, including bystander. / A literatura tem mostrado evidências de que o bullying é um fenômeno mundial que merece a atenção dos pesquisadores e da comunidade como um todo. Considerando que o bullying ocorre nas relações interpessoais entre estudantes, torna-se importante compreender o papel do repertório de habilidades sociais desses indivíduos e sua competência social para lidar com a situação de bullying, como uma forma de fornecer um diagnóstico mais preciso sobre a relação das habilidades sociais e bullying, assim como contribuir para a efetividade do combate a esse tipo de violência. Considerando esses aspectos, o presente estudo teve como objetivos: (1) correlacionar classes de habilidades sociais com comportamentos de autoria e vitimização de bullying; (2) comparar o repertório de habilidades sociais de vítimas, autores, vítimas-autores e testemunhas de bullying em termos de frequência e dificuldade; (3) identificar convergências e divergências entre os escores de autoria e vitimização em bullying considerando a autoavaliação, a avaliação dos pares e dos professores; (4) avaliar e descrever indicadores de competência social de adolescentes vítimas, autores, vítimasautores e testemunhas de bullying; (5) analisar funcionalmente os comportamentos de vítimas, autores e testemunhas de bullying. Para analisar as habilidades sociais de estudantes envolvidos em bullying foi realizada a aplicação dos instrumentos IHSADel-Prette, QIPVE e Peer Assessment com 241 adolescentes de 11 a 16 anos. Os dados foram analisados descritiva e inferencialmente e verificou-se que comportamentos de bullying e vitimização apresentavam uma correlação negativa com as classes de habilidades sociais avaliadas. Também se verificou que os alunos envolvidos diretamente em bullying relatavam um repertório menos elaborado de autocontrole, assertividade e empatia. Adicionalmente, também foi realizada uma comparação entre os instrumentos de bullying utilizados nessa pesquisa. Para tal 263 alunos responderam ao QIPVE e ao Peer Assessment, e 10 professores nomearam alunos como vítimas e autores de bullying. Essa comparação trouxe dados de que há diferenças entre a avaliação dos pares, a autoavaliação e a avaliação dos professores quanto ao envolvimento em bullying. Para avaliar indicadores de competência social foi realizada uma entrevista com 10 alunos autores de bullying, oito alunos vítimas, 10 alunos vítimas-autores e 10 alunos testemunhas de bullying. As entrevistas foram transcritas e as respostas categorizadas. Os resultados indicaram que todos os alunos entrevistados relataram deixar de atingir indicadores importantes da competência social, o que traz um impacto na qualidade de vida e no desenvolvimento desses adolescentes. Por fim, a análise funcional dos comportamentos dos alunos apontou que as agressões apresentadas pelos autores de bullying são reforçadas pelo afastamento das vítimas e pelo silêncio e/ou risadas das testemunhas. Os dados obtidos indicam que os programas de combate ao bullying devem ensinar algumas classes de habilidades sociais específicas, promover não apenas habilidades sociais, mas também competência social e atingir toda a comunidade escolar, incluindo as testemunhas de bullying.

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