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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O planejamento estratégico da cidade de Porto Alegre na conjuntura prévia à Copa do Mundo de 2014

Xavier, Fernando Weiss January 2013 (has links)
A promoção da imagem das cidades como estratégia de desenvolvimento urbano, incluindo a realização de megaeventos e de grandes projetos, vem assumindo papel central na política atual. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar como tem ocorrido este processo em Porto Alegre, cidade que se tornou conhecida, mundialmente, pela experiência bem-sucedida do Orçamento Participativo, na década de 1990, e por ter sediado, em 2001, 2002, 2003 e 2005, um megaevento antiglobalização, o Fórum Social Mundial. De maneira mais específica, o trabalho discute aspectos referentes às atividades dos setores da construção civil e imobiliário em Porto Alegre, vinculados à futura Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014, assumindo que essas iniciativas encontram seu fundamento no Plano Diretor do município, aprovado em 1999, na conjuntura de reorientação da política urbana, então conduzida pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores. Para tanto, o estudo busca identificar os principais vínculos explicativos dessa trajetória, passando pela análise não só dos principais Grandes Projetos Urbanos que vem sendo realizados no contexto do referido megaevento, como também das estratégias de desenvolvimento urbano e de seus promotores. Verifica-se que estas iniciativas não se diferenciam das tendências predominantes do urbanismo contemporâneo, fundamentado na atuação projetual sobre a cidade. / Promoting the image of cities as urban development strategy, including the realization of megaevents and large projects, has assumed a central role in current policy. This work aims to analyze how this process has taken place in Porto Alegre, a city that has become known worldwide through successful experience of Participatory Budgeting in the 1990s, and for hosting in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 a mega-globalization, the World Social Forum. More specifically, the paper discusses aspects related to the activities of civil construction and real estate in Porto Alegre, linked to future World Cup Football 2014, assuming that these initiatives find their basis in the Master Plan of the municipality, approved in 1999 in the context of the reorientation of urban policy, then led by the Workers' Party.Therefore, the study aims to identify the main explanatory linkages of this trajectory, not only through the analysis of the main Great Urban Projects that have been undertaken in the context of this mega event, as well as the urban development strategies and their promoters. It appears that these initiatives are no different from prevailing trends of contemporary urbanism, based on projective action of the city.

O planejamento estratégico da cidade de Porto Alegre na conjuntura prévia à Copa do Mundo de 2014

Xavier, Fernando Weiss January 2013 (has links)
A promoção da imagem das cidades como estratégia de desenvolvimento urbano, incluindo a realização de megaeventos e de grandes projetos, vem assumindo papel central na política atual. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar como tem ocorrido este processo em Porto Alegre, cidade que se tornou conhecida, mundialmente, pela experiência bem-sucedida do Orçamento Participativo, na década de 1990, e por ter sediado, em 2001, 2002, 2003 e 2005, um megaevento antiglobalização, o Fórum Social Mundial. De maneira mais específica, o trabalho discute aspectos referentes às atividades dos setores da construção civil e imobiliário em Porto Alegre, vinculados à futura Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014, assumindo que essas iniciativas encontram seu fundamento no Plano Diretor do município, aprovado em 1999, na conjuntura de reorientação da política urbana, então conduzida pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores. Para tanto, o estudo busca identificar os principais vínculos explicativos dessa trajetória, passando pela análise não só dos principais Grandes Projetos Urbanos que vem sendo realizados no contexto do referido megaevento, como também das estratégias de desenvolvimento urbano e de seus promotores. Verifica-se que estas iniciativas não se diferenciam das tendências predominantes do urbanismo contemporâneo, fundamentado na atuação projetual sobre a cidade. / Promoting the image of cities as urban development strategy, including the realization of megaevents and large projects, has assumed a central role in current policy. This work aims to analyze how this process has taken place in Porto Alegre, a city that has become known worldwide through successful experience of Participatory Budgeting in the 1990s, and for hosting in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 a mega-globalization, the World Social Forum. More specifically, the paper discusses aspects related to the activities of civil construction and real estate in Porto Alegre, linked to future World Cup Football 2014, assuming that these initiatives find their basis in the Master Plan of the municipality, approved in 1999 in the context of the reorientation of urban policy, then led by the Workers' Party.Therefore, the study aims to identify the main explanatory linkages of this trajectory, not only through the analysis of the main Great Urban Projects that have been undertaken in the context of this mega event, as well as the urban development strategies and their promoters. It appears that these initiatives are no different from prevailing trends of contemporary urbanism, based on projective action of the city.

An Exploration Of The Theory And Practice Of Post Development As An Alternative To Development

Agostino Ascione, Ana Claudia 28 February 2003 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploratory study of the ideas put forward by theorists of post-Development. This current of thought emerged as a radical critique of the Development discourse, proclaiming that no reformulation could change the essential character of it, that being the "Westernisation" of the world. As post-Development's definitions rely on their opposition to what Development represents, from a theoretical point of view as well as in the myriad of behaviours resulting from it, the starting point of the thesis is an analytical account of Development discourse through the various theories that have shaped it during the second half of the 20th century. Other theories that can be considered outside mainstream Development are also analysed as well as those conventionally classified as alternative Development. A whole chapter is then dedicated to thoroughly review the historical unfolding of the Development discourse. The following chapter deals with the ideas put forward by post-Development. It relies on a series of publications identified with this current of thought as well as with information provided by one of its most prominent authors, Dr. Wolfgang Sachs, in an interview conducted by the author of this thesis. It also uses an unpublished manuscript given to the author by Gustavo Esteva, also prominent in the constitution and dissemination of the ideas of post-Development. In an effort to identify whether post-Development has remained at the level of theoretical formulation or if it has informed practices on the ground, research about the activities and underlying beliefs of the Global Barter Network (in Uruguay and in Argentina) and the World Social Forum was undertaken. The field-study, which is presented in the 4th chapter of the thesis, aimed at researching these particular initiatives and draw conclusions with respect to the existence of coincidences with the ideas of post-Development. The dissertation concludes then with an analysis of post-Development's major contributions to the Development debate, of its relationship with already existing practices, of its distinctiveness from alternative Development. It analyses the originality of the post-Development discourse and makes proposals for further research. / Development Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.

Le Forum social québécois : l'émergence d'une action collective

Arruda, Marie-Hélène January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Le Forum social québécois : l'émergence d'une action collective

Arruda, Marie-Hélène January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

An Exploration Of The Theory And Practice Of Post Development As An Alternative To Development

Agostino Ascione, Ana Claudia 28 February 2003 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploratory study of the ideas put forward by theorists of post-Development. This current of thought emerged as a radical critique of the Development discourse, proclaiming that no reformulation could change the essential character of it, that being the "Westernisation" of the world. As post-Development's definitions rely on their opposition to what Development represents, from a theoretical point of view as well as in the myriad of behaviours resulting from it, the starting point of the thesis is an analytical account of Development discourse through the various theories that have shaped it during the second half of the 20th century. Other theories that can be considered outside mainstream Development are also analysed as well as those conventionally classified as alternative Development. A whole chapter is then dedicated to thoroughly review the historical unfolding of the Development discourse. The following chapter deals with the ideas put forward by post-Development. It relies on a series of publications identified with this current of thought as well as with information provided by one of its most prominent authors, Dr. Wolfgang Sachs, in an interview conducted by the author of this thesis. It also uses an unpublished manuscript given to the author by Gustavo Esteva, also prominent in the constitution and dissemination of the ideas of post-Development. In an effort to identify whether post-Development has remained at the level of theoretical formulation or if it has informed practices on the ground, research about the activities and underlying beliefs of the Global Barter Network (in Uruguay and in Argentina) and the World Social Forum was undertaken. The field-study, which is presented in the 4th chapter of the thesis, aimed at researching these particular initiatives and draw conclusions with respect to the existence of coincidences with the ideas of post-Development. The dissertation concludes then with an analysis of post-Development's major contributions to the Development debate, of its relationship with already existing practices, of its distinctiveness from alternative Development. It analyses the originality of the post-Development discourse and makes proposals for further research. / Development Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.

Espaces transnationaux de mobilisation post-2011 : propositions pour une analyse complexe

Mac Lorin, Carminda 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse aspire à contribuer à la réflexion sur certaines formes transnationales de mobilisation sociale de la deuxième décennie du XXIe siècle. Elle propose pour ce faire trois articles qui étudient différents phénomènes à l’aide d’une approche ethnographique : Occupons Montréal, Global Square et le Forum social mondial. Ce travail doctoral s’inspire des réflexions sur l’importance de la spatialité apportées par la géographie critique (Auyero, 2005; Massey, 1984; Therborn, 2006). Il explore également l’ « espace ouvert », tel que présenté au sein de la littérature sur les Forums sociaux mondiaux (Keraghel et Sen, 2004; Sen, 2008; Wallerstein, 2004; Whitaker, 2000). De plus, ma démarche dialogue avec la littérature issue de la sociologie des mouvements sociaux (Fraser, 1990; Negt, 2007; Tilly, 2004), et lui apporte un complément d’analyse en reconnaissant autant les ambitions d’unité au sein des objets abordés, que leur nature complexe et dynamique. Le premier article offre ainsi une lecture d’Occupons Montréal, installé en automne 2011 au sein du Square Victoria. Observant deux lieux précis de l’occupation, il questionne ce que l’observation de la spatialité d’une mobilisation sociale dite transnationale peut nous apprendre sur les dynamiques qui s’y développent. Le deuxième article de cette thèse présente une analyse de deux mobilisations qui ont coexisté en 2013 : le Forum social mondial qui eut lieu à Tunis, et Global Square. Il permet ainsi de faire dialoguer ce phénomène altermondialiste emblématique avec une initiative composée d’activistes de Occupy, Indignados et du Printemps tunisien, entre autres, qui s’organisaient en ligne pour participer au FSM 2013. Cet article creuse l’argument selon lequel les espaces transnationaux de mobilisation sont mus par certaines tensions qui leur sont inhérentes. Le troisième article – co-écrit avec Nikolas Schall – mobilise la théorie de l’ « assemblage » (DeLanda, 2006, 2016; Nail, 2017; Rabinow, 2011) pour avancer dans la compréhension des espaces transnationaux, et particulièrement du Forum social mondial 2016 à Montréal. La théorie de l’assemblage (assemblage thinking) renouvelle les possibilités d’analyse de l’hétérogénéité constitutive de ces objets transnationaux complexes : ceux-ci apparaissent comme le fruit de l’interaction de multiples composantes autonomes (pouvant elles-mêmes être des « assemblages d’assemblages »), faisant émerger un « tout fragmentaire » (fragmentary whole) toujours en construction (DeLanda, 2006). La conclusion de cette recherche doctorale soumet une synthèse de ses apports. Elle démontre tout d’abord comment les dimensions théoriques présentées en introduction (illustrant les tensions transnationalité/ancrage, hétérogénéité/unité, et horizontalité/relations de pouvoir) transparaissent à travers chaque article. Puis, voulant apporter une réponse à la question générale de la thèse – comment rendre compte des objets transnationaux complexes ? – je propose une grille analytique qui permet d’illustrer leur émergence à l’intersection des différentes dimensions analysées. Les limites de la thèse sont également présentées. Finalement, je suggère la pertinence d’un élargissement de la notion de société civile, afin que celle-ci puisse inclure la pluralité des perspectives présentes au sein des espaces transnationaux de mobilisation. / This dissertation aims to contribute to the thinking on certain transnational forms of social mobilization in the second decade of the 21st Century. To do so, it proposes three articles that examine different phenomena using an ethnographic approach: Occupy Montreal, Global Square, and the World Social Forum. The inspiration for this doctoral dissertation are the insights offered by critical geography on the importance of spatiality (Auyero, 2005; Massey, 1984; Therborn, 2006). It also explores “open space,” as presented in the literature on the World Social Forums (Keraghel and Sen, 2004; Sen, 2008; Teivainen, 2004; Wallerstein, 2004; Whitaker, 2000). Furthermore, my approach engages with the sociology literature on social movements (Fraser, 1990; Negt, 2007; Tilly, 2004) and contributes a complementary analysis – recognizing the desire for unity within the initiatives discussed as well as their complex and dynamic natures. The first article offers an interpretation of Occupy Montreal, which occupied Victoria Square in the fall of 2011. Observing two specific locations in the occupation, it questions whether observation of the spatiality of a so-called transnational social mobilization can teach us about the dynamics developed there. The second article of this thesis presents an analysis of two mobilizations that occurred in 2013 – the World Social Forum, held in Tunis, and Global Square. It therefor facilitates a dialogue between this emblematic alter-globalist phenomenon and an initiative comprised of activists from movements such as Occupy, Indignados, and the Jasmine Revolution – which organized on-line to participate in WSF 2013. This article explores the argument that transnational mobilization spaces are propelled by certain inherent tensions. The third article, co-authored with Nikolas Schall – uses the prism of “assemblage thinking” (DeLanda, 2006, 2016; Nail, 2017; Rabinow, 2011) to advance the understanding of transnational spaces, particularly the 2016 World Social Forum in Montreal. Assemblage thinking renews the possibilities for analyzing the constitutive heterogeneity of these complex transnational phenomena, which appear as the fruit of the interaction of multiple autonomous components (they themselves potentially being “assemblages of assemblages”), leading to the emergence of an ever-evolving “fragmentary whole” (DeLanda, 2006). The conclusion of this doctoral research offers a synthesis of these contributions. In the first instance it is shown how the theoretical dimensions presented in the introduction (illustrating the tensions between transnationality/anchorage, heterogeneity/unity, and horizontality/power relationships) are visible in each article. Then in the second instance, wishing to provide a response to the general question posed by this dissertation – how to account for complex transnational phenomena – I propose an analytical matrix for illustrating their emergence at the intersection of the various dimensions analyzed. The limitations of this dissertation are likewise presented. Finally, I suggest the relevance of expanding the concept of civil society to include the plurality of perspectives present in transnational spaces of mobilization.

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