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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conformal Coating and Shape-preserving Chemical Conversion of Bio-enabled and Synthetic 3-Dimensional Nanostructures

Jiaqi Li (9529685) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Impressive examples of the generation of hierarchically-patterned, three-dimensional (3-D) structures for the control of light can be found throughout nature. <i>Morpho rhetenor</i> butterflies, for example, possess scales with periodic parallel ridges, each of which consists of a stack of thin (nanoscale) layers (lamellae). The bright blue color of <i>Morpho</i> butterflies has been attributed to controlled scattering of the incident light by the lamellae of the wing scales. Another stunning example is the frustule (microshell) of the <i>Coscinodiscus wailesii</i> diatom, which is capable of focusing red light without possessing a traditional lens morphology. The photonic structures and the optical behaviors of <i>Morpho</i> butterflies and <i>Coscinodiscus wailesii</i> diatoms have been extensively studied. However, no work has been conducted to shift such light manipulation from the visible to the infrared (IR) range via shape-preserving conversion of such biogenic structures. Controlling IR radiation (i.e., heat) utilizing biogenic or biomimetic structures can be of significant utility for the development of energy-harvesting devices. In order to enhance the optical interaction in the IR range, inorganic replicas of biogenic structures comprised of high-refractive-index materials have been generated in this work. Such replicas of <i>Morpho</i> <i>rhetenor</i> scales were fabricated via a combination of sol-gel solution coating, organic pyrolysis, and gas/solid reaction methods. Diatomimetic structures have also been generated via sol-gel coating, gas/solid reaction, and then patterning of pore arrays using focused ion beam (FIB) milling.</p> Throughout the sol-gel solution coating and chemical conversion steps of the processes developed in this study, attention was paid to preserve the starting shapes of the nanopatterned, microscale biogenic or biomimetic structures. Factors affecting such shape preservation included the thicknesses and uniformities of coatings applied to the biogenic or biomimetic templates, nano/microstructural evolution during thermal treatment, and reaction-induced volume changes. A conformal surface sol-gel (SSG) coating process was developed in this work to generate oxide replicas of <i>Morpho rhetenor</i> butterfly scales with precisely-controlled coating thicknesses. The adsorption kinetics and relevant adsorption isotherm of the SSG process were investigated utilizing a quartz crystal microbalance. Analyses of thermodynamic driving forces, rate-limiting kinetic steps, and volume changes associated with various chemical reactions were used to tailor processing parameters for optimized shape preservation.

Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Catalysts for Chemical Processes of Industrial Interest

Erigoni, Andrea 07 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] El trabajo de investigación descrito en la presente Tesis Doctoral ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto europeo MULTI2HYCAT (grant agreement N. 720783) y se ha centrado en la síntesis y caracterización de materiales mono- y multi-funcionales que presentan sitios catalíticos ácidos, básicos o redox. Diferentes líneas de investigación han sido desarrolladas en paralelo para obtener distintos materiales híbridos que serán empleados en diferentes procesos catalíticos, en línea con las necesidades de los socios industriales del proyecto. Debido a la naturaleza colaborativa del proyecto, cada miembro académico se ha en-centrado en un aspecto del desarrollo de los materiales. Es por ello que el Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ-CSIC), donde se ha llevado a cabo esta Tesis Doctoral, se ha centrado en la síntesis de los catalizadores híbridos. Por ello, parte de la caracterización descrita en el Capítulo 3 se ha llevado a cabo en la Università del Piemonte Orientale (IT), durante una estancia de un mes. Ademas, algúnos resultados catalíticos descritos en los Capítulos 3 y 5 han sido obtenidos por la University of Southampton (UK). En el Capítulo 3, se ha descrito la síntesis de dos catalizadores heterogéneos híbridos que presentan moléculas de ácido aril-sulfónico en su composición. En uno de ellos, el anillo aromático presentará átomos de flúor en posición 2, 3, 5, 6. Se han llevado a cabo dos estrategias de síntesis multi-etapas, a través de la síntesis de los precursores alkoxi-silanos, a través de procesos de condensación junto a un precursor de sílice (en ausencia de agentes directores de estructura, a pH neutro y temperaturas bajas) y de una reacción de tethering. Los materiales híbridos han sido caracterizados a través de dife-rentes técnicas. Las propiedades texturales, la estabilidad térmica y la composición química de los catalizadores ha sido estudiada. Además, moléculas sondas han sido adsorbidas en los materiales hibridos y las interacciones entre ellos han sido estudiadas a través de espectroscopias FTIR y RMN multi-nuclear. El catalizador hibrido en que el anillo aromático estaba fluorado resultó ser el más activo catalíticamente en la reac-ción de formación de acetal entre benzaldehído y etilenglicol. Una versión de los hí-bridos en que la superficie había sido pasivada con grupos metilos también fue obteni-da. Las propiedades de los materiales híbridos pasivados fueron comparadas, para po-der estudiar el efecto de la polaridad de la superficie del soporte sobre la actividad catalítica. En el Capítulo 4 se describe la síntesis de órgano-catalizadores híbridos obtenidos por anclaje de precursores de silicio funcionalizados con grupos básicos sobre un soporte del tipo MCM-41. Los catalizadores han sido caracterizados y empleados en diferentes reacciones de formación de enlaces C-C, como la condensación de Knoevenagel y la adición de Michael. Los catalizadores híbridos han sido empleados en la condensación entre furfural y metil isobutil cetona. El catalizador más activo ha sido seleccionado para ser funcionalizado posteriormente con nanoparticulas de paladio y empleado en un proceso catalítico en cascada. Mecanismos de reacción han sido pro-puesto para cada proceso catalítico. El efecto beneficioso debido a la presencia de los grupos silanoles en la superficie del soporte también fue analizado. En el Capítulo 5, la síntesis de catalizadores híbridos multi-funcionales fue descrita. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos en el Capítulo 4, se ha preparado un catalizador que presente grupos aminopropil- y nanopartículas de paladio. Las propiedades estructurales y texturales han sido estudiadas. Además, a través de la microscopia electrónica de transmisión, la distribución dimensional de las nanoparticulas ha sido estimada, resultando en un tamaño medio equivalente a la dimensión de los canales mesoporosos del soporte, MCM-4 / [CA] El treball de recerca descrit en aquesta tesi doctoral es va desenvolupar en el marc del projecte europeu MULTI2HYCAT (grant agreement N. 720783) i se centra en la sínte-si i la caracterització de catalitzadors híbrids mono i multifuncionals amb àcid, base o redox actius llocs. S'han desenvolupat diverses línies d'investigació en paral·lel per dissenyar múltiples catalitzadors híbrids per a diferents processos catalítics, basant-se en les necessitats dels socis industrials. A causa del caràcter col·laboratiu del projecte, cada soci acadèmic es va centrar princi-palment en un aspecte de tot el procés. Institut de Tecnologia Química (ITQ-CSIC), on es va desenvolupar aquesta tesi, està principalment centrat en el disseny i síntesi de catalitzadors híbrids. Per això, part dels resultats de caracterització reportats al Capítol 3 s'han dut a terme a la Università del Piemonte Orientale (IT), durant una estada d'un mes. Alguns dels resultats catalítics reportats al Capítol 3 i al Capítol 5 han estat reali-tzats per la Universitat de Southampton (Regne Unit). En el Capítol 3, s'ha descrit la síntesi de dos catalitzadors heterogenis híbrids que pre-senten molècules d'àcid aril-sulfònic en la composició. En un d'ells, l'anell aromàtic presentarà àtoms de fluor en posició 2, 3, 5, 6. S'han dut a terme dues estratègies de síntesi multi-etapes, a través de la síntesi dels precursors alkoxi-silans, mitjançant pro-cessos de condensació al costat d'un precursor de sílice (en absència d'agents directors d'estructura, a pH neutre i temperatures baixes) i d'una reacció de tethering. Els mate-rials híbrids han estat caracteritzats mitjançant diferents tècniques. Les propietats texturals, l'estabilitat tèrmica i la composició química dels catalitzadors ha sigut estudiada. A més, molècules sondes han estat adsorbides en els materials híbrids i les interaccions entre ells han estat estudiades mitjançant espectroscòpies FTIR i RMN multi-nuclear. El catalitzador híbrid en que l'anell aromàtic estava fluorat va resultar ser el més actiu catalíticament en la reacció de formació d'acetal entre benzaldehid i etilenglicol. Una versió dels híbrids en que la superfície havia estat pasivada amb grups metilos també va ser obtinguda. Les propietats dels materials híbrids passivats van ser comparades, per poder estudiar l'efecte de la polaritat de la superfície del suport sobre l'activitat catalítica. En el Capítol 4 es descriu la síntesi d'organo-catalitzadors híbrids obtinguts per ancoratge de precursors de silici funcionalitzats amb grups bàsics sobre un suport del tipus MCM-41. Els catalitzadors han estat caracteritzats i empleats en diferents reaccions de formació d'enllaços C-C, com la condensació de Knoevenagel i l'addició de Michael. Finalment, els catalitzadors híbrids han estat emprats en la condensació entre furfural i metil isobutil cetona. El catalitzador més actiu ha estat seleccionat per a ser funcionalitzat posteriorment amb nanoparticules de pal·ladi i emprat en un procés catalític en cascada. Mecanismes de reacció han estat proposat per a cada procés catalític. L'efecte beneficiós a causa de la presència dels grups silanols en la superfície de suport també va ser analitzat. En el Capítol 5, la síntesi de catalitzadors híbrids multi-funcionals va ser descrita. Basant-se en els resultats obtinguts en el Capítol 4, s'ha preparat un catalitzador que presenti grups aminopropil- i nanopartícules de palladi. Les propietats estructurals i texturals han estat estudiades. A més, a través de la microscòpia electrònica de trans-missió, la distribució dimensional de les nanoparticulas ha estat estimada, resultant en una grandària mitjana equivalent a la dimensió dels canals mesoporosos del suport, MCM-41. El material ha estat emprat com a catalitzador multi-funcional. / [EN] The research work described in this Doctoral Thesis was developed within the frame of the MULTI2HYCAT European Project (grant agreement N. 720783) and it is focused on the synthesis and characterization of mono- and multi-functional hybrid catalysts featuring acid, base or redox active sites. Several research lines have been developed in parallel to design multiple hybrid catalysts for different catalytic processes, building upon the needs of the industrial partners. Due to the collaborative nature of the project, each academic partners mainly focused on one aspect of the whole process. Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ-CSIC), where this Thesis was developed, mostly focused on the design and synthesis of the hybrid catalysts. For that, part of the characterization results reported in Chapter 3 have been carried out at Università del Piemonte Orientale (IT), during a one month stay. Some of the catalytic results reported in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 have been car-ried out by the University of Southampton (UK). In Chapter 3 the synthesis of two different heterogeneous hybrid catalysts carrying aryl-sulfonic moieties, in which the aromatic ring was either fluorinated or not, is re-ported. Two multi-step synthetic approaches were developed, involving the synthesis of the silyl-derivative precursor, template-free one-pot co-condensation (at low tem-perature and neutral pH) and tethering reaction. A multi-technique approach was im-plemented to characterize the hybrid catalysts. Textural properties, thermal stability and chemical makeup of the materials were studied. Moreover, probe molecules were adsorbed onto the hybrids and the interaction were studied with multi-nuclear NMR and FTIR spectroscopies. The catalytic activity of the two hybrids showed superior performances for the fluoro-aryl-sulfonic acid, compared to the non-fluorinated mate-rial, in the acetal formation between benzaldehyde and ethylene glycol. Silanol-capped versions of the hybrids have also been prepared and their properties have been com-pared with those of hydrophilic hybrids, to study the effect of the polarity of the sur-face on the overall catalytic activity of the hybrids. In Chapter 4, the synthesis of hybrid mesoporous organocatalysts, obtained by graft-ing of commercial and custom-made silyl-derivatives onto MCM-41 supports, is re-ported. The hybrid catalysts were characterized and tested for different reactions in-volving C-C bond formation, such as Knoevenagel condensations and Michael addi-tion. Finally, the catalysts were tested in the condensation between furfural and methyl isobutyl ketone and the most performing catalyst was selected for the synthesis of a multi-functional hybrid. Reaction mechanisms have been proposed and the beneficial effect of the surface silanol groups on the catalytic activity was demonstrated. In Chapter 5, the synthesis of hybrid multi-functional catalysts is reported. Building upon the results reported in Chapter 4, a hybrid catalyst featuring aminopropyl moie-ties and palladium nanoparticles was developed. Structural and textural properties of the catalysts were accessed. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy showed a narrow nanoparticles distribution, centered a value equivalent to the size of the meso-porous channels of the support. The catalyst was tested in a tandem process involving the aldol condensation between furfural and methyl isobutyl ketone followed by hy-drogenation of the aldol adduct. The influence of several variables on the activity of the multi-functional catalyst was explored, with the scope of paving the way for more thorough studies to be carried out in flow regime. Lastly, proof-of-concept syntheses of multi-functional hybrid catalysts featuring base sites and supported metal complex are reported. / The research work described in this Doctoral Thesis was developed within the frame of the MULTI2HYCAT European Project (grant agreement N. 720783). I would like to thank la Caixa foundation for my PhD scholarship. / Erigoni, A. (2021). Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Catalysts for Chemical Processes of Industrial Interest [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165238

Stockage du CO2 et séparation CO2/CH4 par des matériaux de silice à porosité et fonctionnalité contrôlées : étude expérimentale et modélisation de dynamique moléculaire / CO2 storage and CO2/CH4 separation by silica materials : parallel approach : experience-theory

Venet, Saphir 12 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à évaluer les performances de matériaux à base de silice et à rationaliser leur synthèse en fonction des propriétés d’adsorption recherchées (capacité et/ou sélectivité) en combinant des approches expérimentales et la modélisation de dynamique moléculaire. Ces matériaux devaient idéalement présenter une capacité d’adsorption CO2 mais également une sélectivité CO2 /CH4 élevées. Les différentes étapes de ce travail ont été :- la synthèse et la fonctionnalisation des matériaux de silice,- leur caractérisation texturale et chimique,- la détermination des capacités d’adsorption du CO2, de leur sélectivité CO2/CH 4 ,- les caractérisations par différentes techniques spectroscopiques et microscopiques des échantillons pour essayer de localiser l’adsorption du CO2 et mesurer sa mobilité,- l’identification microscopique par modélisation moléculaire des facteurs physico-chimiques influant sur l’adsorption préférentielle du CO2 et sa diffusivité dans le matériau hôte ainsi que sur le rôle du caractère hydrophile/hydrophobe du matériau de silice par le biais de sa fonctionnalisation.Ces objectifs ont nécessité la préparation de matériaux à surfaces spécifiques élevées par le biais d’un procédé sol-gel simple. Ces matériaux ont été modifiés afin d’obtenir un taux de fonctionnalisation par des groupements -CH3 suffisant pour modifier le caractère hydrophile du matériaux tout en conservant une surface spécifique suffisante. L’influence de la taille des pores a également été sondée.Les capacités d’adsorption des gaz sous pression ont été réalisées pour les gaz purs mais également sur des mélanges CO2/CH4 dans différentes proportions. La sélectivité CH 4 /CO 2 , souvent estimée à partir des isothermes des corps purs et/ou la méthode IAST, a dans ce cas été déterminée à partir de la mesure directe des isothermes des mélanges de gaz. Il est apparu que l’eau joue un rôle crucial sur les capacité et sélectivités d’adsorption. Ce paramètre est l’un de ceux qui a été étudié à travers les simulations de dynamiques moléculaires. L’influence de l’introduction de groupements hydrophobes a également été exploré.Les résultats obtenus par dynamique moléculaire sont dans l’ensemble en bon accord avec les données expérimentales. Ces deux approches parallèles expérience/théorie ont mis en évidence la sélectivité de l’un des matériaux pour des applications où l’effluent gazeux est peu chargé en CO 2 . / This work aims to evaluate the performance of silica-based materials and to rationalize their synthesis according to their desired adsorption properties (capacity and/or selectivity) by combining experimental approaches and the management of the molecular animal. These materials are ideally suited for CO2 adsorption capacity but also CO2/ CH4 selectivity. The different stages of this work were:- the synthesis and functionalization of the silica materials,- their textural and chemical characterization,- the determination of CO2 adsorption capacities, of their CO2/ CH4 selectivity.- the characterizations by various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques of tests to try to locate the adsorption of CO2 and to measure its mobility,- microscopic identification by the factor of physic-Factors influence the preferential adsorption of CO2 and its diffusivity in the role of hydrophilic / hydrophobic character in silica by functional.These objectives required the preparation of high specific surface materials through a simple sol-gel process. These materials have been modified in order to obtain a degree of functionalization with -CH3 groups sufficient to modify the hydrophilic nature of the material while maintaining a sufficient specific surface area. The influence of pore size was also probed.The adsorption capacities of the gases under pressure were carried out for pure gases but also on CO2/ CH4 mixtures in different proportions. The CH4/ CO2 selectivity, often estimated from the pure body isotherms and / or the IAST method, was in this case determined from the direct measurement of the isotherms of the gas mixtures. It has become apparent that water plays a crucial role in adsorption capacity and selectivity. This parameter is one of those studied through molecular dynamics simulations. The influence of the introduction of hydrophobic groups has also been explored.The results obtained by molecular dynamics are on the whole in good agreement with the experimental data. These two parallel experience / theory approaches have highlighted the selectivity of one of the materials for applications where the gaseous effluent is little loaded with CO2.


Andres Villa Pulido (8083202) 06 December 2019 (has links)
Ionic conductivity of solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) can be enhanced by the addition of fillers, while maintaining good chemical stability, and compatibility with popular cathode and anode materials. Additionally, polymer composite electrolytes can replace the flammable organic liquid in a lithium-ion battery design and are compatible with lithium metal. Compatibility with Li-metal is a key development towards a next-generation rechargeable Li-ion battery, as a Li-metal anode has a specific capacity an order of magnitude higher than LiC6 anodes used today in everyday devices. The addition of fillers is understood to suppress the crystalline fraction in the polymer phase, increasing the ionic conductivity, as Li-ion conduction is most mobile through the amorphous phase. A full model for a conduction mechanism has not yet constructed, as there is evidence that a semi-crystalline PEO-based electrolyte performs better than a fully amorphous electrolyte. Furthermore, it is not yet fully understood why the weight load of fillers in PCEs can range from 2.5%wt to 52.5%wt, in order to achieve high ionic conductivity (~10-4S/cm). This work seeks to investigate the conduction mechanism in the PCE through the use of doped-Li7La3Zr2O12 as a filler and analysis of the PCE microstructure. In this work, a solid-state electrolyte, doped-Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) was synthesized via a sol-gel method, and characterized. The effect of doping and co-doping the Li, La and Zr sites in the LLZO garnet was investigated. A PEO-based polymer composite electrolyte (PCE) was prepared by adding bismuth doped LLZO (Li7-xLa3Zr2-xBixO12) as a filler. The bismuth molar ratio was changed in value to study the dopant role on the bulk PCE ionic conductivity, polymer phase crystallinity and microstructure. Results suggest that small variations in dopant can determine the optimal weight load of filler at which the maximum ionic conductivity is reached. By understanding the relationship between filler properties and electrochemical properties, higher performance can be achieved with minimal filler content, lowering manufacturing costs a solid-state rechargeable Li-ion battery.<br>

Photon Upconversion Sensitized Rare-Earth Fluoride Nanoparticles

Monks, Melissa-Jane 26 June 2023 (has links)
Aufkonversions-Nanokristalle (UCNC) zeichnen sich als einzigartige Lumineszenzreporter aus, die Nah-infrarotes Anregungslicht in Photonen höherer Energie umwandeln. Für die gezielte Anpassung von Eigenschaften, bedarf es ein tiefes Verständnis der Prozesse der Aufwärtskonversionslumineszenz (UCL) und deren Abhängigkeit von Material und Partikeldesign. Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht die UCL-Prozesse von Yb3+,Er3+ dotierten SrF2-UCNC und zielt darauf ab, die UCL-Eigenschaften der bisher unterschätzten kubischen Wirtsgitter zu verstehen und zu steigern. Hierbei wird die fluorolytische Sol-Gel-Synthese als neuartige Syntheseroute für UCNC vorgestellt. Vorteile wie ausgezeichnete Reproduzierbarkeit, viele Freiheitsgrade bei der Temperaturbehandlung und Partikelgestaltung werden anhand von SrF2 UCNC demonstriert. Die UCNC wurden mittels UCL-Spektren, UCL-Quantenausbeuten, leistungsdichte-abhängiger relativer spektraler Verteilung sowie der Lumineszenzabklingkinetiken unter Einbeziehung kristalliner Eigenschaften wie der Kristallphase, der Kristallitgröße, der Gitterparameter und der Teilchengröße untersucht. Die Abhängigkeit der UCL-Eigenschaften von der Dotierungsmenge wurde mit einer umfassenden Dotierungsreihe beschrieben und der optimale Dotierungsbereich (Yb3+,Er3+) von kleinen, ungeschalten SrF2-UCNC eingegrenzt. Bei der Studie dotierter Kerne mit passivierenden Schalen wurde der Einfluss von Temperaturbehandlung auf die UCL-Mechanismen und die Kern-Schale-Vermischung untersucht. Anhand von unterschiedlich kalzinierten UCNC Pulvern wurde die Empfindlichkeit der UCL gegenüber der Änderung kristalliner Eigenschaften, wie Kristallphase, Kristallinität, und Kristallitgröße betrachtet. Zusammen liefern die Dotierungs-, die Kern-Schale- und die Kalzinierungsstudie wertvolle Einblicke in das gitterspezifische Verhalten der UCL-Eigenschaften als Funktion der Energiemigration und der Kristalleigenschaften. / Upconversion nanocrystals (UCNC) represent a unique type of luminescence reporters that convert near-infrared excitation light into higher energy photons. Tailoring UCNC with specific luminescence properties requires an in-depth understanding of upconversion luminescence (UCL) processes and their dependence on material and particle design. This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the UCL processes of Yb3+,Er3+ doped SrF2-UCNC and aims to understand and enhance the UCL properties of the previously underestimated cubic host lattices. Herein, fluorolytic sol-gel synthesis is introduced as a novel synthetic route for UCNC. Advantages such as excellent reproducibility, high flexibility in temperature treatment and particle design are demonstrated using SrF2 UCNC. The UCNC were characterized by UCL spectra, UCL quantum yields, excitation power density-dependent relative spectral distribution, and luminescence decay kinetics involving crystalline properties such as crystal phase, crystallite size, lattice parameters, and particle size. The dependence of UCL properties on doping amount was described in a comprehensive doping study, and the optimal doping range (Yb3+,Er3+) of small, unshelled SrF2-UCNC was identified. In a core-shell study of doped core UCNC with passivating shells, the influence of temperature treatment on UCL mechanisms and core-shell mixing was investigated. Further, using different calcined UCNC powders, the sensitivity of UCL to the change of crystalline properties, such as crystal phase, crystallinity, and crystallite size, was assessed. Together, the doping, core-shell, and calcination studies provide valuable insight into the lattice-specific behavior of UCL properties as a function of energy migration and crystal properties.

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