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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of selected housing strategies with special reference to Khayelitsha

Nkwenkwezi, Thandabantu Sydney 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to provide alternative solutions to housing and developmental problems faced by the government in South Africa's urban/metropolitan areas in general and in Khayelitsha in particular. The root causes of the problems have been identified and linked to urbanisation-related government policies of the past. The Group Areas "urban model of development" influenced the planning, management and development (spatial policies) in the urban/metropolitan areas. The rural-urban migration process through the migrant labour system during the industrialisation period was engineered by the "Corporate State" and consolidated by the introduction of tax systems and laws regulating land ownership by the African people (Natives). These have impoverished the African people both in rural and urban/metropolitan areas. The existing gap in development between rural and urban/metropolitan areas, in particular in the peri-urban areas, is evident in persistent poverty and unemployment as effects of the conditions which generate increased migration. In this context, Khayelitsha is used as a case study to illustrate study variables (urban policies and management, rapid urbanisation and their impact on housing and development) at grassroots level. Comparison is made undertaken between South African housing and developmental problems and those of other developing countries. Tanzania and Zimbabwe as African countries and former British Colonies (African connection) have been chosen for this purpose. Data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews and participatory observation. This makes the study objective, but also subjective. The research concludes that there is a need to devote more resources to rural development programmes accompanied by decentralisation strategies. This will help to reduce the gap between rural and urban development. It is hoped that the information contained in this thesis will provide a basic background to meet the social and economic challenges by addressing housing and developmental problems, in Khayelitsha in particular and South Africa in general. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word daar gepoog om moontlike oplossings te vind vir die behuisings en ontwikkelingsprobleme wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering en stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede oor die algemeen en Khayelitsha in die besonder ondervind word. Die kernoorsake van die probleme word geïdentifiseer en verbind aan die vorige regering se verstedelikingsbeleide. Beplanning, bestuur en ontwikkeling (ruimtelike beleide) in die stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede is beïnvloed deur die Groepsgebiede-model vir stedelike ontwikkeling. Die landelike-stedelike migrasieproses, geïnisieer deur die trekarbeidstelsel gedurende die industrialiseringsera, is deur die "Korporatiewe Staat" bewerkstellig en gekonsolideer deur die instelling van belastingstelsels en wette ter regulering van grondbesit deur swart mense. Dit het gelei tot die verarming van swart mense in landelike en stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede. Die bestaande gaping in ontwikkeling tussen landelike en stedelike gebiede, in die besonder in buitestedelike gebiede, blyk duidelik uit gevestigde armoede en werkloosheid as uitvloeisels van die omstandighede wat tot toenemende migrasie lei. In hierdie konteks is Khayelitsha gebruik as 'n gevallestudie om die studieveranderlikes (stedelike beleide, stedelike bestuur, snelle verstedeliking en die impak daarvan op behuising en ontwikkeling) op voetsoolvlak te illustreer. Vergelykings is getref ten einde Suid-Afrikaanse behuisings- en ontwikkelingsprobleme met ander ontwikkelende lande te vergelyk. Vir die doel is Tanzanië en Zimbabwe as Afrikalande en eertydse Britse kolonies (Afrika-konneksie) gekies. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste, onderhoude en deelnemende waarneming. Dit het daartoe gelei dat die studie nie alleen objektief nie, maar ook subjektief is. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat meer hulpbronne tesame met desentraliseringstrategieë gerig op landelike ontwikkelingsprogramme benodig word. Dit sal bydra tot vernouing van die gaping tussen landelike en stedelike ontwikkeling. Daar word derhalwe gehoop dat die inligting vervat in hierdie tesis basiese agtergrond sal verskaf om die sosiale en ekonomiese uitdagings die hoof te bied deur die bestaande behuisings - en ontwikkelingsprobleme in Khayelitsha in die besonder en Suid-Afrika oor die algemeen aan te spreek.

Evaluating the credibility of the integrated development plan as a service delivery instrument in Randfontein local municipality

Dlulisa, Lungelwa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research study was undertaken to explore one of the most significant plans in local government and is aimed at guiding future development within municipal areas. It seeks to evaluate the credibility of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) as a service delivery tool in Randfontein Municipality. Randfontein Local Municipality was selected, amongst other reasons, due to the finding by the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) that it lacked crucial information relating to performance. The IDP spans five years and is an appealing super-plan for any municipality. An evaluation of this plan’s effectiveness as a service delivery instrument is therefore important. Various legislation oblige local government to prepare and undertake IDP, which should be a collaborative planning process aimed at guiding municipalities to eradicate service delivery backlogs while encouraging socio-economic development. The process also seeks to preserve and conserve the environment and address spatial disparities for the development of, and delivering on, agreed priorities which are translated into projects with clearly defined outputs and targets over a five year planning cycle. In this study, the municipal IDP can be viewed as a five year service delivery commitment to the community by those elected and entrusted with ensuring that the IDP becomes a reality. It is integrated in such a way that it should be a reflection of government’s wider plans such as the district municipality’s plans and the relevant provincial and national government’s plans. This plan should be informed by the communities which municipalities serve and must be backed by the necessary funding. The IDP has become a focus of South Africa’s post-apartheid municipal planning and is also seen as a key instrument in an evolving framework of intergovernmental planning and coordination within the South African government, as mentioned by the Department of Housing during their DBSA Conference on Integrated Development Planning, (2008). The IDP is a phenomenal practice which was, and still is, aimed at addressing the consequences of planning done during apartheid, such as deliberate divided development as well as the marginalisation of so-called historically underprivileged communities. However, given the recent frequent and sometimes aggressive service delivery protests across South Africa, attention should now be focussed on tools used by government to ensure service delivery takes place. Existing information was explored during a literature review to contextualise service delivery while also discussing the elements of a credible IDP. The legislative framework for local government and its reforms budget was discussed and linked to the IDP. The credibility of the IDP was evaluated using the available IDP evaluation framework of the National Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs (COGTA). Using this framework, challenges to the credibility and implementation of the Randfontein IDP were revealed. The municipality is struggling to use IDP as a tool to facilitate integrated and coordinated delivery, as the IDP identifies a large number of projects to be implemented by other spheres of government without indicating the sources of funding for these or their linkages with other programmes. The credibility of the IDP was measured by the following three performance indicators: - financial viability; - good governance; and - institutional arrangements. Certain recommendations were made to assist in improving the IDP as a credible service delivery tool, upon which decisions can be made to address service delivery requirements within the Randfontein area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om een van die mees betekenisvolle, nuew beplanningsbeleidstukke vir plaaslike regering te ondersoek. Hierdie beleidstuk het ten doel om rigtinggewend op te tree in toekomstige ontwikkeling binne munisipale gebiede. Die geloofwaardigheid van di Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) as ‘n diensverskaffingsinstrument in die Randfontein Plaaslike Munisipaliteit is geselekteer, onder andere, weens die Suid-Afrikaanse Ouditeur-Generaal (SAOG) se bevinding dat hierdie raad se GOP mank gegaan het aan noodsaaklike inligting vir behoorlike prestasiemeting. Elke GOP-termyn strek oor vyf jaar en skyn ‘n aanneemlike superplan vir enige munisipaliteit te bied. Dit is dus belangrik om die effektiwiteit van hierdie beplanningsbeleid as ‘n diensleweringsinstrument te bepaal. ‘n Verskeidenheid wetgewing verplig plaasllike regerings om vir so ‘n vyfjaarplan voorbereidings te tref en geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplanne in werking te stel. Die beplanningsproses moet ‘n samewerkende benadering bevorder en daarop ingestel wees om munisipaliteite só te lei dat diensleweringsagterstande uitgewis word, terwyl dit sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling bevorder. Die beleidsproses het ook ten doel om die natuurlike omgewing te beskerm en te bewaar en, in die toepassing daarvan, ruimtelike teenstrydighede en ongelykhede aan te spreek. Vooraf ooreengekome prioriteite moet eerbiedig word en beslag kry in projekte met duidelik omskrewe uitkomste en doelwitte vir die betrokkwe siklus. In hierdie studie word ‘n munisipale GOP beskou as ‘n ooreengekome verbintenis tot vyf jaar van dienslewering aan die gemeenskap deur diegene wat daartoe verkies is en aan wie dit derhalwe toevertrou word. Die verkose raad moet toesien dat die GOP verwesenlik word. Dit moet op so ‘n wyse geïntegreer word dat dit die regering se algemene ontwikkelingsplanne beliggaam en inpas by die beplanning van die betrokke distriksraad, provinsie en die nasionale regering. Hierdie plan moet geskied met die goedkeuring en medewerking van die gemeenskappe wat die munisipaliteite bedien en moet ook kan reken op die nodige befondsing vir die taak. Die GOP is ‘n fokuspunt van munisipale beplanning in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika en word beskou as die sleutelwerktuig in ‘n veranderende raamwerk van interregeringsbeplanning en koördinering binne die Suid-Afrikaanse regeringsfeer. Dit is tydens die DBSA-Konferensie oor Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanning in 2008, deur die Departement van Behuising aangedui. GOP is ‘n fenomenale beleidsplan wat gebruik word, en steeds daarop ingestel is, om die gevolge van beplanning gedurende die apartheidsera aan te spreek – soos doelbewuste verdeelde ontwikkeling, asook die marginalisasie van sogenaamde histories voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe. Indien die gereelde, some gewelddadige, diensleweringsbetogings van onlangs tye in ag geneem word, is dit duidelik dat die regering nou sy aandag moet toespits op praktyke wat volgehoue dienslewering sal waarborg. Bestaande inligting is d.m.v. ‘n literatuurstudie ondersoek om dienslewering te kontekstualiseer en terselfdertyd die kenmerke van ‘n geloofwaardige GOP te bepaal. Die wetsraamwerk waarbinne plaaslike regering plaasvind en die beskikbare begroting vir hervorming het ook onder die loep gekom en is met die GOP in verband gebring. Die geloofwaardigheid van die GOP is aan die hand van die bestaande GOP-evaluasieraamwerk van die Nasionale Departement van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake (COGTA) geëvalueer en bepaal. Die gebruik van hierdie raamwerk het die geloofwaardigheid en implementering van die Randfontein-GOP bevraagteken. Die munisipaliteit sukkel met die gebruik van die GOP identifiseer ‘n groot aantal projekte wat deur ander regeringsfere geïmplementeer moet word, sonder om die oorsprong van die finansiering te meld of die skakeling met ander programme. Die geloofwaardigheid van die GOP is gemeet aan die volgende drie prestasie-aanwysers: - finansiële lewensvatbaarheid; - goeie regeerkunde; en - institusionele ooreenkomste. Sekere aanbevelings is gemaak om bystand te verleen en die GOP sodanig te verbeter dat dit as ‘n geloofwaardige instrument aangewend kan word om ingeligte besluite betreffend diensleweringsvereistes in die Randfonteingebied te neem.

Maatskaplike werk intervensie met manlike jeugoortreders in die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste

Pheiffer, Roseline Anna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Juvenile delinquency is currently reaching alarming proportions and the number of juveniles within the prison population is on the increase. The crimes committed by male juvenile offenders, are often of an aggressive nature and include crimes such as murder and rape. The high rate of crime and the nature of the offences make it essential for social work services to be rendered to the juvenile offender. The purpose of the study was to establish guidelines for the social worker with the male juvenile offender in the Department of Correctional Services. The literature study dealt with the development of the juvenile offender as adolescent and a profile of the offender was compiled. Those factors both within the family and in the environment that contribute to criminal behaviour in the male juvenile offender were discussed. Furthermore the social work intervention process based on behaviour therapy was described. An exploratory descriptive study was undertaken in order to determine the knowledge that social workers have with regard to social work intervention to the male juvenile offender. An empirical study was done based on the literature study. A sample comprised of ten social workers that work with juvenile offenders at the youth centres of the Department of Correctional Services were involved in the study. With the help of the empirical study the knowledge and skills of social workers regarding the nature of social work intervention to the juvenile was examined. The findings of the study reveal that social workers require more knowledge on the development of the juvenile offender and on those factors that contribute to criminal behaviour, as well as skills with regard to the social work intervention process with the male juvenile offender. In order to render effective social work intervention to male juvenile offenders, social workers must possess adequate knowledge about the juvenile offender and about the skills needed to apply the social work intervention process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Jeugmisdaad neem tans geweldige afmetings aan en die gevangenisbevolking neem toe. Die misdade wat deur manlike jeugoortreders gepleeg word, is dikwels aggressief van aard en sluit misdade soos moord en verkragting in. Die hoë voorkoms van misdaad en die aard van die oortredings noodsaak dat maatskaplike werk dienste aan die jeugoortreder gelewer sal word. Die doel van die studie was om riglyne daar te stel vir die maatskaplike werker in die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste wat met die manlike jeugoortreder werk. Die literatuurstudie het gehandel oor die ontwikkeling van die jeugoortreder as adolessent en 'n profiel van die jeugoortreder is saamgestel. Die faktore in die gesin en in die omgewing wat aanleiding gee tot misdaadgedrag by die manlike jeugoortreder, is bespreek. Voorts is die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses aan die hand van gedragsterapie beskryf. 'n Verkennende-beskrywende studie is onderneem om die kennis van maatskaplike werkers ten opsigte van maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die manlike jeugoortreder te bepaal. 'n Empiriese studie gegrond op die literatuurstudie is gedoen. 'n Steekproef bestaande uit tien maatskaplike werkers wat by jeugsentrums van die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste met jeugoortreders werk, is by die ondersoek betrek. Met behulp van die empiriese ondersoek is die kennis en vaardighede van maatskaplike werkers rakende die aard van maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die jeugoortreder ondersoek. Die bevindinge van die ondersoek toon dat maatskaplike werkers meer kennis benodig oor die ontwikkeling van die jeugoortreder en die aanleidende faktore tot misdaadgedrag, asook oor vaardighede ten opsigte van die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses aan die manlike jeugoortreder. Ten einde effektiewe maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die manlike jeugoortreder te lewer, moet maatskaplike werkers beskik oor voldoende kennis van die jeugoortreder en oor vaardighede in die toepassing van die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses.

I am a black woman living in South Africa : an autoethnography

Rangaka, Lebogang 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / This research report is an autoethnographic narrative that gives a first-hand account of life as experienced by a young Black South African woman living in post-apartheid South Africa. It is a story of her life as a young child who was adopted after the death of her mother and the subsequent abandonment by her biological father. It is also the story of a Black professional woman who struggles to negotiate her way through the corporate world after having had negative experiences in some of the organisations that she has worked for. It highlights the plight of Black professionals all over South Africa who resort to job hopping as a means with which to escape unfair treatment in the workplace. The narrative also deals with issues that are specific to women only. Her experiences of these issues include unfair treatment due to the fact that she was pregnant and later on unfair treatment due to the fact that she is a single mother. They also include the abuse that she has suffered at the hands of certain men in her life. All of these issues have gone a long way towards shaping her perceptions of the country in which she lives as well the role that she feels she is expected to fulfil in it. The narrative is an honest and authentic account of the events that have shaped her perception of corporate South Africa as it struggles to incorporate Employment Equity and Affirmative Action policy into their organisational culture. She highlights the fact that the organisational policies and systems in themselves may be perfect but due to the fact that they have to be implemented by people they often reflect some of the prejudice that exists in society. In sharing her story it is her hope that other Black people would make their stories known for she believes that it is only when these stories are let out in the open can we begin to have meaningful dialogue about them and in so doing come to a resolution that will benefit all of us as a nation. She believes that our failure to talk to one another can only serve to widen the gap that currently exists between Black and White South Africans.

The significance of the concept "Ubuntu" for educational management and leadership during democratic transformation in South Africa

Msengana, Nontobeko Winnie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Education and Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / At the heart of this thesis is to debate and address the procedures of the past imbalances and inequalities in South Africa focusing on industrialization and Ubuntu worldviews. During industrialization, life changed for the indigenous peoples of South Africa. This forced people to change their way of living. They had to adapt to new ways of living in most aspects of their lives. Industrialization is viewed as one aspect that promoted the principles of individual self-sufficiency. Families were separated as the male breadwinners went away to work in industrial areas, e.g. in mines, leaving their families behind. This led to the fragmentation of homes and families. This study explores the nature of industrial society, and looks especially at the capitalist and colonial forms that South African society took. A great deal of this study is concerned with the assumption that certain characteristics and processes underpin industrial societies, and that as a result a set of universal propositions can be derived regarding these structures and processes. Industrialization was promoted by business leaders, industrialists and property-owners who wished to see a more thoroughgoing liberal reform of the economy. The industrial revolutionaries were primarily concerned with overthrowing a nominally feudal regime, which constituted a hindrance to industrial development. The study of industrialization is a complex field, which affects people's behaviour. An aim of this thesis is therefore the exposition of various discourses with regard to the relationship between classes within industrial sociology with special focus on origins, characteristics, effects, leadership, education, family life and religion. Leadership and management in education, as key concepts in this study, basically deal with human relations where problem solving, communication and decision-making are promoted. It is useful to think of leadership as a generic term that refers to the process characterized by the interrelationships among people as they work together in the formation and achievement of shared goals. South Africa's society in the emerging post-industrial era requires a new form of exceptional – almost heroic – leadership because the traditions, institutions, values and balances of a complex and divergent society need to be developed. The future hangs in a balance. As a traditional society, South Africa depends on the statesmanship, generosity and charity of leadership. This can be gained by understanding, accepting and practising the implications of the dual worldviews that are prevalent in South Africa society that is the Western view and Ubuntu. Ubuntu emphasizes the richness of people's cultural heritage and goes a long way in providing principles for application in practice, especially for whatever we engage in as participants in the world of work. At the same time, the philosophy of Ubuntu also challenges African societies to move away from the existing misunderstandings of different races and cultures. With its concern that people in South Africa should pay more attention to the strategic importance of education at this stage of transformation, this study explores the implications for educational management and leadership of an Afro centric heritage. African people need to discard a slave mentality and begin to develop a royal mind-set that has pride in its heritage of cultural diversity. Ubuntu is neither a narrow racial nor a trivial and sectional concept. It is both a uniquely African and a universal concept. This study does not envisage the supremacy of Ubuntu over Westernized knowledge systems. Rather it points the way to a combination of these two knowledge systems as the best option. The aim was to investigate and discover the differences and similarities of Ubuntu and Western worldviews. The study highlights that African leadership does not strive for challenges and excellence, but rather tends to conserve, stabilize and remain constant with the status quo. It does not strive for change or deliberately stimulate motivation or competition. Meanwhile leadership within a Western worldview actively promotes individualism rather than promoting team orientation. The main contention then, is that what is generally needed in South Africa is the transformational type of leadership that can occur when there is a marriage between these two worldviews.

Teacher development for religious and cultural diversity in citizenship education : a community of practice approach

Ferguson, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research focuses on teacher-learning for religious and cultural diversity. The background to the study is associated with curriculum reforms in South Africa since democratization in 1994 and the growing interest globally in the integration of Citizenship education and Religion education. In South Africa, the new national curricula after 1994 introduced Life Orientation as a learning area / subject which includes Citizenship education with Religion education as key focus areas. The outcomes associated with these focus areas require school-based learners to demonstrate knowledge of diversity, co-operative and communicative forms of democracy and commitment to the values espoused in The Constitution. The question that arises in relation to the professional development of teachers in this regard, concerns whether teachers have the professional knowledge base to ensure that their learners acquire the knowledge and skills to enable them to participate as competent citizens in a pluralist democracy. Consequently the large-scale transmissionist approaches to teacher development that have dominated INSET programmes have been critiqued in this study for being inadequate for learning the complexities associated with diversity, citizenship and democracy. This study has hence advocated for teacher-learning through participation in communities of practice which arguably provide appropriate learning conditions in which dialogue and critical reflection characterise the interaction between teachers. On the grounds that South Africa’s social-political history enforced the segregation of racial groups and privileged Christianity above other religions or beliefs, a further argument is related to how this history has influenced teachers’ frames of reference and whether teachers’ frames of reference continue to influence how Citizenship education is approached in the classroom. Hence, the theoretical framework for this study has been formulated to address the issue of teacher-learning for Citizenship education and Religion education (Citizenship education/Religion education) and the extent to which the frames of reference of teachers influence their approaches to democracy, values, citizenship and diversity. To this end two learning theory perspectives have been explored, viz. Mezirow’s transformative learning theory (1991, 2000) and communities of practice, as conceptualised by Wenger (1998, 2006b). The efficacy of the communities of practice concept for teacher-learning for diversity was investigated against a transformative learning theory background, using a mixed methods approach. A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst 60 secondary schools in the Gauteng province, followed by a phase of participatory action research (PAR) with three teachers over a period of approximately eight months. The survey questionnaire was designed to determine the perspectives of a sample of Life Orientation teachers towards learning and teaching religious and cultural diversity in Life Orientation. The findings were used to inform the action research process which in turn drew attention to the significance of the community of practice concept for assisting teachers to generate content knowledge for Citizenship education/Religion education from an inclusive and constructivist perspective. The findings of the survey questionnaire indicated that the majority of the teachers in the sample were not opposed to including religious diversity in their Life Orientation classes despite not having backgrounds in Religious Studies or meaningful in-service training. The PAR findings indicate the value of engagement by teachers in a community of practice for creating and acquiring appropriate content knowledge and for critical reflection on the meaning and application of democratic and personal values for Citizenship education/Religion education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek fokus op onderwyser-leer ter bevordering van religieuse en kulturele diversiteit. Die agtergrond van hierdie studie is enersyds kurrikulumhervorming in Suid-Afrika sedert demokratisering in 1994 en andersyds die groeiende, wêreldwye belangstelling in die integrasie van Burgerskapopvoeding (Citizenship Education) en Religieuse-onderrig (Religion Education). Lewensoriëntering as ‘n leerarea/vak wat Burgerskapopvoeding en Religieuse-onderrig as primêre fokus insluit, is na 1994 as deel van die nuwe nasionale kurrikulum in Suid-Afrika bekendgestel. Die leeruitkomste van hierdie fokus vereis dat leerders kennis moet demonstreer rakende: diversiteit, samewerkende- en kommunikatiewe vorms van demokrasie en die verbintenis tot die waardes soos in die Grondwet vervat. Die vraag word gestel of die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers die nodige professionele kennisbasis bied wat kan verseker dat leerders wel kennis en vaardighede verwerf wat hulle in staat sal stel om bevoegde burgers te wees om aan ‘n pluralistiese demokrasie deel te neem. In hierdie studie word die transmissionistiese benaderings (transmissionist approaches) wat die indiensonderwysersopleiding (INSET) gedomineer het, krities ondersoek en bevraagteken ook hierdie benadering vir die onderrig-leer van kompleksiteite soos diversiteit, burgerskap en demokrasie. In hierdie studie word onderwyser-leer by wyse van deelname aan “gemeenskappe van praktyk” (communities of practice) onderskryf hoofsaaklik weens die moontlikhede wat hierdie benadering bied om gepaste leeromstandighede te skep waar onderwysers se interaksie deur dialoog en kritiese refleksie en terugskouing gekenmerk word. In die lig van Suid-Afrika se sosio-politiese geskiedenis waartydens die segregasie van rassegroepe afgedwing is en Christendom bo ander religieë of geloofsoortuigings bevoorreg was, word kritiese argumente gevoer rondom die invloed van hierdie geskiedenis op onderwysers se verwysingsraamwerke en hoe hierdie betrokke verwysingsraamwerke onderwysers se benadering tot Burgerskapopvoeding beïnvloed het. In die teoretiese raamwerk van hierdie studie word die grondliggende kwessies en diskoerse van onderwyser-leer vir Burgerskapopvoeding en Religieuse-onderrig (Burgerskapopvoeding/ Religieuse-onderrig) ondersoek asook die mate waarop die verwysingsraamwerke van onderwysers hulle onderrigbenaderinge tot demokrasie, waardes, burgerskap en diversiteit beïnvloed het. Die twee leerteorieë en perspektiewe van Mezirow se Transformatiewe Leerteorie (1991, 2000) en “gemeenskappe van praktyk”, soos deur Wenger (1998, 2006b) gekonseptualiseer is, word as vertrekpunte geneem. Die effektiwiteit van die konsep “gemeenskappe van praktyk” vir onderwys-leer in belang van diversiteit, word ondersoek teen die agtergrond van ‘n transformatiewe leerteorie deur gebruik te maak van ‘n gemengde-metodesbenadering (mixed methods approach). ‘n Deursnee-opname is aan 60 sekondêre skole in die Gauteng provinsie gedoen, gevolg deur ‘n fase van Deelnemende-Aksienavorsing met drie onderwysers oor ‘n tydperk van ongeveer agt maande. Die vraelys vir die opname is sodanig ontwerp dat ‘n steekproef Lewensoriënteringonderwysers se perspektiewe van onderrig-leer van religieuse en kulturele diversiteit in Lewensoriëntering bepaal kon word. Hierdie bevindinge is vir die aksienavorsingsfase gebruik wat die aandag gefokus het op die belangrikheid van “gemeenskappe van praktyk” as ‘n konsep wat onderwysers kan help om inhoudskennis vir Burgerskapopvoeding/Religieuse-onderrig vanuit ‘n inklusiewe en konstruktiewe benadering te genereer. Die bevindinge van die vraelysopname toon dat die meerderheid van die onderwysers, wat deel was van die steekproef, nie gekant is teen die insluiting van religieuse diversiteit in Lewensoriënteringsklasse nie ten spyte van die feit dat hulle geen agtergrond in Religieuse-onderrig of enige ander betekenisvolle indiensopleiding ontvang het nie. Die bevindings van die Deelnemende– Aksienavorsingsproses bewys die waarde van onderwyserbetrokkenheid in “gemeenskappe van praktyk” om inhoudskennis te verwerf en krities na te dink oor die betekenis en toepassings van demokratiese en persoonlike waardes vir Burgerskapopvoeding/Religieuse-onderrig.

Substantive equality, affirmative action and the alleviation of poverty in South Africa : a socio-legal inquiry

Katiyatiya, Luyando Martha 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Substantive equality is a constitutional imperative, hence the need for strategies that attempt to realise it for the sake of genuine social reconstruction. The principle of equality runs through all other rights in the South African Constitution. Be that as it may, equality is an elusive concept, which makes its achievement an ambitious task. Nonetheless, there are strategies that attempt to bring to the fore the ‘substance’ of the concept in order to ensure the actual realisation of socio-economic benefits. Such strategies include, among others: social security, education, economic empowerment, skills development and affirmative action. This study will focus on the latter of these strategies, namely affirmative action. Although affirmative action is practised around the world, one of the (many) criticisms of the policy is that it fails to bring about substantive or structural change. In other words, it may change the racial and gender composition of the classroom or the workplace, but does not address the challenges that cause the disadvantages of marginalised groups in the first place. It is arguable that affirmative action has increased inequality in South Africa by benefiting the apex of the class structure and not the majority of the population living in abject poverty. This study develops a theoretical analysis of the link between status (race, sex and ethnicity) and socio-economic disadvantage, and the central question that the study addresses is the following: How can the policy of affirmative action be redesigned to ensure that it benefits the socio-economically disadvantaged? A secondary question that is investigated is whether affirmative action can contribute to the development of human capacities in the context of poverty alleviation. It is arguable that substantive equality facilitates the adoption of strategies (such as affirmative action) to address socio-economic inequality, poverty and social exclusion. The research suggests that a paradigm shift is necessary in order to reconceive of affirmative action as a policy that does not only focus on ensuring ‘equitable representation’ of disadvantaged groups in the workforce or the classroom, but also provides for the development of human capacities. This can be achieved if one adopts an expansive view of affirmative action and if one utilises class as one of the numerous criteria for determining the beneficiaries of the policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Substantiewe gelykheid is ′n grondwetlike vereiste, vandaar die behoefte om strategieë te ontwikkel wat poog om dit te realiser in die belang van daadwerklike sosiale rekonstruksie. Die beginsel van gelykheid is vervleg met alle ander regte in die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet. Gelykheid is nietemin ′n ontwykende konsep, en dit maak die bereiking daarvan ′n ambisieuse taak. Daar is egter strategieë wat gemik is daarop om sosio-ekonomiese voordele te bereik. Voorbeelde van sodanige strategieë sluit in sosiale sekuriteit, opvoeding, ekonomiese bemagtiging, die ontwikkeling van vaardighede, en regstellende aksie. Hierdie studie fokus op laasgenoemde strategie, naamlik regstellende aksie. Ten spyte van die feit dat regstellende aksie regoor die wêreld toegepas word, word die beleid nietmin gekritiseer as sou dit nie werklik wesenlike of strukturele verandering teweeg bring nie. Met ander woorde, dit bring moontlik ‘n verandering teweeg in die rasse-en geslagsamestelling van die klaskamer of die werkplek, maar spreek nie die uitdagings aan wat in die eerste plek lei tot die posisie van relatiewe benadeling waarin gemarginaliseerde groepe hulself bevind nie. Sommige argumenteer dat regstellende aksie bydra tot ongelykheid in Suid-Afrika deur voordele te beperk tot diegene wat hulself aan die toppunt van die klasstruktuur bevind terwyl dit die meerderheid van die bevolking wat in armoede leef ignoreer. Hierdie studie ontwikkel ′n teoretiese ontleding van die verband tussen status (ras, geslag en etnisiteit) en sosio-ekonomiese benadeling. Die sentrale vraag van die studie is die volgende: Hoe kan die beleid van regstellende aksie herontwerp word om te verseker dat dit lei tot die bevoordeling van die sosio-ekonomiese benadeeldes? ’n Sekondêre vraag wat in die studie onder die loep kom is of regstellende aksie ’n bydrae kan maak tot die ontwikkeling van menslike vermoë in die konteks van armoedeverligting. Daar kan geragumenteer word dat die strewe na substantiewe gelykheid strategieë (soos regstellende aksie) na vore bring om sosio-ekonomiese ongelykheid, armoede en sosiale uitsluiting aan te spreek. Die navorsing dui daarop dat ′n paradigmaskuif nodig is om regstellende aksie te herkonseptualiseer as ′n beleid wat nie net fokus op die bereiking van ‘billike verteenwoordiging’ van benadeelde groepe in die werkplek of klaskamer nie, maar ook voorsiening maak vir die ontwikkeling van menslike vermoë. Dit kan bereik word deur die aanvaarding van ’n uitgebreide siening van regstellende aksie en deur die benutting van klas as een van menige faktore wat in ag geneem word om die bevoordeeldes van die beleid te identifiseer. / Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Law / National Research Fund

Die politiek van transformasie : ’n analise van ekonomiese verandering in Suid-Afrika

Bosman, Frouwien Reina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Political Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / For the sake of continued social stability in South Africa it is imperative that the country’s so-called “partial transition” is completed through a process of meaningful socio-economic transformation that addresses the consequences of its history of unequal development. Transformation can thus be viewed as one of the primary challenges in the economic and socio-political landscape in South Africa. It is the task of social sciences to contribute to the general understanding of our social reality through systematic analysis and thereby promoting effective responses to social challenges. Current literature on the transformation process in South Africa focuses almost exclusively on the country’s political transition (as a change in power relationships) and analyses of socioeconomic inequality and descriptions of the successes and failures of policy measures that have been adopted since 1994 to promote the redistribution of economic resources. Three shortcomings in current literature on and the theoretical analysis of transformation were identified, namely: (i) the apparent disregard of the status implications of the redistribution of political and economic resources, (ii) the absence of analyses that problematise the transformation process as such (and specifically the sector and industry specific initiatives initiated to promote Black Economic Empowerment), and (iii) the lack of prescriptive guidelines for the management of transformation processes. It is the primary goal of this study to develop a theoretical framework in terms of which socioeconomic transformation can be analysed. Socio-economic transformation is described as a potentially contentious process and it is shown that the institutionalised and negotiated nature of transformation in the South African context allows us to interpret it in terms of theories of social conflict. Theory from the field of conflict studies, and specifically Social Identity Theory, is used to analyse the impact of the redistribution of power and material resources on the status of social groups and the concurrent implications for inter-group relationships. The theoretical model is also used to identify specific circumstances under which the stability of social relationships can be maintained amidst the redistribution of power and resources – i.e.: circumstances in which parity of esteem is maintained through mutual acceptance of the principles that underlie the distribution of resources, power and other sources of social status. A prescriptive model for the management of conflict that satisfies these requirements is developed from the theory of conflict transformation and is presented as a model for the management of transformation. This model suggests the achievement of social justice as the desired outcome of conflict management. In the absence of a satisfactory definition of social justice in the existing theory, John Rawls’s conceptualisation of justice is suggested as an analytical elaboration of the theory. A case study, namely the negotations on the Wine Industry Charter and the transformation of a key institution in the South African wine industry, is used to illustrate how the chosen theoretical model (and specifically the theoretical assumptions regarding the need for positive self-esteem) can by used by analysts to interpret information processes. The case study is also used to illustrate how the elements of the chosen prescriptive model for the management of transformation has been utilised. The study confirms the fact that the chosen theoretical model for the management of transformation was utilised in the formal transformation process in the wine industry (and specifically in the successful development of the Wine Industry Charter and the negotiations regarding the structure and nature of the South African Wine Council).

In search of a family : the challenge of gangsterism to faith communities on the Cape Flats

MacMaster, Llewellyn L. M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gangsterism, as described in this study, is a serious problem. It has deep historical roots in Cape town has developed into a kind of ‘resident evil’ that rears its ugly head time and again, despite several efforts by state organs to crush it. The study was not attempted as a thorough and in-depth research on gangs as such. The main research question was: How do faith communities, in particular Christian churches, respond to the challenges of gangsterism on the Cape Flats. The research gives an overview of gangsterism as a global phenomenon and how it specifically manifests and presents itself within the context of the Cape Flats of Cape Town. The discussion of gangsterism deliberately wanted to dispel the notion that there are quick-fix solutions to gangsterism. People of faith should guard against superficial analyses and over-simplification of social issues, including gangsterism, poverty and unemployment. With this in mind, the research has traced the historical origins of gangsterism in Cape Town, highlighting various socio-political, economic as well as cultural and personal factors that contributed to the formation and establishment of street gangs. It was also noted how some of these factors still exist in postapartheid South Africa and continue to provide fertile ground for gangsterism to continually raise its ugly head in communities on the Cape Flats. It was important to note that many gangs have evolved from ordinary street gangs to sophisticated, high-profile crime syndicates that have built strongholds in poor communities. This furthermore underlines the fact that there are not quick-fix solutions to gangsterism as if it is only a few youngsters causing trouble that should be sorted out [Chapter 2]. Faith communities on the Cape Flats have come a long way themselves. These communities have shown an incredible resilience in the face of many challenges as a result of socio-political factors. It is therefore important to discuss some of the elements that contributed to this resilience as the research explores the nature of the ecclesiology that has developed over a period of time. What transpired is that the ecclesiology under discussion is dynamic, not static in nature. The type of ecclesiology on the Cape Flats may be called a social-systemic ministry of inter-contextual presence. It is responsive to the social context, and is kept alive by the context with a huge emphasis on orthopraxy rather than orthodoxy. The situation on the Cape Flats requires a missional ecclesiology as faith communities are challenged to continuously involve themselves in the mission dei. While reaching out to the world, faith communities are also called iv upon to be open, practicing hospitality as they welcome gangsters and ex-gangsters into their spaces of worship [Chapter 3]. The next question to explore is: What kind of pastoral care is needed when faith communities on the Cape Flats have to deal with the challenge of gangsterism and other social phenomena like poverty, unemployment and substance-abuse? In order to answer this question, it was necessary to trace back the development of pastoral care and counseling over many centuries. Learning from these historical developments, a communal-contextual paradigm for pastoral care was chosen as a base theory. This choice indicates a move away from individual care with a focus on the human “self” to a hermeneutics of systemic, public care and compassionate presence. Some of the elements of this kind of care is discussed which include contextuality, as well as the eco-systemic, hermeneutical, anthropological, relational and public nature of pastoral care. It is also important that pastoral care operates and is practiced inter-disciplinary in order to provide the best possible help to care-seekers. The final question that is posed is: How different is the care that faith communities provide from the care of any other welfare agency or non-governmental organization (NGO)? In order to link an eco-systemic and social hermeneutic paradigm to the theology of presence of God within communal and contextual systems, a pneumatological approach to theory formation in pastoral care is proposed. Pastoral care has to offer more than behavioural and social sciences, because we believe that the salvation and grace it offers are good news to people. Pastoral care offers not only comfort and consolation, but also transformation (change and growth) and the fostering of a mature faith and spirituality by means of Scripture, prayer and the sacraments within the communion sanctorum, the familia dei. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gangsterisme, soos dit in hierdie studie beskryf word, is ‘n ernstige probleem. Dit het diep historiese wortels in Kaapstad, wat met die verloop van tyd ontwikkel het in ‘n tipe ‘plaaslike euwel’ wat gereeld kop uitsteek, ten spyte van talle pogings deur staatsorganisasies om dit uit te roei. Die studie is nie aangepak met die doel om ‘n deeglike en in diepte navorsing te wees op bendes as sodanig nie. Die hoof navorsingsvraag was: Hoe reageer geloofsgemeenskappe, meer spesifiek Christelike kerke, op die uitdagings van gangsterisme op die Kaapse Vlakte? ‘n Oorsig word gegee van gangsterisme as ‘n wêreldwye verskynsel en hoe dit spesifiek manifesteer en voorkom in die konteks van die Kaapse Vlakte van Kaapstad. Die bespreking van gangsterisme stel ten doel om die idee te verwerp dat eenvoudige oplossings te vinde is vir gangsterisme. Gelowige mense moet waak teen oppervlakkige ontledings en oorvereenvoudiging van sosiale aangeleenthede, insluitend gangsterisme, armoede en werkloosheid. Gedagtig hieraan, het die navorsing die historiese oorsprong van gangsterisme in Kaapstad nagetrek, met klem op die verskeie sosio-politiese, ekonomiese sowel as die kulturele en persoonlike faktore wat bygedra het tot die vorming en vestiging van straatbendes. Melding was ook gemaak van die feit dat sommige van hierdie faktore steeds bestaan in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika en voortgaan om ‘n geskikte milieu te skep vir gangsterisme om voortdurend kop uit te steek in gemeenskappe op die Kaapse Vlakte. Dit was belangrik om te vermeld dat bendes ontwikkel het van gewone straatbendes na gesofistikeerde, hoë profiel misdaadsindikate wat hulle ingegrawe het in arm gemeenskappe. Dit bevestig verder dat daar geen eenvoudige oplossings is vir gangsterisme, asof dit slegs ‘n paar jongelinge is wat kwaad aanvang en uitgesorteer behoort te word. Geloofsgemeenskappe op die Kaapse Vlakte het self ook ‘n lang pad gestap. Hierdie gemeenskappe het ‘n ongelooflike weerstand getoon in die aangesig van menigte uitdagings as gevolg van sosio-politiese faktore. Gevolglik is dit belangrik om sommige van die elemente te bespreek wat bygedra het tot hierdie weerstand in die lig van die bespreking van die aard van die ekklesiologie soos dit met die verloop van tyd ontwikkel het. Dit het geblyk dat die ekklesiologie onder bespreking dinamies en nie staties van aard is. Die ekklesiologie van die Kaapse Vlakte kan na verwys word as ‘n sosiaal-sistemiese bediening van inter-kontekstuele teenwoordigheid. Dit reageer op die sosiale konteks, en word aan die gang gehou deur die konteks, met meer klem op ortopraksie eerder as op ortodoksie. Die situasie op die Kaapse Vlakte vereis ‘n missionale ekklesiologie soos geloofsgemeenskappe voortdurend uitgedaag vi word om hulle te betrek in die mission dei. Wyl hulle uitreik na die wêreld, word geloofsgemeenskappe ook opgeroep om toeganklik en gasvry te wees teenoor bendelede en gewese bendelede deur hulle in hul midde in plekke van aanbidding te verwelkom. Die volgende vraag om te ondersoek is die vraag na die tipe pastorale sorg wat nodig is wanneer geloofsgemeenskappe op die Kaapse Vlakte te doene het met die uitdagings van gangsterisme en ander sosiale verskynsels soos armoede, werkloosheid en dwelmmisbruik. Om hierdie vraag te kan beantwoord, was dit nodig om die ontwikkeling van pastorale sorg en berading oor die eeue na te speur. Gegrond op hierdie historiese ontwikkelinge, is besluit op ‘n gemeenskaplik-kontekstuele paradigma as basis teorie vir pastorale sorg. Hierdie keuse dui op ‘n wegbreek van individuele versorging met die fokus op die menslike ‘self’ na ‘n hermeneutiek van sistemiese, publieke sorg en medelye teenwoordigheid. Sommige van die elemente van hierdie tipe sorg word bespreek, wat kontekstualiteit insluit, sowel as die eko—sistemiese, hermeneutiese, antropologiese, relasionele en publieke aard van pastorale sorg. Dit is verder ook belangrik om kennis te neem dat pastorale sorg interdissiplinêr werksaam is en uitgevoer word om die bes moontlike sorg te bied aan diegene wat om sorg aanklop. Die laaste vraag wat gestel word: Hoe verskil die sorg wat deur geloofsgemeenskappe voorsien word van die sorg van enige ander welsynsorganisasie of nie-regeringsorganisasie (NRO)? Om ‘n eko-sistemiese en sosiaal hermeneutiese paradigma te verbind met die teologie van teenwoordigheid van God binne gemeenskaplike en kontekstuele sisteme word ‘n pneumatologiese benadering tot teorie vorming in pastorale sorg voorgestel. Pastorale sorg het meer om te bied as die gedrags- en sosiale wetenskappe, want ons glo dat die verlossing en genade wat dit bied goeie nuus is vir mense. Pastorale sorg bied nie net bemoediging en vertroosting nie, maar ook transformasie (verandering en groei) en die kweking van ‘n volwasse geloof en spiritualiteit deur middel van Skrif, gebed en die sakramente binne die communion sanctorum, die familia dei.

The size and composition of the South African middle class : implications for a consolidating democracy

Garcia Rivero, Carlos January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to reach some conclusions about the possibility of the South African democracy to endure. It does so through entering into the so-called preconditions for democracy field, concretely, by the observation of the changes in and the composition of the South African middle class as a feature of democratic consolidation. Middle classes are regarded as an important political actor in democratisation and it is difficult to fmd a stable democracy without a well-developed and large middle class. Actually, the democratisation movements have mostly been led by middle classes. Moreover, the size of the middle class in a particular society is also indicative of the level of income inequality, which is another important indicator for the success of democratisation. From a theoretical perspective, the study presents the different existing approaches to democratisation in general, and to middle class democracy in particular. Then, it focuses on a case study: South Africa. The variables for the research then are, "middle class" as an independent variable; and "democratic consolidation" as a dependent variable. The hypothesis that links them therefore is as follows: The larger the middle class, the greater the chance for the consolidation of democracy. From an empirical perspective the research tests the above hypothesis by making use of extensive quantitative data. Both variables are then operationalised and their tendencies of growth are measured, presented and explained. Middle class is operationalised in terms of occupation. Consolidated democracy is operationalised in terms of political tolerance and trust in the institutions. Political tolerance refers to the procedural part of democracy, whereas trust relates to the substantive dimension of democracy. The major fin<iings arrived at are that, on one hand the middle class in South Africa is increasing in size and incorporating previously excluded sectors - mainly Blacks - but, on the other hand, democracy seems to be consolidating from a procedural point of view - increase in political tolerance -, but not from a substantive one - decrease in trust in the institutions. Consequently, the original hypothesis is reformulated as follows: An increase in the middle class in the first years of democracy indicates that democracy is consolidating "procedlfrally ". Against the background of these fmdings, room is left for further research that will provide information about whether a democracy can consolidate only procedurally or whether the substantive dimension of democracy is essential for successful consolidation. Further research will also confirm whether or not the recent increase in trust during 1999 signifies a real turning-point or whether it is due to other reasons. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om tot 'n aantal gevolgtrekkings te kom oor die waarskynlikheid dat die Suid-Afrikaanse demokrasie in stand sal bly. Dit is benader deur 'n ondersoek na die voorvereistes vir demokrasie en, konkreet, deur die waarneming van veranderings in die samestelling van die Suid-Afrikaanse middelstand as 'n verskynsel van demokratiese konsolidasie. Die middelstand word as 'n belangrike politieke rolspeler in demokratisering beskou en dit is moeilik om 'n voorbeeld van 'n stabiele demokrasie waar daar nie 'n groot middel~tand is nie, te vind. In werklikheid is demokratiese bewegings meestal deur die middelstand gelei. Verder is die omvang van die middelstand binne 'n besondere gemeenskap ook aanduidend van die vlak van inkomste-ongelykheid, wat 'n verdere belangrike aanduider vir die sukses van demokratisering is. Vanuit 'n teoretiese perspektief hied die studie die verskillende bestaande benaderings tot demokratisering in die algemeen, en tot middelstand-demokrasie in besonder, aan. Dan verskuif die aandag na 'n gevallestudie van Suid-Afrika. Die veranderlikes vir die navorsing is "middelstand" as onafhanklike veranderlike en "demokratiese konsolidering" as afhanklike veranderlike. Die hipotese waardeur hulle in verband gestel word, is as volg: Hoe grater die middelstand, hoe grater die waarskynlikheid vir die konsolidasie van demokrasie. Vanuit 'n empiriese perspektief toets die navorsing die bogenoemde hipotese deur gebruik te maak van uitgebreide kwantitatiewe data. Albei veranderlikes word ge-operasionaliseer en hul groeitendense word gemeet, aangebied en verduidelik. Middelstand word in terme van beroep ge-operasionaliseer. Gekonsolideerde demokrasie word in terme van politieke verdraagsaamheid en vertroue in instellings ge-operasionaliseer. Politieke verdraagsaamheid bon verband met die prosedurele aspek van demokrasie, terwyl vertroue verband bon met die substantiewe dimensie van demokrasie. Die vemaamste bevindings waartoe gekom is, is, aan die een kant, dat die middelstand in Suid-Afrika besig is om uit te brei en voorheen uitgeslote sektore - veral Swartes - te inkorporeer en, aan die ander kant, dat demokrasie besig is om vanuit 'n prosedurele oogpunt - toename in politieke verdraagsaamheid - te konsolideer, maar nie vanuit 'n substantiewe oogpunt - afname van vertroue in die instellings - nie. Gevolglik word die oorspronklike hipotese soos volg herformuleer: 'n Toename in die middelstand gedurende die eerste }are van demokrasie dui aan dat die demokrasie besig is om ''prosedureel" te konsolideer. Teen die agtergrond van die bevindings is daar ruimte vir verdere navorsing wat inligting sal verskaf aangaande die moontlikheid daarvan dat 'n demokrasie net maar prosedureel kan konsolideer, en of die substantiewe dimensie essensieel is vir suksesvolle konsolidasie. Verdere navorsing sou ook kon bepaal of die voorafgaande toename in vertroue gedurende 1999 'n werklike ommekeer aandui, en of dit aan ander redes toegeskryf moet word.

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