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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη και κατασκευή ολοκληρωμένου συστήματος ελέγχου προσανατολισμού μικροδορυφόρου

Παπαδέας, Παναγιώτης 19 October 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη και κατασκευή του συστήματος ελέγχου προσανατολισμού του UPSat, ενός δορυφόρου τύπου Cubesat. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι η μελέτη και κατασκευή των βασικών διατάξεων του συστήματος ελέγχου προσανατολισμού του δορυφόρου, καθώς και η αντίστοιχη πειραματική διάταξη για την επιβεβαίωση της αρχής λειτουργίας του συστήματος για έλεγχο προσανατολισμού δορυφόρου με μαγνητικά μέσα. / Current diploma thesis addresses the analysis and implementation of UPsat's attitude control system, a cubesat-like satellite. Thesis target is the design and development of control system main modules, as well as the experimental verification of the operating principal of satellite attitude control using magnetic means.

Blockchain-based delivery command system for satellites

Neagu, Catalin Daniel January 2023 (has links)
As the commercialization of space continues on a global scale, it is increasingly common to see companies, as well as space agencies, become more and more interested in developing constellations of satellites, mainly for telecommunication and remote sensing missions. While there are multiple issues that arise when operating constellations of medium to large scales, one of the most challenging issue is the distribution of commands and control among satellites. The present thesis introduces a system that solves this issue through blockchain technology which provides multiple advantages. There are not many studies that have addressed the potential uses of blockchain in the space industry. The rest of this thesis illustrates the  benefits of using blockchains in a number of scenarios and does not address the usage of this technology in the financial industry. This thesis considers a number of scenarios corresponding to different operational modes of a constellation of satellites. Towards the end of the thesis, a recommended architecture and settings will be proposed for a real-world use case of a blockchain-based network for the command and control of a constellation of satellites.

Miniaturized Multifunctional System Architecture for Satellites and Robotics

Bruhn, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes and evaluates the design of nanospacecraft based on advanced multifunctional microsystems building blocks. These systems bring substantial improvements of the performance of nanosatellites and enable new space exploration, e.g. interplanetary science missions using minute space probes. Microsystems, or microelectromechanical systems, allows for extreme miniaturization using heritage from IC industry. Reducing mass and volume of spacecraft gives large savings in terms of launch costs. Definition and categorization of system and module level features in multifunctional microsystems are used to derive a spacecraft optimization algorithm which is compatible with commonly used concurrent engineering methods. The miniaturization of modules enables modular spacecraft architectures comprising powerful multifunctional microsystems, which are applicable to satellites between 10 and 1000’s of kg. This kind of complete spacecraft architecture has been developed for the NanoSpace-1 technology demonstrator satellite. The spacecraft bus uses multifunctional design to enable distributed intelligence and autonomy, graceful degradation, functional surfaces, and distributed power systems. The increase in performance of the new spacecraft architecture as compared with conventional nanosatellites is orders of magnitudes in terms of power storage, scientific payload mass ratio, pointing stabilization, and long time space operation. This high-performance system-of-microsystems architecture has been successfully employed on two space robotic concepts: a miniaturized submersible vehicle for Jupiter’s Moon Europa and a miniaturized spherical robot. The submersible is enabled by miniaturization of electronics into 3-dimensional, vertically integrated multi-chip-modules together with new interconnection methods. These technologies enabled the submersible vehicle tube-shaped design within 20 cm length and 5 cm diameter. The spherical rover was developed for long range and networked science investigations of interplanetary bodies. The rover weighs 3.5 kg and is shown to endure direct reentry on Mars, which increases the ratio between the landed mobile payload mass and the initial mass in Mars orbit by a factor of 18.

FORESAIL-2 AOCS Trade Studies and Design

Le Bonhomme, Guillaume January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to design a reliable CubeSat platform, including the avionic subsystems that can sustain a high radiation environment for a mission having a lifetime of at least six months. The science instruments put stringent requirements on the platform to achieve and maintain the desired spin rate. The simulation background is set up in Systems Tool Kit (STK). A trade-off analysis for the Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) of FORESAIL 2 was done, focusing on the actuators and their ability to offer the right amount of torque to fulfill the tether deployment. Mission design analyses were performed to conclude on the form factor of the CubeSat, its ability to generate power, its compliance with the Space Debris Mitigation (SDM) technical requirements, and the total radiation dose accumulated. It was found that a 6U form factor is preferred to allocate more space for each subsystem, alongside with generating enough power for the satellite to work in all modes wanted. The mission is compliant with European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards if the CubeSat is to be launched in September 2022. To allow a threshold limit of 10 krads on the components of the satellite, a shielding wall of 7 mm should be implemented on the CubeSat’s structure. Major requirements for the designed mission were written to initialize the investigation on the sensors and actuators. The results showed that only a propulsion system provided the necessary angular momentum to deploy the tether. The lack of magnetic field makes magnetorquers almost unusable in the desired orbit, leaving reaction wheels as the only option remaining to assist the propulsion units. The different analyses and simulations led to a final AOCS configuration composed of five various sensors (Sun sensors, magnetometers, a GPS, an IMU, and housekeeping sensors) for the attitude determination. A propulsion system and reaction wheels will provide the necessary control over the satellite.

High-resolution meteor exploration with tristatic radar methods / Högupplösta meteorstudier med trestatisk radarteknik

Kero, Johan January 2008 (has links)
A meteor observed with the naked eye is colloquially called a shooting star. The streak of light is generated by an extra-terrestrial particle, a meteoroid, entering the Earth’s atmosphere. The term meteor includes both luminosity detectable by optical means and ionization detectable by radar. The radar targets of meteor head echoes have the same motion as the meteoroids on their atmospheric flight and are relatively independent of aspect angle. They appear to be compact regions of plasma created at around 100 km altitude and have no appreciable duration. This thesis reviews the meteor head echo observations carried out with the tristatic 930 MHz EISCAT UHF radar system during four 24h runs between 2002 and 2005, and a 6h run in 2003 with the monostatic 224 MHz EISCAT VHF radar. It contains the first strong observational evidence of a submillimeter-sized meteoroid breaking apart into two distinct fragments. This discovery promises to be useful in the further understanding of the interaction processes of meteoroids with the Earth’s atmosphere and thus also the properties of interplanetary/interstellar dust. The tristatic capability of the EISCAT UHF system makes it a unique tool for investigating the physical properties of meteoroids and the meteor head echo scattering process. The thesis presents a method for determining the position of a compact radar target in the common volume of the antenna beams and demonstrates its applicability for meteor studies. The inferred positions of the meteor targets are used to estimate their velocities, decelerations, directions of arrival and radar cross sections (RCS) with unprecedented accuracy. The head echoes are detected at virtually all possible aspect angles all the way out to 130° from the meteoroid trajectory, limited by the antenna pointing directions. The RCS of individual meteors simultaneously observed with the three receivers are equal within the accuracy of the measurements with a very slight trend suggesting that the RCS decreases with increasing aspect angle. A statistical evaluation of the measurement technique shows that the determined Doppler velocity agrees with the target range rate. This demonstrates that no contribution from slipping plasma is detected and that the Doppler velocities are unbiased within the measurement accuracy. The velocities of the detected meteoroids are in the range of 19-70 km/s, but with very few detections at velocities below 30 km/s. The thesis compares observations with a numerical single-body ablation model, which simulates the physical processes during meteoroid flight through the atmosphere. The estimated meteoroid masses are in the range of 10-9 - 10-5.5 kg. / Meteorer är ljusfenomen på natthimlen som i vardagligt tal kallas fallande stjärnor. Ljusstrimmorna alstras av meteoroider, små partiklar på banor genom solsystemet, som kolliderar med jordens atmosfär. Förutom ljus genererar meteoroider regioner av joniserat plasma, som är detekterbara med radar. Meteoriska huvudekon tycks komma från kompakta radarmål på ungefär 100 km höjd och rör sig genom atmosfären med de infallande meteoroidernas hastighet. Huvudekons signalstyrka förefaller oberoende av vinkeln mellan radarmålens rörelseriktning och riktningen från vilken radiovågorna infaller och sprids. Avhandlingen sammanfattar huvudekoobservationer från fyra 24-timmarsmätningar mellan 2002 och 2005 med det trestatiska 930 MHz EISCAT UHF-radarsystemet och en 6-timmarsmätning under 2003 med den monostatiska 224 MHz EISCAT VHF-radarn. Avhandlingen innehåller den första observationella bekräftelsen på att en meteoroid av sub-millimeterstorlek faller sönder i två distinkta fragment i atmosfären. Upptäckten är betydelsefull för studier av meteoroiders växelverkansprocesser med atmosfären och interplanetärt/interstellärt stofts materialegenskaper. EISCAT UHF-systemet består av tre vitt åtskilda mottagarstationer, vilket gör det till ett unikt mätinstrument för studier av meteoroiders egenskaper och hur radiovågor sprids från de radarmål som ger upphov till huvudekon. Avhandlingen presenterar en metod med vilken ett radarmåls position kan bestämmas om det detekteras simultant med de tre mottagarna. Metoden används till att med hög noggrannhet beräkna meteorers radartvärsnitt samt meteoroiders hastighet och atmosfärsinbromsning. De detekterade huvudekona genereras av meteoroider med i princip alla av mätgeometrin tillåtna rörelseriktningar i förhållande till radarstrålen, ända ut till 130° från radiovågornas spridningsriktning. Enskilda meteorers radartvärsnitt är likvärdiga inom mätnoggrannheten i de tre mottagarstationernas dataserier, men en svag trend antyder att radartvärsnittet minskar med ökande vinkel mellan meteoroidernas rörelseriktning och spridningsriktningen. En statistisk utvärdering av mättekniken visar att den uppmätta dopplerhastigheten stämmer överens med radarmålens flygtidshastighet. Detta innebär att dopplerhastigheterna är väntevärdesriktiga och opåverkade av bidrag från det spår av plasma som meteoroiderna lämnar efter sig. De uppmätta hastigheterna är 19-70 km/s, men bara ett fåtal detekterade meteoroider är långsammare än 30 km/s. Meteoroidmassorna är uppskattade till 10-9 – 10-5.5 kg genom jämförelser av observationerna med simuleringar av meteoroiders färd genom atmosfären i en numerisk ablationsmodell.

Radio meteors above the Arctic Circle : radiants, orbits and estimated magnitudes / Radiometeorer ovan polcirkeln : radianter, banor och uppskattade magnituder

Szasz, Csilla January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents results based on data collected with the 930 MHz EISCAT UHF radar system and three SKiYMet specular meteor radars. It describes in detail a method for meteoroid orbit calculation. The EISCAT UHF system comprises three identical 32 m parabolic antennae: one high-power transmitter/receiver and two remote receivers. Precise meteoroid deceleration and radar cross section are determined from 410 meteor head echoes simultaneously observed with all three receivers between 2002 and 2005, during four 24h runs at the summer/winter solstice and the vernal/autumnal equinox. The observations are used to calculate meteoroid orbits and estimate meteor visual magnitudes. None of the observed meteors appear to be of extrasolar or asteroidal origin; comets, particularly short period (<200 years) ones, may be the dominant source for the particles observed. About 40% of the radiants are associated with the north apex sporadic meteor source and 58% of the orbits are retrograde. The geocentric velocity distribution is bimodal with a prograde population centred around 38 km/s and a retrograde population peaking at 59 km/s. The absolute visual magnitudes of meteors are estimated to be in the range of +9 to +5 using a single-object numerical ablation model. They are thus observable using intensified CCD cameras with telephoto lenses. The thesis also investigates diurnal meteor rate differences and sporadic meteor radiant distributions at different latitudes using specular meteor trail radar measurements from 68°N, from 55°N and from 8°S. The largest difference in amplitude of the diurnal flux variation is at equatorial latitudes, the lowest variation is found at high latitudes. The largest seasonal variation of the diurnal flux is observed with the high-latitude meteor radar. The investigations show a variation in the sources with both latitude and time of day. The EISCAT UHF system and the high-latitude meteor radar are located close to the Arctic Circle. Such a geographical position means that zenith points towards the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) once every day all year round. This particular geometry allows the meteoroid influx from the north ecliptic hemisphere to be compared throughout the year as the ecliptic plane coincides with the local horizon. Considering only the hour when NEP is closest to zenith, the EISCAT UHF head echo rate is about a factor of three higher at summer solstice than during the other seasons, a finding which is consistent with the high-latitude meteor radar measurements. / Avhandlingens resultat är baserade på mätningar med den trestatiska EISCAT UHF-radarn och tre SKiYMet meteorradarsystem. En metod för meteoroidbanberäkning presenteras i detalj. EISCAT UHF-systemet består av tre identiska, 32 m stora parabolantenner: en högeffektssändare/mottagare och två fjärrstyrda mottagare. Under fyra 24-timmarsmätningar vid vår-/höstdagjämning och sommar-/vintersolstånd mellan 2002 och 2005 detekterades 410 meteoriska huvudekon simultant med alla tre mottagare. Dessa trestatiska meteorers atmosfärsinbromsning och radartvärsnitt har fastställts mycket noggrant och använts till att beräkna meteoroidernas banor samt uppskatta meteorernas luminositeter. Ingen av de observerade meteoroiderna verkar vara av interstellärt eller asteroidursprung. Deras troligaste ursprung är kometer, framför allt kortperiodskometer (<200 år). Ungefär 40% av meteorradianterna kan associeras till norra apex, ett källområde för sporadiska meteorer, och totalt är 58% av partiklarnas banor retrograda. Meteoroidernas geocentriska hastighetsfördelning har två lokala maxima: ett för den prograda populationen vid 38 km/s och ett för den retrograda vid 59 km/s. Genom att anpassa datat till en numerisk ablationsmodell som simulerar meteoroidernas färd genom atmosfären har de detekterade meteorernas absoluta visuella magnituder uppskattats till mellan +9 och +5. Detta innebär att de är observerbara med bildförstärkta, teleskopiska CCD-kameror. Avhandlingen diskuterar även hur sporadiska meteorers dygns- och säsongsinflöde beror på geografisk latitud och meteorradianternas distribution på himmelssfären. Detta utreds med hjälp av spårekon detekterade under perioden 1999-2004 med tre meteorradarsystem på latituderna 68°N, 55°N och 8°S. Dygnsinflödet varierar mest på låga latituder och minst på höga. Ju högre latitud, desto mer förändras däremot dygnsinflödet över året. Avhandlingen visar att de dominerande källområdena varierar med säsong, över dygnet och med latitud. Både EISCAT UHF-systemet och meteorradarn på 68°N är belägna nära polcirkeln. Detta innebär att norra ekliptiska polen (NEP) är i zenit en gång per dygn, året om. Vid just denna tidpunkt sammanfaller ekliptikan med den lokala horisonten, vilket möjliggör att det observerade meteorinflödet från norra ekliptiska hemisfären kan jämföras över året. Under timmen då NEP är närmast zenit har EISCAT UHF uppmätt ett ungefär tre gånger högre meteorinflöde vid sommarsolståndet än under de andra säsongerna, vilket överensstämmer med resultaten från meteorradarn på 68°N.

Ensuring safe docking maneuvers on floating platform using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC)

Gatti, Federico January 2024 (has links)
Docking maneuvers are a relevant part of the modern space mission, requiring precision and safety to ensure the success of the overall mission. This thesis proposes using a non-linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) as a controller with various constraints to ensure safe docking maneuvers for a satellite. This was done in MATLAB using as a model for the satellite the Sliders used by the Robotics Lab at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). The controller was tested first on the MATLAB model and then briefly on hardware.The main objective of this thesis is to develop and implement an MPC-based control strategy to achieve safe docking maneuvers between two satellites. Great attention has been paid to implementing constraints, such as collision avoidance, and hardware constraints, such as thrust limits, to ensure the safety and reliability of the process.Through the MATLAB simulations, it was possible to indicate that the introduced constraints contribute significantly to the safe execution of docking maneuvers, preventing collisions, andoptimizing fuel usage. The controller successfully adapts to unforeseen disturbances and uncertainties in real-time, showcasing its robustness and reliability in dynamic space environments.The hardware simulations have shown that the controller operates as expected but needs further tuning to adapt to the hardware uncertainties.In conclusion, this thesis comprehensively explores MPC-based control strategies with constraints for space docking maneuvers. The positive results underscore this approach’s potential to ensure the safety and reliability of future space missions, opening avenues for further research and application in autonomous space systems.

Spacecraft dynamic analysis and correlation with test results : Shock environment analysis of LISA Pathfinder at VESTA test bed

Kunicka, Beata Iwona January 2017 (has links)
The particular study case in this thesis is the shock test performed on the LISA Pathfinder satellite conducted in a laboratory environment on a dedicated test bed: Vega Shock Test Apparatus (VESTA). This test is considered fully representative to study shock levels produced by fairing jettisoning event at Vega Launcher Vehicle, which induces high shock loads towards the satellite. In the frame of this thesis, some transient response analyses have been conducted in MSC Nastran, and a shock simulation tool for the VESTA test configuration has been developed. The simulation tool is based on Nastran Direct Transient Response Analysis solver (SOL 109), and is representative of the upper composite of Vega with the LISA Pathfinder coupled to it. Post-processing routines of transient response signals were conducted in Dynaworks which served to calculate Shock Response Spectra (SRS). The simulation tool is a model of forcing function parameters for transient analysis which adequately correlates with the shock real test data, in order to understand how the effect of shock generated by the launcher is seen in the satellite and its sub-systems. Since available computation resources are limited the parameters for analysis were optimised for computation time, file size, memory capacity,  and model complexity. The forcing function represents a release of the HSS clamp band which is responsible for fairing jettisoning, thus the parameters which were studied are mostly concerning the modelling of this event. Among many investigated, those which visibly improved SRS correlation are radial forcing function shape, implementation of axial impulse, clamp band loading geometry and refined loading scheme. Integration time step duration and analysis duration were also studied and found to improve correlation.  From each analysis, the qualifying shock environment was then derived by linear scaling in proportion of the applied preload, and considering a qualification margin of 3dB. Consecutive tracking of structural responses along shock propagation path exposed gradual changes in responses pattern and revealed an important property that a breathing mode (n = 0) at the base of a conical Adapter translates into an axial input to the spacecraft. The parametrisation itself was based on responses registered at interfaces located in near-field (where the clamp band is located and forcing function is applied) and medium-field with respect to the shock event location. Following shock propagation path, the final step was the analysis of shock responses inside the satellite located in a far-field region, which still revealed a very good correlation of results. Thus, it can be said that parametrisation process was adequate, and the developed shock simulation tool can be qualified. However, due to the nature of shock, the tool cannot fully replace VESTA laboratory test, but can support shock assessment process and preparation to such test. In the last part of the thesis, the implementation of some finite element model improvements is investigated. Majority of the panels in spacecraft interior exhibited shock over-prediction due to finite element model limitation. Equipment units modelled as lump masses rigidly attached with RBE2 elements to the panel surface are a source of such local over-predictions. Thus, some of the units were remodelled and transient responses were reinvestigated. It was found that remodelling with either solid elements, or lump mass connected to RBE3 element and reinforced by RBE2 element, can significantly improve local transient responses. This conclusion is in line with conclusions found in ECSS Shock Handbook.

Från föhn till feu! : Esrange och den norrländska rymdverksamhetens tillkomsthistoria från sekelskiftet 1900 till 1966 / From föhn to feu! : The history of Esrange and the Northern Swedish spaceactivity from the turn of the century 1900 until 1966

Backman, Fredrick January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is about the origin, planning and establishment of the European Space Research Organisation's (ESRO) sounding rocket base Esrange outside Kiruna in Northern Sweden. Three main questions are examined. First I show there were not just scientific and technical but also political, economical as well as military reasons to build a European rocket base. Second, I scrutinize the reasons to choose Northern Sweden as the location for the rocket base. As it turns out, the main reasons were the favourable location of Northern Sweden within the aurora oval zone, the proximity of the Kiruna Geophysical Observatory, and the possibility to use a large, although not quite uninhabited, area where the launched rockets could crash. Finally, I examine the difficulty of talking about boundaries of various kinds, such as temporal, spatial and functional. The essay also provides a discussion on possible ways to continue research on this topic.</p>

Från föhn till feu! : Esrange och den norrländska rymdverksamhetens tillkomsthistoria från sekelskiftet 1900 till 1966 / From föhn to feu! : The history of Esrange and the Northern Swedish spaceactivity from the turn of the century 1900 until 1966

Backman, Fredrick January 2010 (has links)
This essay is about the origin, planning and establishment of the European Space Research Organisation's (ESRO) sounding rocket base Esrange outside Kiruna in Northern Sweden. Three main questions are examined. First I show there were not just scientific and technical but also political, economical as well as military reasons to build a European rocket base. Second, I scrutinize the reasons to choose Northern Sweden as the location for the rocket base. As it turns out, the main reasons were the favourable location of Northern Sweden within the aurora oval zone, the proximity of the Kiruna Geophysical Observatory, and the possibility to use a large, although not quite uninhabited, area where the launched rockets could crash. Finally, I examine the difficulty of talking about boundaries of various kinds, such as temporal, spatial and functional. The essay also provides a discussion on possible ways to continue research on this topic.

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