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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dime qué quieres y te diré quién eres. : Importancia de la motivación en una presentación de sí mismo.

Zurita, Flor January 2007 (has links)
<p>En este trabajo nos proponemos arribar a una comprensión de cómo se configura la imagen social (face) en un proceso de comunicación. Partiendo de la idea aristotélica del binomio Causa-finalidad , creemos que lo que motiva a un individuo a iniciar un proceso de comunicación se basa en satisfacer necesidades objetivas o afectivas; que lo que condiciona la configuración de imagen es el conocimiento que tienen los interlocutores (hablantes) de sus derechos y responsabilidades en el mundo externo y el mundo interno; y que lo que determina dicha configuración es el contexto socio-cultural; Para lograr demostrar esta hipótesis hemos analizado las estrategias comunicativas empleadas por trece personas, a las que se les realizó una encuesta grupal y a las que se les grabó durante una conversación informal. Las preguntas que hemos tratado de contestar son si estos hablantes logran comunicar sus objetivos, si éstos están condicionados por los conocimientos que tienen de sus derechos y responsabilidades, y si la configuración de su imagen social está determinada por el contexto que surge de ser latinoamericanos ilegales en suecia. Al mismo tiempo, nos interesa averiguar cómo logran tener un comportamiento social armónico. Con esta base descubrimos que los miembros del grupo a estudiar tenían necesidades objetivas, y afectivas determinadas por su condición de ilegalidad y condicionadas por su experiencia comunicativa en reconocer cuales eran sus derechos y responsabilidades para con los otros.</p>

Evidencialidad : La codificación lingüística del punto de vista / Evidentiality : The linguistic coding of point-of-view

Wachtmeister Bermúdez, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
<p>This work investigates into the semantic domain of evidentiality and its grammatical expression in Spanish. A model for describing the evidentiality domain is outlined, which emphasises the scalar nature of the proposed parameters: information source (subject-internal ↔ external), access to information (exclusive ↔ universal) and mode of access (sensory ↔ cognitive), all of which are construed as bipolar continua. Support is also provided for the relevance of using the notions of deixis and perspective in describing evidentiality.</p><p>The prevailing view in current research is that of evidentiality being a grammatical category to be analysed separately from other evidential strategies. The present study challenges this view as it attempts to broaden the perspective on how evidential meanings, expressed by various grammatical means, fit into an overall picture of human cognition and communication patterns. The theoretical framework adopted is that of Cognitive Grammar, which, it is argued, is particularly suited for investigating evidentiality, in particular due to the central role given to perspective, metaphor and category fuzziness in describing grammar and grammatical structures.</p><p>Four articles constitute the body of this work, in which four different prototypical aspects of the encoding of evidentiality into grammatical devices in Spanish are addressed. In the first, the marking of common knowledge in consecutive connectives is argued to depend on a perspective shift; the second proposes the evidential values of tense morphemes to be their core meaning, time deixis being an inference; in the third and the forth it is claimed that the evidential and modal effects of both subject-raising and clitic climbing are determined through the attribution of varying degrees of prominence to the relational participants.</p>

Motivación, aptitud y desarrollo estructural : Un estudio sobre la actuación lingüística en aprendientes suecos de español L2 / Motivation, aptitude and structural development : A study of linguistic performance in Swedish learners of Spanish L2

Österberg, Rakel January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the present study is to examine how the development of <i>syntactic complexity</i> and <i>accuracy</i> in spoken Spanish L2 is related to two parameters, <i>motivation</i> and <i>aptitude</i>, in which <i>individual differences</i> are often claimed to correlate with successful second language learning (Dörnyei and Skehan 2003). The study shows how an understanding of the relationship between progression in second language proficiency and motivation is gained through the study of longitudinal data and the assessment of motivation in discourse. The development of syntactic complexity and accuracy in oral performance has been chosen as main indicators of <i>proficiency level</i>. <i>Correlations</i> have been computed between proficiency levels, <i>development coefficients</i>, quantitative outcomes of aptitude tests and quantified assessment of motivation. The study is based on longitudinal data consisting of recorded interviews and conversations in Spanish in Swedish upper secondary school. </p><p>The results from the progression analysis show that the whole group develops syntactic complexity, and that individual learners concentrate on either syntactic complexity or accuracy in their development. </p><p>Discourse analytical methods have been applied to the in-depth interviews in order to identify motivational types expressed by the learner and the strength of each type. These have been represented in terms of values on a self-determination scale, the extreme points of which are '<i>intrinsic</i>' vs. '<i>extrinsic</i>' motivation. An aptitude test (<i>Lat03</i>, Meara 2005) has also been administered to the participants and analysed . </p><p>Correlations (Spearman) have been further calculated between the relevant parameters. The results indicate that self-determined, intrinsic motivation correlates with progression. Analytic aptitude, however, does not predict progression to the same extent as intrinsic motivation seems to do at this level. </p>

La mama Inés de nuestras almas : Un estudio comparativo del personaje de Inés Suárez

Gonzales, José Antonio January 2008 (has links)
<p>La novela histórica en los últimos años ha experimentado algunos cambios en su estética, pero aún conserva la capacidad de generar interés, sobre todo cuando trata de temas relacionados a la historia que es poco conocida o cuando se trate de reivindicar a algún personaje histórico, esto no es ajeno a la literatura latinoamericana actual. El presente trabajo estudia dos novelas históricas que tratan sobre un mismo personaje, Inés Suárez. Las novelas son Inés del alma mía y Ay mama Inés de Isabel Allende y Jorge Guzmán respectivamente. Es una comparación entre las dos novelas y la manera que ha tenido cada una de presentarnos a la figura de Inés Suárez en la historia de la fundación de Santiago de Chile.</p>

De Escenas de cine mudo a Minnets film : Un análisis de la traducción de títulos entre el castellano y el sueco

Hådell, Lisa January 2008 (has links)
<p>El presente análisis parte de un estudio contrastivo, el cual consta de una clasificación de los títulos literarios traducidos del castellano al sueco entre los años 1988 y 2007. Hemos clasificado los títulos según el grado de modificación semántica entre el título original y el título traducido. La parte cualitativa consta del análisis de algunos títulos del estudio contrastivo, con un enfoque particular en los títulos que han sido modificados, los efectos que las modificaciones conllevan, si se pueden motivar y por qué.</p><p>Parece haber un respeto profundo por el título original de una obra, ya que un 48% de los 208 títulos traducidos del estudio equivalen semánticamente a los títulos originales. Sin embargo, un 52% de los títulos ha sido modificado al ser traducido. Al analizar algunos casos de manera más profunda queda claro que más bien que ser cambios arbitrarios, las modificaciones lingüísticas pueden tener explicaciones sintácticas, estilísticas y/o culturales. El deseo de reconstruir significado connotativo y cierto nivel estilístico ha sido la guía en muchos casos. En efecto, una equivalencia formal, o traducir de manera más literal, no siempre es deseable, aunque sea una opción posible en la mayoría de los casos.</p>

Recursos de agua en América Latina : Un estudio sobre la influencia estadounidense en los recursos hídricos del Acuífero Guaraní

Scott, David January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate the evidence which can confirm that the United States, because of their historic interest in natural resources in Latin America, tries to exercise control over the Guarani Aquifer, the world’s third-largest supply of freshwater. The study investigates the existence of documents or other strategic instruments  that can prove that the United States still maintains their influence over the natural resources in Latin America, particularly the water supplies in the Guarani Aquifer.</p><p>To be able to fulfill the aim, the paper presents in a historic background the origin of the United States’ wish to maintain hegemony over Latin America. Thereafter, the study analyzes the American influence over the Guarani Aquifer from three points of view: the ideological, the military and the economic point of view.</p><p>The result of the paper shows that the United States, from the ideological point of view, tries to maintain their influence with the fourth Santa Fé Document which proclaims that the natural resources in Latin America should be at the disposal of the U.S. to fulfill their national priorities. Moreover, from the military point of view the U.S. uses their armed forces, under the pretext that Islamic terrorist cells exist in an important region of the Guarani Aquifer, as a way to maintain the control. Furthermore, from the economic point of view the U.S. uses the free trade agreement ALCA, which proposes, among other things, the privatization of  water supplies as a way of controlling them. Even if ALCA was rejected in 2005, the study presents its possible consequences for the Guarani Aquifer and the so called “megaprojects”, which are connected to the ALCA, and whose objectives are to delineate the resources of the above mentioned water supply.</p><p>The paper concludes that the United States is a power that still tries to maintain their control over the Latin American part of the western hemisphere, but the influence is maintained with a more refined foreign policy than before.     </p><p>       </p> / <p>En este estudio indagamos si Estados Unidos, a causa de su interés histórico en los recursos naturales en América Latina, sigue siendo una fuerza decisiva en la explotación de estos recursos en la región, especialmente los recursos de agua del Acuífero Guaraní, la tercera reserva más grande de agua dulce del mundo. El propósito del estudio es investigar las posibilidades si hay pruebas, por ejemplo documentos u otros estrategias, que puedan mostrar que la influencia estadounidense continúa siendo vigente pero en los recursos de agua en Latinoamérica, con base en la Doctrina Monroe de 1823.</p><p>        </p><p>Para poder alcanzar el objetivo del estudio, presentamos, primero, un trasfondo histórico que explica la influencia histórica de Estados Unidos sobre la región, tanto en general como sobre los recursos naturales latinoamericanos para más tarde analizar la influencia norteamericana actual sobre los recursos de agua desde tres puntos de vista: el punto de vista ideológico, militar y económico.</p><p>        </p><p>El estudio presenta, de acuerdo con las fuentes utilizadas, que Estados Unidos trata de mantener su influencia sobre los recursos de agua desde el punto de vista ideológico mediante el Documento de Santa Fé IV que postula que dicho país considera que los recursos naturales de América Latina deberán ser disponibles para sus prioridades nacionales. Desde el punto de vista militar Estados Unidos utiliza, so pretexto de la presencia de terroristas islámicas en una región importante del Acuífero Guaraní, sus fuerzas militares para mantener su control. Desde el punto de vista económico Estados Unidos usa el tratado de libre comercio ALCA, que propone, entre otras cosas, privatización de recursos de agua, como medio de control. A pesar de que el ALCA es un proyecto congelado, presentamos las consecuencias posibles de éste en el Acuífero Guaraní y los llamados “megaproyectos” que están conectados con el ALCA y cuyos objetivos son elaborar un mapa extensivo sobre los recursos de agua, el Acuífero Guaraní en particular.</p><p>        </p><p>De acuerdo con los acercamientos sobre los intentos estadounidenses de controlar el Acuífero Guaraní para cumplir su propósito geoestratégico de controlar este recurso muy rico, el estudio concluye, entre otras cosas, que la influencia de Estados Unidos sigue siendo vigente, pero la influencia se mantiene con una política más refinada que anteriormente.</p>

‘Yo puedo bien español’ : Influencia sueca y variedades hispanas en la actitud lingüística e identificación de los hispanoamericanos en Suecia

Esquivel Sánchez, María Denis January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this research has been to describe and analyse Swedish linguistic and cultural influence, on identification, and idiomatic awareness as well as on the Spanish used by Hispanic Americans who have lived more than 12 years in Sweden.</p><p>The analysis has been carried out within the field of sociolinguistics, specifically in the area of language contact, drawing on methodological aspects of ethno linguistics, sociology of language and cognitive linguistics. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase, we describe and analyse Corpus 1, consisting of 20 interviews of first generation Hispanic Americans political refugees. In the second phase, we describe, compare and analyse Corpus 2, which consists of 105 questionnaires distributed to first and second generation Hispanic Americans in Sweden.</p><p>The results have shown that in Sweden Hispanic Americans have gradually generated a variety of Spanish which clearly shows features of Swedish culture and language and with an aspect of standardisation due to the fact that in the intercommunication between language speakers of varieties of Spanish certain variations have slowly been eliminated over the course of time. The sociolinguistic situation of the informants has been observed as well as the nature of the immigration and identification and idiomatic awareness in relation to their integration or lack of integration into Swedish society. The use of 38 words with a high level of synonymy was also investigated in order to establish standardisation of these representative words among the varieties of Spanish, spoken in Sweden. Furthermore we have investigated clichés, lexical, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic loans from Swedish as well as Swedish cultural influence on use tense among the informants.</p>

‘Yo puedo bien español’ : Influencia sueca y variedades hispanas en la actitud lingüística e identificación de los hispanoamericanos en Suecia

Esquivel Sánchez, María Denis January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this research has been to describe and analyse Swedish linguistic and cultural influence, on identification, and idiomatic awareness as well as on the Spanish used by Hispanic Americans who have lived more than 12 years in Sweden. The analysis has been carried out within the field of sociolinguistics, specifically in the area of language contact, drawing on methodological aspects of ethno linguistics, sociology of language and cognitive linguistics. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase, we describe and analyse Corpus 1, consisting of 20 interviews of first generation Hispanic Americans political refugees. In the second phase, we describe, compare and analyse Corpus 2, which consists of 105 questionnaires distributed to first and second generation Hispanic Americans in Sweden. The results have shown that in Sweden Hispanic Americans have gradually generated a variety of Spanish which clearly shows features of Swedish culture and language and with an aspect of standardisation due to the fact that in the intercommunication between language speakers of varieties of Spanish certain variations have slowly been eliminated over the course of time. The sociolinguistic situation of the informants has been observed as well as the nature of the immigration and identification and idiomatic awareness in relation to their integration or lack of integration into Swedish society. The use of 38 words with a high level of synonymy was also investigated in order to establish standardisation of these representative words among the varieties of Spanish, spoken in Sweden. Furthermore we have investigated clichés, lexical, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic loans from Swedish as well as Swedish cultural influence on use tense among the informants.

Evidencialidad : La codificación lingüística del punto de vista / Evidentiality : The linguistic coding of point-of-view

Wachtmeister Bermúdez, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
This work investigates into the semantic domain of evidentiality and its grammatical expression in Spanish. A model for describing the evidentiality domain is outlined, which emphasises the scalar nature of the proposed parameters: information source (subject-internal ↔ external), access to information (exclusive ↔ universal) and mode of access (sensory ↔ cognitive), all of which are construed as bipolar continua. Support is also provided for the relevance of using the notions of deixis and perspective in describing evidentiality. The prevailing view in current research is that of evidentiality being a grammatical category to be analysed separately from other evidential strategies. The present study challenges this view as it attempts to broaden the perspective on how evidential meanings, expressed by various grammatical means, fit into an overall picture of human cognition and communication patterns. The theoretical framework adopted is that of Cognitive Grammar, which, it is argued, is particularly suited for investigating evidentiality, in particular due to the central role given to perspective, metaphor and category fuzziness in describing grammar and grammatical structures. Four articles constitute the body of this work, in which four different prototypical aspects of the encoding of evidentiality into grammatical devices in Spanish are addressed. In the first, the marking of common knowledge in consecutive connectives is argued to depend on a perspective shift; the second proposes the evidential values of tense morphemes to be their core meaning, time deixis being an inference; in the third and the forth it is claimed that the evidential and modal effects of both subject-raising and clitic climbing are determined through the attribution of varying degrees of prominence to the relational participants.

Categorización sociopragmática de la cortesía y de la descortesía : Un estudio de la conversación coloquial española / A sociopragmatic categorization of politeness and impoliteness : A study of Spanish colloquial conversations

Bernal Linnersand, María January 2007 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to establish a socio-pragmatic categorization of politeness and impoliteness activities in informal interactions. In doing this, we describe the communicative strategies related to (im) politeness phenomena and how they are used to produce certain social effects in face-to-face interaction through the ongoing negotiation of participants’ face (Goffman, 1967). This study is based on informal conversations extracted from a corpus of spoken Spanish gathered in the metropolitan area of Valencia, Spain (Briz and Val.Es.Co. Group, 2002). Focusing on methodology, this study combines a qualitative method inspired in CA with a DA interpretative approach that analyzes communicative acts (Allwood 1995; Bravo, e. p.1). Face contents such as autonomy and affiliative face, role face, group and individual face, are a resource for analyzing what happens during interaction along with the resulting interpersonal effects. The integration of the analysis of context, which includes the co-text, the situational context and the socio-cultural context (cultural settings and shared assumptions), is equally important in this study. The empirical analysis of both the conversations and a questionnaire on impoliteness bring us to propose a series of categories of (im) politeness. The categories are as follow: Strategic Politeness (within this category we find attenuating politeness and reparatory politeness), Enhancing Politeness, Group Politeness, Ritual Politeness (here we differentiate between meeting situations and visit situations) and Discursive Politeness (we divide this category into conventional and thematic). Concerning Impoliteness, we find situations in informal conversation in which impoliteness is expected (normative impoliteness) and when threatening acts (reproaches, criticism, etc.) do not imply directly, per se, a negative personal effect. We next find two types of impoliteness: one produced by threats to the face of the speaker which are neither mitigated nor amended and the other caused by a break from the normal rules of politeness.

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