Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatial planning."" "subject:"cpatial planning.""
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The Predictive Contributions of Spatial Planning to Adaptive and Cognitive Functioning in Children Diagnosed with Brain TumorsFerguson Smith, Ayanay Camille 03 August 2006 (has links)
To date, the effect of planning ability on adaptive functioning has not been extensively examined in children treated for brain tumors. Findings indicate that individuals with brain tumors are more likely to experience poor planning ability (Boyd & Sautter, 1993) and that children with even mild neurological complications demonstrate impairments in adaptive functioning (Fletcher et al., 1990). The purpose of this study is to assess spatial planning and to examine its utility in predicting adaptive and cognitive functional impairment in children diagnosed and treated for brain tumors. Forty children diagnosed with a brain tumor (mean age at diagnosis 8.6 years) were administered the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) task, the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS), and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SB:IV) at an average of one year post diagnosis (post acute) and again at two years post diagnosis (long term). The results of this investigation did not support the use of spatial planning skills as a predictor of adaptive functioning at one year or two years post diagnosis. However, spatial planning skill was an important predictor of cognitive functioning, accounting for a significant amount of variance at both one year and two years post diagnosis. These results were not expected and therefore further analyses were performed in order to better understand the data and results. Additional analyses suggest that it is spatial skill and not spatial planning that predicts adaptive functioning. Further research should continue to ask questions that will impact how we understand executive, adaptive, and cognitive functioning outcomes in children diagnosed with brain tumors.
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Partizipative und governance-orientierte Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung - dargestellt an den Fallbeispielen der Gemeinden Calakmul und Candelaria in MexikoSchlegel, Sven 06 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ausgehend von den Thesen, dass die räumliche Planung ein Aufgabenfeld ist, welches weit über die staatliche Einflussnahme hinausreicht und kooperative Beziehungen sowie kollektives Handeln aller involvierten Akteure erfordert; die Aufgaben der Planung nicht ohne Governance und ein darauf ausgerichtet Planungssystem zu bewältigen sind; die räumliche Planung, Planungssysteme sowie Akteure jedoch nicht adäquat auf dieses Planungsverständnis ausgerichtet sind und sich deswegen weiterentwickeln müssen, fokussiert die vorliegende Arbeit partizipative und governance-orientierte Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung. Ziel ist es, kontextspezifisch die Implikationen einer, auf Governance ausgerichteten Planung für die involvierten Stakeholder, den Planungsprozess und das Planungssystem aufzuzeigen. Grundlage hierfür bildete ein partizipativer und governance-orientierter Ansatz zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung.
Anhand eines konkreten Falls aus dem Südosten Mexikos konnte Governance im Bereich der räumlichen Planung kontextbezogen operationalisiert werden. Indem das gesamte Spektrum der raumrelevanten Akteure in die Operationalisierung einbezogen wurde, konnten die verschiedenen Interessen, Perspektiven und Blickwinkel der räumlichen Planung extrahiert werden. Basierend auf den hieraus abgeleiteten Zielvorstellungen der raumrelevanten Akteure erfolgte eine ex post Betrachtung von zwei kürzlich durchgeführten Planungsprozessen in den mexikanischen Gemeinden Candelaria und Calakmul. Aus dieser konnten wichtige Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung abgeleitet werden.
Erhebt die räumliche Planung den Anspruch, an die Gegebenheiten des Raumes angepasste und an den Zielvorstellungen der Akteure ausgerichtete Verfahren einzusetzen, bietet sich eine formative Anwendung partizipativer und governance-orientierter Ansätze an. Am Anfang eines Planungsprozesses könnten somit die Zielvorstellungen der raumrelevanten Akteure gegenüber der Planung kommuniziert werden. Im selben Moment kann das notwenige Basiswissen zur räumlichen Planung vermittelt werden. Der in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz könnte mit einigen Modifikationen die Grundlage hierfür bilden.
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Conservation Of Archaeological Sites In Urban Areas In Turkey: Soli-pompeiopolis As A Case StudySarikaya Levent, Yasemin 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Urban development has long been the major threat to archaeological sites. Recent theoretical discussions advocate that archaeological sites in urban areas should be protected not only through technical solutions and archaeological studies, but also through spatial planning processes, which define basic mechanisms to direct and control the urban development.
Despite a specific type of spatial plan, the & / #8216 / conservation plan& / #8217 / in Turkish legislation, negative impacts of urban development on archeological sites could not be successfully eliminated. This is due to the reason that conservation and planning systems do not concern & / #8216 / integration of the archaeological site with the urban built environment& / #8217 / , which results in either isolation or destruction of the archaeological remains. Based on this assumption, the objective of this dissertation is to determine in which points Turkish conservation and planning systems fail to achieve integration and how this failure could be overcame.
Turkish conservation and planning systems are evaluated on selected case study area, Soli-Pompeiopolis Archaeological Site, by using three-step qualitative analysis methodology. First, conservation and planning decisions and the built environment shaped by these decisions are examined in details through process analysis. Then, based on qualities of spatial planning process redefined through theoretical discussions, & / #8216 / process integration& / #8217 / and & / #8216 / outcome integration& / #8217 / are evaluated through context analysis. Lastly, reasons of problematic issues on integration are discussed through causality analysis. Concluding the study, a discussion is carried on how to achieve & / #8216 / integration of conservation of archaeological sites in urban areas into spatial planning processes& / #8217 / by making modifications within the & / #8216 / Turkish conservation and planning systems& / #8217 / .
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The Contribution Of Strategic Spatial Planning To The Establishment Of Democratic Governance StructuresSoysal, Begum 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to search the contribution of strategic spatial planning to the establishment of democratic governance structures. Within this aim / it discusses strategic spatial planning with respect to its procedural and organizational characteristics and the notion of governance with respect to the issue of participatory democracy. Additionally / it argues that strategic spatial planning includes some conditions including that enhance the development of democratic governance. In doing these / it both covers a theoretical framework and a case study. In the theoretical framework / it encompasses the traditional and contemporary planning approaches in a comparative way and it studies the circumstances that have triggered the emergence of contemporary planning approaches by concentrating on the notions of democracy, participation and dialogue. The theoretical part also discusses the democracy models with respect to different participation patterns, the characteristics of strategic planning and different models of governance. Within these issues / on the theoretical ground, the study presents the components of strategic spatial planning, participation, dialogue and action which enhance the emergence of democratic governance mechanisms. In the case study part / Ankara Strategic Spatial Planning Experience is presented by an insider&rsquo / s point of view by extracting the theory from within the practice. The case study assesses each phase of the planning process within a consideration of the notions of participation, dialogue and action and in the context of organizational structure, dialogical process and action plans. In addition to all / this study embraces action research approach since it has been the research methodology implemented in the case which has fostered the formation of democratic governance mechanisms.
The study assesses strategic spatial planning as an interactive approach which challenges participatory democracy while contributing to the emerging governance structures in space. The theoretical research and the case study analysis shows that strategic spatial planning approach enhances the establishment of democratic organizational structures, dialogical processes and inter-institutional relations. Also, the application of a strategic spatial planning approach in Ankara Strategic Spatial Planning Process has triggered cooperation among different governmental and sectoral levels and different spatial scales. Additionally, it has reinforced the construction of social and political capacities of stakeholders. The participatory practice that strategic spatial planning has yielded has had an integrative effect for the organizational structure in space. In conclusion, as the result of broad participation and establishment of dialogical processes, Ankara strategic spatial planning process served as an integrating device for the development of inter-sectoral and inter-institutional relations within dialogue and collaboration among actors. Thereby, as a result of the theoretical research and the case study it is concluded that strategic spatial planning approaches are likely to foster the establishment of democratic governance structures. However / there are some local circumstances that may affect the strategic spatial planning processes to develop an effective organizational structure. The local circumstances including lack of participation culture, active citizenry, the bureaucratic structure, the existing political structure in the locality are some significant factors that affect the process. Hence / this thesis argues that strategic spatial planning processes embrace prominent conditions including / participation, dialogue and action that have an important affect on the formation of democratic governance structures. Nevertheless, the local circumstances have an important weight on the process and its expected results.
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Interpretations and applications of the EU objective of Territorial Cohesion: An analysis of EU Cohesion Policy Programmes 2014-2020Kesar, Purushottam January 2015 (has links)
“Territorial Cohesion” has been a topic of intense debate within the EU Policy lexicon. This has been partly because it’s still in cycles of interpretations and is in a quest for an acceptable and a discreet operational framework. However, parallel to ongoing discourses, Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-20 has been rolled out. The thesis is an attempt to examine and suggest, as to what extent, the current architecture of Cohesion Policy is contributing to achieve “Territorial Cohesion”, a Treaty objective, in its programmes, particularly the transnational programmes under the European Territorial Co-operation objective. “Territorial Cohesion” has been analyzed in specific Cohesion Policy regulations, programmes and validated by stakeholder inputs. A suitable theoretical outline, i.e. “conformance” and “performance” framework and a qualitative research approach have been employed to arrive at the conclusions. Cohesion Policy in its current cycle is focused on delivering Europe 2020 strategy’s priorities of “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. The articulation of “Territorial Cohesion” objectives therefore is inadequately done in the scope and theme as well as in “programming” of Cohesion Policy. Interventions are proposed in its architecture to finesse Cohesion Policy-Territorial Cohesion interface, key to meeting Cohesion Policy goals.
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Det Föränderliga Ljudlandskapet : En jämförande studie av förtätningens påverkan på stadens ljudlandskapGadman, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Den täta staden är det stadsbyggnadskoncept som dominerar stadsplaneringen idag. Förtätning hävdas generellt bidra till mer hållbara städer med ett rikare folkliv och en högre livskvalitet. När den täta stadens fördelar och nackdelar diskuteras görs det till största delen utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv som till stor del domineras av diskussioner kring den täta stadens möjlighet att minska stadens ekologiska fotavtryck. Skapandet av den täta staden innebär en förändring inte bara av stadens fysiska struktur utan även av dess innehåll och sammansättning, vilket innebär grundläggande förändringar som påverkar stadens livsmiljö. En faktor som, enligt forskning, påverkas av dessa strukturella förändringar är stadens ljudmiljö. Forskning har visat att det finns en direkt koppling mellan hur en ljudmiljö upplevs och upplevelsen av en plats livskvalitet. Med anledning av att den täta staden ofta legitimeras av dess bidragande till en ökad livskvalitet samt att förtätning står för den typ av förändring som kan ha en påverkan på stadens ljudmiljöer och i förlängningen även den upplevda livskvaliteten, finns ett behov av att diskutera förtätningens effekter utifrån ett ljudperspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om förtätning kan innebära en förändring av stadens ljudmiljöer, och i så fall på vilket sätt, för att utifrån det kunna föra en diskussion om vilka konsekvenser förtätning kan innebära för den upplevda livskvaliteten i staden. Studien utgörs av en tvärsnittsstudie där ostrukturerade samt strukturerade observationer använts för att samla in källmaterial i täta och glesa gaturum. Utifrån detta har sedan en analys för varje plats gjorts för att förstå ljudlandskapens uppbyggnad samt en jämförande analys gjorts för att undersöka skillnaderna mellan täta och glesa gaturums ljudlandskaps uppbyggnad samt upplevelsen av dem. Studien visar att det inte finns någon direkt koppling mellan täthet och upplevelse av ljudlandskap, då både upplevelsen samt ljudlandskapet är kontextberoende och således bestäms av ett flertal faktorer, vilka kan variera beroende på plats. Det har dock visats att den täta staden är uppbyggd på principer som kan skapa ett större underlag för mer negativt värderade ljudlandskap än den glesa staden. Detta innebär att om målet är att förtäta staden enligt den täta stadens modell, blir stadens ljudlandskap en än viktigare aspekt att ta med i planeringen för att undvika att de bidrar till en försämring av den upplevda livskvaliteten i staden. Avslutningsvis visar denna studie att det inte går att förutse hur ett ljudlandskap kommer att upplevas utifrån platsens täthet. För arbete med stadens ljudmiljöer krävs således flexibla metoder och analyser som tar hänsyn till platsens kontext och ljudmiljöns komplexitet. Detta innebär att det rationella angreppssätt som idag används vid arbetet med stadens ljudmiljöer måste förändras.
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Detaliųjų planų rengimo analizė Kauno mieste / Detailed plans preparation analysis in the Kaunas cityMikelskytė, Diana 30 May 2012 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 52 puslapių, 5 lentelės, 12 paveikslų ir 28 literatūros šaltiniai.
Tyrimo objektas: Kauno mieste 2009-2011 m. patvirtinti detalieji planai.
Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti 2009-2011 m. Kauno mieste patvirtintus detaliuosius planus ir jų rengimo tvarką.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti mokslinę ir probleminę literatūrą bei teisės aktus teritorijų planavimo klausimais;
2. Ištirti detaliųjų planų rengimo tvarką, nustatytą norminiuose dokumentuose;
3. Ištirti žemės sklypo plano, prilyginamojo detaliojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentui, rengimo tvarką, nustatytą norminiuose dokumentuose;
4. Atlikti 2009-2011 m. Kauno mieste patvirtintų detaliųjų planų analizę;
5. Palyginti žemės sklypo plano, prilyginamojo detaliojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentui, ir detaliojo plano efektyvumą Kauno mieste.
Pagrindiniai tyrimų metodai: teisės aktų ir mokslinės literatūros analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė bei grafinio vaizdavimo metodai.
Pirmoje dalyje analizuojama teisės aktai bei mokslinė literatūra teritorijų planavimo klausimais. Antroje ir trečioje dalyje nustatoma tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai bei aprašomi pagrindiniai tyrimo metodai. Ketvirtoje dalyje išsamiai aptariamos detaliojo plano rengimo procedūros Kauno mieste. Penktoje dalyje aptariama žemės sklypo plano, prilyginamojo detaliojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentui rengimo tvarką. Šeštoje dalyje aptariamas Kauno miesto bendrasis planas ir atliekama detaliųjų planų analizė 2009-2011 m... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Final work of University Master Studies consist of 52 pages, 5 figures, 12 tables, 28 references.
Object of the research: Approved detailed plans in 2009-2011 in the Kaunas City.
Aim of the research: to analyze approved detailed plans and their preparing procedures in 2009-2011in the Kaunas City.
Objectives of the research:
1. To analyse the scientific and the problematic literature and the legislation of territory planning issues;
2. To investigate the preparing procedures of detailed plans, which is determinated in normative documents;
3. To investigate the plan of land parcel which is equivalent to a detailed territory planning document, preparing procedures determinated by normative documents;
4. To analyze the Kaunas City approve detailed plans in 2009-2011;
5. To compare the plans of land parcel which are equivalent to a detailed territory planning document and detailed plans effectiveness in Kaunas city.
The methods of research: the legislations and scientific literature analysis, statistical analysis, graphical imaging techniques.
The first part of analysis consists of the legislation and the scientific literature about the territory planning issues. In the second and third part the aim and object of the research are determined and the main research methods are described. In the fourth part the preparing procedures of detailed plans in the Kaunas city are discussed. The fifth section discusses the preparing procedure of the plan of land parcel as equivalent to a... [to full text]
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A practical assessment of spatial development frameworks in terms of water resources for development / by Hanneke Pretorius.Pretorius, Hanneke January 2012 (has links)
There is no single resource so essential to sustaining life and livelihoods than water (UNDP, 2005). Water is furthermore a strategic resource that not only gives life, but is also a catalyst for development; therefore water has to and must be at the centre of all development plans (Buyelwa, 2009). Water can be the limiting factor for economic growth, upliftment and social development due to its scarcity and uneven distribution.
Strategic spatial interface and relationship with water resource planning and management is fundamental to development and realisation of spatial potential. Strategic spatial planning has many components of which the Spatial Development Framework forms the key regulation to guide development and inform investment opportunities.
The goal of this study is to determine the degree to which water resource management and planning is incorporated in Spatial Development Frameworks in context of strategic spatial planning. Concurrently international strategic spatial planning procedures and water resource management principles are investigated to correlate the local situation with international trends.
A Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM) with ten assessment principles is developed as a tool for evaluation of strategic spatial planning and water resource management documents in terms of the local municipal level. This GAM may be used and implemented as a comparative evaluation tool to compare the degree of integration and implementation of water resource management and strategic spatial planning of local municipal authorities internationally. The percentage score as achieved in evaluation of the GAM indicates the degree of integration of water resource management and planning with strategic spatial planning.
The cumulative result of the GAM scored 68% which can be used as a degree of comparison in future studies with other local municipalities, even on an international level. Measured in terms of the different authority levels the local level performed the worst with a 50% GAM score whilst the national level has a high GAM score of 86%. The low local level score indicates that exceptional legislation and policies on national level are not sufficient to eradicate poverty, provide water for all and provide for long-term sustainability if the implementation at local level falters. The low local level score may also be attributed to a lack of institutional capacity and lack of appropriate skills.
It is concluded that Spatial Development Frameworks (as a component of strategic spatial planning) and water resource management and planning on a local level are not effectively integrated and it is recommended that water resources and planned future development must be effectively managed and integrated in order to ensure sustainable communities at local level. As a planning recommendation, the Guidelines for the Development of Spatial Development Frameworks developed by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform must be extended to incorporate the integrative approach between strategic spatial planning and water resource management as a fundamental aspect.
The effective integration of water resource management and planning in strategic spatial planning is key to sustainable, equitable and viable communities. / Thesis (MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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A practical assessment of spatial development frameworks in terms of water resources for development / by Hanneke Pretorius.Pretorius, Hanneke January 2012 (has links)
There is no single resource so essential to sustaining life and livelihoods than water (UNDP, 2005). Water is furthermore a strategic resource that not only gives life, but is also a catalyst for development; therefore water has to and must be at the centre of all development plans (Buyelwa, 2009). Water can be the limiting factor for economic growth, upliftment and social development due to its scarcity and uneven distribution.
Strategic spatial interface and relationship with water resource planning and management is fundamental to development and realisation of spatial potential. Strategic spatial planning has many components of which the Spatial Development Framework forms the key regulation to guide development and inform investment opportunities.
The goal of this study is to determine the degree to which water resource management and planning is incorporated in Spatial Development Frameworks in context of strategic spatial planning. Concurrently international strategic spatial planning procedures and water resource management principles are investigated to correlate the local situation with international trends.
A Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM) with ten assessment principles is developed as a tool for evaluation of strategic spatial planning and water resource management documents in terms of the local municipal level. This GAM may be used and implemented as a comparative evaluation tool to compare the degree of integration and implementation of water resource management and strategic spatial planning of local municipal authorities internationally. The percentage score as achieved in evaluation of the GAM indicates the degree of integration of water resource management and planning with strategic spatial planning.
The cumulative result of the GAM scored 68% which can be used as a degree of comparison in future studies with other local municipalities, even on an international level. Measured in terms of the different authority levels the local level performed the worst with a 50% GAM score whilst the national level has a high GAM score of 86%. The low local level score indicates that exceptional legislation and policies on national level are not sufficient to eradicate poverty, provide water for all and provide for long-term sustainability if the implementation at local level falters. The low local level score may also be attributed to a lack of institutional capacity and lack of appropriate skills.
It is concluded that Spatial Development Frameworks (as a component of strategic spatial planning) and water resource management and planning on a local level are not effectively integrated and it is recommended that water resources and planned future development must be effectively managed and integrated in order to ensure sustainable communities at local level. As a planning recommendation, the Guidelines for the Development of Spatial Development Frameworks developed by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform must be extended to incorporate the integrative approach between strategic spatial planning and water resource management as a fundamental aspect.
The effective integration of water resource management and planning in strategic spatial planning is key to sustainable, equitable and viable communities. / Thesis (MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Landsbygden, folkhälsan och den fysiska planeringen : En fallstudie om hur mindre svenska landsbygdskommuner integrerar folkhälsa i fysisk planeringBergius, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
Det är en svensk ambition att folkhälsan ges större utrymme i samhällsplaneringen. Dock finns i dagsläget inga lagstadgade krav eller tydliga riktlinjer kring hur folkhälsoaspekter ska integreras i fysisk planering. En stor del av ansvaret för att uppfylla denna ambition hamnar på de svenska kommunerna och det är i dessa som de svåra avvägningarna mellan olika intressen måste göras. Syftet med denna studie är att studera vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns med att integrera folkhälsoaspekter i planering och utformning av den kommunala fysiska miljön. Denna studie är utformad som en fallstudie där en svensk kommun har studerats med hjälp av intervjuer och dokumentanalyser. Resultaten från denna studie visar att konflikter med miljömässiga och ekonomiska värden är ett hinder när folkhälsoaspekter ska integreras i kommunal samhällsplanering. En rådande oenighet kring hur folkhälsobegreppet definieras och används, samt bristande kunskap om begreppet är ytterligare hinder som belyses i studien. Att folkhälsoinsatser sällan ger mätbara resultat är en ännu en faktor som hindrar integreringen av folkhälsoaspekter i fysisk planering. Engagemang, arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist är andra faktorer som påverkar i vilken utsträckning folkhälsoaspekter beaktas i den kommunala samhällsplaneringen. Slutligen är målsättningar och tvärsektoriellt samarbete centralt för att skapa likvärdiga förväntningar och samförstånd mellan aktörer där folkhälsofrämjande insatser ska genomföras.
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