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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Special Needs Education (SNE) in Kenyan public primary schools : exploring government policy and teachers' understandings

Mwangi, Lucy January 2013 (has links)
This research focuses on Special Needs Education (SNE) in Kenyan Public Primary Schools: Exploring Government Policy and Teachers’ understandings. At a time when Kenya is introducing reforms with a view to addressing broad national objectives and providing universal primary education (UPE) after the massive enrolment increases arising from the free primary education declaration (FPE), it was important to establish teachers’ understandings on SEN. The study was undertaken in 27 primary schools in urban, municipal and rural parts of Kenya. A phenomenological qualitative approach was mainly used and data were collected from teachers through a survey comprising: (i) 159 self-administered questionnaires ii) Nine in-depth interviews. From the results of a pilot study, necessary adaptations were made for the main study. The data provided insights to teachers’ teaching strategies, impacts of mainstreaming, factors that prevent the participation of children said to have SEN, challenges in meeting the diverse needs in the classroom and the support they may require in providing more engaging and effective learning instructions. The findings show that many teachers lack a repertoire of learning and teaching strategies appropriate for addressing barriers to learning and providing individualized approaches in the classrooms. Some teachers were positive about teaching children said to have SEN but lacked the infrastructure of support and guidance, were confused by different terminologies and found the concept of SEN not to be enabling. What teachers are calling for is more training to help them develop strategies which are responsive to the identified learning difficulties. Through Documentary Analysis of the Kenya National Special Needs Education (SNE) Policy Framework, Ministry of Education (MoE, 2009), it was identified that the policy is difficult and ambiguous for teachers to implement. The policy fails to include salient definitions to facilitate a common way of addressing children said to have SEN which results in them being labelled. The recommendations of the research indicate that children’s unique needs be made transparent and addressed using effective individualized education plans to influence and maintain high expectations, positive and enriched ways of teaching in order to improve the children’s learning opportunities as well as other extracurricular activities. The national policy should be revised to include feasible targets in order to facilitate on-going evaluation and embed definitions of key words which are pivotal to planning, assessment, identification, provision and placement of children said to have SEN. Suggestions for further research have also been included.

Inclusion and teaching Physical Education (PE) in Greece : PE teachers' understandings and practice of inclusion and Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles

Karageorgopoulou, Efstathia January 2016 (has links)
Inclusion in relation to special educational needs (SEN) has become an imperative in the educational policies of many countries. However, the implementation of inclusive practice is not straightforward and has been the focus of many studies. In Physical Education (PE), Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles is an integral component of many educational systems but has not been studied in relation to teachers’ understanding of inclusion and inclusive practice. Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching styles has been promoted in Greece since 2006 and this study investigates the relationship between the beliefs and practices of specialist primary PE teachers in Greece in relation to inclusion and Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles. The study has a single-case research design with embedded units and was conducted in mainstream primary schools with 15 participant PE teachers. Data was collected using semi-structured observations of participants’ PE lessons followed by semi-structured interviews focusing on their understanding of inclusion, of inclusive practices and their knowledge and use of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles. The findings suggest that some of the teachers’ beliefs about inclusion resonate with current understandings as reported in the literature whereas other teachers refer to older understandings of inclusion and disability. Very few teachers had a detailed knowledge of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles but were found to use them to some extent during their lessons. While not commonly associated with inclusion, the teaching styles from Mosston’s Spectrum that were used did not prevent the use of inclusive practices by the teachers. This study relates Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles to a single dimension of inclusion and challenges the value it is accorded in Physical Education policy in Greece where inclusive practice is promoted by particular educational policies. The findings lead to suggestions for enhancement of both policy and practice in the context of Physical Education in Greece and more widely.

The 7Ms pedagogy model : instructional design for learners with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Sajadi, Samira Sadat January 2013 (has links)
This study presents a new framework for designing pedagogy in an informed and controlled way. It considers the importance of progression of pedagogy during a learning episode, so that an instructor can modify the pedagogical approach as well as the content in a lesson. The significance and novelty of this research lie in the proposals to provide support for ADHD learners and assist them to overcome their academic weaknesses/challenges through appropriate pedagogically sound interventions. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of a suitable pedagogical approach for children who diagnosed with ADHD, issues of having ADHD are discussed within the scope of the research. In this respect, an aetiological model of ADHD has been developed to identify different levels of impairments as well as to clarify areas in which educational pedagogies must address the limitations of ADHD learners. Early stage results described here consider evidence to determine the viability of two literature-based models, named the ‘6Ms pedagogy model’ and the ‘aetiological model of ADHD’. In identifying the need to explore an accurate pedagogical model for ADHD children, two models have been evaluated. The analysis is based on a combination of secondary analysis, qualitative, and quantitative data analysis, which covered data, collected from expert advice, including that from professionals, coaches, and teachers and from those involved in the education of learners with ADHD and parents. Evidence from findings on ADHD is married to a new model of pedagogy named the ‘7Ms pedagogy model’. The ADHD pedagogical model is then evaluated by SEN teachers serves to facilitate well-informed and targeted design decisions about pedagogy, which could provide children with support and help them overcome academic limitations. Keywords: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder; 6Ms Pedagogy Model; 7Ms Pedagogy Model; learning theories; aetiological model; typically developing learners (TDLs); and special educational needs (SEN).

L'expérience des enseignants spécialisés avec des élèves "autistes" : une approche clinique / The experience of specialized teachers with students with autism : a clinical approach

Hélie, Thierry 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, écrite par un praticien qui a l'expérience de l'enseignement avec les élèves autistes, s'inscrit en sciences de l'éducation dans une approche clinique d'orientation psychanalytique. Elle interroge l'expérience des enseignants spécialisés travaillant auprès d'élèves avec des troubles autistiques. L'enjeu pour ces enseignants est de créer un espace psychique et des liens permettant la transmission et l'apprentissage de savoirs. Des transformations accompagnent la posture professionnelle qu'ils ont à construire avec ce public spécifique. En effet, ces élèves, entourés par de nombreux professionnels du soin, de l'éducation et de leurs familles, déstabilisent l'enseignant et les connaissances acquises pendant sa formation. Après un retour sur le cheminement du parcours de recherche, ces questions sont problématisées. Quatre entretiens cliniques réalisés auprès d'enseignants travaillant avec des élèves autistes sont analysés. Des concepts venus des sciences de l'éducation, comme celui de soi-professionnel, et de la psychanalyse, avec certains apports de Donald Woods Winnicott, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion ou Jacques Lacan, sont mis au travail pour explorer les sens possibles de l'expérience rapportée. Certains résultats se dégagent : les enseignants mobilisent des ressources psychiques variées, présentes et passées, personnelles et professionnelles, pour pouvoir entrer en contact avec ces élèves et soutenir un lien d'enseignement inédit. Il apparaît que cet enseignement s'appuie sur les bases fondatrices d'une relation, constituées par la création d'un « espace transitionnel et potentiel » (Winnicott), pour que des liens et des apprentissages se mettent en place. / The author is both a teacher with a vast experience in teaching autistic pupils, and a student of Paris Descartes University in Science of Education, with on a clinical and psychoanalytical approach. The thesis questions the experience of special educational needs (SEN) teachers, specialised in the teaching of pupils with autism. The challenge is to create a psychologically healthy and supportive place as well as bonds conducive to the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. Changes must be done in the professional attitude teachers must adopt. Indeed, their pupils, cared for by numerous healthcare professionals, teachers, as well as their own families are bound to shake the teachers confidence in themselves and in what they have learnt in their professional training. The research trajectory is first analysed, then the questions raised above are presented as problematics. Four clinical interviews carried out by teachers, all working with autistic pupils are analysed. Science of Education concepts such as the self-professional, and psychoanalysis, as well as the works of Donald Woods Winnicott, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion or Jacques Lacan, are used to explore the possible meanings of the reported experience. Some results emerge: teachers conjure up varied psychological resources, present or past, personal or professional, to make contact with their pupils and maintain this unique teaching bond. Their teaching appears to rely on the bases of a relationship created by a transitional and potential space (Winnicott), so that bonds and learning can be set up.


Kriaučiukienė, Ingrida 07 September 2010 (has links)
Darbe aptariamos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų bendruomenių nuomonių įvairovė į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikų integruotą ugdymą ir jų kaita nuo integracijos proceso pradžios. Iškelta hipotezė, kad tarp teorinio integracijos modelio ir praktinio jo pritaikymo yra tam tikrų nesutapimų, kurie trukdo kokybiškam integracijos proceso vystymuisi. Gali išryškėti kontroversiškos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendruomenės nuostatos, nepalankiai veikiančios integruotai ugdomų mokinių socializaciją. Turinio analizės metodu apžvelgti panašūs atlikti tyrimai, siekiant įžvelgti integracijos proceso dalyvių nuostatų kaitą. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų, mokinių bei jų tėvų požiūrius į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius vaikus bei įvertinti integruotai ugdomų specialiųjų poreikių vaikų savijautą mokyklos aplinkoje. Tyrime dalyvavo 130 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose besimokančių normalios raidos ir specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokinių, 75 šių mokinių tėvai ir 115 pedagogų, dirbančių tose pačiose mokyklose iš įvairių Lietuvos regionų. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų bendruomenių nuostatos į specialiųjų poreikių vaikų socializacijos sėkmę, į integruotą ugdymą bei jo efektyvumą. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendruomenės nariai pakankamai geranoriškai ir tolerantiškai nusiteikę specialiųjų poreikių vaikų atžvilgiu. Tėvų nuostatos netgi teigiamesnės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper deals with the variety of opinions of mainstream school community members’ about the integrated education of children with special educational needs (SEN children) also how these opinions have been turnover from the beginning of the integration’s process. Hypothesis: there are some discrepancies between the theoretical pattern of integration and it’s practical adaptation with discourages the qualitative progress of the integration’s process. The controversial attitudes of the mainstream school community can be found which could adversely operate the integrated training pupils socialization. The review of similar navigated investigations was done using content analysis method on purpose to penetrate the alternation of the integration process members. Questionnaire survey method was used to accomplish the research which purpose is to investigate the attitude of mainstream school teachers, pupils and their patents about the SEN children and to appreciate how SEN children feel themselves in the school environment. The presence of 130 mainstream school pupils with SEN and non-disabled children, 75 their parents also 115 general teachers from various Lithuanian regions caused a successful research. The most important empirical conclusions that were drawn are: ● Community members of mainstream school are benevolently and tolerantly minded in point of SEN children enough. The attitudes of parents are even more positive than their children’s are. SEN children feel fairly... [to full text]

Specialiųjų poreikių turinčių mokinių teisinio ugdymo mokykloje ypatumai / The peculiarities of legal education of children with special educational needs in the schools of General Education

Žemaitaitienė, Aušra 25 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti ir įvertinti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokinių ugdymo bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose pagrindiniai aspektai, jų teises ir pareigas reglamentuojantys dokumentai, atskleista teisinio ugdymo svarba specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokiniams, išsiaiškintos teisinio ugdymo galimybės specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintiems mokiniams bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu nagrinėjama specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių samprata, minėtų mokinių ugdymas inkliuzijos sąlygomis bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, jų teises ir pareigas reglamentuojantys dokumentai, bei teisinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Antroje darbo dalyje praktiškai nagrinėjama esama specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių teisinio ugdymo situacija bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, analizuojami tyrimo rezultatai, pateikiamos išvados. / This Master's Thesis is to analyse and evaluate the main aspects of education of students with special educational needs (SEN) in the schools of General Education, the regulations of their rights and duties, to reveal the importance of legal education for SEN students, to explain the possibilities of legal education for SEN students in the schools of General Education. The first part examines the theoretical aspects of the concept of special education needs, the education of SEN students under the conditions of inclusion, the regulations of their rights and duties as well as legal educating in the schools of General Education. The second part practically examines the current situation of legal education of SEN students in the schools of General Education, analyses the results and presents the conclusions.

An analysis of learning characteristics, processes, and representations in mathematical modelling of middle school learners with special educational needs

Scott-Wilson, Rina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The special needs community is in the midst of a philosophical and physical shift from a segregated system to an integrated system, not only in placement, but more importantly, in terms of learning and affording learners with special needs access to mainstream curricular materials. Mathematical modelling, or challenging mathematics problems solved in small groups, is part of the Australian mainstream curriculum. The purpose of the study was to investigate the way special needs learners learn mathematics from a modelling learning environment. To do this, it was necessary to identify the critical characteristics of the best practice in teaching and learning for learners with special needs, and the critical features of modelling. One theory of learning that has the capacity to promote special needs learners' interaction with mathematical modelling is Feuerstein’s theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability. A hypothetical learning trajectory was designed for special needs learners at middle school according to general design principles from theory, which was adapted to the learning characteristics of the class. The learning environment comprised of three challenging modelling tasks, together with recommended implementation and support conditions in the classroom. Specifically, the research sought to investigate the ways in which special needs educators can support the higher reasoning processes of special needs students during modelling through design in general, and through mediation specific to each learner. The research took the form of a qualitative study, combining the phases of design-based research with a multiple case study approach. Three cases were analysed in depth. Empirical data were collected through a range of qualitative methods, which included data from student files, field observations, video and audio recordings, focus group interviews with students, and the input of various collaborators across the different phases of planning, design, implementation, and revision. Data were coded and analysed inductively according to emerging patterns and themes. Findings suggest that the use of modelling was successful when implemented with certain characteristics defined in the literature, and that it enabled learners to learn mathematics and also to develop additional outcomes such as social skills and language. During this study, learners' higher-order reasoning was supported through dynamic assessment and subsequent mediation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onderwysgemeenskap vir leerders met spesiale behoeftes bevind hulle in die middel van filosofiese en fisiese verskuiwings van 'n geskeide sisteem na 'n geïntegreerde sisteem. Dit omvat die plasing van leerders, maar meer belangrik ook die bemoontliking van toegang van hierdie leerders tot hoofstroom kurrikulêre materiale. Wiskundige modellering, en uitdagende wiskundeprobleme wat deur leerders in klein groepies opgelos word, is deel van die Australiese hoofstroomkurrikulum. Die doel van die studie was om die wyse te ondersoek waarvolgens leerders met spesiale behoeftes wiskunde in 'n modelleringsomgewing leer. Dit is gedoen deur die belangrike kenmerke van beste praktyk vir onderrig en leer in spesiale onderwys, asook die kritiese kenmerke van modellering, te vind. Een leerteorie wat die interaksie van leerders met spesiale behoeftes met wiskunde bevorder, is Feuerstein se teorie van Strukturele Kognitiewe Modifieerbaarheid. 'n Hipotetiese leertrajek was ontwerp vir leerders met spesiale behoeftes op middelskoolvlak. Empiriese data is deur 'n reeks kwalitatiewe aksies: data van studentelêers, veldwaar-nemings, video en klankopnames, fokusgroeponderhoude met studente, asook die insette van verskeie medewerkers oor die verskillende fases van beplanning, ontwerp, implementering en hersiening gegenereer. Die spesifieke leerkenmerke van hierdie leerders volgens algemeen-teoretiese en lokaalgekontekstualiseerde ontwerpbeginsels is nagekom. Die leertrajek het bestaan uit drie uitdagende modelleringsprobleme met aanbevole implementering en ondersteuningsriglyne in die klaskamer. Die navorsing het spesifiek gesoek na wyses waarop hierdie leerders se hoër beredeneringsvaardighede deur hul onderwysers, volgens elkeen se eie behoefte gedurende modellering, deur ontwerp in die algemeen en mediasie in die besonder, ondersteun kan word. Die navorsing, 'n kwalitatiewe studie, was gekombineer met fases van ontwikkelingsgebaseerde ontwerp wat uitgespeel het in 'n veelvuldige gevallestudiebenadering. Drie gevalle is in diepte ondersoek. Data was induktief gekodeer en geanaliseer volgens ontluikende patrone en temas. Bevindinge wys uit dat die gebruik van modellering suksesvol was wanneer die implementering volgens spesifieke kenmerke in die literatuur was. Dit het leerders instaat gestel om wiskunde te leer asook om addisionele uitkomste soos sosiale vaardighede en taal te ontwikkel. In hierdie studie is hoër-orde denke ondersteun deur dinamiese assessering en voortspruitende mediasie.

Effectiveness of school intervention teams (SITs) in assisting learners with special educational needs in Gaborone community junior secondary schools

Rampana, Betty Masego 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of School Intervention Teams (SITs) in assisting learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN) at community junior secondary schools (CJSS) in Botswana. This case study was guided by the cultural-historical theory on cognitive development by Lev Vygotsky and Bill Hettler’s theory on wellness dimensions. The study used mixed research approach which combined qualitative and quantitative method. The data collection instruments used included questionnaires which were completed by members of SITs, semi-structured oral interview which was specifically planned for SIT coordinators and lastly, document analysis. This research task was carried out under the permission of University of South Africa (UNISA) Ethics Clearance Committee and Ministry of Education and Skills Development (Botswana). Letters of consent were obtained from the school heads, SIT coordinators and members of SIT in the sampled community junior secondary schools (CJSS). The findings of this study showed that the effectiveness of SIT is dependent upon availability of positive attitude and support towards Inclusive Education by school management team, teachers, parents, external stakeholders (Botswana examinations Centre, Central Resource Centre, Principal Education Officers for Special education). Effectiveness of SIT is also enhanced by availability of resources such as teaching learning aids, office and classroom for remediation of the identified learners. Therefore, there is still a great gap between special education recommendation and their implementation in CJSS in Botswana and this hinders the effectiveness of SITs. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Effectiveness of school intervention team (SIT) in assisting learners with special educational needs in Gaborone community junior secondary schools

Rampana, Betty Masego 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of School Intervention Teams (SITs) in assisting learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN) at community junior secondary schools (CJSS) in Botswana. This case study was guided by the cultural-historical theory on cognitive development by Lev Vygotsky and Bill Hettler’s theory on wellness dimensions. The study used mixed research approach which combined qualitative and quantitative method. The data collection instruments used included questionnaires which were completed by members of SITs, semi-structured oral interview which was specifically planned for SIT coordinators and lastly, document analysis. This research task was carried out under the permission of University of South Africa (UNISA) Ethics Clearance Committee and Ministry of Education and Skills Development (Botswana). Letters of consent were obtained from the school heads, SIT coordinators and members of SIT in the sampled community junior secondary schools (CJSS). The findings of this study showed that the effectiveness of SIT is dependent upon availability of positive attitude and support towards Inclusive Education by school management team, teachers, parents, external stakeholders (Botswana examinations Centre, Central Resource Centre, Principal Education Officers for Special education). Effectiveness of SIT is also enhanced by availability of resources such as teaching learning aids, office and classroom for remediation of the identified learners. Therefore, there is still a great gap between special education recommendation and their implementation in CJSS in Botswana and this hinders the effectiveness of SITs. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Avaliação pedagógica de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais do município de Extrema: um estudo de caso / Pedagogical evaluation of students with special educational needs of the municipality of Extrema: a case study

Almeida, Carla Campos de Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-06-14T19:00:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Campos de Oliveira Almeida.pdf: 1354143 bytes, checksum: 2420d5c8ec754313727112b6689e96af (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T19:00:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Campos de Oliveira Almeida.pdf: 1354143 bytes, checksum: 2420d5c8ec754313727112b6689e96af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / The evaluation of learning serves as a dynamic instrument of pedagogical practices, especially when the educational scenario It is crossed by the inclusion movement. The research proposal is to understand and reflect on the evaluative practices of regular teachers and elementary school teachers (1st to 5th year) of the municipality of Extrema – MG, of students with special educational needs. The research problem was delineated from concerns presented by the teachers who work with these students in the schools of the municipality, such as: how to evaluate students with SEN? What notes to assign? These questions led to the search for interlocutors directly involved with the problem, Mainly teachers from municipal schools who attended in regular education the largest number of students with SEN per class. It is about a case study. The work brings together reflections that emerged from the theoretical elaborated and analysis of the data obtained in teachers' reports and the questionnaires answered by them, As well as observations of everyday school life and also of the comparison with the guidance documents of the Municipal Department of Education that are included in the Municipal Plan of Education (2015 to 2024). The conclusions indicate conceptual tensions over the student with disabilities, Their possibilities of learning and their educational evaluation. The analysis of tensions leads to considerations, rather than to conclusions, that they intend to collaborate to deepen the discussions on such an important topic for educators who work with these students and, even more, for themselves. / La valorización de los aprendizados sirve como instrumento dinámico de las prácticas pedagógicas, principalmente cuando el escenario educacional es atravesado por el movimiento de inclusión. La propuesta de la pesquisa es comprender y reflejar sobre las prácticas de evaluación de los professores de enseñanza regular y de la enseñanza fundamental I (1º al 5º año) del Municipio de Extrema MG, utilizados con alumnos con necesidades educacionales especiales. El problema de la investigación fue delineado a partir de preocupaciones presentadas por los professores que actúan con estos alumnos en las escuelas del Municipio, tales como: ¿como evaluar los alunos com NEE? ¿Que notas atribuirle? Estas questiones llevaron a la búsqueda por interlocutores directamente relacionados com el problema, principalmente profesores de las escuelas municipales que atendían en la enseñanza regular el mayor número de alumnos com NEE por salón. Se trata de um estúdio de caso. El trabajo reúne reflexiones que emergieron del referencial teórico elaborado y análisis de los datos obtenidos en relatos de profesoras y en los cuestionarios respondidos por ellas, bien como de observaciones del cotidiano escolar y, todavia, de la comparación con documentos de orientación de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación que constan em el Plan Municipal de Educación (2015 a 2024). Las conclusiones indican tensiones conceptuales sobre el alumno con discapacidad, sus posibilidades de aprendizado y su evaluación educacional. El análisis de esas tensiones lleva a consideraciones, más de que a conclusiones, que tiene la intención de colaborar para aprofundarse en las discusiones a respecto de um tema tan importante para los educadores que trabajan com estos alunos y, más todavia, para ellos propios. / A avaliação das aprendizagens serve como instrumento dinâmico das práticas pedagógicas, principalmente quando o cenário educacional é atravessado pelo movimento de inclusão. A proposta da pesquisa é compreender e refletir sobre as práticas avaliativas dos professores de ensino regular do ensino fundamental I (1º ao 5º ano) do município de Extrema - MG, utilizadas com alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. O problema de pesquisa foi delineado a partir de preocupações apresentadas pelas professoras que atuam com estes alunos nas escolas do município, tais como: como avaliar os alunos com NEE? Que notas atribuir? Estas questões levaram à busca por interlocutores diretamente envolvidos com a problemática, principalmente professores das escolas municipais que atendiam no ensino regular o maior número de alunos com NEE por turma. Trata-se de um estudo de caso. O trabalho reúne reflexões que emergiram do referencial teórico elaborado e análise dos dados obtidos em relatos de professoras e nos questionários respondidos por elas, bem como de observações do cotidiano escolar e, ainda, do cotejo com os documentos de orientação da Secretaria Municipal de Educação que constam do Plano Municipal de Educação (2015 a 2024). As conclusões indicam tensões conceituais sobre o aluno com deficiência, suas possibilidades de aprendizagens e sua avaliação educacional. A análise dessas tensões leva a considerações, mais do que a conclusões, que têm a intenção de colaborar para o aprofundamento das discussões a respeito de tema tão importante para os educadores que trabalham com estes alunos e, mais ainda, para eles próprios.

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