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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interacting effects of forest edge, tree diversity and forest stratum on the diversity of plants and arthropods in Germany’s largest deciduous forest

Normann, Claudia 27 April 2015 (has links)
Die fortschreitende Fragmentierung von Wäldern ist eine der Hauptursachen für den Verlust von Biodiversität weltweit. Mit zunehmender Fragmentierung steigt der Anteil an Waldrandzonen, in denen die Eigenschaften eines Waldes stark verändert sein können. Wie stark diese Randeffekte ein Fragment beeinflussen, kann von der Habitatstruktur abhängen. Die Habitatstruktur ist wiederum maßgeblich durch die Baumartenzusammensetzung beeinflusst. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht zum ersten Mal gleichzeitig die Einflüsse von Randeffekten und Baumartenvielfalt und deren mögliche Interaktionen auf Krautschichtvegetation und Arthropoden. Die Untersuchungen hierzu wurden im Nationalpark Hainich, Deutschlands größtem zusammenhängenden Laubwaldgebiet, durchgeführt. Dafür wurden 12 Transekte angelegt, die vom Waldrand bis zu 500 m in das Waldesinnere hineinreichten. Sechs Transekte in baumartenarmen Waldstandorten mit einem hohen Buchenanteil (Fagus sylvatica L.) und weitere sechs in baumartenreichen Waldstandorten mit einem niedrigen Buchenanteil. Baumartenreiche Standorte wiesen bis zu neun Baumarten auf, wie z.B. Eiche, Esche, Linde und Ahorn. Entlang der Transekte wurden die Krautschichtvegetation und die Arthopodengemeinschaften untersucht. Im ersten Manuskript (Kapitel 2 dieser Arbeit) wurde die Krautschichtvegetation entlang des Rand-Innen-Gradienten aufgenommen. Eine Interaktion zwischen Randeffekten und Baumartenvielfalt beeinflusste den Pflanzenartenreichtum. In Waldbereichen mit hoher Baumartenvielfalt blieb die Artenzahl der Krautschicht vom Rand bis ins Waldesinnere konstant, wohingegen sie in baumartenarmen Bereichen stark abfiel. Die Krautschicht war somit in baumartenreichen Waldstandorten im Waldesinneren höher. Der Anteil an Waldspezialistenarten nahm mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Waldrand zur Mitte zu. Parallel dazu nahm der Anteil an Waldgeneralistenarten ab. Die Dominanz der Waldspezialisten war in buchendominierten Standorten stärker ausgeprägt, als in baumartenreichen. Auch die Artenzusammensetzung der Krautschicht wurde von der Distanz zum Waldrand und der Baumartenvielfalt beeinflusst. Sie wies in baumartenreichen Standorten und mit zunehmender Nähe zum Rand eine hohe Variabilität auf. Die Baumartenvielfalt steuerte die Dicke der Streuschicht, die unter allen untersuchten Umweltfaktoren den größten Einfluss auf die Diversität der Krautschicht hatte. Im zweiten Manuskript (Kapitel 3 dieser Arbeit) wurden bodenlebende Arthropoden (Laufkäfer, Kurzflügelkäfer und Spinnen) untersucht. Die Reaktion der Gesamtartenzahl auf Baumartenvielfalt und Entfernung zum Waldrand war je nach Taxon unterschiedlich. Allerdings zeigten sich übereinstimmende Muster, nachdem die Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Habitataffinität und Körpergröße in Gruppen eingeteilt worden waren. Über alle Taxa hinweg wurde die Anzahl der Waldarten weder von der Baumartenvielfalt noch von der Randnähe nennenswert beeinflusst und die Körpergröße der Waldarten spielte keine Rolle. Allerdings reagierten einzelne Waldarten positiv auf eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt, während andere davon negativ beeinflusst waren. Die Artenzahl der Habitatgeneralisten nahm vom Waldrand zur Waldmitte hin stark ab. Dieser Effekt wurde jedoch, außer bei den Spinnen, durch eine höhere Baumartenvielfalt abgeschwächt. Die Artenzahl der Habitatgeneralisten, insbesondere der kleinen Arten, reagierte positiv auf eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt im Waldesinneren. Die beobachteten Effekte sind höchstwahrscheinlich das Resultat von durch Baumartenvielfalt und Randnähe veränderten Umweltfaktoren und einer erhöhten Habitatheterogenität am Waldboden. Im dritten Manuskript (Kapitel 4 dieser Arbeit) wurde untersucht, ob sich Rand- und Baumartendiversitätseffekte zwischen verschiedenen Straten unterscheiden. Hierzu wurden entlang von zehn Transekten sowohl im Kronenraum als auch unmittelbar über dem Boden Kreuzfensterfallen installiert. In einem Zeitraum von sieben Monaten (April bis November 2012) wurde dadurch die fliegende Käferfauna erfasst. Randeffekte auf Käfer wurden bis zu einer Distanz von 500 m vom Waldrand hin nachgewiesen. Im Kronenraum waren die Randeffekte schwächer ausgeprägt als im Unterholz, vermutlich durch eine höhere „randähnliche“ mikroklimatische Variabilität im Kronenraum. Die Gesamtartenzahl der Käfer nahm mit zunehmender Distanz zum Waldrand ab. Dieses Muster wurde vor allem durch die Habitatgeneralisten getrieben, wohingegen die Artenzahl der Waldarten und der xylobionten Arten kaum auf die Randnähe reagierten. Eine Beeinflussung des Randeffekts durch Baumartenvielfalt konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Habitatgeneralisten und nicht-xylobionte Arten dominierten die Käfergemeinschaft im Unterholz. Im Kronenraum wurden die höchsten Artenzahlen von Waldarten und xylobionten Arten nachgewiesen. Baumartendiversität wirkte sich über alle Straten und ökologischen Gruppen positiv auf die Artenvielfalt der Käfer aus. Besonders ausgeprägt war dieser Effekt im Kronenraum. Die Haupteinflussfaktoren, die den Käferartenreichtum steuerten, unterschieden sich also zwischen den Straten. So waren im Kronenraum Baumartenvielfalt, die Totholzmenge und zu einem geringen Teil der Kronenschluss die entscheidenden Faktoren. Im Unterholz hingegen war der Einfluss der Baumartenvielfalt geringer und die Distanz zum Waldrand und der Kronenschluss besonders wichtig. Insgesamt waren die Effekte von Baumartenvielfalt im Unterholz indirekter und im Kronenraum direkter. Um Konsequenzen von Waldfragmentierung umfangreich zu verstehen, ist es nicht nur notwendig den Einfluss von Randeffekten, Baumartenvielfalt und Straten zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch die Eigenschaften (z. B. Körpergröße) und die Habitataffinität der beobachteten Arten. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt in zentraleuropäischen Wäldern zum Erhalt der Biodiversität von Pflanzen und Arthropoden beitragen kann. Das allein ist jedoch nicht ausreichend, da auch gezeigt wurde, dass einzelne Arten buchendominierte Wälder bevorzugen und es Unterschiede in der Artenzusammensetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Baumartendiversitätsstufen gibt. Dies hebt die Bedeutung des Erhalts alter Buchenwälder, verankert in den UNESCO-Welterbeflächen „Buchenurwälder in den Karpaten und alte Buchenwälder in Deutschland“, als besondere Schutzaufgabe hervor.

Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development Agency

Acquah, Augusta 11 October 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.

L’histoire du Brésil aux États-Unis et ses historiens : 1958-1985 / An account of Brazilianist historiography : 1958-1985

Kinsella, Arianna 24 January 2019 (has links)
Cette étude analyse le contexte historique dans lequel l’étude de l’histoire du Brésil a émergé dans les universités américaines entre 1958 et 1985. L’expansion de la discipline reflétait alors les préoccupations nées de la Guerre froide aux États-Unis. Dans ces circonstances, l’appui institutionnel, les fonds fédéraux et privés ont joué un rôle important dans la recherche des Brazilianists, favorisant son développement académique comme spécialisation à part entière. Le terme de Brazilianist désigne seulement aux États-Unis un spécialiste de l’histoire Brésilienne alors qu’au Brésil, il est connoté politiquement. S’il est vrai qu’une partie de la recherche des Brazilianists était policy-oriented et qu’ils bénéficiaient de davantage de soutien institutionnel ou d’opportunités de recherche que leurs homologues Brésiliens, notamment pendant les anos de chumbo, quand ces derniers subirent le joug de la dictature militaire, on ne peut se limiter à une vision réductrice de leurs travaux. L’étude des parcours individuels fait apparaître une histoire bien plus nuancée, permettant d’évaluer leurs motivations et les échanges qu’ils ont pu avoir avec les intellectuels brésiliens et le degré de réception de leurs travaux au Brésil ; nous pouvons ainsi dépasser les polémiques en soulignant l’importance des liens tissés entre eux et le monde savant brésilien, leur apport scientifique, leur rôle dans l’institutionnalisation de la discipline aux États-Unis et la professionnalisation de l’histoire au Brésil. / This study examines the historical context in which the study of Brazilian history emerged in the American Universities during 1958–1985. Expansion of this discipline in the United States mirrored domestic and political concerns stemming from the Cold War; as such, institutional support, both federal and private funding played a significant role in Brazilianist research and facilitated subsequent specialization and scholarly development. In the U.S., the term “Brazilianist” merely designates a scholar of Brazilian history, whereas in Brazil the term is often politically charged, with some U.S. scholars suspected of furthering an imperialist agenda of some sort. While it is true that some Brazilianist research was policy-oriented, and that these scholars had greater institutional support and further research opportunities than their Brazilian counterparts (particularly during the anos de chumbo, when the latter were subjected to repression and censorship by the military dictatorship), this stance tends to undermine their scientific production. A case-by-case study of their intellectual trajectories portrays however a much more complex account, allowing for a better analysis of their motivations and their intellectual exchanges with Brazilian intellectuals, as well as a better understanding of Brazilian reception of their academic production. This study seeks to move beyond polemics by highlighting the importance of Brazilianist academic ties with the Brazilian intellectual world, the reach of their academic production, and the role played by these in the institutionalization of the field in the United States as well as the professionalization of history in Brazil.

A formação dos gestores escolares nos cursos de pedagogia / The formation of managers in school pedagogy courses

Franco, Alexandre de Paula 27 June 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo a investigação da formação em ensino superior dos gestores escolares, denominados de especialistas de educação, até a edição da atual Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Definiuse como corpus desta pesquisa, matrizes curriculares dos cursos de Pedagogia e a convergência destas com as necessidades encontradas pelos profissionais no exercício da coordenação pedagógica, da direção de escola, da supervisão ou da orientação educacional, considerando a possibilidade de trabalho na perspectiva do desenvolvimento institucional e profissional. Esta pesquisa está circunstanciada no âmbito das abordagens qualitativas, tomando como referência metodológica a triangulação de dados analisados pelo viés da multirreferencialidade (ARDOINO, 1998; BARBOSA, 1998), uma vez que foram abordados os dispositivos legais que originaram e, mais recentemente, orientam o curso de Pedagogia, implicando no conceito sobre o que é gestão. Num primeiro momento, contemplo-se o histórico do curso de Pedagogia, desde a sua gênese no Brasil, e a incorporação da profissionalização dos especialistas de educação num processo de ambigüidades e busca de identidade tanto do curso quanto dos pedagogos (BRZEZINSKI, 2002; FREITAS, 2002; PIMENTA, 2002). Em seguida, discutiram-se as diferentes interpretações atribuídas ao termo gestão, considerando os variados contextos nos quais tem sido empregada esta nomenclatura, ora para especialistas, ora para gestores escolares (EVANGELISTA, 2003; LIBÂNEO, 2001, SCHEIBE, 2003, PARO, 2011). Logo após, apresenta-se a análise das tendências propostas na formação dos cursos de Pedagogia no Brasil, analisando criticamente que lugar tem sido atribuído à profissionalização dos gestores escolares, num curso que passou a ter como atribuição o tratamento de todos os campos de atuação do pedagogo, considerando a perspectiva do desenvolvimento institucional (ALMEIDA, 1999; DAY, 2001, FULLAN, 2009). Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram a relevância de se propor outra abordagem para a formação dos gestores nos cursos de Pedagogia, o que implica em alterações na estrutura destes, sobretudo, no que se refere ao currículo, integração do curso e redefinição de uma licenciatura que contempla ao mesmo tempo aspectos de bacharelado, numa tentativa de superar as ambigüidades ainda presentes no curso e na construção da identidade dos gestores escolares, e aponta para um outro caráter de percurso formativo no ensino superior. / This thesis aims to research the professionalization of university school managers, called education specialists until the current edition of the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, n. 9394 of 1996. We have defined as corpus of this research, curricular matrices of Pedagogy courses and the convergence of these with the needs found by professionals in pedagogical coordination, the direction of school, the supervision or the educational orientation, considering the possibility of working from the perspective of institutional and professional development. This research is detailed in the framework of qualitative approaches, with reference to methodological triangulation of data analyzed through the bias of multiple references (ARDOINO, 1998; BARBOSA, 1998), since we will bring the legal devices that originated and guide the course Pedagogy, resulting in the concept of what is management. First of all, we will deal with the history of the Pedagogy course, since its genesis in Brazil and the incorporation of the professionalization of the specialists of education in a process of ambiguities and search for identity both of the course as educationalists (BRZEZINSKI, 2002; FREITAS, 2002; PIMENTA, 2002). Then we will discuss the different interpretation given to the term management, considering the many contexts in which it has been used this nomenclature, sometimes to specialists, sometimes with school managers (EVANGELISTA, 2003; LIBÂNEO, 2001, SCHEIBE, 2003, PARO, 2011). After that, it will be dedicated to analysis of trends proposed in the formation of Pedagogy courses in Brazil, critically reviewing that \"place\" has been assigned to the professionalization of school managers, in a course which became as treatment of all fields of professionalism of the pedagogue, considering the perspective of institutional development (ALMEIDA, 1999; DAY, 2001, FULLAN, 2009). The results of this research indicated the importance of proposing another approach to the training of managers in Pedagogy courses, which implies changes in the structure of these, especially in relation to curriculum, integration of the course and redefinition of a graduation that includes both aspects of bachelor in an attempt to overcome the ambiguities still present in the course, and the identity construction of school managers.

Attitudes Toward the Contemporary Role of the Library Media Specialist in the Overall Elementary School Program in North Central Texas

Roach, Catharyn 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study, in addition to measuring and comparing attitudes of teachers, principals and library media specialists toward the role of the school library media specialist, was to identify and measure factors contributing to those attitudes. Nine factors were identified. Further path analysis revealed that the performance level of the library media specialist had the most influence on principals' and teachers' attitudes toward the Consultant, Technological and Instructional Roles. For principals and teachers, staff development had the most influence on attitudes toward the Management Role, while involvement in the school-wide program was most influential for library media specialists.

A formação dos gestores escolares nos cursos de pedagogia / The formation of managers in school pedagogy courses

Alexandre de Paula Franco 27 June 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo a investigação da formação em ensino superior dos gestores escolares, denominados de especialistas de educação, até a edição da atual Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Definiuse como corpus desta pesquisa, matrizes curriculares dos cursos de Pedagogia e a convergência destas com as necessidades encontradas pelos profissionais no exercício da coordenação pedagógica, da direção de escola, da supervisão ou da orientação educacional, considerando a possibilidade de trabalho na perspectiva do desenvolvimento institucional e profissional. Esta pesquisa está circunstanciada no âmbito das abordagens qualitativas, tomando como referência metodológica a triangulação de dados analisados pelo viés da multirreferencialidade (ARDOINO, 1998; BARBOSA, 1998), uma vez que foram abordados os dispositivos legais que originaram e, mais recentemente, orientam o curso de Pedagogia, implicando no conceito sobre o que é gestão. Num primeiro momento, contemplo-se o histórico do curso de Pedagogia, desde a sua gênese no Brasil, e a incorporação da profissionalização dos especialistas de educação num processo de ambigüidades e busca de identidade tanto do curso quanto dos pedagogos (BRZEZINSKI, 2002; FREITAS, 2002; PIMENTA, 2002). Em seguida, discutiram-se as diferentes interpretações atribuídas ao termo gestão, considerando os variados contextos nos quais tem sido empregada esta nomenclatura, ora para especialistas, ora para gestores escolares (EVANGELISTA, 2003; LIBÂNEO, 2001, SCHEIBE, 2003, PARO, 2011). Logo após, apresenta-se a análise das tendências propostas na formação dos cursos de Pedagogia no Brasil, analisando criticamente que lugar tem sido atribuído à profissionalização dos gestores escolares, num curso que passou a ter como atribuição o tratamento de todos os campos de atuação do pedagogo, considerando a perspectiva do desenvolvimento institucional (ALMEIDA, 1999; DAY, 2001, FULLAN, 2009). Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram a relevância de se propor outra abordagem para a formação dos gestores nos cursos de Pedagogia, o que implica em alterações na estrutura destes, sobretudo, no que se refere ao currículo, integração do curso e redefinição de uma licenciatura que contempla ao mesmo tempo aspectos de bacharelado, numa tentativa de superar as ambigüidades ainda presentes no curso e na construção da identidade dos gestores escolares, e aponta para um outro caráter de percurso formativo no ensino superior. / This thesis aims to research the professionalization of university school managers, called education specialists until the current edition of the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, n. 9394 of 1996. We have defined as corpus of this research, curricular matrices of Pedagogy courses and the convergence of these with the needs found by professionals in pedagogical coordination, the direction of school, the supervision or the educational orientation, considering the possibility of working from the perspective of institutional and professional development. This research is detailed in the framework of qualitative approaches, with reference to methodological triangulation of data analyzed through the bias of multiple references (ARDOINO, 1998; BARBOSA, 1998), since we will bring the legal devices that originated and guide the course Pedagogy, resulting in the concept of what is management. First of all, we will deal with the history of the Pedagogy course, since its genesis in Brazil and the incorporation of the professionalization of the specialists of education in a process of ambiguities and search for identity both of the course as educationalists (BRZEZINSKI, 2002; FREITAS, 2002; PIMENTA, 2002). Then we will discuss the different interpretation given to the term management, considering the many contexts in which it has been used this nomenclature, sometimes to specialists, sometimes with school managers (EVANGELISTA, 2003; LIBÂNEO, 2001, SCHEIBE, 2003, PARO, 2011). After that, it will be dedicated to analysis of trends proposed in the formation of Pedagogy courses in Brazil, critically reviewing that \"place\" has been assigned to the professionalization of school managers, in a course which became as treatment of all fields of professionalism of the pedagogue, considering the perspective of institutional development (ALMEIDA, 1999; DAY, 2001, FULLAN, 2009). The results of this research indicated the importance of proposing another approach to the training of managers in Pedagogy courses, which implies changes in the structure of these, especially in relation to curriculum, integration of the course and redefinition of a graduation that includes both aspects of bachelor in an attempt to overcome the ambiguities still present in the course, and the identity construction of school managers.

Specialistsjuksköterskors kompetens och dessbetydelse för vårdkvalitet och vårdutveckling : - en litteraturöversikt

Ekman, Malin, Nina, Damber January 2018 (has links)
Studier visar att en god och säker vård har ett nära samband med en hög grad av omvårdnadskompetens hos personalen. Trots att specialistsjuksköterskor har ansvar för att initiera och tillämpa evidensbaserad vård samt att driva utvecklingen inom vården saknas en tydlig beskrivning av vad detta faktiskt innebär samt hur kompetensen bäst kan komma till användning. Syftet är att belysa specialistsjuksköterskors kompetens och dess betydelse för vårdkvalitet och vårdutveckling. För att kunna besvara syftet utfördes en litteraturöversikt. Arton artiklar, varav tolv med kvalitativ metod och sex med kvantitativ metod inkluderades i resultatet. Samtliga artiklar kvalitetsbedömdes med modifierade granskningsmallar. Därefter gjordes en tematisk analys av artiklarnas resultat. Specialistsjuksköterskors avancerade kompetens visade sig ha en viktig betydelse för flera patientgrupper såväl som för andra vårdprofessioner. Den avancerade kompetensen gjorde skillnad i både vårdkvalitet och vårdutveckling. Ett flertal utmaningar i form av organisatoriskt motstånd och otydligheten i rollbeskrivningar kan leda till brist på utvecklingsmöjligheter och att kompetensen som specialistsjuksköterskor har inte används fullt ut. Att sjukvårdsorganisationer tar tillvara på specialistsjuksköterskors kompetens behöver ses som en förutsättning för vårdens förbättringsarbete och för utvecklingen av vårdkvaliteten. / Research has proven that a care of high quality is connected with a high degree of nursing competence. Although nurse specialists with advanced education have responsibilities to implement evidence-based research in practice, in addition to improve the quality of nursing care, there is a lack of a comprehensive and clear description of what this actually means and how their skills best should be applied. The purpose of this study is to examine the roles of nurse specialists and the impact their professional knowledge has on quality of care and health care development. A literature review was performed. Eighteen articles, of which twelve with qualitative method and six with quantitative method, were included in the result. A thematic analysis was made of the results of the articles. The skills of specialist nurses proved to be important for several patient groups as well as for other healthcare professions. The advanced competence made a difference for both quality of care and healthcare improvement. Thus, several challenges like organizational resistance and ambiguity in role descriptions can lead to a lack of development opportunities and that the competence of specialist nurses are not being fully utilized. The skills of nurse specialists need to be seen by healthcare organizations as a prerequisite for the improvement of care and for the development of care quality.

An exploration of methods used by Shona speaking traditional health practitioners in the prevention of mental illness

Samuriwo, Kuwandandishe Priscilla January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Clinical Psychology)) --University of Limpopo, 2018 / Studies by the World Health Organisation have shown that mental illness is an international health concern across the globe, with one in four people (25%) suffering from mental disorders in both developed and developing countries. In many African countries traditional health practitioners are the health care providers of choice for individuals, families and communities. The aim of this study was to explore methods used by Shona speaking traditional health practitioners in the prevention of mental illness in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. A qualitative research design was used in the present study. Ten Shona speaking traditional health practitioners (male=9; female=1) were selected through purposive sampling and requested to participate in the study. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and analysed through thematic content analysis. It was found that traditional healers tend to commonly understand and conceptualise mental illness in terms of the causes instead attaching nosological labels to these conditions. The findings of the study also show that most of the traditional health practitioners interviewed had similar methods of preventing mental illness both in families and individuals. Culture was found to be central in shaping how the traditional health practitioners understand and prevent mental illness. Ancestors were found to be pivotal in specifically determining the methods to prevent mental illness for each client. The study is concluded by recommending closer collaboration between the dominant Western health care system and traditional healing in order to improve mental health care provision in Zimbabwe.

Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development Agency

Acquah, Augusta 11 October 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.

Švietimo pagalbos teikėjų veiklos kryptys tautinių mažumų lenkų dėstomąja kalba mokyklose / Directions of activity of educational assistance renderers at ethnic minority schools, where the medium of instruction is Polish

Rumiancevienė, Violeta 07 August 2012 (has links)
Švietimo pagalba reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose yra suprantama kaip mokiniams, jų tėvams (globėjams, rūpintojams), mokytojams ir švietimo teikėjams specialistų teikiama pagalba, kuri yra orientuotą į vaiką ir jo poreikius bei gebėjimus atitinkantį ugdymą, kurios tikslas – didinti švietimo veiksmingumą. Siekiant užtikrinti kokybišką specialiųjų poreikių turinčių vaikų mokymą(si), mokykloje turėtų dirbti kompetentingi specialistai, tokie kaip: specialusis pedagogas, logopedas, socialinis pedagogas, psichologas ir kt. Mokykloje turėtų būti sudarytos visos sąlygos, kad mokinys, kuris turi negalę arba specialiųjų poreikių jaustųsi gerai ir saugiai. Bendradarbiaujant pedagogams, tėvams ir specialistams, vaikui turėtų būti pritaikytas ugdymo turinis bei ugdymo aplinka, taip pat aprūpintas pritaikytomis mokymo priemonėmis. Tyrimo objektas – tautinių mažumų lenkų dėstomąja kalba mokyklų švietimo pagalbos sistema. Tyrimo problema – švietimo pagalbos organizavimo ypatumai tautinių mažumų lenkų dėstomąja kalba mokyklose. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti švietimo pagalbos organizavimą tautinių mažumų lenkų dėstomąja kalba mokyklose. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Mokslinės pedagoginės, psichologinės literatūros bei juridinių dokumentų pagrindu aprašyti švietimo pagalbos sistemą bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose. 2. Išnagrinėti tautinių mažumų lenkų dėstomąja kalba mokyklose dirbančių mokytojų geros švietimo pagalbos sampratą. 3. Nustatyti, kaip tautinių mažumų lenkų dėstomąja kalba mokyklose yra teikiama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Educational assistance in regulating documents is understood as an assistance rendered by specialists to pupils, their parents (tutors, guardians), teachers and education providers, which is oriented to a child and to an education with regard to his needs and abilities, the purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness. Trying to ensure quality teaching and learning of children with any special needs, the following competent specialists should work at school: special pedagogue, speech therapist, social pedagogue, psychologist etc. All the circumstances should be created to let a disabled pupil or a pupil with special needs feel good and safe. When carrying out collaboration of pedagogues, parents and specialists, a child should get an adjusted educational content and educational milieu, as well as be provided with some adjusted means of educational. Research object: educational assistance system at Polish ethnic minority schools, where the medium of instruction is Polish. Research problem: peculiarities of educational assistance organization at ethnic minority schools, where the medium of instruction is Polish. Research purpose: to analyze the educational assistance organization at ethnic minority schools, where the medium of instruction is Polish. Research tasks: 1. To describe the educational assistance system at general education schools on the grounds of scientific pedagogical, psychological literature and legal documents. 2. To explore the conception of a good... [to full text]

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