Spelling suggestions: "subject:"specialists."" "subject:"pecialists.""
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Situace německého obyvatelstva v Teplicích-Šanově v rámci transferu Němců z Československé republiky. / Situation of German population in Teplice-Šanov Regarding the Transfer of Germans from the Czechoslovak Republic.Maříková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis uses archive materials to map the post-war situation of German population in a Czechoslovak district of Teplice-Šanov. Before the war, the German population made for more than 70% of the total population of this borderline area. In 1947 it was only about 7%. In the first months after the end of the war, 27,000 - 34,000 of German nationals were banished from the area. In the following transfers 29,487 were forced out between February and August of 1946. More Germans continued to leave the country after the regular transfers in additional transports up until 1950. Only some specific groups of German speaking inhabitants were permitted to stay in Czechoslovakia - antifascists, Austrians, German experts, people living in mixed marriages, some of the German clergy, and those who were pardoned. In Teplice-Šanov it was a considerably large group of specialists (especially in the field of mining) who remained. The issue of repopulating the regions affected by the expulsion of Germans is also addressed. Settlers from inland, other borderline areas, Slovakia and from abroad came to the Teplice-Šanov district. The total number of newcomers in May 1947 was 47,402. This thesis uses an actual example of one district to illustrate the complexity of post-war situation. The analysis of the stance of...
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Ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelser av att hänvisa patienter till annan vårdnivå när inget behov av ambulanstransport föreliggerGlantz, Patrik, Johansson, Antonia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Riksrevisionens statistik visar på en allt högre belastning på ambulanssjukvården i landet, detta har medfört att flera regioner infört rutiner för ambulanssjuksköterskan att bedöma det aktuella vårdbehovet hos patienterna för att hänvisa till rätt vårdnivå om det inte föreligger transportbehov med ambulans. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att hänvisa patienter till annan vårdnivå när inget behov av ambulanstransport föreligger. Metod: Två kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer genomfördes på två ambulansstationer inom Region Norrbotten. Ett ändamålsenligt urval användes för att rekrytera ambulanssjuksköterskor. Deltagarna var mellan 33 och 48 år och yrkeserfarenheten sträckte sig mellan 8 och 20 år. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier: Erfarenheter, magkänsla och bemötande gav förutsättningar för bedömning, Att välja vårdnivå var tidskrävande men värt arbetsinsatsen, Patienter som transporteras utan vårdbehov skapar frustration, En förändring kräver information, utbildning och stöd i beslut. Resultatet visade att ambulanssjuksköterskorna använde sig av intuition tillsammans med de befintliga rutinerna och kände sig då trygga med att bedöma och hänvisa patienterna till en annan vårdnivå. De saknade möjligheten till stöd av ambulansläkare för att underlätta vid bedömning och beslut. Ambulanssjuksköterskorna upplevde det som en begränsning att inte privata vårdgivare var anslutna till rutinen för att hänvisa patienter. Frustration uppstod när de var tvungna att transportera patienter utan vårdbehov. Slutsats: För att kunna optimera akutsjukvårdens resurser så behöver rutiner ses över så att samtliga hälsocentraler i regionen ingår i “vårdstigen”. En ambulansläkare bör omgående rekryteras som ett stöd i ambulanssjuksköterskornas dagliga arbete och vid hänvisning av patienter till annan vårdnivå.
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Padrões de diversidade em comunidades de aves relacionadaos a varáveis de habitat em campos temperados do sudeste da América do SulDias, Rafael Antunes January 2013 (has links)
Indivíduos, populações e espécies tendem a usar e selecionar habitats de modo não-aleatório. Consequentemente, a perda e a degradação de habitats geram impactos distintos sobre os organismos dependendo de seus atributos. Os efeitos da perda de habitat são claros – os organismos são eliminados ou desalojados por falta de habitat ou baixo sucesso reprodutivo. As consequências da degradação de habitat são mais sutis, e resultam na incapacidade de um ecossistema sustentar determinadas espécies. Como a perda e a degradação de habitat reduzem a disponibilidade de nichos, espera-se que táxons ecologicamente especializados e com requerimentos estreitos de nicho sejam mais propensos à extinção que generalistas. Organismos que são negativamente afetados por perda e degradação de habitat em geral exibem porte muito grande ou muito pequeno, baixa mobilidade, baixa fecundidade, reduzido recrutamento e estreitos requerimentos de nicho. Campos temperados constituem ambientes particularmente afetados por perda e degradação de habitat. No sudeste da América do Sul, como em muitas outras regiões do planeta, a expansão da agricultura e silvicultura são os principais responsáveis pela perda de habitat campestre. Os remanescentes de vegetação natural são usados para criação de gado, estando sujeitos à degradação pelo sobrepastejo, pisoteio e técnicas de manejo. Avaliar como a perda e degradação de habitat afetam a diversidade de organismos campestres é vital para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de conservação e manejo. A presente tese tem por objetivo investigar como a degradação e perda de habitat induzidas pela pecuária e silvicultura afetam a diversidade e a composição das comunidades de aves. Inicialmente, exploramos as relações entre variáveis de habitat e a composição da comunidade de aves num gradiente de altura da vegetação determinado por pastejo em campos litorâneos do Rio Grande do Sul. Posteriormente, avaliamos como variações no relevo interagem com variáveis de habitat e afetam a diversidade de aves em áreas de pecuária na Campanha gaúcha. Finalmente, avaliamos de que forma a perda de habitat resultante do estabelecimento de plantações industriais de celulose em áreas de campo afeta a composição de comunidades de aves campestres. Nossos resultados demonstram que a degradação de habitat decorrente do manejo de gado em campo nativo afeta a comunidade de aves de forma diferencial. Aves adaptadas a campos ralos ou generalistas tendem a ser beneficiadas pelo pastejo, ao passo que as espécies associadas à vegetação alta e densa são desfavorecidas. As variações na topografia reduzem os impactos da degradação de habitat nos campos. Essas variações interagem com o habitat e afetam de forma diferencial os distintos componentes da diversidade. Por outro lado, a perda de habitat decorrente da silvicultura gera um impacto de maior magnitude, alterando a composição das comunidades de aves e favorecendo aves não-campestres. Nesse contexto, impedir que novas áreas de campo nativo sejam convertidas em plantações de árvores passa a ser imperativo. Embora o manejo do gado aumente a diversidade em nível de paisagem ao criar um mosaico de manchas de vegetação de alturas distintas, maior atenção deve ser dada à manutenção e recuperação de formações densas de herbáceas de grande porte. Isso somente pode ser assegurado através de mudanças no regime do pastejo ou do desenvolvimento de técnicas de manejo alternativas. / Individuals, populations and species tend to select habitats in a non-random way. Consequently, habitat loss and degradation will have different impacts on organisms according to their traits. The effects of habitat loss are straightforward – organisms are eliminated or displaced because of the inexistence of adequate habitat or of low breeding success. Effects of habitat degradation are more subtle and result in the reduction of the capacity of an ecosystem to support some subsets of species. Since habitat loss and degradation reduce niche availability, ecologically specialized taxa with narrow niche requirements are expected to be more extinction prone than habitat generalists. Temperate grasslands have been strongly impacted by habitat loss and degradation. In southeastern South America, the expansion of agriculture and industrial pulpwood plantations are the main sources of habitat loss. Remnants of natural grassland vegetation are used for livestock ranching, being subject to habitat degradation from overgrazing, trampling and inadequate management techniques. The evaluation of how habitat loss and degradation affect the diversity of grassland organisms is vital for the development of management and conservation techniques. The main goal of this thesis is to evaluate how habitat degradation and loss related to cattle ranching and pulpwood plantations affect the diversity and composition of bird communities. We began by exploring the relationship between habitat variables and the composition of the bird community along a gradient of vegetation height determined by grazing in coastal grasslands of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. We then assessed how variations in the relief interact with habitat variables e affect the diversity of birds in rangelands of the Campanha gaúcha. Finally, we evaluated how habitat loss related with grassland afforestation for pulpwood plantations affects the composition of grassland bird communities. Our results demonstrate that habitat degradation resulting from livestock ranching in natural grasslands affects bird communities in a differential way. Birds adapted to stunted grasslands or habitat generalists tend to benefit from grazing, whereas tall-grass specialists are negatively affected. Variations in topography are responsible for reducing the impacts of habitat degradation in grasslands. These variations interact with habitat and have a differential effect on distinct components of diversity. On the other hand, the magnitude of the impact of habitat loss from afforestation is larger, altering the composition of bird communities and favoring a series of non-grassland species. In this sense, protecting remaining grasslands from afforestation is imperative. Although cattle ranching increases diversity at the landscape level by creating a mosaic of vegetation patches of different height, more attention should be given in maintaining and recovering dense formations of tall grassland plants. This can only be achieved by changing grazing regimes or developing alternative management techniques.
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Les mathématiques dans la formation des ingénieurs et sur leur lieu de travail : études et propositions (cas de la France) / Mathematics in the training of engineers and in their workplace : study and proposals (case of France)Quéré, Pierre-Vincent 28 June 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous poursuivons deux principaux objectifs : comparer l’utilisation des mathématiques par les ingénieurs sur leur lieu de travail avec la formation de mathématiques qu’ils reçoivent en France, et proposer un enseignement innovant qui pourrait permettre de rapprocher la formation des besoins révélés. Nous utilisons le cadre de la Théorie Anthropologique du Didactique et nous commençons par définir la notion de « praxéologie mathématique » pour analyser l’activité mathématique des ingénieurs dans les institutions qu’ils sont amenés à fréquenter. Nous classons en deux catégories les six types de praxéologies relevées sur le lieu de travail : praxéologies « propres » (bases, statistiques, spécifiques) et « transversales » (modélisation, raisonnement, communication). Dans la formation initiale en France, il semble que les bases et le raisonnement soient prises en charge essentiellement par le cycle préparatoire. En cycle ingénieur, les statistiques et les enseignements spécifiques sont le plus souvent proposés, mais la formation semble manquer d’applications et de connexions avec la réalité du quotidien des ingénieurs. Face à ces constats, nous proposons la mise en place, en cycle ingénieur, d’un Parcours d’Étude et de Recherche codisciplinaire en statistiques et chimie. Nous observons que la question génératrice permet aux étudiants d’avancer sur un chemin balisé tout en leur permettant de développer des échanges ainsi que leur autonomie. Ce dispositif semble placer les futurs ingénieurs dans des situations où les mathématiques jouent un rôle de premier plan, offrant une bonne approche des praxéologies professionnelles. / In this thesis, we pursue two main objectives: compare the use of mathematics by engineers in their workplace with the mathematics training they receive in France, and propose innovative teaching that could bring training closer together to the needs revealed.We use the framework of the Anthropological Theory of Didactics and we begin by defining the notion of "mathematical praxeology" to analyse the mathematical activity of engineers in the institutions they attend. We classify in two categories the six types of praxeologies identified in the workplace: "proper" praxeologies (basics, statistics, specific) and "transversal" (modelling, reasoning, communication).In initial training in France, it seems that the bases and the reasoning are mainly taught in the preparatory cycle. In the engineering cycle, statistics and specific courses are most often offered, but the training seems to lack of applications and connections with the everyday reality of engineers.Faced with these observations, we propose the establishment, in the engineering cycle, of a Study and Research Path in statistics and chemistry. We observe that the generative question allows students to advance on a signed route while allowing them to develop exchanges along with their autonomy. This device seems to place future engineers in situations where mathematics play a leading role, offering a good approach to professional praxeologies.
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Význam remízků a jejich ekologických vlastností pro ptáky v intenzivně obhospodařované zemědělské krajině / The importance of woodlots and their ecological characteristics for birds in an intensively managed agricultural landscapeRajmonová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Various types of woody vegetation are a key biodiversity refugee in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. However, the role of woodlots, representing an important type of such a vegetation, remains overlooked so far. Whereas the previous studies focused on the effect of their area, shape and isolation, consequences of variation in their habitat quality for biodiversity were not assessed up to now. This thesis is thus one of the first studies focusing on woodlots as a specific habitat for birds in agricultural landscape. My goals were: (I) to find out what is the bird community composition of woodlots in a Czech landscape, (II) to find out, what are the key habitat predictors of bird species richness and abundance in woodlots, (III) to describe differences in habitat preferences among various guilds and (IV) to formulate recommendations for conservational practice. I surveyed birds in 82 woodlots in an intensively managed landscape in Central Bohemia, Czechia, and measured variables describing woodlots' habitat quality together with woodlots' area, shape, isolation and types of surrounding land-use. I recorded numerous forest and non-forest bird species (57 in total), including some endangered farmland birds. The habitat variables showing significant relationships to bird community...
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Rarity in boreal stream: patterns, causes and consequencesHoffsten, Per-Ola January 2003 (has links)
<p>Patterns of site occupancy among boreal stream insects were studied in central Sweden with focus on sparsely distributed species and the role of dispersal and niche limitations.</p><p>In the study of dispersal limitation, I found that effects of an extraordinarily harsh winter in small to medium-sized streams were strongest in sites located in small streams and far from lake outlets. Species richness and the total abundance of macroinvertebrates and trout returned to pre-disturbance levels after three years. However, some species showed slow recolonization and the proportion of holoaquatic taxa was still reduced after three years. In a second study, I found a positive correlation between site occupancy in stream caddisflies and morphological traits associated with fast and energy-efficient flight, whereas specialized spring caddisflies showed a negative correlation to these traits compared to stream species. This suggested that streams, but not springs, select for strong dispersal ability in caddisflies. In a survey of springs in central Sweden, hydrogeology was found to be a useful predictor of the occurrence of spring specialists. Two of these, <i>Crunoecia irrorata</i> Curtis and <i>Parachiona picicornis</i> (Pictet), were found exclusively in glaciofluvial springs, characterized by a stable discharge and temperature. Less specialized members of the spring fauna (i.e. species also occurring in streams, ponds or lakes) also occurred in moraine and limestone springs characterized by more unstable conditions. </p><p>Niche limitations were studied by contrasting large-scale distributions of closely related rare and common stoneflies. Differences in temperature requirements in the juvenile stages and life cycles suggested that the rare species, <i>Isogenus nubecula</i> Newman, was restricted by a limited tolerance to low stream temperatures, whereas the two common species, <i>Isoperla grammatica</i> (Poda) and <i>Diura nanseni</i> (Kempny), appeared to have a broader tolerance to climatic conditions in the study area. In a second study of niche limitations, macroinvertebrate assemblages in 88 streams in Central Sweden showed a nested distribution pattern. Most species deviating from expected distributions occurred in small streams, indicating competitive exclusion from species-rich sites, predator avoidance, or specialization to unique habitat features of small streams. In the last paper, the longitudinal distribution of filter-feeding caddisflies in a lake-outlet stream demonstrated patterns concordant to feeding specialization. </p>
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Rarity in boreal stream: patterns, causes and consequencesHoffsten, Per-Ola January 2003 (has links)
Patterns of site occupancy among boreal stream insects were studied in central Sweden with focus on sparsely distributed species and the role of dispersal and niche limitations. In the study of dispersal limitation, I found that effects of an extraordinarily harsh winter in small to medium-sized streams were strongest in sites located in small streams and far from lake outlets. Species richness and the total abundance of macroinvertebrates and trout returned to pre-disturbance levels after three years. However, some species showed slow recolonization and the proportion of holoaquatic taxa was still reduced after three years. In a second study, I found a positive correlation between site occupancy in stream caddisflies and morphological traits associated with fast and energy-efficient flight, whereas specialized spring caddisflies showed a negative correlation to these traits compared to stream species. This suggested that streams, but not springs, select for strong dispersal ability in caddisflies. In a survey of springs in central Sweden, hydrogeology was found to be a useful predictor of the occurrence of spring specialists. Two of these, Crunoecia irrorata Curtis and Parachiona picicornis (Pictet), were found exclusively in glaciofluvial springs, characterized by a stable discharge and temperature. Less specialized members of the spring fauna (i.e. species also occurring in streams, ponds or lakes) also occurred in moraine and limestone springs characterized by more unstable conditions. Niche limitations were studied by contrasting large-scale distributions of closely related rare and common stoneflies. Differences in temperature requirements in the juvenile stages and life cycles suggested that the rare species, Isogenus nubecula Newman, was restricted by a limited tolerance to low stream temperatures, whereas the two common species, Isoperla grammatica (Poda) and Diura nanseni (Kempny), appeared to have a broader tolerance to climatic conditions in the study area. In a second study of niche limitations, macroinvertebrate assemblages in 88 streams in Central Sweden showed a nested distribution pattern. Most species deviating from expected distributions occurred in small streams, indicating competitive exclusion from species-rich sites, predator avoidance, or specialization to unique habitat features of small streams. In the last paper, the longitudinal distribution of filter-feeding caddisflies in a lake-outlet stream demonstrated patterns concordant to feeding specialization.
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Į veiklos audito specialistų veiklą nukreipta kompetencija, jos turinys ir pripažinimas Europos aukščiausiose audito institucijose / Performance audit specialists competence, its content which is pointed to their activity and appreciation by Europe’s supreme audit institutionsKeblytė, Roberta 25 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota į veiklos audito specialistų veiklą nukreipta kompetencija, jos turinys ir pripažinimas Europos AAI, įvertintas Europos AAI atstovų požiūris į veiklos audito specialistų sertifikavimo galimybę. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atskleista veiklos audito samprata, vieta ir reikšmė audito sistemoje, Europos AAI veiklos audito raida bei esminiai veiklos audito bruožai. Antroje dalyje atskleista veiklos audito specialistų samprata, kompetencija ir strateginiai individo kompetencijos tobulinimo būdai. Trečioje dalyje nustatomi į veiklos audito specialistus nukreiptos kompetencijos elementai: asmeninės savybės, žinios ir įgūdžiai, išsilavinimas, darbo patirtis, audito patirtis, auditorių mokymai. Ketvirtoje dalyje įvertinami į veiklos audito specialistų veiklą nukreipti kompetencijos elementai bei palyginamas šių kompetencijos elementų pripažinimas Europos AAI, nustatomi Europos AAI atstovų požiūriai į veiklos audito specialistų sertifikavimo galimybę. / The goal of master’s thesis is to analyse performance audit specialists competence, its content which is pointed to their activity, appreciation by Europe’s SAI and evaluate Europe’s SAI representatives attitude towards the possibility to certificate the performance audit specialists. In the first part of master’s thesis performance audit conception, its place and significance in the audit system, Europe’s SAI evolution of performance audit and fundamental performance audit features are revealed. In the second part of master’s thesis author unclosed the conception of performance audit specialists, competence and strategic individual competence development methods. In the third part of master’s thesis it is determined the performance audit specialists competence elements of content: personal features, knowledge, skills, background, work experience, audit work experience, auditor’s education. In the fourth part of master’s thesis the author evaluated performance audit specialists elements of competence and compared appreciation of these competence elements by different Europe’s SAI, defined Europe’s SAI attitudes towards the possibility to certificate performance audit specialists.
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Nukespeak and psychic numbing metaphors in the academic texts of defense intellectualsYoung, Kelly M. January 1997 (has links)
This study analyzed defense intellectuals' metaphors to determine if the metaphors minimize or ignore the negative effects of nuclear war. The study specifically analyzed 30 texts from Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy with the metaphorical criticism method. Once the texts were analyzed, the findings suggested that defense intellectuals' metaphors describe nuclear war as ordinary and non-threatening, as a game or relationship. In addition, the study found that the defense intellectuals used metaphors that deflected responsibility for building and using nuclear weapons away from world leaders. The findings also suggested that the defense intellectuals are not numb to the effects of nuclear war, as others claim. Instead, the defense intellectuals' metaphors acted as cognitive blinders that prevented them from discussing the effects of nuclear war. Finally, the study found that each journal's metaphors were aligned with a particular world view of international relations; Foreign Affairs belonged to the realist school of thought, while Foreign Policy belonged to the neo-liberal institutionalist school of thought. / Department of Speech Communication
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審計品質與經理人能力對於分析師盈餘預測之相對有用性 / The Relative Usefulness of Audit Quality and Managerial Ability on Financial Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts何國豪, Ho, Kuo Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究檢測審計品質與經理人能力對於分析師盈餘預測行為之相對有用性。根據Compustat 及 I/B/E/S所蒐集之1996至2011年資料,本研究發現,相對於非四大會計師事務所或非產業專家,當公司被四大會計師事務所或產業專家查核時,分析師預測之準確度較高,且離散度較小。此外,本研究發現當公司經理人能力較高時,分析師預測之準確度亦愈高,而離散度亦愈小。最後,為探討沙賓法案對分析師預測行為之影響,本研究將樣本區分為沙賓法案前及沙賓法案後兩組。實證結果顯示,相對於沙賓法案前,在沙賓法案後,分析師較重視審計品質與經理人能力。整體而言,審計品質與經理人能力皆會為分析師的盈餘預測帶來正面影響,而經理人能力之影響較為顯著。 / This study examines the relative usefulness of audit quality and managerial ability on financial analysts’ earnings forecast behavior. Based on data collected from Compustat and I/B/E/S from 1996 to 2011, the empirical results show that analysts' earnings forecast accuracy is higher and dispersion is smaller when firms are audited by a Big 4 auditor or an industry specialist. Similarly, analysts' earnings forecast accuracy is also higher and dispersion is also smaller when firms employ more capable managers. To investigate whether SOX affects analysts’ behavior, sample is divided into pre-SOX and post-SOX groups. The regression results from both groups show that analysts take audit quality and managerial ability into their earnings forecasts after SOX. Overall, the results suggest that both audit quality and managerial ability are associated with analysts’ earnings forecast properties. Importantly, the effect of managerial ability appears to be larger than the effect of audit quality.
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