Spelling suggestions: "subject:"specialists."" "subject:"pecialists.""
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Evaluering av det lovbaserte legefordelingssystemet i Norge i perioden 1999 til 2013 / Evaluation of the government-regulated physician distribution systemin Norway,1999–2013Østraa, Inger Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
Formål:Hensikten med studien er å undersøke hvilken effekt det lovbaserte legefordelingssystemet, som var aktivt i Norge fra 1.1.1999 til 30.6.2013, har hatt, og hvordan ordningen har påvirket utviklingen i legestillinger i primærhelsetjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten i Norge. Studien kan gi myndighetene et bedre kunnskapsgrunnlag om statlig regulering av legestillinger. Metode: Forskningsspørsmålene er i hovedsak belyst gjennom kvantitative deskriptive analyser av registerdata og tilgjengelig statistikk. Saksdokumenter og vedtak om tildeling av legestillinger er gjennomgått, og det er gjennomført en kvalitativ analyse av bakgrunnsdokumentene ved innføringen av ordningen. Den teoretiske rammen for studien er folkehelsearbeid, organisasjonsteori og resultatkjeden som et styringsverktøy ved gjennomføring av evalueringer. Resultat: Studienviser at nye legestillinger i primærhelsetjenesten har vært prioritert i hele perioden. Dette kan ha bidratt til å redusere sosiale ulikheter i helse. Antall ubesatte legestillinger er i perioden 1.1.1999 til 30.6.2013 redusert til under 1% av alle legestillinger, både i primærhelsetjenesten og spesialisthelsetjenesten. I samme periode økte antall utdanningsstillinger for leger i spesialisering med 36%. I alt 54% av alle nye legestillinger i spesialisthelsetjenesten er gitt innen nasjonale satsningsområder og prioriterte spesialiteter. Av de nordiske landene har Norge hatt høyest økningen i legedekning pr 1000 innbyggere i allmennlegetjenesten. Konklusjon: Studien viser at den statligereguleringenav nye legestillinger har hatt en effekt, og at et målrettet reguleringssystem kan være et godt administrativt virkemiddel for nasjonal legefordeling og geografisk fordeling av leger. God forankring og bred deltaking er suksesskriterier. / Purpose: This study aimedto investigate the effect of the legally based system for allocating new positions for physiciansunder a policy that wasin effectin Norway between 1 January 1999 and 30 June 2013.The study also aimed to increase understanding of a government-regulated physician distribution system. Method: The primary methodology involved using quantitative descriptive analysis to review registry data and available statistics. Case documents and decisions related to theallocation of physician positions, and case and policy documents related to the original justification for the government-regulated physician distribution systemw ere also reviewed. The theoretical thesis and framework for this study is public health, organization theory, and the "result chain" as a management tool for executing evaluations and deliberations. Result: Theresults of the study show that vacant positions for physicians, both primary and specialists, decreased to less than 1% during the study period. During this same time period, 54% of all new hospital positions were assigned a priority specialty. Positions for specialist education increased 36%. Among the Nordic countries, Norway had the highest increase in coverage by primary care physiciansper 1,000 capita during the past 15 years. Conclusion:The government-regulated physician distribution systemin Norway has been effective. Robustness, consensus building, and broad participation are key conditions and ingredients in the recipe for success. / <p>ISBN 978-91-982282-2-9</p>
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Pacientų saugos kultūros pokyčių vertinimas ligoninėse / Assesment of changes of patient safety culture in hospitalsLukoševičiūtė, Vytautė 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: ištirti pacientų saugos kultūros pokyčius ligoninėse per trejus metus.
Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų nuomonę apie komandinio darbo svarbą pacientų saugos kultūrai; nustatyti komandinio darbo ypatumus, susijusius su pacientų saugos kultūra, padidintos rizikos pacientų saugai skyriuose; palyginti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų nuomonę apie komandinio darbo ir vadovybės požiūrio į saugą pokyčius tiriamose ligoninėse per trejus metus.
Tyrimo metodika. 2012 metų lapkričio – gruodžio mėn. 10 stacionariose asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose (ASPĮ) atlikta anoniminė sveikatos priežiūros (SP) specialistų apklausa EUNetPaS projekte naudotu JAV Teksaso universiteto Pacientų saugos instituto parengtu klausimynu SAQ. Ligoninės atrinktos pagal VASPVT 2009 metais vykdytą pilotinį tyrimą, įtraukiant viešasias stacionarines respublikos, regiono ir rajono lygio ligonines. Tyrime dalyvavo 880 dirbančių ASPĮ gydytojų, slaugytojų ir administratorių (atsako dažnis – 96,82 proc.).
Rezultatai. Didžioji dalis SP specialistų pripažįsta komandinio darbo svarbą pacientų saugos kultūrai: trys ketvirtadaliai tirtųjų mano, kad jie dirba kaip gerai koordinuota komanda, vertina slaugytojos įnašą ir kartu dirbdami komandoje aiškinasi iškylančius nesklandumus. Statistiškai reikšmingai mažiau administratorių sulaukia iš kolegų pagalbos prižiūrint pacientus lyginant su slaugytojais ir gydytojais. Daugiau negu tris ketvirtadalius SP specialistų tenkina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim: to assess the changes of patient safety culture in hospitals during three years.
The objectives: to investigate the opinion of health care professionals about the importance of teamwork for patient safety culture; to identify teamwork characteristics associated with patient safety culture in units of high-risk for patient safety; to compare the opinion of health care professionals about the changes of teamwork and management perceptions of safety during three years in the investigated hospitals.
Methods. The cross-sectional survey was carried out during November – December 2012. An anonymous questionnaire method was used for this survey. SAQ questionnaires
were distributed to medical staff working in 10 hospitals (N=880). Response rate was 96.82 percent. Hospitals were selected according to the methodology of Health Care Accreditation Agency under the Ministry of Health survey carried out as a pilot study in 2009.
Results. Most of the health care professionals recognize the importance of teamwork for patient safety culture: three-quarters of respondents consider their actions as a well-coordinated team, acknowledge the input of nurses and together solve rising issues. There is a statistically significant difference in receiving support: less administrators receive the support while taking their duties compared with nurses and physicians. More than three-quarters of health care professionals are satisfied the cooperation with physicians, they share information about... [to full text]
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Visuomenės sveikatos specialistų, dirbančių visuomenės sveikatos biuruose, motyvaciniai veiksniai darbui / Motivational factors of work of public health specialists working at the public health bureausJaselskytė, Ingrida 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti visuomenės sveikatos specialistų, dirbančių savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biuruose, darbui motyvuojančius veiksnius.
Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojų ir vadovų nuomonę apie motyvavimo veiksnius, įtakojančius darbuotojų profesinę veiklą. 2. Išsiaiškinti savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojų motyvacijos veiksnių darbui ryšį su amžiumi, išsilavinimu, profesinėmis pareigomis bei darbo stažu. 3. Įvertinti savivaldybių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojų bendrosios motyvacijos darbui ir motyvacinių veiksnių ryšį.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 55 visuomenės sveikatos specialistai ir įstaigų vadovai, dirbantys visuomenės sveikatos biuruose (VSB), be mokyklų visuomenės sveikatos specialistų. Bendras tyrimo atsako dažnis – 35,2 proc. Statistinėje analizėje naudoti šie kriterijai: Chi kvadrato (χ2), Pirsono tiesinės, Spirmeno ranginės koreliacijos koeficientai, Kruskal Wallis testas. Testo klausimų patikimumui nustatyti naudota Cronbach alfa.
Rezultatai. VSB darbuotojų nuomone iš motyvacinių veiksnių, svarbių dirbant VSB, labiausiai buvo aktualūs: noras tobulėti, naudingumo jausmas ir atgalinis ryšys iš visuomenės, o biurų vadovams - vadybiniai veiksniai bei noras padėti. Noras padėti, atgalinis ryšys iš visuomenės ir psichologinė atmosfera darbe – veiksniai, dėl kurių vadovų ir specialistų nuomonė sutapo. Motyvacinių veiksnių svarba labiausiai išsiskyrė vertinant amžių ir pareigas. Karjeros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. Identify motivational factors for work of public health specialists of public health bureaus of municipality.
Objectives. 1. To analyse the opinion about motivational factors that may influence professional activity of managers and specialists of public health bureaus of municipality. 2. To identify relation between motivational factors for work and age, speciality, hierarchy of profession, and work experience of workers of public health bureaus of municipality. 3. To evaluate relation between motivational factors and general motivation of employees of public health bureaus of municipality.
Methods. The questionnaire was filled by 55 public health specialists and managers working at the public health bureaus of municipality, excluding public health specialists working at schools. The response rate was – 35.2 %. Data analysis was performed using the following criteria: chi-square (χ2), the linear Pearson and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Kruskal Wallis test. Cronbach alpha was used to estimate the test reliability.
Results. By the PHB employees’ opinion about motivational factors, important during work at the PHB, the most relevant for specialists were: a desire to improve the feeling of usefulness, feedback from the public, and for health managers: factors of management and willingness to help. Wish to help, feedback from the public and the psychological atmosphere at work – are factors which were important for managers as well as for specialists... [to full text]
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Informacijos apie vaiko specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius pateikimo ugdymo dalyviams ypatumai / The features of presenting information about child’s special education needs to education participantsJankauskienė, Sonata 27 February 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami informacijos apie vaiko specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius pateikimo ugdymo dalyviams ypatumai. Interviu metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti informacijos apie vaiko specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius pateikimo ugdymo dalyviams ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 17 4 – 11 metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių SUP; 16 tėvų, auginančių vaikus, turinčius SUP; 7 bendrojo ugdymo pedagogai, ugdantys vaikus, turinčius SUP; 6 pagalbos mokiniui specialistai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami ikimokyklinio ir mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, turinčių SUP, jų tėvų, bendrojo ugdymo pedagogų, pagalbos mokiniui specialistų informacijos apie vaiko SUP pateikimo ypatumai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Vaikams, turintiems SUP, dažniausiai nepateikiama informacija apie jų specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius. Tai liudija nepakankamą mokinio įtraukimą į ugdymo procesą., Informaciją vaikui dažniau teikia pagalbos mokiniui specialistai (specialieji pedagogai, logopedai ir kt.). 2. Pateikiama informacija apie vaikų vidutinius, didelius ir labai didelius SUP labiau neigiamo pobūdžio, dominuoja informacija apie negalias, sutrikimus ir kt. 3. Informuojant apie vaikų SUP realizuojamos tokios nuostatos kaip pozityvumas, orientacija į ugdymosi procesą; nepakankamai realizuojamos tokios svarbios nuostatos kaip mokinio ir tėvų įtraukimas ir dalijimasis informacija, tėvų kompetencijos vertinimas, atsakomybės už vaiko ugdymą pasidalijimas, bendras problemos sprendimas. / This paper analyses the features of presenting information about child’s special educational needs to education participants.
By the method of interviewing there was a study made with an aim to find out the features of presenting information about child’s special educational needs to education participants.
In the study participated 17 children between the ages of 4 and 11 who have special educational needs; 16 parents of children with SEN; 7 pedagogues of general education who educate children with SEN; 6 specialists of pupil’s help.
In the empirical part there is an investigation of features of how the information was given to pre – school and school children with SEN, their parents, pedagogues of general education, specialists of pupil’s help.
The most important conclusions of empirical investigation:
1. The information about children’s special educational needs in most cases is not presented to them. It witnesses the insufficient child’s inclusion into the education process. The information is more frequently given to the child by specialists of pupil’s help. (Special pedagogues, speech – language pathologists, etc.)
2. Given information about children’s medium, big, or very big SEN is mostly negative, dominates information about disabilities, disorders, etc.
3. Such aspects as positiveness and orientation to education process are realized by informing about children’s SEN; such important aspects as involving child and his parents and sharing information, estimation of... [to full text]
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Komparace ošetřování chronických ran v ambulanci praktického lékaře pro dospělé a ambulanci chirurgie / The comparison of chronic wound treatment in general physician's practice and in surgical outpatient treatmentŠUPLEROVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Current state: The treatment of chronic wounds is a complex process which is applied in the form of different interventions by nurses in the general practitioner's office for adults and nurses from the surgical outpatient clinic. The treatment is influenced by different equipment used in particular offices, by the presence or absence of the interest in implementing modern methods and, of course, by poor participation of health insurance companies as regards the problem in question. The treatment of chronic wounds should be accomplished by completing all the phases of the nursing process. It is necessary to seek for motivation towards further education in this field. Pursuing moist wound healing is mostly cheaper as it makes the treatment shorter, which leads to patient's satisfaction. Objectives: The objective of the thesis was to evaluate the nursing process applied during the treatment of chronic wounds in the general practitioner's office for adults and the surgical outpatient clinic, as well as observe the influence of education on the nurse's professional performance regarding this treatment. The research included the analysis of the competencies of nurses in the treatment of chronic wounds and the treatment methods chosen by the nurses to benefit the patient. Last but not least, we observed the circumstances of the admission of a nurse specialist as a GP's partner for chronic wounds treatment, and the obstacles to moist wound healing implementation in the GP's office for adults and the surgical outpatient clinic. Methods: To compare the treatment of chronic wounds in the general practitioner's office for adults and the surgical outpatient department we carried out qualitative research investigation. Data collection was based on in-depth interview with prepared open questions. The interviews were recorded by voice recorder, transcribed literally and subsequently analysed. When analysing the transcripts, we used the method of open coding, by the technique "pencil and paper". The text of the dialogues was reduced and segmented into individual codes. On the basis of similarity, the codes were classified in analytical units. The categories were classified into schemes by means of SmartArt programme in Microsoft Office Word. The results were interpreted with the use of the open cards technique. The first group of respondents consisted of nurses from a practitioner's office for adults and a private surgical outpatient department. The other group comprised practitioners for adults and surgeons treating outpatients. Research sample: The research sample consisted of 12 respondents from three medical facilities in České Budějovice. In the first set there were three nurses working in the practitioner's office for adults and three nurses working in the surgical outpatient department. The second set comprised three women MDs for adults, two surgeons treating outpatiens and a woman surgeon. The intentional selection was dependent on respondents' willingness to participate in the research and it ceased when the state of theoretical saturation was reached. Results: The research investigation showed that modern moist healing of chronic wounds is mostly implemented in the offices of practitioners rather than in surgical outpatient clinics. The surgical department is aseptic and they want to minimize the risk of possible infection. Apart from moist healing the surgeons use other modern healing methods such as laser biostimulation, biostimulatory polarized light and instrument-aided lymphatic drainage. The education of the nurses involved in chronic wounds treatment is not provided within academic courses. Just two nurses completed university education whereas the other nurses get acquainted with current information at commercial presentations provided by pharmaceutical representatives. These nurses lack the capability of objective assessment of basic and specific parameters of the wounds and of subsequent treatment.
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Estudo das reuniões de coordenação da produção em obras.Haka, Osmar Roberto 23 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-23 / This work presents an exploratory study on the coordinating meetings, in the stage of
production of the Civil Engineering in the subsector constructions, classifying the different
forms of management, raising the ways of communication and identifying which are the
fiscalized elements. Also will be treated the questions to the relations between the participants
of the meetings, conditions for the establishment of partnerships between them and how its
activities are made compatible. The planning meetings belong to the operational level, where
the directions of the Production Projects and the Projects to Production, will be had, will be
transmitted, if necessary adapted, made compatible and executed, propitiating a formal
occasion, in which tools and techniques of management can be transmitted and be evaluated.
Amongst main participants of the planning meetings, we can cite representatives of the
constructors and the specialists subcontractors. The parameters raised will evidence which are
the better ways of leading such meetings, in the diverse stages of production, in accordance
with the constructive culture and with the technological resources of the company. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar estudo exploratório sobre as reuniões de
coordenação de serviços na etapa de produção da construção civil no subsetor edificações,
classificando as diferentes formas de gestão, levantando os meios de comunicação e
identificando quais são os elementos fiscalizados. Também serão tratadas as questões das
relações entre os participantes das reuniões, as condições para o estabelecimento de parcerias
entre eles e de como suas atividades são compatibilizadas. As reuniões de planejamento
pertencem ao nível operacional, onde as diretrizes dos Projetos da Produção e dos Projetos
para Produção, se houverem, serão transmitidas, se necessário adaptadas, compatibilizadas e
executadas, propiciando uma ocasião formal, na qual as ferramentas e técnicas de gestão
podem ser transmitidas e avaliadas. Dentre os principais participantes das reuniões de
planejamento, podemos citar representantes das construtoras e dos subempreiteiros. Os
parâmetros levantados poderão evidenciar quais são as maneiras mais adequadas de se
conduzir tais reuniões, nas diversas etapas de produção, de acordo com a cultura construtiva e
com os recursos tecnológicos da empresa construtora.
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An Empirical Analysis of Technical Knowledge Needed by Taxpayer Service Specialists in the Areas of Partnerships, Corporations, and Subchapter S CorporationsColgan, Joseph C. 05 1900 (has links)
The Taxpayer Service Division contributes to the Internal Revenue Service mission of achieving the highest possible voluntary compliance with the Federal income tax law by answering questions and helping taxpayers in their return preparation efforts. These services are provided by Taxpayer Service Representatives and Taxpayer Service Specialists (TSS's). The TSS position was established in 1975 to upgrade the quality of assistance provided. TSS duties include being able to provide assistance with problems involving complex areas of the tax law. The purpose of the study was to disclose to what extent TSS's are called on to answer tax questions related to partnerships, corporations, and Subchapter S corporations and to disclose whether they have been trained and are able to answer the inquiries.
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A psychobiographical study of Temple GrandinWannenburg, Nicola January 2018 (has links)
Psychobiographical researchers methodically formulate life histories and interpret them by means of psychological theories. The research typically focuses on exemplary and completed lives. The cases that are studied are usually of individuals who are of particular interest to society as a result of excelling in their particular fields, be they to benefit or detriment of society. Temple Grandin was chosen for this study using purposive sampling as she meets the psychobiographical requirement of being an extraordinary individual. As an individual with autism Grandin faced many challenges growing up. Despite a difficult and absent beginning, Grandin developed into a stable and scientifically creative adult who contributes to society. She excels as an animal scientist and designer of humane livestock handling facilities and has an international reputation for her contribution to the livestock industry and animal welfare. The primary aim of this study is to describe and interpret the life of Temple Grandin through Erikson’s (1950/1973) theory of psychosocial development. A mixed method approach (Yin, 2006) was employed for the conduction of this study. The overarching data processing and analysis guidelines for this study were provided by Miles and Huberman (1994, 2002a, 2002b). The conduction of the processing and analysis of data was aided by Alexander’s (1988, 1990) method of asking the data questions as well as an integration of Yin’s (2014) time series analysis with Erikson’s (1950/1973) triple bookkeeping approach. This study contributes to the development of psychobiographical research in South Africa as well as to personality and developmental theory.
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Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development AgencyAcquah, Augusta January 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.
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A doctor-patient communication tool (DPCT) Ryodoroku application on the webBi, Hongwei 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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