Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byspecific languages"" "subject:"byspecific ianguages""
821 |
What feedback is perceived as useful? : The perceptions of Written Corrective Feedback among Swedish ESL teachers and students in Upper Secondary SchoolHåård, Natael January 2023 (has links)
Corrective feedback (CF) has received plenty of attention in the last decades. Researchers and linguists alike have debated the effectiveness of written corrective feedback (WCF) and it is an area of relevance for the ESL classroom. One aspect of WCF is teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards it. Despite this, little is known about how teachers and students perceive the usefulness of CF (Kim & Mostafa, 2021). Additionally, few of the previous studies have compared the two groups (Amrhein & Nassaji, 2010). For this reason, this study investigated the beliefs and perceptions of teachers and students of upper secondary schools in Sweden. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected by online survey questionnaire from 53 ESL upper secondary school students and 36 ESL upper secondary school teachers. The results indicate that while there were some similarities in perceptions, students tended to perceive plentiful feedback to be most useful, some students stating that knowing all the errors helped them improve. Teachers, on the other hand, tended to be more strategic with the WCF they give, focusing on major errors, and they tended to consider both the effects on the students as well as workload when judging the usefulness of WCF. Teacher and student opinions also differed regarding what types of feedback is seen as useful. Students perceived corrections of the errors as more useful, as that shows them what they did wrong, whereas teachers saw explanations of why there is an error as more useful as it makes the students think about how to fix it. On the other hand, teachers’ and students’ opinions showed no significant differences on what areas of a text they perceived feedback to be most useful on. Both teachers and students perceived corrective feedback on all areas of a text to be useful, with grammar feedback being the one both groups perceived to be the most useful. From a pedagogical perspective, this study emphasises the need for teacher and student expectations on WCF to be aligned, to each other as well as what has been empirically shown to be most useful.
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Läsning är viktigt och det finns många roliga ord! : Lässtimulerande åtgärder i de yngre skolåren / Reading is important and there are lots of fun words! : Reading stimulating measures in the younger school yearsHällstrand, Pia, Petersson, Eva-Lott January 2023 (has links)
Unga i dagens samhälle är beroende av att kunna läsa och förstå text. Skolan behöver därförfundera över hur lärare kan arbeta för att hjälpa eleverna nå en bättre läsförståelse. Denna studie handlar om att höja läsintresset hos elever genom frågeställningen vilka faktoreranser elever i årskurs 2 kan stimulera till läsning? Studien har inriktat sig på läsfrämjandefaktorer från tidigare forskning och resultatet är baserat på semistrukturerade intervjuer avelever. Vi fann utifrån detta tre teman, Eleverna stimuleras till läsning när de har möjlighettill socialt samspel med andra, Eleverna stimuleras till läsning när de har ett brett utbud avtexter och Eleverna stimuleras till läsning av utmaningar. Dessa teman redovisar vilkafaktorer eleverna finner stimulerande till läsning. Först och främst vill eleverna att vi skaanvända mer litteratur med ämnen som de är intresserade av. Eleverna önskar även mersamverkan med bibliotek och fler besök för att få inspiration till litteratur att läsa. Vår önskan är att fördjupad kunskap och studien ska kunna bidra positivt till utformandet avlärares undervisning i läsning. I vår lärarroll ser vi kunskap om hur vi kan arbeta med attstimulera intresse för läsning hos eleverna som viktig. I detta ingår insikter om vad elevernasjälva anser påverkar deras intresse för läsning. Den viktigaste faktorn för att barn ska lära sigläsa är en litteraturintresserad vuxen, som förstår hur viktig undervisningen är. Den slutsats vi fann i vårt resultat stämmer väl överens med vad Skolinspektionen (2022) skriver i sin rapport Läsfrämjande arbete i grundskolan med särskilt fokus på undervisningeni svenska i årskurs 4 - 6. För att utveckla elevernas läsförmåga måste skolan arbeta mer tydligtmed läsfrämjande strategier. Med relativt enkla åtgärder finns det förutsättningar för syftet attstimulera eleverna till läsning.
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Kontrastive Studie der Übersetzung schwedischer Modalverben in Viveca Stens Roman Offermakaren ins Deutsche : Kann eine Klassifizierung nach der Systemisch-Funktionellen Grammatik ein Muster aufzeigen? / A Contrastive Study on the German Translation of Swedish Modal Verbs in Viveca Sten’s Novel Offermakaren : Could a categorization based on Systemic Functional Grammar indicate a pattern?Böiers, Ulrika January 2024 (has links)
Inom den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken delas modalitet in i fyra olika modalitetstyper. De är SANNOLIKHET, VANLIGHET, FÖRPLIKTELSE och VILLIGHET. I denna kontrastiva studie undersöks hur de tre svenska modalverben böra, skola och kunna tagna ur en svensk nutidsroman kan klassificeras i dessa modalitetstyper. Därefter undersöks hur de svenska modalverben har översatts i den tyska utgåvan av romanen. Målet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på om det finns någon regelbundenhet i vilket tyskt modalverb som används i översättningen av ett visst modalverb inom en viss modalitetstyp. Resultatet av denna studien är att det inte går att påvisa ett helt entydigt mönster som kan kopplas till ett enskilt modalverb och en särskild modalitätstyp. Däremot ses tendenser som kan undersökas närmre med hjälp av ytterligare data.
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The Power of Words : How the use of words reflects societal opinionBrodin, David January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines the ways that the underlying meaning of the keywords queer and gay had changed between, and during, the periods of 1989-1991, 1999-2001 and 2009-2011 within the medium of written American English as collected by the Corpus of Historical American English across multiple written genres. The examination of the two chosen keywords was conducted by sorting the list-results of respective COHA queries into each period, and then conducted by a systematic sorting of the query results into one out of four categories depending on how the keywords were primed, framed and used. These categories are pejorative, sexuality, identity and lastly if the word was used in its historical context of meaning either something odd and/or strange in the case of queer, or to imply happiness in the case of gay. The essay concludes that over these 30 years, there is a clear indication that there has been a shift, moving from pejoratives and firmly cementing gay and queer as terms used by and to be attributed within the LGBTQ+ community.
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“Nel segno dell’anguilla” : Osservazioni traduttologiche sulla traduzione italiana di “Ålevangeliet” di Patrik Svensson. / “Nel segno dell’anguilla” : A translation analysis of the italian edition of “Ålevangeliet” by Patrik Svensson.Groot Jensen, Kristina January 2022 (has links)
Questa tesi si è concentrata sullo studio della traduzione degli elementi culturospecifici noti come realia dallo svedese all'italiano sulla base del quadro teorico degli studi di traduzione. Lo studio dei realia è importante poiché questi elementi senza corrispondenza diretta nella lingua di arrivo pongono una sfida nella resa e talvolta risultano anche difficili da distinguere in un testo. Dati i moltissimi termini specifici inerenti alla pesca e che rientrano nella categoria delle cosiddette lingue specialistiche/settoriali, si è eseguita un’analisi simile relativa anche ad essi. La terza parte della tesi studia la gestione delle citazioni e i loro riferimenti e come queste sono state alterate a causa del cosiddetto lettore modello e dell’appartenenza linguistica delle due lingue di proto e metatesto. L'ipotesi iniziale è stata che la traduzione dei realia fosse orientata verso la cultura di arrivo, l’accettabilità, mentre per i termini relativi alla pesca le ipotesi erano due. Da un lato che si potesse supporre una traduzione tendente verso l’adeguatezza, con un orientamento verso il prototesto svedese, soprattutto per due motivi. Il primo considerando il significato della parola “terminologia” e il secondo in riferimento alle moltissime esplicitazioni presenti nel prototesto che potrebbero bilanciare il fatto che la terminologia inerente alla pesca rientra nella categoria di lingue settoriali o/e specialistiche. Dall’altro lato, in questo caso specifico si tratta di una lingua specialistica/settoriale poco formalizzata espressa con una miscela tra la lingua standard e il dialetto. Altri aspetti erano la forma del testo e il lettore modello. Questi fattori sono la base per l’alternativa ipotesi che spinge invece verso l’accettabilità. Relativamente alla gestione delle citazioni e dei riferimenti ci si aspettava una prevalenza di trascrizioni con delle eventuali esplicitazioni nella lingua di arrivo. Un’altra ipotesi è stata che la traduzione della parte saggistica del libro fosse più tendente verso l'adeguatezza che verso l'accettabilità. L'analisi si basa sulla lettura parallela dell'originale svedese "Ålevangeliet" di Patrik Svensson e della traduzione italiana "Nel segno dell'anguilla" di Monica Corbetta, entrambi del 2019. Durante la lettura dei testi, sono stati raccolti sia i realia che i termini inerenti alla pesca, che sono stati poi organizzati, classificati e analizzati secondo lo schema e la teoria descritti da Osimo (2011), con qualche modifica ad hoc. Le citazioni e i loro riferimenti sono stati raccolti e confrontati con il materiale di riferimento, per poi essere analizzati in modo qualitativo con lo scopo di identificare la strategia di traduzione scelta ed eventuali tendenze. L'analisi ha confermato che la traduzione sia dei realia che dei termini è orientata verso la cultura del lettore del metatesto, optando per una traduzione accettabile, dove accettabile si riferisce all'uso di termini e parole più generali e un orientamento verso la cultura di arrivo. Il confronto tra le parti autobiografiche e saggistiche del libro mostra un tasso leggermente maggiore dell'uso di omologhi locali nella parte autobiografica del libro, sebbene questa strategia sia stata usata con parsimonia. Lo studio rileva che il tema era di uguale importanza nella traduzione italiana così come la scelta del linguaggio e il registro sebbene il contenuto di questi ultimi siano alterati. L'analisi della gestione illustra come le origini diverse delle lingue di proto e metatesto, una germanica e una romanza, hanno influenzato la traduzione. La tesi illustra l'importanza di una conoscenza della lingua-cultura non solo della lingua di partenza e di arrivo, ma anche di qualsiasi lingua specialistica/settoriale, dove l'insensibilità può altrimenti contribuire a traduzioni ambigue. / The focus of this thesis is the study of the translation of the cultural-specific elements known as realia from Swedish to Italian based on the theoretical framework of translation studies. Realia are interesting to study due to the fact that they often lack correspondence in the target language and sometimes are even hard to distinguish in a text, hence presenting a challenge for translators. Due to the many specific terms with regards to fishing and to the fact that these fall into the category of the so called specialistic or sectorial languages, a similar examination has been performed on the translation of these terms. The third part of the thesis studies the translation of the quotations from the vast reference material in question and how these have been altered due to the so-called model reader and the two languages’ different origins. The initial hypothesis was that the Italian translation of the realia would be orientated towards the target culture, referred to as acceptability, whereas the terms related to fishing as well as the quotations were initially presumed being oriented towards the source culture and the Swedish original, also known as adequacy[meaning literally]. One also assumed that the translation of the essay part of the book would possibly tend more towards adequacy rather than acceptability. The analysis is based on the parallel reading of the Swedish original “Ålevangeliet” written by Patrik Svensson and its Italian translation “Nel segno dell’anguilla” by Monica Corbetta in 2019. Whilst reading the books, the realia were collected, then organised and categorised based on the structure described by (Osimo, 2011, p. 112). The terms related to the categories “fishing” and “fishing eels” were also collected and treated in a similar way to the realia. The theory on translation strategies described by Osimo was adapted and used in order to analyse both the realia and the terms in question. All quotations and references were collected, compared to the reference material and then analysed in a qualitative way and examined for patterns and trends with regards to the translation. The analysis shows that the translation of both the realia and the terms is orientated in order to accommodate the target culture, opting for an acceptable translation, where acceptable refers to the use of more general terms and words than the source text. The comparison between the autobiographical and essay parts of the book shows a somewhat increased rate in the use of local equivalent words (omologhi locali) in the autobiographical part of the book, although this strategy has been used sparingly. The study finds that the theme was of equal importance in the Italian translation as well as the choice of vocabulary and linguistic register, although the content of the latter two had been altered in the Italian translation, mainly due to the model reader. The analysis of the translation of the quotations and references outlines the impact caused by the different origins of the languages, where Swedish is part of the Germanic branch and Italian the Romance branch, and their effect on the translation. The thesis illustrates the importance of insight not only in the language-culture of the source language, but also in any specialistic/sectorial language as the insensitivity thereof could contribute to less fortunate translations of both realia, terms and other words.
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"Jag och polisen, we don't speak the same language" : Om kodväxling i svensk och dansk hiphopSundqvist, Christian January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks kodväxling i svenska och danska raptexter, i synnerhet till engelska men även till andra språk. Materialet består av de fem mest spelade låtarna från de fem mest spelade artisterna i respektive land, alltså 50 låtar från 10 artister uppdelat på två länder. Inlånade och integrerade ord med svenska eller danska ändelser, tillsammans med diskursmarkörer och interjektioner, är exkluderade från undersökningen. Resultatet presenteras i procentsats, dvs. X procent av låtarna består av engelsk eller övrig kodväxling. Studien visar att de svenska raptexterna innehåller nästan fem gånger fler kodväxlingar till engelska än de danska, samtidigt som de danska raptexterna innehåller mer än fyra gånger fler kodväxlingar till andra språk än engelska än de svenska. Resultatet sticker ut i förhållande till tidigare forskning, som kommit fram till att flerspråkighet är en förutsättning för att kodväxla – något som resultatet av denna uppsats talar emot. Slutsatsen är dock att vidare forskning krävs för att kunna styrka detta, i synnerhet inom kodväxling i skrift men även kodväxling hos människor som är uppvuxna i multietniska områden.
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Does Politics Trump Gender? : A Study of Linguistic Features Among American Voters During the 2016 Presidential ElectionEklund, Manne January 2017 (has links)
In this essay, the usage of several linguistic features of 13 members of a televised political discussion are studied. The members of the discussion were private citizens, and not political experts. This particular discussion was filmed during the 2016 American presidential election, just before the second national debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The studied linguistic features are: hedges, tag-questions, interaction and humor. By categorizing the members in three categories; age, gender and politics, this essay is able to investigate the results of the televised discussion by each category, and compare them to each other. The central question of the essay is if gender is a bigger divide regarding these linguistic features, than political views. The result shows that while gender still is the biggest divide regarding hedges, there are some specific elements where politics seems to trump gender.
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Translanguaging och dess förutsättningar i svenska förskolor : Pedagogers arbetssätt kring flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling / Translanguaging and its potential opportunities in Swedish preschoolsGunston, Elizabeth, Ehrenholm, Elina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den etniska och språkliga mångfalden i Sverige har stadigt ökat under de senasteåren. Detta innebär att det finns allt fler barn som talar ett annat modersmål än svenska inskrivnapå våra förskolor. Enligt barnkonventionen, som blev svensk lag i januari 2020, har alla barnrätt till sitt språk (Unicef Sverige, 2018). Sveriges förskolor måste vara förberedda på att geförutsättningar för att kunna utveckla ett nyanserat talspråk, ordförråd och ett intresse iskriftspråk på svenska (Läroplan för förskolan [Lpfö18], 2018, s. 14). Barn skall också gesmöjligheten att utveckla sitt modersmål om de har ett annat modersmål än svenska (Läroplanför förskolan [Lpfö18], 2018, s.14). Användandet och stödjandet av translanguaging i praktikenhar lyfts fram som ett sätt att kunna göra detta. I den här studien undersöks hur olika förskolori Västsverige arbetar kring flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling. På vilka sätt stöds barnens olikaspråk av pedagogerna och förekommer translanguaging på något sätt?Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger arbetar med flerspråkiga barnsspråkutveckling i relation till läroplanens mål gällande svenskan såväl som modersmål.Metod: Studien genomfördes på fyra olika förskolor med ett etnografiskt angreppssätt, därobservationer och fältanteckningar har använts som datainsamlingsmetod. En tematisk analysanvändes för att bearbeta det insamlade materialet.Resultat: Resultaten visade att pedagogerna använde sig av olika arbetssätt för att utvecklabåde svenska och modersmålet. Pedagogerna arbetade på ett språkmedvetet sätt i bådeplanerade och spontana undervisningar, såväl som vardagliga rutiner såsom måltider ochinomhuslek. Detta skapade möjligheter för barn att utveckla förmågor i alla sina språk.Observationerna visade också att pedagogerna tillämpade flera olika translanguaging strategieroch i många fall hade en uttryckt strävan att inkludera barns modersmål i verksamheten.
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Supporting Software Development Tools with An Awareness of Transparent Program TransformationsSong, Myoungkyu 13 June 2013 (has links)
Programs written in managed languages are compiled to a platform-independent intermediate representation, such as Java bytecode. The relative high level of Java bytecode has engendered a widespread practice of changing the bytecode directly, without modifying the maintained version of the source code. This practice, called bytecode engineering or enhancement, has become indispensable in transparently introducing various concerns, including persistence, distribution, and security. For example, transparent persistence architectures help avoid the entanglement of business and persistence logic in the source code by changing the bytecode directly to synchronize objects with stable storage. With functionality added directly at the bytecode level, the source code reflects only partial semantics of the program. Specifically, the programmer can neither ascertain the program's runtime behavior by browsing its source code, nor map the runtime behavior back to the original source code.
This research presents an approach that improves the utility of source-level programming tools by providing enhancement specifications written in a domain-specific language. By interpreting the specifications, a source-level programming tool can gain an awareness of the bytecode enhancements and improve its precision and usability. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach by making a source code editor and a symbolic debugger enhancements-aware. / Master of Science
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Gandalf’s transformation in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings : An analysis according to Jung’s individuation theoryGräsbeck, Gunnar January 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Gandalf’s transformation from Grey to White is an impactful moment in The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien. Gandalf’s reunion with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in The Two Towers (642-652), after being assumed dead by the hands of a Balrog in “The Fellowship of the Ring” (Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, 429-431), comes as a surprise both for the fictional characters in question and the reader. It is not only revealed that Gandalf is alive, but that he has returned stronger and wiser than prior to his battle with Balrog. This emerges mainly from his change in attire, from Grey to White: “They all gazed at him. His hair was white as snow in the sunshine; and gleaming white was his robe; the eyes under his deep brows were bright, piercing as the rays of the sun; power was in his hand. Between wonder, joy, and fear theystood and found no words to say” (Tolkien, The Two Towers, 645)
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