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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam expresních havarijních metodik pro případ radiačních mimořádných situací / The importance of express emergency methods in the event of the radiological emergency

PFEIFEROVÁ, Vendula January 2008 (has links)
This study is engaged in express emergency methods to monitor internal contamination of people in the event of the radiological emergency.

Desenvolvimento de um tomógrafo de ressonância magnética: integração e otimização. / Development of a magnetic resonance tomograph: integration and improvement.

Mateus Jose Martins 07 February 1995 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um sistema de tomografia por Ressonância Magnética, para uso em diagnósticos médicos. Ele foi baseado em subsistemas disponíveis comercialmente, tais como os utilizados em equipamentos de imagens de RM comerciais. As principais contribuições deste projeto foram: o desenvolvimento de circuitos eletrônicos complementares e \"software\", necessários para tomar o \"hardware\" adquirido em um Tomógrafo de Ressonância Magnética para diagnósticos médicos. Isso não inclui somente o projeto de complexos programas necessários para gerar os pulsos de RF, formas de onda dos gradientes, sistema de aquisição de dados e as seqüências de pulsos necessárias para o completo sincronismo, mas também o desenvolvimento de uma interface amigável para realizar: a entrada de informações do paciente; a seleção das técnicas de imagem e o \"software\" interativo para visualização e seleção de planos. Um novo algoritmo de compressão de dados, para reduzir o armazenamento necessário de dados de imagens de RM, sem perda de informação foi também apresentado e implementado. Uma comparação com outras implementações de compressão de uso geral foi apresentada para mostrar uma performance superior na taxa de compressão e tempo de execução. / The present work describes the development of a Magnetic Resonance Tomography system to be used for medical diagnostics. It is based on commercially available subsystems such as used as in commercial MRI equipments. The main contributions to the project were: the development of fill up electronics and software needed to turn the acquired hardware into a MR Tomography for medical diagnostics. This includes not only the design of complex software needed to generate the used RF pulses, gradient waveforms, data acquisition system and the desired pulse sequences to synchronize all, but also the development of a user friendly interface to do: the entrance of patient\'s information; the selection of MR imaging techniques and interactive software for image viewing and planes selection. A new data compression algorithm to reduce the storage requirement of raw MR image data without information losses is also presented and implemented. A comparison with others general purpose compression implementations is presented to show the superior performance in the compression rate and execution time.

Ácido Salicílico, abcísico e jasmônico em videiras submetidas ou não à aplicação da tecnologia TPC (Thermal Pest Control) / Salicylic acid, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid in vines submitted or not to the application of TPC technology (Thermal Pest Control)

Bruno Alves Domingues 16 May 2013 (has links)
A aplicação de ar quente em videiras foi primeiramente realizada na fazenda do Sr. Florenzo Lazo, localizada no Chile, onde havia a necessidade de combater os efeitos negativos das freqüentes geadas que resultava em severos danos à lavoura. Por este motivo o Sr. Florenzo inventou uma máquina que aplicava ar quente com baixa umidade e tinha por objetivo dispersar o ar frio proveniente das geadas. Após certo tempo, foi observado pelo produtor que no local onde a máquina havia operado com maior frequência as plantas apresentavam-se com uma coloração mais escura e com sinais de maior vitalidade. Seguindo estas observações, relacionamos estes efeitos a um possível aumento nos fito-hormônios relacionados ao estresse vegetal e à SAR (Systemic Resistence Adquired), como o ácido salicílico (AS), ácido jasmônico (AJ) e ácido abscísico (ABA), além de fazer uma correlação com alguns resultados de pós-colheita importantes para a comercialização, como: Sólidos solúveis, firmeza e coloração. Para isso foi montado um experimento que foi conduzido em duas parcelas, sendo uma com tratamento TPC e outra apenas com o tratamento convencional com distância padronizada em 3,2 metros entre linhas por 2,0 metros entre planta. As amostras eram coletadas diariamente e devidamente acondicionadas. Ao final da safra, as amostras foram transportadas para o laboratório de estresse e neurofisiologia da universidade de São Paulo (LEPSE), onde foram novamente armazenadas em um Ultra-freezer - 86ºC. As analises fisiológicas de pós-colheita foram realizadas no departamento de pós-colheita da universidade de São Paulo onde foram analisados os teores de sólidos solúveis, coloração e firmeza das bagas de uva. As amostras de folhas foram maceradas e uniformizadas no LEPSE e enviadas para o laboratório de ecotoxicologia do Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA) onde foram mensurados os teores dos fito-hormônios pelo método de espectrometria de massa. Para ambas as analises foram feitos testes estatísticos utilizando o programa SAS®. Não houve alteração de SS e firmeza entre os dois tratamentos para as características fisiológicas de póscolheita. Entretanto foi notado uma redução na coloração avermelhada para os cachos tratados com TPC seguindo o sistema de colorimetria proposto pelo CIE. Não houve alterações significantes para as variáveis ABA, AJ e AS para o efeito tratamento e para a analise de correlação. Entretanto notou-se significância entre o efeito dias para as variáveis ABA e AJ. Não foi notada significância para o efeito dias para a variável AS. Por se tratar de um estresse rápido, a TPC parece não causar estresse imediato nas plantas, entretanto notou-se indução de estresse ao longo do tempo, possivelmente devido à resposta lenta de ABA que aparentemente está envolvida com RNA e à síntese de proteínas S e R- ABA que são igualmente efetivas. Já para o AJ sugere-se que houve a produção de H2O2 por derivados de oligogalacturonideos, liberados por ação da enzima poligalacturonase, e um segundo mensageiro que ativam genes defensivos (genes tardios). O aumento na biossíntese do ABA e do AJ parece ter suprimido genes envolvidos na biossíntese do AS. / The application of hot air in grapevines was first held on the farm of Mr. Florenzo Lazo, located in Chile, to combat the negative effects of frequent frosts that resulted in severe damage to the crop. For this reason Mr. Florenzo invented a machine that applied hot air with low humidity and aimed to disperse the cold air from the frost. After a while, it was observed by the producer that where the machine had operated more frequently plants showed up with a darker and more signs of vitality. Following these observations, these effects relate to a possible increase in phytohormones related to plant stress and SAR (Systemic Resistance Adquired), such as salicylic acid (AS), jasmonic acid (AJ) and abscisic acid (ABA), besides making a correlation with results of some important postharvest for marketing, such as soluble solids, firmness and color. For this experiment was created that was conducted in two installments, the first one was treated with TPC and second one was applied only conventional treatment with standardized distance of 3.2 meters between lines by 2.0 meters between plant . The samples were collected daily and properly packed. At the end of the season, samples were transported to the laboratory stress and neurophysiology from the University of São Paulo (LEPSE), where they were again stored in an Ultra-freezer - 86 degrees. The physiological analyses of post-harvest were performed at the Department of Postharvest in University of Sao Paulo where we analyzed the levels of soluble solids, firmness and color in grape berries. The leaf samples were uniform macerated at LEPSE and sent to the laboratory of ecotoxicology in the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA) where we measured the levels of the phytohormones by the method of mass spectrometry. For both analyzes were performed statistical tests using SAS ® program. There wasn`t change between the two treatments on physiological post-harvest characteristics. There was no change of SS and firmly between the two treatments for the physiological of post-harvest characteristics. However it was noted a reduction in red color for bunches treated with TPC following the colorimetry system by CIE. There were no significant changes to the variables ABA, AJ and AS for the treatment effect and to analyze the correlation. However significance was noted between the effect variables ABA days and AJ. No significant effect was noted for days variable for AS. Since it is a stress fast TPC does not seem to cause immediate stress in plants but it was noticed induction of stress over time, possibly due to slow response to ABA which apparently is involved in the synthesis of RNA and proteins S and R-ABA that are equally effective. As for AJ suggests that there was the production of H2O2 by derivatives of oligogalacturonides, released by action of the enzyme polygalacturonase, and a second messenger that activates defensive genes (late genes). The increase in ABA biosynthesis and AJ appears to have deleted genes involved in the biosynthesis of AS.

Study of Triple-GEM detectors for the CMS muon spectrometer upgrade at LHC and study of the forward-backward charge asymmetry for the search of extra neutral gauge bosons

Zenoni, Florian 27 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour cadre l’expérience CMS auprès du grand collisionneur de protons du CERN, le LHC. Le LHC, qui a permis la découverte en 2012 du boson de Brout-Englert-Higgs, est destiné à fonctionner pour encore 20 ans, avec une luminosité qui croîtra progressivement pour atteindre d’ici 2025 la valeur de 7.5 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1, c'est à dire environ cinq fois la valeur initialement prévue. Ceci a pour conséquence que les expériences doivent s’adapter et mettre à niveau une série de leurs composants et détecteurs. Une des prochaines mises à niveau de l’expérience CMS concerne les détecteurs Triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) qui sont actuellement en développement pour la partie avant du spectromètre à muons de l’expérience. Ces détecteurs seront installés dans CMS durant le deuxième long arrêt du LHC, en 2018-2019, appelé LS2. Cette mise à niveau a pour but de contrôler les taux de déclenchement d’événements pour la détection de muons, grâce à la haute performance de ces détecteurs Triple GEM en présence de taux de particules extrêmement élevés (>1 kHz/cm^2). De plus, grâce à sa très bonne résolution spatiale (~250 um), la technologie GEM peut améliorer la reconstruction des traces de muons et la capacité d’identification du détecteur avant.Le but de mon travail de recherche est d’estimer la sensitivité des Triple GEMs à l’environnement de radiation hostile dans CMS, essentiellement composé de neutrons et de photons produits lors des interactions entre les particules et les détecteurs constituant l’expérience CMS. L’estimation précise de cette sensitivité est très importante, car une sous-estimation pourrait avoir des effets désastreux pour l’efficacité des Triple GEMs une fois installés dans CMS. Pour valider mes simulations, j’ai également reproduit des résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec d’autres détecteurs similaires déjà installés dans CMS, tels que les Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC).La deuxième partie de mon travail concerne l’étude de la capacité de l’expérience CMS à discerner différents modèles de nouvelle physique prédisant l’existence de bosons vecteurs, appelés Z'. Ces modèles font partie des extensions plausibles du Modèle Standard. En particulier, l’analyse se concentre sur des simulations dans lesquelles le Z' se désintègre en deux muons, et sur l’impact que les mises à niveau avec les détecteurs Triple GEM apporteront à ces mesures tout le long de la phase de haute intensité du LHC. Mes simulations montrent que plus de 20% des événements simulés comptent au moins un muon dans la région en pseudo-rapidité (eta) de CMS couverte par les détecteurs Triple GEM. Les résultats préliminaires démontrent que, dans le case de modèles à 3 TeV/c^2, il sera possible dès la fin de la Phase I de distinguer un Z'I d'un Z'SSM avec un niveau de signification alpha > 3 sigma. / This PhD thesis takes place in the CMS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC allowed the discovery of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson in 2012, and is designed to run for at least 20 years, with an increasing luminosity that will reach by 2025 a value of 7.5 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1, that is a yield five times greater than the one initially intended. As a consequence, the experiments must adapt and upgrade many of their components and particle detectors. One of the foreseen upgrades of the CMS experiment concerns the Triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors, currently in development for the forward muon spectrometer. These detectors will be installed in CMS during the second long LHC shutdown (LS2), in 2018-2019. The aim of this upgrade is to better control the event trigger rate at Level 1 for muon detection, thanks to the high performance of these Triple GEM detectors, in presence of very high particle rates (>1 kHz/cm^2). Moreover, thanks to its excellent spatial resolution (~250 um), the GEM technology can improve the muon track reconstruction and the identification capability of the forward detector.The goal of my research is to estimate the sensitivity of Triple GEMs to the hostile background radiation in CMS, essentially made of neutron and photons generated by the interaction between the particles and CMS detectors. The accurate evaluation of this sensitivity is very important, as an underestimation could have ruinous effects of the Triple GEMs efficiency, once they are installed in CMS. To validate my simulations, I have reproduced experimental results obtained with similar detectors already installed in CMS, such as the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC).The second part of my work regards the study of the CMS experiment capability to discriminate between different models of new physics predicting the existence of neutral vector bosons called Z'. These models belong to plausible extensions of the Standard Model. In particular, the analysis is focused on simulated samples in which the Z' decays in two muons, and on the impact that the Triple GEM detectors upgrades will bring to these measurements during the high luminosity phase of the LHC, called Phase II. My simulations prove that more than 20% of the simulated events see at least one muon in the CMS pseudo-rapidity (eta) region covered by Triple GEM detectors. Preliminary results show that, in the case of 3 TeV/c^2 models, it will be possible already at the end of Phase I to discriminate a Z'I from a Z'SSM with a significance level alpha > 3 sigma. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Characterisation of the chemical properties and behaviour of aerosols in the urban environment

Young, Dominique Emma January 2014 (has links)
Atmospheric aerosols have adverse effects on human health, air quality, and visibility and frequently result in severe pollution events, particularly in urban areas. However, the sources of aerosols and the processes governing their behaviour in the atmosphere, including those which lead to high concentrations, are not well understood thus limit our ability to accurately assess and forecast air quality. Presented here are the first long-term chemical composition measurements from an urban environment using an Aerodyne compact Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (cToF-AMS). Organic aerosols (OA) were observed to account for a significant fraction (44%) of the total non-refractory submicron mass during 2012 at the urban background site in North Kensington, London, followed by nitrate (28%), sulphate (14%), ammonium (13%), and chloride (1%). The sources and components of OA were determined using Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) and attributed as hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA), cooking OA (COA), solid fuel OA (SFOA), type 1 oxygenated OA (OOA1), and type 2 oxygenated OA (OOA2), where HOA, COA, and SFOA were observed to be of equal importance across the year. The concentration of secondary OA increased during the summer yet the extent of oxidation, as defined by the oxygen content, showed no variability during the year. The main factors governing the diurnal, monthly, and seasonal trends observed in all organic and inorganic species were meteorological conditions, specific nature of the sources, and availability of precursors. Regional and transboundary pollution influenced total aerosol concentrations and high concentration events were observed to be governed by different factors depending on season. High-Resolution ToF-AMS measurements were used to further probe OA behaviour, where two SFOA factors were derived from PMF analysis in winter, which likely represent differences in burn conditions. In the summer an OA factor was identified, likely of primary origin, which was observed to be strongly associated with organic nitrates and anthropogenic emissions. This work uses instruments and techniques that have not previously been used in this way in an urban environment, where the results further the understanding of the chemical components of urban aerosols. Aerosol sources are likely to change in the future with increases in solid fuel burning as vehicular emissions decrease, with significant implications on air quality and health. Thus it is important to understand aerosol sources and behaviour in order to develop effective pollution abatement strategies.

Study Of The B=2/5 Resonance And Resonance Excitation In Nonlinear Paul Traps

Prasanna, N 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Investigations Of Electron States Of Molecular Complexes By UV Photoelectron And Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopies And Ab-initio MO Calculations

Ananthavel, S P 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

A Preliminary Study Of Fields In Split-Electrode Ion Traps

Sonalikar, Hrishikesh Shashikant 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ion traps used in mass spectrometers are of two classes. One class consists of traps having three electrode geometries which have rotational symmetry about central axis. They are called axially symmetric ion traps. Paul trap, Cylindrical Ion Trap(CIT) are examples in this class. Other class of traps contain 2D electric field inside them which has same profile along the central axis due to translational symmetry. Linear Ion Trap(LIT) and Rectilinear Ion Trap(RIT) are examples in this class. In the ideal hyperbolic geometries of Paul trap and LIT, electric field is a perfectly linear function of distance from the center of the trap. But when these ideal geometries are simplified in to simpler geometries of the CIT and the RIT for ease in machining, linearity of field, which is a specialty of Paul trap and LIT is lost. In this thesis, an effort is made to optimize the field within the traps by using split electrodes. The ring electrode of the CIT and both pairs of electrodes in the RIT are divided into more number of parts. Suitable voltages are applied on these parts to improve the linearity of the field. This thesis contains six chapters. Chapter 1 contains a background information about mass spectrometry. Chapter 2 discusses the Boundary Element Method (BEM) used to calculate charge distribution and Nelder-Mead method used for optimization. It also shows the calculation of multipoles. In Chapter 3, two new geometries namely split-electrode RIT and split-electrode CIT are considered with the objective of improving the linearity of electric field inside them. It is shown here that by applying certain external potential on various parts of split electrodes of these geometries, it is possible to improve the linearity of electric field inside them. In Chapter 4, capacitor models of new geometries proposed in chapter 3 are discussed. The use of external capacitors as a replacement to external power supply is also discussed in this chapter. InChapter5, study similar to that ofChapter3is carried out by splitting the geometries in more number of parts. The possibility of improved field profile is investigated by applying full potential to some of these parts and keeping other parts at ground potential. In Chapter 6, concluding remarks are discussed.

Développement d'un système opérationnel de spectrométrie des neutrons dédié à la caractérisation dynamique de l'environnement radiatif naturel atmosphérique à l'Observatoire du Pic du Midi de Bigorre / Development of an operating neutron spectrometer dedicated to the natural radiative atmospheric environment characterization at the Pic du Midi de Bigorre Observatory

Cheminet, Adrien 10 October 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse sont le fruit d’une collaboration entre le Laboratoire de Métrologie et Dosimétrie des Neutrons de l’Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire et le Département d’Environnement Spatial de l’Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales. L’objectif était de caractériser et de mettre en service un système opérationnel de spectrométrie des neutrons, étendu au domaine des hautes énergies afin de mesurer de manière dynamique les variations de l’environnement radiatif naturel atmosphérique en altitude au sommet de l’Observatoire du Pic du Midi de Bigorre dans les Pyrénées. Pour ce faire, les réponses des différents détecteurs ont été calculées par simulations Monte Carlo avant d’être validées expérimentalement jusqu’au domaine des hautes énergies en champs neutroniques de référence. La méthode de reconstruction mathématique du spectre par déconvolution a été étudiée afin de quantifier les incertitudes systématiques. Ensuite, le système a été testé sous la roche au Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit de Rustrel avant d’effectuer les premières mesures en altitude à +500 m et +1000 m. A la suite de ces expériences, le spectromètre a été installé en mai 2011 au sommet du Pic du Midi à +2885 m. La méthodologie d’analyse en continu des données recueillies a été développée. Des oscillations saisonnières du spectre dont l’amplitude dépend du domaine énergétique ont été mises en évidence. Des décroissances Forbush,caractéristiques d’éruptions solaires, ont également été observées à l’approche du 24ème cycle solaire.Des simulations Monte Carlo ont permis d’analyser ces résultats. Les données ont été valorisées grâce à des applications en dosimétrie personnelle et en fiabilité des composants électroniques vis-à-vis des radiations. / This PhD Thesis has been achieved thanks to the joint effort between two French organizations, the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN/LMDN, Cadarache) and the French Aerospace Lab (ONERA/ DESP, Toulouse). The aim was to develop an operational neutron spectrometer extended to high energies in order to measure the dynamics of the spectral variations of the natural radiative environment at the summit of the Pic du Midi Observatory in the French Pyrenees. Thereby, the fluence responses of each detector were calculated thanks to Monte Carlo simulations. Afterwards, they were validated by means of experimental campaigns up to high energies (>20 MeV) nearby reference neutron fields. The systematic uncertainties were deduced after detailed studies of the mathematic reconstruction of the spectra (i.e. unfolding procedure). Then, the system was tested under rocks at the LSBB of Rustrel before being installed at respectively+500 m and +1000 m above sea level for the first environmental campaigns. Finally, the spectrometer has been operating for two years after its deployment at the summit of the Pic du Midi (+2885 m). The continuous data were analysed thanks to an innovative method. Some seasonal and spectral variations were observed. Some Forbush decreases were also recorded after strong solar flares. These data were further analysed thanks to Monte Carlo simulations. The data were made more attractive thanks toseveral practical applications with personal dosimetry or reliability of submicron electronics components.

Caracterização dos vinhos Merlot e Cabernet Sauvignon da serra gaúcha através de determinação das razões isotópicas 13C/12C e 18O/16O

Adami, Laurien 19 December 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados vinhos provenientes de microvinificações das variedades Merlot e Cabernet Sauvignon das sub-regiões de Pinto Bandeira, Vale dos Vinhedos, Nova Pádua e Monte Belo do Sul, nas safras de 2005 e 2006. Foram determinadas as razões isotópicas 13C/12C do etanol e 18O/16O da água e do etanol, buscando possível diferenciação entre as variedades e safras de produção, e provável relação entre o local de origem e suas características geográficas (altitude e latitude) e climatológicas (temperatura, precipitação pluviométrica e umidade). Utilizou-se um espectrômetro de massas de razão isotópica (IRMS) acoplado a um analisador elementar, para análise de 13C/12C do etanol e 18O/16O da água e a um cromatógrafo gasoso, para análise de 18O/16O do etanol. Em relação aos valores de δ13C, observou-se que a diferenciação entre as sub-regiões amostrais são menos seletivas e não seguem mesma ordem estatística encontrada para as análises δ18O, porém a análise de δ13C do etanol pode servir para diferenciar sub-regiões que não são diferenciadas estatisticamente pelas análises de δ18O. O comportamento dos valores de δ18O da água e do etanol obedecem mesma ordem estatística de diferenciação. Independente da variedade de uva utilizada neste trabalho, foi possível diferenciar as sub-regiões através da análise isotópica de δ18O, nas duas safras de produção, com exceção do Vale dos Vinhedos e Monte Belo do Sul, safra 2005, que não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas. As latitudes das diferentes sub-regiões apresentaram diferença estatística e demonstraram influência principalmente nos valores de δ18O da água. As análises de δ18O da água e do etanol do vinho mostraram-se mais seletivas e eficientes na discriminação das sub-regiões de cultivo do que as análises de δ13C do etanol. Foi observada uma forte correlação entre os valores de δ18O da água e do etanol. A altitude e a latitude influenciam principalmente os valores de δ18O da água e do etanol. As influências climáticas são mais marcantes na distinção entre safras de produção do que sub-regiões de cultivo. / In this work, wines provided by micro-winemakings of the variety Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon of the sub-regions of Pinto Bandeira, Vale dos Vinhedos, Nova Pádua and Monte Belo do Sul in the 2005 and 2006 harvest have been studied. It has been established the isotopic ratios 13C/12C of the ethanol and 18O/16O of the water and ethanol, seeking for a possible differentiation among the varieties and production harvests, and a possible relation between the place of origin and its geographic features (altitude and latitude) and climatological conditions (temperature, precipitation and humidity). It has been used a isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) coupled to an elementar analyzer for the analysis of the 13C/12C of the ethanol and 18O/16O of the water and to a gas chromatograph for the analysis of 18O/16O of the ethanol. In relation to the values of δ13C, it is observed that the differentiation among the sampling sub-regions are less selective and do not follow the same statistical order found for the analysis of δ18O, however, the analysis of δ13C of the ethanol may be used to differentiate sub-regions that are not differentiated statistically by the analysis of δ18O. The value behaviors of δ18O of the water and the ethanol follow the same statistical order of differentiation. Regardless of the grape variety used in this work, it has been possible to differentiate the sub-regions through the isotopic analysis of the δ18O, in both production harvests, except for the Vale dos Vinhedos and Monte Belo do Sul, 2005 harvest, which did not present statistical differences. The latitudes of the different sub-regions presented statistical differences and demonstrated an influence mainly in the values of δ18O of the water. The analysis of δ18O of the water and the ethanol of the wine conveyed to be more selective and efficient in the discrimination of the cultivation sub-regions than the analysis of δ13C of the ethanol. It has been observed a strong correlation between the values of δ18O of the water and the ethanol. The altitude and latitude influence mainly the values of δ18O of the water and the ethanol. The climate influences are more noteworthy in distinguishing the production harvests than the cultivation sub-regions.

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