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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

QFT and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

Chauwinoir, Sheila January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this project is to understand the structure of the Standard Model of the particle physics. Therefore quantum field theories (QFT) are studied in the both cases of abelian and non-abelian gauge theories i.e. quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and electroweak interaction are reviewed. The solution to the mass problem arising in these theories i.e. spontaneous symmetry breaking is also studied. / Syftet med detta projekt är att förstå strukturen för partikelfysikens standardmodell. Därför studeras kvantfältsteorier (QFT) i båda fallen av abelska och icke-abelska gaugeteorier, dvs kvantelektrodynamik (QED), kvantkromodynamik (QCD) och elektrosvag växelverkan granskas. Lösningen på massproblemet som uppstår i dessa teorier, dvs. spontant symmetribrott studeras också.

Quantum Systems and their Classical Limit A C*- Algebraic Approach

Van De Ven, Christiaan Jozef Farielda 14 December 2021 (has links)
In this thesis we develop a mathematically rigorous framework of the so-called ''classical limit'' of quantum systems and their semi-classical properties. Our methods are based on the theory of strict, also called C*- algebraic deformation quantization. Since this C*-algebraic approach encapsulates both quantum as classical theory in one single framework, it provides, in particular, an excellent setting for studying natural emergent phenomena like spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) and phase transitions typically showing up in the classical limit of quantum theories. To this end, several techniques from functional analysis and operator algebras have been exploited and specialised to the context of Schrödinger operators and quantum spin systems. Their semi-classical properties including the possible occurrence of SSB have been investigated and illustrated with various physical models. Furthermore, it has been shown that the application of perturbation theory sheds new light on symmetry breaking in Nature, i.e. in real, hence finite materials. A large number of physically relevant results have been obtained and presented by means of diverse research papers.

Influência das Cordas Cósmicas não-Abelianas na Geometria do Espaço-tempo

Santos, Antônio de Pádua 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-12T13:00:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2334284 bytes, checksum: c3d087bb8f68c3b8f619b05f161a3e77 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T13:00:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2334284 bytes, checksum: c3d087bb8f68c3b8f619b05f161a3e77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / In this thesis, we study the influence of gravitating non-Abelian cosmic strings on the spacetime geomerty. In order to develop this analysis, we constructed a set of coupled non-linear differential equations. Because there is no closed solution for this set of equations, we solve it numerically to determine the behaviour for the Higgs, gauge and metric fields. This model under consideration present two bosonic sectors, besides the non-Abelian gauge field. The two bosonic sectors may present a direct coupling. So, we investigate the relevance of this coupling on the system, specifically in the linear energy density of the string and on the planar angle deficit. We also analyze the behaviors of these quantities as function of the energy scale where the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken. We have extented this analysis to de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes. In order to do that we construct the complete set of equations of motion considering the presence of a cosmological constant. By using numerical analysis we provide the behavior of the Higgs and gauge fields and also for the metric tensor for specific values of the physical parameters of the theory. For de Sitter case, we find the appearance of horizons that although being consequence of the presence of the cosmological constant it strongly depends on the value of the gravitational coupling. In the anti-de Sitter case, we find that the system does not present horizons. In fact the new feature of this system is related with the behavior of the (tt) and (zz) components of the metric tensor. They present a strongly increasing for large distance from the string. / Nesta tese estudamos a influência das cordas cósmicas não-Abelianas na geometria do espaço-tempo. Para este fim, utilizamos um modelo de Higgs não-Abeliano acoplado com a gravidade e obtemos um sistema de equações diferenciais não-lineares. Como este sistema de equações diferenciais não possui solução analítica, realizamos análise numérica para obter o comportamento dos campos de Higgs, de gauge e métricos em função da distância à corda cósmica. O modelo considerado apresenta dois campos bosônicos e um campo de gauge não-Abeliano. Como os dois setores bosônicos podem apresentar um acoplamento direto, investigamos a relevância deste acoplamento no sistema, especificamente na densidade linear de energia e no déficit de ângulo planar. Também analisamos o comportamento destas quantidades como função da escala de energia onde a simetria de gauge é espontaneamente quebrada. Ampliamos este estudo para as cordas cósmicas não-Abelianas no espaço-tempo de de Sitter e anti-de Sitter. Para isto, construímos um sistema de equações de campo considerando a presença da constante cosmológica. Utilizando a análise numérica, fornecemos o comportamento dos campos de Higgs, de gauge e dos campos métricos para valores específicos dos parâmetros físicos do modelo. Para o caso do espaço-tempo de de Sitter, salientamos o surgimento do horizonte cosmológico que, embora seja consequência da constante cosmológica, está fortemente relacionado ao acoplamento gravitacional. Para o espaço-tempo de anti-de Sitter, encontramos que o sistema não apresenta horizonte. Esta característica do sistema está relacionada às componentes (tt) e (zz) do tensor métrico, que divergem para grandes distâncias da corda cósmica.

Generalized Abelian Gauge Theory & Generalized Global Symmetry

Hössjer, Emil January 2020 (has links)
We study Cheeger-Simons differential characters in order to define higher form U(1) gauge fields and their Wilson lines. We then go on to define generalized global symmetries. This is a topological formulation of symmetries which has interesting consequences when the charged operators extend through space. Our main source of such charged operators are the generalized Wilson lines. A higher form Noether theorem and a Ward identity are given for transformations of Wilson lines. As examples of quantum field theories with generalized symmetries we cover Sigma models, Maxwell theory and BF-theory. These are examples of Z, U(1) and Zn symmetries respectively. Finally we discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking for higher dimensional symmetries and a Goldstone theorem is provided. These massless Goldstone bosons are shown to have internal structure corresponding to non-zero spin. The photon is identified as the spin one Goldstone boson in QED. Our review of generalized symmetries is more formal than the ones in other papers. This makes various points explicit and leads to general selection rules. Many results of previous papers are reproduced in detail.

Mécanisme de brisure de symétrie chirale pour trois saveurs de quarks légers et extrapolation de résultats de chromodynamique quantique sur réseau / Mechanism of chiral symmetry breaking for three flavours of light quarks and extrapolations of Lattice QCD results

Toucas, Guillaume 30 October 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à certains aspects concernant les phénomènes hadroniques à basse énergie sous 1 GeV, en dessous de laquelle la symétrie chirale de la Chromodynamique Quantique (QCD) est spontanément brisée. En dessous de cette échelle d'énergie, le spectre de QCD se réduit à un octet de mésons légers pseudo-scalaires (π, K and η). Mais à cause du confinement, QCD sous 1 GeV devient hautement non perturbative – il n'est donc plus possible de décrire à basse énergie la dynamique de ces mésons en termes de gluons et de quarks (ici seuls les quarks légers u, d et s sont concernés). Deux alternatives principales à cet obstacle majeur existent néanmoins: la QCD sur réseau ainsi que les Théories Effectives des Champs. La QCD sur réseau consiste à calculer de manière numériques les diverses observables hadroniques, alors que les théories effectives permettent de nouveau une approche analytique (et perturbative) adaptée à une échelle d'énergie donnée. Dans le cas de QCD à basse énergie, c'est la Théorie Chirale des Perturbations (ChiPT) qui joue le rôle de théorie effective. Cette théorie peut être construite à partir de deux saveurs de quarks légers (u et s) ou trois (u,d, et s). Il est alors possible d'utiliser certains résultats de calculs sur réseau (ainsi que certains résultats expérimentaux) afin d'extraire des valeurs numériques pour les divers paramètres libres que contient la théorie chirale. Il fut néanmoins observé que le développement en séries chirales de quelques observables hadroniques sont numériquement “malades” dans le cadre de la théorie à trois saveurs. En effet, des travaux antérieurs montrent qu'il pourrait exister une possible compétition numérique entre l'Ordre Dominant (LO) et l'Ordre Sous-Dominant (NLO): en place de la hiérarchie usuelle LO>>NLO, l'équivalence LO~NLO prévalerait. La partie principale de la thèse consiste ainsi à la description et l'utilisation d'une version alternative de ChiPT, nommée Théorie Chirale des Perturbations Ressommée (ReChiPT ). Quelques observables hadroniques de basse energie sont calculées puis étudiées dans ce cadre “ressommé”, puis nous procédons à l'ajustement de certaines données de QCD sur réseau obtenues par des simulations à 2+1 quarks dynamiques sur ces observables exprimées en ReChiPT: les constantes de désintégrations et les masses de l'octet (π, K, η), ainsi que les facteurs de forme Kl3. Nous testons ensuite la validité de notre assertion concernant la possible compétition numérique observée dans les séries chirales. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, nous discutons plusieurs aspects analytiques et numériques concernant certaines quantités topologiques liées de manière intrinsèque à la très complexe structure du vide de QCD, dans le cadre de ChiPT (ressommé), et nous confrontons de nouveau cette étude à des données réseau 2+1. / In this thesis, we focus on some aspects concerning hadronic phenomena at low energy, below 1 GeV, under which the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry takes place. Under this scale, the spectrum of Quantum Chromodynamics reduces to an octet of light pseudo-scalar mesons (π, K and η). But because of the confinement property, QCD under 1 GeV is highly non-perturbative, it is thus not possible to describe at low energy the dynamics of these mesons in terms of gluons and quarks (in that case the three light quarks u,d, and s). Two main alternatives exist to circumvent this major obstacle: Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theories. Lattice QCD is concerned with the numerical computations of various hadronic observables, while Effective Field Theories correspond to analytical frameworks adapted to a particular energy scale. In the case of QCD at low energy, this role is devoted to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChiPT). This theory can be built either from two quark flavours (u and d), or three (u,d, and s). Using the numerical results from Lattice QCD, it is possible to obtain numerical values for the unknown parameters that ChPT contains. It was however observed that the series expansions of hadronic observables stemming from ChiPT calculations do not “behave well” numerically in the three-flavour case. Indeed, previous works shown that there could exists at the numerical level a competition between the Leading and the Next-to- Leading order (LO and NLO); i.e., instead of the usually expected hierarchy LO>>NLO, one would have LO~NLO. The main part of the thesis work consists in the description and the use of a modified version of ChiPT allowing this numerical competition in the chiral series that was called “Resummed ChiPT”. Within this “Resummed” framework, we proceed to fitting data from 2+1 lattice calculations to hadronic observables computed in ChiPT: decay constants and masses of π, K and η, and Kl3 form factors, and check the consistency of our claim about the numerical competition in ChiPT expansions. In the last part, we discuss topological quantities that are intrinsically tied to the very complex structure of the QCD vacuum, in the (resummed) ChiPT framework and in the light of 2+1 lattice data, in their analytical and numerical aspects.

Advanced Cluster Methods for Correlated-Electron Systems

Fischer, André 12 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, quantum cluster methods are used to calculate electronic properties of correlated-electron systems. A special focus lies in the determination of the ground state properties of a 3/4 filled triangular lattice within the one-band Hubbard model. At this filling, the electronic density of states exhibits a so-called van Hove singularity and the Fermi surface becomes perfectly nested, causing an instability towards a variety of spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting states. While chiral d+id-wave superconductivity has been proposed as the ground state in the weak coupling limit, the situation towards strong interactions is unclear. Additionally, quantum cluster methods are used here to investigate the interplay of Coulomb interactions and symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of iron-pnictide superconductors. The transition from a tetragonal to an orthorhombic phase is accompanied by a significant change in electronic properties, while long-range magnetic order is not established yet. The driving force of this transition may not only be phonons but also magnetic or orbital fluctuations. The signatures of these scenarios are studied with quantum cluster methods to identify the most important effects. Here, cluster perturbation theory (CPT) and its variational extention, the variational cluster approach (VCA) are used to treat the respective systems on a level beyond mean-field theory. Short-range correlations are incorporated numerically exactly by exact diagonalization (ED). In the VCA, long-range interactions are included by variational optimization of a fictitious symmetry-breaking field based on a self-energy functional approach. Due to limitations of ED, cluster sizes are limited to a small number of degrees of freedom. For the 3/4 filled triangular lattice, the VCA is performed for different cluster symmetries. A strong symmetry dependence and finite-size effects make a comparison of the results from different clusters difficult. The ground state in the weak-coupling limit is superconducting with chiral d+id-wave symmetry, in accordance to previous renormalization group approaches. In the regime of strong interactions SDW states are preferred over superconductivity and a collinaer SDW state with nonuniform spin moments on a quadrupled unit cell has the lowest grand potential. At strong coupling, inclusion of short-range quantum fluctuations turns out to favor this collinear state over the chiral phase predicted by mean-field theory. At intermediate interactions, no robust conclusion can be drawn from the results. Symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of the iron-pnictides are studied using a three-band model for the iron planes on a 4-site cluster. CPT allows a local breaking of the symmetry within the cluster without imposing long-range magnetic order. This is a crucial step beyond mean-field approaches to the magnetically ordered state, where such a nematic phase cannot easily be investigated. Three mechanisms are included to break the fourfold lattice symmetry down to a twofold symmetry. The effects of anisotropic magnetic couplings are compared to an orbital ordering field and anisotropic hoppings. All three mechanisms lead to similar features in the spectral density. Since the anisotropy of the hopping parameters has to be very large to obtain similar results as observed in ARPES, a phonon-driven transition is unlikely.

Advanced Cluster Methods for Correlated-Electron Systems

Fischer, André 27 October 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, quantum cluster methods are used to calculate electronic properties of correlated-electron systems. A special focus lies in the determination of the ground state properties of a 3/4 filled triangular lattice within the one-band Hubbard model. At this filling, the electronic density of states exhibits a so-called van Hove singularity and the Fermi surface becomes perfectly nested, causing an instability towards a variety of spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting states. While chiral d+id-wave superconductivity has been proposed as the ground state in the weak coupling limit, the situation towards strong interactions is unclear. Additionally, quantum cluster methods are used here to investigate the interplay of Coulomb interactions and symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of iron-pnictide superconductors. The transition from a tetragonal to an orthorhombic phase is accompanied by a significant change in electronic properties, while long-range magnetic order is not established yet. The driving force of this transition may not only be phonons but also magnetic or orbital fluctuations. The signatures of these scenarios are studied with quantum cluster methods to identify the most important effects. Here, cluster perturbation theory (CPT) and its variational extention, the variational cluster approach (VCA) are used to treat the respective systems on a level beyond mean-field theory. Short-range correlations are incorporated numerically exactly by exact diagonalization (ED). In the VCA, long-range interactions are included by variational optimization of a fictitious symmetry-breaking field based on a self-energy functional approach. Due to limitations of ED, cluster sizes are limited to a small number of degrees of freedom. For the 3/4 filled triangular lattice, the VCA is performed for different cluster symmetries. A strong symmetry dependence and finite-size effects make a comparison of the results from different clusters difficult. The ground state in the weak-coupling limit is superconducting with chiral d+id-wave symmetry, in accordance to previous renormalization group approaches. In the regime of strong interactions SDW states are preferred over superconductivity and a collinaer SDW state with nonuniform spin moments on a quadrupled unit cell has the lowest grand potential. At strong coupling, inclusion of short-range quantum fluctuations turns out to favor this collinear state over the chiral phase predicted by mean-field theory. At intermediate interactions, no robust conclusion can be drawn from the results. Symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of the iron-pnictides are studied using a three-band model for the iron planes on a 4-site cluster. CPT allows a local breaking of the symmetry within the cluster without imposing long-range magnetic order. This is a crucial step beyond mean-field approaches to the magnetically ordered state, where such a nematic phase cannot easily be investigated. Three mechanisms are included to break the fourfold lattice symmetry down to a twofold symmetry. The effects of anisotropic magnetic couplings are compared to an orbital ordering field and anisotropic hoppings. All three mechanisms lead to similar features in the spectral density. Since the anisotropy of the hopping parameters has to be very large to obtain similar results as observed in ARPES, a phonon-driven transition is unlikely.

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