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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do metabolismo lipídico através da espectroscopia de prótons por ressonância magnética em seres humanos obesos pré e pós-gastroplastia correlacionando com dados antropométricos, exames laboratoriais e biópsia hepática / A study of the lipid metabolism through the protons spectroscopy by a magnetic resonance in obese human beings pre and pos gastroplasty with laboratorials exams and hepatic biopsy

Ana Karina Nascimento Borges 23 June 2008 (has links)
A influência da obesidade sobre o fígado e a função hepática é tema ainda pouco estudado e discutido, principalmente no Brasil. O crescente aumento da população obesa de maneira global alerta sobre esse grave problema, que hoje em dia, se torna de saúde pública. Amplia-se, cada vez mais, o número de pessoas e a faixa etária atingida. A doença hepática não alcoólica é uma condição clínico-patológica comum caracterizada por depósitos de lipídios em hepatócitos no parênquima hepático. Um espectro de danos ocorrem no parênquima, desde uma simples esteatose macrogoticular podendo evoluir para esteato-hepatite, fibrose e até cirrose. Os casos de esteatose hepática não alcoólica (EHNA) que progridem para cirrose tem sido reconhecidos como a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade com potencial para progredir para falência hepática. Apesar de haver um aumento na prevalência da doença hepática não alcoólica, os critérios para seu diagnóstico continuam pobremente definidos. A utilização da espectroscopia de prótons na ressonância magnética auxilia na quantificação do conteúdo lipídico hepático e na musculatura da perna (tibial anterior e sóleo), embora venha sendo utilizada apenas em pesquisas. Tivemos como objetivos o estudo do metabolismo lipídico de humanos xii obesos por espectroscopia por ressonância magnética, correlacionando com dados laboratoriais e de biópsias hepáticas. Neste estudo observacional transversal e prospectivo realizado em obesos, que foram submetidos a cirurgia redutora gástrica pela técnica de Capella no Hospital Prof. Edmundo Vasconcelos em São Paulo, foram incluídos 27 pacientes analisados no pré e pós-operatório para descrição dos dados. Foi constatada uma razão masculino/feminino geral de 8 :19 e a faixa etária entre 24 e 55 anos. Os índices de massa corpórea (IMC) eram sempre superiores a 40 Kg/m² para inclusão cirúrgica. Os pacientes obesos que no pré-operatório apresentavam esteatose hepática observada na ressonância magnética e esteatose e/ou esteato-hepatite na biópsia hepática evoluíram com melhora ou resolução no pós-operatório. Em conclusão, em pacientes obesos o grau de esteatose hepática pode ser analisado qualitativa e quantitativamente através da ressonância magnética com espectroscopia assim como, o controle pós tratamento cirúrgico evitando-se a utilização de métodos invasivos, entre eles a biópsia hepática. / The obesity influence on the liver and the hepatic function are themes that are not so discussed or studied, especially in Brazil. The world-wide increasing number of obese people calls the attention to this serious problem, that nowadays, became a public health problem. The number of people and the age of the people who suffer from it is increasing each day more. The non-alcoholic hepatic disease is a common pathological clinic condition caractherized by lipid deposits in hemocytes in the hepatic parenchyma. There are some injuries in the parenchyma, since a single steatosy macrogoticular to a steatohepatitis, a fibrosis and even a cirrhosis (Sass et al., 2005). The non-alcoholic steatosy hepatic (NASH) cases which lead to a cirrhosis have been known as the main causes of death with possibilities to evolute to a hepatic fail. Besides there is an increasing in the non-alcoholic hepatic disease, the means for its diagnosis still remain poorly defined. The protons spectroscopy use, in the magnetic resonance, helps on the lipidic hepatic contents numbers, although it has been used only for researches. We had as a goal the lipid metabolism study of obese human beings, related to the laboratorials data and the hepatic biopsy. On this study, where we observed obese people that were submitted to a gastric reducing surgery by the Capella techinic in the hospital Prof. Edmundo Vasconcelos in São Paulo, were included 27 pacients analyzed on the before and after operation for the datas description. It was noted a male/female general reason 9: 18 and the ages between 24 and 55 years old. The body mass indexes (IMC) were always over 40 Kg/m² to be included in a surgery. The obese patients who presented steatosy hepatic before operatory observed on the magnetic resonance and steatosy and/or steatohepatitis during the hepatic biosy went better on the pos-operatory. Finally, in obese patients the xiv steatosy hepatic degree can be analysed on its qualitativy and quantitativy through the magnetic resonance with spectroscopy, and so the cirurgical pos- treatment control, avoiding the use of invasive methods, among them the hepatic biopsy.

Estudo do metabolismo lipídico através da espectroscopia de prótons por ressonância magnética em seres humanos obesos pré e pós-gastroplastia correlacionando com dados antropométricos, exames laboratoriais e biópsia hepática / A study of the lipid metabolism through the protons spectroscopy by a magnetic resonance in obese human beings pre and pos gastroplasty with laboratorials exams and hepatic biopsy

Borges, Ana Karina Nascimento 23 June 2008 (has links)
A influência da obesidade sobre o fígado e a função hepática é tema ainda pouco estudado e discutido, principalmente no Brasil. O crescente aumento da população obesa de maneira global alerta sobre esse grave problema, que hoje em dia, se torna de saúde pública. Amplia-se, cada vez mais, o número de pessoas e a faixa etária atingida. A doença hepática não alcoólica é uma condição clínico-patológica comum caracterizada por depósitos de lipídios em hepatócitos no parênquima hepático. Um espectro de danos ocorrem no parênquima, desde uma simples esteatose macrogoticular podendo evoluir para esteato-hepatite, fibrose e até cirrose. Os casos de esteatose hepática não alcoólica (EHNA) que progridem para cirrose tem sido reconhecidos como a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade com potencial para progredir para falência hepática. Apesar de haver um aumento na prevalência da doença hepática não alcoólica, os critérios para seu diagnóstico continuam pobremente definidos. A utilização da espectroscopia de prótons na ressonância magnética auxilia na quantificação do conteúdo lipídico hepático e na musculatura da perna (tibial anterior e sóleo), embora venha sendo utilizada apenas em pesquisas. Tivemos como objetivos o estudo do metabolismo lipídico de humanos xii obesos por espectroscopia por ressonância magnética, correlacionando com dados laboratoriais e de biópsias hepáticas. Neste estudo observacional transversal e prospectivo realizado em obesos, que foram submetidos a cirurgia redutora gástrica pela técnica de Capella no Hospital Prof. Edmundo Vasconcelos em São Paulo, foram incluídos 27 pacientes analisados no pré e pós-operatório para descrição dos dados. Foi constatada uma razão masculino/feminino geral de 8 :19 e a faixa etária entre 24 e 55 anos. Os índices de massa corpórea (IMC) eram sempre superiores a 40 Kg/m² para inclusão cirúrgica. Os pacientes obesos que no pré-operatório apresentavam esteatose hepática observada na ressonância magnética e esteatose e/ou esteato-hepatite na biópsia hepática evoluíram com melhora ou resolução no pós-operatório. Em conclusão, em pacientes obesos o grau de esteatose hepática pode ser analisado qualitativa e quantitativamente através da ressonância magnética com espectroscopia assim como, o controle pós tratamento cirúrgico evitando-se a utilização de métodos invasivos, entre eles a biópsia hepática. / The obesity influence on the liver and the hepatic function are themes that are not so discussed or studied, especially in Brazil. The world-wide increasing number of obese people calls the attention to this serious problem, that nowadays, became a public health problem. The number of people and the age of the people who suffer from it is increasing each day more. The non-alcoholic hepatic disease is a common pathological clinic condition caractherized by lipid deposits in hemocytes in the hepatic parenchyma. There are some injuries in the parenchyma, since a single steatosy macrogoticular to a steatohepatitis, a fibrosis and even a cirrhosis (Sass et al., 2005). The non-alcoholic steatosy hepatic (NASH) cases which lead to a cirrhosis have been known as the main causes of death with possibilities to evolute to a hepatic fail. Besides there is an increasing in the non-alcoholic hepatic disease, the means for its diagnosis still remain poorly defined. The protons spectroscopy use, in the magnetic resonance, helps on the lipidic hepatic contents numbers, although it has been used only for researches. We had as a goal the lipid metabolism study of obese human beings, related to the laboratorials data and the hepatic biopsy. On this study, where we observed obese people that were submitted to a gastric reducing surgery by the Capella techinic in the hospital Prof. Edmundo Vasconcelos in São Paulo, were included 27 pacients analyzed on the before and after operation for the datas description. It was noted a male/female general reason 9: 18 and the ages between 24 and 55 years old. The body mass indexes (IMC) were always over 40 Kg/m² to be included in a surgery. The obese patients who presented steatosy hepatic before operatory observed on the magnetic resonance and steatosy and/or steatohepatitis during the hepatic biosy went better on the pos-operatory. Finally, in obese patients the xiv steatosy hepatic degree can be analysed on its qualitativy and quantitativy through the magnetic resonance with spectroscopy, and so the cirurgical pos- treatment control, avoiding the use of invasive methods, among them the hepatic biopsy.

CTRP3 Attenuates Diet-induced Hepatic Steatosis by Regulating Triglyceride Metabolism

Peterson, Jonathan M., Seldin, Marcus M., Wei, Zhikui, Aja, Susan, Wong, G. William 01 August 2013 (has links)
CTRP3 is a secreted plasma protein of the C1q family that helps regulate hepatic gluconeogenesis and is downregulated in a diet-induced obese state. However, the role of CTRP3 in regulating lipid metabolism has not been established. Here, we used a transgenic mouse model to address the potential function of CTRP3 in ameliorating high-fat diet-induced metabolic stress. Both transgenic and wild-type mice fed a high-fat diet showed similar body weight gain, food intake, and energy expenditure. Despite similar adiposity to wild-type mice upon diet-induced obesity (DIO), CTRP3 transgenic mice were strikingly resistant to the development of hepatic steatosis, had reduced serum TNF-α levels, and demonstrated a modest improvement in systemic insulin sensitivity. Additionally, reduced hepatic triglyceride levels were due to decreased expression of enzymes (GPAT, AGPAT, and DGAT) involved in triglyceride synthesis. Importantly, short-term daily administration of recombinant CTRP3 to DIO mice for 5 days was sufficient to improve the fatty liver phenotype, evident as reduced hepatic triglyceride content and expression of triglyceride synthesis genes. Consistent with a direct effect on liver cells, recombinant CTRP3 treatment reduced fatty acid synthesis and neutral lipid accumulation in cultured rat H4IIE hepatocytes. Together, these results establish a novel role for CTRP3 hormone in regulating hepatic lipid metabolism and highlight its protective function and therapeutic potential in attenuating hepatic steatosis.

Quantitative and functional ultrafast ultrasound imaging of the human brain / Imagerie quantitative et fonctionnelle du cerveau humain par ultrasons ultrarapides

Imbault, Marion 03 May 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse était d'explorer le potentiel de l’imagerie du cerveau humain par ultrasons. L'anatomie, le flux sanguin et la rigidité des tissus mous ont déjà été étudiés avec l'imagerie ultrasonore ultrarapide chez l'homme et validés sur plusieurs organes, tels que le sein et le foie, mais pas encore sur le cerveau adulte. La principale limitation de l'imagerie échographique transcrânienne est aujourd'hui le très fort artefact d'aberration induit par le crâne. En effet, l’os, de par sa composition ne permet pas la propagation des ultrasons comme ailleurs dans le corps humain. Dans cette thèse, nous avons utilisé l'imagerie ultrasonore ultrarapide pour l'évaluation de la rigidité des tissus mous et l'imagerie neurofonctionnelle dans le cerveau humain adulte, lors de chirurgies du cerveau afin de contourner dans un premier temps le problème des aberrations induites par le crâne. La dernière partie de cette thèse était axée sur la correction d’aberration pour l’échographie quantitative et l’imagerie ultrasonore transcrânienne. Nous avons tout d’abord fourni plusieurs preuves de l'intérêt d'utiliser l’élastographie par onde de cisaillement pendant la chirurgie du cerveau. Nous avons également présenté notre nouvelle technique d’élastographie par onde de cisaillement en 3D à l'aide d'une sonde matricielle dans le but de pouvoir dépasser les limitations du 2D et notamment être moins dépendant de l’opérateur.Dans un second volet, nous avons démontré la capacité des ultrasons ultrarapides à identifier, cartographier et différencier en profondeur les régions d'activation corticales en réponse à un stimulus, à la fois chez les patients éveillés et chez les patients anesthésiés. Nous avons démontré que l'imagerie neurofonctionnelle par ultrasons a le potentiel de devenir une modalité complète de neuroimagerie avec des avantages majeurs pour une utilisation peropératoire.Dans un troisième volet, nous avons utilisé une technique en trois étapes pour calculer précisément la vitesse du son (SSE) dans un milieu. Cette technique a été testée dans des fantômes ultrasonores et in vivo dans les foies de patients. Dans les deux cas, notre méthode a été capable de trouver la vitesse du son correspondant au milieu. Nous avons démontré que la SSE était liée à la fraction de graisse. Cette analyse a permis de conclure que la SSE était en mesure de distinguer un foie sain et d’un foie malade aussi bien avec la biopsie qu’avec l’IRM comme méthode de référence. Combiné à l'utilisation de la formule de Wood, nous avons même pu avoir accès à une fraction de graisse mesurée par ultrasons de manière non invasive. Puis nous avons combiné la correction d’aberration de phase, d'amplitude et de vitesse du son pour faire de l’imagerie transcrânienne en simulation numérique. Nous avons atteint notre objectif en obtenant des images représentant fidèlement le milieu (position latérale et profondeur) et caractérisées par une résolution et un contraste similaires à ceux obtenus avec une source ponctuelle dans le milieu / The objective of this thesis was to explore the potential of human brain ultrasound imaging. Anatomy, blood flow and soft tissue stiffness have already been studied with ultrafast ultrasound imaging in humans and validated in several organs, such as, the breast and liver but not yet on the adult brain. The main limitation of transcranial ultrasound imaging is today the very strong skull-induced aberration artefact. Indeed, the bone, due to its composition, does not allow for ultrasound propagation as elsewhere in the human body. Therefore, this thesis was focused on the development of ultrafast ultrasound imaging for the evaluation of soft tissue stiffness and neurofunctional imaging in the adult human brain, during brain surgery to bypass the problem of skull aberration, and on an aberration correction technique for transcranial ultrasound imaging.We first provided several evidence of the benefit of using shear wave elastography during brain surgery. We also presented our new technique for 3D shear wave elastography using a matrix array in order to be able to overcome the limitations of 2D imaging and in particular to reduce the operator dependence.In a second phase, we demonstrated the capability of ultrasound to identify, map and differentiate in depth cortical regions of activation in response to a stimulus, both in awake patients and in anaesthetized patients. We have demonstrated that ultrasound neurofunctional imaging has the potential to become a comprehensive modality of neuroimaging with major benefits for intraoperative use. In a third part, we developed a new sound speed estimation (SSE) technique, based on a three-step technique that estimates the sound speed accurately corresponding to the illuminated medium. This technique was tested in ultrasound phantoms and in vivo in patient’s liver. In both cases, our method was able to find the sound speed corresponding to the medium. We demonstrated that SSE was related to the fat fraction. This analysis led to the conclusion that SSE was able to distinguish a healthy liver from a diseased liver with both biopsy and MRI as gold standard. Combined with the use of the Wood’s formula, we were even able to access a fat fraction measured by non-invasive ultrasound. Finally, by combining the phase, the amplitude and the sound speed estimation, we have developed a new aberration correction algorithm to perform transcranial ultrasound imaging. By performing numerical simulations, we obtained images that faithfully represented the medium (lateral position and depth) and characterized by one resolution and one contrast similar to those obtained with a punctual source in the medium

La programmation foetale de la carence en donneurs de méthyles entraîne une stéato-hépatite chez les rats soumis à un régime hyper-énergétique au cours de la vie adulte / Fetal programming by methyl donor deficiency produces steato-hepatitis in rats exposed to high fat diet in adult life

Bison, Anaïs 11 December 2015 (has links)
L'influence de l'hypothèse de la programmation fœtale sur la stéato-hépatite non-alcoolique (NASH) n’a pas été suffisamment étudiée. La carence en donneurs de méthyles pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement est fréquente dans la population et est un modèle expérimental de programmation fœtale. Dans ce modèle, elle entraîne une stéatose hépatique chez les ratons de 21 jours, résultant notamment d'une déficience de l'oxydation des acides gras. Nous avons évalué les effets de la programmation fœtale sur la NASH chez des rats Wistar nés de mères recevant soit un régime standard, soit un régime carencé en donneurs de méthyles (iMDD), pendant la gestation et l'allaitement. Les ratons sevrés ont ensuite reçu un régime standard (D21 à D50), puis une partie de ces rats devenus adultes ont ensuite été soumis à un régime hyper-énergétique (HF) (D50 à D185). Les animaux ont été sacrifiés à D50 et D185. Nous avons observé une augmentation de la graisse abdominale et du rapport ASAT/ALAT, mais aucune anomalie histologique hépatique chez les rats D50 iMDD. En revanche, les rats D185 iMDD/HF ont développé une NASH, avec les caractéristiques d'une insulino-résistance ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'expression de nombreux gènes et protéines impliqués dans l'inflammasome, l'activation des cellules étoilées hépatiques, la fibrose et le remodelage tissulaire, incluant l'AngII, TGFβ1 et NFκB. En conclusion, la carence en donneurs de méthyles pendant la gestation et l'allaitement produit une NASH chez des animaux soumis ultérieurement à un régime hyper-énergétique à l'âge adulte, malgré le retour préalable à une alimentation standard. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'une carence gestationnelle en donneurs de méthyles est un facteur de risque de NASH chez les individus exposés ultérieurement à un régime hyper-énergétique. / The influence of fetal programming hypothesis on non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) has deserved insufficient interest. Methyl donor deficiency during pregnancy and lactation is frequent in population and is an experimental model of fetal programming. In this model, it produces a liver steatosis in 21 days old pups, which results from decreased fatty acid oxidation. We evaluated the effects of fetal programming on NASH in Wistar rats born from mothers fed either a control or a methyl donor deficient (iMDD) diet during pregnancy and lactation. Pups received a control diet after weaning (D21 to D50) and a part from adult rats were fed with an high-fat diet (HF) (D50 to D185). Animals were sacrificed at D50 and D185. In D50 iMDD rats, we observed an increased abdominal fat and ASAT/ALAT ratio, but no liver histological abnormality. However, D185 iMDD/HF rats have developed NASH, with hallmarks of insulin resistance and increased expression of several genes and proteins involved in inflammasome, stellate cell stimulation, fibrosis and tissu remodelling, including AngII, TGFβ1 and NFκB. In conclusion, MDD during pregnancy and lactation produces NASH in animals subjected subsequently to an high-fat diet during adulthood, despite the recovery of a control diet. These results suggest that MDD during pregnancy is a risk factor of NASH development in subjects subsequently exposed to high-fat diet.

Nutritional regulation of central fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) expression, and its association with the central melanocortin signaling in the regulation of energy homeostasis

Poritsanos, Nicole Joanna 22 November 2010 (has links)
The central nervous system (CNS) melanocortin signaling pathway plays a critical role in the regulation of metabolism. However, the regulatory effects of CNS melanocortin signaling on hepatic lipid metabolism and fatty liver disease have not been well established. Although the activity of the CNS melanocortin system is regulated by metabolic signals, the mechanism for this regulation is not fully understood. Variants of the FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated) gene are associated with obesity and FTO is expressed in the hypothalamic neurons including proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. Therefore, it is hypothesized that hypothalamic FTO plays a role in the regulation of metabolism by mediating the effect of metabolic signals on hypothalamic melanocortinergic neurons, and that impairments in this regulation may cause metabolic impairments including obesity and fatty liver disease. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) treatment with SHU9119, a melanocortin antagonist, increased hepatic lipid accumulation and the expression of genes encoding lipogenic enzymes in lean mice. Conversely, i.c.v. treatment with MTII, a melanocortin agonist, reduced the expression of hepatic lipogenic genes in association with reduction in body weight in ob/ob mice, a mouse model of fatty liver disease. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that Fto is co-expressed in both POMC and agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons in the mouse hypothalamus. Fto mRNA and protein expression was reduced by fasting and increased by glucose treatment in nutritionally important hypothalamic nuclei. Fasting-induced reduction in hypothalamic Fto expression was observed in both lean wild-type and obese ob/ob mice, while the stimulatory effect of glucose on hypothalamic Fto expression was absent in ob/ob mice. These findings support the hypothesis that central melanocortin signaling regulates hepatic lipid metabolism in part by regulating de novo lipogenesis. Impairments in the central melanocortin signaling lead to the development of hepatic steatosis, while enhanced melanocortin signaling may be beneficial in reversing abnormal hepatic lipid metabolism in fatty liver disease (Poritsanos et al., 2008). These findings also support the hypothesis that Fto is expressed in the hypothalamic melanocortinergic neurons and is regulated by metabolic signals involving changes in CNS glucose availability and/or glucose action. Impairments in this regulation may cause metabolic impairments including obesity and fatty liver disease.

Nutritional regulation of central fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) expression, and its association with the central melanocortin signaling in the regulation of energy homeostasis

Poritsanos, Nicole Joanna 22 November 2010 (has links)
The central nervous system (CNS) melanocortin signaling pathway plays a critical role in the regulation of metabolism. However, the regulatory effects of CNS melanocortin signaling on hepatic lipid metabolism and fatty liver disease have not been well established. Although the activity of the CNS melanocortin system is regulated by metabolic signals, the mechanism for this regulation is not fully understood. Variants of the FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated) gene are associated with obesity and FTO is expressed in the hypothalamic neurons including proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. Therefore, it is hypothesized that hypothalamic FTO plays a role in the regulation of metabolism by mediating the effect of metabolic signals on hypothalamic melanocortinergic neurons, and that impairments in this regulation may cause metabolic impairments including obesity and fatty liver disease. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) treatment with SHU9119, a melanocortin antagonist, increased hepatic lipid accumulation and the expression of genes encoding lipogenic enzymes in lean mice. Conversely, i.c.v. treatment with MTII, a melanocortin agonist, reduced the expression of hepatic lipogenic genes in association with reduction in body weight in ob/ob mice, a mouse model of fatty liver disease. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that Fto is co-expressed in both POMC and agouti-related protein (AgRP) neurons in the mouse hypothalamus. Fto mRNA and protein expression was reduced by fasting and increased by glucose treatment in nutritionally important hypothalamic nuclei. Fasting-induced reduction in hypothalamic Fto expression was observed in both lean wild-type and obese ob/ob mice, while the stimulatory effect of glucose on hypothalamic Fto expression was absent in ob/ob mice. These findings support the hypothesis that central melanocortin signaling regulates hepatic lipid metabolism in part by regulating de novo lipogenesis. Impairments in the central melanocortin signaling lead to the development of hepatic steatosis, while enhanced melanocortin signaling may be beneficial in reversing abnormal hepatic lipid metabolism in fatty liver disease (Poritsanos et al., 2008). These findings also support the hypothesis that Fto is expressed in the hypothalamic melanocortinergic neurons and is regulated by metabolic signals involving changes in CNS glucose availability and/or glucose action. Impairments in this regulation may cause metabolic impairments including obesity and fatty liver disease.

Étude de l’implication de la protéine F du virus de l’hépatite C dans le développement de pathologie hépatique chez deux lignées de poissons zébrés transgéniques

Pagliuzza, Amélie 11 1900 (has links)
La protéine core du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) serait responsable des principaux effets pathogènes du VHC, dont le développement de fibrose, stéatose, cirrhose et carcinome hépatocellulaire. Un cadre de lecture alternatif existe dans le gène de core, permettant la synthèse d’une autre protéine appelée ARFP (pour alternatate reading frame protein) ou protéine F (pour frameshift), dont le rôle reste encore mal compris. La présence de la protéine F lors de l’étude des fonctions biologiques de core ne pouvant être exclue, il est possible que certains rôles attribués à core reflètent en réalité l’activité de la protéine F. Afin de déterminer les fonctions biologiques de la protéine F dans les hépatocytes et son influence dans la pathogenèse associée au VHC, nous avons généré des lignées transgéniques de poissons zébrés (Danio rerio) dans lesquelles l’expression de deux versions de la protéine F (AF11opti et AUG26opti) a été ciblée au foie par l’utilisation du promoteur de la liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP). Le phénotype des poissons transgéniques de génération F2 a été analysé au niveau morphologique, histologique et microscopique afin de rechercher des signes de pathologie hépatique. Nos résultats ont démontré l’implication de la protéine F dans le développement de stéatose hépatique chez les deux lignées transgéniques, mais aucun signe de fibrose ou d’oncogenèse n’a été détecté. L’identification des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires responsables de l’accumulation lipidique induite par la protéine F pourrait permettre de mieux comprendre son rôle dans la pathogenèse du VHC, et mener au développement de nouvelles stratégies antivirales. / Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is thought to be responsible for the major pathogenic effects of HCV, including the development of fibrosis, steatosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. An alternate translational open reading frame exists in the core gene that allows the synthesis of another protein called ARFP (alternate reading frame protein) or F protein (frameshift), the role of which remains poorly understood. Since we cannot exclude the presence of F protein in most studies of core biological functions, it is possible that the roles attributed to core reflect the activity of ARFP. To determine the biological functions of F protein in hepatocytes and their influence on HCV-associated pathogenesis, we generated transgenic lines of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in which the liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) promoter was used to direct liver-specific expression of two forms of ARFP (AF11opti and AUG26opti). The phenotype of F2 transgenic zebrafish was analyzed for morphological, histological and microscopic signs of liver-associated pathology. Our results demonstrated the implication of the HCV F protein in the development of hepatic steatosis in transgenic zebrafish liver but not fibrosis or oncogenesis. Identification of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying F protein-induced lipid accumulation will lead to a better understanding of the role of ARFP in HCV-associated pathology, which could lead to the development of novel antiviral strategies.

Rôle fonctionnel du microbiote du palmipède à foie gras et réponse de l'hôte / Role of intestinal microbiota in waterfolws and host response

Even, Maxime 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le microbiote intestinal joue un rôle fondamental chez son hôte. Son étude contribue à la compréhension de différents mécanismes physiologiques chez l’hôte. Suite à l’interdiction d’utiliser des antibiotiques comme facteurs de croissance dans l’alimentation animale, l’utilisation de probiotiques s’est largement répandue pour améliorer les performances zootechniques des animaux. De plus, depuis 1999, des études ont été demandée aux pays producteurs de foie gras de rechercher des méthodes alternatives au gavage. Les travaux de cette thèse se sont donc articulés autour de ces deux objectifs. L’effet de la supplémentation en probiotiques (genre Lactobacillus ou mix de souches) chez des canards mulard durant la phase d’élevage et de gavage a donc été étudié. Si aucun effet des probiotiques sur le métabolisme n’a été démontré, l’expression des marqueurs de l’inflammation a diminué lors du gavage. De plus, nous avons confirmé l’importance du genre Lactobacillus, pendant le gavage, groupe bactérien à fort pouvoir amylolytique. Dans un second temps, la composition du microbiote intestinal de l’oie grise landaise gavée ou suite à une stéatose hépatique spontanée a été étudiée et comparée dans le cadre d’un projet d’alternative au gavage. Pour finir, une étude sur le déclenchement d’une stéatose hépatique chez des oies issues du système de reproduction à l’aide d’un aliment complet de croissance a été réalisée. Ces deux études sur les oies nous ont permis d’observer des similitudes dans les phyla majoritaires du microbiote intestinal qui sont les Firmicutes et les Proteobacteria bien que des différences ont été observées à des niveaux taxonomiques plus bas. L’ensemble de ces travaux ont confirmé la corrélation entre diversité du microbiote intestinal et aptitude à déclencher une stéatose hépatique qu’elle soit issue d’un gavage ou spontanée. / The intestinal microbiota plays a fundamental role in its host. Microbiota studies contribute to understand the different physiological mechanisms in the host. Then, following the ban on antibiotics as growth factors in animal feed, the use of probiotics has increased to improve zootechnical performances. Moreover, since 1999, studies have been requested to the European countries producing “foie gras” to develop alternative methods to overfeeding. The work of this phD was organized according to these two objectives. The effect of probiotic supplementation in ducks during breeding and overfeeding periods was studied. If no impact of probiotics on metabolism has been demonstrated, the expression of markers of inflammation decreased during overfeeding. Moreover, we confirmed the importance of the Lactobacillus genus during overfeeding period, bacterial group with strong amylolytic activities. In a second step, the composition of the intestinal microbiota of the graylag goose after overfeeding period or following a spontaneous hepatic steatosis was studied and compared. Finally, a study on the initiation of hepatic steatosis in graylag geese fed with complete pellets was performed. These two geese studies allowed us to observe the similarities in the major phyla of the intestinal microbiota. Major phylum are still Firmicutes and Proteobacteria although differences were observed at lower taxonomic levels. All of these studies confirmed the correlation between intestinal microbiota diversity and the ability to trigger hepatic steatosis, whether with overfeeding or spontaneous.

Dietas padrão utilizadas em experimentação animal : uma análise comparativa. / Standard diets used in animal experimentation : a comparative analysis.

Barbosa, Junia Helena Porto 12 November 2008 (has links)
Many diets of different compositions are available for use in animal experiments and have been used as standard, but they may induce adverse metabolic effects, compromising the comparison between the results of several studies. The literature records many reports of changes related to the use of these diets, however it lacks studies that compare metabolic effects of consumption of the different standard diets in animal experiments. Accordingly, the objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the metabolic effects of the consumption of diets considered standard widely used in animal research, being presented in the form of two articles: a review of the literature that gathers evidence yet little discussed by the scientific community on the feeding of laboratory animals; the second article refers to an experimental study with rats newly weaned, who received two types of diets: a commercial cereal-based, Nuvilab®, and another purified proposal by the American Institute of Nutrition, the AIN-93. Under the experimental conditions established, coefficients of protein and feeding efficiency presented significantly higher in group AIN-93 than in group Nuvilab®. The AIN-93 showed significantly higher lipid and protein digestibility than Nuvilab®. The different diets did not cause weight difference evolution of animals and histological analysis to the optical microscope of the kidneys, heart, spleen, stomach and small intestine showed no changes in the structures of these bodies, despite the different treatments. Animals fed the AIN-93 diet, regardless of age, had hepatic steatosis in frequency significantly higher than the animals that received the commercial Nuvilab®. The different diets did not cause influence on the absolute and relative weights of organs of animals, except for the absolute weight of the liver among younger animals and relative weight of the intestine among older animals. There was no influence of different diets on biochemical parameters evaluated, and the differences detected possibly resulting from the interaction between age and length of exposure of animals to diets. The markers of damage of kidney and liver function were similar and serum creatinine varied according to age. It was shown that both diets, AIN-93 and Nuvilab ®, are able to promote the growth of rats for a period of study considered subchronic. However, the occurrence of hepatic steatosis in animals fed the AIN-93 diet in pellets, reinforces the importance of tracking the standard protocols of experimentation and is indicative of nutritional inadequacies by imposing the need for further investigations to clarify which components or characteristics of this diet, widely used in animal experiments, may have contributed to this result. For instance, it is suggested that diets in the form of flour are used preferably those pellets, particularly on protocols to investigate metabolic effects. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Várias dietas de diferentes composições estão disponíveis para o uso em experimentação animal e têm sido utilizadas como padrão, mas podem induzir efeitos metabólicos distintos, comprometendo a comparação entre os resultados dos diversos estudos. A literatura registra inúmeros relatos de alterações relacionadas ao uso dessas dietas, porém, há carência de estudos que comparem os efeitos metabólicos do consumo das diferentes dietas padrão utilizadas em experimentos animais. Assim sendo, o objetivo da presente dissertação foi avaliar as repercussões metabólicas do consumo de dietas consideradas padrão, amplamente utilizadas na pesquisa animal, sendo apresentada na forma de dois artigos: uma revisão da literatura, que reúne evidências ainda pouco debatidas pela comunidade científica relativas à alimentação de animais de laboratório, e um segundo artigo, que se refere a um estudo experimental com ratos Wistar recémdesmamados, que receberam dois tipos de dieta: uma comercial à base de cereais, Nuvilab®, e outra purificada proposta pelo American Institute of Nutrition, a AIN-93. Nas condições experimentais estabelecidas, coeficientes de eficiências protéica e alimentar apresentaram-se significativamente maiores no grupo AIN-93 que no grupo Nuvilab®. A AIN-93 apresentou digestibilidades lipídica e protéica significativamente maiores que a Nuvilab®. As diferentes dietas não causaram diferença na evolução ponderal dos animais e a análise histológica ao microscópio óptico dos rins, coração, baço, estômago e intestinos não evidenciou alterações nas estruturas desses órgãos, apesar dos diferentes tratamentos. Os animais alimentados com a dieta AIN-93, independente da idade, apresentaram esteatose hepática em uma frequência significativamente maior que os animais que receberam a comercial Nuvilab®. As diferentes dietas não exerceram influência sobre os pesos absoluto e relativo dos órgãos dos animais, com exceção do peso absoluto do fígado, entre os animais mais jovens, e do peso relativo do intestino, entre os animais mais velhos. Não se observou influência das diferentes dietas sobre os parâmetros bioquímicos avaliados, sendo as diferenças detectadas possivelmente resultantes da interação entre a idade e o tempo de exposição dos animais às dietas. Os marcadores de lesão e função hepática e renal foram similares e a creatinina sérica variou em função da idade. Demonstrou-se que ambas as dietas, AIN-93 e Nuvilab®, são capazes de promover o crescimento de ratos Wistar por um período de estudo considerado subcrônico. Porém, a ocorrência de esteatose hepática nos animais alimentados com a dieta AIN-93 peletizada, reforça a importância de monitoramento de protocolos padrão de experimentação e é indicativa de inadequações nutricionais, impondo a necessidade de investigações adicionais para esclarecer que componentes ou características dessa dieta, amplamente utilizada em experimentação animal, podem ter contribuído para tal resultado. Por hora, sugere-se que a dieta AIN-93 seja oferecida preferencialmente na forma de farinha, particularmente em protocolos que investiguem efeitos metabólicos.

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