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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photovoltaic Power Production and Energy Storage Systems in Low-Voltage Power Grids / Solcellsproduktion och energilagringssystem i lågspänningselnät

Häggblom, Johan, Jerner, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, photovoltaic (PV) power production have seen an increase and the PV power systems are often located in the distribution grids close to the consumers. Since the distributions grids rarely are designed for power production, investigation of its effects is needed. It is seen in this thesis that PV power production will cause voltages to rise, potentially to levels exceeding the limits that grid owners have to abide by. A model of a distribution grid is developed in MathWorks MATLAB. The model contains a transformer, cables, households, energy storage systems (ESS:s) and photovoltaic power systems. The system is simulated by implementing a numerical Forward Backward Sweep Method, solving for powers, currents and voltages in the grid. PV power systems are added in different configurations along with different configurations of ESS:s. The results are analysed, primarily concerning voltages and voltage limits. It is concluded that addition of PV power production in the distribution grid affects voltages, more or less depending on where in the grid the systems are placed and what peak power they have. It is also concluded that having energy storage systems in the grid, changing the power factor of the inverter for the PV systems or lowering the transformer secondary-side voltage can bring the voltages down. / På senare tid har det skett en ökning i antalet solcellsanläggningar som installeras i elnätet och dessa är ofta placerade i distributionsnäten nära hushållen. Eftersom distributionsnäten sällan är dimensionerade för produktion så behöver man utreda effekten av det. I det här arbetet visas det att solcellsproduktion kommer att öka spänningen i elnätet, potentiellt så mycket att de gränser elnätsägarna måste hålla nätet inom överstigs. En modell över lågspänningsnätet skapas i MathWorks MATLAB. Modellen innehåller transformator, kablar, hushåll, energilager och solcellsanläggningar. Systemet simuleras med hjälp av en numerisk Forward Backward Sweep-lösare som beräknar effekter, strömmar och spänningar i elnätet. Solcellanläggningarna placeras ut i elnätet i olika konfigurationer tillsammans med olika konfigurationer av energilager. Resultaten från simuleringarna analyseras främst med avseende på spänningen i elnätet utifrån dess gränser. De slutsatser som dras i arbetet är att solcellsproduktion kommer att påverka spänningen, mycket beroende på var i elnätet anläggningarna placeras och storleken hos dem. Det visas också att energilager, justering av effektfaktor hos solcellsanläggningarna eller en spänningssänkning på transformatorns lågspänningssida kan få ner spänningen i elnätet. / <p>LiTH-ISY-EX--19/5194--SE</p>

Modélisation, vieillissement et surveillance de l'état de santé des condensateurs films utilisés dans des applications avioniques / Modeling, ageing and health monitoring of metallized film capacitors used for aeronautic applications

Makdessi, Maawad 24 April 2014 (has links)
Le domaine aéronautique connait de nos jours un engouement sans précédent autour de l’avion plus électrique. L’importance du nombre d’équipements électriques est à un tel point que l’amélioration de leur fiabilité devient incontournable. Actuellement, les composants passifs occupent 75 % des éléments électroniques utilisés en avionique dont la moitié correspond à des condensateurs. Ces derniers doivent donc répondre aux exigences environnementales avioniques assez contraignantes. C’est dans ce contexte que nous nous sommes intéressés particulièrement à l’étude des condensateurs à technologie film utilisant le polypropylène ou le polyester comme diélectrique. Afin de mieux comprendre le comportement fréquentiel de cette technologie, deux modèles fins de condensateurs films ont été développés, permettant ainsi de suivre les évolutions de leurs grandeurs électriques dans des conditions cohérentes avec l’application. Dans un deuxième temps, l’effet des contraintes en tension et en température constantes a été étudié sous la forme de facteurs d’accélération du vieillissement. Cela a été établi par l’intermédiaire de plusieurs essais, permettant d’établir les lois d’évolutions temporelles des paramètres électriques des condensateurs. Comme ces contraintes constantes ne sont pas toujours représentatives des conditions réelles d’utilisation, les cinétiques de dégradation ont été comparées à celles où les condensateurs sont sollicités par de fortes ondulations de courant, seules ou associées à une tension continue. Enfin, la dernière partie de notre travail expose l’utilisation des données expérimentales issues des essais de vieillissement dans un objectif de diagnostic en ligne. Les techniques utilisées assurent l'analyse de la dégradation de ces composants, étape essentielle dans la prédiction de l’état de santé des condensateurs en ligne / Nowadays, aeronautic research field is moving towards a more electric aircraft. Although this evolutionary path offers many advantages from a financial and ecological point of view, the increased power source usage sets additional constraints on the different electrical systems used onboard. Currently, passive components occupy 75% of the overall electronic equipments used in avionics, whose 50% corresponds to capacitors. Consequently, these latter must be able to withstand the harsh avionic operating conditions. In this thesis we were particularly interested in the study of metallized film capacitors technology using polyester or polypropylene as dielectric. A first approach consisted on the modeling of these components as function of frequency in order to study the evolution of their electrical parameters under consistent avionic stresses. These models were also developed on the purpose of tracking the degradation of the capacitors parameters over time. This operation was done by the means of accelerated floating ageing tests, where capacitors were subjected to different constant voltages and temperatures. Original capacitance ageing laws were thus proposed based on the identification of voltage and temperature degradation kinetics. However, since traditional floating ageing tests, do not reflects the normal ageing of the component, degradation kinetics of metallized films capacitors under high ripple currents, alone or combined with a DC voltage across the devices terminals where also studied, and the associated failure mechanisms were identified. A final step consisted on the health monitoring of metallized film capacitors online based on the experimental ageing data

Small Signal Stability Analysis of a Power System with a Grid Connected Wind Powered Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG)

Balibani, Siva Kumar January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Small signal oscillation has been always a major concern in the operation of power systems. In a generator, the electromechanical coupling between the rotor and the rest of the system causes it to behave in a manner similar to a spring mass damper system. Following any disturbance, such as sudden change in loads, actuations in the output of turbine and faults etc. it exhibits an oscillatory behaviour around the equilibrium state. The use of fast acting high gain AVRs and evolution of large interconnected power systems with transfer of bulk power across weak transmission links have further aggravated the problem of these low frequency oscillations. Small oscillations in the range of about 0.1Hz to 3.5Hz can persist for long periods, limiting the power transfer capability of the transmission lines. These oscillations can be reduced by incorporating auxiliary controllers on generator excitation system. Power System Stabilizers (PSSs) were developed to produce additional damping by modulating the generator excitation voltage. Designing effective PSS for all operating conditions especially in large interconnected power systems still remains a difficult and challenging task. More and more power electronic based controllers have been and will be used in power systems. Many of these controllers such as Static Var Compensators (SVCs), Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs) and Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFCs) etc., are incorporated in power transmission networks to improve its operational capability. In addition, some of the energy storage systems such as Battery Energy Storage systems (BESS), Super conducting Magnetic Energy Storage System (SMES) as well large non-conventional energy sources are also increasingly being integrated with the power grid. With large integration of these devices, there is a significant impact on system stability, more importantly on small signal oscillatory instability of the power system. This thesis primarily focuses on impact of such devices on small signal oscillatory stability of the power systems. More specifically in this thesis small signal stability analysis of a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system with a grid connected wind powered Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) has been presented. A SMIB system has been purposely chosen so that general conclusions can be obtained on the behaviour of the embedded STATCOM/Energy Source (ES) system on system stability. With a better understanding of the impact of such a system it would be probably possible to analyze more complicated multimachine power system and their impact on system stability. Small signal model of the complete system which comprises the generator, transmission network, inter connecting STATCOM, the wind power generator and all associated controllers has been developed. The performances of the system following a small disturbance at various operating conditions have been analyzed. To obtain quantitative estimates of the damping and synchronizing torques generated in the system, expressions for damping and synchronizing torque clients have been developed. With these analyses, the relative impact of the STATCOM and STATCOM with ES on system performance have been assessed. It is shown that with active and reactive power modulation capabilities effective and efficient control of small signal oscillations in power systems can be achieved.

Compiling Unit Clauses for the Warren Abstract Machine

Herbert, George D. 01 January 1987 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, development, and installation of a computer program which compiles unit clauses generated in a Prolog-based environment at Argonne National Laboratories into Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) code. The program enhances the capabilities of the environment by providing rapid unification and subsumption tests for the very significant class of unit clauses. This should improve performance substantially for large programs that generate and use many unit clauses.

Endoreversible Thermodynamics of a Hydraulic Recuperation System

Masser, Robin 23 May 2019 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit verwende ich den Formalismus der endoreversiblen Thermodynamik um ein hydraulisches Rekuperationssystem für Nutzfahrzeuge zu modellieren und zu untersuchen. Dafür führe ich verlustbehaftete Übergänge extensiver Größen zwischen Teilsystemen eines Systems ein. Diese können einerseits der Modellierung von Leckagen und Reibungsverlusten, welche als Partikel- oder Drehmomentverluste dargestellt würden, dienen. Andererseits ermöglichen sie die Modellierung einer endoreversiblen Maschine, welche – durch Definition eines solchen verlustbehafteten, internen Überganges – ein gegebenes Wirkungsgradkennfeld und daraus resultierende Entropieproduktion inne hat. Diese wird infolge zur Modellierung der Hydraulikeinheit des Rekuperationssystems verwendet. Desweiteren basiert die Beschreibung des Rekuperationssystems auf der Modellierung der Hydraulikflüssigkeit als Van-der-Waals-Fluid, sodass Druckverluste im endoreversiblen Sinne konsistent berücksichtigt werden können. Von gegebenen Materialparamtern werden die dafür notwendigen Van-der-Waals-Parameter hergeleitet. Weitere Aspekte sind Wärmeverluste an die Umgebung sowie Wärmeübergänge zwischen Teilsystemen. Auf Grundlage realer Fahrdaten der Nutzfahrzeuge werden verschiedene dynamische und thermodynamische Effekte im Rekuperationssystem analysiert. Ihr Einfluss auf die resultierenden energetischen Einsparungen beim Abbremsen und Beschleunigen wird durch Variation zugehöriger Parameter aufgezeigt. Zuletzt wird mit einem vereinfachten Modell ohne Druck- und Wärmeverluste, aber unter Einbeziehung des Verbrennungsmotors des Fahrzeuges, eine Optimierung der Steuerung des hydraulischen Rekuperationssystems mit Hinblick auf minimalen Kraftstoffverbrauch durchgeführt. Hier zeigt sich eine erhebliche Verbesserung durch die Leistungsaufteilung zwischen Verbrennungsmotor und Rekuperationssystem nach deren Betriebsbereichen mit maximalem Wirkungsgrad. / In this work I use the formalism of endoreversible thermodynamics to model and investigate a hydraulic recuperation system for commercial vehicles. For that, I introduce lossy transfers of extensive quantities between subsystems of an endoreversible system. On the one hand, these allow modeling of leakages and friction losses, which can be represented as particle or torque losses. On the other hand, they can be used as internal extensity transfers in endoreversible engines which, as a result, have a given efficiency or efficiency map and among other things give an expression for their entropy production. Such an engine is used to model the hydraulic unit of the recuperation system. Furthermore, the description of the recuperation system is based on the modeling of the hydraulic fluid as a van der Waals fluid, so that pressure losses can be taken into account in a consistent endoreversible fashion. From given material parameters the necessary van der Waals parameters are derived. Other aspects of the modeling include heat losses to the environment and heat transfers between subsystems. On the basis of real driving data, various dynamic and thermodynamic effects within the recuperation system are observed and their influence as well as the influence of selected parameters on the resulting energy savings for both acceleration and deceleration are shown. Finally, using a simplified model neglecting pressure and heat losses, but including the internal combustion engine of the vehicle, an optimization of the control strategy for the hydraulic recuperation system with regard to minimum fuel consumption is performed. Here, a significant improvement due to a power distribution between combustion engine and recuperation system according to their high efficiency operating ranges can be achieved.

Data Transfer and Management through the IKAROS framework : Adopting an asynchronous non-blocking event driven approach to implement the Elastic-Transfer's IMAP client-server connection

Gkikas, Nikolaos January 2015 (has links)
Given the current state of input/output (I/O) and storage devices in petascale systems, incremental solutions would be ineffective when implemented in exascale environments. According to the "The International Exascale Software Roadmap", by Dongarra, et al. existing I/O architectures are not sufficiently scalable, especially because current shared file systems have limitations when used in large-scale environments. These limitations are: Bandwidth does not scale economically to large-scale systems, I/O traffic on the high speed network can impact on and be influenced by other unrelated jobs, and I/O traffic on the storage server can impact on and be influenced by other unrelated jobs. Future applications on exascale computers will require I/O bandwidth proportional to their computational capabilities. To avoid these limitations C. Filippidis, C. Markou, and Y. Cotronis proposed the IKAROS framework. In this thesis project, the capabilities of the publicly available elastic-transfer (eT) module which was directly derived from the IKAROS, will be expanded. The eT uses Google’s Gmail service as an utility for efficient meta-data management. Gmail is based on the IMAP protocol, and the existing version of the eT framework implements the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) client-server connection through the ‘‘Inbox’’ module from the Node Package Manager (NPM) of the Node.js programming language. This module was used as a proof of concept, but in a production environment this implementation undermines the system’s scalability and there is an inefficient allocation of the system’s resources when a large number of concurrent requests arrive at the eT′s meta-data server (MDS) at the same time. This thesis solves this problem by adopting an asynchronous non-blocking event driven approach to implement the IMAP client-server connection. This was done by integrating and modifying the ‘‘Imap’’ NPM module from the NPM repository to suit the eT framework. Additionally, since the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format has become one of the most widespread data-interchange formats, eT′s meta-data scheme is appropriately modified to make the system’s meta-data easily parsed as JSON objects. This feature creates a framework with wider compatibility and interoperability with external systems. The evaluation and operational behavior of the new module was tested through a set of data transfer experiments over a wide area network environment. These experiments were performed to ensure that the changes in the system’s architecture did not affected its performance. / Givet det nuvarande läget för input/output (I/O) och lagringsenheter för system i peta-skala, skulle inkrementella lösningar bli ineffektiva om de implementerades i exa-skalamiljöer. Enligt ”The International Exascale Software Roadmap”, av Dongarra et al., är nuvarande I/O-arkitekturer inte tillräckligt skalbara, särskilt eftersom nuvarande delade filsystem har begränsningar när de används i storskaliga miljöer. Dessa begränsningar är: Bandbredd skalar inte på ett ekonomiskt sätt i storskaliga system, I/O-trafik på höghastighetsnätverk kan ha påverkan på och blir påverkad av andra orelaterade jobb, och I/O-trafik på lagringsservern kan ha påverkan på och bli påverkad av andra orelaterade jobb. Framtida applikationer på exa-skaladatorer kommer kräva I/O-bandbredd proportionellt till deras beräkningskapacitet. För att undvika dessa begränsningar föreslog C. Filippidis, C. Markou och Y. Cotronis ramverket IKAROS. I detta examensarbete utökas funktionaliteten hos den publikt tillgängliga modulen elastic-transfer (eT) som framtagits utifrån IKAROS. Den befintliga versionen av eT-ramverket implementerar Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) klient-serverkommunikation genom modulen ”Inbox” från Node Package Manager (NPM) ur Node.js programmeringsspråk. Denna modul användes som ett koncepttest, men i en verklig miljö så underminerar denna implementation systemets skalbarhet när ett stort antal värdar ansluter till systemet. Varje klient begär individuellt information relaterad till systemets metadata från IMAP-servern, vilket leder till en ineffektiv allokering av systemets resurser när ett stort antal värdar är samtidigt anslutna till eT-ramverket. Denna uppsats löser problemet genom att använda ett asynkront, icke-blockerande och händelsedrivet tillvägagångssätt för att implementera en IMAP klient-serveranslutning. Detta görs genom att integrera och modifiera NPM:s ”Imap”-modul, tagen från NPM:s katalog, så att den passar eT-ramverket. Eftersom formatet JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) har blivit ett av de mest spridda formaten för datautbyte så modifieras även eT:s metadata-struktur för att göra systemets metadata enkelt att omvandla till JSON-objekt. Denna funktionalitet ger ett bredare kompatibilitet och interoperabilitet med externa system. Utvärdering och tester av den nya modulens operationella beteende utfördes genom en serie dataöverföringsexperiment i en wide area network-miljö. Dessa experiment genomfördes för att få bekräftat att förändringarna i systemets arkitektur inte påverkade dess prestanda.

DC-DC Converter for Fast Charging with Mobile BESS in a Weak Grid : Enabling remote charging and increased efficiency with less resource intensity / DC-DC-omvandlare för snabbladdning med mobilt batterienergilagringssystem i svaga elnät : Möjliggör laddning och ökad effektivitet med mindre resursintensitet på avlägsna platser

Medén, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
With the increase of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads the availability of charging infrastructure becomes more important. Today it is relatively straightforward to install fast chargers in areas with strong power grid connections, such as in urban areas. However, in areas with less available electrical power, the grid is considered to be a weak grid, typically in remote areas, which limits charging speeds. Local peak shaving can be implemented with battery energy storage systems (BESS) to support faster charging at these locations by increasing available power when needed. As the majority of the power is supplied by the BESS there are noticeable conversion losses when converting from the BESS DC voltage to AC in the grid and then back to DC through the fast charger. This thesis investigates DC/DC converters to charge EVs directly from a BESS DC bus by regulating the voltage to the level of the EV, while also supporting safe simultaneous charging capability. It was done through understanding relevant standards’ requirements, converter review, as well as design and simulation of the interesting topologies. The converters selected to simulate were the Buck-Boost and the Dual-Active Bridge (DAB). After analysing the efficiency result in combination with industry requirements, it was concluded that one DAB per output is the preferred option in most use cases. This would potentially also reduce the material usage and carbon footprint of this type of infrastructure compared to the current solution. Furthermore, some suggestions were made for improving the design of DAB converter before making a prototype for real testing. / Denna avhandling har undersökt hur en snabbladdares effektelektronik för en mobil batterienergilagringssystem kan designas för att ladda två elbilar samtidigt. För att göra detta har systemkrav från relevanta standarder sammanställts och olika snabbladdares kapacitet undersökts. Därefter har olika DC/DC-omvandlare identifierats i ändamål att välja ut de mest lämpade för att uppfylla funktionen. De utvalda omvandlarna designades iterativt och simulerades med i verktyget PLECS för att kunna jämföra hur vardera omvandlare presterade under olika scenarior och med olika transistorer. Resultat och slutsatser från detta arbete är att galvanisk isolering krävs mellan de två elbilarna samt att två Dual-Active Bridge (DAB) omvandlare är den mest lämpade utifrån effektivitet, kapacitet och materialanvänding. Det finns även flera områden att fortsätta arbetet på för att förbättra designen och testa med en prototyp.

Development of a continuous condition monitoring system based on probabilistic modelling of partial discharge data for polymeric insulation cables

Ahmed, Zeeshan 09 August 2019 (has links)
Partial discharge (PD) measurements have been widely accepted as an efficient online insulation condition assessment method in high voltage equipment. Two sets of experimental PD measuring setups were established with the aim to study the variations in the partial discharge characteristics over the insulation degradation in terms of the physical phenomena taking place in PD sources, up to the point of failure. Probabilistic lifetime modeling techniques based on classification, regression and multivariate time series analysis were performed for a system of PD response variables, i.e. average charge, pulse repetition rate, average charge current, and largest repetitive discharge magnitude over the data acquisition period. Experimental lifelong PD data obtained from samples subjected to accelerated degradation was used to study the dynamic trends and relationships among those aforementioned response variables. Distinguishable data clusters detected by the T-Stochastics Neighborhood Embedding (tSNE) algorithm allows for the examination of the state-of-the-art modeling techniques over PD data. The response behavior of trained models allows for distinguishing the different stages of the insulation degradation. An alternative approach utilizing a multivariate time series analysis was performed in parallel with Classification and Regression models for the purpose of forecasting PD activity (PD response variables corresponding to insulation degradation). True observed data and forecasted data mean values lie within the 95th percentile confidence interval responses for a definite horizon period, which demonstrates the soundness and accuracy of models. A life-predicting model based on the cointegrated relations between the multiple response variables, trained model responses correlated with experimentally evaluated time-to-breakdown values and well-known physical discharge mechanisms, can be used to set an emergent alarming trigger and as a step towards establishing long-term continuous monitoring of partial discharge activity. Furthermore, this dissertation also proposes an effective PD monitoring system based on wavelet and deflation compression techniques required for an optimal data acquisition as well as an algorithm for high-scale, big data reduction to minimize PD data size and account only for the useful PD information. This historically recorded useful information can thus be used for, not only postault diagnostics, but also for the purpose of improving the performance of modelling algorithms as well as for an accurate threshold detection.


JUAN PABLO LEAL GONZALEZ 11 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O planejamento da expansão da transmissão (PET) visa identificar novos reforços para a rede, permitindo uma conexão tecnicamente adequada entre demanda e geração de energia elétrica, ambas previstas para um determinado horizonte de planejamento. Um bom plano de expansão deve garantir o equilíbrio entre os custos de investimento e operação, mantendo um nível satisfatório de segurança no fornecimento de energia elétrica. Entretanto, a identificação de bons planos de expansão para o PET tem se tornado uma tarefa cada vez mais difícil. Isso se deve, principalmente, às características e dimensões dos sistemas atuais, a não linearidade e natureza combinatória do problema de otimização e às incertezas presentes nos dados. Os erros de previsão, a indisponibilidade de equipamentos e a disponibilidade dos recursos naturais são parâmetros que variam de forma aleatória e inserem um alto grau de incerteza nos sistemas elétricos, o qual aumenta proporcionalmente com o horizonte de planejamento. Uma das incertezas mais relevantes a ser gerenciada nas próximas décadas será a capacidade de geração oriunda de fontes renováveis, em particular as eólicas, devido à sua grande variabilidade. A utilização de dispositivos de armazenamento permitirá melhor aproveitamento dessas fontes e, portanto, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais capazes de considerar tais dispositivos no problema PET. Esta dissertação apresenta uma nova metodologia de apoio ao problema PET inserindo armazenadores de energia elétrica para aumentar o aproveitamento de fontes renováveis no sistema. Isso, respeitando as restrições de segurança da rede, acompanhando à curva de demanda e levando em consideração as variáveis operativas destes dispositivos. A possibilidade de incluir sistemas de armazenamento de energia elétrica é avaliada através de uma análise custo-benefício. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a um sistema teste, submetido a diversas condições operativas, e os resultados obtidos são amplamente discutidos. / [en] The transmission expansion planning (TEP) aims at identifying new reinforcements for the network, allowing a technically adequate connection between demand and generation of electric energy, both foreseen for a given planning horizon. A good expansion plan must ensure a balance between investment and operating costs, while maintaining a satisfactory level of security of the electric energy supply. However, identifying good expansion plans for TEP has become an increasingly difficult task. This is mainly due to the characteristics and dimensions of the current systems, the nonlinearity and combinatorial nature of the optimization problem, and the uncertainties present in the data. Forecasting errors, equipment unavailability, and the availability of natural resources are parameters that vary in a random way and insert a high degree of uncertainty in the electrical system, which proportionally increases with the planning horizon. One of the most relevant uncertainties to be managed in the upcoming decades will be the generation capacity from renewable sources, particularly wind power, due to its great variability. Storage devices will allow better use of these sources and, therefore, it becomes necessary to develop computational tools capable of considering such devices in the TEP problem. This dissertation presents a new methodology to support the TEP problem by inserting electric energy storage to increase the use of renewable energy in the system, while respecting the security restrictions of the network, following the demand curve and taking into account the operational variables of these devices. The possibility of including electric energy storage systems is evaluated through a costbenefit analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to a test system, subject to various operating conditions, and the obtained results are widely discussed.

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