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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Analytical Probabilistic Models for the Estimation of Rainfall Derived Inflow/Infiltration Frequency

Mikalson, Daley Travis 14 December 2011 (has links)
Rainfall derived inflow and infiltration (RDII) is a cause of sanitary sewer overflows and sewers exceeding capacity before the end of their design lives, but it is not well understood. Several methods exist to model RDII in existing sanitary sewers. These models are not applicable for design, which is frequently accomplished by applying constant unit rates. Two analytical probabilistic models are developed to estimate the contribution of RDII to peak flow and volume. The analytical models have been tested against computer simulations using long-term rainfall records and parameters calibrated using actual field data. One model relies on calibrated parameters from the RTK method; a commonly used method requiring a time-consuming calibration process. The second model relies on the R-value parameter of the RTK method, and a time of concentration parameter. By providing better information to designers, these analytical models aim to improve engineering decision-making in the design of sewer systems.

Hållbar dagvattenhantering - En fallstudie i Nyköping

Carlsson, Sara January 2017 (has links)
In urban areas stormwater have become a problem due to limited infiltration. Impermeable surfaces such as asphalt covers and buildings cause changes in the flow of water and content of contaminating products, which normally are not processed by sewage treatment works. Instead, the stormwater often drained off to an adjacent watercourse which end in a lake or the sea, in order to limit inundation of streets and cellars in houses. Using vegetated recipients, such as wetlands, tree plantations, grass and herbcovered surfaces is anefficient and economical way to manage stormwaterinflow, which also improves the infiltration and the biodiversity in the area. Green ceilings reduce the formation of stormwater, especially designed ditches are efficient storage at extreme rainfalls and slow down the drainage   In this study, a few different natural retaining and equalisation methods are evaluated and  proposed for the design of an industrial area in Nyköping municipality which is planned to be a residential area. Challenges for the introduction of various natural water systems are that they need land space and relate to the existing buildings and at the same time get a sufficient drainage. Much of the report is based on the requirement in the area of Södermanland county, but also presents expected precipitation rates for the entire country that are essential for optimal water treatment / Dagvattenproblematiken har uppkommit främst genom urbaniseringen där markens naturliga infiltration har begränsats. De hårdgjorda ytor av både asfalt och byggnader har bidragit med både förändringar i flöde och föroreningshalter, som för det mesta inte kan tas om hand i avloppsreningsverken utan leds direkt ut till närmaste vattendrag eller till havet för att minska risken för översvämningar på både gator och källare. Genom att utnyttja det naturliga ekosystemet som exempelvis våtmarker och diken, är det ett billigt, effektivt sätt för att omhänderta dagvattnet samt att det gynnar bildningen av grundvatten samt den biologiska mångfalden. Gröna tak minskar uppkomsten av dagvatten vid källan, svackdiken leder dagvattnet och tillåter en långsam infiltration samt flera olika lösningar på magasinering vid extrem nederbörd.   I denna studie utvärderas ett fåtal olika naturliga fördröjnings- och utjämningsmetoder för att sedan ge ett förslag på utformning av ett industriområde i Nyköpings kommun som ska planläggas för att bli ett bostadsområde. Utmaningar vid införandet av olika naturliga dagvattensystem är behovet av markyta då man måste förhålla sig till de befintliga byggnaderna och samtidigt få en tillräcklig dränering. Mycket i rapporten utgår från Södermanlands län men tar även upp förväntade nederbördsmängder för hela landet som är väsentligt för ett optimalt dagvattenarbete.

Sustainable Development Through Urban Agriculture

Weaver, Eric R. R. 27 March 2017 (has links)
This document includes three completed publications to represent Urban Agriculture as a ideal solution to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The first publication (Weaver, 2017a) provided in Chapter Two examines the stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) modelling parameters for the current EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) as the first step to developing Urban Agriculture BMPs. The second publication (Weaver, 2015) provided in Chapter Three highlights how many high-rated scholars have identified agriculture as a critical driver for the planetary systems impacts we find with community development. The third publication (Weaver, 2017b) provided in Chapter Four breaks down a completely new definition for Urban Agriculture, as the foundational works disagree on meaning, resulting in an ambiguous definition. Together, these publications encourage engineers to model Sustainable Development options with green infrastructure (Weaver, 2017a), distinct from the Planetary Systems impacts of other contemporary options (Weaver, 2015), with a greater understanding of the social capital to engage stakeholders in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Weaver, 2017b).

Integrated hydrological CFD modelling approach for simulating bacteria in stormwater ponds

Allafchi, Farzam 08 November 2021 (has links)
Reusing stormwater is a sustainable approach that a lot of cities around the world, including cities in Canada, are developing to improve local and regional water resources. For this purpose, water is typically withdrawn from stormwater ponds (large urban infrastructure that retain stormwater) and used for applications that require less than pristine water quality. However, the large size of these ponds along with the heterogeneity in water quality internally, make the withdrawal location from these ponds for reusable stormwater critically important. Also due to the large sizes of these ponds, collecting data throughout the pond to determine the optimal location for withdrawal is not practical. Modelling however, can provide a more practical means of studying contaminant distribution within the pond over time in order to identify the withdrawal location, among other valuable information. In this dissertation, a modelling approach was developed that simulates fate and transport of bacteria in stormwater ponds after rainstorm events. The model was run to simulate bacteria in the Inverness stormwater pond, which is a large T-shaped pond located in southeast of the City of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The model has two components: a hydrological component and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) component. The hydrological component calculates the stormwater runoff of the subbasins of the catchment draining into the pond. The results were compared with collected data and good agreement was observed. Then, the results were fed to the CFD component as input in order to simulate the distribution of contamination brought in by the local hydrology. The CFD component simulates the hydrodynamics of the pond 3-dimensionally. The model was run based on collected data from the pond and multiple versions of the model were developed with regard to free-surface and particulate-attached bacteria transport. In order to address a common issue with hydro-environmental models – being difficult to validate - the model was validated in two ways. First, an instrument was designed and built to measure fluid flow velocity magnitude and direction in the pond. Once calibrated, it was deployed to the pond and the flow field was measured at multiple locations for validation purposes. Second, a non-dimensional number was introduced allowing a comparison between the bacteria concentration data from collected data and that of modelling result in multiple locations of the pond. In both of the validations, good agreement with collected data was observed. A volume of Fluid model and sediment transport model were integrated into the model, which allowed consideration of free-surface effects and for modeling wider range of bacteria, respectively. The model was used to identify the optimal location for water withdrawal for reuse. The middle of the pond, where the three wings join and near the surface, was located as the optimal location due to the lowest bacteria concentration. In an attempt to improve the water quality in the optimal location, strategic tree planting on the north bank of the West wing was studied. It was shown that the trees can reduce the transport of bacteria from the most contaminated location to the withdrawal location. The model was also used to study the impact of some of the important assumptions and environmental factors, such as rain and wind, on bacteria distribution. Wind was found to play a crucial role in the bacteria distribution in the pond. / Graduate

Dagvattenhantering vid flaskhalsområden : Klimatförändringar och vägen mot hållbar dagvattenhantering i Bollnäs

Jonsson, Linnéa, Leima, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Flooding from extreme rainfall is already taking place today in Sweden's urban areas. In order tocreate sustainable stormwater management that reduces the risk of flooding, various factorsshould be taken into account such as the choice of method for management. Bottlenecks in thestormwater system mean wells with undersized outlet pipes. A bottleneck area in Bollnäs urbanarea has already caused flooding. The aim of this study is to investigate if there are more similarareas and to contribute to sustainable stormwater management for Helsinge Vatten. Themethods chosen for the study were a literature study and a case study with simulation andcalculations. The literature study was conducted to see how stormwater is handled and what theclimate looks like. The case study was conducted to evaluate the flows that occur during heavyrains. In the case study, a terrain model was first made that showed drainage directions andwater dividers. The calculations in the case study were based on the rational method forcalculating design flow. The climate is changing and as the temperature rises, so does therainfall. The risk of extreme weather increases as the annual average temperature rises and aglobal increase in rainfall intensities has occurred. In Bollnäs, the annual average temperaturehas risen since the measurements began in 1969. In the future, the average temperature can beexpected to rise to 3-5 degrees until the end of the century in Gävleborg. In heavy rain, floodscan occur, they are called pluvial floods and can cause major damage to properties and roads,among other things. There are many methods for developing and making the stormwatersystem more sustainable. Among other things, there is something called blue-greeninfrastructure and this involves green surfaces in the management of stormwater. There, forexample, the water is allowed to infiltrate, evapotranspire or slowly pass on into the system.These solutions also have other benefits, they meet several social needs and can bring ecosystemservices. After the simulation that was carried out, 37 catchment areas could be observed andcalculations for design flow were made based on, among other things, the area in thesecatchment areas. Sustainable stormwater management can be introduced in Bollnäs urban area,when new guidelines and greater cooperation between Helsinge vatten and Bollnäs municipalityare needed. Sustainable stormwater management could reduce the risk of floods in bottlenecks.However, it is not possible to locate any bottlenecks in Bollnäs urban area due to missinginformation about the storm sewers in Bollnäs urban area. More studies would be needed tolocate bottlenecks. / Översvämningar från extrem nederbörd sker redan idag i Sveriges tätorter. För att skapa hållbardagvattenhantering som minskar översvämningsrisken bör olika faktorer tas i beaktning somexempelvis val av metod. Flaskhalsar i dagvattensystemet innebär brunnar medunderdimensionerade utloppsledningar. Ett flaskhalsområde i Bollnäs tätort har redan orsakatöversvämningar. Detta arbete går ut på att undersöka om det finns fler liknande områden ochbidra till hållbar dagvattenhantering för Helsinge Vatten. Metoderna som valdes för arbetet varen litteraturstudie och en fallstudie med simulering och beräkningar. Litteraturstudiengenomfördes för att se hur dagvatten hanteras och hur klimatet ser ut. Fallstudien genomfördesför att utvärdera vilka flöden som uppkommer vid kraftiga regn. I fallstudien gjordes först enterrängmodell som visade dräneringsriktningar och vattendelare. Beräkningarna i fallstudienutgick från rationella metoden för beräkning av dimensionerande flöde. Klimatet förändras ochnär temperaturen stiger så stiger också nederbörden. Risken för extremväder ökar till följd avatt årsmedeltemperaturen ökar och en global ökning av nederbördsintensiteter har skett. IBollnäs har årsmedeltemperaturen ökat sedan mätningarna började 1969. I framtiden kanmedeltemperaturen väntas öka upp mot 3-5 grader fram till slutet av seklet i Gävleborg. Vidkraftiga regn kan översvämningar uppstå, de kallas pluviala översvämningar och kan orsaka storaskador på bland annat fastigheter och vägar. Det finns många metoder för att utveckla och göradagvattensystemet mer hållbart. Bland annat finns det något som kallas blågrön infrastruktur (BGI) och detta involverar gröna ytor i hanteringen av dagvatten. Där får vattnet till exempelinfiltrera, evapotranspirera eller långsamt ledas vidare i systemet. Dessa lösningar har ocksåandra fördelar, de tillgodoser flera sociala behov och kan medföra ekosystemtjänster. Efter densimulering som utfördes kunde 37 avrinningsområden observeras och beräkningar fördimensionerande flöde gjordes utifrån bland annat arean på dessa områden. I Bollnäs tätort kanhållbar dagvattenhantering införas, då behövs nya riktlinjer och ett större samarbete mellanHelsinge Vatten och Bollnäs kommun. Hållbar dagvattenhantering skulle kunna minska riskenför översvämningar vid flaskhalsar. Däremot går det inte att lokalisera några flaskhalsar i Bollnästätort på grund av saknad information om dagvattenledningarna i Bollnäs tätort. Fler studierskulle behövas för att lokalisera flaskhalsar.

Sustainable Stormwater Handling and Water System Urban Design. : A literature review and a case study in Nacka, Sweden.

Embertsén, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Climate change presents us with greater and greater challenges and stormwater is an important part of our future water problems. In some parts of the world the increase and intensification in precipitation causes strain on existing infrastructure while, in others, draughts are becoming more and more severe. Handling stormwater sustainably does not only gain the environment by controlling pollutant spreading, helping with flooding control and water reuse but can also have added values in urban areas if included in urban planning. Implementing green infrastructure and sustainable stormwater solutions creates jobs and are in many countries seen as the future way of handling stormwater. There are many different techniques and ways of adopting sustainable stormwater handling depending on the local problem and physical as well as economic conditions. Together they all have in common of creating added values when implemented. Increased biodiversity, improved air quality, reduced noise, improved growing conditions for urban trees and aesthetical values that have a positive effect on human health are just some of the positive added values of sustainable stormwater handling. The case study in this report concerns a new development on a peninsula in the municipality on Nacka, Stockholm. The recommendation is to adopt the approach of many small solutions that combines to a sustainable way of handling stormwater that not only solves the problem but creates added values in the living and working area. Stormwater is a resource that should be used as one in order to have sustainable urban planning.

Urban stormwater management: : Optimization of the treatment of stormwater in urban areas

Regent, Yoann January 2010 (has links)
The Mulden-Rigolen system, a new urban stormwater management system implemented in Germany, has been examined in this study. The aim of this new system is to replace traditional sewer system for urban road runoff, by infiltrating the incoming water locally through a dual underground system: an active top soil layer and a deeper trench of packed gravel. For each site using this system, the characteristics of the soils in terms of pH, texture, organic matter, infiltration rate as well as Heavy Metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn) and Phosphorus soil concentrations were successfully determined. The measured values for the soil characteristics were still, after an operation time of up to 15 years for some sites, globally in the range of the recommendation of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste, except for organic matter in some sites, suggesting the need for a more cautious maintenance. Concerning heavy metals and phosphorus content, no alarming soil contamination was observed indicating that the studied “Mulden-Rigolen” systems were still acceptable in terms of soil pollution after several years of use, according to the Danish standards. If this system seemed to have a good flexibility and adaptability to different urban land uses, its treatment efficiency still has to be fully assessed. Indeed, only a primary evaluation of its performance war carried out through a simplistic model which brought up some questions about pollutant retention (especially in case of Zn). Further research (intact soil columns experiments, sequential extractions, on-site runoff sampling) would be necessary to fully determine how well this system works in terms of water treatment.

Stormwater Governance Commoning in Rostorp, Malmö: Practicing shared responsibility in stormwater governance

Iten, Shoshana, Filling, Julia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A performance investigation of stormwater accommodations in Stockholm : A multi-criteria decision analysis / Utvärdering av prestandan hos dagvattensystem i Stockholm : En multikriterieanalys

Jonsson, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Stormwater management is a problematic area and has during the last 20 years been given an increased attention due to more pollution in the cities. The increased pollution and contaminants in stormwater implicates risks for animals, humans, the ecosystem and receiving recipients. Due to the increased attention, authorities, government and other stakeholders have developed measurements to deal with the problem. Stormwater accommodations and other type of stormwater detainment has been developed with increased modern technology and functionality to fit specific areas where different type of pollutants can vary. Stormwater treatment are necessary because it creates social, environmental and technical advantages combined with protection of ecosystem, increased multifunctionality when combining for example stormwater ponds in nature, parks or urban and rural environment. This report describes seven diverse types of stormwater accommodations systems; rain garden, stormwater ponds, wells, screen basins, infiltration trenches, pipe-/concrete magazine and swales in accordance from Structor Mark Stockholm. From these seven accommodations, three were chosen to be included in Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). The purpose of the MCDA was to evaluate four different categories linked to stormwater, which are environment, social, technology and economical categories. These categories are broad concepts; therefore, parameters were developed to narrow down the areas within the concept, from which the area of investigation was founded within. The parameters created for each category are degree of purification for the environmental category, performance and maintenance for the technological category, aesthetical and social benefits for the social category and costs and risk for the economical category. The criteria developed from these parameters are specific topics that was scored from the scale between 0-5, where 0 = insignificant, 1= Low, 2= Moderate, 3= Major, 4=High, 5= Very high. A reference option was also created, considered as “no commercial treatment of stormwater”, only to transport stormwater. This reference option was also referred to as a zero-alternative and is drainage by piping. The scoring was conducted by stakeholders and citizens of Stockholm. The scoring of the three chosen stormwater accommodations and the reference alternative after calculating the mean value and summarize it resulted in that stormwater pond received the highest overall score of 11.9 followed by rain gardens 11.4, infiltration trench 11.3 and drainage by piping 7.3. The stakeholders are influential people that works either with stormwater, layout and planning or maintenance personnel. Citizens of Stockholm provided inputs only in regards of the social aspects. A total of 20 stakeholders were contacted and 5 stakeholders participated in the scoring procedure. Citizens were interviewed on the street; a total of 60 people was asked to participate and 13 people decided to participate in the scoring procedure of the social aspects. Although, the attendance of stakeholders was low, they are still considered important to this project since they provided the scoring of the criteria for each respective category (environment, technology, social and economic). In regards of the low attendance by stakeholders, this resulted in a way that it became hard to distinguish the result between the different stormwater accommodation. Therefore, it was hard to determine which stormwater accommodation that was the best out ofthe ranking provided by the MCDA. A benefit by using MCDA as a tool in this case, gave an indication that the MCDA can work as a framework to decision makers, even though the result in this case became difficult to manage and distinguish between the different stormwater accommodations. Finally, the method, layout and analysis itself can provide means of measurements for stormwater investigations when the purpose is to choose between the best stormwater systems included in the MCDA. Inputs from stakeholders concluded that depending on what type of existing circumstances, there must be a site-specific evaluation to treat every area as a unique area, before deciding what type of stormwater accommodation to apply to that specific location. / Dagvattenhantering är ett problematiskt område som under de senaste 20 åren har fått allt mer uppmärksamhet då mer föroreningar uppdagats i städerna. Den ökande föroreningen av dagvatten tenderar att orsaka en större risk för djur, människor, ekosystem och recipienter dit dagvatten rinner. På grund av uppmärksamheten som dagvattenhanteringen har fått, har myndigheter, regering och andra intressenter utvecklat dagvatten teknologin ytterligare för att skapa en modern dagvattenstrategi för att handskas med problemet. Dagvattenhantering är nödvändigt eftersom den skapar sociala, miljömässiga och tekniska fördelar samt om dagvattensystemen kombineras med funktionalitet så kan detta ge ökat skydd för ekosystemen samt förbättrad hälsa hos befolkningen i städerna. Den här rapporten beskriver sju olika typer av dagvattensystem så som; rain gardens, dagvattendammar, brunnar, skärmbassänger, svackdiken, rör-/betong magasin samt krossdiken på begäran av Structor Mark Stockholm. Utav dessa 7 dagvattensystem, ingick 3 anläggningar i en så kallad multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Syftet med en MCDA är att utvärdera fyra olika kategorier som kan förknippas med dagvattenhantering. Kategorierna är miljömässiga, sociala, tekniska och ekonomiska. Dessa kategorier utger dock ett brett budskap och för att begränsa analysen så skapades parametrar. Dessa parametrar skapas utifrån varje enskild kategori. För den miljömässiga kategorin skapades parametern grad av rening, för den tekniska kategorin skapades parametern prestanda och underhåll, för den sociala kategorin skapades parametern estetiska och sociala fördelar, och slutligen för den ekonomiska kategorin skapades parametern kostnader och risker. Utifrån dessa parametrar skapades sedan kriterier med specifika huvudämnen som kan bedömas enligt en poängskala från 0-5 där 0 = insignificant, 1=Low, 2= Moderate, 3= Major, 4= High, 5= Very high. Tre dagvattensystem inkluderas i MCDA vilket var; rain gardens, dagvattendammar, krossdiken vars syfte är att rena och fördröja dagvatten. Ett referensalternativ skapades också som ävenkallas ”zero-alternative”, vilket anses inte ha någon rening av dagvatten utan är endast ett transportsystem för dagvatten. Detta referensalternativ kallas drainage by piping. Poängsättningen gjordes av intressenter och invånare i Stockholm. Intressenterna är människor som arbetar med dagvattenhantering antingen på planeringsstadiet eller ute i fält som drift och underhålls personal. Invånare i Stockholm bedömde endast den sociala kategorin eftersom det kan sakna kunskap och insyn i det miljömässiga, tekniska och ekonomiska detaljerna. Totalt kontaktades 20 intressenter där 5 personer valde att medverka i MCDA. Invånare i Stockholm intervjuades på stan, totalt frågades ca 60 personer varav 13 personer valde att medverka i poängsättningen. Poängsättningen av de tre valda dagvattensystemen samt referensalternativet, efter beräkningav medelvärdet samt den totala summeringen resulterade i att dagvattendammar fick den hösta poängen 11,9 hamnade rain garden på andra plats med 11,4, krossdike på tredje plats med 11,3 samt referensalternativet på en fjärde plats med 7,3. De tre dagvattensystemen hade ett relativt liknande slutgiltigt resultat. Dock så skilde sig den individuella kategoriska bedömningen av miljömässiga, tekniska, sociala samt ekonomiska aspekten med större varierande resultat. Även om deltagandet av intressenter var relativt lågt, endast 25 % av det kontaktade intressenterna valde att ställa upp, så anses dessa intressenter vara viktiga för det här projektet då de, utifrån deras kunskap, bedömer det uppsatta kriterierna och det är denna bedömning som resultatet baseras på. Resultaten mellan det olika dagvattenanläggningarna som var inkluderade i MCDA var svåra att särskilja, troligtvis beroende på att ingen viktningsmetod användes. Däremot så är en fördel med MCDA som verktyg i det här fallet, att det gav en indikation på att MCDA kan fungera som ett stödjande verktyg för beslutsfattare även om resultatet i det här fallet var svårt att särskilja. Själva metoden, upplägget och analysen kan användas som medel för att avgöra vilken typ av dagvattenanläggning som passar bäst utifrån de kriterier som är uppsatta. Slutligen så gav intressenterna en påvisning att dagvattenanläggningar ska konstrueras så att hänsyn tas till omkringliggande omständigheter, där varje plats ska ansesvara unik. Det krävs en platsspecifik utredning där hänsyn till geologiska, geotekniska,hydrologiska samt infrastrukturella och miljömässiga aspekter bör utredas innan valet av dagvattensystem bestäms.

Pervious Concrete: A Hydrologic Analysis For Stormwater Management Credit

Spence, Joshua 01 January 2006 (has links)
Portland Cement pervious concrete's ability to permit water infiltration has encouraged its use as a stormwater management tool. However, the material has suffered historically poor support due to a number of factors, including failures due to poor mix design and improper construction techniques, concern about lesser structural strength, concern about poor long term performance due to clogging of surface pores and undefined credit for stormwater management. This study focuses on long term performances of pervious concrete parking lots and their stormwater management credit. Before stormwater management credit could be estimated, it was necessary to develop a testing device to gather information from existing pervious concrete parking lots currently in use. Eight parking lots were examined to determine the infiltration rates of the pervious concrete, as well as to verify the soil makeup beneath pavement. A total of 30 cores were extracted from pervious concrete parking lots and evaluated for infiltration rates. Three of the sites had a pervious concrete section that included a gravel reservoir. Infiltration rates were measured using the application of an embedded single-ring infiltrometer. In an attempt to provide an estimate of credit, a mass balance model was created to be used for simulation of the hydrologic and hydraulic function of pervious concrete sections. The purpose of the model is to predict runoff and recharge volumes for different rainfall conditions and hydraulic properties of the concrete and the soil. The field derived hydraulic data were used to simulate infiltration volumes and rainfall excess given a year of rainfall as used in a mass balance operated within a spreadsheet. The results can be used for assessing stormwater management credit.

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