Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stratum"" "subject:"atratum""
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Urychlení těžby Bitcoinů / Bitcoin Mining AccelerationNovotný, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with virtual currency called Bitcoin. It describes the functioning of the currency of technical perspective especially the implementation of the transaction, the way of its validation and ensuring the integrity by using cryptographic functions. Furthermore, it describes the principle of the Bitcoin creation, particularly mining method called pooled mining. The thesis also describes the communication protocols and design of architecture to acceleration of the bitcoin mining. Finally, there are described tests, assessment and proposals for the continuation of work.
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Comprendre l’imperméabilité cutanée : étude spectroscopique de mélanges modèles de la phase lipidique du stratum corneumPaz Ramos, Adrian 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Penetrationseigenschaften von beschichtetem mikrofeinem TitandioxidRickmeyer, Christiane 10 June 2002 (has links)
Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit war es, das Verhalten der in modernen Sonnenschutzmitteln eingesetzten Titandioxid-Mikropartikel mit quantitativen Methoden zu bestimmen, um Aussagen über ihre Eignung zu erhalten. Dabei stand die Frage nach der Verteilung der Substanz innerhalb des Stratum corneum im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen. Insbesondere war wegen der bekannten photokatalytischen Aktivität von Titandioxid zu klären, ob ein Kontakt mit den lebenden Bereichen der Haut ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für die Messungen wurden zwei kommerziell genutzte, unterschiedlich beschichtete Titandioxid-Mikropartikel eingesetzt. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für diese Untersuchungen war die Anwendung der Abrissmethode (Tape stripping) in Kombination mit der spektroskopischen Bestimmung der Extinktion im sichtbaren Bereich zur Berechnung des Hornschichtprofils. Die Konzentration der Titandioxid-Partikel wurde mit Hilfe von Röntgenfluoreszenz-Messungen bestimmt. So war es erstmals möglich, in vivo standardisierte und reproduzierbare Untersuchungen zum Penetrationsverhalten von beschichteten Titandioxid-Mikropartikeln in die Hornschicht der menschlichen Haut durchzuführen. Durch Langzeitapplikation der Substanzen und die Beobachtung der Titandioxid-konzentrationen in der Hornschicht über mehrere Tage konnten auch Aussagen zum Penetrationsverhalten der applizierten Mikropartikel gemacht werden. Es wurde eindeutig gezeigt, dass die untersuchten Substanzen unabhängig von ihrer Struktur, von ihrer Beschichtung und vom Probanden hauptsächlich in den obersten Schichten des Stratum corneum lokalisiert sind. Nach Klärung dieser grundsätzlichen Fragen war es notwendig, die Ursache für das Auftreten extrem geringer Titandioxid-Konzentrationen auf Abrissen zu bestimmen, die aus tieferen Schichten des Stratum corneum entnommen wurden. Durch die Kombination der Abrissmethode mit einem speziellen Färbeverfahren und der Laser-Scan-Mikroskopie ergaben sich deutliche Hinweise auf die Bedeutung der Follikelkanäle für das beobachtete Phänomen. Röntgenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an Biopsien zeigten, dass diese Mikropartikel in die Haarfollikel eindringen und damit Bereiche unterhalb des Stratum corneum erreichen. Hierbei wurden die Mikropartikel in dieser Region nur in Follikelkanälen, nicht aber im Bereich der lebenden Zellen nachgewiesen. Diese Ergebnisse belegen, dass Titandioxid nur in einzelne Follikelkanäle penetriert, eine Aussage, die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Untersuchungen erstmals beschrieben wurde. In Übereinstimmung mit der Zielsetzung der Arbeit konnte unter Einsatz unterschiedlicher Untersuchungsmethoden gezeigt werden, dass die beschichteten Titandioxid-Mikropartikel im oberen Bereich der Hornschicht lokalisiert sind und damit als hocheffiziente Lichtschutzfilter den Schutz der darunter liegenden lebenden Bereiche der Haut garantieren. Der sichere Nachweis der Titandioxid-Mikropartikel innerhalb einzelner Follikelkanäle besitzt grundsätzliche Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Penetrationswegen. / The objective of this work was to determine the behaviour of titanium dioxide microparticles, used in modern sunscreen agents, with quantitative methods in order to receive statements about their suitability. The focal point of the investigations was the question on the distribution of the substance within the stratum corneum. Because of the well-known photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide, our aim was to clarify whether a contact with the living cells of the skin could be excluded. For these measurements, two commercial titanium dioxide micro particles were used, covered with different coating materials. The calculation of the stratum corneum profile was a substantial prerequisite for these investigations. This was done by application of the tape stripping method in combination with the spectroscopic determination of the absorption in the visible range. The concentration of the titanium dioxide particles on the tape strips was determined by X-ray fluorescence measurements. In this manner it was possible for the first time, to perform standardized and reproducible in vivo measurements to investigate the penetration behaviour of coated titanium dioxide micro particles into the horny layer of the human skin. Predications could be made about the penetration behaviour of the applied micro particles by observation of the titanium dioxide concentrations in the stratum corneum during several days after long-term application of the substances. It could be shown that the examined substances were localized mainly in the upper layers of the stratum corneum, independently of their structure, coating and the volunteers. After clarifying these basic questions, it was necessary to explain the occurrence of extremely small concentrations of titanium-dioxide on tape strips, which were taken from deeper layers of the stratum corneum. This observed phenomenon was investigated by combining tape stripping with a selective staining of the tapes and with laser scanning microscopy. Investigations of a biopsy with x ray fluorescence measurements showed that the micro particles penetrate into the hair follicles, and in this manner reached areas below the stratum corneum. In this region, the micro particles were found only in follicle channels, but not within the area of the living cells. These results prove that titanium dioxide micro particles only penetrate into single follicle channels, a statement, which has been described here for the first time. In agreement with the objective of this thesis, it was shown, that the coated titanium dioxide micro particles were localized within the upper area of the horny layer and as high efficient sunscreen filters consequently guarantee, the protection of the living areas of the skin below. The proof of the titanium dioxide micro particles within individual follicle channels has basic importance for the understanding of the penetration pathways.
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Produire la ville avec les Chinois en Afrique : l'impact des pratiques chinoises d'urbanisme dans les trajectoires urbaines africaines / China and the Making of African Cities : the impact of Chinese urban development practices on Africa’s path of urbanizationBénazéraf, David 19 December 2014 (has links)
À travers des projets d’une échelle inégalée, les acteurs chinois contribuent à la transformation des villes africaines. Le développement urbain constitue un secteur émergent des relations sino-africaines.Combinant aide publique et capitaux privés, plusieurs catégories d’acteurs – instituts d’urbanisme, entreprises de construction, promoteurs privés – y conçoivent et construisent des projets de nature variée à différentes échelles : routes urbaines, résidences de logements, villes satellites,zones économiques spéciales conçues comme des villes nouvelles. Les productions urbaines chinoises en Afrique accélèrent la métropolisation des plus grandes villes du continent et densifient leurs espaces périurbains : elles contribuent à la formation d’une nouvelle strate urbaine. Les projets chinois accompagnent l’émergence des classes moyennes africaines en facilitant l’accession à un meilleur confort de vie. Parallèlement, l’exportation de pratiques chinoises d’urbanisme véhicule une image de réussite et participe au renforcement de la puissance chinoise. / Urban development has become a growing sector within China-Africa relations. The Chinese contribute to the urbanization process in Africa. By combining development aid and business, a number of Chinese stakeholders – urban planning and design institutes, construction firms, and real estate developers – design and build there, on various scales, a great variety of projects such as urban roads, housing estates, satellite-towns, special economic zones planned as new cities. Chinese urban development projects in Africa have sped up the metropolization processin the largest African cities by making suburban areas denser and denser. This has contributed to the development of a new urban stratum in Africa. Chinese projects have been boosting the rise of the African urban middle class by facilitating access to better standards of living. At the same time, the export of Chinese urban development practices conveys an image of success andallows China to strengthen its soft power. / 中国对非洲城市发展的贡献: 中国城市规划式对非洲城市化的影响城市发展已成为中非合作越来越重要的行业。中国对非洲城市化进程作出了贡献。众多中国城市建设专业机构(城市规划设计研究院,施工企业,房地产开发商)在非洲设计和建造各类的城市发展项目: 城市道路、住宅区、卫星城市和经济特区。中国在非洲城市发展项目对加快特大城市的大都市化和密集化作出了贡献。这些项目已经推动一些非洲城市开始产生新的城市阶层。在非洲的中国项目推动非洲中产阶层的崛起,帮助他们方便获得更好的生活条件。同时,中国城市规划设计的走出去传达中国城市发展的成功形象,有利于中国加强自己的软实力。关键词:中非合作,城市发展,城市发展实践,大都市化,城市阶层,房地产,全球化,软实力,援助,新兴国家和发展中国家。
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Methodological investigations on vegetation typology and phytogeography of rain forests of tropical AfricaSenterre, Bruno B.M.L. 17 June 2005 (has links)
I. An original methodological discussion is proposed on the problem of the typology of tropical rain forest’s plant communities, based on the study of forest types across gradients of continentality and elevation, within Atlantic central Africa. These investigations were based on the statement that the main problems in forest typology are related to the non-zonal or zonal character of the different vegetation types and to non considering the relations and differences between forest strata.
II. Field data consisted in phytosociological homogeneous sample plots localized within different recognized phytogeographical entities, in a region of tropical Africa where these entities are known to be well conserved. A total of 37 such plots were inventoried in the region extending from the littoral forests of Ndoté, Equatorial Guinea, which are wet evergreen forests, to the continental forests of the Dja, Cameroon, known as evergreen seasonal forests. The studied region also included the oriental Atlantic forests of Equatorial Guinea, known as moist evergreen forests or caesalp forests. In various parts of this continentality gradient, some plots were localized within climax non-zonal formations, namely the submontane rain forests. The emphasis was put on the vegetation of the Monte Alén National Park.
The sampling methodology was willing to be as "complete ", including all strata, "quantitative ", enumerating all individuals, and "representative ", within each stratum, as possible. These multi-layers plots were realised using nested sub-plots, with a sampling size of 100 individuals for every ligneous stratum recognized (dominant trees, dominated trees and shrubs) and a sampling size of 200m² for the herbaceous and suffrutex stratum.
Forest types were defined independently for each stratum and the differences were analysed. A method was proposed for the simultaneous analysis of all floristic data, converting and standardizing the values from ligneous strata, on the one hand, and from understorey strata, on the other hand.
III. Ten forest types were described using IndVal and discussed in the general context of the guineo-congolian region, from a syntaxonomic view point (agglomerative classification) and from a phytogeographical view point (divisive classification). Homologies between these two approaches are described. The proposed phytogeographical system is based on an "open " conception of hierarchical classifications, combining advantages of agglomerative and divisive classifications. In concrete terms, the non-zonal criteria, for example the submontane variants, are categorised separately and in analogy with the zonal criteria, related to the usual phytochoria.
Analysis of ecological relationships for the 10 communities showed that the main variables related to the floristic variability in our mainland rain forests are elevation, rainfall, hygrometry (estimated using bryophytes cover levels) and distance to the ocean. The two extremes on the vertical microclimatic gradient, dominant trees stratum and herbaceous stratum, give similar typologies, however canonical analysis showed that for the herbaceous layer, non-zonal variables (hygrometry and elevation) were gaining more importance when the influence of the two zonal variables was attenuated. In every case, spatial autocorrelation was less important than the environment in explaining floristic variability but its role increased in the spatial arrangement of understorey species, whose dispersal capacity is generally lower than canopy trees. The phytosociological, phytogeographical and ecological description of forest types is accompanied by a physiognomical description using biological types spectrum, as well as architectural models, leaf sizes, etc.
With regard to diversity, we have demonstrated that species richness was higher from upper to lower strata because of the accumulation in lower strata of species from various strata. On the other hand, the proper stratum diversity, i.e. the structural set, decreased from dominant trees to shrubs. The proper diversity of the herb layer showed relatively high figures mainly due to the higher individual density in relation to the existence of microstrata. Within the 37 sample plots, 1,050 taxa have been identified to species or morpho-species levels, for a total of 25,750 individuals. These taxa represent 442 genus among 104 families. The richest forest type is found on the foothills of the Niefang range, on the windward side. This forest type is also characterised by a high number of oligotypic genus and by species belonging to functional types indicators of glacial refuges. These functional types are defined on the basis of the dispersal capacity and on kind of stand needed for effective germination. We formulated the hypothesis that this kind of "foothills refuge ", characterised by his zonal nature, could have been one of the rare refuges for species from mainland rain forests, while montane and fluvial refuges would mainly have preserved species from non-zonal forest types: (sub)montane and riverine.
Based on indicator species of submontane forests, a potential distribution map of this forest type has been realised at the Atlantic central African scale. More than 400 submontane forest localities have been mapped. These forests begin at 400m of altitude near the ocean, and progressively at higher altitude for increasing distance to the ocean. Many lowland localities also comprised submontane species, which could indicate the existence of ecological transgressions. These transgressions would allow migratory tracks for submontane species between isolated mountain ranges, not only during glacial periods, through heights at the northern and southern borders of the congo basin, but also contemporarily through the lowland riverine forest network, in the centre of this basin. Finally, a special attention has been attributed to littoral forests and to some cases of choroecological transgressions, coupled to the ecological equalization phenomenon.
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Recherches méthodologiques pour la typologie de la végétation et la phytogéographie des forêts denses d'Afrique tropicaleSenterre, Bruno 17 June 2005 (has links)
I. An original methodological discussion is proposed on the problem of the typology of tropical rain forest’s plant communities, based on the study of forest types across gradients of continentality and elevation, within Atlantic central Africa. These investigations were based on the statement that the main problems in forest typology are related to the non-zonal or zonal character of the different vegetation types and to non considering the relations and differences between forest strata.<p><p>II. Field data consisted in phytosociological homogeneous sample plots localized within different recognized phytogeographical entities, in a region of tropical Africa where these entities are known to be well conserved. A total of 37 such plots were inventoried in the region extending from the littoral forests of Ndoté, Equatorial Guinea, which are wet evergreen forests, to the continental forests of the Dja, Cameroon, known as evergreen seasonal forests. The studied region also included the oriental Atlantic forests of Equatorial Guinea, known as moist evergreen forests or caesalp forests. In various parts of this continentality gradient, some plots were localized within climax non-zonal formations, namely the submontane rain forests. The emphasis was put on the vegetation of the Monte Alén National Park.<p><p>The sampling methodology was willing to be as "complete ", including all strata, "quantitative ", enumerating all individuals, and "representative ", within each stratum, as possible. These multi-layers plots were realised using nested sub-plots, with a sampling size of 100 individuals for every ligneous stratum recognized (dominant trees, dominated trees and shrubs) and a sampling size of 200m² for the herbaceous and suffrutex stratum.<p><p>Forest types were defined independently for each stratum and the differences were analysed. A method was proposed for the simultaneous analysis of all floristic data, converting and standardizing the values from ligneous strata, on the one hand, and from understorey strata, on the other hand.<p><p>III. Ten forest types were described using IndVal and discussed in the general context of the guineo-congolian region, from a syntaxonomic view point (agglomerative classification) and from a phytogeographical view point (divisive classification). Homologies between these two approaches are described. The proposed phytogeographical system is based on an "open " conception of hierarchical classifications, combining advantages of agglomerative and divisive classifications. In concrete terms, the non-zonal criteria, for example the submontane variants, are categorised separately and in analogy with the zonal criteria, related to the usual phytochoria.<p><p>Analysis of ecological relationships for the 10 communities showed that the main variables related to the floristic variability in our mainland rain forests are elevation, rainfall, hygrometry (estimated using bryophytes cover levels) and distance to the ocean. The two extremes on the vertical microclimatic gradient, dominant trees stratum and herbaceous stratum, give similar typologies, however canonical analysis showed that for the herbaceous layer, non-zonal variables (hygrometry and elevation) were gaining more importance when the influence of the two zonal variables was attenuated. In every case, spatial autocorrelation was less important than the environment in explaining floristic variability but its role increased in the spatial arrangement of understorey species, whose dispersal capacity is generally lower than canopy trees. The phytosociological, phytogeographical and ecological description of forest types is accompanied by a physiognomical description using biological types spectrum, as well as architectural models, leaf sizes, etc.<p><p>With regard to diversity, we have demonstrated that species richness was higher from upper to lower strata because of the accumulation in lower strata of species from various strata. On the other hand, the proper stratum diversity, i.e. the structural set, decreased from dominant trees to shrubs. The proper diversity of the herb layer showed relatively high figures mainly due to the higher individual density in relation to the existence of microstrata. Within the 37 sample plots, 1,050 taxa have been identified to species or morpho-species levels, for a total of 25,750 individuals. These taxa represent 442 genus among 104 families. The richest forest type is found on the foothills of the Niefang range, on the windward side. This forest type is also characterised by a high number of oligotypic genus and by species belonging to functional types indicators of glacial refuges. These functional types are defined on the basis of the dispersal capacity and on kind of stand needed for effective germination. We formulated the hypothesis that this kind of "foothills refuge ", characterised by his zonal nature, could have been one of the rare refuges for species from mainland rain forests, while montane and fluvial refuges would mainly have preserved species from non-zonal forest types: (sub)montane and riverine.<p><p>Based on indicator species of submontane forests, a potential distribution map of this forest type has been realised at the Atlantic central African scale. More than 400 submontane forest localities have been mapped. These forests begin at 400m of altitude near the ocean, and progressively at higher altitude for increasing distance to the ocean. Many lowland localities also comprised submontane species, which could indicate the existence of ecological transgressions. These transgressions would allow migratory tracks for submontane species between isolated mountain ranges, not only during glacial periods, through heights at the northern and southern borders of the congo basin, but also contemporarily through the lowland riverine forest network, in the centre of this basin. Finally, a special attention has been attributed to littoral forests and to some cases of choroecological transgressions, coupled to the ecological equalization phenomenon.<p> / Doctorat en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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