Spelling suggestions: "subject:"street life"" "subject:"otreet life""
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The begging asymmetry: management of Inequalities in interactions between street beggars and motoristsTladi, Boledi Moralo January 2017 (has links)
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MA Masters in Community-Based Counselling Psychology (Psychology) in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 15/03/2017. / This research examines the interaction between beggars and motorists at traffic light
intersections in Johannesburg CBD. Drawing on approximately 80hrs of video recorded
interactions, the research primarily demonstrates the ways in which beggars and motorists
produce embodied actions in the management of their asymmetrical socioeconomic
positions, and more so the inequalities consequent of which. The phenomenon in question
takes place in everyday settings constituted by mundane practices and embodied actions. As
such, an ethnomethodologically oriented means towards gathering data served best suited
to this research. A qualitative Conversation Analysis approach serves an apt technique for
analysing the kind of fine-grained focus of the interactional phenomena observed (both
verbal and non-verbal). The analysis has been rooted in the analytic framework of the
greeting, request and offer adjacency pair types The progression of the analysis, as it
unfolds, lends an eye to a particular sequence organization that appears to have crystalized,
and further been reproduced in all of the beggar-motorist cases that have been examined
here. The discussion turns towards unpacking some of the socio-structural implications of
the embodied practices highlighted in the interaction of interest; particularly converging
some of the ideas presented regarding the way in which the beggar-motorist interactional
practices contribute to and maintain what can be seen as an institutionalized form of
inequality. / XL2018
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Global Townscape: The Rediscovery of Urban Life in the Late Twentieth CenturySubramanian, Divya Sethi January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation is a history of the Townscape movement, a town planning movement that emerged in 1940s Britain and that emphasized mixed-use planning, urban density, and vibrant street life. It follows Townscape’s key figure, the architect Gordon Cullen, through space and time: from the London offices of the Architectural Review to Delhi and Kolkata, where Cullen consulted for the Ford Foundation during the 1960s, and finally back to 1980s Glasgow and the London Docklands, where his ideas were recast in the context of urban regeneration under the Thatcher governments.
Accounts of the postwar return to the city often center the American urbanist Jane Jacobs and the rise of urban design in the United States. Yet this narrative obscures a broader global story of the fall and rise of cities in the postwar period—one that brings together histories of welfare, development, and decolonization. Reaching back to the movement’s roots in the eighteenth century colonial picturesque, “Global Townscape” argues for Townscape as a post-imperial cultural project. Drawing on insights from the newly opened Gordon Cullen archives at the University of Westminster, as well as extensive work in Indian archives, it shows not only how Townscape was refined through architects’ engagement with the postcolonial world, but also how it originally emerged from the complex aesthetic and political demands of representing empire. As such, it situates the movement within a longer history of liberal political thought, its contradictions and critiques, while looking ahead to Townscape’s influence on the texture of urban neighborhoods today.
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A Sociological Profile Of Street Children In AnkaraPehlivanli, Ezgi 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Pehlivanli, Ezgi
M.A. Department of Sociology
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Kayhan Mutlu
January 2007, 105 pages
This thesis draws a profile of children who work/ live on the streets of Ankara relying on children&rsquo / s life histories and social workers&rsquo / opinions about the situation in the context of Social Exclusion. Social is a new concept, was first used in 1960&rsquo / s around Europe in order to define the groups, who are faced to material and socio-cultural deprivation due to the difficulties experienced by the Welfare States. This study assumes that street children can be explained in the context of social exclusion. Employing qualitative methods, this study main aim of this study is to understand the reasons for children to start working on street. After the introductory chapter, Chapter II provides a theoretical framework, in which street children and the concept of social exclusion are examined. Chapter III focuses on the findings from the life histories of children who work/live on streets of Ankara. Chapter IV contains the information about the interviews with social workers and a comparison part, in which two types of information, is analyzed in the context of Social Exclusion.
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The present study reason about the perception of professionals who act in the three complexity levels of the Sistema Único da Assistência Social (SUAS), concerning the streetlife
experience of teenagers and children.. Seeking to identify how these professionals perceive the movement between the exit from home and the permanency on the streets and the implications of this dynamic on the constitution of the subjectivity of teenagers and children. Also, seeking to know if in the perception of these professionals the public politics of social protection, especially the ones focused on homeless people, contemplate the phenomena of streetlife
experience of teenagers and children. Aiming at reach such goals a qualitative study with exploratory character with psychologists and social workers professionals was performed. A semistructured
interview was used as a tool, it occurred from three guiding principles: 1) homelessness and family relations; 2) homelessness and subjectivity and 3) homelessness and public politics of social protection for people in homelessness situation. The data were analyzed through thematic content analysis and the research results will be presented and discussed in two articles which compose this thesis. The first article discusses the delicate embrittlement of the family bonds and the streetlife
experience of teenagers and children, a category which emerged from the first guiding principle. On this article the aspects which gained prominence in relation to the reasons that lead teenagers and children to leave their houses and seek the streets as a survival alternative, namely: intrafamily violence, drugs abuse and poverty, are approached. The second article discusses three categories which emerged from the second and third guiding principles, namely: liberty and friendship; protective relations through groups formation; and the place of public politics in between the exit from home and the street permanency. The importance of public politics of social protection to childhood and youth as being an important instrument to professionals who act in the Sistema de Garantia de Direitos, especially of the Sistema Único da Assistência Social on its three levels of complexity: CRAS, CREAS e Acolhimento Institucional was emphasized. Finally, for children and teenagers with street life experience, this territory presents itself as a great paradox, because even exposing them to several danger factors, the street fulfills an important function, since it allows them the construction of meaningful relations that can influence greatly on the process of subjectiveidentity
constitution, it was considered according to the point of view of the professionals who compose the study. / Este estudo versa sobre a percepção dos profissionais que atuam nos três níveis de complexidade do Sistema Único da Assistência Social (SUAS), acerca da vivência de rua de crianças e adolescentes. Buscou-se identificar como os profissionais percebem o movimento entre a saída de casa e a permanência na rua e as implicações dessa dinâmica na constituição da subjetividade de crianças e adolescentes. Também buscou-se saber se, na percepção desses profissionais, as políticas públicas de proteção social, em especial, as voltadas para pessoas em situação de rua, contemplam o fenômeno da vivência de rua de crianças e adolescentes. Com o intuito de atingir tais objetivos, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo de caráter exploratório com profissionais psicólogos e assistentes sociais. O instrumento utilizado foi a entrevista semiestruturada que ocorreu a partir de três eixos norteadores: 1) vivência de rua e relações familiares; 2) vivência de rua e subjetividade e 3) vivência de rua e políticas públicas de proteção social para pessoas em situação de rua. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo temática e os resultados da pesquisa são apresentados e discutidos em dois artigos que compõem esta dissertação. O primeiro artigo versa sobre a fragilização dos vínculos familiares e a vivência de rua de crianças e adolescentes, categoria que emergiu a partir do primeiro eixo norteador. Neste artigo são abordados os aspectos que ganharam destaque em relação aos motivos que levam crianças e adolescentes a saírem de casa e buscarem a rua como alternativa de sobrevivência, a saber: a violência intrafamiliar, o uso de drogas e a pobreza. O segundo artigo versa sobre três categorias que emergiram a partir do segundo e terceiro eixos norteadores, a saber: liberdade e amizade; relações protetivas por meio da formação de grupos; e o lugar das políticas públicas entre a saída de casa e a permanência na rua. Salientou-se a importância das políticas públicas de proteção social à infância e adolescência como sendo um importante instrumento para os profissionais que atuam no Sistema de Garantia de Direitos, em especial, do Sistema Único da Assistência Social em seus três níveis de complexidade: CRAS, CREAS e Acolhimento Institucional. Por fim, considerou-se de acordo com o ponto de vista dos profissionais que integraram o estudo, que para crianças e adolescentes com vivência de rua, este território apresenta-se como um grande paradoxo, pois mesmo expondo-as à vários fatores de risco, a rua cumpre uma função importante, pois possibilita a elas, a construção de relações significativas que podem influenciar sobremaneira no processo de constituição subjetiva-identitária.
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Urban design och dess roll i utvecklingen av mindre tätorter - En platsanalys av Markaryds centrumHolmström, Louise, Kleregård, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Urban design handlar om den byggda miljöns utformning som är nära sammankopplad med det sociala livet på gatorna. Den urbana designen är därför viktig i utvecklingen av städer. Studien är en fallstudie som utgörs av en platsanalys av stationssamhället Markaryd. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap om hur teorier och metoder inom urban design kan användas som analysverktyg inför en vidareutveckling av mindre tätorter som Markaryd. Platsanalysen presenterar brister och kvaliteter för att belysa platsens potential i den byggda miljön. Det bakomliggande problemen handlar om att Markaryds centrumhandel gått ned, att Markaryds stationsområde uppfattas som anonymt samt att centrum behöver göras mer attraktivt. Vi grundar undersökningen i ett fokus på hur det sociala livet i centrum kan stärkas, men inkluderar även till viss del de estetiska värdena. Undersökningen kom fram till att Markaryds problem i den urbana designen befinner sig på olika nivåer. I en utzoomad skala är tätortens stadsväv spridd som ett resultat av gles och fristående bebyggelse. Centrumhandeln har också gått ned, vilket resulterar i tomma lokaler i centrum. Detta får effekter på gatulivet eftersom det blir färre funktioner i centrum. Stora delar av centrums miljö har modernistiska drag vilket bidrar till en utdaterad design där sociala aspekter inte är i fokus. Tillsammans med bristande mötesplatser i utemiljön får det konsekvensen att få människor vistas i centrum. Studien visade även att de nya tågförbindelserna kan betraktas som en del i Markaryds skifte från bruksort och kyrkby till stationssamhälle. Skiftet är avgörande för den framtida utvecklingen av den byggda miljön i centrum och runt stationsområdet. / Urban design includes the formation of the built environment, which is closely connected to the social life of the streets. Therefore urban design is important in the development of cities. The study is a case study of the railway village Markaryd. It is composed by a site analysis of the urban design of the centre of Markryd. The purpose is to contribute with knowledge of how theories and methods in urban design can be used as an analysis-tool, before a development is implemented in smaller villages like Markaryd. The site analysis presents defects and qualities to highlight the potential of the built environment. The underlying problem is Markaryd’s commercial downfall, Markaryd’s railway station is perceived as anonymous and the centre needs to become more attractive. In our study the focus lies on how the social life can be strengthened in the centre, but partly also its aesthetical values. The results of the study shows that Markaryd’s problems in the urban design lies in different levels. In a larger scale the village’s urban tissue is scattered as a result of scarce and detached buildings. The commercial downfall results in empty facilities in the center. The reduced functions has consequences on the streetlife. Large parts of the city’s environment have modernistic features which results in an outdated design that lacks social aspects. Along with the absence of meetingplaces in the outdoor public space, the results is a general lack of people in the centre. The study also shows that the new train connections have been important for Markaryd, in the shift from mill town and church village to a railway village. The shift is crucial for the future development of the built environment in the centre and around the railway station.
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Schoolscapes: learning between classroomsHerold, Gillian 10 April 2012 (has links)
This project outlines the design proposal for an alternative public high school in Toronto, Ontario. For this project the school is re-imagined as a Community Learning Centre.
The goal of the Community Centre model is to foster life-long learning in young people which can occur when space emphasizes social interaction, citizenship, and life long learning.
The design of the Community Learning Centre is an attempt to align educational priorities with design, to create learning environments that best suit the needs of the users.
The focus of the project, is on places between the classrooms where there is opportunity for informal learning to take place.
The term schoolscapes is use to describe these spaces. They include all of the places between classrooms and are a way of reimaging the corridors as active, lively and engaging spaces.
To support and expand on the idea of schoolscapes, how the environment impacts people and learning, the shifting values in education, and how public space can be related to school interiors, have been investigated.
The work of Prakash Nair, Annalise Gehling and Herman Hertzberger, on school design and its correlation to public space have been extremely influential for this project, as has the work of Jan Ghel on lively city spaces.
Jan Ghel identifies key features of good public space that can provide the foundation for the design of informal learning spaces. The writing of Nair, Gehling and Hertzberger will be used to support how these characteristics can be applied to the learning environment.
The design of the Community Learning Centre explores how the ideals imbedded in public space can be carried over to the interior of a learning environment.
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Schoolscapes: learning between classroomsHerold, Gillian 10 April 2012 (has links)
This project outlines the design proposal for an alternative public high school in Toronto, Ontario. For this project the school is re-imagined as a Community Learning Centre.
The goal of the Community Centre model is to foster life-long learning in young people which can occur when space emphasizes social interaction, citizenship, and life long learning.
The design of the Community Learning Centre is an attempt to align educational priorities with design, to create learning environments that best suit the needs of the users.
The focus of the project, is on places between the classrooms where there is opportunity for informal learning to take place.
The term schoolscapes is use to describe these spaces. They include all of the places between classrooms and are a way of reimaging the corridors as active, lively and engaging spaces.
To support and expand on the idea of schoolscapes, how the environment impacts people and learning, the shifting values in education, and how public space can be related to school interiors, have been investigated.
The work of Prakash Nair, Annalise Gehling and Herman Hertzberger, on school design and its correlation to public space have been extremely influential for this project, as has the work of Jan Ghel on lively city spaces.
Jan Ghel identifies key features of good public space that can provide the foundation for the design of informal learning spaces. The writing of Nair, Gehling and Hertzberger will be used to support how these characteristics can be applied to the learning environment.
The design of the Community Learning Centre explores how the ideals imbedded in public space can be carried over to the interior of a learning environment.
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